Lost ' IX)ST Alligator skin purse t on- ! talnlng money, in Hoover s Jewelry i Store, Bowman's Store or Woolworth s o anil 10c Store or on Third and Market streets. Reward if returned to this t office. _ Jlelp Wanted —Maic , AX active, educated man of business ability for special work in Harrisburg. | beginning March 18. Best references required. Dodd, Mead & CO., itir. Building, Philadelphia. CANVASSERS WANTED Sterol Kood canvassers. Apply u L 0 I n i' „ h I'ulat&uu Department, the feles'tai ll ' GOOD man to operate clevaWr; must have experience lunning ma chinery; none others need want a man that does not drink, united Ice & Coal Co., lorstei and Cow den streets. " GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy' to tet My free booklet. \-Si*., tells l.ow Write to-day-NOW. Earl Hop kins, Washington, D. C. ___! . it- 1 IMMEDIATELY, flrst-class Union Ma chinists, $3.35 pel' day of 8 1-3 hours. Apply The Crown Cork and seal Co.. 1511 Guilford avenue. Baltimore, Md., or Business Agent's Ofilce, 21a court land street, Baltimore. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED. Splendid Income assured right man to act as our representative alter learning our business thoroughly by mail. Former experience unnecessary. All we require is honesty, ability, am bition and willingness to learn a lucra tive business. No soliciting or travel ing. All or spare time only. Tills is an exceptional opportunity for a man in your section to get into a big paying business without capital and become independent for life. Write at once for full particulars. National Co-Operative Realty Company, L-S*lo, Marden Build ing, Washington, D. C. MAN for city delivery wagon; must be honest and sober; steady position; address in own handwriting, stating references. Address Y., 746, care of Telegraph. TIP REPAIRERS WANTED. Hall lax Shoe Co., Halifax, Pa. $75.00 MONTH paid Government Rail way Mail Clerks. Parcel Post means many appointments. Harrisburg exami nations coming. "Pull" unnecessary. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 361-L, Rochester, N. Y. Hep Wanted —Female r TRIMMER in millinery depart ment of Klein Co.. Marke- Square. CORSETTI ERE, one with experience in selling. Apply Manager of Bowman 4c Co.' FIFTY experienced operators for sewing on power machines; paid while learning. Apply S. Silver, Forster and Cowden streets. SALESLADIES for Suits and Coats; permanent posi tions; good wages. Klein Co., 9 .North Market Square. g- anted —Male A COUNTRY boy wants work; height, j feet 3 inches; weight, 145 lbs. Adaress Grorge, 640 lvelker street. A POSITION as butler or houseman, by a young colored man. Apply at once 656 Sayford avenue. BY a neat colored boy, work of any kind. Paul Walker, 661 Calder street. COLORED man wants work of any kind. Call, or address, 1210 allace street. MAN, aged 30, wants position as helper on automobile truck. tiall, or write, 125S Market street. YOUNG colored man would like to have a position as butler or porter ill store; can give rcfyiences. Call, or ad dress, 132 i-lberty street, City. Situations Wanted —Female A LADY desires a position as house keeper lor light ivorK or t assist In kitchen. Address ¥., <44, care ot .tele graph. A RESPECTABLE lady wishes a po sition as companion to an ageu lady, one who has had some experience; ref erence furnished. Address 0., V 52, care ot Telegraph. BY neat colored girl, position as sec ond'maia, chambeimaid or to assist In housework; must sleep at piace. Au dress Miss M. A. 1., Cameron street, Middle to >vn, Pa. » COLORED girl desires plain cooking, or work ot any kind. Call, or address, 607 South street. COLORED girl wants work of any kind. Please address 413 Filbert street or 409 Filth street. City. COLORED girl wishes a place for general housework. Call, or audress, ill State street. EXPERIENCED colored woman wishes position to do hotel pantry work, ice cream saloon or cook in good, Christian family. 1418 North Seventh street. EXPERIENCED typist wants extra typewriting work. Prompt service and moderate charges. Apply M., 748, care of Telegraph. MIDDLE-AGED white woman desires housework in small family. Call, or address before 5 P. M., Mrs. J. Holter, 1244 Market street. POSITION as cook or chambermaid by colored woman. Maine Carr, 1210 Wallace street. POSITION by middle-aged woman as housekeeper for man of good charac ter, rich or poor. Address Miss Kline, 1223 North Tenth street, Reading, Pa. WASHING and ironing to do at house or will take home. 116Va Lib erty street WHITE woman des'res position as cleaning offices or day's work of any kind. Call, or address, 514 Filbert street. WIDOW, with a flvc-year-old child, wants to keep house for respectable widower. Address Box G, 747, care of Telegraph. WIDOW, with one child four years old, desires a position as housekeeper. Apply 1326 Hunter street. WOMAN of education and refinement wishes to read to invalids, elderly peo ple, children, or any one "shut in." Terms reasonable. Address M., 750, care of Telegraph. YOUNG colored girl wants to help with light housework, or nurse, in the country. Apply at 806 Cowden street. YOUNG lady. ith several years' ex perience in coir lete charge of books and accounts, desires a change. Can furnish A 1 references as to ability as a bookkeeper and general office man ager. Address Bookkeeper, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Bargain in Business Property 14 North Third Street Four-story brick building with basement, store room on first floor, offices on second floor and apartments on third and fourth Boors. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE HSDKRAL. SQUARE HARRISBLRG. i * WEDNESDAY EVENING Situations Wanted —Female YOUNG lady. 19 years old wants po- j sition as pianist for moving picture theater. Can furnish best references and start at once. Inquire, or address. , Box 753, care of Telegraph. , YOUNG woman desires position 111 small, private family to assist with j housework. People must be good, plain people. Address E. M. F., IS4j Herr j street. , Agents Wanted AGENTS everywhere to sell Madame Gazelles (French) (switch and hair, dye), a well tried preparation. \oi. can : have your switch and hair one color. Conceals gray hair, and gives switch i feeling" anil appearance of natural hair. i Can be applied secretly in a few nun- ; utes. Full sized sample tl!sc> will last . for years. G. and G. Distributors, *so. i j35 Church street, Ephrata, Pa. Rooms For Rent 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. suitable for li#?ht housekeeping. Stoves rur nished free. Laundry, phone and bath room privileges. Also janitress service, i | Hishop Building, 429 Broad street. TWO communieatii»K rooms to bath, second floor front; all conveniences; use of phone; gras to cook with. 9-o North Sixth street. Call Bell phone 610 W. WELL furnished room, racing Capl tol Park; city steam heat; use of bath j nnd phone; suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife. 406 North i FURNISHED ROOMS single or en suite; all conveniences, Including, phone; reference required. Apply 1015 North Front street. TWO nicely furnished rooms, for gen tlemen, with city heat and use of bath. Address M., 72D, care of Telegraph. ROOM In private family, 011 the Hill. Call Bell phone IS74R, or address 4uo Crescent street. Rooms Wanted — BY married couple, board or furnish ed rooms for light housekeeping, in city or suburbs, with woman who will be able to nurse woman when connned. Address Box K, 751. care of Telegraph. FOR the representatives of The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellow s from May 19 to 21, inclusive. Mate price and number. Address John S3. Splcer, -76 i Peffer street. ! TWO bedrooms wanted. One furnish -led and other unfurnished. Between Market Square and Broad street. Ad dress F„ <4O, care of Telegraph. i TWO or three unfurnished rooms for j two adults, including use of bath; cen tral location preferred. Address R„ i 54, | care of Telegraph. , | | ONE or two furnished rooms, with private batii, by man and wife, central ly located. Address R., 756, care of Telegraph. Apartments For Rent I COMMODIOUS second floor apart- I ment. Front and Herr streets; large 1 front porch overlooking river: electric light and gas; hardwood lloors. Also I garage in rear for rent. T. B. Roeka- I tellar. Second and North streets. Boarders Wanted 1 FOR pleasant rooms, centrally locat- I ed. Rates reasonable. Apply 211 Black -1 berry street. VV anted WILLOW PLUMES and old Feathers 1 to be made over into beautiful French i Plumes and the latest Fancies. See our | saleslady at 302 Calder Building. Afri ; can Ostrich Farm Jt Feather Co., llar ! rlsburg. Business opportunities AN opportunity to Increase your busi -1 ness 100 per cent, by using steel uio Embossed Stationery. Phone 3652 for prices. Hat risburg Emuossing Flant, 4 -North Fifth street, Harrisburg, Pa. ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding tor newspapeis, expei lence unnecessary. Send for paiw ticulars. Press syndicate. iBS. Lock port, N. V. 1 MADE $50,000 in five years In the mail order business, began with $5. sentt for free boolUet. 'lens how. Hea | COCK, ddu Lock port. N. Y. business Personals tLt.AAI.Mi CAIIi'ETS AND Rbuo on your lioor » ith latest 'iinpioveu electric cieaner service. Ex | H-i .euceu operators Willi liiacnuics. li-un.iture and unisued. A. i.e. m, -ou Qouin street, i>eu phone I *'»'• ' RAILING 11. W. LATIICi, iiuuruiuic Stable and I .National 'ltmuiet Co. Movers ot tuauos, bales, oouers and general haul ing. tl, W. jlittliagel. Filth and n ooauuie streets. lieu pnone No. 2603 R. liarnsDurg Paste Works 1-0 .V cauirrun Street PAPHtrtA-.N«ji^ito, oulpoaieis', bock biuaers anu an lunds ot paste. Prdnipt shipment. Ail paste guaranteed. Uell i/llone 11&6 L. FOR falling nair try Gross Quinine llalr Tome, prepared by Gross, the j Druggist and Apothecary, 11» Market j street, Harrisburg, Fa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell, It 60. U. U. PEFFER, LOCAL and ueiivery. Piano j and urniture moving a specialty, stor | age ot household soods ana lurmture packing, tiell phone lotSJ. 1111) .Mont- Uomer), Harrisourg. 1 | REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING I with best material and by expert help, i Send us your worn furniture. Our best : eitorts insure your satisfaction, a. N. j Cluck, o-u w oouoine street. FOR- SALE AT GABLE'S. 11U-15-17 South Second street, o.vou sets new sasli | bxlo, 12 light, primed and glazed, at »1.10 per set. Real Lstate £or bale Plßl.lt SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE i THE undersiijiieu will Fell on the i premises hereinafter described, on the i southeast corner of Firth anu u oou i bine streets, City of Harrisburg, Pa., on SAtlKbAt', the 7th uay 01 March, A. 1 D. 1014, at 2 o clock P. M., the follow ing described real estate: All that certain lot or tract of ground, i situate in the Tenth Ward, of tne City of Harrisburg, atoresaid, being on east side of Fiftn street, near vt oodbine street, and having a lrontage of 62 feet ■ on Fifth street and extending back a ) uepth of 80 feet; having erected there | on, on the southern part of taid lot fac ing Fifth street, two five-room, 'i'AVO- S'iORY FHAilb, DWELLING in good repair, also a large stable. A very attractive piece ot land for the investor or prospective builder. Lo ! cated in one of the best parts of the 1 city and constantly growing in value. ! TERMS OF SALE —ten per centum of ■ purchase price to be paid the uay of sale and the balance April 1, ial4, when ! deed will be delivered and possession 1 given. H. W. LATHE. Real Estate For Sale i TWO line homes, will be finished i March 15. Nino rooms and latest and only practical, common sense bath- j room. Steam heated; largo iront anil | back porches; ornamental tlxtures i tlirouKhout; reception hull; open stair-j case; laundry room and stationary , was.li tubs, outdoor sleeping chamber | with south side exposure, size 15x8; 12 | minutes by trolley to Market Square. For further information call P. Vunder- . 100, Masonic Temple Building, Third and State streets. THREE SUBURBAN PROPERTIES j FOR SALE euch with !> rooms 1 porches furnaces lots. 28x130. Lo cated on car line. Prices, $1,350. Jl.iuO I and $1,550, respectively. Bell Realty ' Co., Bergner Building. LOOK AT NO. 420 WOODBINE j STREET new brick house all ! modern improvements gus and elec- I trie lights porches. Owner to leave. A good property cheap. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Butlding. BRICK HOUSE. 2311 Derry street; all improvements; electric and gas fix tures; steam heat; small amount of cash needed; balance on easy terms. ; Call D. B. Weaver, 2309 Derry street. i DERRY STREET COTTAGE, seven rooms and bath; all improvements; porches; side entrance; possession April 1. A bargain if sold at once. Imperial Hardware Co., 1202 North Third. RENTER Would you rather own your house than to pay rent? For a small amount of cash and monthly pay ments you can buy. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. Real Estate For Rent i THE MEIIARGUE MILL on Powels Creek, near Matamoras, Dauphin coun ty, Penna. This is a water power roller Hour mill, present tenant, F. E. Cors nttz, to vacate March 31, 1914. Apply to Thos. T. Wierman, 14 South Alarket Square, Harrisburg, Pa., or to C. C. Zimmerman, Halifax, Penna. HOUSRS FOR RUNT No. 521 N. Sixteenth St 127.00 3018 N. Second St 122.00 524 Peffer St |3u.00 1733 Apricot Avenue 115.00 Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. (FROM APRIL 1), 1724 Sycamore street (Cloverly Heights). 2H-story brick nine rooms and bath front and back porch steam heat gas and electric light. Rent, $22.50. Rohrer & Son, Bergner Building, Third and Market streets. BY widow, part of three-story brick house, in good locality, with improve ments and large yard. Middle-aged couple without children preferred. Ad dress W., 753, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT 1530 Xaudain St SIB.OO [ 1524 Catherine St 15.00 J. 12. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. j NEW 6-room house, at Edgemont, one-half mile north of Penbrook. Rent, $6.00, or sale price, S6OO. Lots are 30x 120. with stable. G. S. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street. City. I 1527 N. SECOND ST., desirable house lO rooms and bath electric lights —front and side porches possession at once—s4s.oo. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Bell phone 1595. j 1533 North Third street, 0 rooms and bath, furnace; 100 , -102 Short street, S rooms and bath: store rooms 110 South Thirteenth street. Apply 480 Walnut street. , TO small family. 1321 Wallace street, five rooms and attic; nicely papered; water in kitchen; paved street. Inquire 429 Broad street. Bell phone 361SJ. 1954 SWATARA STREET; 8 rooms ! and bath; front and back porch; house in good condition. Inquire at 29 North I Sixteenth street. | 1813 Market street; six rooms; all ; Improvements. Rent, $lB. Apply 1817 [ Market street. Bleal Estate Wanted j BETWEEN now and April 1, house of about 9 rooms and bath, above Peffer j street, at not more than $25 rental. Ad ] dress Box 745, care of Telegraph. For Sale FOR SALE THE Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at public sale, in front of State Capitol Building, at entrance Fourth and state Streets, Harrisburg, Penna., at 10 o'clock -i. M„ March 7, 1914, the follow ing buildings and structures upon the premises within the boundaries of the proposed extension of Capitol Park, in Eighth Ward, City of Harrisburg: Cowden Street, 120, 124, 409, 507. South Street, 600, 602. South Alley, 432, 603, 605. Tanners Street, 117. State Street, 445, 514. Filbert Street. 406, 408. The purchaser shall pay to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, through the office of the Superintendent of Pub -1 11c Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, I Pennsylvania, by certified check or United States currency, the amount at which the said building or buildings and structures are awarded to them, as follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the prop erty to remove the material purchased. I In all cases where the premises are unoccupied, possession will be given the purchaser immediately. Where the I premises are tenanted possession will I be given immediately after the piemises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any damage to ! property after possession is given. Pur- I chaser shall state at time of their offer I the time required to remove the build ! ings and material after being given ! possession by the Commonwealth, l which in no case shall be longer than •60 days. All building refuse shall b« i carted away from the premises by the purchaser. All foundation walls "must !be taken down and removed at least : three feet below level of street. : The Board of Commissioners of Pub- I 11c Grounds and Buildings reserves the i right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be i performed under tho direction of and j to the satisfaction of the Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE —The sidewalks and street , pavements are not to bo removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAM 80. Superintendent. j C. P. RODGERS, Secretary. FOB SALE TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Canes, ! Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap ! Leather. Calfskin, Kip, Do igola. Waxed : Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Samplo Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg llar ; ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest j nut streets. I S. C. W. LEGHORNS and White Orp- I ingtons breeding stock; special price if I sold at once; also eggs for hatching I from Frltchey's Rhode island Reds, I Barred Rocks, White and Buff Orping tons and White Leghorns. Call Bell j phone 507 Y. or address A B. Davis, j E'enbrook, Pa. FOR SALE SSOO WILL BUY wholesale business —a good, staple article that Is easy to handle. Anyone with a little business ability can make $40.00 to $50.00 a week? For full particulars address P. O. Box 197, City. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 25c each. One of theso signs will be given with each six-tims order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. NORWALK ROADSTER; late model; first-class condition; run very little; five practically new tires; car must be sold at once; reasonable. Address, or call, Harnlsh Garage, Mechanicsburg, Pa. ONE oak bedroom suit, spring, mat tress, feather bolster and Hour matting, oak Morris chair, refrigerator, mahog any parlor table. No second-hand dealers need apply. 232 Harris street. LAST CALL tor overcoats. sls and S2O Overcoats for $1.50 and up. Slightly used and In good condition. Come and look them over. Open evenings. S. HARRISBURG TELEGKEPS For Rent HAHKEU ROCKS and S. C. B. Mi- 1 norcas from H. Speeee. at Spoeeeviilc. Pa., are from leading prize winning strains at National shows. Hatching | eggs and cockerels for sale. Clouts—For a limited time, we are giving 12 Havana Blended 6c Cigars free with each Box of 50 of our Per fecto Cisrars, at $1 per Box, postpaid. Snell & Co., Red Lion. Pa. ONE font ot 10 pt. ami one font of 12 pt. O. S„ Willi Antique Linotype Matt ices. The Telegraph Printing Co., j Harrisburg, Pa. COMPLF.TK outfit of Broom Ala- j chlnery. Price, $50.0u. l<\ S. Fisler, ] Hunnuelstown, Pa., It. D. 1. A MARKET WAGON, set of harness and blanket. Cheap. Morris Livingston, j Box 56, Eniiaut, Pa. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Call i 226 Mulberry avenue. Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE CARDa oji wait at the Telegraph Business Of flee. STORK ROOM KOK RENT on the 1 corner of Third and Cumberland i streets. No. 1200. Show windows side I and front. In a live part of Harris- 1 burg. The largest and best market house, two of the best banks and many ' tlrst-class business ho 'ses in the same I square. In center of population. Size ' of room 33x100 ft. 14-ft. coiling. Up- ! to-date in every particular. Rent from | April 1, |l2o per month, including heat J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. FOR KENT Desirable offices la tke Telegrapl. llulldlng, singly or en-sulte. Inquire nt lluslnesa Office. ROOMS KOK RENT CARDS can oe secured at the Telegraph Business Office. Storage HARRISHURU STORAGE CO. Two ' large brick warehouses, built ex- 1 preasly for storage. Private oomi for household goods and unexcelled fa cllltles for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South Pt. and Pen - R. R. STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, rear 40N Market wired. Household Honda In clean, nrlvate rooms. Reasonable rntcs. Apply to I*. G. Dlener. Jeweler, 40H Market *l. STORAGE 413 broad street. for I household goods and merchandise. Prl- , vatc rooms. $1 to *3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 41' Broad street. Both phones. Financial MO; 0Y TO LOAN on Real Kutato security in any umounts and upon any ♦crn.s to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easv terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms C-7, 9 North Market Square. Died I FAIRLAMB On March 3, 1914, Jane | Fairlamb, in the 87th year of her I age. Funeral Friday afternoon, a t 2 I o'clock, from iter late residence, 25 North Fourth street, Steelton. 1 ROBINSON On March 3, 1914, Miss Jane Robinson, daughter of the late Thomas and Catherine Laird Robin son. Funeral Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the funeral parlors of F. C. Neely, 908 North Second street. The relatives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Burial private. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. Lc —' Notices COI'RT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Hon. George Ivunkel, President Judge, arid Hon. Samuel J. M. McCarrell, Additional Law Judge, of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Ses sions of the Peace of the Twelfth Ju dicial District, composed of the County of Dauphin, having issued their pre cept, bearing date the 11th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1914, to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quar ter Sessions of the Peace of Harrisburg for tlie County of Dauphin, and to commence the third Monday of March, 1914, being the 16th day of March, 1914, and to continue two weeks. 1 Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Al dermen and Constables of said County of Dauphin that they may be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, exami nations and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertain to be done, and those who are bound In recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be In the ,lai'. of Dauphin County be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. I Given under my hand at Harrisburg, ! the 17th day of February; A. D. 1914, S being the one hundred and thlrty ! eighth year of Independence of the I United States. HARRY C. WELLS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, Pa., Febru ary 17. 1914. SEALED PROPOSALS, addressed to the undersigned Clerk, will be received bv the Board of Township Commission ers until 7 P. M. on Monday, April 6, 19X4, for making a draft of Annville Township and survey, setting- forth the grade, pavement, curb and build ing lines, of the plotted section of the said township. Further particulars can be had by ap plying to the Township Clerk. The Board of Township Commission ers reserve the right to reject*any and all bids as may be deemed best for the interests of the Township. W. EUIKR H EI I .MAN. Clerk, Annville, Pa. NOTICE —Letter of Administration on the Estate of Lucetta Hibshman, late of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased. having been granted to the un dersigned residing In Harrlsburg. all persons Indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate pavment, and those having claims will p'resont them for settlement. GEO. R. HTBSHMAN. Administrator. Furniture Dealers Hold Second Annual Banquet [ The second annual banquet of the , Harrlsburg Furniture Association was | held last evening at the State Capital | Hotel. The occasion was a most en i joyable one, due largely to the efforts I of F. R. Downey, chairman of the en tertainment committee, and D. Roy Beman, toastmaster. After the guests had partaken of an excellent dinner, a number of the guests were called upon for remarks, and some very inter esting responses to toasts were listen ed to. Those present were: J. S. Lowengard, of Burns & Company; A. W. Moul, of Rothert Company; Joseph and Lee Goldsmith, of the Goldsmith Store; Jacob Mlllor and Samuel Kades, of Mil ler & Kades; W. H. Brown and Roy Beman, of Brown & Company; B. Han dler, of Handler & Company; Joseph Mersing, of the People's Furnishing Company; F. R. Downey, of the Gately & Fitzgerald Supply Company, and Jo seph Formwalt. BY GETTING A TRANSFER Vou can save SSO to $75 in buying a piano. Spangler, Sixth, above Maclay. —Advertisement. THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dall> except Sunday at 3 P. M„ at its ne* location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. MODERATE BUYING CAUSES ADVANCE Sentiment Toward Shares Influences Big Report of Bethle hem Steel Company By Associated Fruss , New York, .March I. Execution of I moderate buying orders to-day caused j prices lo advance so quickly us to in dicate a scarcity of stocks. Shorts who attempted to cover were compelled to raise their bids sharply. Although the | paco slackened after the most pressing requirements of the markets had bein || filled, quotations held well up to the;' high level. United States Steel and the i stocks of independent steel companies ' were prominent in the trading. Senti ment. toward these shares was influenc- ■ ed by the good showing made by Beth lehem Steel in its annual report. Fort' the first time in several days this mar- ; kei was freed from foreign pressure. Prices for Americans in London were; little changed, and European selling i hero was suspended, lionds were Irregular. rurniMliol by H. \V. SMAVGId, Arcade Building. New York, March 4. Open. 2,30 P. M. 1 Alaska Gold Mines . 22 22% Amal. Copper ..... 73% 74% I American Beet Sugar 23 23 % American Can 29% 30 V 4 I American Can pfd.. 92 % 93 Am. C. & P 51 51 American Cotton Oil 45 45 1 Am. Ice Securities .. So 30 % Am. Locomotive ... 34% 33',4 j American Smelting . GSt; 08 % I American Sugar ... 105 103% | American T. & T... 1208* 120% 1 Anaconda 35% 35% ! Atchison 96% 97% j Baltimore & Ohio . . 91 "i 91 % ' Bethlehem Steel ... 38% 41 if. | 1 Bethlehem Steel pfd 79% S2 I Brooklyn R. T 93% 93 % Canadian Pacific ... 209 209% Central Leather ... 31% 33% Chesapeake & Ohio. 63% 63% C.. M. & St. P 102% 102% Chlno Con. Copper . 42 42 % Col. F. & 1 32% 33% Consolidated Gas .. 133% 133% Porn Products 11% 11% Distilling Securities . 19% 20% Frie 29% 29% Erie Ist pfd 45% 46 General Electric Co. 146% 147 I Goodrich, B. F 23% 23% j Great Northern pfd. 127% 128% , Great Nor. Ore subs. 35% 35% j Interboro-Met 15 14% j Interboro-Met. pfd.. 60% 60 j Lehigh Valley 149% 150 < Louis. & Nashville .137 136% Mex. Petroleum ... 66% 68 Mo„ Kan. & Texas . 18% 18% Missouri Pacific ... 25% 25% New York Central . 59% 90 X. Y„ N. H. &H. .. 65% 66 % Norfolk & Western . 102%. 102% Northern Pacific ... 112% 112% Pennsylvania R. R.. 111% 111% Ray. Con Copper . . 20 20 % Reading 165 166 Rep. Iron & Steel . 25% 25% Rep. Iron &S. pfd.. 89% 89% Rock Island 5% 5 Rock Island pfd. .. 8% 8 iSouthern Pacific ... 94% 94% Southern Railway . 25% 25% Tennessee Copper . 35% 35% Texas Company .... 149% 148% Union Pacific 159 159% 1 IT. S. Rubber 59% 60%! U. S. Steel 64%. 65% Utah Copper 54% 54% Vir. Car. Chem. ... 31% 31% I Western Union Tel.. 63% 63% jWeetlnghouse Mfg.. 71 71 New President of Peru, on Way to Assume Office KM f w . |7 1| r JW tj jKk JA, 1 ■j K A ■ Robert E. Leguia, now president of i Peru, has just arrived in the United 1 States 011 his way home to assume j office. He was called from London after President Billinghurst had been ! driven out. His interpreter had this i to say about the new president and the I revolution there Just before the party J I started Washington to visit Pres ident Wilson: i "F,l presidente wants me to say that he did not attain to the presidency by a revolution. Obviously not at all, for President Blllinghurst wished to make himself a tyrant, and on Febru ary 4 dissolved the congress, so, of j course, we had to do something and he was put out of the country. There is nothing queer about that. It is liable to happen anywhere. If Presi dent Wilson should dissolve congress here what do you think you would do? Senor Leguia, being the first vice president at the time, was called back from London to assume the presi j deney." j At this explanation the senor and ! his interpreter smiled in evident satis i faction, and when asked why the sec retary of war, Henry Varela, happen ed to lose his life during the dispute, replied airly that there was nothing very remarkable about that, either. "He was of the government, being in the cabinet," said the interpreter, "and when the fighting began he sided with the government: so he was killed and that was all there was to It." "How many people were killed along with him?" "Oh, twenty or thirty: it didn't amount to anything Why, the same thing could happen in Washington If Wilson retired the congress, as 1 have said." \ POII SALE FOR KENT FUitMSHCI) ROOM* HNI'IIKNISHED ROOMS Curd* neatly anil attractively printed 1 van be secured nt TUU TKLEUIIAPII UIMM;SS OFFICE 310 Federal Square / MARCH 4, 1914. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Ktiralshed by H. W. SNAVELY. Irradr Hulldlag. Chicago, 111., March 4. ! Open, riiislt. i-ovv Clos ! Wheat— May 93'; 93 Vi 93 93'; 1 July SSV) SS>n SS SBV| turn— May .... .... 67'» 07*8 06 js 67 July 6ti>a 00*1 06'* 60*8 * 'Hta — May 40 , a4O 40= s »0% July 40'* 40>t 40 10' i I CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., March 4. Hogs Re ceipts, 20,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $5.55 «f ; 8.00: light, $8.60<|58.70: mixed, sS.4f>« 5.72 V..; heavy, $8.30@5.45; pigs, S7.GO® Cattle Receipts. 14.000: steady. Beeves, $7.20®9.7u: Texas steers, $7.10 @8.10; stockers and feeders, $5,001!! 8.00; I cows and heifers, $3.05® 8.55; calves, 1 $7.00®10.60. Sheep Receipts, 22,000; slow. Na j ttve, $4.85®6.20; yearlings, $5.85®7.15; I lambs, native, $6.76® 7.60. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press I Philadelphia, March 4. Wheat | Steady: No. 2, red, export, 99%c@ $1.00; No. 1, Northern, Dulutli, export, $1.04 % ® 1.05%. | Corn Firm; new, No. 2, yellow, ! natural, local. 70@70' = c: do., kiln : dried, local, 72®73c. ; Oats Steady: No. 2, white, 46® 46tyc. j Bran - Market lirm; winter, per i ton, $28.00(®28.50; spring, per ton. $27.70® 25;25. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 4.10 c; line granulated, 4.00 c; confectioners' A, 3.90 c; Keystone, A. 3.85 c. Butter The market is Arm; western, creamery, extras, 32% c; near by prints, fancy. 36c. Eggs The market is higher; lennsylvanla and other nearby ir-n free cases, $9.90 per case; do., current i reeclpts, free cases, $9.75 per case; I western, extras, firsts, free cases, $9.90 ; per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.76 j per case. I, kive Poultry Firmer; fowls, 18® I. c; ,,, young chickens. 16®20c; .broiling chickens, old roost ers. 12®13c; ducks, 18®2Jc; spring 19® 20c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 19%@20c; do., medium sizes. 17@19c; do., light weights, 12® 15c; old roosters,lsc; roast ing chickens, fancy, 19%®20c; broil ing hlckrns. lani >'• -o4.10; straights, Penn sylvania, $4.20@4.35; western, $ •1.25© 4.40; patents, $4.50@4.90; Kansas straight. Jute sacks. $4.20@>4.40; srrinK. firsts, clear, $4.10®4.30; straights, $4.35 41>4 50; patents. $4.60®4.90. Hay The market is firm; tim othy. No. 1. large bales. 118.1)0® 1860; No. 1. medium bates. $18.00($18.50; No. 2, $16,50© 17.50; No. S. $14.00@ 15.00. Clover mixed: Light mixed, $17.50® 18.00; No 1, do., $16.50@17.00; No. 2, do., $15.00@16.00. OIL SECURITIES AS INVESTMENTS We have prepared In brief a i timely analysis of tlia Petroleum Industry and O Secu ii s | which we shall be pleased to ! "end npon request. Ask fur | Letter "O." George H. Burr & Co. 14 Wall St., New York If You Could Get Better Than 7% with Safety Would You Consider It ? We have such an invest- ; ment and would like to ! tell you about it;. Kelsey,* Brewer & Co. Hankers, Operator!, KnniMer*. Michigan Trmt Bldf.. Grand Rapids, - - Mich. I SIXTH STREET PLOTS FOR SALE S. E. cornei 6th and Wood bine streets. 98.7x100 feet. S. E. corner 6th and Forrest streets, 117.Cx100 feet. EASY TERMS Apply COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY :>JH MARKET STREET NOW is the time to be planning the building of your own home. The most ideal place in which to locate it is BELLEVUE PARK. For Prices, Tcrnis, Etc., apply Bellevue Park Sales Office 2nd Floor Mi ler Bros. & Neefe Building Bell 'Phone 3551 Locust & Court Sts. * Why Don't You Get 6 Per Cent. For Your Small Savings THE FRIENDSHIP GERMAN BAU AND SPAR VEREIN will open a new series on Thursday Eve, March C, at Hotel Hare, corner of Wll nut street and Aberdeen avenue. The Friendship German Bau and Spar Vereln Is 2G years old. You can secure shares now from the following persons: C. Benltz. 440 Wal nut street; B. F. Eby, 1321 Derry St,; Fred Bender. 26 South Fourth street; C. A. Klenn, 1304 State street; Wendell Fackler, IG2O Market street; H. Hare, Hotel Hare, 421 Walnut street. * STANDARD We lluy and Data (uraUked Sell Standard lnve»tor*. OH IHtockn I Weekly Suni- Yleldlng a mary sent free 4to 12 per eent. L " requeated. CARL H. PFORZHEIMER} as Broad Street, Mtw York Receivers' Sale JOS. S. WERXIG TRANSFER CO. By virture of a decree of the Circuit Court of Baltimore Cltv, passed on the 2oth day of February. "1914. the under signed. Receivers, will sell at Public Auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 10. AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11. AT KINO'S AVCTIOY SALESROOMS 4 TO 10 N. HIGH ST., BALTIMORE, MD—COMMENCING AT 0 A. M. The valuable equipment of the above company. The hordes were selected j • •» reiit care for their usefulness, and have been worked ot city work by various Baltimore Merchants, Naviga tion and Railroad Companies up to I'ebruary 21, 1914, and now ready to resume similar service. They arc the best lot of seasoned and acclimated nurses ever offered at public sale at one time. In the history of Baltimore. Anyone desiring work liorses will find this an opportunity never offered be fore to secure the most desirable liorses in singles, pairs and triples, also several small Mules, the stock of liorses. mares and mules comprising about 123 HIGH CLASS WOIIK HORSES !l DRIVING HOUSES li SMAI.L Ml LES ION WAGONS, TRUCKS AND VANS 128 SETS HARNESS SINGLE. DOUBLE, TRIPLE I BUSINESS .IAGGER I 7-PASSENGER TOURING CAR All of which is now on view at THI3 cS?r,?\-., W £ RNro TRANSFER CO.'S si AfsiibS, Harford avenue and Good aml remain there until MONDAY, MARCH 9th. The Horses, Mares, Mules, Wagons, Trucks, Vans, will then be removed to KINC. S AUCTION RING and there as above mentioned. on TUESDAY, March 10. and AVEDNESDAY. March 11* commencing at 9 A. M.. and on THURSDAY, MARCH 12 At the Joi. S. Wernig Tranfer Co.'s Stable HARFORD AVE. AND GOODWIN' ST, COMMENCING AT 10 A. M. Will sell all stable utensils, contents ot Blacksmith Shop, comprising Forges. Anvils, Gas Heater, Motor, etc.; con tents of Harness and Paint Shops, Mo tor and Mill for grinding feed, Office Fixtures, Safe, Desks, Typewriter, Burroughs Adding Machine, etc. Sale Poaltlve and Preeinptory RAIN OR SHINE TERMS—CASH, NEW YORK EX CHANGE OR CURRENCY. * JAMES KING, > GEO. J. KESSLER, /Receivers MONEY to loan in amounts of $5 to S2OO to honest working peo ple without bank credit at cheaper rates than the law of 1913 allows. Comparison of our rates, terms and methods of doing business with other loan of fices will convince the most skeptical borrower that this is the place to come in time of need. Open daily 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut Street MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE! and others upon their own names, cheap rates, eat,y payments, confiden tial. Adams A Co.. R. 804, 8 N. Markfift Sq. EASTERN MONEY AT LEGAL RATES THE EQUITABLE is the one company which will treat you just right at all times. When you open an account with us you are free from worry and regrets. No one, not even the members of your own family, need know you are borrowing. Our Guarantee No matter what others adver tise we will make you a loan of 110 or more at LEGAL RATES. No references, assignments, ! pledges, red tape or delay. EQUITABLE | INVESTMENT COMPANY • N. MARKET SQUARE! ' Room 21 / 4th Floor, 11