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More than half a million thin men and women have gladly made this test uid that Sargol does succeed, does make thin folks fat even where all else has failed, is best proved by the tremendous business we have done. No drastic diet, flesh creams, massage, oils or emulsions, but a simple, harmless home treatment. Cut out the coupon and send for this Free package to-day, en closing only 10 cents in silver to help pay postage, packing, etc. Address The Sargol Co.. 244-R, Her ald Bldg., Binghamton, N. Y. Take Sar gol with your meals and watch it work. This test will tell the story. FREE SARGOL COUPON This coupon, with 10c in sliver to Help pay postage, packing, etc., and to show good faith, entitles holder to one 50c package of Sargol Free. Address the Sargol Co., 244-R, Her ald Bldg., Binghamton, N. Y. ResinoL stops itching instantly THF. moment Reginol Ointment toachea any itching skin, the itching •tops and healing begina. With the aid of Resinol Soap, it quickly remove* *ll trace* of eczema, rash, tetter, ring worm, pimples or other tormenting, un sightly eruption, leaving the tkin clear and healthy. It i* equally effective for tores, boilt, burnt, red, rough hand*, dandruff and pile*. Rssinol Ointment is so Tseerly Sr-mb-ooi ered that it can be used oa exposed sur faces without attracting undue attention. Beanol baa been prescribed by doctors for 1# years. All druggists sell Reainoi Ointment (500 and $LO0), and Resinol Soap (25c). For trial atza free, write to Dept. 40-8. Reshlol, Balti more, Md. Beware of uselea "substitutes." Send 5c for trial iu« For Chapped Hands and Lips Vaseline Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Camphor Ice Soothes and heals cracked «kia Keeps it smooth, firm and healthy. Insist on VASELINE Camphor Ice. in tubes and boxes. 10 cents. Drug and Department stores everywhere. j CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Consolidated) J 41 State Street New Terk City ■ ■ gm are curable. Ail ktnda X 1 V 1 81 ■■ mean Buffering »nc U ■ ■ danger. The CAUSE M 9 S is always internal ■ IkEiM Dr. I.aonhardt'i W HEM-ROID tablets produce amazing results by attacking the INTERNAL CAUSE. The pile, ara dried u?and £*rawMwnUr eured. U daya' treatment, »1.00. DR. LEONHARDT CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. (free book Bold by Kennedy Medicine Store, Harris bail J. A McCurdy steelton. and dealers. OPTICAL REPAIR WORK We have a Complete Modern Op tical Shop for grinding lenseß. We replace broken lenses and repair frames at reasonable prices. Gohl Optical Co. 8 NORTH MARKET SQUARE Where Glasses Are Made Rlglit) Try Telegraph Want Ads. WEDNESDAY EVENING Passing Impressions of Finance By Louis Guenther Editor of the Financial World The shadows of Villa, the Mexican rebel leader, loomed menacingly over the market all last week. His act of shooting the British subject, Benton, has occasioned tho gravest concern In diplomatic circles and if tt Is shown that the Englishman was wantonly shot down, President Wilson may In the end be forced to change his wait ing attitude towards Mexico by assum ing tho aggressive In the pacification of that troubled nation. The United States Is morally bound by the Mon roe Doctrine to protect the lives of the cltleens of other countries or let foreign nations do It, which of course would nullify the purpose of the framer of this great measure which was Intended to keep all the Ameri cans free from conquests by foreign nations. Until the grave situation ■which this ehooting has developed is settled and out of the way we may expect the market, under Its influence, to be more or less sensitive. Another sore spot is the strained financial conditions in Paris, the finan cial center of Prance. Rumors have come across the waters that some of the big underwriting bankers are not in any too comfortable position and that some of them had to be succored to prevent them from going under. While these rumors have met with a prompt denial it has not laid the ghost by any means. French underwriting bankers, it is well known, have been hit rather hard by their speculative ventures in the Balkan States, Brazil, and from their participation in Amer ican bond flotations which have not turned out profitable. They are large owners of Frisco, Rock Island, Amer ican Water Works & Guarantee, and Mexican railroad and Irrigation bonds. On all of these issues they have lost heavily; they are now feeling the aft ermath. But their travail is not help ing our market any. Domestic trade conditions are stead ily Improving. The railways, our principal arteries through which the commerce of the country moves, re port over 11,000 fewer idle cars. That is a good sign, for it indicates that the manufacturers are doing a bet ter business and that more freight is moving. But this is not the only sign of recuperation in trade from the pronounced depression that pre vailed during the latter half of 1913. There are others just as significant, such as the news that the industrial centers are finding employment for more workers. This is not a reflex of any sunshine movement, but mirrors actually bettering fundamentals. Cars do not move nor do employers hire more men merely to create a better feeling; those charges are due to ac tual necessities. One of the principal reforms to which his party platform committed President Wilson has turned out a popular success. I speak of the newly created reserve banking system. Of the 7,500 and more national banks chartered by the National Government all but a very small and insignificant number have joined and we shall soon be able to judge whether this plan will solve our annual currency prob lem of tight money around each year's harvest time. If it does that, then we shall have occasion to give additional thanks every Thanksgiving. The busi ness men are confident with this sys tem of a more elastic currency to de pend upon that bankers can not turn them from their doors as readily as they have done formerly with the ex cuse they have no more cash to lend since they can rediscount their com mercial papers with their regional banks. Unscrambling the Rock Island hold ing company without recourse to a re ceivership, is going to prove a puz zle which the financial doctors are going to find liard to unravel. For weeks it has been asserted in Wall street that the Hock Island would be taken apart and so rearranged that the holders of the collateral bonds and preferred and common stocks will not EXPECT 819 CHANGES IN M. E. CONFERENCE Ministers to Gather in This City Represent 135,000 Methodists ■MMHMHMMHI Many changes are expected among the 270 ministers of the M e thodist Episcopal churches of Central Pennsylvania at the *1 t annual conference (JUj which opens in Grace ■M. Methodist Episcopal .• Church March 18. More than 300 min (Vßzlt' isters and prominent Methodist laymen will HkjTTiaHH gather here two weeks from to - da y fe, AyvJ when the first session ' *i ' of the conference will open at 8.30 in the morning. Bishop Earl Cranston, of Washington, will preside at all sessions. During the last year there have been ten deaths and five other vacan cies among the 270 churches in the conference. Appointments will be made so that these vacancies are filled. The ministers who gather here will represent 135,000 Methodists. At a meeting in Sunbury recently. Bishop Cranston met the district su-i perintendents, including the Rev. D.' M. Stephens, Willlamsport; the Rev. i S. B. Evans, Altoona; the Rev. A. S. Fasick, Carlisle; the Rev. Benjamin Masser, Juniata, and the Rev. James B. Stein, of Hazelton. Appointments were discussed and indications were that the number of changes would be large this year. Although the program for the con ference here is in a tentative state, several speakers have been named. Probably the address of most general interest will be that or" the Rev. Dr. S. Parks Cadman, of Brooklyn, noted lecturer, writer and preacher who will talk on Saturday evening, March 21. His subject will be "Three Great Ox ford Leaders, Wycliffe, Wesley and John H. Newman. Every Methodist home in the city is preparing to entertain one or more visitor during the week, and many people from nearby towns in the con- j ference will come in to spend a day to meet old pastors and attend the open f v Ouarmtueed ed for "coUns llavea almost tnatantlv »j£ GORQAS* REX ALL »»«»«*• M lr< »!■—fraum. K. it. aiatloa \-. —. , ■ I feel any hurt. But that was hoping against hope and the disillusionment has come this week when protective committees were formed for the hold ers of the different securities which, while it is not stated openly, is ac cepted by knowing people as a sure portend of a receivership as the flnal solution In untangling the house of cards which tho rollicking Reld and the more sedate Moore erected upon the money gluileless investors turned over to them. The Kock Island needs about $25,000,000 and the doctors who have undertaken to help it out of its bad situation can only secure this money by assessing the stockhold ers. To those who know how faithfully and patiently President Howard El liott, of the New Haven, has labored to meet the wishes of Attorney Gen eral Mcßeynolds In disposing of such properties as it holds, the news is re ceived with regret that a breach has arisen between them. The reported differences is stated to be over the period of time the New Haven should have to sell these properties. Mr. El liott contends they cannot be sold without sacrifice under less than five years; the Attorney General holds from two to three years as plenty of time. One fact is certain that the in terest of the stockholders ought not be needlessly sacrificed, for they at least are innocent of any intent to violate the Sherman law. Dealers in municipal bonds are vir tually cleaned out of good municipal bonds. The popularity of these securi ties spring from the new income tax law. There is no ill wind but what blows good to someone. This is empha sized here. Municipal bondß are ex empt from the tax. They need not even be scheduled and many rich men as well as rich estates have purchased municipals to reduce their tax to the Government under the new statute. With the passing of the law a large and instantaneous demand for these obligations set in. Where bonds could be bought but six months ago to yield nearly five per cent., the prices have gradually risen until the better grade of municipals now yield an average less than 4.6 per cent. There are no Blgns of much slackening in the sale of municipals. No recovery has occurred in the Standard Oil shares from their recent slump. Stocks like Standard Oil of California, Atlantic Kelining, Prairie Oil & Gas, South Penn. Oil, Standard Oil of New York and others have failed to regain any part of the shrink age in the high prices they reached in the exciting rise of January which caught a great many likely margin traders in these shares. But there is a firmer undertone to the market and the shares that are coming on the market seem to be passing into strong hands. By acquiring nearly all the public I utility rights in the Mississippi Val j ley between La Crosse, Wis., and St I Paul, Minn., the American Public j Service Corporation has secured for j itself an outlet for the immense capac ity of the Mississippi Valley between these two cities, a territory which is exceedingly rich, prosperous and growing. To swing the deal required an investment approximately of over $3,000,000 and they will add mate rially to the values in back of the company's securities. Though but a few years old the American Public Service Corporation has forged to the front rapidly among the enterprising public utility holding companies. On April 1. the United Light & Rail ways Co. will pay a dividend of one per cent, in common stock to common stockholders in addition to the one per cent. cash. By adopting the practice of paying a stock dividend the com pany, which is a very enterprising one is following the practice established ! some years ago by the American Light & Traction Co.. which has distributed [ such stock dividends regularly. sessions of the conferenc. It has been three years since the conference was held in this city. In 1911 it was held in Fifth Street Church. Brotherhood Elects.—At a meeting of the Men's Brotherhood of St. Mat thew's Lutheran Church held last night at the home of the Rev. E. E. j Snyder, the pastor of the church, plans 1 were made for the every-member can vass to be made Sunday and officers were elected for the year. Those elected were: President, C. P. Gib bons; vice-president, Albert House holder; secretary, A. E. Burkholder; j treasurer. Alvin Grove. | Gives Lenten Talks. —The Rev. Dr. J. Ritchie Smith, pa«tor of Market Square Presbyterian church, will de liver a series of weekly talks before the Lancaster Ministerial Association during Lent. Dr. Smith will give his first talk to-morrow and will be the speaker at the meeting every Thurs day during Lent, except the second Thursday after Easter when Dr. Wil liam C. Schaeffer, of the Reformed Theological Seminary, of Lancaster will be the speaker. The meeting will be held In the First Reformed church of Lancaster. Bishop Talbot, of South Bethlehem, will deliver a Lenten sermon in St. Stephen's church to-morrow evening. The service will begin at 8 o'clock. The usual Lenten offering will be taken. Dr. Hartman Buried From Grace M. E. Church Members of Two Medical Societies Attend Services In a Hod} Funeral services for Dr. Paul A. Hartman were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock in Grace Methodist Episcopal Church. The Rev. Dr. John D. Fox, i pastor of the church, conducted the services. Physicians of the city and county, members of the Academy of Medicine and the Dauphin County Medical So ciety, attended the funeral in a body. At the meetings of the two societies last night resolutions were passed In which a glowing tribute was paid to the memory of the physician who was for nearly forty years a practlcioner in this city. Dr. Hartman was a charter member of the Academy of Medicine and a president of the county society. In the resolutions appreciation of his "generosity which made It possible for the Academy to build its home" is expressed. The resolutions drawn up for the Academy of Medicine were prepared by Dr. C. R. Philips, Dr. Hiram Mc- Gowan, Dr. C. E. L. Keene, and Dr. J. M. J. Raunlck. For the county so ciety the committee consisted of Dr. C. R. Philips, Dr. Hiram McGowan and Dr. W. T. Douglas. MARCONI SAYS VOICES CAN SOON BE HEARD OVER THE SEA Rome, March 4.—William Marconi delivered a lecture last night in the ancient Circus of Augustus before King Victor Emmanuel and Queen Helena, and all the notables in Rome. Mr. Marconi predicted the early suc cess of radio telephony, declaring that the human voice could be projected acjros sthe ocean by this method more .uickly than a message could be sent by cable. J HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH . - f'T T T T T T.TJT.'T ▼T T » * » ' » » » » T ¥ ». T .T.T_T_T_¥„r_yj»L^?!JLT-T. I ~ 7 77T. 7: I The Slender, Graceful Lines Fashion So] . We Are Mak.ng Extensa Much Desires Ate Most Conspicuously ► Alterations and Improvements Expressed in j in the Millinery Department $ * The Millinery Department will stand unique in " Harrisburg. _ Z 9 The entire department is. now undergoing a " change for the better. New furnishings will be in- | flIC7 V l ,1 stalled so that the appointments will be along the lat- |i j * est ideas with the view to making the department de- lightful for our customers and to more advantag- K eously display the hats, which are the last word of _ 4 I * style. Regardless of the charming styles 4 " . . f in the present dav garments, their A | We therefore require the services or superb, workmanship and artistic j > : several experienced Salesladies it"afhL^d'properco"- 1 PV j I Liberal salaries will be paid to competent persons. set. /Jin j , Our policy makes it a pleasure for our salespeople This is emphatically declared by \\/p&ap2Tr? 1 y to work here as well as a pleasure for our customers the best garment makers and pro- \/|l J ►to shop here. fessional dressmakers everywhere. 'JM j ► r\ n Thus to attain that easy lithe- J ► DOWlTlcin tX L.O. some ligure and graceful poise one I!/IWq || W\J/j + K must wear a corset of known fash- ji II \ VfjJ y ion-qualities—very likely aW. B. IS Vy/ 1' W. C. Bryant Not necessary to pay an extreme IfII | I j ; of the National Sewing Machine Co. f rice for a S° od c " r f'• We have a ,f|> 1 . , . . . .. , large range of models in VV. B. Cor- W/ /L/T ' l ► Asks us to give advance notice in our daily a.? fj,l i ► advertisement that he will be at the Store a i * , ... , ' , i r-. , . , - Ask our expert corrfctiere to show you through ; on Saturda >-' next ' March 7 - the entire line of W. B. Corsets. Yon will find a model < ' to Demonstrate the Bowman Eldredge 111 thls lme to exac, '- v su " figure. ' _ . O * Kif 1 • -A-t the Corset Section—Second Floor —BOWMAN'S. ' Improved Rotary bewing Machine 4 Mr. Bryant promises an unusual demonstration on that day ■ ■ ■ > f\ /^'OTX I ► and will exploit the TWO SPOOL machine—a new device UI | W W H lllll.H ll for facilitating the work—and which will soon be one of A IXw AVAi/X/ \J \JXmJXJ ' the leading attachments on sewing machines. _ __ . __ "* ; AND It's the Time to Buy ; ► for the advantage of our customers $17.50 Iceland Fox Sets at .$9.98 < * We WiH OpentlieFirst Bowman Sewing f»mm .........*I4M ► Machine Club of 1914 for 50 Members $27.50 Vicuna Sets at $18.50 •< ; $2.00 Sends a Machine to Your Heme s2aoo Hack Fox Scarfs < $35.00 Black Fox Muffs $25.00 < , Bowman-Eldredge Rotary $65.00 K $25.00 Black Fox Muffs $15.00 • . Bowman Vindex B $50.00 SJo.OO $65 00 Marmot Coat $43.98 ' B^ a p^u a $25 -°° W2 * 9B $17.50 Imitation Civet Cat Sets $8.98 ► on the Fifth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Children's Sets from 98