Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 10, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa
ture of Chas. If. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-Rood " are but experiments, and endanger
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
„ What is CASTORIA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither
Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It de
stroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than
thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, ail Teething Trou
bles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
You're bilious! You have a throb- love you, and don't resort to harsh
bing sensation In your head, a bad Physics that irritate and Injure. Re
i_ .. . . member, that your sour, disordered
aste in your mouth, your eyes hurt, s t o mach, lazy liver, and clogged bowels
your skin is yellow with dark rings can be quickly cleaned and regulated
under your eyes, your lips are parch- by morning with gentle, thorough
ed. No wonder you feel ugly, mean Cascarets; a 10-cent box will keep
and ill-tempered. Your system Is full your head clear and make you feel
of bile and constipated waste not cheerful and bully for months. Get
properly passed off, and what you Cascarets now<—wake up refreshed —
need is a cleaning up "inside." Don't feel like doing a good day's work—
continue being a bilious, constipated make yourself pleasant and useful,
nuisance to vourself and those who Clean up! Cheer up!
Special to The Telegraph
Shadow of St. Paul railroad accident u. , * -*t
depressed Wall Street for awhile, but kunbury, Pa., March 10. Northum
prices rise later. berland county commissioners yester-
Senator Tillman induced colleagues , , ,
to prohibit smoking in executive ses- J were suiprised when they were
m ~ „ called upon to pay $4 bounty for a
Clifford Towne urged Commerce Com- sool j, of a s ilver-g»ay fox, a species
o n f freTght%ate U S rullroads an lnerease that is very rare in this vicinity. It
Unemployed armies in Sacramento shot in Lower Mahanoy township
are driven .out of city by firemen and by William Lelir. He said he refused
deputy sheriffs. s<>o for the skin.
Governor Fielder named Leroy W Lehr also had two weasel scalps,
county. n, 3 Ke Cumljerla » d which are worth $4 each in bounties,
German Government reported prep- rnaking his day s work, sl2 for the
paring bill appropriating $125,000,000 bounties and the SSO offered for the
to ream artillery. hide of the fox, total st>2.
The Stomach 1
Is the Target""*' \ viS/i) i
Aim to make that strong—and digestion good—and you k
will keep well! No chain is stronger than its weakest 5
link. No man is stronger than his stomach. With *
atomach disordered a train of diseases follow. f
pr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I
makes the atomach healthy, the liver active and the blood pure. Made from t
forest roots, and extracted without the use of alcohol. Sold by drugijists, in K
liquid form at SI.OO per bottle for over 40 years, giving general satisfaction. h
If yon prefer tablets as modified by R. v. Pierce. M. D.. these can be |
bad of medicine dealers or trial box by mail on receipt of SOc In stanps. |
TF you like Havana tobacco i|
A you will like
10c C
<; They are all Havana cigars
that satisfy any taste. ;1
Made by JO NC. HERMAN & CO. 3;
Cutting Down the Heating Cost
This weather requires fuel that contains the maximum In heat
value. Fuel that possesses the most heat units will give the desired re
sult with the least possible consumption. Tou can't cut your coal bill
by cheaper prices—they are uniform, but you can reduce your heating
expense by using less coal. Our coal Is the cheapest because It goes the
917 CAPITAL F |rKKIUT Both PhoneS. 3lll) dL ViIESTT STS.
James W. Barker and the Rev.
Dr. Smacker to Make Key
note Addresses
hmmmmwb Three hundred men
will attend the first
annual banquet of the
newly organized Men's
Club of Stevens Me
• i morlal Methodist
• ,Ij| Episcopal Church, to
WW be held In Stevens
* i Hgf Church MondAy night,
- • JI/UiH This is the first of
Bjri) the numerous actlvl
ties planned for the
club. Meetings are be
ing held once a week,
P"V f r on Monday nights,
■ ' " a nd once a month the
ounday evening sermon will be
preached by the Rev. Dr. Clhyton Al
bert Smucker on the Interests of the
men of the church. A social event of
some sort will be held once a month.
James W. Barker, president of the
club, will preside and the two keynote
addresses will be made by Mr. Barker
and the Rev. Dr. Clayton Albert
Smucker. After the banquet has been
put away Mr. Barker will call for a
dozen five-minute toasts and some sur
prises In the way of extemporaneous
The speakers on the program are as
follows: 'Our Mtn," Charles H. HofT
tnan; "Our Men and the Church,"
Warren W. Van Dyke; "Our Men and
the Sunday School," Al. K. Thomas;
Opportunities of Service for Out
M ®?'" John A. Affleck; "The Marks of
a Man, Dr. John C. Stevens; "A Man's
Influence," F. B. Musser; "What Men
Mean to the Church," James M. Re
i?} 1 j. Church Means to
Men, Walter S. Fishel; "The Sunday
Afternoon Bible Class Program," J
Ha-rrls Bell; "The Bible Class Mem
bership Campaign." O. R. Cadwallader;
The .Ymmpr Men's Bible Class at
Work W. S. Reed; "The Church and
£h e Co-operation of Every Man," Dr.
. »™ Keene: "Our Men and the
Future, Professor G. W. Hamilton.
To Straighten the lvlnks.—"Away
from the Multitude" is the subject of a
lenten talk given in a Philadelphia
morning newspaper to-day by the Rev.
Luther DeYoe, of Trinity Lutheran
« j (jermar >town, former pastor
of Messiah Lutheran Church, this city.
He advises seclusion from the multi
tude with the Bible that life's
crooked places may be straightened.
Church Council to Meet. The
monthly meeting of the Civic Council
of Harrisburg Churches will be held
this evening in the Fourth Street
Church of God. The Rev. John H.
Dougherty, president of the council,
will preside. The liquor question will
mi discussed and important reports
will be received from committees on
Sunday selling.
Meditation Services. Services of
meditation were held to-day In St. Ste
phen s Episcopal Church, Front street
near Pine, by the Rev. Herbert B.
Pu slfer. The subject of the medi
tation was "The Wilderness Lesson."
The series opened with the holy coin
rmtnion at 8.30; at 10.30 morning
prayer and the first meditation were
held; at 11.30. Intercession and the
second meditation; at 2 p. m„ litany
and the third meditation, and at 3
o clock the series closed with peniten
tial office and the fourth meditation.
Memorial tablet Unveiled
in Marietta Council Hall
Special to The Telegraph
Marietta, Pa., Alarch 10.-KA.fc the
session to-day-of borough council, the
new council chamber was used for the
firs ttime. President U. Grant Hippie,
presiding. The memorial tablet erect
ed during the past few months was
unveiled. The carpenter work was
done by George H. Shields, and the
artistic painting and lettering by J. R.
Henry, of Columbia. It is. inscribed
at the top, "Marietta Centennial, 1812-
1912, and contains the names of the
first chief burgess, town clerk, coun
cilmen and muncipal officers of 1812,
and the. present officials. The first
chief burgess was David Cook, and the
burgess in 1912 was John Kugle. A
number of short speeches were made
and many citizens attended the ses
Special to The Telegraph
Lewistown, Pa., March 10.—Amelia,
a year-and-a-half-old daughter of Jo
seph Stravolo, died yesterday from
being scalded. The mother cooked a
pot of macaroni and sat it. upon the
floor to cool, and the child, playing
about the floor, fell into the pot.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo* O.
We. the undersigned, hate known F. J.
Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obligations
made by bis Arm.
Toledo Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cur% is taken internally, icting
directly ui>on tt blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. TeL.linonlals sent free. Price 7§
cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation*
High tirade GOOD I.UCK and
Good l uck, 25c lli.i - Ibit. for <Joci 3 lbs.
for 'Oct 5 Ui«. for 91.15.
Dandy, lilte lb.t 'J lb*, tor 45ci B lbs.
for *I.OO.
The best grades for table, cooking
and baking. We guarantee all goods
we sell. Deliveries to all parts of th«
city Bell phone.
Day and Night School
15 S. Mnrket Square
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night. Business.
Shorthand and Civil Service. In
dividual Instruction. 28th year.
329 Market St Harrisburg, Pa.
lA(V)U«SeM6f)T < S
To-morrow, matinee and night
George Sidney in "Busy Izzy."
Thursday, matinee and night—'The
Fire Brigade."
Saturday, matinee and night "The
Tuesday, March 17, matinee and night
—"Baby Mine."
Saturday, March 21, matinee and night
—"Oh! Oh! Delphine."
Keith Vaudeville—Every afternoon and
Vaudeville and Pictures Every after
noon and evening.
George Sidney, one of the real come
dians of the present day in the bl(»
musical comedy, "Busy Izzy," which
has scored an immense hit in all the
large cities of this country, will be the
attraction at the Majestic Theater,
matinee and night. Music and fun arw
the predominant features in "Busy
izzy. The scenery and costumes are
much above the average and the chorus
is claimed to be the prettiest seen In
years. George Sidney lias no equal on
the stage as a delineator of the Hebrew
. 8 J o^l humor is natural with
out being offensive or obnoxious to
those who question the advisability ot
racial characterization.— Advertisement.
The attraction at the Majestic Thea-
Sfiturfiay, March 14, matinee and
• n'ght, will be a fine production of Por
-IS, Emerson BrowneIrs 1 r s domestic drama.
The Spendthrift." with a cast of not
able players. Those who recall Mr
Sr°^ n ® ? °!, r „F. ea t success. "A Fool
anttnl w "; have good reason for
anticipating another dramatic treat.
~ Throughout the play there Is a pretty
''"'e love story between the wife's sis
ter and the husband's brother, to prove
the assertion that the home built on
the cornerstone of true love and sacri
st'., *i e ?,°me the home of happi
!?in Please. Joseph Jeffer
own . sake as well),
demonstrates that the name has
brought with it the natural heritage
expected, and in "Poor Old Jim" there
I? ijbundant evidence that the younger
Jefferson merits his name. The little
playlet, in which he is so ably assisted
by his charming wife, Blanch Bender
Wrlc-ht ri' y ?* cellent actor, George
tha J".,. 8 ?■ nove l foundation;
story telling of a confirmed drunk
ard threatened with sudden demise un
less he stops drinking. Much applause
?lein n(5 ht i er arre ,«l ed the little farce" I
veMill!i l n ifi, W o".' suggestion, and
Advertisement amUS ' nK B ' tUatlons ' ~
(r,r her 1 e ' s .S >in .? to be some tall figur
ing, scientifically and otherwise, among
It w tt ? eßs the Mysterious Edna
fL the Colonial during the first half of
„,®i; 1 '""St be admitted that
i Edna looks pretty and srraceful as shp
nliisVi 8 I ? bout pretty stage setting of
plush drops and gorgeous light effects
S h K r rlbbon-Secked hoops con-'
stantly about' and over her, but the
about it all will serve to give
over. Comedy, novel?® a'nd "robaflcs
—Advertisement? nCed ° n the Same bIU '
, he big four-act feature which
have arrived at this theater last
fall as 7hi b® shown t ,°" day without
F.*i ' , ?. t l,e Picture is here now
Mexico is the name of the pictur™
showing ail the leaders in the Mexican'
revolution and the war between the
re ..™? nd the Federals. Other pictures
are "The Green Eyed Devil " a two-act
Reliance picture, and one of the most
8101 ! 0 pictures, "Between
Showers, ever shown here. To-mor
T °Z Th ® < i r ! at Bullion Robbery" " or a
three-act picture depicting a
able detective story.—Advertisement.
News Items From Points
in Central Pennsylvania
Allentown. The safe in the m>ct
office at Siegfried was blown open yes
terday morning. The burglars got
away with several hundred dollars in
cash and stamps, and some registered
mail was taken, said to be valuable
Pottsville. Frank Gillespie, negro
who murdered James Penn; also a
negro, at the latter's home. In this city
on February 12 last, was, yesterdav'
y Jud S? Bechtel to not less
tentiary 6 years the aßter n Penl-
PottsviUe. City Solicitor E. P
L-euschner applied for a writ of man
damus upon County Treasurer F w
Wlest to compel him to pay over to the
city treasurer 524,800 licence money.
Ihit, o h ! s beinfr held until the Dau
fhe cUy charter.* 8 UP °" U,e le * aiity uf
Chester. Caught on the fender of a
hom» y ot r Vi!i e ': layln S 'n font of hef
home at Eddystone, yesterday, six
v ? vel -V,' AV ° Oll was carried five
before the car was stopped The
child hopped out of the lender and
scampered home, uninjured.
Allentown. Harry E. Ruhe, who for
years has been a district passenger
agent of the Central Railroad of s&w
Jersey, with headquarters In Allentown
has been made e-cne'-al baggage airent
with offices in New York.
Shainokln. Miss Helen B. Animer
a lorm f r l° c a.l school teacher, was
notified yesterday that the Board of
foreign Missions of the Reformed
to Youchon Chlna nted heF * m ' SSiunary
ttsv " le - T Jose Ph Jones, of Coal
dale, was sentenced yesterday to two
for padding pay rolls of the Le
h and Navigation Company, by
which he robbed the company of $5,.
T Cha «ncey Freeman, of
£aston, has been appointed Deputv
ollector for Carbon county,
succeeding J. T. Noble, a Republican
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanicsburg, p a .. March 10
Officers for the ensuing year were
elected at a meeting of the Trinity
Lutheran Sunday School as follows-
Superintendent, H. H. Mercer; asslsU
ant superintendent, George B. Hoover
secretary, Wilson Hurst; treasurer J
V. Weber. Mrs. H. H. Mercer 4nd
Mrs. John K. Brandt were elected
delegates to attend the Sunday school
convention to be held in Shippensburg
on Thursday and Friday.
Don't Grow Bald
It's Quite Needless. Nourish the
Hair Roots—Remove Dandruff
—Use Parisian Sage—
If your hair is getting thin, losing
color, or has that matted, lifeless and
scraggy appearance, the reason is evi
dent—dandruff and failure to keep the
lair roots properly nourished.
Parisian Page applied frequently for
a week and then occasionally is all
rhat is needed. It removes dandruff
with one application; almost Imme
diately stops falling hair and itching
head; cleanses, cools and Invigorates
the scalp and makes dull, stringy hair
soft, abundant and radiant with life.
Equally good for men, women or chil
dren—everyone needs it.
This refreshing hair tonic can be
had at any drug or toilet counter in
SU-cent bottles only. H. C. Kennedy
always sells it with agreement to re
fund the money if you are not sat
Get a bottle at once. Delighted
users says Parisian Sage is the best
and most invigorating hair tonic made.
—Advertisement. .
PLong Shuttle D/%f If I'i* C White Rotary
Vibrating Machines Mm VJMm v I I S Sewing Machines
$14.50 $25.00 11*1. c f *<5.00 *«■««
$29.00 $39.50 lViarKet Ot. J55 0D •JHBPhJ
A Car Load of Brass Beds
Just Received and Placed on Sale
We can offer you values in Brass Beds which have never been duplicated any
where. Your credit is good here and you can have your purchase charged and pay for
it weekly or monthly as your income suits.
. A 2-inch con- fl K H tl If tl H If "ft A Colonial
J i fillers and full JUL L II 2 * mch P osts
|j mounted fi | and 7 fillers;
Li^j or satin fin? LacqueMn
double bed. j or Poulette
$lB value at finishes. Full size double bed. $24 value at
$14.75 $18.50
$10.50 value 4-6 Brass Bed at .. .$7.95 $25.00 value 4-6 Brass Bed, at. .$19.50
$13.50 value 4-6 Brass Bed, at. .$12.50 $27.00 value 4-6 Brass Bed, at. .$21.00
$15.00 value 4-6 Brass Bed, at. .$12.95 $28.00 value 4-8 Brass Bed, at. .$22.50
$16.00 value 4-6 Brass Bed, at. .$14.50 $29.00 value 4-6 Brass Bed, at. .$23.50
$19.50 value 4-6 Brass Bed, at.. $16.50 $35.00 value 4-6 Brass Bed, at..526.00
$20.00 value 4-6 Brass Bed, at.. $17.50 $38.00 value 4-6 Brass Bed, at.. $32.50
Buy a Range that will give you confidence in your cooking ability, that you
know will afford your table consistently perfect results for your daily demands. Our
Home Comfort, Happy Home and Garland Ranges will do the work. Everyone of
our Ranges is a guaranteed Baker, and made of the best material.
Slightly Used Happy Home Ranges
Range Plain castings and removable
$1 Q Ein ""eAAx* nickel bands, including pipe shelf
«p 1 i/.OU and necessary pipe.
Home Com- JJmSHB $39.75
Wither*. Garland Steel Ranges with high
pipe Warming d ° Set neCeSSar y P l^'
$35.00 ij A $48.00
We will deliver any stove and set it up in your home; after a reasonable length
of time if not satisfactory will take it back.
Handsome Gowns of Parisian Creations Worn
by Miss Webber at the Majestic Tomorrow
- - • .. . >, r. ~ " ■ , • 1 V "S,
I - ! ??'■*< / ; ; -: 1 * ' '• v
•■ V 1
. >•,' •• ; ■ ■ , !•■
Miss Carrie Webber, the leading woman In the 1914 edition of "Busy
Izzy." who will be seen at the Majestic Theater to-day, matinee and night,
with George Sidney, Is noted for her taste in dress. She wears Parisian
creations as to the manor born. And well she may, for she has a superb
figure, and she is a woman of great beauty. In the present production
Miss Webber is seen In some particularly elegant creations of the dress
maker's art.
Those who see Miss Webber in "Busy Izzy" will be treated to a sight
of the most modish gowning of the season.
Miss Webber has had wide experience on the stage, and has created
numerous important roles, but It is in "Busy Izzy" that she appears to the
best advantage.
New Cumberland, Pa., March 10.—
A gTand rally of the councils of the
Order of Independent Americans of
Dauphin, Cumberland and York coun
ties will be held in the council cham
ber of Riverside Council, New Cum
berland, next Tuesday. Several hun
dred men are expected to be here.
Among the speakers will be State
Councilor Joseph McClellan, of Hazle
ton; State Vice-President Frank L.
Thomas, of Manayunk; Junior Past
State Councilor John Lowerß, of Brad
dock; State Council Secretary W. H.
Pike, of Philadelphia, and State Coun
cil Treasurer Charles J. Hendrickson.
New Germantown, Pa., March 10.—
As an executive order has been Issued
by President Wilson requiring com
petitive examinations for the position
of postmaster of all fourth class post
offices at which the annual salary Is
SIBO or more, and of which the pres
ent Incumbent was not appointed un
der civil service regulations, an ex
amination will be held at Loyuville,
April 4, 1914, for the offices of New
Germantown, Andersonburg, Elliotts
burg, lelteaburg and. Liverpool.
MARCH 10,1914.
f-jji ■■■IIMMIIIHIII 111 l I Mil ■■■ J
Thf Plying Venus
(Son of Rip Vnn Winkle) HARRY THRU I FP
Preventing "POOR OLD JIM" I 1 nIMLLLR
r • j I n n i ARTHUR GUY & CO.
impire 4 | 7 cracks
Old Sodier Fiddlers "™ lC^rC'
MARCH 12TH. Matinee and Night.
The Great Sensational Fire Play "THE FIRE BRIGADE"
50—PEOPLE—00. Copt. Hurry DeLong. director and manager. Under
the HU«P|CH of the Firemen's Union of Harrlsburg. A strong play por-
Irnylng the thrilling scenes and Incident* in the life of an American
Klrrmap. See the Harder Scene—The Engine House Scene The Lynch
ing Seine—The Great Fire Soene—The Thrilling Life Net Leap—Horses,
£**• *?»""<!?■ F,r r!"* n „ •«* Actloa on the Stage. Reserved seats—
50c, 75c, 91.00. Boxes, SIO.OO and 97*60. Seats now on sale at Theater
Box Office.
Farewell Reception For
Mechanicsburg Pastor
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanicsburg. Pa., March 10. —A
farewell reception under the direction
of the Christian Endeavor Society of
Trindle Spring Lutheran Church was
tendered the retiring pastor and wife
the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas E. Shearer,
who left to-day for their new charge
in Ashland. On the program were
addresses by Frank Konhaus and S. J
Mountz; readings by Miss Mary Weber
Miso Pearl Hess. Mrs. Frank konhaus
Miss Nora Myers, Miss Minnie Kas
burg and Miss Sara Fisher. These
numbers were interspersed with sing
ing by the assembled people and vocal
duets by Mrs. O. A. Ritter. Mrs. Addi
son Forry and Mrs. Harry Sheely. Re
freshments were served at a late hour.
The committee in charge were the offi
cers of the Christian Endeavor Society.
George Sidney (Himself)
With the Inimitable Comedienne,
of 50 Mimical Comedy farceurs
■M Big Son* lilt* 20 WhUtllug.
Jingling Melodle*
PR ICES i Mutinee, 25c, 50ci Even
/ , \
Victoria Theater
jA I// Eyed" n ( ; r vU,"- W/V
' ''' ' I