Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 06, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Dives,Pomeroy & StewartDives, Pomeroy
Sterling Qualities Hosiery Underwear / j?" An Echo of the Recent Furniture Sale
Mark To-morrow's Showing for Men and Women fc-t /J\^t ==:= \ Ad ? S f PleCeS , to Go To-morrow
& / And every indication points to a complete clearance long before the close of the day.
Many of the items are imported direct and all of the others come from America's best Eg HZ Some of the pieces remain from the recent furniture sale, and upon each of them we have
n .:ii a a c i ir> ,„: ri „ „ t,; , marked a price that is irresistibly low. For instance:
r , . VC . °°" l mes n,e ( l ua an pnce mo cratenes>. AH VATIC f* SVlCyWiflCf of $10.95 fumed oak chairs. Reduced to $6.95 $16.50 mahogany bureau. Reduced to
Gathered for special distribution to-morrow are these: x\.U. OllvJ W Ol $9.50 fumed oak settee. Reduced to #7.50 81195
T" «"">? I r*'»- »<* -»* I ..~v, St~vrin<T Hntc 1529 50 ! " mti ° ak bookcaM ' Red "f„ d " * l6 - 50 ®° l<lra <***»*«■. Red««l »
Itet' Xh leeves aml extra sleeves. Special «9r shirts an<l drawers, each ...3»c 0011110 lICIXS $19.50 $11.95
women's ii.oo white eotfon K: „ Ml . . M 1 , *. H- 0 m * ho & n y , d K esk - Re <Juced to $8.50 $16.50 mahogany chiffonißM. Seduced to
ribbed union suits: fleece-lined, drawers to match, each 25c Egyptian and trrey. Special', Tile Millinery Section Will have an in- $9./3 golden oak library table. Reduced to $11.95
Women's SI.OO white ..ouon b<<y' 'muon m L.!ur ; vy ' #i.oo Egyptian'' «.non I teresting display to-morrow, of clever I _ . $6.95 $3.50 mission tables. Reduced to 95*
ribbed union suits; medium I Special 75c ' ribbed union suitsl Special, i 35 I copies of imported models at ' I s2s '°° mahogany chiffonier. Reduced to $5.95 mission tables. Reduced t0..«L95
_ _ T T $19.50 Dl ™". I*«n«fOT * suinrt. Third FW
25c Hosiery Reduced to 18c . f; 95 * 5 - 95 , *«■*> , . - , ftl rnw „ cm, „ , «
Women's in.poned 25c Mac, S p, it S o,e Mens fi „e silk , isl e so,. Mae, and col- Bandtu'Z S Winter ShoCS Marked
s^' a . s . h,on . e ! ! . feet Spec,al ' 18 *- 3 ored, s «ond S of 25c q naii, y . pair..us/,* vogue in Paris To-morrow for Final- Clearance, $2 45
* Men's fast black silk sox, high spliced These styles at popular prices are clever
Women s Burson fast black split sole h ee ls- double soles Pn'r -i* . copies and adaptations of French models and ( - >ne hundred and titty pairs of them to move out at the lowest price of the winter.
hose 35#* . . ' ° C * introduce many ideas that are refreshingly The styles are all new this season and the leathers are box calf and gun metal calf; In all
«.. i t omen s fast black cotton hose; fash- new. Ever so many new shapes are featured, sizes but not in each style. Final clearance price $8.45
ren s last > ack fine ribbed cotton ioned feet; high spliced heels and double connection with the early showing of Another important sale for men, at the same price, is of 100 pair patent colt skin
hose; seamless. Pair 10£ soles, 25c quality; slight imperfections trimmed hats will be found a pleasing variety shoes, in button and lace style, with Goodyear welted soles; all sizes.
Children's 25c and 35c black cashmere Pair, 18?, 3 pairs for 50* of the latcst sha P es in ""trimmed hats. 36 pair of men's brown kid skin Congress 58 pair men's black and tan storm calf
seamless hose. Pair 11* yv , 7 , D * Trimmings consist chiefly of flowers, shoes; plain,toe lasts with Goodyear welted winter shoes, in blucher style; Goodyear
, omen s burson black lisle hose ; wreaths, fancies, pompons, small wings and oak leather soles; all sizes. welted soles.
Mens last black cotton seamless sox. seamless; slight imperfections. Pair, 18c, moire silk. 60 pair of tan Russia calf shoes; button, The above items represent $3.00 and
Pair, 10?, 3 pairs for 25? \ 3 pairs lor 59* Fashion lovers will find their visit here to- lace or blucher style, on high or narrow $3.50 shoes from our regular winter stock
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor morrow well repaid. toe lasts; Goodyear welted soles; all sizes, all marked for immediate d»0 45
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Front but not in each Style. clearance •
New Lingerie Blouses in A Week-End Grocery Sale of Great ASaieof
Voile, Persian Lawn &_,Crepe Girls' and Children's
SI.OO, $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 &, $2.95 Import to hvery Home • . p.
Spring Blouses that introduce novelties of designing and -p „ , . .L/XGSS^S
trimming that are featured on higher priced blouses—here's an ! for the benefit of families whose sugar supply is running-low we announce this _ . O •
interesting showing of chic and charming styles. ; special: Dig Savings the Keynote
All-over Embroidery Blouses. kimono sleeves, flat collar trimmed i .... . , . . . »» , , .
with luce rdgro, three-quarter sleeves, trimmed with lace edge ....si.oo With each purchase of one pound of "Banquet" Coffee at 30?, we will sell 2D lbs. of sugar Mothers of girls whose ages range from 2 to 12 years
.'°'!":. OI «| h TO for sl.lO. Not more than 25 lbs ol "sugar to oneeustontcr ric Jl savin S s , ? <«• announced for
Crepe Blouses with drop shoulders and all-over lace collar and long ' to-morrow. Dresses of lovely materials that had been $5.95
BleetvM trimmed lace cuffs ........... si.so lemons Wisconsin peas, selct-t Early June variety: t Campbell's Soup; all varieties. Special, 3 for 250 and $6.50 have been marked to 51.98" and some that were
1 »rss»ssaa »««««»««,
3 price revision is the mussed condition of the dresses. One
with bunch tu.cks, e_mbroidered organdy coliar 52.50 ( Choice cream butter. Special, lb :\U; Loose Muscatel Rafcdns. Special. 31b 25c washing and yotl 11 have a high class dress for vour daugh-
Uon, combinaUon net an^shalb^^a^^collar 1 auid I reve«^?? r . ! aC ° j Sl,e °' Rl Vi° o v| oU* \!! i!! tCr ' S S P ° Utflt "
met la^ e h%K S.^dered n Ujinrimmed ' ' * 2 * 9B Wblte linene ,n $7.50 natural linene dresses;
sleeves trimmed with lace insertion and lace edge Ugc, cu j : Thompson dresses, sizes 2 to 4. trimmed with white and red braid;
T-,, „ ® .?2.W5 Reduced to «i 91 patent leather belt; size 12. Spe-
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. » . __ tceautea to $1 - 2j cial . $4.50
Women's $1 Kid Gloves 75c Glimpse ot Rare Beauty in Wash Fabrics iss
VA 1 vIU. V>H 1V C/b. /OC c . . . ~ . , $6 BO white linene Peter Thomn ? . 4 " 50 light blue ,tnen dresses :
Our new in.portation of two-clasp kid gloves in tan, grey, white and P"" 6 § lovehest tlowers are blooming to-day in the Wash Goods weaves which promise to be son dresses; red and JJ; te 6 ern s b p r °^, red collar and
' iS WHIT.; mi *° S enerousl . v <«• »<>•«' dresses. There are scores of uew arrivals, including : "V,* %S8 m.ir„' d££ üBStfS&Z'SSTS? bSi
Women. l«.ta.t<m len«u. „w.c kid cloves. rop-Ue S a... ' jft. sujtings 35 wide , in colored Imperial crepe, in white corded grounds, with SR 'Sgw.'KS S!" *" *•'
FTSK Kfi> GIXIVES AT si.oo, Perrin two-clasp kid gloves, in stripes; pure linen. Special, vard 19c 1 ; colored floral printing?; 36 inches wide. Yard, (u-ish^ o «i7B To i r o o,k s^ffr e8 '".mJ Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart, Second
$1.25 AND $1.30 . white, black and colors. r . ~ , ..... "inj,* orasn, size 10. special $1.50 Floor
"D.. p. & s- two-ciasD kid , 5i.75 to $2.00 15,1,1 and cotton poplin m colored grounds with . .. . . . , • v at*. * t ZZ TT
& in .. Uu !*.. whit %^l^wo-X r p floral foulard printings. Yard YYak^ k and cotton pophn m a nch lustrous A Hint of New Furnishings for Men
' in'Sny^white 0n and M bia k ck g pTque S{lk and COtton crepc de chine - in 20 H ? hf and Silk stripe crepe. Yard .....' '..39* . Manufacturers are eternally working up new ideas in the
stitching $i.25 sieves, t6-button length, white, dark shades; 38 inches wide, yard 596 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—street Floor. interest of the man who has no family ties, and who must
: 'wETnd STpK.™ n S t '°2 "ffl »nS u P on » W>«Hr housekeeper or a worthy laundry
broidered $1.50 whi , te > black . erey and nat- j system for the darning of his socks and the sewing on of
, St . Se " sible Creatio » « a
..White Ratine & Crepe Weaves of Good Quality
Roasting Pans of Sheet Iron: A Special A special showing of Summer's most fashionable weaves is now going forward in the White this garment uV thes j-°" SI.OO
Have you seeu the sets of roa.stiug; pans in tlie basement for °sc' > ' r- .1 c . , . . Mushroom bosom shirts, 95c to $1.50. Mushroom full dress shirts,
zs?s\gn>s.saw'^rvrs%«si! c " on ' m hrst,avorsgomgtoCrepesandßati,,es - % • i— as
"" "" ~ " n; ! white ratine. Yard I 40 to 44-inch white voile. Yard, to *I.OO ISTSkS"T!
Smokeless oil heaters ~» bs 40-inch white ratine. i ard o0<! . Fancy novelty crepes and ratines, 500 to SI.OO moderate price.
brooms, speeia 1 . .. / "25,• 45 and 50-inch white ratine. Yard SI.OO I New Cloth—a ratine and crepe weave at ... 25<* ys ' peverslb,e 14c. Boys' knitted four-in-hands, 25c
An OX'edar mop dVmonlu4\ion Ke is S now ij^iiig'riven in the' 40 to 44-inch white ratine. Yard, SI.OO to $1.50 j White Irish poplin. Yard Tr 1 T
ment. A mop and a six months' supply of polish is offered for SI.OO. i White Crepe. \ ard 50© to SI.OO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. 11 I Oil L-jCi\
"W 7" T-f y T . . __ to sell at an attractive price, is this new arrival, to be placed on sale
You Have Until To-morrow Night to Buy Any
Winter Overcoat in Stock at Exactly Half Price
Season-End Clearance of Medium and Heavy Weight Overcoats
$12.00 Owfcoats |»s1 5.00 Overcoats SIB.OO Overcoats(s2o.oo Overcoats $25.00 Overcoats $30.00 Overcoats $35.00 Overcoats S
$6.00 $7.50 $9.00 SIO.OO $12.50 $15.00 $17.50
Blue, Brown and Grey Chinchilla Overcoats Fancy Tan and Grev Scotch Mixture Overcoats • ? V. ■ " \ = < y^
Camel's Hair and Vicuna Overcoats Melton and Kersey Overcoats ln the Sale of Books
Irish Frieze and Fancy Cheviot Overcoats Are Many Specials That Will
Every \\ inter overcoat is entered in the sale, including a small lot of heavy weight BeCherished by Book Lx) vers
' rSSt, Balmacaans. Every Winter overcoat in stock is a quality garment whether the original To-morrow promises to be a big day in the Annual Sale
//'■'itfwflkPitjy' / P rice was $12.00 or $35.00. Many of the garments was made in a factory that is uni- of books with many standard volumes brought down to a new
/ versally recognized as a leader in the tailoring of overcoats. low P? ce , le , vel - , r , A , , , ,
The original price tickets will be found On all overcoats showing both first prices SI.OO. "Special . a "... !. .T.
marked and subsequent reductions. Until to-morrow night PAY JUST HALF THE History of the Civil War with 1500 Brady photographs.
vfKllfc&mL c, There are single and double-breasted overcoats with belted and plain backs, shawl Art and Travel Books
IT " convertible collars--some are full Venetian lined, others only quarter lined. rhe Art 01 the Bc, & ian gaUenes; regularly $2.00. Sprcrai^
L |i f I T T * A X 7"* 11 Rambles in Brittany; regularly $2.00. Special .... SI.OO
'-WfrjaML |'| nese l~ld.ll Jl riOGS \y 111 ? n the of Mosques Menarets; regularly $2.25.
b * T T *ll In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan; regularly $1.25. Special,
JjjJpL Continue vJntll the Spanish Sketches; regularly $2.50. Special »I^s
llmlkrtJiL Store Closes Saturday Nieht Regular SI.OO to $1.50 books of fiction. Special .... j
w «/ O Books For Boys and Girls
" i " ' *Dives, Ponieroy & wart, Men s Clothing, Second Floor Rear SI.OB books by recognized authors. Special 50^
1 : , '