POPULAR READING ENGINEERS Ifcun i»Tnr"TrgTTTrrir~n*nw~nf JOSEPH L. MILLER DAVID TROSTLE •\ctive in the Efforts to Make Annual Dance und Banquet of the B. of L. E, a Bi£ Success ENGINEERS' DICE TO BE 010 EVENT Program Includes Banquet; Many Out of Town Folks Will Attend Announcement was made to-day that the annual banquet and dance of Kphraim McCieary Division, No. 705, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, will be held at Iho City Grays' Arniory Thursday evening, March 19. • Chairman of the committee in Charge of the arrangements for the event Is Joseph L. Miller, a prominent Reading Railway engineer. He said to-day that in accordance with past plans, invitations would be sent to heads of the various branches of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and to engineers in Reading, Allen town, Lebanon, Lancaster and other cities. It is expected that at least 3.000 will be present, and for this rea ton the banquet will take place at 7.30 o'clock in order that the dance may fetart at 9 o'clock. Reading engineers will come to Har risburg by special train. Music will l>e furnished for the banquet and ilance by Morgan's Orchestra. On the committee assisting Chairman Miller ure: David Trostle. William J. Free, Charles Ilolley, Edward Engle, H. E. Eieglar. C. L. Bailey, George Schuyler, John Herbine, all prominent locomo tive engineers on the Reading system. Brakeman Buried. -The funeral of the late Walter E. Bader, the Penn sylvania railroad brakeman, who died fit Pittsburgh Saturday, took place this afternoon. Services were con ducted by the Rev. P. H. Balsbaugh, jiastor of Sixtli Street United Breth ren church, at 2 tho home of the parents of the'ueceased. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ashur Bader, 1829 Susque hanna street. Burial was made in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. Besides the parents, the survivors are: One ulster. Mrs. John Graffeus, Harrisburg; Jive brothers, Warden and Gardner, Harrisburg; Horace, Lancaster; Wil liam, Chicago, and Charles, Spring City. interesting Rei>ort. lnterestin gdata presented by F. H. Gregory, gen eral secretary of the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A., at the monthly meeting of tho hoard of directors last night, showed Increased interest and attendance in nil departments. The report in brief follows; Attendance at Sunday meet ings, 1,300; prayer meetings, 119; shop meetings, 650; in the building for i! 4 days, 6,250; rest rooms, 350; gym nasium, 1,086; natatorium, 693; baths, 1,150; visits to sick and injured. 107; to shops and yards, 30; books drawn from library, 350; new members re ceived, 26; total membership, 606. IALI.GR HI HT Fred Einsig, 627 Pefl'er street, a caller for the Pennsylvania Railroad, was in jured about the back this morning at the Division street transfer when a heavy box fell on him. He was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital. RAILROAD NOTES Middle division employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad in Harrisburg will be paid to-day and to-morrow. Jose'ph Bottomstone, of Sunbury, \Vho has been a brakeman on the Pennsylvania Railroad for thirty-four 2-ears, has been retired. W. Brooke Moore, passenger train master of tile Middle division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, has issued an order that all conductors must call out more frequently, "Tickets, please." Standing of the Crews HAitmsutiiG SII>I: I'bllailelphla Division lis crew to en first after 12.01 p. m.: 118. 125, 325, 1 15, 127, 102, 122, 105, 119, 110, 120, 301. 123. Engineers for 101. I2S. Firemen for 101, 128. Brakemen for 102, 105. 110, 127. Engineers up: Keane, Wenrick. J.wfever, Maxwell. Walker, Hogentog- Jer, Baldwin, Spease. May. Brubnker, Huller, Howard. Ault, MeGlmell, Kiss inger, Grass, Dawns, Slieafler, Balr, Veater, Gimell, Kautz. Firemen up: Farmer, Jones, Lehman, Jvilllan, Donache, Neucar, Eek-nan, }e<'k, Kestller, Mangles, Caver. Enrlck, Achey, Gillums, Miller, Newhauser, P.lease, Jackson, Itessler, Statlery. Flagmen up: First, Cmholtz, Bren |ier. Brakemen up: fox, Smith, Richy, pengler, Gilbert, Baltozer. Hk«K II I II—.K A Full Set . ni.: 15, 26. 2?, ':T, 17. Marysville: 7, 10, 3, J. 1, C, 12, 2. Engineers fur 15. 17. 1. Firemen for 16, 22, 7. Conductors for 17, 12. Flagman for 6. Brakeman for 12. Engineers up: Ulsli, Hummer, Lewis, Havens, Brlggles, Baker, Webster, Steele. Firemen up: Hupp, Hunter, Reeder, J. D. Hoffman, Gunderman, Henderson, Bortel, Beisel, Malone, M. W. Z. Hoff man. Harshbarger, Sholley, Liebau, S, S. Hoffman, Kepner, AVhitesel, Kappl Paul, Lukens, Dysinger. Murray. Conductors up: Frallck, Gantt, Wie and. ■ Brakemen up: Myers, Foltz, Stam baugh, Kiev, Shearer, Walmer, KlicK, Blessing, Murray, Adams, Kimberling, Walk, Trout. Putt, Henry, Burd, Pal mer, Hafer, Borhman, Delhi, Har baugh, Vnrd ("rfw* Engineers up: Silks, Crist, Harvev, Saltzman. Kulm, Shaver, I-andis, Beck. Harter, Biever, Mullaby. Kodgers. J.. It. Snyder, Loy, Meals, Stahl, Swab. Firemen up: Hart, Barkey, Sheets, Bair. Kyde, Keever, Knupp, Holler, ford, Crawford, Rauch, Weigle, Laokev, Cookerley, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bar tolet, Getty. Engineers for 306, 1456,. 70", 13G8. l'iremen for 213, 707, 1758, 1270 432 E.MOI.A SIDE I'hilndrlpliin Division 250 crew to go first after 1.15 p. ni.: 250. 213, 254, 2.10, 251, 2.1,1, 207, 232. 214, 221, 203, 225, 220, 206. 243, 209, 255, 211, 245, 56, 229, 24-', 249, 258, 222. 246, 238. 230, 210, 208, 244. 2u2. 239, 237, 202, 216. Engineers for 202, 203. 207. 211 214 2*s. 822. 239. 251, 255, 258. l'iremen for 203, 211, 216, 236, 239, Conductors for 203, 215, 219, 235. 258. 1 lagmen for 206. 222, 252 for_ 206, 213, 211, 238, 241, Brakemen' up: Annent, Mclllrov, Malseed, Decker, Hutton. Casey, McCall, Hair, Sum my, Kochenour. Lutz, I elker, olfe, Kelnstfi. Campbell, Steh- Ma"' yti ' Burd > -Cwigg, Albright, Middle Division —ll4 crew to go first after 1 p. m.: 122, 107, 104, 109. 113, lUo. Engineers for 104, 109, 113. Fireman for 106. Conductor for 107. Flagman for 11 !. Brakemen for 107, 109. THE READING Hnrrisbiiru Division— l 7 crew first to go after 2:30 p. m.: 16, 8, 24. after 12 m.: 54, 71, 58, Engineers up: Massimore, Tipton, Hamra, KefTer, Pletz. Firemen up: King, Harman. uonc necker. Anders. Burd, Ely, V r iewlne VS oland, Havell, Hollenbach, Kennedy," xt *" e ,!' A "nspach, Henderson, I i ton ' Horner. Zu ( Brakemen up: Swartz. Kelm, Hess, j Snyder. Scheetz. OPEN SESSION ON NEW LICENSE TIX i [Continued from First Page.] IW. H. Shuman problem. Shuman's appointment as noiice chauffeur is held up pending Council's action as a result of the investigation of Mayor Royal's charges of conduct unbecom ing an officer. The chances are that the question will be finally settled next Tuesday and municipal circles to-day discussed two rumors as to the out -1 come. One report was that Shuman's name will be withdrawn and the question settled by the appointment of another man to fill the place to be vacated by i Hiram Wagner. The other rumor was to the effect that Mayor Royal will be satisfied to withdraw his objections to Shuman's appointment. Commissioner Bowman to-morrow will get down to steady plugging on the ordinance pro. : viding for a sliding scale of water ; rates for manufacturers. This he hopes to have ready by Tuesday. The ; introduction yesterday of Comniis ; sioner Lynch's "omnibus" sewer ordi , nance started general discussion among the city offices to-day as to the prob | able meeting of the Sinking Fund Commission to issue the improvement ; bonds for the year's work. Will Need Big Sum Just what amount will be floated is still undecided, but it Is said that Mr. Lynch will want at least $50,000 for sewers, probably the $25,000 pro i vided for the isle of safety, and in all probability he will expect to use the | ?2 5,000, or most of it. voted for the construction of new bridges. It is ; said that the repairing of the Paxton and possibly the State street bridges will be necessary and this will be paid from the bridge loan Item. From I $15,000 to $20,000 of the $25,000 fire , item will be used this year, it is ex ; pected, although Commissioner Taylor I hasn't determined on the amount as ; yet. From $25,000 to $50,000 of the park loan will also likely be used this ; year. Commissioner Lynch said the i repair plant problem will hardlv be | taken up this year, as the city 'con i tract with Alderman C. P. Walter | doesn't expire for a year. Dr. Shepler Talks on "Danger of a Cold" | That people seldom realize the im- J portance The maintenance • division of the , g State Highway De- partment has au thorised the ex 1# penditure of $lO.- -1 in oval of fnow as isMuuOL a resu,t ° f the i>uz j IS I JFI' 1 ■■ r _^—' TT) p ar t 0 f Pennsyl vania on Sunday and Monday. This sum far exceeds the amount pre viously spent for snow removal this year. Up to last Saturday night the maintenance division had authorised the expenditure of $7,704.81 for snow removal. As soon as the magnitude of the blizzard this week, became known, George H. Biles, maintenance engi neer of the State Highway Depart ment, began preparations to aid the county superintendents in getting the main thoroughfares throughout their territories made fit for use. Bucks county, where, from all accounts, the snowfall was heaviest and the drifts were" the deepest, has not been ablo to dig itself out of the snow far enough to voice any appeal for a deiinite sum necessary to make the roads passable. It is known, however, that conditions there are far worse than in any of the other counties and it is likely that a much larger sum will be necessary to put the roads in passable condition than has been apportioned to any of the other counties. Reports this morning Indicate that with the moderating weather the work I of removing the snow and opening the highways will be prosecuted rapidly and it is likely that no further snow fall will Interfere with the work of placing the highways in normal con dition. Governor Spoke. —Governor Tener spoke last night at a big Elks' dinner in Reading and received a notable re ception. Want Bridges.—Commissioners of Cambria county have asked the ap proval of the State Water Supply Commission for several new bridges in that county. Camp Hill Tomorrow. —The fight water rates in Camp Hill will come up to-morrow before the Public Serv ice Commission. It is expected that it will be held during the morning. Atherholt Suit. —The suit to test the right of tlie city of Philadelphia to butt into the State R'egistrar's work in the Quaker City will be tested out in court. The quo warranto against the city's registrar was brought yes terday afternoon by the Attorney Gen eral's Department. Commissions Returned. - Fulton county to-day returned two commis sions for justices to the Capitol to-day, the justices having refused to serve, Tioga sent back ten. Foster On Way.—A wireless mes sage from the steamer Berlin to the State Highway Department to-day gave the information that Chief Engi neer S. D. Foster, who has been on a vacation trip to Europe and looking over famous roads, is expected to ar rive in Is'ew York on Thursday. Treasury Receipts. —The State Treas ury receipts yesterday were $467,000. To-day the New York Life paid $119,000 as its State tax on business in Pennsylvania. Mothers' Pen-lons. Auditor Gen eral Powell to-day directed that all applications for mothers' pensions made by the Philadelphia board bo returned to-day for signatures of the applicants, it being his plan to have I all applications conform to a general plan. This plan was lirst adopted in Allegheny county. Public Service Work. The Public Service Commission to-day heard coin plaint of the Penn Central Electric Company against the manner in which the Raystown Water Power Company was stringing wires in Mount Union. The Bell Telephone hearing set for to morrow has been postponed until March 20. Charters Issued. —State charters have been issued as follows: Peerless Laundry, Lewlsburg, capital $10,000; Thomas Kitson Son, Stroudsburg, textiles, capital $100,000: W. Calver Moore, inc., printing, Philadelphia, capital $5,000; Willy's Busy Bee Quick Lunch, Philadelphia, capital $10,000; Bushkill Amusement Co., Easton, cap ital $5,000; G. C. Seidle & Co., inc., realty, Philadelphia, capital $10,000; Defco Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, type writers, etc., capital SIO,OOO. Justice Named. —I. H. Rojahn has been appointed a justice for Dallas town, York county. HEARD OX THE "HILL" C. F. Thompson, of Cliarleroi, was a guest of the Governor to-day. The Milton Brick Company has filed notice of increase of stock from $75,000 to SIOO.OOO. John Bennett Kain, of York, to-day filed a paper to be a candidate for State senator on the Democratic ticket In York ctounty. Joseph Pascoe, of Easton, promi nent in Republican affairs, was on tho "Hill" to-day. Secretary McAfee Is ill with a cold in Pittsburgh. Dr. T. E Munce and Dr. J. A. Stahley, of the State Livestock Sani tary Board, are in Philadelphia. Deputy State Highway Commis sioner Hunter is addressing a meeting of Tioga supervisors at Wellsboro. Harry Hayward. head of the Dela ware Agricultural Experiment Station, s to address a meeting at Grantham to-day. George W. Howard, of Willlamsport, was appointed a notary to-day. APPEALS TO CRITIC In music, Behr Bros. Player. Spang ler. Sixth, above Maclay.—Advertise ment. Cycle Company to Open Business Here On Saturday next Harrisburg will add to Its list of local business enter prises tho name of Excelsior Cycle Company, which will do business at 1007 and 1009 North Third street. The business will be under the management of Nathan Feldstern, formerly of tho Haverford Cycle Company. Philadelphia, who will associate with him his brother, Harry Feldstern, who has had considerable experience on the road In the line o£ business which will be con ducted by the new company. The business of the firm will consist of the sale of a complete line of bi cycles, motorcycles, tires and supplies, including a repair department for miscellaneous repairs. The new firm will hold the sole agency for the Ex celsior Auto Cycle In this territory, on which machine the world's record fol -100 miles was broken and on which a mile was done in thirty-six seconds flat, it will also handle exclusively the Hudson, Eclipse, Excelsior, and Hampden bicycles as well as a new bicycle designed for commercial de livery purposes. Formal announcement in detail of the various lines' handled by the firm will bo made. in the near future in the ad vertising columhs of this paper. SAFRISBURG TELEGRAPH ISIX DEGREE TEAMS IN ODD FELLOWS CONTEST Beit Group Will Be Selected to Do Special Work During Grand Lodge Sessions Members of the committee In charge of arrangements for the Grand Lodge sessions of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, to be held In Harrlsburg next May. announce six entries for the degree team contest, which will start In Harrisburg next week. Xot only will the degree team doing the best work be awarded a prize of S3OO in cash, but wilt be presented with a handsome banner, and will be selected a« tho team to do the special work dur ing the Grand Lodge sessions. Kntrles closed for tills contest on Saturday, and the following teams have entered, and dates fixed for tho work in Har risburg: Monday, March 9, in the hall of Foun tain Lodge, No. 1120, SOD Verbeke street, by degree team from Schuylkill Lodge, No. 27, Schuylkill; Tuesday, March 10, at State Capital Lodge, No. 70, 304 North Second street, by degree team from Kmanuel Lodge, No. 1104, Lancaster; Wednesday, March 11. at Peace and Plenty Lodge, No. 69, Third and Cumberland streets, by degree team from James A. Garfield Lodge, No. 1061, Shamokin; Thursday, March 12, at Dau phin Lodge, No. 160, 321 Market street, by degree team from Shamokin Lodge, No. 66 4, of Shamokin; Friday, March 13, at Harrlsburg Lodge, No. US, Union Square Hall, by the degree team from ! Social Lodge, No. 56. Minersvilie; Sat urday, March 14. at City Lodge, No. 301, I 321 Market street, by degree team from Mohegan Lodge, No. 28S, Lebanon. The judges In this contest are: Past Grand Master C. W. Myers, lodge No. 69; R. I). Beman, lodge No. 1120: W. A. Mclihenny, lodge No. 629; E. C. Dewey, lodge No. 1147, and A. G. Murray, lodge No. 301. BENTOII INCIDENT IS PDOCTICILLV CLOSED rContinued from First Page] ' Carothers Is expected to discuss this with General Carranza to-day on be half of the State Department. Secretary Bryan had an engagement to appear before the House commit tee on foreign affairs to-day. His frankness with members of the Senate committee on foreign relations has prevented agitation of the Mexican question In the open Senate. Many Republicans in the House have been making speeches lately attacking the administration's Mexican policy and calling for information. Secretary- Bryan hopes, to satisfy that request to-day. England's Newspapers Criticise Policy Laid Down by President By Associated Press London, March 4. The Mexican situation and Sir Edward Grey's pro nouncement of the views of the British government in regard to the investi gation into the death of William S. Benton, are the subject of much com ment in to-day's newspapers. The Pall Mall Gazette says: "The temperate and restrained lan guage in which Sir Edward Grey re ferred to the Mexican murder will have the approval of all Englishmen. Its moderation, however, will not dis guise the depth of their feeling. "Every reason of moral and inter national right requires of the United States that the punishment of Ben- I ton's murderer shall be undertaken without delay. At the present moment civilization stands flouted and Great Britain outraged. The application of the Monroe Doctrine Is paralyzed and locked." Policy Responsible The Globe says: "Sir Edward Grey said much to em phasize the gravity of recent events and very little to relieve the disqui etude which those events have inevit ably provoked. The public opinion of this country, however, sympathetic to the United States, will not make con siderations for the embarrassments of President Wilson an adequate excuse for acquiescing in such deeds as those of which Pancho Villa with the ap proval of Venustiano Carranza has been guilty. If President Wilson can not be held responsible for the be havior of tlie Mexican insurrectionists, his policy Is directly responsible for tlie state of things which has led to Intolerable excesses. What the United States has done Is not merely to allow civil war to persist but to foment It by allowing arms and ammunition to be supplied to tlie belligerents." Wilson Shielded The Daily Chronicle, in its editorial comment, says: "In a sense, the United States has more responsibility in Benton's mur,- der than Sir Edward Grey stated. Vil la. his murderer, obtained practically all his arms and supplies from across •the American border because the United States deliberately raised in his favor an embargo otherwise im posed by International peace. He was able to keep the rebellion on foot IHirtly for this reason, but chiclly be cause the United States forbade Euro pcan lenders to advance Huerta money to crush him. "If this jiollcy of the United States did not exist, Benton probably would still be alive and if he were not, Eng land would be in a position to get redress from the regular Mexican gov ernment. Thus It is really tlie United States which stands between England and redress. Though wo may be philo- Amerlcan enough not to say so offi cially, other powers in a like case might not be. The United States. In short, can hardly find a resting place. Her poll< les must either go forward with the assumption of more responsi bilities or backward, with the aban donment of some, if not all. which it has now assumed.'' The Daily Express says: "We regret the rather humiliating confession of impotence and we think that Sir Edward Grey's language not too aptly chossn; but the sense of his statement is in accord with public sentiment and is, on the whole, satis factory. Tho next move clearly lies with President Wilson. He has one of those opportunities that do not re cur." Benton*s Sister Fears Murder Will Be Unavenged By Associated Press London, March 4.—The Times this morning publishes a letter from Mrs. Reld, a sister of William S. Benton, in which she complains that a fort night has passed in fruitless negotia tions between the United States and Great Britain and that the murderer of her brother Is no nearer to identifi cation. "Are tho negotiations going to be dragged out until public feeling has subsided and Is the murder to pass un avenged Can English men and wo men no longer depend upon their country for protection and redress?" 'uslis Mrs. ReiU. ( ELK DPEDETTi IS SUCCESS OF SEASON "Girls" From Carlisle Gave Harris* burg Women Pointers on the Latest Things From Paris Eflis from Carlisle at the Majestic theater last night offered "George Brady's Dream," a ragtime operetta In three acts, that proved without Question, tho most original and one of the best amateur productions ever given in Harrlsburg. A large and ap preciative audience applauded the l many interesting features, and voted | the offering a big success. Another large audience witnessed this afternoon's matinee bill. To-night > the closing perfoi mnee will be given, the sale of seats indicating another I crowded house. On Friday night the | Carlisle Elks will entertain Williams- 1 port Elks and their friends at the' Lycoming theater in that city. They : will be accompanied to Wllllamsport i on their special train by many Har- | rlsburg Elks. George Brady is a native of Harris- ! burg, and is as popular here as in | Carlisle. As a dreamer he is a big success, especialy whon his dream is put to music. It tells a story of a minstrel troup starting at Carlisle, stranding In the cowboy country, and ; finally being received buck home by a wealthy woman of Carlisle, after money is advanced to get the down and out minstrel company to the Cum berland Valley college town again. The dream offers plenty of oppor tunity for many songs and for rich costuming and scenery, and there cer tainly was nothing lacking in this di rection. The elaborate gowns worn by the "girls" in the last act, were of Paris design, and brought much favorable comment. The tango dances were gracefully executed, and the moving picture features, showing the departure from Carlisle of the min strel comlany, was quite original. The entire production is under the direction of Leo McDonald who wrote the book and arranged the music tnd songs. George Brady made a typical minstrel manager, and had some good songs, as did "Scotty" Cook, the for mer Tech High football coach; Buddie O'Donncll, Ike Mack, "Sass" Harris and "Bucky" Adams. Real singing was done by "Jimmy" and "Johnny" Carroll. Dr. Behney. James Beetem, "Fat" Coughman, "Archy" Ruggles and Hugh Miller. The latter as Mrs. Daisy Deßris, was the one big lilt In the female Impersonations. Mr. Mil ler is a Carlisle newspaperman. There were many encore song num bers which prolonged the performance until a late hour. The "Nursery Rhymes" chorus led by "Johnny" Carroll was costumed in an attractive manner. During one of his songs George Brady was presented with a large bouquet of roses and carnations. Director McDonald was also highly praised. McDonald, who directed tho show from the orchestra pit, is a member of the Carlisle lodge of Elks and plays regulurly In tho Majestic theater or chestra. His talent for productions like that of lait night will no doubt take him some day into that kind of work along professional lines. Deaths and Funerals Miss Jane Robinson, an Old School Teacher, Dies Miss Jane Robinson, aged 69 years, a teacher in the public schools of the city for more than thirty years, died yesterday afternoon at the Harrlsburg hospital, from a complication of dis eases. She has not taught since 1893. She was a teacher in the Ste vens building for many years. Miss Robinson was the daughter of the late Thomas and Catherine Laird Robinson. She was educated in Miss Woodward's school and became a teacher In the city schools soon after her graduation. She has lived for a number of years with the Misses Big ler at 1013 North Front street. Fu neral services will be lield to-morrow afternoon at 2' o'clock from the fu neral parlors of F. C. Neely, 908 North Second street. Private burial will be made in the Harrlsburg Cemetery. PRINTER DIES George Woolley, aged 36, printer and linotype operator, died early this morning at his home, 1936 Derry street. For the past live years Mr. Woolley had been employed at the State printery, Court and Cranberry streets, as a linotype operator. He was a member of the Harrisburg Typographical Union, No. 14, and the John Harris lodge, No. 193, Knights of Pythias. He Is survived by his wife, Clara Woolley, three children, Edward, Albert and John; one sister, Miss Elizabeth Woolley, and his par ents, John and Margaret Woolley. Fu neral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late home. The Rev. Francis H. Laird, pastor ,of tho Olivet Presbyterian church, will officiate. Burial will bo made In the Paxtang Cemetery. Harrlsburg Typographical Union will have a special meeting to-morrow night at 428 Market street, to take ac tion on Mr. Woolley's death. II UN" FUNERAL Funeral services for George Haln, retired contractor and carpenter, who died Monday morning at his home, 421 South Thirteenth street, were held this morning at 10 o'clock. The Rev. Homer S. May. pastor of tho Fourth Reformed Church, conducted the ser vices. Burial was made in the Shoop's Church Cemetery. MRS. CLARA E. GILL Mrs. Clara E. Gill, the wife of Thomas Gill, a former resident of this city, died Monday in Philadelphia. Mrs. Gill was Mis Clara Marquet be fore her marriage. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the home of her sister, Mrs. John Stephenson. 317 Maclay street. Burial will be made in the Harrisburg Cemetery. MRS. WISSLER'S FUNERAL Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Wissler, who died yesterday morning at her home, 1609 North Twelfth street, Will be held to-morrow after noon at 2 o'clock from the home of Iher brother-in-law, 644 Boas street. The Rev. A. M. Worden, pastor of ' the Bethany Presbyterian chapel, will officiate. Burial will be made in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. GOVERNOR IS HELPLESS By Associated Press Athens, March 4. Following the evacuation of Eplrus by the Greek troops a revolt was started under the leadership of Zografos. The leader hoisted the Hag of a republic In sey* oral villages. The most serious out break occurred at Argyro-Castro, where Zografos, at the head of 3,000 troops, hoisted the Hag In spite of the protests of the governor, who was helpless because many of his own , troops had joined the rebels. ( MARCH 4.1914. rreeLToniSi MRS. JDK FMLAMB. OLD RESIDENT. DIES Fell Downstairs After Stroke of Paralysis; Was Nearly Eighty seven Years Old Mrs. Jane Fairlamb, one of Steel ton's pioneer merchants, ,and oldest residents, died at the homo of her daughter. Miss Louisa Fairlamb, 26 North Fourth street, at midnight from a stroke of paralysis. She was In her 87th year and appar ently in good health until yesterday. She retired as usual last evening. At midnight her daughter heard a noise in the front hall. She investigated and found her aged mother lying dead at the foot oi the stairs. The family I physician pronounced death due to a stroke of paralysis just prior to the I fall. j Mrs. Jane Fairlamb, whose maiden I name was McKee, was born In Dar lington, Hartford county, Md., March ,11, 1827. In the early 80's she moved to Steelton and opened a millinery store in the West Side, later moving to North Front street and then into the old Post Office building. On the death of her daughter several years ago she retired. Mrs. Fairlaimb was t>ne of the most widely known and re spected residents of the borough. She is survived by one daughter, Miss Louisa Fairlamb, with whom she lived; and one son, R. V. Fair lamb, cigar and confectionery mer chant of Steelton and Harrisburg. Two sisters, Mrs. Isabella Buckley, of Rising Sun, Md., and Mrs. Taylor Boyd, of Lebanon, also survive. Funeral services will be held from the Fairlamb home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Harwlck Ar thur Lollis, rector of Trinity Episcopal • church will officiate and burial will bo made in the Badwin Cemetery. SQUIRE GARDNER BUSY Charged with assaulting Mrs. Kris tina Petkovic and throwing her down a flight of stairs, Kesta Gerllc, a for- j elgner, was arrested by Constable! James Haines last evening. He will | bo arraigned before Squire Gardner ; to-day. Squire Gardner discharged i David Wolfe, arrested by his wife on assault and battery charges, and Al- j berta James, colored, arrested by the j wife of Albert Keys on charges of infidelity, after hearings last evening. | P. O. S. OF A. GET TOGETHER Eight camps of the Patriotic Order Sens of America were represented at a meeting last evening In the rooms of Washington Camp, No. 102, in the Trust building. The committee on ar rangements for the big rally of the lodges of this district to be held here ' April 28 met and discussed the pre- 1 liminary arrangements and completed j some of the plans. A smoker fol lowed-the regular meeting. CITIZENS' SHOW IX APRIL The benefit show to be given by the I Citizens' Fire Company will be held i the evenings of April 1-2. The pro- \ ceeds will be used in purchasing new i uniforms. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE A birthday surprise party was given 1 last evening at the home of Frank Pope, 534 North Second street, in honor of his son Joseph. Games of tlve hundred and bridge were followed , with refreshments. The guests were j Miss Marie Fisher, Miss Marie Scliaed- ' ler. Miss Margaret Fisher, Miss Cath- 1 erine Fisher, Miss Mary Norris, .Mrs. Tlllie Egenrode, Mrs. Anna Pope and daughter Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. George' Motter, Margaret and Elizabeth An thony. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE A series of stereoptieon views of the life of Christ will bo shown In St. Mark's Lutheran Church Sunday evening, March 8. Professor Norman Yeany will be in charge of the exhi bition. No admission will be charged. PERSONALS Chester Bleyer has returned from a •visit to Yeagertown. F. L. Alleman, of Summit, N. J., was the guest of M. R. Alleman, North Front street, yesterday. • Mrs. George T. Schools is visiting her parents in Sharps, Va. "OEMS" GET TOGETHER The Central Democratic Club met in the Flynn building last evening. Speeches were made by County Chair man Edward Moeslein, Postmaster M. M. Cusack and J. J. Newbaker. Prior to the general meeting the county chair man lined up the local committeemen. CONTRACT AWARD POSTPONED The awarding of the contract for the new Hygienic school building, at Adams and Bailey streets, was postponed un til next Wednesday, at a meeting of the school board last evening. NOT STRICKEN George Daniels. South Fourth street, who yesterday morning was reported to have been stricken with paralysis while working at the steel works, is in good health. FIVE HUNDRED PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Megary entertain ed a number of friends at a five hun dred party at their home, 2553 South Third street, last evening. Luncheon was served. RUSSELL WILLIAMS Funeral services for Russell Wil liams. the 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Williams, of Harrisburg, former residents of Steelton, will be held to-morrow from the home, 1421 North Third street. PRESENTED WITH TABLE SET At a meeting of the Fortnightly Club last evening, at the home of Miss Mary Shutter, South Front street, Miss Shut ter was presented with a handsome cut i glass table set. In honor of her mar riage to Walter Yost, of Holmesburg, ( which will take place next month. TRUANTS PUNISHED Charged with falling to attend school regularly, Arthur DeHart, of 418 South River etreot, was sent to the house of detention by Alderman Caveny yesterday afternoon. George Wenrick, of Fifth and Harris streets, was released under ball to appear at juvenile court on the samo charge. DIT 7111 T For Lhe HAIR lm I m 111 I removes dandruff, clcanecs ttin ■ Ml. m . I I I i | wulp mul sU-viiKtlienti the hair. JU mv J mm \t jour or Crt barber CwC >■» i—; i i i ' ■ i J etoven £f?ief>spiß# BID WITHER DELAYS IMPROVEMENT WORK Activities in Expenditure of Bor ough's Loan Hold-up by Town The severe weather conditions of the past three weeks have hampered the engineers who aro preparing the plans for the borough's big improve ment scheme by which during the comng summer, Steelton plans to spend $55,000 for additional street paving and a new sanitary hospital. Preliminary plans for the street paving have progressed, being rushed as rapidly as possible in order to in sure an early start in the operations. Engineers have already plotted and surveyed all of Front and Second streots with the exception of a small sec!tion. As soon as the weather per mits the remaining streets to be paved will be surveyed and bids will bo asked. E. C. Henderson, chairman of the highway committee, who Is directing the work, intimated this morning that special meetings of council would bo called to rush the preliminaries. I'MIDDLBTOW/V - -1 DIC KINSON BOYS TO SING Under the auspices of the Middletown High School, the Dickinson College Gleo Club will give a concert In the Kealty Theater, Friday evening, March 13. There are forty college buys in this ex cellent musical organization. Tickets for the musicale are now on sale. GAME WITH LEBANON The Middletown High School basket ball team wIU wind up a successful sea son, Friday. The strong l.elianon High team will be the attraction at Luna I Kink. SEWING CHICLE Fifteen members of the Sewing Cir cle, of the Methodist Church, were the I guests of Mrs. George Seltzer, at her ! home, in Pine street, yesterday al'ter : noon. Refreshments were served. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT I When Mr. and Mrs. George Bolts en- I tertalned at a luncheon, yesterday, each guest was presented witli a little red j heart. When opened a little note an- I nounclng the engagement of Miss I Blanche Bolts, daughter of the hosts, to j James H. Buck was found. SPAIN VISITED TODAY BY TOURING PARTY [Continued from First Pago.] i the risk of life that the Nlblo photo j graphers were able to secure a pic ture that would show this custom In a ! manner that would be typical of the ! country. There are many other fea ; tures, both in motion and color views | in the story of Spain and the trip is one of more than passing interest. Programs to C'onie For the remainder of the week, the programs to be given will include Egypt, Africa and Ireland. To-morrow night a picture journey into Egypt will be the program and this land that is the niecca for all tourists Is covered in a most thorough way by the camera. Cairo, the city ,of the Arabian Nights, with its oriental charm and splendor, the pyramids and the Sphynx, the mystic Mohammedans, their festivals and ceremonials, the harems of tho rich and tho hovels of the poor, the great dam at Asauan, the awful desert and its strange tribes are only a few of the features that will bo shown In the program. On Friday night, Africa will be the program. In some parts of Africa slavery still prevails, whore the women are sold to the highest bid ders to work as laborers in the fields. In a motion picture, showing over a thousand of these women, the story Is shown is a most vivid manner and it was by special request that this film was shown before the Foreign Board of Missions, ; t their headquarters in London, to arouse interest In their campaign to abolish the custom. Sat urday for the matinee and evening, Ireland will be given and in Ireland there is to be found some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. Tho Lakes of Killarney, a ride through the Gap of Dunloe, the Road to Glen gariff, the Giant's Causeway,the side trips to the country sections as well as the visits to the cities is faithfully pictured and shown and in a most at tractive manner. One picture that al ways interests is the running of the famous Punchestown Steeplechase at Dublin. All that is necessary to make the Journey at any ono of tho per formances, is to clip the coupon that the Telegraph prints on the first pago and this, with 10 cents, is good for ad mission and seat. 'The Importance Of An Executor Because an estate may be small is all the more reason why an institution like this should be named as Executor or Administrator. 1 Such a course insures the adjustment of all matters in accord with the legal requirements Involved, and eliminates all possibility of unnecessary expense, so often the case with the inexperienced individual executor. The service rendered by our Trust Department has been proved prompt and efficient. Talk It over with us. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY 222 Market Street 7