mifniimnnii wjwuiji tummwnmnnfiwwmi. ! Hundreds of handsome plaid skirts, newest serge and II *F MIHT I T'KL L\l WOMEN'S SILK HOSE poplin The I^H t Advance Showing & Sale Corred: Styles for Spring HUNDREDS OF NEWEST COAT V SUITS NOW READY AND JKXU J*'* A«W„11 A* JI MORE ARRIVING DAILY— #*§ SSF J) / r> II EVERY NEW MODEL SHOWN E " EA£ *Y YGMJ J F THE Latest, Smaftest New Spring Y 0 shoi5 hoic ® of Coals » not J Fashions, reproductions of high class limited. There are many // ft / □reign models, and also the newest MaT?\ • §M%~ handsome styles for your choosing /| I jj reations of New York's best designers J[s fW3HiF ™ ad f of the newe ? l materials and \ * s re here in all their variations and we /( ( DA i uTr i 1 1 *y; I • '! iaye never before offered a more ex- / /r fin \ BALM AC AANis in the lead. We n 1 ensive assortment. At each price we V how a full range of the newest colors I V /// coat! " Underselling prices prevail: of charge Alterations ' Bs usual, \\ yfim kjf $5.95, $7.50, $lO, sls ■l! HANDSOME SUITS l_\y VK jaa BUY save $ 17.90 s ls $ lB S 2O ■ ' the DRESSES ---£, ,, r„t , s !l il 9 ) ' ' ' we Fit Them AU—Nobody is Hard to Fit at Kaufman's, in every new Spring Style, Wool Crepes in all colors, Plain i! _ d? A P* We have studied the stout woman question for years; there 1 /""M LJ ' I /£ «. 1 IV 4 1* JO'll D 1* |! i/- 1 , j) /I L win be no such thing as -can tAt you, -or iwe ii have to send for and 1 alietas. also lvlessalines and Ol K I ODlinS. i • # nnrl im f/~v H 7 /t, special measurement garments." Besides our regular stock of stout aawinv»unu wun i vypnno. X 1 /tIIII II II 111 Mil I sizes we have the hallf sixes known as "stylish stouts," to fit the |i / . B I # large busted woman with small hips. These suits are elegantly « ymm y-v /v . 4 . 4 m a> 1 1 trimmed, and are cut in the very newest models, such as the misses fl* / IIL Q* I f | u* I V (If | Q* I £_ 1 Q* • || wear and come made in all colors. Come here and look them over. / V-f j 111 I / V-fl I I 1 | /™\ / 1 ]i Our Early Spring Prices will irjfce Later Prices Look Big. the prices being no higher than the regular sizes. / ./ J , vP 1 U, vP I L./V/, IU 4> L, J TO-MORROW A SALE OF The Blouse Section Is Blossoming With Charm- i! ! 1000 Girls' New Spring Wash Dresses in s New Fashions For s P rin § ! White and colored cot- ( Crepe de Chine, Voiles, i Crepe de Chine, Silks, Crepe de Chine Blouaes; ] j r' ton Voiles and Crepe Crepes, Messalines and j Messaline Silks, Wash an the newest Spring ] \ Jtk Waists; values to |1.50. choice Silk Blouses; values Bl ouUsr valued shades; newest colors; ; , Ml rf CHOICE OF Choice for to SB.OO. Choice for 14.00. Choice, value $6.50. Choice for MVM ANY DRESS 9Bc $1,95 $2.95 $4.95 !| IPM vi JJ MMP §IQ Handsome New Spring Women's Undermuslins i| U/* RL*( SI Special For Saturday L-RJ J Women's Women's Women's Women's ij" n ILL I HI Gowns Gowns Gowns Bloomers jj ■ V \ ( /I VALUE TO Nicely made, cut full, lace Made of longcloth trim- Made of Nainsook and Women's light blue and || Bl LA KI ill // /A med In Val. lace and Swiss Longcloth; best workman- pink Crepe de Chine '! l\f tA Ml pJ /% or embroidery yokes; all embroidery, cut full; all ship; cut full; lace and Bloomers- all sizes- 11 BO <! UQ J H fifl sizes; SI.OO value. Choice embroidery yokes; values om ®' aII M/es > *I.BO , if W V \pu.\J\J sizeSt 75 Ci Choice for for Ito $1.60. Choice for value. Choice for Any Dress here illustrated at 98c and many other charming styles 45c j 69c 95c 98c I : You could hardly buy the materials for the price we ask for tinished garments and they are carefully made—the workmanship ! being of a high order. The materials include percales, reps, chambrays, ginghams and linens, in white, rose, light blue or pink; drop *<*7 * IT * O *«. I J n irvr» - ! shoulder or kitnono sleeves; with or without yoke; low belt straight line effects; pleated, semi-pleated or gored skirts; charming trim- W Offlen S Union OlluS VjniOn kJUIIS Women S V CSIS ;j i ming effects of white pique, or beautifully embroidered in attractive design : some are in all whitj with colored trimming; included d b^6 | d i| ! are the ever favored plaids—large and small, overlaid checks, stripes, solid colors, figures and bars; sizes 6 to 14 years. drawing strings; all sizes Boc. sizes, 2 to 14 years old; 50c. -SU/» 39c values; all sizes. Special I vJ/-» !> | Special for Special for tor I jj I 500 Women's Gingham and Percale House Dresses, 98C First Floor Rear I -■ f* «n /ir-i\ a: r(tir\ xr At Kaufman's Absolute Clearance of All "'""-V MEN! Save '5 to *lO on Yout g ,p "§> j; Suit or overcoat Purchased J 0 ™ rcoa , B 3n | at Kaufmans To-morrow Many 'A and Less MM New 1-all suits and overcoats at the lowest prices ever quoted in , - sflr 1 Harri!bUrg ' : Boys' Overcoats <|»l f On Sale To -morrow at $4.75 at •• • • -^7 Two hundred men's suits and overcoats, values to $lO. Long overcoats and Polo overcoats, hand- K \A !! - somely made, values to $4. f On Sale To -morrow at $7.50 Boys- Suits QC fl One hundred men's suits and overcoats, values to sls. v •Ijl In ■ at eeeeee#* JFm[ Rm On Sale To-morrow at $8.75 Coats in thc new orfolk styles> pants !l T ... ( „ ~, , made full peg, extra strong. <[ ]| , „ . Piltv mens all wool blue serge suits, values to $13.50. II Take Your Choice , s * ~ j| I of These Men's 1 Boys' Suits and Overcoats at . fIJQ AA |! II Hats To-morrow Your choice of the best mixed overcoats in the store. 6to 16 years ValllCS tO $5.90 : „ V' Your choice of the finest mixed cassimere suits, The suits come in the new Norfolk style with patch pockets, isl HUnds2 CS indud,ng extra slout suits to 48 chest. All go at SO./ O The overcoats are ma de with the new shawl collar. On Sale To-morrow. 500 Pairs of a Special Saturday Sale Boys' Knickers Men's Business Trousers; of Boys' 2-Pants qq Wfwjq', Values to $3, at Suits, at . . . |()p \'i ft i \ rf / ( | , —J $7-80 valnea \/ V-X i; «;»<> k- t c o I1( l Hfrhv Si I I Th ® coats are made ln the neweet Norfolk bott hats and derby styJe The pantfl come llned; wlth belt to ! 11 hats m the newest , match The best and | j shapes; only a limited Handsomely made with belt loops, with and without cuffs; sizes 30 These suit, are made extra strong; win give AiTsea,neaped' th " j 11 quantity. to .44. double wear of an ordinury suit. All slzese. £ FRIDAY EVENING, HSHHBBDRO SSBfi'TEEEOKSPH MARCH 6,1914. ENDEHVOR WORK OF GREAT IMPORTANCE H. L. Carl Tell* Deny Street Young People Society 1* Training Ground For Bigger Things At the "annual feed' of the Chris tian Endeavor So ciety of Derry St re e t United Brethren Church, laat n 'Kht, H. L umJ Carl, one of the 4 " Bgfl.. leading laymen of •A /*WS this city, prominent JrilJifll ln adult Bible class \ work throughout ■ WilL Central Pennsylva- MfciT" "IH nla, made an ad , HHjߣ2SmbH dress on "The CJi» 1 . Value of the En ti T ir irr I deavor Society." Mr. Carl declared that the work of the Endeavor society in the church la even more productive of good results than Is the adult Bible class. "For years," said Mr. Carl, "I firmly believed that the adult Bible class work was the most Important of all the activities of the church. Now, however, I am certain that more men and women are brought into the church through the work of the Chris tian Endeavor Society than through any other organizatoln. "No young man can afford,' said Mr. Carl in closing, "to miss the de velopment that the Christian En deavor will give him. The C. E. so ciety Is the training school for the workers of the morrow." The social of last evening was the most elaborate In the history of the Derrj' street society. The feature of a musical program was an original skit written by a member of the so ciety and staged by a dozen of the younger boys and girls, called "An Hour of Study.' Speakers who fol lowed the luncheon of the evening in cluded E. F, Weaver, Frank Manly, president; Roland Renn and Mr. Carl. Chairman of the committee in charge of the arrangements was Miss Miriam O. Carl. Celebrate Anniversary. Special services will be held all next week ut the Sixth Street United Brethren Church in celebration of the first an niversary of the opening of the Sun day school auditorium on March 16, 1913. The services during the week will be In charge of the following pas tors: Monday, the Rev. A K. Weir; Tuesday, the Rev. Dr. J. A. Lyter; Wednesday, the Rev. E. A. G. Bossier; Thursday, the Rev. H. F. Rhoad; Fri day, the Rev. C. E. Boughter. Work on Bethel Church.— By April 1 work will be started toward tha building of the new $20,000 church home of the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church at Ash and Brlggs streets. The four houses now on the site will be torn down and work will be begun on the chutch and parsonage at once. The parsonage will be completed by October and the church by April, 1915. TADPOLES TO BANQUET The banquet of the Tadpoles, an or ganized Sunday school class at Pine Street Presbyterian Church, will be held this evening at the home of Mer cer B. Tate. 218 North Second street. Among the speakers will be Brenton Wallace, coach at the Harrisburg Academy, and Vance C. McCormick, honorary members of the class. New Members Join. Additional members were taken into the Chris tian Endeavor Choral Union at the rehearsal held in Market Square Pres byterian Church. The union is pre paring to give the sacred cantata, "The Redeemer." in Augsburg Lu theran Church some time next month. MKRCHANTS « MINERS TRANS, CO. "FLORIDA BY SEA" Direct Rente BALTIMORE and PHILADELPHIA i Savannah and Jacksonville Through tickets to principal points including meals and stateroom accom modations on steamers. Best route to Florida, Cuba and the South. Fine steamers. Best service. Low fares. Marconi wireless. Automobiles carried. Rooms de Luxe. Baths. For booklet call oa local ticket agent or address. City Ticket Of flee. 105 8. nth St., Phlla. W. P. Turner, P. T. St., Betttmore, Mtf. 5
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