FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 6,1914. The Store Opens Saturday at 9 The Store Opens Saturday at 9 Many More Arrivals in New Spring Garments 0 Will Be On Display Saturday— . Stunning Dresses Fashionable Suits Charming Coats Mrj %\i In spite of the typical March weather the call of Spring is strong and fairly urges one to wear the lighter apparel. IfejZ / ( \ Jvks—' And We Are Splendidly Ready to Show You the Correct New Spring Garments To say the display is prettier than any former season's is a stereotyped form of expression. But we surely ma\* say the garments SEEM to be the most charming the Store have ever shown. Of course it is only natural we shall try \ [ each season to reach a new high mark of achievement. So it is quite fair to assume that the new spring garments \ I Vl will create a furore when the greater number of Harrisburg women see them. \ \ \ The styles are truly distinctive. Not blase—but dainty, fascinating, Paris-like. One could almost call them al- \ \i ' luring—for they are extremely attractive. | Millinery Styles Suits, $12.50 to $45 Dresses, $lO to $35 Coats, $7.50 to $35 V Revolutionized < " >n Displai on the second F '°° r — bowman's. " n n s^ Paris designers vie with each other for radical g rest of the world accedes to. rjH Women's $2 Gun Metal Shoes, $1.49 i —i The hats we are showing are the very latest die- I G , un me &' s to be in style in the vear round and are fashionable for all IC OOA W iTn tates of fashion and embody that purely French ; |\ atmosphere which Stamps the Style ''acceptable" I v 1\ Y. in th » e {o Jl\ J hese shoes are well made and will give excellent service. We suggest that fit* DAII everywhere 8 * j J\ ft y fitted as early as possible on Saturday as we expect a very busy day. *wll _ # /M. W omen s $2.50 and $3.00 Shoes, Boys' $3.00 sample shoes in vici «■ l"2c» 9c and 12c Many Exact C#pies of //)//\ vici kid ' button and blucher styles, j kid and patent colt bluchers, also Wall Papers at 4c Imported Models Are • $1.49 i STs-VST:... SI.OO SCvSI fll • sizes 0 to VA, at ... V * • * V T . , ~ Papers which have been special >hATArn af R/>urmon • IJI rL .,, > <** rw\ 1 . . , Little Gents $1.69 and $3.00 ly purchased on account of our Shown at Bowman » VJ // /l j|H Children s SI.OO shoes, vici kid shoes in gun metal, blucher and together with a rare collection of the newest models e r °b«m n aßsorted ?nto t sevirit which are adaptations of French hats. jf|i ' / 11n styles, sizes 5t07, at ... 9UC Bto 13' Aat tb X•1 i 7 groups for easy selling. People I&LfJ '/ / U * who are repapering their homes ' And the hats from our own workroom yXZ' sJ X Mpn'c CQ W nr k n nr l TVpcc Qhr»OC nt i Pni\- spr&Twm flnT th?*? remark show a marked individuality that will ap- / yV/.'T V / ldl o *pO VV Uli\ Ctllvl UlvJoo OllOcJo dl it)Z a 13.1T üb,e opportunity to save on just - . . f mu j, . . . A the kind of wall papers that are peal to every woman who sees them. yf Jl 7 h ? s ? ar ? medium heavy weight 3ho ? 3 ' suitable for all occasions, substantially mado, fashionable and suitable for J good styles, tan and black. All sizes hi tho lot but not all sizes In each style. Try to be homes In llarrisburg. Our Millinery Department is being conducted i ear Qn tb# T h i rd p] oor BOWMAN'S ° n the * ourth IPloor —Bowman's along entirely new lines. Hence it is obvious the ( °' * Store will win a large clientele demanding hats of distinction. Hundreds of Distinctly Different Styles /( I . . C * f \/ 1£ { on the second noor BOWMAN' s F rom Which to Select in This Truly JllSt tO OatlSiy 1 OlirSell Oil Bowman's First 1914 Sewing "Points" of a Good Corset Machine Club Opens To-morrow n/i l* VV7 c rL I * £ l\/r r 1 • r„ r ca Muslin Wear pee the Line ot IViemDeiSnip rOr J\J The constant gTowth of our Lingerie Department and / V 1 the many requests we've had for something novel and su- J n? n . $2 Sends a Machine to Your Home *!s to put in better lines — » I j h »V• Di • • XYT n Then, too, the new manager of the department Is a J /J\\\ It W j "*W Mr. W. bryant a ['™ er " tn the fl ner wear and complete assortments V, For the Spring Season J of the National Sewing Thus we have the happy combination of N tVnft 11 * Machine Co. will be here complete stocks of the latest styles and ($ °,* , Vv k /{ \ ataiatfg saturday togive =■ wr - Bowma nmo*™* v-t i jsa?z°ci(!Ufa§\Vr demonstration of the In fresh new 1914 Spring Lingerie we have \. <>■ sidered equally as good, l\ J Machines and explain all ' read y for you— \ J2# . P £ er £ a^ e certain features of IBM ...tfml TT 1 ; „ _ _ . . _ „ *4 \W W. B. Corsets that will meet mill the new and very latest . Corset Covers, .... 25c to $1.25 c X the requirements of your in- j jII 1 improved features. P\__ OC.d»tOC \ dividual figure. Our expert |j| HI \\ _ . M ~ " Urawers, ZJC to ct> I. ZD ' VJfe corsetiere will be pleased to \ Join the Club, To-morrow Combinations 50c to $3.98 \A. ex P ,ai " the «»«»»■ E S Bowman-Eldredge T. .$65.00 $35.00 Night Gowns .. . . 50c to $13.98 A Special Brassiere, 50c Bowman-Paveway . . '525.00 |12.*98 P elt i coats *•• • • to I?'qq We Expect Saturday to Be front'' o!° l £m k Bowman-A No. 1 $35.00 .$17.50 rrincess Olips .... OVC to S3.VO t K r R„ci P ct n AV of fk- broidery trimmed. 34 to ' The Eldredge is the only Machine made with the automatic IT J I' i "2Q i. OQ UU3iC9I a J U1 lllC ' 46. ° n the Second Floor tension which positively does not snarl or clog the thread un- de nn C ti iri , On the Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S IVIarCU tJlllC OSIC On Sale on the Fifth Floor and Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. v »-k p I j _ _ I f ~ " ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ We do not hesitate to say this is the largest assortment, Dowmans —ror the Very Latest Styles In Hair Goods of all Shades anj the fl n eß t we have e Ver been awe to o«er for a March J ' o*** Sale. The extensive preparations made for this event we JSf.' Xo mauer P lu,T' lo w'U,e "pri'le Gra - V switches of fine wavy hair, 18 jl IB 'B most attractively showing In the values-some of which ussurtii of getting Hrst quality. Our facilities for sup- J / S inches, to-morrow v we repeat in this announcement.' Kindly bear in mind iIMBS » plying the women of Harrisburg with Hair Goods of \*3± that tlle assortm < , nt embraces all the styles with which the fA worth^re yICS are l>ar elw " enoe ' Especially note- Gray switches, of fine wavy hair, d»1 EC sale started on the first day. We mention but a few. in this ft f VV c , ~ 20 inches, to-morrow * I .DO .... Pi Switches of fine wavy hair, 18 inches OC c « SL7S C repe de Chine-40 inches-yard $1.39 H A Jj\ \A long, to-morrow \»f JWormauons of fine wavy hair. J J $2.00 Crepon In,preme-» inches-yard .. .#1.4!) fcA > Switches of fine wavy hair, 20 <t 1 $2.00 Crepe Meteor 40 inches yard .... .$1.61) o inches long, to-morrow v 1 'j® Gray Transformations of fine wavy (ti EC $1.25 fancy Checked Taffeta—yard 98c 1 On Sale on the Second Floor —BOWMAN'S. hair, to-morrow * $1.50 Print Warp Taffeta—yard 980 f I This Spring Showing of Men's and Youths' Suits is Favorable for Him DeoendabilitV Who Selects Early in the Season On the Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S I L ' J There are always a lot of men who await the coming of spring Is the Hrst Consideration • with intense interest centered on the New Styles. 49c and 69c Venetian Enamelware, V/ i 1 hey are the Men who will come to Bowman's, tomorrow, 4. 29c each With You—With Us to Choose New Spring Suits from this Initial Display Venetian Enamelware is of a beautiful turquoise color with ou may step up to the Bov\ man (dove Counter IlUIli Ulia llliuai LViapiay A. pure white lining. Excellent kitchen ware at less than regu- at any time and be fitted in a splendid pair of stylish l -1 O *. * TI * f • I T> lar price for Saturday's selling. The list includes the follow- a i nvP c - A f..j r urice Lvery ouit in 1 his Line Is a Beauty Ml mmffm.T,% »rs.'"' y whlch "B«u..r Prt «e., s Stocksar< , re^etewiththe , iew e Ststy ie S i„Kid $9.90 $12.50 sls $lB S2O $25.J8H1 saß. SKS3£Sf— f for the basinets man }mf I I M fM 3-qt. Covered Buckets 10-qt. Water Pails pVue UMoSttN oloves In black, „htt. j g _ f if' lil 1111 111 IW *\\Vvl\ an t4-qt. L»isn r ans an( j t an with self und contrasting stitching, the pair, i ror trie office man ffl M SmS s| - 25 /*> • I ' " iu " T 111 If ya ioi Qo-fnt-/! air Q/\art Qnarialc IT+/» OVERSEAM GLOVES with self or contrasting stitching W, , , i. n /or everyday wear I ✓"V* A T rftilll P P an( i hand embroidered, the pair, I . f| 111 l r J r I A/ |m 1111 llm Hi iIIIIIh 10 «»kcH Ivory Soap for 38c SI.OO. $1.50, $1.65 anil $3.00 L7IJI lil tor dress IDPCiY 1 ,VV 1111 l llUlltllll WWLf////// 10 oakes Fels Xaphtlia Soap for 38c LONG KID GLOVES in black and white only, 12-button i 1111 l im i'IIII 10 i-akcs P. & G. Naplitlia Soap for 38c length, the pair $1.50 | Tf\-v J , _ Bill |l |K m|l |f.. /<* 10 oakes Swift's Pride Soap, for 29c LONG KID GLOVES in white only, 16-button length, very ! 'U/CCK UwVo Kill / or » ntT |T| n MmM! 10 rolls Crepe Toilet Paper for 25c LONG KID GLOVES in tan only, 12 and 16-button length, fOr 111 I IH 1111 l W 6 cans Swift's Sunbrlglit Cleanser for 25c the pair . $2.00 <s J HI |N I 111 I i> a»nt k i riuc i-oivuer for 25c WHITE AND NATURAL COLOR CHAMOIS, very special, r^— ———————— —— —————ll | II HI | In the Hasement —BOWMAN'S. the pair $1.50 A Little Saturday "Flyer" for Men Who Want I 111! 0 Winter Suite an/i n™n-natc I I f Decorated Porcelain Salad lA. wmrs bucksko, u.», ,i,.« lh . * Winter &UltS dnd UVCrCOfIXS I { H n nv 1 O 1 I IIP W E CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of KAYSERS SILK. Pay Lew Low. Not Many at Each Price. Be Early | 1 or berry Ulshes, Saturday, ea. *VV """ $7.50, $8.50 and $9.90 Suits and Overcoats $5.50 ■ H A ,i mi ,ed ..KAlfp'rice. They have W- D o- k i" - Cta-L'Gloves, the 41? 50 and SI3 50 Suits anrl Ov#»rrnaK 4*7 50 H 1 111 fruit or floral decorations. Tinted edge. P a j, r *; '."A", X '' #I.OO 2l CAA 1?1Onn O • 1 ** ' I I I for one dozen - Tin Glass Table Suede and Glace Overseam Kid Gloves, the $ I J.UU and $ I O.UU OUItS and Overcoats . . .$9.50 I'm! llyi TumbleA, daisy cutting, regular price is ' C V,/ : SI.OO The Suits are cassimeres, cheviots, velours and worsteds in brown, Dlue, tan and J?? $1.25 a dozen. Chamoisette and Silk Gloves, the pair, mixtures; 3-button and 2-button styles, English and conservative models. m ' n«.rorateH Porcelain Tups each OXa &"d 50^ The Overcoats are of Shetland and Chinchilla cloths and cassimeres; three-quarter Av* /XA uecoratea X-orceiain jugs, cacn $ On the Main Moor—BOWMAN'S or full lined—brown, blue or gray. On the Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S. \-J Decorated Porcelain Cuspidores 25^ ' " \J In the Basement—BOWMAN'S. ' ' 3
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