Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 05, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Last of the Winter Merchandise Enters the Special Friday Sale Tomorrow
Winter Shoes for Women Men's Shirts Pillow Cases and Sheets Fur Neck Pieces Colored Dress Goods
A l elepriOne, IMail and Children Men's $2.98 Eagle silk and mer- 42x30 bleached pillow cases, I 2y 2 c Black and brown Coney, Isabella 50c Shepherd Checks, 36 inches,
and CO D orders Women's 51.50 black kidskin cerized cotton negligee shirts, with quality. Special, Friday only .. 90 and Sable Fox, Isabella Opossum six styles. Friday only, yard, 35?
* * * Juliets, with patent leather tips. Spe- separate soft collar. Special Friday j 45x36 bleached pillow cases, cm- a nd Natural Squirrel. Values up to 50c Navy Serge. 36 inches. Friday
cannot be filled on cial Friday only $1.20 only $1.93 broidered and hemstitched; 25c qual- $9.98. Special Friday only, $3.49 yard '...35?
Women's $3.50 black kidskin but- Men's $1.19 mushroom bosom »)'• Special, Friday only .... 19* ( 75c Shepherd Checks 4? inches
advertised Friday ton shoes, with hand welted or turn- shirts in tan. blue and helio. Spe- 81x90 bleached sheets; 75c qual- W Omen S Neckwear four sty]es Friday »
. et * s °J es - Special Friday only, $2.50 cial Friday only 95? ity. Special Friday only 69? Mull ties with lace ends, values up 75c French Henrietta 42 inches
SpeCiaiS. omen s 51.50 and $-.00 shoes, "Monarch" SI.OO woven madras 36-inch bleached Domet cloth; to 50c. Special Friday only, ten shades. Friday onlv yard 48 f;
—' °. d^ S _ a " d end ? " 0t all S,ZeS ' ffl shirts with small bosom > cuffs at " i 12^c f l llalit y- Special Friday only, Sleeveless guimpes with high col- 75c Fancy Poplin 36 inches
Boys' Negligee Shirts fecial Friday only .. s°? | yard .. . . . |«? lar in plain and Point deEspret net; seven good' shades. 'Friday oniy!
Boys rsegllg shoes with ]eather ti SI.OO Wachusett bosom percale ! 27-,nch bleached Domet cloth; 10c values up to 39c . Special Friday 3 ar d 48?
50c white stripe negligee shirt* heavy' stitched soles; sizes 1!/ 2 to 2. Jirts with detached collar. Special | quality. Special Friday only, yard, only 75c French Serge, 42 inches wide,
SP BOTI' forte" web suspenders. Special Friday only 98? shirt ' h ! Dives, pomwy & Stewart, street -11. Hihhons r- ta p P v,' br °T n a "t CopeU "
i, , . .....6? Children's $1.50 black kidskin lace , sl "° shirts, bosom and cuffs-made bilk KlbbOllS liagen. Friday only, yard .. 68?
f 1 J ° Special 1 shoes with heavy welted soles. Soe- ( " tu '' s, " v ' Special Friday onlv. j gju,. taffetas, moire and satin ! $1.25 Storm Serge, 52 inches wide,
.« ensC j a ° 9? ' Friday only 75? $1.19 Leather Goods \ allies tor , taffeta ribbons, 4/ 2 to 6 inches wide, | navy. Friday only, yard 956
iMve»? Pomeroy <tStewart, street Floor. | Children's SI.OO brown corduroy Men's House Coat.S FridaV 1 vaIUCS Up t0 29c ' Special Frida y I sl-50 Brown Serge. 59 inches
and grey and red velvet legginsrs. | only, yard 17? : wide. Friday only, yard 95?
r U anrl Silvpr lewelrv ! Special Friday only 49? Odd sizes in house coats and sl.2a silk moire bags with nickel j Black velvet ribbon, satin back, j' $2.00 Broadcloth, 54 inches, navy,
Gold ana ZMrver jeweiiy . D.. P. * s., street Floor. Rear. smokme jackets, $3.98 values. Soe- frame, mirror and extra purse. inches wide, worth 25c. Special wistaria, taupe, blue and tan Fri
50c coat chains. Special Friday j cial Friday only $1.95 Special Friday only 59? Friday onl} . ( yan , 15 ? ; day only, yard $1.69
only , MT , , , \t , c . 25c pass and card case. Friday Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. ! ... , , . .
| 25c turquois beads. Special Fri- Wash DreSS Goods Vests and Sweaters onlv I /5c S ,lk and wool crepe dechme,
4 lltf ' *W inches. Pnday onlv, yard, 65?
day only 8c dress gin-hams; solid colors Women's $1.50 golf vests; counter $1.25 and $1.50 Japanese silk let- | Table Scarfs $1.25 Silk and Wool Ponlin 4D
50c pearl brooches. Special str!pes . Special Friday only soiled. Special Friday only 50c «™ Spccia'Friday onlv. s(l* j inchts . Friday only, yard .... bs,*
on, y 0 .. | >' ar(l 6 -t? Misses and small women's $1.98 $3.00 and $4.00 silk velvet girdles I f , , ... ci f ,ci nt „i <t ?m u i, ,•
$2.50 silver mesh bags. Special , (|ress ; hams s , a , Ballan sweatml bh|c witl , sasllcs . Special Friday only, | shams and certerp.eces w.th $ .69 and $2.00 Brocade Pophn,
Friday only #<•»» Friday only, yard !><• j Special Friday only .! 95* '*l.oo i'T S P ec ' al Fr ' d _ a >' ' 40 , mches ' Sllk and «° ol '
$2.98 silver mesli bags. Special cotton challis in Persian de- j r>l»... Po m .roy * st.w.rt, M.o-. st.r., I Dlv* Pom.roy 4 stc.rl, Eirmt Floor. I * a.' sioona' ta,.'"* °". v '> ar * '''
Friday only sign. Special Friday only, yard, ' _ _____ Black Dress Cioods
50c brooches and class pins. Spe- 3'/2? i ~ "
•.t- - j i l . . . . ! 50c black Granite cloth. 36 inches
cial triday onl> ? 10c cotton challis; 28 inches wide. ; IT -A \
25c beauty pins. Special 1 iidaj- Special Friday onlv, yard ....
only 3? 15c cretonnes. Special Friday onlv. 75c black Serge, 48 inches. Fri-
Dive*, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. yard IOC 'ISy ]v i day Ollly 59?
17c crepe. Special Friday only, 4 75c black Mustard Crepe, l ri-
Bleachers' Damaged yard 11? | \ ■-** tifSfc'nltjM xfjf /I ' day only 48?
Table Linens $1.39 silk ratine; 38 inches wide; mi 75c black Panama, 50 inches. Fri
i cadet, navv and mahogany. Soecial m H /Ml a y on^v 55?
$2.00 to $2.50 pattern cloths 1 66x j Fridav onK . yar( , ' fflPMl !\ M\ $1.25 Mack Diagonal, 52 inches.
66 and 68x68 inches square. Special 39c oontreci 36 inches wide. Soe- |Bl|||l Friday only 95*
Fr « a (Y» °"hr*'"l* Vhs *66xß4*lnch cial Fridav only, vard 12'/,? I llTOll V 4M //\ $1.25 black Serge, 52 inches. Fri
sp^s;:r:: feß4 ;s \ mW\ 111 km IA da,only
$2.00 to $2.50 pattern cloths, 68x 15c black and white cheik snitine. rMttl " ,> ' I II MITMW /////\ »50 black Broadcloth, 54 inche^
j 12 f ■ .'I | - llli jUyt
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. j ~~ L !| - HI ll I"A " l
l»ives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. /[j^J
HMI j! ? j| I uriving uioves
White Goods Basement Specials " ~' r pWklm and drivin f g loves a,ld niitt2 «*-
SI .00 English longcloth; 10 yards , Special Friday only $3. <9
to the piece. Special I-nday only ; s .. I'" o The DiveS, Pomeroy SteWart Metl's Clothing Section Mens $4.25 lamb Vmcd aino
<sl 95 gloves. Special Friday only, $,{.29
15c plisse crepe ; remnants and full • -" q " al 1 Announces a SeaSOn-End Clearance of All ! Women's $2.95 auto gauntlets.
pieces. Spec,al Friday only, yard, 9* "nl; #1.4. ; *3.15
15c linen finished suiting. Special '• aluminum 6-quart coveied , , .
Frirliv varrl Ho ! Berlin saucepans. Special Friday TT 1 1* tit • \ t \\ omen ss4 J5 lamb lined auto
39c'white ratine. Special Fridav HeaVV aHCI MedlUm W dght OVefCOatS &t fecial Friday only
nn i v juv. $1.69 seamless copper nickel plated . ** D j H».oo
d , ; ..:^™C 8 ;„.;F,00. Exactly Half Original Prices | —~'™
Towel Specials ndt ' Drapery News
19c bleached Turkish bath towels. $8.50 dinner sets'of" 100 "pieces. ITD T A"V A C A T"D T\ A"V 15c ecru scrim, 36 inches wide.
Special Fridav onlv 1 Special Friday onlv s<{.9B i IVIIJ /\ T #"\ |\ I J yj / \ I VJIVI Jy \ T Special hriday only, yard .. 1 2y 2 Q
Uy 2 c red 'border buck towels, , $1.50 imported Berry Sets of 7 | ± * Z . 25c white muslin s f h curtahls '
large size. Special Friday only, 4 pieces. Special Friday only ... 83<* ' Special Triday only, pair ...... 17?
for *25? 15c Dustless dust cloths, 3 for j 5512 00 Overrents G* C? AA SI 00 Ovprrmk G* f\ ?1.39 scrim curtains; iy 2 yards
Dlvea, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. eachllOtf t WVerCOdtS VIU fill UVerCOatS VI. t| | long . Special Friday only .. 98?
33c dust absorbing mop heads. Reduced to . . VJ \J Reduced to i . V/
Corset Specials Speual F.iday only 19<* JJg QQ OverCOatS OO 00 OverCOatS AA I each P $1.39
$3.00 Nemo Corsets, sizes 20, 30, , ~ ~ RedllCed tO Reduced to vD V-r half sash rods, round ends.
32 to 36. Special Friday only, sec- IjlllingS * j * Special Friday only 5?
° n «"r!r» ot * u ; 25 c h] Satine. 36 inches. Fri- I
$25.00 Overcoats CM O CTpi $30.00 Overcoats (Ti CT Dlves pomeroy & stewart Third lloor
Friday ody e !!.°V.! Streel j|ii 0 05 onlv '> ard **? Reduced to . Reduced to . . ~
c)m A " T . 1 /- . . roc farmer's Satin, 40 ins., black ljllderillUslinS
Ibe street flwIT... and grey. Friday only. yard. :M« : $35.00 OveTCOatS RedllCed tO $17.50 Longcloth drawers, hemstitched
| Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Sacoiid Floor. • , . . r ., rn ,
Chiffon, Net and Handkerchiefs prices and subsequent reductions. For Friday and Saturday just pay half the origi- High neck muslin gowns, long
Crepe de Chine Waists ~ rial price marked 011 the tickets. This is the best opportunity you have had this • sleeves. Friday only 35?
$3.95 Chiffon Waists, in sizes 34. , ■ * cam > ] 'andkerchiets, Winter to provide for present and anticipate future needs at absolute savings of a half. Low neck gowns with scalloped
36,42 and 44; in navy, brown, black! i ntv'nnivT' PCCId Z. All heavy and medium weight overcoats are in the sale, including heavy weight edge, SI.OO value. Friday only 79?
c _;„ i . ' o;< no ' " " ' ' * Kalmiipaiinc Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Special I nday onlv $1..)8 Women's Swiss embroidered i>alllldcadll..
$5.95 brown chiffon waists over handkerchiefs, in hemstitched and The fabrics and colors
net, sizes .and 44. Special hnday sca n ope d edges, slightly soiled, Gingham Petticoats
on{ y # 2 - 98 values up to isc. Special Friday blue, brown and Orev Chinchillas , .. .
$5.95 shadow lace waists over net, un i. ———————————— Long gingham petticoats, tailored
sizes 34, 38, 40, 42. Special Friday Swiss embroidery flouncing; 45 FailCy Tail and Grey Scotch MlXtUreS flounce, 50c value. Friday only .35?
° n ie *'' * $2.98 inches wide; values up to 59c. Spe- r- Infants' Wear
34 and only Genuine Camel s Hair and Vicunas Infants , long slips , plain or em .
.")■+ anu .TO, npeciai t rmay om>, Dlv«»s, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor —— s r ' f
$1.50 Handsome Meltnns and Kp broidered ruffle hn.shes neck and
$7.50 net waists, sizes 34,36,40 oanasome lvieitons ana iverseys sleeveSi Friday only
and 44. Special Friday only, $3.95 E ening Silks ] r \*U ClotVlc nnrl InfantS ' mUsHn SkirtS ' plal " hei "
$9.50 white shadow lace waists $1 . 25 and SLSO Brocade Evening anCV CheVl ° tS -th cluster of tucks. Friday ordy,
cTari°w;ronl> 34 '. 36 . an . d3B »3 SP 9S Th. «y1«: , Children', knit toques, corduroy
$9.50 white crepe de chine waists ' 7 c' c' t '',' f '' P '''''' *"" ' f Single and double breasted, belted and plain backs, shawl and convertible collars, ca P s and bonnets,soc to SI.OO values,
sizes 34, 38 and 42. Special Friday F richv onlv " ard 39* full a » d Venetian linings. Friday only 19?
«"* o" - F-i. i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear SZ*? ZZZZt
— Jj
MARCH 5,1914.