Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 04, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Remnants of Black and A New SI.OO Imported
Colored Dress Fabrics Lambskin Glove in the
Specials for Thursday Only Pre-Easter Display at 75c
Skirt and dress lengths of the season s best styles. ! Imported direct by us in such great quantities as to enable
v ' us to offer them at instead of SI.OO.
Black Goods-- two-clasp imported lambskin gloves, in white, grey, tan I
anC * an actual SI.OO value, now on sale at, pair .... 750
6 yards black Granite Cloth. J2.50 value sl.*s I Two-clasp imported gloves in all colors and white. Pair,
4 yards black fancy Batiste, $3.00 value 51.95 I />n
5 yards black fancy Poplin. $3.75 value $2.45 i /a „i--_ ~ .., , . ... » '
2% yards black Serge, JI.BS value $1.48 j One-Clasp La\aher kid gloves, with P. Iv. stitching. Pair,
2% yards black Broadcloth, $5.00 value $3.6# " y.| ojc
yards black Ratine, $3.75 value $2.49 T,,„, \r„ i .• . , . .
4 yards black Crepe, $3.00 value $1.95 i wo-ciasp Aavarre real kid gloves with Paris point em
-4 yards Silk Poplin, $5.00 value $3.98 broidery; in tan, grey, white and black $1.50
2 yards black Serge, s2.ao value 51./ i 1-j i • , * . .
4 yards black Panama, $3.00 value $2.35 urine & tin metal kid gloves with white Pans point em
-4 yards black Broadcloth, $12.00 value $7.80 broidery and white stitching. Pair #1.75
Colored Dress Goods-- j Kayser washable chamoisette gloves; white, biscuit, tan,
2 yards Serge, $2.50 value $1.78 S re . % and natural 50tf* to $1.25
HI v.v.\v.v.v.v:.v:::::::: £! . . Ka - V " r ' s , was I ha b' e ch.n.o««te g i o «., in i6-button length;
2 yards Granite Cloth, SI.OO value 50c ; m biscuit, natural and white. Pair 50e to SI.OO
4 yards Figured Cloth. SI.SG value 95c ! Dives. Pomerov & Stewart Street Floor
! t yards Batiste, $2.00 value c
; 2% yards Serge, $3.13 value $2.45
yards Ratine. $3.75 value $2.45 . .
4 yards Silk Poplin, $5.00 value $3.98 U n A T J „
4 yards Serge, $5.00 value $».?» lYmlllOS /\XO
5 yards Granite Cloth. SiSoO value $l.«o WvuviV/lO J.I.J.
4 yards Granite Cloth. $2.00 value $1.40
4 yards Shepherd Checks, $3.00 value $1.95 * I X .
5 yards Shepherd Checks, $2.50 value $1.95 I \ Oil Otl Q
5 yards Fancy Silk Poplin, $3.75 value $2.3|» U F IUI 6 A-'I
4 vards Fancy Silk Poplin, $3.00 valuo $1.95
4 yards BrSwn'Serge° S'vaiue •.7.7.\7.7.-.7.7.\\ 55.95 ° Ur showin S ° f these P°P ular weaves embraces every note
-4 yards Shepherd Checks, $1.56 value ..95c worthy style. Ihe variety is practicallv comnlete ami manv
5 yards Shepherd Checks, $1.95 value $1.19 «. • , , " , . , ,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor novelties are shown here exclusively. Checks, fancy plaids,
two-tone effects' and solid colors are displayed in a wealth of
A-n n ' st )' le and color variations.
*VII rtlllaV/UVV/ U+JVs vyilwl Ratine In two-toned checks of black and white, light blue and
_ T T* r- 1 W»ck. cadet and black, wistaria and black, rose and black, tango and
|V| Cft I —IOC fr\ I In X/Vltrl black. and mixtures and solidl colors, 36 inches, yard 89c
1 lid I 1 ldo IKJ V V 1111 , Ratine in fancy weaves in navy and tan, green and tan, light blu«
and tan, hello and tan. 42 inches wide, yard SI.OO
Palmolive Preparations ;
r- u/- • 11 ij i-a i• . . j Ratine, fancy Scotch plaids, 42 inches, vard si 10
Palmolive cold Cream IS usually sold at 00c—and it must . Ratine in heavy hop sacking weave in tan, coral, green and cadet
be a mightv good cream if its great army of users can be taken StJ n V;!\^ s ': •:■ *•• v.* • \ — ;• • • •' $1.50
. .* -r-, » *i • «. Ratine in changeable shades of reci and blue, tan and blue and
as a criterion. The makers are now working on a campaign to green an.) blue, 44 inches, yard | ...... si so
introduce Palmolive Soap, and to that end i open R mesh ( y^ard" 07 check weaves of hello, salmon, pink and tan.
We Announce Th,s great Offer:
With each purchase, at 39e, of a iar of Palmolive Cold 45 J nch ®s wide, solid shades, yard 7...5i!59
... . , , _ , . 1 i- r- • - Nub Ratine, 4U inches wide, cadet, Nell rose black u-hito
Cream, we will give three Ire cakes ot Palmolive Soap tree. tango, yard S2OO
An actual 85c value for I»9<? : Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor
Good Values in Cotton New 50c Negligee Shirts
Dress Goods f or \j en Who Expect
New Spring weaves offered at special prices, j
Granite Cloth in solid shades of Copenhagen, cream, tan, garnet, j 1 t*(i V Pill IF*
navy, light blue, pink, rose, grey, green, cadet, brown and black, regu- ' *• ' €XI UC
lar 25c value. Special, yard 19c [
Voile, colored figures and stripes on white ground, regular 15c , Negligee shirts with separate Militarv collar and Frenrli
value. Special, yard 10c . • _ i-i i , , • ~ - , icuv.ii
Ponsw. highly mercerized finish, 30 inches wide, regular 25c. Spe- j cults ,in solid color pongee and liai!" line or cluster stripes, sizes
ciai, yard 15c ; 14 to 17. Special at
Ginghams in large variety, attractive styles, regular 12% c I i- i • ""V
value. Special, yard 10c .Negligee shirts with Military attached collar, in solid cream
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Fioor j and Stripe patterns 50C
4 ~ ~T~. , Li g ht blue chambrav negligee shirts with militarv or regu-
In Step Wlth r ashion s 1 endencv lar stvlc attached or detached coiim :.... 500
** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
for Kimono Sleeves Comes the New
Net Sleeve Bolero Dress Shields Silk Shirts Are Now Shown
A special demonstration and sale of Naiad Dress Shields is * —^
now in progress on the street floor, under the supervision of lOf JjOVS
Miss O'Connell direct from the Naiad factory. «/
The New Bolero is designed for kimono sleeve garments ' The weave is luxurious for dress occasions and the pat
and is shown in all sizes at 50c terns are not unlike those used in men's silk shirts. In coat
Regular style shields at 'iOc to J250 style with separate collar. In sizes for boys, at
All Naiad shields can easily be sterlized by immersion in " »$•>.(H) inc j $3 35
boiling water. Boys' negligee shirts with separate soft collar: sizes 12 to
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Priced at " "O
To-day, Matinee and Night—Carlisle
Elks Minstrels.
To-morrow, Friday and Saturday Mat
inee and Night Dwiggins Tour
Around the World.
Monday Evening Rosa Karpe and
David Levensohn and their Yiddish
Wednesday, Matinee and Night—Geo.
Sidey in "Busy Izzy."
A real George Cohan show is to be
found in the Elks Minstrels musical
comedy, "George Brady's Dream," re
peated twice to-day at the Majestic
Theater, the matinee performance
having been arranged especially for
the ladies and children. Forty-two
song hits are to be found on the pro
gram and a production that is in keep
ing with any of the musical comedies
that have appeared here this season.
While the sale for the balance of the
engagement is large, still a number of
tlrst-class seats are to be had.—Adver
Have you dreamed of seeing the
world? Well, Elmer Dwiggins has
arranged the trip for you, starting
"California Syrup of Figs" can't
harm tender stomach,
liver, bowels.
Look back at your childhood days.
Iteniember the "physic" that mother
Insisted on—castor oil, calomel, ca
thartics. How you hated them, how
jou fought against taking them.
With our children it's different.
Mothers who cling to the old form of
physic simply don't realize what they
tlo. The children's revolt is well
founded. Their tender little "insiues"
nre injured by them.
If your child's stomach, liver and
bowels need cleansing' give "California
from Harrisburgr. Thursday afternoon .
at 2.3U, and again at 8.13, on board
the ship Majestic, with all the com
forts pertaining to a first-class the
ater. Xo matter what your limita
tions of time and money, you can see
the world now; you can go com-;
pletely around it, seeing its temples. <
enjoying its hundred wonders, realiz- ■
ing its differences of life, civilization,
religion and ideals. You can do all of
this and still be home in time for bed
j or supper.—Advertisement.
The most severe critic must admit!
that Rolfe's "Colonial Days" the Or-1
pheum's fine headliner this week, is
a positive artistic triumph. It is ar- i
tistic in the talent employed, in its.
staging, its costuming and its theme. I
Then too the action of the piece ]
move • along in a smooth, logical or-!
der, without any uncalled for situa- j
tions or specialties. The playlet is all I
color, light, beauty and harmony with- j
out any semblance to buffonnery or'
horseplay. "Colonial Days" just tells I
a pretty romance in song, dance and j
musical interpolations that is beauti- j
ful throughout. Those who like to!
laugh must find it in the remaining!
attractions, and those who have seen !
' the bill know that it is there. For
instance, Imhoff, Corine and Conn in
I "U. S. A. Regular" are handing out the
j comedy ev nt of the season. Patrons'
I who have seen it have been in line|
Syrup of Figs." Its action is positive,
but gentle. Millions of mothers keep
this harmless "fruit laxative" handy;
they know children love to take it;
that It never falls to clean the liver
and bowels and sweeten the stomach,
and that a teaspoonful given to-day
saves a sick child to-morrow. It should
be the first remedy given, as it always
does good, never any harm.
Ask your druggist for a 00-cent
bottle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
which has full directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly on each bottle. Beware of
counterfeits sold here. See that it is
made by "California Fig Syrup Com
pany." Refuse any other kind with
.to witness it a second time. The act
is causing a landslide of laughs at
each performance. Following close on
their heels is the mixture of harmony
and comedy offered by Kenny, No
body and Piatt. These two blackface
comedians possess splendid voices and
they harmonize in several good songs
i that call for long and enthusiastic ap
plause. Leona Stevens is a very pleas
ins singing comedienne and there are
several other features that are entire
ly worthy.—Advertisement.
Enough female applicants to climb
! the "greased pole" are entered at the
: Colonial box otfice to almost assure
| the fair sex that they get the "bacon"
| this week. That also sounds pretty
I promising for some good fun too. And
! some crack amateur artists are also
i booked for their Initial plunge into
' vaudeville features of merit.—Adver-
I tisement.
The Itig historical feature picture in
• three acta will be shown to-day at this
'th ater. The Dreamchlld in two acts
! will also be shown and the sixth pic
ture of "Our Mutual Girl" will also
be shown, Seeing New York from the
'tallest building in the world. She runs
jaway from her aunt's home to her
country lover, who is employed at the
: docks. .Many interesting views of fa
| mous places and buildings in New
' York are included in this picture.—
! Advertisement.
Special to The Telegraph
Lewisberry, Pa., March 4. Some
folks from Lisburn, in charge of Miss
Zay Kunkel, will hold an entertain
ment in Lewisberry hall on Saturday
evening. All persons wishing a good
| laugh should attend. Two-thirds of
the money taken in will be given to
! the Lewisberry Chautauqua Associa
tion to be used for transportation of
' the talent. This entertainment was
given at Lisburn last week and was
pronounced very good.
Special to The Telegraph
Enola, Pa., March 4.—At a meeting
II of the West Shore Ministerial Asso
ciation yesterday the ministers en
dorsed the movement for a No-License
League in Cumberland county and
I pledged their co-operation in the
"'ormation of such an organization.
Special to The Telegraph
Dillsburg, Pa., March 4.—The pub
lic sale of Reuben Strayer, of Wash
ington township, was held and was
one of the largest sales of farm stock
in this section this Spring. In spite
of the extreme weather the attend
ance was good and exceptionally good
prices realized. Hogs sold very high
priced; cows sold for from S6O to SBS;
one pair of mules sold for $550. an
other for $316, and a horse for $2 25.
The total amount of the sale was over
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanicsburg, Pa., March 4.—On
Friday evening next Professor H. Hay
ward, M. S., of Newark, Del., will de
liver a lecture on the subject, '"Our
Careers," in the Messiah Bible School
Chapel in Grantham, several miles
south of this place. Professor Hay
ward is a graduate of Cornell Uni
versity and has been connected with
the Pennsylvania State Sollege and is
at present a director of the Delaware
Agricultural Experiment Station. A
silver collection will be lifted.
Dillsburg, Pa., March 4.—The cur
few law, requiring children under 16
years of age to be off the streets by
7 o'clock from October until April and
at 8 o'clock from April to October, will
again be enforced by High Constable
G. C. Fishel. Chief Burgess Sidle is
co-operating with Constable Fishel and
has had notices printed and circu
lated calling the parents' attention to
the law. The ordinance was passed
several years ago by the council, but
has not been enforced for some time.
Special to The Telegraph
Annville, Pa., March 4.—lce men
of this district are reaping such a
large harvest from the dams that sur
round the town that tney Ind It almost
impossible to secure enough men to
do the work for them. All sorts of in
ducements are being offered to tramps
who happen to wander into the town.
Special to The Telegraph
Willlamstown, Pa., March 4.—A fire
broke out at the home of Abraham
James yesterday morning and the
building was practically destroyed and
little or no furniture saved.
Mifflinburg Corporation Brings
Management, Stockholders and
Employes Together
v ij
Slear photo
President and Founder of Mitflinburg
Buggy Company
Special to The Telegraph
Mitflinburg, Pa.. March 4.—On Mon
day evening the lirst annual banquet
ot' the Mitflinburg Buggy Company was
held at the Buffalo Valley Inn, tender
ed by the management to Its empliyes
and stockholders. The affair was set
for 7 o'clock, and previous to the
hour guests with the management be
gan to assemble at the inn, when they
were received by the reception com
mittee, and assembled In the parlors
on the second iloor, where the guests
held social intercourse until dinner
was announcer. After all had been
seated around the tables, grace was
offered by H. M. Benner, an employe.
The menu consisted of a turkey sup
per with all the accompanying side
dishes. Robert S. Gutelius, president
and founder of the Mitflinburg Buggy
Company, gave a very appropriate talk
on efficiency and co-operatoin. Harry
F. Blair, the vice-president, and asso
ciated with Mr. Gutelius in the busi
ness since its Inception, followed
with well chosen remarks, after which
ex-District Attorney of Union County
and treasurer of the company, David
L. Glover, gave a splendid talk on pa
tience and loyalty. A. C. Ehrhart.
secretary of the company, was kept
during the evening looking after
the comfort and welfare 01* the guests.
There were also remarks and sugges
tions made by the different employes,
and a co-operative plan »was worked
out io take care of employes during
illness. The object of bringing the
employe and employer more closely
together, in deep appreciation of each
other, and closer proximity, was en
tertained here. Indeed, the pleasing af
fair brought out the fact that the men
of the Mitflinburg Buggy Company,
one of Mifflnburg's leading and main
industries, in each and every depart
ment of the large factory, worked in
harmony, with deepest regard for em
ploye and employer. This, the lirst
annual banquet of the Mitllinburg
Buggy Company, was certainly a great
Special to The Telegraph
Hershey, Pa., March 4. —The fresh
man class of the Hershey High School
enjoyed a sleighride to Middletown.
The class is taught by Professor O. P.
Butterwick, who chaperoned the
party. They were taken in a large
sleigh drawn by four mules and the
ribbons were held by Mr. Buffington,
of the Robert Walton farm. The
party was taken through the Wineroft
Stove Works and other places of in
Special to The Telegraph
Hershey, Pa., March 4.—The Rev.
O. G. Komig delivered an illustrated
address to the boys at the Industrial
School on Suturday evening on "Re
member Thy Creator.','
Special to The Telegraph
| Lewisberry, Pa., March 4.—On Sat
urday the members of Valley Grange,
No. 1360, held an oyster dinner at the
home of Darius Shrader. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. George Bower,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shuey, Mr. and
Mrs. L. S. Rockey. Mrs. Harvey Zorger,
Grant Kister, Miss Fairie Zinn and
Air. and Mrs. D. A. Shrader. Others
present were the Rev. and Mrs. M. E.
Bartholomew. Dr. and Mrs. Harry
Spangler, the Misses Annie Miller, Sue
Miller, Marjorie Ensininger, Louise
Spangler, Mildred Spangler, Ethel
Spangler, Mildred Spangler, Ethel
Shuey, Grace Shuey and Irene Bar
tholomew, Walter A. Zinn and James
Special to The Telegraph
Halifax, Pa., March 4. A. M.
Keiter, of Enterline, butchered a bull
on Tuesday that tipped the beam at
862 pounds dressed and a porker that
dressed 529 pounds.
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., March 4.—To
date licenses have been issued to 2,3 46
radio operators, 2,099 of them being
first grade. Of the first grade op
erators 43 per cent, were under 21
yeat-s of age, while of the second
grade 51 per cent, were under that age.
By Associated Press
New York, March 4.—ln recognition
of his work ate chief engineer in the
construction of the Panama Canal,
Colonel George W. Goetlials will re
ceive this evening at Carnegie Hall the
Civic Forum medal of honor. It will
be the .first time the m6dal has been
bestowed for distinguished service.
Fairbanks, Alaska. March 4.—Act
ing under instructions from the Attor
ney General of the United States, Dis
trict Attorney Crossley to-day ordered
all saloons to close from Saturday
midnight until Sunday midnight.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
MARCH 1914.
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor of The Telegraph:
A meeting: of the Southern Pennsyl
vania Chapter of the American Insti
tute of Architects, was held In Harrls
burg on the evening of October 20,
1913, In which was discussed at soinc
length the question of competitions for
school buildings. The llurrlsburg i
situation was discussed after the com
mittee on competition had reported that
their efforts to get a hearing from the
Harrtsbur" School Dard h. " failed.
An article published in the Septem
ber, 1913, number of the American j
School Journal relating to the selec- '
tlon of an architect for the erection of
a school building in Parkersburg, W.
Va., was read and favorably comment
ed upon, the chairman of the publicity
committee was requested to ask the
Ilarrisburg papers to publish it. The
city of York has followed this plan for
years in the selection of architects for
the erection of its school buildings and
not one word of criticism has been
heard from the people or the press, and
it is a well-known fact that York has
buildings second to none in the State.
The program for the selection of the
architect at Parkersburg follows:
1. The board in a preliminary way
decided the kind of building that will
meet the requirements. Sketches are
not desired. The architect who is best
qualified will be selected. You are ask
ed to appear before the board and
answer the following:
2. How long have you been engaged
In your profession as an architect?
3. What has been your training and
experience? Included in this question
the board desires information as to
what buildings you have designed, in
cluding buildings other than school
4. The board would be pleased to
see photographs of some of the more
important buildings which you have |
planned and erected.
5. Give the approximate cost of the !
various structures which you present
as exumples of your work. Also, stale
the names of the general contractors
for such buildings and state whether
or not you had charge of the super
; vision of the construction.
6. Give an outline of your methods
of doing business—how your plans are
prepared, how detailed, how manv
copies ol' plans you furnish. Submit
samples of working plans, details and
specifications of at least two jobs.
7. A brief reference to your methods
of handling work would be desirable.
8. What are your facilities for hand
ling work of this kind? Have you in
your employ competent designers and
engineers and building superinten
9. (jive such other information as
you yourself would like to have if you
were about to employ an architect for
a building ol' this kind.
10. The above information should
be submitted In writing, which should
be left with the board, but the board
desires you to appear nersonallv at the
above date 11' you are interested in this
11. After the board has decided on
its architect he will be expected to pre
pare preliminary sketches until a satis
factory plan has been evolved. Should
the architect appear incompetent the
board reserves a right to make some
other selection without obligation to
the first party.
12. You will further be expected to
enter into contract with the board and
make such other necessary arrange
ments that may seem desirable.
Chairman of Publicity Committee.
Use Poslam Soap if your skin is ten
der and other soaps Irritate.
* You will find Poslam Soap soothing
and more beneficial to your slcln than
you ever thought a soap could be. Medl-
I cation with Poslam. the great healing
remedy, makes it so.
Prevents roughness.
Beautifies the complexion.
Makes hands soft and velvety.
After shampooing leaves the scalp
clean and sweet and the hair in superb
Sold by all druggists everywhere.
(TO DRUGGISTS —All jobbers now
supply Poslam Soap at N. A. R. D.
prices.)— Advertisement.
Woman With Marvelou«ly Ueuutlful
Hnlr Give* Simple Home Prescrip
tion \f iiieli Slie I'afil WHh Mont
ltemurkuble KenultM
X was greatly troubled with dandruff
I and falling hair. 1 tried many adver
; tised hair preparations and various pre
scriptions, but they all signally failed;
! many of them made my hair greasy so
I it was impossible to comb it or do it up
properly. I think that many of the
things I tried were positively injurious
and from my own experience I cannot
too strongly caution you against using
preparations containing wood alcohol
and other poisonous substances. I be
lieve they injure the roots of the hair.
After my long list of failures, I finally
found a simple prescription which I can
unhesitatingly state is beyond doubt
the most wonderful thing for the hair
I have ever seen. Many of my friends
have also used it, and obtained won
derful effects therefrom. It not only Is
a powerful stimulant to the growth- of
the hair and for restoring gray hair to
Its natural color, but it is equally good
for removing dandruff, giving the hair
life and brilliancy, etc., and for the pur
pose of keeping the scalp in first-class
condition. It also makes the hair easier
to comb and arrange in nice form. I
have a friend who used it two months
and during that time it has not only
stopped the falling of his hair and
wonderfully Increased its growth, but
it practically restored all of his hair to
its natural color. You can obtain the
ingredients for making this wonderful
preparation from almost any druggist.
The prescription is as follows:
Bay Rum, 6 oz.: Menthol Crystals, Vj
drachm; Lavona de Composee, 2 oz. If
you like it perfumed add 1 drachm of
your favorite perfume. This, however,
is not necessary. Apply night and
morning; rub thoroughly into the scalp.
■ Full value for coupon# and tags from j~
I* Liggett & Myers tobacco and ciga- H|
rettea. Big stock of Premiums. Save P*
I* delay—make choice and get present
■J same day. Special welcome to ladles. £
■" 416 Market St. w
Direct Route
Savannah and Jacksonville
Through tickets to principal points
Including meals and stateroom accom
modations on steamers. Best route to
Florida. Cuba and the South Fine
steamers. Best service. Low fares.
Marconi wireless Automobiles carried.
Rooms de Luxe. Baths. For booklet
call on local ticket agent or address.
City Ticket Office, 10.% 9. Oth St., Phils.
W. P. Turner, P. T. M.. Baltimore, Md.
Non-greasy Toilet Cream keeps
the skin soft and velvety in rough
weather. An exquisite toilet prep
aration, 25c.
16 N. Third St., and P. It. It, Station
Dyspsptics En>y
All Good Ea!er»
But If They Would Stop Fearing
Food and Use Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets They
Could Eat Heartily.
It Is not only sud but amusing as
well to watch dyspeptics regard a.
friend as that friend talks about a flr.u
meal ho has just enjoyed.
Tj the dyspeptic there comes only
the thought of the pain, the belching,
the indigestion, etc., that follows the
meal and the awl'ul sense of repug
nance that occurs while the meal is
being eaten.
"Which one do you think la dranrlbtac
a great his hearty mcalT"
The easy way, the pleasant way, is
to use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets that
quickly restore appetite and build up
the worn-out body by the perfect as
similation of food.
j These little digestors are powerful,
, pleasant, and produce almost imme
diate digestion of any meal. If you
will use them occasionally you will
quickly learn what a Joy food really is.
One cannot hope to help nature bj
eating food from which a weakened
digestion cannot take the ingredients
it needs.
The only way is to put. these in
g: dients in a pure form into the body.
Then when they are absorbed the sys
tem at once starts rebuilding and is
enabled to soon perform its proper and
perfect functions.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain
the very essences most demanded and
desired by the body to do its work of
taking nutrition from food.
As soon as the stomach is enabled
to stop food decay and balance its
gastric juices, then raw stomach gas.
foul breath, catarrh, heartburn, bowel
trouble, etc., disappear. The result is
always the same. This fact alone is
what has mado Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets the greatest dyspepsia and
stomach remedy ever sold. They an
on sale at every drug store and you
may obtain a box anywhete. Price
50 cents.—Advertisement.
March W
Yuu burned more cual in Feb
ruary than any other winter
month. Chances are your bins
need replenishing.
Get Kelley's Coal and order it
delivered before the next storm
conies. Deliveries are compara
tively easy now.
The quality of Kelley's coal will
keep your houses comfortably
heated despite March winds.
1 N. Third St
10th and State Streets.
She made up a mixture of Sage
Tea and Sulphur to bring
back color, gloss, thickness.
Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol
added will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and lux
uriant, remove every bit of dandruff,
stop scalp itching and falling hair.
Just a few applications will prove a
revelation if your hair is fading, gray
or dry, scraggly and thin. Mixing the
Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home,
though. Is troublesome. An easier
way Is to get the ready-to-use tonic,
costing about 50 cents a large bottle,
at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," thus
avoiding a lot of muss.
While wispy, gray, faded hair is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractive
ness. By darkening your hair with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur no one can
tell, because it does it so naturally, so
evenly. 'You just dampen a sponge or
soft brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning all gray
hairs have disappeared, and, after an
other application or two, your hair
becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft
and luxuriant.—Advertisement.
| Upholstering jj
! I DECORATING of all kinds j;
!! AWNINGS made to order 1;
!! CARPETS sewed and laid j;
Call upon or phone J >
| SnmrHor to 11. A. Vollmer, ! >
12081/2 N. Third St ij
Cor. 2nd and Walnut Sts.
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