Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 05, 1914, Image 1

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    Carranza's Commission Beqins Investigation of W. 5. Benton's Death
Much Talked of Ordinance Provid
ing For New Appointments May
Be Introduced Next Tuesday
Mitchell Also Spoken of For Posi
tion on Force; Commission
ers Say Nothing
~ —:
Whom, It Is Understood, Will Be
Harris burg's First Police Captain
The long expected, much talked of
police ordinance, creating the post of
police captain and providing for the
appointment of four more patrolmen,
may be introduced in City Council on
Commissioner AY. H. Lynch, superin
tendent of streets and public improve
ments and lather of the resolution
which recently dropped a dozen pa
trolmen, two sergeants. V.Grant Forrer
as park superintendent, and Charles
Spieer as assistant lire ehiet, will
offer the measure, it is understood.
That Joseph P. Thompson, a former
lieutenant of police under ex-Jlayors
Meals and Gross, will be police cap
tain is. generally understood. He will
likely be on duty during the day and
liis duties will be similar to those of
the police lieutenant at night, it is
said. He has long since been consid
ered one of the most efficient officers
that has ever served the city.
Just whom the four patrolmen will
be is still a matter of conjecture !n
municipal circles, although it is said
that Victor Larsen, one of the police
men dismissed by the Lynch resolu
tion, will lie among the four. James
Mitchell, one of the first officers to be
dismissed under the new form of gov
ernment, is said to be under considera
tion, too, although there is no official
confirmation of this. If W. H. Shu
man cares to be a patrolman instead
of a patrol chauffeur, it is believed
he can have the position. The fourth
man choice hasn't been discussed.
By .Associated Prfss . .
Buffalo, X. Y„ March s.—Edward
11. Mcßride, 42 years old, widely
known as a sporting writer under the
name of "Hotspur," died here to-day
following an operation for a throat
I Late News Bulletins
Fop the sum ol' $2,600 the Summit Branch Railroad Company, the
Summit Branch Coal Mining Company, the L.vkens Valley Railroad
Company, and Isaac D. West, tenant on certain lands in the northern
part of Dauphin county, at .1 o'clock this afternoon sold out to the Sus
quehanna Railroad Company. Heavy mortgages were held on all of
tliesc properties.
Ailcntowu. Pa.. March s.—Carelessly handling a shot gun «liile at
play with his brother. Walter llartzcil, aged 5 years, was shot in Hie
head and killed instantly by Lloyd, aged 13, children of Edward llart
»ell, chauffeur at the State \syluiu at IHttcrsvlUe. The top of his head
wax blown off.
Hartford, Conn., March 5.—"1 sentence you to not less than 20 years
and not more than 25 years in State Prison, and you may thank
Heaven you live in a more or less temperate zone," said Judge Cane iu
the Superior Court to-duy in passing sentence on Everett Brown, col
ored, 28 years old, who was found guilty by a jury, of assault upon
Mary Stauky, white, aged I I.
El Paso, Texas, March s.—Luis lerru/,as, Jr., who for many montlis
lias been held a prisoner by the rebels at Chihuahua pending negotia
tions for ransom, has until to-morrow to pay $500,000 to General Fran
cisco Villa under pain of death.
Washington, March s.—\\iillam E. Kelly, of New York, president
of the National Letter Carriers' Association, was to-day selected bv
President Wilson and Postmaster General Burleson to lie postmaster at
Brooklyn, X. Y. He was endorsed, it was said, by all Democratic fac
\ienna, Austria. .March s.—Seventeen soldiers of the Emperors'
Rifle Regiment pre killed U) a d&y by mi avulqtk'lio, Tlicy were ciiKUffod
in maneuvers on the OrUer mountain in the Tyrol.
Xogales, Senorea, Mexico, March s.—Genera 1 Carranza. with his
staff of officers and a heavy guard of troops, left to-day on a trn'n for
Naco, Soiiora. Prom tliat point the Constitutionalist commander-in
chief will ride into Chihuahua, probably touching at Agua Prlcta oppo
site Douglas, Arizona, and arrive at Casas Grandes on the railroad
southwest of Juarez.
New York, March s.—The market closed steady. Completion of
forced liquidation in various spots removed a load from the market and
P'hits " ,e somewhat in the llnal hour. New Haven jumped two
Wall Street Closing.—Amal. Copper. 7 I 'i; American Huirar torn/-
Baltimore & Ohio. ; Brooklyn HT. 9«%; Canadian Krtflc 2oV
Chesapeake & Ohio, 58%; Lehigh Valley. MID*; Xew Vork Central'
.00% ; Northern Pacific, 112%: Reading. 105% ;P.R. R lll|i • South'
ern PacUlc, 94%; Union Pacific, 150; U. S. Steel, 05; C W & St P
102%. ' ' "
Business Virtually Suspended in
Several Sections o f South
American Country
U. S. Directed Not to "Feel Any
Uneasiness Because of
By Associated Press
Buenos Aires, Argentina, March o.—
A state of siege was proclaimed in
Rio Janeiro, Brazil, to-day, according
to a dispatch reaching here from that
It is understood here that a strict
censorship has been imposed on dis
patches from Brazil.
Reports have been current for some
time that a revolutionary movement
was in existence in the Brazilian
states of Pernambuco,Ceara and Para,
and that fighting was In progress be
tween the local forces and the govern
ment authorities.
The causes of the disaffection were
said to have been racial differences.
In the last week of February a body of
fanatics was reported to be marching
on Rio Janeiro.
The situation in the various states
was reported as becoming worse, es
pecially in <'eara.
Business was said to be virtually
suspended in several states, chiefly
those where the negro population was
very numerous.
The state of Ceara at the last census
had a population of about 850,000,
Para 150,000 and Pernambuco 1,200,-
State Department Is
Perplexed Over Report
Washington, D. C., March 5. Senor
Da Gama, the Ambassador from Bra
zil, received a brief dispatch from his
government to-day directing him to
[Continued on Page 6J
Harrisburg's Mercantile and Busi
ness Interests Urge Retention
of Old Tax
Retention of the present tax of a
fifth of h mill per dollar on the gross
volume of business transacted and the
removal of the maximum rate are be
ing urged by Harrisburg's mercantile
and business interests in the prepa
ration of the proposed new license tax
ordinance now being threshed into
shape by City Council.
Under the ordinance as drawn up,
the tax rate maximum of SIOO is pro
Following an open session on the
question with Council yesterday after
noon the Chamber of Commerce, the
Rotary Club, the' Retail Furniture
Dealers' Association, the Retail Mer
chants' Association and many indi
vidual grocers and other merchants
placed the question in the hands of
Attorney John T. Olmsted and City So
licitor Seltz.
At yesterday's session the gist of the
complaint against the passage of the
ordinance as introduced wis summed
yp by Mr. Olmsted, coun 3l for the
Chamber of Commerce. He asked that
the ordinance be laid over indefinitely.
[Continued on Page 13]
United States Said to Be Waiting
an Outcome of Carranza's
If Bauch Was Wantomly Murder
ed, Satisfactory Explanation
Will Be Asked
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., March 5. —The
apparent lull oil the part of the United
States in pursuing its inquiry into the
death of William S. Benton, a British
subject, and into the mysterious dis
appearance ot' Gustav Bauch, an
American citizen, is only temporary,
according to those well informed on
the intentions of the Washington ad
ministration. The United States, it
was explained to-day, simply is await
ing the outcome of the investigation
instituted by General Carranza himself
not only into the Benton execution but
in the Bauch case.
Outwardly it was apparent that
General Carranza's determination to
supply information about the Benton
case, though technically denying the
United States the right, to ask it, was
favorably received here and his
prompt ordering of the inquiry into
the Bauch case likewise was wel
i'olicj Isf*ts Gil I Cecil It
1 pon the results of the investigation
and General Carranza'3 subsequent ac
tion depend in a large measure the
policy which the American govern
ment will pursue toward the Consti
tutionalists. Much evidence of a con
clusive character about Benton's death
already has been gathered. Should
the Carranza commission cover im
portant. points satisfactorily proved
here, it is unlikely that the Washing
ton government will remain silent on
the question. There is every likeli
hood. too, that if Bauch was wantonly
murdered, as reported, a satisfactory
explanation of the incident and the
punishment of the offenders will be
[Continued on Page 11]
Leader Declares Raid Is Only Be
ginning of Things in the
• Vk
m P 9HB
'V'.' t
| j S.v .Associated Press
j Xew York, March s.—Unshaven and
dellant, Frank Tannenbaum, erstwhile |
waiter but now leader of an army of'
the unemployed, which under the ,
| banners of the Industrial Workers of
I Continued on Page 81
Bishop Bowman's Body
Passes Through the City
The body of Bishop Thomas Bow-'
man, who died in Orange, N. J., on
Tuesday, passed through this city at
2.4 5 this afternoon on the way to
I Greencastle, Ind., where he will be
I Bishop Bowman at the time of his
! death was 97 years old. He was the
' oldest college man in the United
States, having been graduated from
Dickinson College, Carlisle, in the class
|° f
I While playing in the kitchen at her
home this morning, 2-year-old Elvina
Buela, of 315 South River street,
picked up a bottle containing potas
pium permanganate and drank a good
hearty swallow. The mother hustled
up the street to the hospital, where
I I he stomach pump soon had the buby
out of danger. &
M. E. FOR $12,000;
Congregation Last Night Approved I
Purchase of Property on
Pine Street
Deal Will Be Closed Before Next
Monday; Lutherans Had No
Home For Pastor
Zion Luthei-an congregation last
night unanimously approved the rec
ommendation of the special parsonage
committee that the property at 212
Pino street, owned by Grace methodist
Episcopal Church, be purchased as a
parsonage for Zion Church.
The deal whereby the church ob
tains the title to the property will be
consummated before Monday. The
purchase price of $12,000 was ap
proved. Possession will not be given
to Zion until April 1, 191 S.
At the congregational meeting held
in the church last night J. S. Weaver,
| chairman of the special parsonage
committee; explained the plan for the
purchase of the Grace Methodist Epis
copal parsonage. Other members of
the commitee were W. A. Zollinger,
Ralph L. Brown, P. I. Brown and Dr.
Croll Keller.
Three-Cornered Shift
This completes the three-cornered
shift of church parsonages begun
when the congregation of Pine Street
Presbyterian Church purchased a new
home at Front and Barbara streets
and Grace Methodist Episcopal Church
1 secured the old Pine Street property
i at 26 State street,
Zion Lutheran Church has not
owned Its own parsonage since It sold
the old property at 311 Walnut, street.
The pastor has been living for two
[ years at 107 Locust street.
Grace Church expects to rebuild or
!at least greatly remodel the State
street house. Dr. John D. Fox will
live in the old property until the new
parsonage is ready. Then it will be
turned over to Zion. It is probable
that many changes will be made in
[ this house after Zion Church takes
' '
Made Him Do Gerk's Work and
Withheld Information He
Should Have Had
Washington, D. C.. March s.—John
Bassett Moore's resignation was ef
fective to-day and the State Depart
ment was without a counsellor. Mr.
Moore prepared to take up his work
for the Carnegie Endowment fgr In
ternational Peace and later to resume
his place as head of the Department of
International Law at Columbia Uni
Although the official correspond
ence between President Wilson, Secre
tary Bryan and Mr. Moore, announcing
the resignation, emphasized that the
counsellor was leaving the govern
ment service only because the term for
which he has promised to serve was
at an end, there was continued dis
cussion in official and diplomatic cir
cles of lack of harmony between Sec
retary Bryan and Counsellor Moore,
and persistent stories of how Mr.
Moore became dissatisfied with the
fContinued on Pa#v 6J
Visit Cairo, the weird and wonderful—see its
mosques, its temples, its tombs—note its splendor and
oriental charm—witness its customs—Cairo, where
children marry at eleven—where men buy their wives
• and sell their daughters.
Go up the Nile on a Dahabeyeh—visit the Suez
Canal, Port Said—Khartoum—run over to the pyra
mids and sphvnx— stop for a while at the colossal ruins
at Assuit—the great dam at Assuau-- see Ancient
Egypt and what is left of it.
All these and a hundred more things caught
by the eye of the moving picture camera will be
flashed 011 the big screen at the Chestnut Street
Auditorium this evening under the auspices of
the Harrisburg Telegraph, by special arrange
ment with the producers of the Niblo Travel
A Talented Talker will explain in an interest
ing way every point of interest.
Clip the coupon in the lower right corner of
this page and present at box office with
Otherwise the admission is 25c. Performance
promptly at 8.15.
To-morrow Night Africa
Saturday Matinee and Night Ireland
\ *
■ I- In:**- ■ ■
Through Africa the Party Will Go
Tomorrow on Trip to
Cannibal Chiefs
The Telegraph's touring party
traveling this week by way of the
Niblo Travel Talks at the Ohestnut
street auditorium visited Spain yester
day at the matinee and night perform
ances and went away loud in the
praise of the presentation and thor
oughly pleased in every way, and the
Telegraph certainly has no regrets in
making it possible for the people of
Harrlsburg to witness and enjoy the
series of journeys into foreign lands
with an attraction that represents an
actual outlay of $32,000 in the cost of
To-night, the trip will be through
Egypt and It Is here that some of the
very finest pictures ever made will bo
shown. Egypt is a paradise for a
photographer and In the Niblo series
[Continued on Page 3]
Leading Liquor Selling Places in
Chambersburg and Mercers
burg Have Bars Closed
Chambersburg:, P-a.. March 5.
Judge W. Rush Gillan this morning
filed his opinion and decree in the liq
uor license matter. He refused li
censes to:
Hotel Washington, I. D. Ivison,
landlord, Chambersburg.
Hotel Montgomery, W. A. Laird,
landlord, Chambersburg.
Hotel McKinley, Brenizer & Frank,
landlords, Chambersburg.
National Hotel, George Zullinger,
landlord, Chambersburg,
Hotel John, Paul John, Jr., land
lord, Chambersburg.
Franklin House, David Shirey, land
lord, Greeneastle.
Mansion House, Wm. F. Vanderau,
landlord, Mercersburg.
Hotel Mercer, C. W. McLaughlin,
landlord, Mercersburg.
Wholesale liquor store in Chambers-
I Continued on I'agr 91
Egypt will be visited to-night by the
Telegraph tourists who are seeing the
wonders of other lands this week by
way of the Niblo Travel Talks at the
Chestnut street auditorium. To-mor
row night the tourists will go into the
depths of darkest Africa, where they
will see the dances of canibals, the
Victoria Falls and the slave women
who attend the savage chiefs. The
lower etching is a photograph of one
of the Zulu chiefs.
Budget Will Likely Be Submitted
at Tuesday Session of
Conduct and maintenance of Har
risburg's park and playground system
for 1914 will require just $36,463, ac
cording to the estimates of Commis
sioner of Parks M. Harvey Taylor sub
mitted yesterday for the 1914 budget.
The City Commissioners asking as
the budget makers for the first time
under the new commission form of
government, pored over the various
departmental estimates and within a
day or two the paring and shaping of
the various financial needs of the dif
ferent departments will begin.
By Tuesday It is hoped to have the
measure in shape to submit to. Coun
rContinued on Page 121
Tail End of Storm Hits
Mars; Late Spring Frost
Was Sighted Last Night
By Associated Press
Flagstaff, Ariz., March 5. —A late
! Spring frost occurred last night on
I Mars i nthe region north of the pro
• pontis and was still visible at 2 o'clock
'of the Martian afternoon, according to
| announcement from the Ob
servatory to-day. Tlie frost is parted
I from the north pole by a blue border,
which is undoubtedly .water that
! marks the melting cap, acording to
I the astronomers.
| Children Must Not Be in
Movies After 8 at Night
No trouble is expected by Colonel
'Joseph B. Hutchison, chief of police,
in the enforcement of the moving pic
ture ordinance which goes into effect
' to-inorrow.
| Managers of the local theaters have
I all promised to co-operate with the
j police department in the enforcement
| of the ordinance and have issued or-
I ders to ticket sellers prohibiting the
i sale of tickets to persons under six
| teen years of age after 8 o'clock at
| night, unless accompanied by an adult.
By Associated Press
| Pittsburgh, March 6.—Union labor
' organizations back of the movement
to establish co-operative stores in
Pittsburgh in the hope of reducing
the cost of living, to-day were noti
fied by C. L. Wooldridge, a superin
tendent of public school buildings, that
| they could use school property for
: moving picture exhibitions to arouse
; interest In the project. The exhibi
tions are to be free and given in seo-
I tlons of the city where the cost of liv
] lag is most severely felt.
In Address He Declares Measure Is
Now "a Mistaken Economic
President Assured That Early Ac
tion Will Be Taken in
Both Houses
By Associated Press
\ Washington, March s.—President
Wilson personally appealed to Con
i Kress, assembled in Joint session to-
I day, to sustain tho national honor of
I the United States in upholding treaty
obligations by repealing the Panama
tolls exemption against which Great
Britain protests. He asked Congress
to do that "in support of the foreign
policy of the administration," and
added that an exemption for Ameri
can ships not only was "a mistaken
economic policy," but was in contra
vention of the Kay-Pauncefote treaty.
"1 shall not know how to deal with
other matters of even greater delicacy
and nearer consequence if you do not
grant it to me in ungrudging meas
ure," said the President.
"The large thing to do is the only
thing we can afford to do; a voluntary
withdrawal from a position everywhere >
questioned and misunderstood. We
ought to reverse our action without
raising tho question whether we were
right or wrong, and so once more de
serve our reputation for generosity
and the redemption of every obllga
i tion without quibble or hesitation." /
His Shortest .Address
. President Wilson's address, the
j shortest he has yet delivered to Con
gress—exactly 120 words, was as fol
"Gentlemen of the Congress:
"I have como to you upon an er
rand which can be very briefly per
formed, but I beg that you will not
measure its importance by the number
of sentences in which I state it. No
communication I have addressed to
the Congress carried with it gravor or
more far-reaching implications to the
interest of the country and T como
now to speak upon a matter with re
gard to which I am charged in a pe
culiar degree, bv the Constitution it
self. with personal responsibility.
"I have come to ask for the repeal
of that provision of the Panama canal
act of August 24, 1912, which exempta
fContinued on Page 11]
Slight Scratch Causes
Death of Isaac N. Cooper
Special to The Telegraph
Sun bury, Pa., March s.—lsaac N.
Cooper, 79 years old, died at his home
here of blood poisoning. He suffered
a slight scratch while operating a
washing machine, which failed to heal.
He served as highway commissioner
and held other public offices, having
for many years been an active Demo
crat. He was a member of Zion Lu
theran Church. These children sur
vice: Calvin, Lloyd, J. Howard and
Daniel Cooper, of Sunbury; Jacob
Cooper, Pottsville; George Cooper,
Shamokin; Mrs. Samuel Fenton, Har
risburg, and Mrs. Charles Wolverton,
For Hariiabnrn and vicinity! Un
sritled weather, probably rain or
snow to-night or Friday) not
much change in temperature.
For Hasteni Pennsylvania! Snow
or rain to-night or Friday; in
creasing east nlnds.
_ . _ HJver
i*o Important changes In river ven
ditions are likely to occur.
General Conditions
A shallow trough of low barometer
5. .. from the Upper Mlsslc
•lppl valley southeastward to
1 'orlda, with centers of lowest
pressure over Southern Minnesota
and Alabama. Rain has fallen ID
the t,ulf States .Including Florida
and In Kentucky. Tennessee and
South tarollna and anow or rain
In Minnesota, Utah, Sooth Oi
kola,.Wyoming, Colorado, Utah
nnd Oregoni light precipitation,
mostly nnow, has occurred alao In
mw '"♦ rr . lor of IVew York State.
Ihe St. I.nwrenee Valley and In
Northern New Kngland. Else
where fnir wenther has prevailed
over the territory represented on
Jhe mop. It |m somewhat colder
In the Northwestern States and
In New lOngland and the West
fi" ' elsewhere in ihc
I nlted States there has been a
general though not very decided
rise In temperature, the greatest
lilua rhanKe noted being In .Sonth
weateni Colorado.
Tern pern lure: 8 n. m. f 2 p. m. 34.
Sun: ItlHew: oi2B a. m.j »et«,
p. m.
Moon i nises, 1i45 n. m.
Yesterday's Weather
Highest temperature. 3».
Lowest temperature, 21>.
Mean temperature, 34.
Normal temperature, 53.
Travelogue Coupon
This coupon and 10c will be
good for one admission ticket to
"Niblo Travel Talks"
Present this coupon at Chest
nut Street Auditorium ticket
office when you purchase ticket
Not Good at Door
Matinees Wednesday and Sat
urday, 2.16. Evening perform*
mice, 8.15.
Price of admission without
coupon, 25c.
[V J