10 Yes, Children Sometimes Get Things Wrong By Swinnerton noN*) * |2. rz i is* / lORY OSWALD. HERE'S | "» T V o / Itbyft- UTIT-E CAP. I f ' u ■ . / \ WtfJtfSSPSfc rWffifck 4. f-WHEffi OK EARTH cO f'OSWMJJ. Vfflgffl j. l A • r-J VTHAT » THAT CHILD EVER[ DID YOU HEAR- , Y f ■ fetssrarf (=s r Jig [ra^a»-f J (jfftjf) SX J4Z .ggy (n (jS- C J T (IT ("OH B\a\ funcle lArx said) 1 \ [ ATHLETICSWINFIRST SOUTHERN GAME, 4-0 Plank, Bosh and Davis Make Ap pearance Against Jack * sonville Team Jacksonville, Florida, March 5. —For the first time since the world series Connie Mack put a Sail club in the lield yesterday afternoon to battle with un opponent. It was not a great game, as the Yanlgans, headed by Harry Davis, shut out the local South At lantic Leaguers, 4to 0. Plank, Bush and Davis were in action. Plank pitching one round and Busli two, ■while Davis played first for five in nings ere he was relieved by "Brick" Mclnnis. The Yanlgans did not score until the seventh. In that inning Orr drove Mclnnis across after the latter had reached first on a fielder's choice and had taken second on an error at third on an Infield out. In the eighth the bags were loaded by two walks and a * scratch hit. Brown, who pitched three Innings, counted first on an out, and was followed by Wille and Cruthers, ■who raced home when Mclnnis sin gled to right. To-day the Yanigans play the St. Louis Cardinals. JACKSONVILLE R. H. O. A. E. Carroll, If 0 0 1 2 0 Starr, S'o 0 2 1 1 0 Hoffman, rf 0 1 1 0 0 Cuteo, c 0 1 2 2 0 Melholr, lb 0 114 1 0 Powell, cf 0 1 1 0 0 C'wder, ss 0 0 3 4 1 Lewis, 2b 0 1 3 4 0 W'wlck, p 0 0 1 2 0 Coles, p 0 0 0 4 0 Totals 0 7 27 20 1 YANIGANS R. H. O. A. E. Wllle, rf 1 1 0 0 0 Cruthers, 2b 0 1 1 1 0 Daley, cf 0 1 1 1 0 Davis, lb 0 0 4 0 0 Mclnnis, lb 1 1 5 1 1 Karst, 3b 0 0 3 2 0 Kopf, ss 0 0 1 0 0 Orr, ss 0 0 1 1 0 Brickley, If 0 1 0 0 0 McAvoy, c 0 0 9 1 0 Plank, p . 0 0 0 1 0 Bush, p 0 0 0 1 0 Wyckoff, p 0 0 0 o 0 Brown, p 1 0 0 2 0 Totals 4 4 27 11 1 Jacksonville ...00000000 o—o0 —0 Yanlgans 00000013 x—4 STEAMSHIPS | SPRING CRUISES | Italy and Egyp: West Indies The Riviera Panama Canal Gibraltar! 1 Algiers South Am?rica Wsr »,rai sssr March* 1 7 ">-»»*• From Sfnv York L&Ster CrU Se iioMton April 4 Mediterranean CANOPIC MAIL. 14 10 Day» CRETIC A Pit. a #145 and up. 1 White Star Line, 9 Hrondway, Jf, Y. I or Looul Agent*. I STEAMSHIPS STEAMSHIPS 'ARCADIAN to EUROPE J k TWIN SCREW. 9.OOO Tons Reg. i4.i20 Disp. For NORWAY] Ink Su,tes de Luxe with Private Baths. Swimming( Summer Cruis«» J 1 y|HPool, Gymnasium. Orchestra and Other features. * WONDERFUL RATES Single Bed Rooms *75 ' V"-""" '' " 0 °" J ||||L ( "THE BALMY SOUTHERN ROUTE" A L The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company fl I 111 hi SANDEHSOK & SON, General Atreuta, -- State 1 I 111 St., New York, or any local Strani»hl|> Ticket | | jij IHE lASTE lELLS IHE I ALE. THURSDAY EVENING, Johnny Castle Says His Team Is Picked Special to The Telegraph Allentown, Pa., March 6.—Manager Johnny Castle, of the Allentown Tri | State club, has enough players under , 1 contract to start the season right now. IHe announced yesterday that the 1 following men are under contract: In i fielders Danny and P. J. McGeehan, [Boyle, O'Brien; catchers, Hafner, a i Philadelphia boy; pitchers. Bob Scott', I who led the Tri-State League last year !In victories; Sharman, of McKinley, I Pa.; G. Miller, of Trevorton, Pa.; Mor thiemer, of Allentown; Sheridan, of Niagara University, and Maerz, a Phil adelphia boy. Infielder Stutz, Outfielder Murray and Matcher Monroe, veterans of last year's Allentown club, have accepted Castle's terms and will sign in a few days. Castle has signed his contract as a player-manager. Davis Cup Matches Set for Mid-August i Special to The Telegraph New York, March s.—The interna . tional challenge matches for the Davis . lawn tennis cup will he played on , Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Au . gust 13, 14 and 15. The American National Lawn Tennis , championship tournament at Newport will begin on August 24, a week later than usual. PENFIELD TO COACH PRINCETON THIS FALI Special to The Telegraph Princeton, N. J., March s.—Wilder Graves Penfield, who coached the Princeton freshmen football team last ! Fall, has been engaged to coach the i varsity next season. Penfield has been granted a half-year absence from Ox ford University, In order that he may coach the team and at the same time do work in medicine which will give him credit at Oxford. FEDS BOOST CAPITAL STOCK Special to The Telegraph St. Louis, Mu., March s.—The St. Louis Federal League Club has in -1 creased its capital stock from $20,000 1 to $135,000, according to a statement j filed with the recorder of deeds here i yesterday in connection with the re ! incorporation of the club. Otto F. Stlfel, a local brewer, owns 34 4 shares, a controlling interest In the club, the statement indicates. The statement says the club has cash on hand to the amount to $25,400 and values its fran chise and park lease hold at $25,400. MRS. MURPHY INJURED Special to The Telegraph Chicago, March s.—Mrs. Charles j Webb Murphy, wife of the former 11 owner of the Chicago National League j team, was seriously injured in an au tomobile collision here yesterday. Sev eral other persons were slightly hurt. Mrs. Murphy'" shoulder was broken. She may be injured Internally. PARTS OF RELIANCE TO GO INTO NEW CL P DEFENDER Special to The Telegraph Bristol, R. 1., March s.—Some of the parts of the old cup defender Reliance will be used in the construction of the new Vanderbilt syndicate yacht now being built at the Herreshoff works I j here. The Reliance is at City Island, New York, and is owned by the Iseiin II syndicate. ROY COLLINS, PITCHER Young twirier whose work helped win one pennant for Boston Red Sox, and is picked as one of the stars in this year's race by Jake Stahi and others. Casino Duck Pin League Opens With Good Scores Two matches opened the Casino duckpin league games last night. The Muscovy team won three games and the match from the Mallards and the Dippers took two out of three and the match from the Canvasbacks. "Mot" Fletcher had high score with 146. Burger, captain of the Dippers, had high match score with 3G2. The scores: CANVASBACKS Heisey 135 95 88 318 'C. Martin 113 116 103 332 Shover 92 82 101 275 Smith 87 95 105 287 O'Leary 102 116 95 313 Totals 529 504 492 1525 DIPPERS Weidler 93 81 106 280 Claster 107 87 ... 194 Boas 1,06 96 97 299 Trace 128 101 106 335 Burger 126 114 122 362 Fox . ... 112 112 Totals 506 479 543 1582 Strikes—Weidler, 1; Boas, 1; Trace, 2; Fox, 1; Burger, 4; C. Martin, 1.- Spares—Weidler, 4; Claster, 4;' Boas, 4; Trace, 7; Burger, 7; Fox, 2; Heisey, 7; C. Martin, 7; Shover, 2; Smith, C; O'Leary, 8. Second Match MUSCOVY Sides 106 119 93 318 Fletcher 122 85 146 353 Rapp 101 110 92 303 It. Martin 93 103 106 302 A. D. Miller ... 116 101 138 355 Totals 538 518 575 1631 MALLARDS Senior 88 107 90 285 Basch 105 97 110 312 Hammond .... 103 86 112 301 Hutter 99 87 96 282 W Miller 122 120 126 868 Totals 517 497 534 1548 Strikes—Fletcher, 3: R. Martin, 1; Senior, 1; Hammond, 1; Hutter, 1; W. A. Miller, 2. Spares—Sides, 8; Fletcher, 1; Rapp, 8; R. Martin, 5; A. Miller, 11; Senior, 2; Basch, 8; Hammond ,4; Hutter, 4; W. A. Miller, 10. ED. WALSH MAY QUIT Special to The Telegraph Paso Robles, Cal., March 5. Ed. Walsh, once the best pitcher In the American League, said yesterday that if his arm does not come back this year he will quit baseball. HARRISBURG *£££& TELEGRAPH Central Loses Second Game to Lebanon High Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., March 5. —Lebanon gave Harrisburg's Central High team i*s second defeat last night. The game was tight. At no time during the two periods was either team sure of the victory. The final score was 20 to 18. At the end of the first period Leb anon led by one point, the score being 12 to 11. Haddow tossed a goal which won the game for Lebanon in the last second of play. The Central forwards played bril liantly. but were effectively covered by Lebanon's guards. Roto got away with a few good ones. Fast was not in good shape, shooting only Ave fouls out of sixteen chances. Light, for the opponents, was off color, caging six out of seventeen chances. Athletics and Cubs Win Opening Games I The Athletics and the Cubs wen their games In the Pennsylvania Rail road Young Men's Christian Associa te basketball league opening last night. The Athletics took a fast game away from the Cardinals by a score of 40 to 25. The Cubs beat the Giants, 22 to 15. The Athletics were ahead from tho go-off and ended the first period with 28 to the Cardinals' 10. Hall and Felker were stars for the Athletics. The Cubs cume up from behind in the second half of their game, over coming a lead of 10 to 8 established by the Giants in the first period. Wal lower and Brown, for the Cubs, and Rudy and Simonton, for the Giants, starred. CHICAGO FEDS START Special to The Telegraph Chicago, March s.—Work was be gun yesterday on the Chicago Federal League club's plant at Addison ave nue and North Clark street. A band concert and brief speeches by Presi dent Gilmore, of the league, and Pres ident Weeghman, of the club, were features of the ceremony attending the turning of the first spade of earth. Mayor Harrison, who is decovering from a serious Uln.ess, could not at tend, but he was represented by Henry Erlcson, building commissioner. A large crowd was present. The con tractor. agreed to have the plant fin ished by April 23. • < NEW YORK FIGHTING FOR ARMHIAVY GAME Request For Game Presented by Merchants' Association to Secretary of War Special to The Telegraph New York, March s.—This city is rooting in true football style to get the Army-Navy gamei away from Phila delphia. The convention bureau of the Merchants' Association is pulling eve ry conceivable wire to attain its ob jects, offering a dozen more or less co gent reasons why the national game should be played here. The board of directors of the asso ciation has adopted resolutions setting forth the reasons why. The resolu tion presented to the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy by S. C. Meade, secretary of the association, to-day, Include the following: "It has been demonstrated that New York is the only city that offers facil ities for making this event truly na tional in character. New York offers: "A splendid playing field, a greater amount of seats than can be found] anwyhere else, facilities for reaching the field, a written guarantee of not less than $12,000 a year to the relief society of the army navy, re spectively, making $24,000 in all to these excellent charities. "Easy accessibility to both acad emies to Washington and all Eastern cities. If played in New York the game is within easy traveling dis tance of 16,000,000 of people; In other words, of a greater number of people than can be reached anywhere else. "Superior accommodations for the entertainment of visitors, as compar ed with those of Philadelphia." HARVARD MAKES MONEY FROM ITS ATHLETICS Special to The Telegraph Cambridge, Mass., March 5.-—Total receipts from all athletic sports at Harvard during 1912-13 were $155,- 550, the report of W. F. Garcelon states, while the expenses were $125,000. As usual, the greater portion of the profit was from football, amounting to $84,000, out of receipts of almost #115,000. Baseball showed a balance on the right side of $7,000, while in track athletics there was a loss of $7,000. The cost of rowing, which yields no cash return, was $12,000. Hockey, after a year as a major sport, returned a profit of SIOO. Each of the minor sports showed a deficit: Analysis of the figures shows that to train a varsity oarsman through a season means an expense of about $l,lOO. Football players' expenses are about SI,OOO each. A baseball player can be trained for S6OO, a track athlete for S3OO and a hockey player for somewhat less than S2OO. COUNTY WITHOUT LICENSE Special to The Telegraph Chambersburg, Pa., March 5. Chambersburg and Waynesboro, as well as smaller towns in Franklin county, will see the working of a "dry" county for several da>s ;j.nd possibly a week or more, as the result of remon strances filed against every applicant for a license by the Women's Chris tian Temperance Union and other anti-saloon organizations of the county, and the fact that the court has not yet rendered a decision. The saloon licenses expired on March 1. METHODIST SCRUBS DEFEAT HASSETT JUNIORS The Methodist Scrubs defeated the Hasset'. Juniors, 32 to 20, on the Tech High floor last night. Hassett was ahead at the start, but the Methodist boys came up In the middle of the first half and held this ndvantage until the iast whistle blew. The third game of this series is to be played Saturday night at the Armory between the halves of the Harrisburg game. petween the halves last night the Methodist Club defeated the Zion Boys' Club by a score of 38 to 14. "BARGAIN GLASSES" are about as useful as bargain eyes would be. The man who offers you "$5 glasses for $1" is either a fool or a fakir—if the glasses are worth $5 he can get $6 for them; if they are worth a dollar they are very apt to do your eyes more injury .than good. It doesn't pay to take chances with your eyesight. Here you will be as sured of a scientific, accurate eye ex amination and glasses that are full Value. That's enough for any honest man to promise. Willi H. C. Cluster, Joa Market St. | MARCH 5,1914. Pick Officials For Court Tennis Match By Associated Press Philadelphia, March 5. Arrange ments for the world championship court tennis match between Jay Gould, the amateur champion, and George F. Cover, the professional champion of the world, were completed last night by the selection of the officials. George F. Fearing, of Boston, will refereo the match; Edgar Scott, of the Racquet Club, will call the faults, and j Professor Fred Tompkins will act as marker. TIGERS BEAT LEOPARDS The Tigers defeated the Leopards in the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. League last night, taking three games and the match by 200 pins. Smith had 546 pins for the match. The scores: TIGERS Felker 126 169 157 452 Miller 146 134 122 402 Meek 170 103 137 410 Smith 156 195 195 546 Hostetter 173 178 149 500 Totals 771 779 760 2310 LEOPARDS Gough 123 119 163 405 Myers 153 165 128 446 Hartzell 133 163 128 424 Zlegler 150 140 148 458 Bowers 153 147 97 397 Totals 712 734 664 2110 SANITARY TURKISH BATH The I.ailleM of IlnrrlNlinric Are Greatly I Pleased With Plan The exclusive use of the Sanitary Turkish Bath by ladies on Mondays, is meeting with popular favor. Experi enced female attendants, the manlcur | ists atul the chiropodist have given en- I tire satisfaction. The management is determined to please and "where there's I a will there's a way. Russ Building, 15 I North Market Square. Bell phone 3598J.—Advertisement. TWO PLAYERS TO TRI-STATE Special to The Telegraph Auburn, N. Y., March s.—Two play ers were awarded to teams on the Tri- State circuit at the meeting of the National Board of Arbitration held here yesterday. They were Ed. Moore, to Allentown, and J. J. Kerr, to Wil mington. The request of the Canadian League to be advanced to Class B was refused. MIDD LETOWN BEATEN Matches In the Patriot Duckpin League yesterday afternoon went to the leaders and the tailenders. The Waps won easily from the Pikers, and the Mutts took the Grafters along. Zeigler with 131 was high score man in the second match, while Garman with 132 took the honors of the meet. SNODGRASS SIGNS < Special to The Telegraph New York, March s—The New York National League Club has received word from President Hempstead, in Marlin, that Fred Snodgrass, center fielder of the club, had signed a three year contract with the Giants. I r 1 \ i Good Coal Means Less Ccal i Buy only o*»od fuel nrul yon'll buy lea*. Good caul sltea off brat ftfddll; anil the mnaumptlou la Ivu thnn If would bp If mixed with alate aittl oilier Impurltlea nhleh drcreußr beat value. To buy our coal la to buy good eoal. It coat* uo more—try It, J. B. MONTGOMERY BIMNI-H OKKUHI ROTH PkHNFS MAIM OFKICBI BIT CAPITAL ST. Du ' n inV/niU llllltO AM) CHKSTNDT STS. V.- . i YOU can imitate most everything but the mind, and that's the reason the cigars that look like i King Oscar 5c Cigars don't smoke like them • Fifty years of "know how" is the secret of that quality that's immune from imitation. *■ CENTRAL BIRLS HAVE THREE MORE GAMES By Brilliant Work Feminine Five at High Has Made Good Record The Central High School basketball team will play many more exciting games this year, and as the season draws to a close, excitement Is run ning high over the remaining games scheduled for the girls' varsity Ave. The plucky little team has gone up against all sorts of "bumps" in their games this season, meeting disadvan tages everywhere. They have a score of 115 points to their opponents' 58. After winning one game from the Agathalathas with a score of 8-7 in one of the most exciting games of the season, Central is ready to put up an equally rousing game on March 16 at Chestnut Street Hall, when they meet again. Kach player on the Blue and Gray team Is a star with quick and a< -11- rate passing, sensational shots, and strong guarding. The players who are putting up such good work for Cen tral include: Miss Claudine Melville, forward; Miss Margaret Velder, forward; Miss Helen Rauch, captain, center; Miss Beatrice Hinkle, guard; Miss Wllhelmlna Shaf fer, guard. The remaining games, as scheduled by Miss Susan Shaffer, business man ager, include: March 11—Central vs. Penn Hail, at Chambersburg. March 16—Central vs. Agathalatha, at Chestnut Street Hali. March 20—Central vs. Alumni, at Chestnut Street Hall. IJ. MAISANO MODERN MERCHANT TAILOR . Advises his customers and friends that he has removed his tailoring establishment from 5 Grace street to 5 North sth St. i A most excellent line of all wool ready to show. Good woolens, ex act (It and best possible workman ship. May Malsano have the privilege of j serving you? j ' I—^
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