Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 05, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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B—i^—————l^l^— Bl————w—
Ladies' Bazaar
Seasonable Specials For Friday
in Limited Quantities
New Spring merchandise is being offered to-mor
row only at special prices, just to give impetus to
Spring buying. Come early if you would avoid disap
pointment as quantities in several instances are
All-wool Serge and Diagonal Skirts, in assorted shades, usually
sold at $3.50 to $4.00; new models. Special for Friday only, $1.98
A lot of 22 all-wool Serge Dresses in different styles and a lim
ited color range; worth $6 to $7.50. Special Friday only. Choice,
Mess&line Silk Petticoats In a variety of shades; worth $2.00 and
SI.BO. Special Friday $1.49
V /
Hundreds of pretty new Spring garments in n variety of bright
and dark shades, smart, well-tailored garments in the newest weaves:
usually offered at sls to SHO, here, because of our quick-sale policy
at small profits $9.98 to $20.98 I
10-12 South Fourth Street
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Boas
Married 29 Years Today
Desk Officer Murray K. Boas, of
the police force, and Mrs. Boas, are
Informally celebrating the twenty
ninth anniversary of their marriage to
day and receiving congratulations and
good wishes from their many friends
throughout the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Boas were married at
Mt. Holly, March 5, 1885, by the Rev.
Mr. Coldran. They have one daugh
ter, Mrs. Charles Anderson.
The Nomad Motorcycle Club will
9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs of] Men's "Luzerne" Cotton Ribbed
the highest grade, in many new tie- j Underwear, sliirts and drawers: all
signs and all the very latest and sizes: 50c quality. Special for Frl
up-to-date colorings. Regular price day at, per garment 33(>
( is $14.75. Very special tor Friday
only, at ••{pll.Jh Entire stock of Men's "Luzerne"
wool underwear in shirts, drawers
mid union suits at 23 PER CENT.
Dot of about 25 Ladies' and ()I 'F REGULAR PRICE.
Misses' Winter Coats that are worth
up to $25.00, in all the P^L ai J™® All Men's and Boys' wool gloves
styles, will be offered special (rc- OFF.
gardleas of cost) at, each,
>pO AH) All iigurcd Ser|>eiiiine Crepe 30
Inches wide; regularly 18c. Special
l'or Friday at, per yard . ••]*£]'./.tj*
"Wandco" Wash Silk Waists, net /' '
trimmed, an » ,'Jain Colored Chiffon, 12 inches
the newest colorings, inese are . vMe . a remilar SI 00 aunlltv Sue
hieh-rlass garments, made for par- ,! ; Vs»si ; iiaiitj.
UOTlar p«.plo and usually sell at < iul f « r I ut - I** 75$
$1.75 to $2.00, but are special for
Friday's selling at, each, LININGS Colored Pcrcalines,
::<! inches wide. These regularly
sell at l' 2y 2 c, 15c and 25c, but are
A POSITIVE CLEAN-UP In the special bargains Tor Friday ut, per
ready-to-wear department will af- »ard 10$
ford some great saving chances
this Friday, andwhile we , do not Petticoats, in black Kelly Green,
care to list all the aracles,.these J|ll( j America,, Beauty shades; made
are Ladles, Misses and Children s ()f (tno mercerized cloth, with, deep
ontergarments, that heretofore sold flounce, and Is trimmed with
af almost any price, are speciai for ]|cat |)in tuckßt A Pea , good valllo
Friday only, at, each... at 75c. but special for Friday only,
at > each 470
»5c Quality places -for■sash curtains 1>lnl(1 Lawns nml check Muslins,
and door Panels. • K • neat and medium size checks, line
big, bargain lor Iriday at, per jard, sh( . or cloth> H . lltu i>le for walsts ,
Jl \f(j' aprons and snort curtains, etc.
Regular 10c quality. Special for
Friday at, per yard "Tv,
EXTRA SPECIAL—A $2.00 qual- * V
Itv in tapestry of the newest and ——
most up-to-date patterns In all the Beautiful floral Crepes, all the
very best colorings. Special for new, choice patterns—one of the
FVidnv Rt only ner yard. «4il ill) lnost desirable oi this season's fab-
Fridas at, onij, pir jarti, r , t . s Ke gular , )ricc , s , 2 , /aC> Spc .
cial for Friday at. per yapil. .
Extension curtain rods, extend to
54 inches, high grade, well made Heavy AU-lineu Cream Table
and neatly finished, were 25c s|ic- Damask. 62 inches wide, many very
rial for Friday, complete ready to pretty patterns to choose from—
put up at, each 1 ,)(' wears well and always looks good.
' A 60c quality. Special for Friday
nt. per yard 47$
Indies' fine kid gloves. I*. K. v
sty'e. with strap £stencrs at wrist. Satecnßi 36 lnc „ cs w , de
tvSv onlv at per'pair' <4il (Ml KWod wel ® ht an<t a *°° d, variety or
Friday onl), at, P< r pair. > 1 pretty patterns to select from. Reg-
ulariy sells for 20c. Special for
Friday at, per yard 1 Jr /tit
ladies' Nightgowns, very tine, low -*■"*/2
neck and short sleeves, trimmed ;
with lace ami embroidery. Were a Outing Cloths, good quality, large
regular SI.OO values.. Special for range of patterns. An 8c value.
Friday at, each (>*)s s P c>cl al for Friday at, per yard,
v 6^o
Sirall lot of Ladies' extra size , IFr) pij^OWS —2lx27 in guar-
Hsle ribbed vests, ivith high neck antecd odorless and dnstless; regu
and long sleeves. A regular 50c nr pr | OP !s *1.50 Special for Fri
value. Special for Friday at, each, ~a y onJy at
SB-inch unbleached Muslin, nice
Men's Heavy Wool Hose in black ven thread, good cloth. A7c value,
and natural, a regular 25c quality, pecial for I'riday at, per yard,
Special for Friday at, per pair, 51^0
Small lot of Toilet Articles—Tal
__ . _ „ T ~ _ . , um Powder, Tooth Paste, Face
Mens Heavy Weight Madewell 'owder, Soap, etc.; values up to
cotton union suits, all sizes. Spe- - )( . fo close these out they are
. cials for Friday oidy— quoted for Friday at, each.
SI.OO quality at ■ 79c J '
$1.50 quality nt sl.lO Ofp
hold an important meeting to-morrow
evening at the clubhouse, Thirteenth
and Walnut streets. Claude Baskins,
chairman of tht» racing committee, will
make his report on arrangements be
ing made for races this summer on
the Middletown Fair Association track.
C. J. Watson and J. J. Och, of the
Globe Clothing House, are spending
the week in New York attending to
business for the firm.
Mrs. Daniel Hartman Hastings has
gone to Bellefonte to open her house
for the Spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Whiteman
have gone to Germantown after a
short visit among old friends in this
Guests Enjoy Pleasant Social Even
ing After Surprising
Their Hosts
Fun and laughter prevailed last
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kepner, 1506 Berryhill street,
where some of their friends hud called
to give them a surprise party. Cards
were followed by instrumental selec
tions by Miss Mary Kepner and a late
•supper was served.
In attendance were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kepner, John Kepner, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Kepner, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kepner, Mr. and Mrs. George
Kepner, Mr. and Mrs. William Wal
mer, Mrs. William Grace. Mrs. Melvin
Wagner, the Misses Myrtle Ilober, Zula
Lau, Elizabeth Kepner, Esther Kep
ner, Mary Kepner, Martha Kepner and
Dorothy Kepner, Bruce Kepner, Harry
Kepner, Harold Walmer, James Rus
sel. John Conrad. William Lease, Her
bert Wolf, Nelson Letter, A. V. Kriner,
Frank Mover, Calvin Kepner, Blain
Miller and little Elverda Kepner.
Paul Wrighisione Given
Surprise oy Sleighriders
A surprise party was given in honor
of Paul Wrightstone last night at Ills
home, several miles back of Camp Hill,
by the members of the Three P Society
of the Trinity Luther&n Church, Camp
Hill. The party journeyed to his home
in several sleighs. After a short busi
ness meeting of the society several
hours of games and music were en
Supper was served to the Misses
Nellie McCoy, Annie McCoy, Mary
Slieaffer, Sarah Wrightstone, Hazel
Drake, Vesta Hivner, Pearl Sadler,
Helen Smith, Edith Smith, Edith Zim
merman, Rosa Wagner, Bessie Mar
burger, Grace Hemfct, Mildred Beck
and Mary Kapp, Loy Hempt, Walter
Philabaum, Leland Schaner, John Bor
der, George Baldwin, Earl Steinhauer,
Paul Holler, Lester Holler, Karl Beck,
Donald Hinch, John Nell, Paul Wright
stone, Lloyd Pike, Adam Nell, Lear
Forney, Ray Herman, Ralph Sponsler,
Herbert Hinch, M.'M. Hlnch, Mr. and
Mrs. Wanderly, Mrs. R. Y. Herman,
Mrs. G. L. Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs.
Steinhauer, Mr. and Mrs. Wrightstone,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cleckner, Mrs.
Walsh and daughter Mary, Mrs. John
Billet—Trostle Wedding
Takes Place at Noon
In the presence of large assemblage
of relatives and friends at noon to-day
in the Fourth Reformed church, Miss
Edna Mae Trostle, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. David P. Trostle, 1445 Ber- 1
ryhill street, and J. Emmett Billet, of
Steelton, were married by the llev.
Homer S. May.
Hiss Helen E. Sawyer played the
wedding march and after the serv
ice a wedding breakfast was served
at the bride's home.
The bride, who was unattended,
wore a traveling costume of blue cloth
with facings of Persian brocade. White
fantasies trimmed a hat of purple
hemp and her corsage bouquet was of
lilies of the valley and orchids.
The wedding journey to Baltimore,
Wasihngton ajjd New York City will
be followed by a residence at 1445
Berryhill stret, where Mr. and Mrs.
Billet will be "At Home" to their
friends after March 15.
The bride, who was a student of the
Central High School, is a graduate
of the Harrisburg Business College
and for two years past, a stenog
rapher in the city clerk's office. Mr.
Billet, a graduate of the Steelton High
School, is connected with the offices
of the Pennsylvania Steel Company.
Invitations Issued
For St. Patrick's Party
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lampas, of 1226
Market street, have issued invitations
tor a St. Patrick's day party, to be
held at their residence, Tuesday even
ing, March 17, in honor of Miss Ruth
Rapp. The decorations and favors
will be in keeping with the event cele
brated and there will be lots of fun
for the guests with contests of var
ious sorts.
Bishop Talbot Preaches at
St. Stephen's Church
Bishop Talbot will preach a lenten
sermon In St. Stephen's Church at
8 o'clock to-night. The usual lenten
offering will be taken. —Advertisement.
Members of a Wednesday, Afternoon
Card club were entertained delight
fully yesterday by Mrs. Ashmead
Caley, of 1629 Green street. Supper
followed games of five hundred.
The guests Included Mrs. C. L.
Wright, Mrs. W. A. Stark, Mrs. Sei
! fert, Mrs. George Mauk, Mrs. B. E.
| Wright, Mrs. William Rexroth, Mrs.
| Windsor, Mrs. Jack Hoffman, Mrs.
Milton Wareham, Mrs. A. L. Rexroth,
I Mrs. H. Baker, Mrs. Charles Crull,
Mrs. Elizabeth Ford, Mrs. Isaiah
Reese, Jr.
The East Harrisburg Women's
Christian Temperance Union will hold
a meeting Friday evening at 7.30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. J. Kase,
15 North Seventeenth street.
The Misses Westbrook have issued
cards for a series of four dances to
be given at the Conservatory of Mu
sic on Tuesday evenings, beginning
March 10. All the newest dances will
be featured.
Dr. James' Headache Powders
Give Instant Relief—lo Cehts
a Package
When your head aches you simply
must have relief or you will go wild.
It's needless to suffer when you can
take a remedy like Dr. James' Head
ache Powders and relieve the pain and
neuralgia at once. Send someone to
the drug store now for a dime package
of Ur. James' Headache Powders.
Don't suffer. In a few moments you
will feel flue—headache gone—no
more neuralgia iiain.—Advertisement.
Bafrisburg &&& TELEGRAPH
Members of Central High School
Giving Benefit Program
This Evening
| John Herbert Springer, a student of
i the junior class at the Central high
I school, assisted by Miss Nellie J. Ben
nett, contralto, and William T. Meyer,
violinist, both students of Central, will
five an organ recital this evening in
the Memorial Lutheran Church at B.lb
o'clock. The artists, who are well
known for their unusual musical
ability, will offer a delightful treat to
music-lovers. The program arranged
by Mr. Springer includes:
Adagio Finale from Second Organ
Symphony, Windor; (a) Cavatina,
Raff; (b) Capriccio, Lemaigre, John
H. Springer; Hungarian Rhapsody,
Hauser. William T. Meyer; "Marolie
Solennelle," Lemaigre, Offertory ("St.
Cecilia"), No. 3, Batiste, John H.
Springer; contralto solo, selected. Miss
Nellie J. Bennett; Festival Fantasia,
Tscliirch, "March© Solennelle," Gou
nod, John H. Springer; Andante und
Scherzo Capriccioso, David, William T.
Meyer; variations Tin ancient Christ
mas carol, Dethler, John H. Springer.
As this recital is given for the bene
fit of the primary department of the
Memorial Lutheran Sunday School, a
sliver offering will be taken at the
1 n
Parent-Teacher Circle
of Maclay Building
The monthly meeting of the Parent-
Teacher Circle of Maclay building will
be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock.
A pArticularljj, good program has
been prepared including piano solo,
Clyde Hocker; piano duet, Clara Zim
merman, Edna Bowers; reading, Miss
Ruth W. Himea; paper, Mrs. Hart
Following the literary program,
there will be a social hour, conclud
ing with refreshments.
Dx\ Samuel A. Baer and his eon,
Carl Baer, both well known former
Harrisburgers, were in town yester
day to attend the funeral of Dr. Paul
A. Hartman. Dr. Baer, who was at
one time principal of the Central
High School, has charge of the de
partment of pedagogy at the State
Normal School, Frostburg, Md. Carl
Baer, an electrical engineer, is textile
expert for the General Electrical
Company, at their Philadelphia branch
office, covering the territory of East
ern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
ilr. and Mrs. Robert W. Daugherty,
of 42 Linden street, celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary yester
day. They are the parents of five
living children and have six grand
children. They received many con
gratulations and were the recipients
of many beautiful gifts in gold. Mrs.
Daugherty was Miss Sarah Forinan
prior to her marriage, and Mr. Daugh
erty is a veteran of the Civil War.
Members of the Rose Embroidery
Club had a pleasant meeting this
week with Mrs. H. A. McKelvey, at her
residence, 2058 Derry street. In at
tendance were Mrs. J. H. Kase, Mrs.
Daugherty, Miss Compton, Mrs. R. J.
Mann, Mrs. Kingston, Mrs. Plank and
Mrs. Heefner.
Mrs. Charles Francis Etter, of 904
North Second street, has issued invi
tations for a bridge and tea Wednes
day afternoon, March 11, to meet Mrs.
Charles Strong Snyder, of Chicago, and
Mrs. Warren Jay Vinton, of Detroit,
Mich., both of whom will spend next
week in this city.
I Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, president
of the Central Pennsylvania Woman
Suffrage Association, spoke at Ber
wick yesterday before the Twentieth
Century Woman's Club of that city.
After her talk a suffrage club was
organized with many enthusiastic
Mrs. Luther Walzer, of 500 North
Third street, was hostess for the
Thursday Card Club this afternoon.
Sixteen members played five hundred
and enjoyed a buffet supper after
Ira B. Bixler, grand chief of the
Knights of the Golden Eagle of Penn
sylvania, left this afternoon for Phila
delphia to attend a banquet at the
Hotel Walton in honor of Past Su
preme Chief Joh" Shappell.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews, of
Camp Hill, entertained sixteen guests
last evening at cards, followed by a
buffet supper. Prizes were won by
Miss Keffer and William Anwyll, the
consolation gifts going to Charles
Tunis and Mrs. Anwyll.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Payne, of 612
North Front street, sail from New
York on Saturday for a Southern trip.
They will visit Havana and Nassau
stopping at Palm Beach, Florida, and
Pinehurst, N. C., on the way home.
Dr. and Mrs. Sangree Fahrney, of
1221 State street, announce the birth
of a son, Sunday, March 1, 1914. Mrs.
Fahrney was Miss Lillian Harris of
this city prior to her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Carroll, of 2130
Green street, announced the birth of
a daughter, Marie Isabel Carroll, Mon
day, March 2, 1914. Mrs. Carroll was
formerly Miss Mae Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cass, of 331
Myers street, Steelton, announce the
birth of a son, Walter William Cass,
Tuesday, February 24, 1914.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Derick, of Enola
announce the birth of a daughter,
Dessie Westbrook Derick, Tuesday.
February 24, 1914.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hamilton, of
3 til 7 North Third street, announce the
birth nf a son, Saturday, February 28,
1914. ' ,
BBBSCHBSEDOISBij km aot aloae keuuc prices awe lower, bat f»«IWw an MMSBBBHaaiSKIII
1 Many Attractions Here in Seasonable Merchandise I
n \ B
New Feature in Our Art Department 11
| Coover's Studies of Blackline Patterns in Conventional Designs f
I ( millinery excepted j and Gold Letters for China. The new idea for China Decoration— I!
| Vf* #1 TQ-l no drawing required. To the China Decorator what Transfer Pat-
terns are to Art Needleworker. j
Big Week-end Values in the 22* SUSSSR ,wl " »•«—•*. |
f Household Department «*»'» and Boys' cap* aoc ar-inch s«. dnii rioudiig aoe n
I « , .... „.. .. . Men's and Boys' Glove*..loc to 280 New Baby Embroidery.
New Jumbo 10-quart Bath Basins. _ ta
Berlin Kettle*. Laces and Embroideries in Stlekerel Braid*. «-yard niece*, all I!
Full lice 10-quart Saucepans. .... . , color* tk-» sr* iL .»Ji mu n
10-quart Sciimle** Water Pall*. iKSe Wide Variety 10Ct 15c ' l9e * nd 850 n
H " Vy I °- <lunpt Galvanl " d . New Shadow l ace, to Hatch Set ef- Wanted Notions at Down
[I IN WEAR feeta, 10 to 37 lache* wide, yard, Prices I
r. Round Coffee lh lu»ka 2Ro u * 0
S 3-plece Tablet Set, with cantor. .'Jtlo New Shadow Bands .10« to 35c Warren Feathaifeone Girt——i n
Pudding; and Snucepau* 25c Venlae Edcei, with bands to match, " Mt * 5
Preserving Kettles 2Kc l®c to 250 ?! orra ! ...lOe and BOe I
|| 1 lot of Saucepan*. apedal .... l»c Oriental Edgea, with baada to match, SewT*" Fl»m* "* *■' II
: Ladies' and Children's Reliable All Orer Shadow Laces, White" and New Braifpina* In Shell and' Amber? S
! Hosierv ecrll 200 J* I ** aud without atone seta, each,
, , Z, y „ i Oriental and Veniae All Over Nets, lOe and 85c I
I 5,? c £ * n, f J ,n 2°"* while and ecru, half yard ....25c New Borttoas. Crochet, large variety If
El TrJlf > J ,n Hoae...l2Mic SB-Inch Plain Neta, white, eream Glaaa, fancy aad ivory Bnttona, 1!
n *?''* 5 ol « Ho " e .......and ecru, yard 25c doaen .T7.. .lOoun n
m hL c " V 1 I t' ~ ,n<, S I'lale 42-Inch Shadow Lace*, for Walata, Dreaa Shields 10c, lSe and Ssc P
NJ Hone, In black, tnn, navy, Inven- In white and ecru, Special Price*. Hair Neta Be aad lOe 111
fwujli*. ?5 C Shadow and Net Veilings In black Ladles' and Children 1 * Belta,
HI r?!!2 r<!n ." , i , " ck IOC nnd white 2Bc lOe aad 38e
□ Jihk-5 w^l ne 'Ki n "i! ,l,n ", " u,i h ®"T y Narrow lodge*. to Cambric Embrold- Ladles' aad ChlldrW* Hose Support, g
m « " Ud fn--12*c ery 8c aad Bo ers 10c to 2Bc g
Children s White Hone, 10-Inch Cambric Embroidery ...,10c Ladles' Handbag* 25c Ifl
children'. i i.i. if.,. „ ,"" d 18-Inch Corset Cover Embroidery, Natural Hair Switches at reliable H
I infant*™ Ho*«T, alf eulor*. CO,or - ** lflC ' 20c 3sc 1
9 10c and 12V4c —.——— M , Q
| Provision Mad« For Men and MILLINERY | |
» Q McS'-I and B°o y y"*. D woVk S s{.Vru.: \lnl New Arrivals—Middy and Dandy Sailor Hats, black and colors Q
Men's and Boys' Undernear .... 25c New Shapes to Ladles' Hats, Black and Colors. j|
Men'* nnd Boy*' Stocking*. New Trimmings—Flower*, Fancy Feather*, etc. i
10c to 25c New Straw Braids—desirable color*—yard, Bc, 10c and UHo. |jj
H Men'* and Boys' Suspender*, New Hat Frames In all the desirable shapes. p
II to 25c |
j lc to 25c DEPARTMENT STORE j
rij Where Every Day Is Bargain Day °
1215 MARKET STREET Opp. Courthouse 1
■f, * 0
Sunday Evening Service Includes
, Gounod's "Gallia" and Men
delssohn's "Hear My Prayer" !
The choir of St. Stephen's Episcopal
Church will sing Gounod's short can
tata, "Gallia" and Mendelssohn's mo
tett, "Hear My Prayer," next Sunday
Mrs. William K. Bumbaugh, a well
known soprano, will sing the obligato
solos in the Mendelssohn number,
which includes the "O For the Wings
of a Dove," and Master Hugh Wall
the boy soprano soloist at St. Stephen's!
will take the solos in the "Gallia."
Ijenten Organ Recital
The second in th.i series of Lenten
organ recitals at St. Stephen's will be
played by H. W. Stratton, organist at
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church,
next Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock.
Mr. Stratton will be assisted by John
J. liich, baritone.
Miss Myrtle Margaret Howe and
Harry Paul Jones, both of Duncannon,
were married yesterday afternoon at
4 o'clock at the parsonage of the
Fifth Street Methodist Church by the
Rev. B. H. Hart.
Mr. Jones has been connected with
P. G. Diener's jewelry firm. The
young couple will reside in Thomp
Miss Mae Geary, of Newport, has
returned home after a delightful stay
in the city, at the home of B. F. Mes
slmer, 234 Derry street. Several social
events were given for Miss Geary dur
ing 'her stay.
The most cultivated tastes—Behr Bros.
Players. Spangler, Sixth above Ma
Literary Club Meets
With Miss Grace Welsh
Miss Grace Welsh pleasantly enter
tained a literary club of which Bhe is
a member, at her Riverside home, yes
A reading and discussion of Tenny
son's "Idyls of the King" by Miss Hart
was followed by a luncheon.
In attendance were Miss Hart, Mrs.
Patt Cox, Mrs. John Geyer, Mrs. New
comer, Mrs. Frank Napier, Miss Anna
Herre, Miss Irene Garman, Miss Kitty
Fahrney, Miss Florence Walker, Miss
Anna Cratzer, Mrs. Weaver, Junior
Geyer and Miss Grace Welsh.
Mrs. Annie E. Boles, of Philadel
phia, was in the city for a short time
yesterday on the way to Denver, Colo.,
to see her sister, Mrs. J. R. Schermer
horn, formerly of this city, who is
seriously ill.
j Spring Sty'es
Comprising large and varied
assortment of superior qualities
of every requirement. Includ
ing all the popular standard
Paris styles ready for your In
spection. Every well dressed
women knows that the success
of her Spring suit depends on
the correctness of style, perfect
, fit, becoming collar, shade and
! wearing qualities of fabrics.
All suits will be made for S3O
I and $35 during next IB days. A
welcoming Invitation to the
i ladies is extended.
Masonic Temple
lias removed Ills parlors (row N.
Tbivd St. to SOS N. Second 9t
MARCH 5,1914.
Little Louise Lutz, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James H. Lutz, of Howard
street, had a party yesterday In cele
bration of her sixth birthday. The
guests who enjoyed music, dancing and
refreshments were Helen Kraft, Eliza
beth Shope, Clare Arnold, Margaret
.Magnoni, Irene Ralseed, Mildred
Smith, Elizabeth Lutz, Beatrice Snod
dy, Esther Kraft, Virginia Lutz.
George Minnlch, Leroy Bowers, Chris.
I Smith, Ceorge «nd Charles Myers.
Contributors to the Children's In
dustrial Home during the month of
February sent everything from cloth
ing to sleds, food and entertainments
for the children.
They Included Mrs. Harry Boyer,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Airs. Ben
son, Mrs. Bemis, C. M. Slglfer, Mrs. R.
O. Stuckenrath, Mrs. Jauss, StoufEer's
Quality Market, J. N. Hobart. Mrs.
j Franz Flowers, Mrs. Jo9eph K. White,
Mrs. Brubaker, Harrlsburg Telegraph,
Astrich's and Miss Llle G. Deeter.
The treasurer's report given by Miss
Agnes Felix at the recent annual meet
ing shows all bills pafd up to Febru
ary 1 and a small balance In the treas
ury. . • ,
Mrs. John W. Riley, of Fort Hunter,
is spending several weeks at Pine
hurst, N. C.
Miss Katharine Reedy, of 1307 Mar
ket street, was given a" birthday sur
prise party yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Olewlne, of
Riverside, give a little social at their
home last evening, for their daughter,
Miss Anita Olewine.
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hatz, of 112
West State street, are In Philadelphia
to attend the dog show at Horticul
tural Hall.
Mrs. Joseph F. Wilson, of North
Second streot, entertained at a lunch
eon of twelve covers this af'ernoon.
Mrs. Ralph Stfeckley, of Philadel
phia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Irwin, at 1812 Green
Mrs. John Klnley Tener went to
Philadelphia a day or two ago to
attend a dinner dance at the Belle
helps to women's comfort, physical
well-being, and beauty—sure to pro
mote healthy, natural action of the
organs of digestion and elimination
—the tonic, safe and ever reliable
27K Laraeet Sale of Any Medicine in the World
Sold •▼•rywbere. la boxu, 10c., 250.
To Be
All Prescriptions
Are Double Checked
Have your prescriptions
filled at either of Gorgas'
drug stores and they will
be right
The highest grades of
medicines are used In every
Each prescription Is tak
i en in charge by two skilled
pharmacists. One weighs
and measures the lngredl
i ents, and the other checks
Mistakes are next to lm
[ possible.
Prescriptions cost no
more at Gorgas' than else
where—generally less.
Gorgas Drug 1 tores
10 North Third Street.
Open All Day and All Night
Ope.i from 7 a. m. until midnight
Mrs. John Dugan entertained the
Wednesday Embroidery Club at her
home, 1634 Catherine street, this city.
The ladies spent a pleasant after
noon with sewing and chat followed
Iby refreshments.
I In attendance were Miss Alice Har
ris, Miss Sylvia Drawbaugh, Mrs. Ed
[ ward Schell, Mrs. James Stephenson,
Mrs. Elwood Cover, Mrs. George M.
Kulp and Mrs. Welker Drawbaugh.
Miss Mary Morgenthaler, of Cum
berland street, Is visiting her sister,
Mrs. David MacGregor, at Philadel
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., March s.—Sena
tor Ashhurst and a delegation of
Western men interested in cattle rais
ing called on President Wilson to-day
in the interest of the bill Introduced
by Representative Kent for Federal
regulation of public grazing land.
Entirely Needless Use Parisian
Sage. It Quickly Removes
Dandruff—Your Head
Feels Fine.
Now that Parisian Sage can be had
at any drug or toilet counter, It is
certainly needless to have thin, brittle,
matted, stringy or faded hair. No
matter how unsightly the hair, how
badly it is falling, or how much
dandruff, use Parisian Sage—it ia all
that is needed. One application re
moves dandruff, the hair roots are
nourished and stimulated to grow
new hair, itching scalp and falling
hair cease, —your head feels fine.
Best of all, the hair becomes soft,
fluffy, abundant and radiant with life
and beauty.
You will be surprised and delighted
with Parisian Sage. Try at least one
fifty cent bottle. H. C. Kennedy will
refund the purchase price if you are
not satisfied.
Look for the trade-mark—"The
Girl with the Auburn Hair." —accept
no other.—Advertisement.
Bring your prescriptions
to this store. You'll al
ways receive pure, fresh
ingredients, accurately
compounded. We help
the doctor to help you.
Any doctor will trust ns
with his most intricate
prescription so should
you. Phono us any of
your drug wants, we'll
serve you with prompt
ness. Prices as low as any
In the tslty.
pTWIr. fa J 111 »li