TRIFFIC EXPERT ! PICKED BY STATE Gtorge P. Wilson, of Philadelphia, Selected by the Public Ser vice Commissioners George P. Wilson, of Philadelphia, das been appointed chief of the bureau Df tariffs by the Public Service Com mission, the appointment to date from ilarch 16. Mr. Wilson has been Jn the freight department of the Pennsylvania Rail road for the past two years and for five years previous to that time was chief of the freight tariff bureau of the Pennsylvania Railroad. He started his railroad service as a boy in the em ploy of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company, for which company he worked eleven years. Beginning In a subordinate position with the Penn sylvania Railroad Company about twenty-flve years ago, he rose to rate clerk, then to chief of the freight tariff bureau, q.nd then to his present rank as special agent, with responsible general duties of investigating tariff and traffic problems. ' | The Public Service Commission In selecting for the chief of this tariff bureau an expert trained in the ser vice of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has followed the precedent of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion, which chose for the chief of its tariff bureau the head of the tariff bureau of the Southern Railway Com pany. The Public Service Commission 'will soon issue an order requiring all | utility companies subject to its juris- j diction to file all rates and tariffs. As these tariffs are received by tho com mission they will be carefully exam ined and checked up and will be filed 1 In accordance with a carefully organ- I IzGfl system. The matter of the crossing by the i Raystown Wtter Power Company of j the structure nnd facilities of the Penn j Central Lighi and Power Company in 1 the boroug* of Mount Union was heard by tho commission. The Penn Central wa* represented by J. Collins i Jones and John E. Zimmerman, of Philadelph/a, and the Raystown com pany by V. B. Simpson, of Hunting don. No opinion has been given. Anothe? hearing in the matter of the application of the Lehigh Navi gation a»d Electric Company for cer tificate d.' public convenience to cross the trarics and wires of the Slate Belt Electric Railway Company and Penn sylvania Utilities Company was also held. Newt Items From Points in Central Pennsylvania Haeleton. Jacob Walper, a Laury towr farmer, and Miss Florence Hoover, a nurse at the almshouse of the Middle Coal Field Poor District, walked two mil«s through deep snow drifts to catch a train for Weatherly, where they were married by the Rev. J. W. Horning. York. The mystery surrounding the disappearante of Spencer Cooper, a Peachbottom township farmer, resid ing near Delta, lias been solved by the finding of his tody on an island In the Busquehanna jiver, opposite Brown rreeK. Cooper disappeared last Decem ber. His body was frozen. Mahanoy Cily. Three hundred stu dents marchef out safely yesterday from the Lavflle grammar school when that structure caught fire through a! defective flu* Miss Martha Hornberg- I er, one of tie teachers, as the flames menaced he/, rang the bell, until the firemen arrived. The loss Is about >l,- 000. Chester. / Attacked by a Holsteln bull durin/ a sale of cows near Lin wood, yesttrday, James T. McGlll, jus tice bf tip peace, was badlv bruised. Bystandetf rushed into the pen to his assistance Justice McGlll is 70 years old but s active and vigorous. His strength enabled htm to keep the bull at bay l/itil aid reached him. Colurrpia. A live coal in the ashes In the c/llar furnace caused the serious burning of Joseph Keeport He start ed to b/ild a fresh Are and threw kero sene ir/o the furnace to make the wood burn #ore rapidly. ReaAng- Mr. and Mrs. John Schu ler am Mr. and Mrs. Levi Herber, of Welsrfiberg, celebrated their golden weddpig anniversaries. Both couples weramarried on the same day. and by the Jtev. Herman, now deceased. Mrs. Schuer is a sister of Mr. Herber anu she/s 70 and the brother 77 years old. C/lumbia. The Kev. William H. Hte/ens arose during the night, turned onjlhe draft in his kitchen range and wot back to bed. An explosion shook , tliT house. Live coals set fire to the j hijae. {pecial Prayer Week at Lebanon Valley College^ Annville, Pa., March s.—For some /years past it has been the custom of /Lebanon Valley College to give one ; week for special prayer meetings. This / week class prayer meetings are being / conducted by capable members of the j class from 6 to 6.15 in the evening. At /the conclusion of these meetings the entire student body meets in the as sembly room of the Carnegie Library, there being addressed by former mem- I bers of the school who have graduated / in the ministry. Following are the / speakers for the week: Monday, the I Itev. N. L. Linebaugh, of Hershey; J Tuesday, the Rev. B. F. Daugherty, of Lebanon; Wednesday, the Rev. O. L. Messe, of Myerstown; Thursday, Presi dent G. D. Gossard, of Lebanon Valley, and Friday, the Rev. O. T. Ehrhart, of Lebanon. ORIGINALITY IS THE KEYNOTE Of the Behr Bros. Pianos and Players. Tone beyond comparison. Case design advanced of all. Best produced. Spangler. °lxth above Maclay. Ad vertisement. 21 Deaths at Mont Alto Sanatorium in February Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro Pa., March s.—The monthly report of Alf N. Russel, reg istrar of vital statistics of Waynesboro afid Washington and Qulncy town- Ships, for the month of February is unusual in several respects. It In cludes the record of two homicides—• I the killing of Patrolman William Day wait by Abram Barnes, a desperado, and the shooting of the latter by State I Policeman Curtis Davies. / During the month there were twen / ty-four deaths in the district, and, in j addition to these, there were twenty / one deaths at the White Pine Sana / torium at Mont Alto. Impure Blood Instantly suggests the remedy, HOOD'S BARSAPARILLA. A word to the wise is sufficient. Buy a bottle this very dsy. Be sure to got Hood's Barsapsrilla, tho true blood purifier, prepared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. THURSDAY EVENING, I I „ .LMwm, 1,. in-.,,—.1 llMWliill mi II HI ■ II |,| 1,1, —M——■\ FOR FRIDAY ONLY M 1 PL A fHI A I I I A M PO R FRIDAY ONLY Silk Petticoats (J I| \ * jj 111 j I 1 #\XA Women's House Dresses 100 Women's Messaline Silk I BMT I I 1§ \ 1 B I# m ■ 100 Women's Gingham and Petticoats, all the newest Spring I I%| |Jj | 818 IJM4 | Percale House Dresses, new shades, $3 value. d*-| OO B B 1 I Friday only value to $1.25. Friday 0«/ C Final & Last Gall on aii Winter Merchandise FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY . FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY Women's & Misses' Coat PA GirV Winter Coats, One lot of Small Women's One lot of Women's Dreas Only 29 Coats, Sizes 16 to 38 Only 2 i oc ; < y c day for wc For Friday Only F* ' ___ . v v ' CHILDREN'S One Lot of Women's \ \ k|| _ . , I- g '— - 2ac w» rAATC Wart|> *• vlii/v One Lot of Women s f"A T! LADIES-GOWNS Winter LOAlb $6.50 F.r tbl SM t,rM -" or 5c Only 39 Coats, Assorted Colors, Sizes 16 to 40 WtfP h 1 !° tl.||i/ SILK WAISTS $1.25. Friday tor .49c For Friday Only -VP* 8 s4 * so F ° r MEN'S SUSPENDERS One Lot of A CTD AIfIIAN G* / / L Odds & Ends—Assorted Colors & Sizes y f ° r 1- penders; 20c value. Friday 1A j I Women's AO I KAlVtl AIN \ WOMEN'S CORSETS for lUc COATS Worth " f I I FOR FRIDAY ONLY I I 75( . va j ue Frfday'for*?™'... ,39c I A small lot of Boys' and Girls' I I Choice of Black or Brown, Sizes 16 to 42 Q ne WomCll's tf' Of - SHIRT WAISTS sa.oo. Friday only' 9 ??.89c For Friday Only jK One lot of tailor-nu!de and fancy CHILDREN'S HOSE One Lot of Women's (C flfl DRESSES « .. - .. . LADIES'WRAPPERS vi iue. Friday, a pair s /2C I ■ Winter COATS Y*/«VV All Sizes & All Colors in This Lot COAT SWEATERS ,r. i t i4*i ,« D 1 l \C° fffs in ■ $1.50. Friday One lot of odd and end Boys* and Odds and Ends, Assorted Colors, (No Blacks) Sizes 16 to 40 for /*oC Girls' coat sweaters value ACk~ ___^— ———. FOR FRIDAY ONLY ~ SI.OO. Friday for tgc Last Call in Arabian Lamb Coats _ . .... , A MENS HOSE f\ no 1 stf A f Wnmon C A P"V fßi UNDERWEAR 100 pairs of Men's Silk Finish For Friday Only 4%, A A V/nC LUI UI * f UIIICII a. Jl M w / B (hie lot of children's Winter Hose; all colors; 25c value. IE _ - • fl ■! fl I ||| | ■ M wear; shirt and drawers; soiled; 1/rl(lay Women S and Misses "" Misses' and HRFSSFS Worth r to Hr. I J eSc U h Cto . 50c -..^ 1d f y . f ® r ' 5c GIRLS'DRESSES Arabian fHA TQ Worth to d/ lU§= Juniors ' Serge s9o ° F ° r * Dr^ 8 ' Lamb tUA I 0 $20.00 For ~ aii Si _ es oau Colors m This Lot - Friday ,or A Limited Quantity, Satin Lined Throughout (Come Early) All oneS or NECKWEAR V————i i——— Union Suits; 50c and 75c value; One lot of Women's I,ace Neclt - - r V r'riday Friday for .. . [. Men's Suits and Overcoats A |A g »h,Tom.m>w-BOYS't O nn ) At Extraordinary Low Prices—Some x / 2 —Many Less nAAT TO 2-PANTS SUITS—sTvi f r OLK Boys' Long -fl 00 fl Your Choice of Any Jm, l\ M i 4.50 Values; Sizes 6to 16; at V>^ollV ', Pants Suits A • Mixed OVERCOAT, AT HALF and LESS „ Wm // J Men's Suits 95 fl Men's CHINCHILLA Men's Pants <£ -I en 250 Pairs of » Boys' Bloomer at tyo.— OVERCOATS, faQ HC at t>U B o y ,' Fuil Peg AA C PANTS, AllOAr Blue ifK dQ Values to \X* ■ " Men's Blue Serge Pants, II K N ICKERS, I Wool, toVioo m I I SIIM I— V ——'———— ————__— M LIBRARY SERVICE HOLDING UP WELL Patronage During February Not Much Affected in Spite of the Heavy Snow Storms Harrisburg people are using their new public library at a rate which has not only been a surprise but almost a source of embarrassment because the patronage has been far larger than ex pected, particularly by school children. The big storms had a comparatively small effect upon the patronage during February, as 10,616 books were circu lated as compared with 11,888 in Jan uary, the first month in which tht> library was open to the public. Even on some of the blizzard days 2 50 to 300 books were taken out, although, of course, the service among school chil dren fell off. In February 7,060 were taken out by adults and 3,456 by Juveniles, the January figures being 7,725 adults and 4,163 children. The library is handi capped by the demands upon its store of books for children. It has 2,000 books of this class and less than 350 were on the shelves to-day, with a steadily Increasing registration of school children. During February 3,694 readers were at the library, against 4,409 in January. Of the Feb ruary number 2,148 were adults and 1,446 children. The reference division answered t26 questions, most of them' by students of the schools. This is a larger number than in January, and some of the questions Involved consid erable search. The registration thus far amounts to 3,945 adults and 1,476 children. The library will have its first visit from out-of-town library experts on April 1, when the class of the Pratt library school attached to the Pratt Institute, of Brooklyn, will Inspect It. The class Is coming on a visit to Penn sylvania cities and will visit the State Library and the Capitol and Inspect the new Harrisburg Library. OLD MAN INJURED TN BED Lewlßtown, Pa., March B.—Joseph Flchthorn, a well-known tinner, met with a peculiar accident early yester day morning. Before the family was up William, a son, heard his father moaning and he quickly went to in vestigate the cause. A heavy orna ment from the top of the headboard of the oak bedstead had broken loose and had fallen, striking the father on top of the head. Mr. Flchthorn Is 82 years old. 'lAMuseMera MAJESTIC ! To-day, leaving Harrisburg at J:3O and; ' B:ls—"Around the World In Two: j Hours With Elmer Dwiggins." j Monday evening—Rosa Karpe and I David Levensson and Their Yiduisli i Players. . „ Wednesday, matinee and night—George I Sidney in "Busy Izzy." I Thursday, matinee and night—' The i Fire Brigade." Saturday, matinee and night— 'The Spendthrift." ORPHEUM Keith Vaudeville —Every afternoon and evening. COLONIAL Vaudeville and Pictures —Every after noon and evening. "AROUND THE WORLD IN TWO HOURS" I Many bookiners have been arranged ' for the two saiiingH to be made to-day on board the Majestic in company with Elmer Dwigpins and his travelogue, who, with the aid of over a mile of mo j tion and colored pictures, takes the au i dience "Around the World In Two Hours," leaving Harrisburg at 8:30 and back again by 10:30. Hundreds of strange scenes are shown, and all are clearly and delightfully explained by . Mr. Dwiggins, who travels for the joy ■ of telling and exhibiting what amused : and interested him the most. From tl)e Hoboken pier the ship Cleveland leaves, ! after which we are coasting down the , greased toboggans of MaderTa. Tommy ! Atkins on dress parade at Gibraltar; at I Monte Carlo without the fear of losing ' money; camel-back journey to the Pyramids and Sphinx; through the Red i Sea to Mt. Sinai; the Far East in Slnga ?ore crossing the Equator; the beauti ul Island of Java, with the Dutch; over to the Philippines, China, Japan, back through the Golden Gate of San Fran cisco; then home to our starting point. —Advertisement. GEORGE SIDNEY IN "BUSY IZZY- The artistic Instincts of the scene painter, the craftiness of the gown builder, the genius of the music com- How's This? We offer One Hnndred Dollars R ward for any I ease of Catarrb that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. | F. 1. CHENEY * CO.. Toledo, 0. ' We, the undersigned. bave known F. J, Cheney for the laat IB Tears, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bualneaa transactions ] end financially able to carry out any obligations i made by his firm. NAT. BANK 07 COMMERCE, Toledo. Ohio. Rail's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tb blood and mncons anrfacea at the syetem. Testimonials sent free. Price IB , cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family pills for constlpatfe* . HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH poser, the cleverness of the fun pro vider, as well as the cunningness of the stage director, are said to have been brought into harmonious requisition while preparing the George Sidney show for the ISI4 edition of "Busy Izzy" for its entrance into the arena of musical comedy competition, the out come of which has evidently given this j entertainment a prestige of 110 mean 'magnitude. It will be the offering at! the Majestic Theater next Wednesday, matinee and ni-;ht. —Advertisement. COMEDY HIT It has been a long time since Or pheum audiences laughed as heartily as they are this week at Rodger Imhof, of legitimate fame, and an excellent supporting cast, presenting a military travesty called "Surgeon Louder, U. S. A." At least this is the first oppor tunity we have had to see an artist of his style at all since we viewed John and Emma Ray some weeks ago. The 1 comedy efforts of the two, howevei, -■ will bear excellent comparison. Not only because in each instance these players assume roles of "brave" sol diers, with all apoloigies to tbat adjec tive, but because of the similarity of their comedy antics. The scene of their fun is laid In the lied Cross quarters of a Western military camp, where Imhof appears on the scene as a wounded sol dier in search of medical aid. He for gets his Ills by trying to make a deaf (surgeon understand his troubles, but the fun of the act begins when the surgeon hires him to fire a cannon at sunrise and sunset. Imhof knows nothing about cannon or powder, and his antics with a huge powder can and a big cannon keep his audiences in con stant convulsive laughter. The act Is easily one of the comedy hits of the season and is creating no end of good fun as one of the sterling attractions , grouped about Rolfe's "Colonial Days," i COUGHS 1 Hard coughs, old coughs, tearing coughs, deep coughs, all kinds I of coughs. Go to your doctor, he knows best, and ask him about I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Sold for 75 years. j ' DB. antfyerg-drop —■> the finest musical playlet Mr. Rolfe has presented the varieties.—Advertise ment. AT THIS COLONIAL A splendid mixture of comedy and i harmony is promised in the offering j that Parker and Tilson will present at ! the Colonial for the first time to-day. Their clever turn heads an offering that Includes a troupe of Japanese per formers, known as the Three Arakis, and Baby Zelda, a juvenile comedienne. A fine Vltagraph feature film entitled His Little Page," will be a special at traction to-day in the way of movies.— Advertisement. VICTORIA THEATKU A big and interesting Biblical fea ture story will be shown here to-day, entitled "Mary Magdalene." It takes j three acts to show this picture. "The I Golden Cross" is about a young French 1 miller, who is notified as he is about to ! be married that he has been drafted for the army and that he can escape service only by sending a substitute. "Twixt Love and Fire" is also on the program.—Advertisement. Boys' CLASS ENTERTAINED Special to The Telegraph Lewisberry, Pa., March 5. Mrs. Lewis C. Wise, a teacher in the pri mary department of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school, entertained her class of boys at her home on Sat urday evening. Refreshments were served . The following members were present: Paul Walker, Russell Wei gle. Robert Wolfe, Stuart Wise, Vance UpdegrafT, Wlllard Updegraff, Walter Sealover, Harry Ftckel, William Par themer and Ray Rhlnesmlta. MARCH 5,1914. NO PRODUCE IN MARKET Waynesboro, Pa., March s.—On ac count of the continuous freezing weather and the condition of the county roads, which are badly drifted FOR DANDRUFF, FUNG HAIR OR ITCHY SCALP CENT DANDERINE Girls! Girls! Save your hair! Make it grow luxuriant and beautiful If you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an Incomparable soft ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Oanderlne. Just one application doubles the benuty of your hair, besides it Im mediately dissolves every particle of dandruff; you cannot have nice, heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of Its lustre, its, strength and its very life. Moja QualitV ■ 10c Li%ar JL AU-Havana Tobacco blended with such knowledge that it satisfies all tastes. The rich quality does it. % __________________ Midi by JOHN C. with snow, the attendance at tho Waynesboro market has been very small by farmers and their wives. Only two persons came In from the country yesterday morning with prod uce to sell in market. and If not overcome it produces & feverlshness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected and Is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet counter; apply a little aa directed and ten minutes al'ter you will say this was the best investment you ever mode. We sincerely believe, regardless of everything else advertised, that if you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and lots of It—no dandruff—no itching scalp and no more falling hair—you must use Knowlton's Danderine. If eventually—why not now? 5