12 Evening Dresses for Misses and Women Quality Gloves for Women The Most Important Clear- i f 4 _ 7.. sl-00 value, at 750 -v -i-Lv \ A/ Women's "D. P. & S." two-clasp kid gloves in tan, grey, ance 01 the Winter »*,„„< Women s Cavalier one-clasp kid gloves in tan, white and black, pique seams $1.35 $22.50 Dresses: $5.00 and $7.50 _ __ _ ! Kayser washable chamoisette gloves, 16-button, white, $25.00 Dresses: SIO.OO and $12.50 j f! biscuit and natural to #1.25 Women's lisle and washable chamoisette gloves, 2 clasps ; black, white, tan, natural and grey 2os Dives, Ponieroy & Stewart, Street Floor. jj N-Crepe&TßarineWeaves in Fine Dress Cottons Beautiful styles that are high in Fashion's favor for Spiing. These are exclusive fabric modes of irresistible style and beauty. Ratine In checks and solid shades, 4 2 inches, yd 89c 1 Ratine In fancy weaves, twc-tone checks, fancy weaves and solid shades ,42 and 44 inches, yd SI.OO Katine in black and white and mixtures, 40 inches to 46 inches wide, yd., 8»c, SI.OO, SI.BO. $1.50, $1.50 and $2.00 Ratine in nub weave, 42 inches, fancy shades, yd $1.25 Crepe Weaves Nub Crepe in solid shades, y(*. 35c Imperial Crepe in solid shLd s and white ground with floral de signs. yd j 35c: ' | d ßrepe de°Chlne, w'tnchS?'thief'si'lic' arid' cotton.'' floral'' designs! $22.50 maize chiffon, dress over pink; wide shadow | $45.00 Copenhagen blue m«h m „„ ,i ! Crepo Voile, 38 inches wide, silk stripes with floral designs, 50c lace draued sleeves and neck Reduced to 48-» X4\ I.i„ u,l' 1 , , - crepe uiess com- Woven Crepe, white ground with colored stripes, yard 19c •Pd *SO J nc( * with white shadow lace; finished at wajst with j Crepe Please, 30 inches, wlUe ground with colored figures, yd.,l6c $22.50 white crepe dress trimmed with heavy in- i rhinestone buckles; skirt and waist trimmed with j Ratine Crepe, white and tilt d ground with neat floral printings, sertion and draped skirt. Reduced to jCX ! crochet buttons. Reduced to 'lO ' s'ard 12^c $25.00 light blue and white embroidered chiffon $25.00 lavender and white chiffon dress, embroid- j Di\es, 1 omeio,\ & Stt.wan. Street Moor, cloth dress over white silk shadow lace yoke. Re- ere( * front with bead fringe trimming. Reduced to . __ duoedto SIO.OO $7.50 Rencro Rplt orspt SBO.OO white chiffon cloth dress with accordion $45.00 crepe de chine dress in pink; white beaded I A b pleated skirt and long tunic; trimmed in tango and j chiffon rloih tm.io- nink d u r i • 10 i> j with allk shadow lace flounce. Reduced to $37.50 all-over embroidery lingerie dress- draped RengO Belt Corsets IS in charge Ot a special Rengo Belt deni al 0.00 » 1 rimmed with German Vai. insertion;'surplice ! onstration on the second floor this week. If there-is any point I $37.50 white s.ilk crepo de chine dress in peplum ,Nion't Wait for the Fatal Stages of Kidney Illness. Profit Bj Harris burg People's Experiences Occasional attacks of backache .ir regular urination, headache and dizzy spells are frequent symptoms of kid ney disorders. It's an error to neglect these ills. The attacks may pass off for a time but generally return with greater Intensity. Don't delay a min ute. Begin taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and keep up their use until the desired results are obtained. Good work in Harriaburg proves the ef fectiveness of this great kidney rem edy. Mrs. S. Oberholtzer, 346 Crescent street, Harrisburg, Pa., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have been used in my family and I can highly recommend them. The one who took this remedy suffered a great deal from backache, lameness in the loins and dull pains in the back. After using two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, the pains and aches went away and the patient felt better in every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foeter-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole ugents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's —and take no other.—Advertisement. How to Make Your Hair Beautiful Ten Minute*' Home Treatment Works Wonder* stop* Falling Hair, I thing Scnlp nnd Dandruff and Makes the Hair Soft, Brilliant, Luatrona and Fluffy, Better than all the so-called "hair tonics' in the world is a simple old fashioned home recipe consisting or plain Bay Rum, Lavona (do eomposee*. and a little Menthol Crystals. These three mixed at home in a few minutes, work wonders with any scalp. Try it just one night and see. Get from your druggist 2 oz. Lavona, 6 oz. Bay Runt and % drachm Menthol Crystals. Dis solve the Crystals in the Hoy Rum and pour in an S oz. bottle. Then add tho Lavona, shake well and let It stand for an hour before using. Apply it by putting a little of the mixture on a soft, cloth. Draw this cloth slowly through the hair, taking just one small strand at a time. This cleanses thu hair and scalp of dirt, dust and exces sive oil and makes the hair delightfully soft, lustrous and fluffy. To stop the hair from falling and to make It grow again rub tho lotion briskly into the scalp with the finger tips or a medium stiff brush. Apply night and morning. A few days' use and you cannot find a single loose or straggling hair. They wlli be locked on your scalp as tight as a vise. Dandruff will disappear and itching cease. In ten days you will find fine downy new hairs sprouting up all over your scalp and this new hair will grow with wonderful rapidity. Any druggist can sell you the above. Tho prescription is very inexpensive and we know of nothing so pffectlvo and certain in its result.—Advertise ment. An Easy Way to Get Fat and Be Strong The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is that they in sist on drugging their stomach or stuff ing it with greasy foods: rubbing on useless "flesh creams," or following some foolish physical culture stunt, while tlie real cause of thinness goes untouched. You cannot get fat until your digestive tract assimilates tho "food you eat. Thanks to a remarkable new scien tific discovery, it is now possible to combine into simple l'orm the very ele ments needed by the digestive organs to help them convert food into rich, fat laden blood. This master-stroke of" modern chemistry Is called Sargol and has been termed the greatest of flesh builders. Sargol aims through its re generative, reconstructive powers to . coax the stomach and intestines to 111 - I tcrally soak up the fattening elements of your food and pass them into tho , blood, where they are carried to every broken-down cell and tlssuo !of your body. You can readily pic ture the result when this amazing transformation has taken ulace and you notice how your cheeks fill out, hollows about your neck, shoulders and bust disappear and you take on from 10 to 20 pounds of solid, healthy flesh. Sar gol 's absolutely harmless, inexpensive, efficient Geo. A. Gorgas and other leading druggists of 1-farrlsburg and vi cinity have it and will refund your money if you are not satisllod, as per tho guarantee found In every package. Caution ■ —While Kargol has given ex cellent results in overcoming nervous dyspepsia and general stomach troubles It should not be taken by those who do not wish to gain ten pounds or more. Advertisement. Acid Stomachs Are Dangerous Common .Sense Advice by a Mlxtlng- Kul*hed SpeclnllNt. "Acid" stomachs are dangerous be cause acid irritates and inflames tho delicate lining of the stomach, thuH hindering and preventing tile proper action of the stomach, and leading to probabiy nine-tenths of the cases of stomach trouble from which people suf fer Ordinary medicine and medicinal treatments are useless in such cases, for they leave the source of tho trouble, the acid in the stomach, as dangerous as ever The acid must bo neutralized, and its formation prevent ed, and the best thing for this purpose is a teaspoonful of bisurated magnesia, a simple antacid, taken in a little warm or cold water after eating, which not only neutralizes the acid, but also pre vents the fermentation from which acidity is developed. Foods which or dinarily cause greatost distress may bo eaten with impunity if the meal is followed with a little bisurated mag nesia, which can be obtained from anv druggist, and should always be kept handy. Advertisement. g To Clear the Complexion Take Lax Links J Many wamen have a blotchy, sallow, f pimply complexion because they are ! subject to constipation. Purgative medi -1 cines do not bring about the desir ed relief, but Lax Links, those delicious candy laxatives, exquisitely flavored with the oil of spearmint, will quickly stop constipation and thus stop poison - ing the blood. They contain no habit forming or poisonous drucs, and for that reason aro highly praised by phy sicians. They act properly upon tho liver, causing the bile, which Is Nature's own laxative, to flow freely. As they are a dainty confection In themselves. ' they are ideal and safe to give to chll i dren and invalids. Sold by all druggists. 10c and 25c boxes. Write for free sample. Boro Salicine Co., Philadelphia. UNDERTAKERS RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Embalmer I 111 Walnut St. Bell Phone