4 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS HOUSES HID CITTIE BRING GOOD PRICES |ale of Farm Stock Near Hnmmels town Attracts Large Crowd of Bayers LADIES' AID SOCIETY AT WORK High School Has Orchestra of Twelve Accomplished Musicians Hummelstowit. Pa., March 7.—Au gust Myers has a force of men digging out the large shade trees In front of the Hendricks property in South Rail road street. —Harry Swope's Bale, on the Brtghtblll farm, at the west end pf town, was largely attended on Wednesday and everything brought food prices. Cows sold from $75 to |99; horses, $225; mules brought $450 fcnd SSOO a pair. Mr. Swope will quit (arming and move to town. The members of the Chemical Fire Com pany are requested to meet in the engine house to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock to attend the United Brethren Church in a body.—Joseph Rlioads, of Harrisburg, made a business trip to town on Thursday evening.—Samuel Emerich. of Swatara, was In town Wednesday to stake off for a new fiwelling on his lot in Walnut street. — Lee's Glass Blowers brought large Crowds to the Star Theater this week. •—Supervisor J. L. Stephenson was kept busy opening up frozen gutters fcnd cleaning street crossings.—Some pf our telephone lines were put out of business by the heavy snow.—C. P. liahenlen, nurseryman, is spending geveral weeks about Williamstown and Lykens canvassing.—A. H. Reider has accepted a position with the Pennsyl vania Realty Company at Harrisburg. —The Ladies' Aid Society of the Lu theran Church met at the parish house i and did some sewing several days this j week. —The high school now boasts of an up-to-date orchestra of twelve members. Professor Mitman Is the instructor. Hooray! Ba»y To Rule the House No Longer Do Women Fear The Great est of All Human E'minfl. It is a jcy and comfort to know that those much-talfced-of pains and other dis- : tresses that are said to precede cltlld-bear tug may easily be avoided. No woman need fear the slightest discomfort If slie will fortify herself with the well-known and time-honored remedy. "Mother's Friend." This Is a most pratefu!, penetrating, ex ternal application that at once softens and makes pliant the abdominal muscles and ligaments. They naturally expand without the slightest strain, and thus not only banish all tendency to nervous, twitching ipells, but there Is an entire freedom from Bausea, discomfort, slrcplcssness and dread i that so often leave their impress upon the ! babe. The occasion is therefore oae of un bounded, joyful anticipation, and too much ■tress can not be laid upon the remarkable Influence which a mother's happy, pre-natal disposition has upon the health and for tunes of the generation to come. Mother's Friend Is recommended only fov the- relief and comfort of expectant thousands of whom have used and recom mend it. You will find Hon sale at all drug ■tores at SI.OO a bottle. AVrite to-day to th# Bradfleid Regulator Co., 100 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., for a most instru' tlvo book oa Shis greatest of all subjects, motherhood. Thousands More Civil Service Appointments The establishment of the Parcel Post has greatly Increased the work at the Postal Department. Thousands of additional Clvl! Service appoint ments will be necessary. The opportunities for position In the Civil Service were never better. Civil Service positions are desirable because the hours for work are not too long, salaries are good and certain and promotions are frequent. The greater number of appoint ments will be made in the Postofflce Service, paying :'rom S6OO to 11,700 and more per year; the R. F. D. Ser vice, paying $l,lOO per annum to standard routes; and the Railway Mall Service, paying from S9OO to SI,BOO per year. Any American over IS years of age who passes the V. S. Civil Service ex amination 19 eligible to one of these positions. The I. C. S. Civil Service Course Instructs you how to meet the requirements of the Civil Service ex amination In any branch of the Gov ernment work. Marl: and mail the coupon below names of I. C. S. students who are now and we will send you a booklet giving holding Civil Service Positions at good pay. We will also tell you how you, too, can enter'this profitable field of employment Mark and Mail the Coupon NOW International Correspondence Schools Box 133 IP, Scran ton, Pa. Please explain without further obligation on my part, how I can qualify for the Civil Service position before which I have marked X. f; O. Clerk Meaaenger Ganger . Elevator Conductor Storekeeper K. F, D> Carrier Apprentice A«nl*taiit Stenographer Skilled Laborer Sampler Bookkeeper P O. Inapector Deputy Officer _ Immigrant Inapector Preaaman Ry. Mall Clerk Guard Bookbinder Ry. Mall Weigher Janitor Watchman . Name St. and No State Present Occupation SATURDAY EVENING, Hershey Chocolate Factory to Be Greatly Enlarged Plans Approved For Additional Stories on Practically All Principal Buildings and Installation of New Machinery Special to The Telegraph Hershey, Pa., March 6.—As soon as weather conditions will permit, the work of enlarging and Improving prac tically all of the present factory build ings will be begun, the total amount to be thus expended approximating $250,000, and virtually doubling the capacity of the present plant. The work, plans for which have al ready been drawn and approved, will consist of the addition of three, and in some instances possibly four, stories to the present factory structures, the architectural design to harmonize in every way with the buildings as they now appear. The construction will be of reinforced concrete and will be pushed rapidly to completion by large gangs of workmen, who will be em ployed in addition to the already large number engaged in erecting the new sugar washery and power plant. The additional stories will be con- Mrs. Lechler Celebrates Birthday With Many Guests By Special Correspondence Mount Joy, Pa., March 7. —• Mrs. Harriet Lechler celebrated her birth day last Saturday at the homo of Ben jamin E. Hlestand. The guests pres ent were Mrs. Philip Brackbill and Donald Good, of Boiling Springs: Miss Kittle Buckwalter, of Loganla; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Boyer, of Elizabeth town; the Rev. C. D. Rlshel, the Rev. Frank (3. Bossert, the Rev. I. Howard I Kern, Andrew M. Martin, Misses Lln nie and Fannie Grelner and Mrs. Lou isa Brandt. Warren Clemens and Noran Smith, of Windsor, York coun ty, were Sunday visitors with the Rev. C. D. Rlshel.—Miss Kittle Buckwal ter, of Loganla, Perry county, visited Mrs. Benjamin C. Hiestand on Mon day.—Dr. W. D. Chandler and J. R. Mlssemer on Sunday afternoon at tended the photo motion pictures of "Creation" in the Family Theater. Lancaster. Mrs. Henry Shelley, of Rapho, is at the General Hospital on account of a tumor. —Samuel Young and Miss Myrtle Beatty have been added to the Lutheran Sunday school orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Morton, Miss Anna Myers and Charles Morton spent Sunday at Harrisburg with Mrs. IT. C. Shelly.—Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kaylor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaylor, Mrs. Anna Walters and Mrs. Simon Mennaugh spent Sunday at Lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Christian S. Gingrich and two daughters visited relatives at Conewago on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Charles, of Lancaster, spent Sunday in town with James E. Webb. —Miss Tlllie Gearhart and Mrs. Emma Young. of Springfield, Ohio, are | guests of Fred Slieaffer. Cottage Prayer Meeting Every Thursday During Lent By Special Correspondence Jlew Cumberland, Pa.. March 7. On Sunday Afternoon, March 15, the Otterbein Guild will hold a woman's meeting- in Trinitv United Brethren Church to which all women are Invited. The Rev. J. V. Hutchinson will address the meeting. R. J. Wear and daugh ter Prudence, attended the funeral of Mr. Wear'" mother, at Hazelton. this week. George Fry and Mr. Wilson, of Philadelphia, were guests of Mrs. Fry. tli's week. Miss Florence Stone Is visiting friends at Pittsburgh and Wheeling. W. Va.—Mrs. Ross Sweeney is visiting her sister at Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brinton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brinton and son. of Plt cairn, Pa., visited relatives here this week. Miss Pearl Metzgar. of York, was the guest of S. A. Williams on Wednesday Mrs. Samuel Sine enter tained the Ever Faithful Sunday School class of the Church of God, on Tues day evening. The Rev. A. O. Bridge man, nastor of St. Chrysostom Church, New Market, has announced cottage nrayer meetings every Thursday even ing during lent. The first meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dunlevy. structed on the present buildings with out in the least interfering with the operations of the plant and when com pleted and under roof the roofs of the present structures will be removed and the enlarged buildings occupied and machinery installed. This operation will be unique in building lines and will be a lasting monument, not only to a wonderfully growing Industry, but to the skill and ingenuity of the builders. The completion of the improvements will necessitate the installation of a great number of machines and the employment of a largely increased force of workmen. Particularly will the department manufacturing cocoa powder be affected, the output of that product to be materially Increased. The tin can plant, where thousands of containers are now being made dally, will also be largely Increased in ca pacity. | Mrs. Gossard Entertains College Faculty and Friends By Special Correspondence Annvllle, Pa., March 7.—Mrs. G. D. Gossard, wife of Dr. Gossard, of Leb anon Valley College, entertained the ladies and the men and their wives of the faculty of the college at her home, on Saturday afternon. Sedic R. Rine, a former student at the college, spent Sunday with friends at the school. He is now attending the Jefferson Medical School. Directors H. Clay Deaner and Harry Wagner visited the schools on Monday, and County Superintendent fenoke and Director M. A. Myers made the rounds of the schools on Tuesday. •—-The report of the condition of the People s Deposit Bank shows a big f:ain in the amount of business over the ast report. The Rev. J. E. Herber ling ,of St. Paul's Evangelical Church, preached an excellent sermon to the Washington Camp, 87, P. O. S. of A., and Camp 16, P. O. S. of A., on Sunday evening. The camp glee club sang several slections and a medley compos » t. by Mr * Werner, the leader of the club, was much *nloyed. Mrs. Samuel Shimmel and children, Pauline and Charles, spent Wednesday in Harris burg with her daughter, Mrs. Harrison Kspenshade. Mrs. Kennedy Pray, of New Vorlc, visited her friend, Mrs. G. K. Schmidt at the Women's Dormitory of Lebanon Valley College. Firemen Plan to Build New Home at Halifax By Special Correspondence Halifax. Pa., March 7. George Nel son, of Mlllersburg, spent Sunday with friends. The Halifax Fire Company, at a special meeting, devised ijians for securing money to erect the new tire house next summer. Mrs. Emma Nob •®t -spent Saturday at Harrisburg. William Urich spent Sunday with his friend, C. E. Vanetta, at McClellan. Mrs. Harry Alleman, who was operat ed upon at the Shope Hospital, Harris burg, some time ago, is greatly im proved. and is expected home soon. Miss Miriam Ryan, who attends a Do mestic Science School at Washington, u. C., spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ryan. William Cooper, of Dickinson College, Carlisle, spent several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Cooper. The pupils and teachers of the primary and sec ondary schools were given a slelgh to McClellan and Fisherville on Wednesday afternoon by H. S. Bogar —Professor and Mrs. S. C. Reltzel spent bunday at Mechanicsburg. William Daugherty spent Saturday at Millers burg with friends. Harry Fasolt, of Lucknow, was here on Saturday. Harry Hoffman, of McClellan, spent bunday here. Miss Laura Urich spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Samuel Urich, at Harrisburg. Harry Biever, of Harrisburg. spent Thursday the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mary Biever. —Mrs. Richard Concklin, of "Mechan icvsburg, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lebo. Miss Beatrice Bishoft', of Har risburg spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ellen Bishoff. OYSTER SUPPER FOIt CLASS By Special Correspondence ThunipnontoiTn, Pa., March 7.—John Allen was called to Landisburg on ac count of the serious illness of 'his brother. Dr. WJ. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sell, of East Berlin, were week end guests of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Zeig- Mr - an DANDRUFF llf DESTROYS THE HAIR Makes It Dull, Brittle, Lifeless, and Causes It To Fall Out. Girls —If you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for It will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff Is to dis solve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy, every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, ami your hair will be silky, fluffy, lustrous, soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid ar von at any drug store. It is inexpen sive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never fails.—Advertisement. Stiff Neck or any other stiffness or lame ness of strained and aching muscles, should have prompt relief. Nothing like SLOAN'S LINIMENT to remove the soreness! Try it for backache—in fact, most any kind of piin. Mr. A. Moore, Manchester, N. H., writes: I suffered with an awful stiff new In my legs. I tried two or three liniments—no ucc. Finally I tried Sloan's, and after two mornings could run to my work." Atcll detlers. Price 25c., SOc. 4 SI.OO Br.Eart S. Sloan, Inc* Boston, Mass. Tuberculosis Its Diagnosis, Treatment and Cura W'r' - '.Jij-'jiat*- yifrn -I'l NEW TREATISE ON TUBERCULOSIS By FREEMAN HALL, M. D. This valuable medical book telta In plain, simple language how Tuberculosis can be cured In your own home. If you know of any one suffering from Tuberculosis, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma or an* throat or lung trouble, or are yourself afflicted, tills book will help you. Even II you are In the advanced stage of the disease and feel there Is no hone. It will instruct yon how others, with its aid, cured themselves after all remedies tried had failed, and they believed their case hopeless. Write at once to the Yonkerman Co., UH Rose St..Kalamazoo, Mich., they will fladlr send you the book by return mail FREE and also • generous supply of the new Treatment ab solutely Free, for tliey want you to have this wonderful remedy before It is too late. Don't wait write today. It may mean the saving 0 f your Ulh !