Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 05, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Because of Terrible Back- j
ache. Relieved by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Philadelphia, Pa. —"I suffered from !
displacement and inflammation, and had 1
nmn"i!i"Bn i i!i"^iKinii'ii'tl!l P ainß my !
sides, and terrible !
IIMW ackac^e BO that I I
I could hardly stand.
JP I took six bottles of
illnw $ Lydia E. Pinkham's
|Br u)] | Vegetable Com
mt '■"*|| pound,and now I can
sleep good, eat
good, and don't have
a bit of trouble. I
recommend LydiaE.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to
•very suffering womam."—Mrs. Harry
Fisher, 1642 Juniata Street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
Another Woman's Case.
Providence, R. I.— 4 * I cannot speak
too highly of your Vegetable Compound
as it has done wonders for me and I
would not be without it. I had a dis
placement,bearing; down, and backache,
until I could hardly stand and was thor
oughly run down when I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It
helped me and I am in the best of health
at present. I work in a factory all day
long besides doing my housework so you
can see what it has done forme. I give
you permission to publish my name and I
speak of your Vegetable Compound to
many of my friends."—Mrs. Abril Law-
SON, 126 Lippitt St, Providence, R. L
Danger Signals to Women
are what one physician called backache,
headache, nervousness, and the blues.
In many cases they are symptoms of
some female derangement or an inflam
matory, ulcerative condition, which may
be overcome by taking Lydia E. Pink
ham'sVegetable Compound. Thousands
of American women willingly testify to
its virtue.
.is Wife and Mother Saved
Her Husband Over
Ten Years Ago
Write to Her Today. Send No
Money. She Has Nothing
To Sell
For over 20 years Jas. Anderson of
Hillburn, N. Y., was a confirmed drunk
ard. His case was about as bad as it
could be, but a little oVer ten years ago
his devoted wife, after years of trying,
finally succeeded in stopping his drink
Write to this woman if you have a
relative or friend who drinks
Not only did Bhe save Mr. Andcraon but she
■topped the drinking of her brotlwrand Beveral of
her neighbors as well. All this she accomplished
with a simple homo remedy which anyone can Ket
and use. And she now desires to tell every man
and woman who haß a relative or friend who
drinks, just what it is.
It can be given secretly if desired and every
reader of this notice who is interested in curing a
dear one of drinking should write to Mrs. Anderson
at once. Her reply will come by return mail in a
sealed envelope. She does this gladly, in hopes
that others will be benefited as she was. One
thing she asks however, and that is that you do
not send money for she has nothing to sell. Her
complete address is 106HH1 Ave., Hillburn, N. Y.
NOTE -This offer should be accepted at once by
all who have dear ones who drink. In fact, every
one who has to contend in any way with drunken
ness should know about it. Therefore, if you do
not write Mrs. Anderson yourself CUT THIS
NOTICE OUT and mail it to a friend who could
use her advice. And even though you do answer
think would like to know what Mrs. Anderson
used. In other words, let this notice reach as many
as possible for Mrs. Anderson will reply to every
letter, no matter hnw many she receives.
YOU had a
A quick, safe, toothing, beating, .nttifptlc relief
(or Bore Throat, briefly dncrihes TONSIL INC. A
sibsu bottle of Toniilins lasts longer than most any
can of a.r. Throat. TONSILINI relieves Sore
Mouth and Hoarseness and prevents Quinsy.
25c. anj| 50c. Hospital Slit *I.OO. All Drajtiitt.
Breaks a Cold Over Night
■mall Tablet*—Easy to Take—26 Ceata
11 Utrtli Third M. Pnisa «•■»...
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
Will Start to Work Up Interest in
Big Evangelistic Campaign
on Hill
Some definite action
will be taken at next
Sunday's "Plea sant.
Sun day Afternoon"
meeting of the Allison
- | Hill Men's Christian
|AAJ Association toward
. H|9 .starting to work up
•t 'Bit interest In the pro
jected tab ernacle
evangelistic campaign
In the East End next
Mai ' 'lialK Fall. This was ad
mitted to-day by ottl
clals of the assocla
"There doesn't seem to be any use
denying it," confessed E. F. Weaver, j
i the president of the association, "al- J
though we had hoped to spring that i
aa one of the surprises next Sunday, j
We have a novel program for Sunday
which will be out of the ordinary.
We have no definite program for start
ing work on the Fall campaign. That's I
for the men to say next Sunday." I
None of the officials would say to
day what other features are con
tained iu next Sunday's program, ex
cept to give the assurance that the
popular items of singing and speak
ing will not be found missing. The
meeting will be, as usual, in Lenney's
theater at 3.30 o'clock.
"What About Sambo?" —In a lec
ture entitled "What About |Sambo?"
the Rev. Dr. Grandison, former presi
dent of Bennet College in North Caro
lina last night discussed the negro
problem before a large audience in
Harris A. M. E. Zion Church.
Rev. Adams Recovers. —The Rev.
J. Q. Adams, missionary for the Balti
more and Philadelphia conferences of
the A. M. E. Zion Church has left
the Harrisburg hospital where he has
been since ail operation performed on
December 5.
Lll'e ill Coal Regions.—An Illustrat
ed lecture on "Everyday Tjife In the
Coal Regions" will be given at 7.45
o'clock this evening in' the Curtin
Heights Methodist Episcopal Church,
Sixth and Wharton streets.
licnten Services. Lenten services
will be held to-morrow evening at 7.45
o'clock in the Reformed Salem
Church, Third and Chestnut streets.
The services will be conducted by the
pastor, the Rev. Ellis N. Kremer.
[Continued from First Page.]
the land of the Pharaohs looms large.
The land of mystery, Egypt offers
much for the tourist and the fact that
It is the place where every one goes is
in Itself an assurance that Its attrac
tions are the kind that are worth
Begin at Cairo
To-night the journey will be one of
more than unusual charm. Beginning!
at Cairo, the City of the Arabian
nights, rich in its Oriental charm, a
journey will be made up, the Nile with
many side trips that will show the
wonders of this land that lures so
many every year to its shores. The
trip to the Pyramids and Sphynx in
cluding a motion picture of the way it
is necessary to travel at this one par
ticular spot, is most interestisg. The
desert and its strange tribes, their
peculiar customs, where men buy their
wives and sell their daughters; the
great dam at Assuan, Including all
the features of this wonderful enter
prise, the mystic Mohammedans, the
colossal ruins at Assult, Thebes, Kar
nak, Luxor, Edfu, the beautiful doom
ed Phllae, the cataracts of the Nile
and many other features go to make
up a program that Is rich in novelty,
wonderful In Its conception and attrac
tive in its presentation.
The very fact that all that is neces
sary to secure admission is to cut and
present the coupon from the Tele
graph. together with ten cents, at the
box office should pack the auditorium.
To Africa To-morrow
To-morrow night, the journey will
be made into Africa and this land of
which so little is known, is one that
has much to interest. Every thing of
moment, every detail that is unusual,
is faithfully pictured and most vividly
(described arid the journey is one that
should be included in the list of un
usual places to visit. TheVe are some
of the most remarkable motion pic
tures ever shown, to be seen of this
country and Africa will both surprise
and please everyone who sees it to
morrow night.
On Saturday, there will be both a
matinee and night performance of Ire
land and this land, famous the world
over for its beautiful scenery, its won
derful people and interesting customs
is one of the features of the Niblo
The journey to-night through Egypt
will begin at 8 o'clock and in order to
go along, all that is necessary is to
present the Telegraph's coupon at the
box office with ten cents and this will
be exchanged for a ticket that will
be good for admission seat.
Harrisburg "Stranger"
Sends Conscience Money
to York Railways Co.
York, Pa., March 5. Postmaster
Lewis has received a letter postmarked
Harrisburg and signed "A Stranger,"
in which a man asks that 10 cents in
stamps enclosed in the letter be turned
over to the York Railways Company.
The man says he failed to pay his
fare during fair week several years
ago. He says he is not sure whether
the fare was o cents or not, so he
sends 10 cents to cover the interest
accumulated or in case he is mistaken.
The man sent it to the postmaster, he
said, because he did not know the
name of the company. Recently Post
master Lewis received a letter contain
ing 6 cents in stamps from "A Breth
ren Sister," who said she failed to pay
her fare during the Baptist convention
in November. 1912.
J. S. Smith, 75 years old, of Johns
town, who was treated for a fractured
right arm at the Harrisburg Hospital
yesterday afternoon, said the fall
which broke his arm was one of a
series of misfortunes which had be
fallen him ever since he lost his wife
and family in the Johnstown flood. He
left after his arm was treated at the
Sergeant Page and Policeman James
Wilson, two of the new men on the
force, made their first arrest last night
when they took in John Reigle, of
Mechanlcsburg, who was raising a dis
turbance in North Seventh street.
i •< i
Men's and Youths' Overcoats XEXTRA! EXTRA! I •
; -Were $7.50, $8.50, $9.90, Saturday 9to 9 Women's Gloves
: $10.50 and $12.50 Saturday,9to9 , Were SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 ;
Friday $5.00 ft Friday 69c
► There are about fifty overcoats in this lot. Odds and ends of S i , Any woman who wants a pair of gloves will have to come <
► the half price sale which we are offering on Friday at the uniform V <s_ early Friday because values like these will be snapped up quickly. <
price of $5.00 each. Full lined overcoats, quarter lined overcoats, 3 ' llO lot consists ot
and mixtures. Be as early as y n dn ey ' tan ' brown ' oxtora ' l ' luo Cape Gloves Bracelet Gloves J
► Men's and Boys' $8,50 Mocha Gloves Biarritz Gloves 1
► H/B f • IZ f) if perfect goods but odds and ends In colors and sizes. There *
lViaCtZina.lV AO* U(/ -cr are probably all sizes in the lot and your size may be here. Black, i
Plaid and plain colors, Norfolk style. About 15 in the lot. /*\ i \ tan, grey and white. Jhte prlcelsfor Friday only.
► BOWMAN'S Third Floor . / BOWMAN S Main Floor <
' Snowed Up! 300 Waists 1
; Should Have Been Here Two 2vtMlMlrV Were SI.OO, $1.25 & $1.50 1
► Days Ago ry rHUnWXA
' 400 Mercerized Table Cloths Friday Only 59C «
nipp f\ C J The biggest feature of this waist sale Is that 4
► V/IlUlvC these waists are all new and the latest models, 4
. fflillljiHnßfl mostly low necks with frills and lace trimmings
"RPP"lll *\T PfICP 10 y illllll lllil llliillilltltlv kimono effect and low shoulders. There ia a
O ** |l ' illff 'Mill I ffflinilftlii complete size assortment in several styles. Every .
► kno , w J a « ™, ell ns we , d ° the transportation / /$/■, i|n U\ one in the lot, instead of SI.OO, »1.25 and $1.50. 4
had been tied up for several daj-s, but these table- £ H H Ml l ' 1 .{llj!BH8ll'll l llHMIBIIWIIImHiHiIWwIWM QK \ .. ,
► cloths have now arrived and will be ready for use. M A ! 'iiifW' I | !||| IMyll 11 i| Pi!!|®|lliiHlM F k \ Fridays pnet OIK:
Round patterns, Bxß feet size. i ( ■ l||F ;j| MM || JJ \ BOWMAN'S Second Floor.
► 6 l-4c Oriental ! ilili Specials in J
, Chalites LOWEST PRICES FOUNDED 1871 9 1 LOOK the Lace Depart- f
. This is just the right kind of MmM y_Vi I**l _ - JL _ _, . '
fort linings. Orfental and RUB- OF THE FOR THE ment For Friday 1
r sian designs, 23 inches wide. Fri- A^J m m
„ a»y B «r S .,„ price 4» f WEEK WW' #OM' W GREEN SIGNS .2J ,
► 8c to 12 I-2c Toilet Articles BMP *' ,°?fi """" """"
v Muslin in the Friday lliik! fM || ill'l I r c 4
► Bleached muslin remnants in Rnronln Vtllp lilmmlL: M i ! UliliP llnmm r Sample tjkoeS BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
short lengths. Regular Bc, 10c DUrgUlll UftlC 1 il'U 111 IPi I 1 * >„ rmt»nt rolt eun metal vici 4
► and 12% values. Friday Bargain Bowman & Co.'s 10c transpar- 11 I| f II iI I ' I kid tan calf? champagne ' kid. w> >Cti \
y price, the yard 4> o ent Glycerine Soap, cake ... HI I I ! 111 1 yue'de and velvet, button and BoyS 50c i
BOWMAN'S Main F10.,. , An.„.pllc AMorb.nl IHI Jl St. ££
• a i« A . n Cotton at day Bargain price, the pajr, ' * _ - . ,
y Flannelettes on Wn*h Boys' Overcoats BOWMAN a—Third Floor. bowman's Third Floor. i
! ► This will make grood warm OUC wf uSR IW (1 QO (O QQ 19 T9 r Wnil
I . house dresses or comfort linings. D W 6r6 f
► Cut from the full pieces, all dark DOIIOT Youths s2*oo 1
patterns. Friday Bargain price. Wood handle with metallic CDiniV €?1 A A * QpeTS t
>' ard T J A(t bottom, No. 8 size. Friday's pUjkj rKIUAI JK I ll|| A large variety of patterns in ShOPS
► BOWMAN'S Main Floor * s 518 new goods and suitable for all 4
ouHmrtm o main i mor. ifrirtov Rarn-iiln nrtce. the Gun metal bluchers In sizes
. ————— BOWMAN'S Basement. There are 43 fine, warm rooms. riaay tiarKa.n pr.c « Friday Bargain price,
overcoats in this lot—with roll the pair «1 «^q
. OUC Dleacnea belts and convertible collars, BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor. " j
► . CJ ?C full length or three-quarter BOWMAN'S-Thlrd Floor. "
► bheetS nulling models. Is it necessary to ask I a/ijj y j
Size 76x90 inches bleached TahleS come ear Sizes 10 1 f UUU I ttTaS 2Sc Mtislin *
► and seamless. These sheets are .... to 17 years. or 8 1
| made of good heavy muslin with This is the Domestic ironing n— . t 11 d£i)C OOlSette DrnnioY* J
► round even threads. Friday Bar- table or the kind that folds. Fri- Z / DOVS ail-WOOI DIUC Genuine solsette in all tiie pop- UrOWerS i
gain price oOC gain price is o C*i J J ular shades. Friday Bargain Soft finish, tucked ruffle. Also J
Pillowcases size 42x BOWMAN'S Basement. berge redUCed price, yard W** *?
uG or 40x36, at, each ...
► Limit, 3 sheets to a customer. 25c Lunch . J 190 4
y Box S lows: 5 00 Yards BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. J
>2ScFeathewool ""ToAft 5 ' Perc ? leS , ,„o.<i.. Sc . to "^
Ticking |jnce 18 100 FRIDAY S3«00 blue'only. Special for Friday at, WittdoW Shade <
► Blue and white and fancy BOWMAN'S—Basement. _ .. J. yard 50
► Pr,day Barga,n p . r L ce ' m IS Suits were
► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor ... TIUUAI III! or D • 500 in the lot. While the lot
Underwear ZjC Ktttine lasts the price will be, each, IfU A
► ia c i unuerweur 8 Sul(8 were $7 95 $ ». 98 , nATl!iri „,„ „ tl
► 10c Seersucker K?oM. a Wi'Sil! FRIDAY (Mt . « ° ' ?
, Gingham """■ sue FRIDA " iJ.UU
Tn light and dark stripes, fine BOWMAN'S Main Floor. These are double-breasted yard 100 Mnttlna
► for house dresses. Friday's price, models and the material is BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. mailing '
y yard "if. wmmmm all-wool blue serge. The suit —-« Another lot, good carpet pat
, BOWMAN'S-Mam Floor. Children's 25c Floor. 15c Printed
► Women's V * fleece llned vests or U fIJ J Cr T e Pf S " 3tyleß to se . Floor. '
Drawers eacu pants -. "! day . , Barsa ! n Yst f Friday Bargain price. Friday Bargain !<
, BOWMAN'S Main Floor. arc the Rubv hall lamps BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Sab nf N„db
finished with fine embroidery; , ™T —the kind for oil. Friday's price ... . 4
► fflnoSnK't'SoSfSl men's SI.OO » sop 25c Belts W«rk (,
also hemstitched tucks. Open or D * BOWMAN'S—Basement. 10c D M C package goods of
closed. Friday's price, pair PajamOS ai'K ?taM «Kf&pKa£ ,
► /w«jo Made of percale with silk frogs. 39c Cereal UBe j
► SOWMAN'S-Second T'loor. Friday Bargain price, the
► siw -w w 1 /,/! rawmiwo XHoir, - JUTB 39c tQ 50c arawnwor it scarfs.
I /11/nfPII « HQr tn ma.n t- aialn I'loar. Imported porcelain cereal jars, an if J shams, centerpieces, asbestoH 4
Wflltufcfl o UUL IU •mmmmm ___ special for Friday, at, each, di.vV flflllfl mats and platter dollies, your
► 75c Wash Dresses Men's 69c .av- « Baes cholce i
Children's colored wash dresses UnderWeOY MAN S Basement. vs! e t handbags in black and BOWMAN'S-Second Floor. ,
► made of chambray, percale and UIiUKTWeUT colors Friday Bargain price, ... tin <j
► % n ip^. nl chec n ks, ffiy fi^"s; n o S r Hn^r^irtrand' 1 Friday $1.39 tO $1.75 each/ . 500 Women S 10c
► and all effectively trimmed. Sizes
Bargain price, each 4<)| Basket Trays bowman's Main Kioor. Handkerchiefs .11
r 2to 6 years. Friday at .. 50«» BOWMAN'S Slain Floor. Basket trays with decorated **• ) j These handkerchiefs are all
i BOWMAN'S—Second Floor . porcelain bottom. Regular prices ITIISSeS flltfl linen and are Initialed. Friday's
► .MAIN becond lloor. p i are $1.39. *1.50 and *1.75. Friday , * v en » rice . choice 5* <
► *I»UU Bamboo Bargain price is ljs e Chddren S $1.50 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 4
► 30c House Stands inn v„,j, cn r |i
. Can be useJ in any room. ...... In gun metal, patent colt and 1 "" 1 «rus ilWl I
DTOOmS Splendid for Jardinieres, 30 Inches Hartford AxiTlinstcr vicl kid, button and lace styles. IW<n./.a«rnJ Dnmnmtr I
► Mode of select broom corn tu « h - Friday s price is .... nariioru rtXmiHMCr All Klzes ln the lot, but not in merCenZeO. UOmaSR
four sewed. Only one to a custo- Rnw\T A\T*g tpiaap Rnorc each style. Friday Bargrairi , y i I f * I
► mer. Friday Bargain price, each, BOWMAN S—Fifth Floor _ KUgS the pair SI.OO I fl0I« LinCH 4
. 110 ——— Reffularlv $27.50 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. 72 inches wide. This is in
BOWMAN'S Basement IVCgUiany «pA.*.uv lengths of % to 1 % yards. Fri- <
O — T 35 Pieces 9x12 ft. Women's $1.50 2 & <
► 4 ifctood 12 l-2c Silkoline Friday CI and $2.00 Shoes B oaffi «o, ■<
" Chopper • w^ U fr C om fun y pie^s nt 36 ty inoC fKIUAI Warm lined shoes in sizes 2% 200 Tray ,
_ . r J0 We have just ten of them for BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. opportunity that! you will
► BOWMAN S—Basement. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor Friday at this price. The want to take advanage of. All 4
_____________ ____________ seams are slightly mis- C 9 Kfl excellent damask patterns. While
An D J 11/ * Off matched and would require If len S ip&.OV the lot lasts, choice, Friday, 4
► 4JfC Bread vvomenssfoc an expert to find the defect. J <fa nn CL__, BOWMAN S—Main Floor. 4
D Hl* I A n They are perfect in every Unit spO.UV onoes ,
► box Nlgllt Dresses other way. In patent colt and tan calf, . ng\n v J 4
This is a Japanned bread box Made of nainsook, low neck, IIOWMA N"S Fourth Floor button ul Mncl.,BrWea Sta ] f (JUU Yards
and is special for Friday at short sleeves, Empire yoke mod- t]lp nair Oil lUI II All I !_ __
. . els, trimmed with insertions of OC r W n l] tne palr Spl.OO lIC All Linen .
D V laces and embroidered medallion *' "" BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. r> I T 1*
BOWMAN S—Basement. beading and ribbon at ... PnnPrX ——CfflSH ToWeling 4
Bowman's —Second Floor crr»t.n W R & Miller A lot of toweling that was
U//. n ./>n'. Cfly. ———«— Krn»n tar, m.t * IUIU€T meant for the linen sale but did <
Women S bUC n.. r, . }^' and HtenclV et Cnvmatm ffonnl/ivlv CI not arrive until now, but we give
Hosierv Friday Bargain Set" K SX* #«'«" ™«rUin lorsets, Kegalarty $1 »?," '"VS'SSSr' 1 ™v""nSS
' "JSSS? Sale of Toys "♦ JIVWSK,tt."aa J2S «rSr» b . O rT. r :.. s ' ,y 8 <
► black and tan 10 dozen In the , , f< „ „ , BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. twill, new medium low bust fin- HOWMAN'S—Main Floor 4
lot Special For Friday at pair Children's 10c bnow Shovels Ished wlt h line embroidery edge MAN 1 loor.
► «.>* U0 r* • i n • an<l t,e strl »g. 4 of 6 hose sup- 4
BOWMAN'S Mam Floor stone Blo^s 120 Bargain $2.98 Brass < ,
i ► $1.25 and $1.50 Men's and women's ,1.60'/e Bowman s Second Floor Wrtffr <
► Flannelette House '"L" BS<S »2-98 -Tail and Side Lamps, D C'lL special at #1.95 <
1 lllfintltllt nuusz BOWMAN fe—Third Floor. brass and black enameled, iUT€ullk BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor.
► It is too bad that we make the A Special Lot * hotnfor Arnold alarm nf^ y ? P Women's 79c <
. price of these dresses so low. . _ . " ™ : rettlCOCitS ~ .
r There Is plenty of season right nr nfAtVPfPt 25c Nameless Soark Pluir for Hnnierv 4
. now for such garments. These Ul wameiess cpara nug ror Made w(th me( , sallne flounce ln HUSiery
► are in gray and white and black will be placed on sale Friday at black, navy, brown, Copenhagen, Thread silk, wide garter top, 4
. and white and shepherd checks. a very attractive price. All ef- *2.98 Bicycle Tires, (2.78 a pair, tango, purple, cerise and green. double soles, high spliced heels—
* A full range of sizes. Friday's fectively trimmed with embrold- or each <1(1 4.Q This price is for Friday only, black and tan. Friday Bargain i
. price, your choice ery. Sizes 32 to 44, each .. 23®* i»o in price, pair fire*
► stasp Only one pair to a customer. ™ " °"r 4
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. BOWMAN'S Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S Second Floor. BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
MARCH 5.1914.