Lost LOST Alligator skin purse con taining money, In Hoovers Jewelry Store, Bowman's Store or Woolworth's 6 and 100 Store or on Third and Market streets. Reward if returned to this Office. Bwiw——— w—bw '' Help Wanted— Male AN active, educated man of business lability for special work in Harrisburg. beginning March 16. Best references r squired. Dodd, Mead & Co,, Perry Building, Philadelphia. BOY to make himself useful about ptore. Apply R. H. Elarmai", Manager McFalVa, Third and Market streets, be tween 7 and I p. M. CANVASSERS WANTED Several fcood canvassers. Apply at once to cir culation Department, the Telegraph. MAN for city delivery wagon; must tie honest and sobsr; steady position, »<}.. No. 963, care of Telegraph, or call Bell phone 3048 L. Also for sale other fine, large lots overlooking the oity. THREE SUBURBAN PROPERTIES FOR SALE each with y rooms porches furnaces lots. 28x130. Lo cated on car line. Prices, 51,35u, $1,460 and *1,550, respectively. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. LOOK AT NO. 420 WOODBINE STREET new brick house all modern Improvements —gas and elec tric lights porches. Owner to leave. A good property cheap. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 1230 AND 1232 COWDEN ST. 2hi story frames —■ 6 rooms each also 2'/4-story frame on rear of 1232 rental 'ncoine, $27.00. Price, $3,300.0u for all. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Ftreets. 1340 AND 1342 VERNON ST. Two and-one-half-story frames 6 rooms each front and side porches stable on rear. Price of both, $3,600.00. Brin ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. DERRY STREET COTTAGE, seven rooms and bath; all improvements; porches; side entrance; possession April 1. A bargain if sold at once. Imperial Hardware Co., 1202 North Third. RENTER would you rather own your house than to pay rent? For a small amount of cash and monthly pay ments you can buy. Bell Realty Co Bergner Building. Real Estate For Rent HOUSES FOR REXT No. 521 N. Sixteenth St $27 00 3018 N. Second St $22 00 624 Peffer St |30.00 1733 Apricot Avenue sls 00 Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. . Real Estate For Rent I (FROM APRIL 1). 1724 Sycamore I street (Cloverly Heights), 2 >4-story brick nine rooms and bath front I and back porch steum heat gas j and electric litflit. Rent, $22.60. Rohrer j & Son, Bergner Building, Third and i Market streets. i NEW 6-room house, at Edgemont, one-half mile north of Penbrook. Rent, >6.00, or sale price, J6OO. Lots are 30x i? 0, with stable. G. S. Hartman, 3S North Twelfth street, City, TO small family, 1321 Wallace street, live rooms und attic; nicely papered; water in kitchen; paved street. Inquire 421) Broad street. Bell phone S6I3J. JBl a Market street; six rooms; all improvements. Rent, $lB. Apply 1817 Market street. 616 W'iconlsco street, 8 room*. >l2 per month. Inquire 2331 North Third street. Real Estate Wanted BETWEEN now and April 1, house of about » rooms and bath, ahove Peffer street, al not more than >25 rental. Ad dress Box 746, care of Telegraph. For Sale FOR SAMS TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves. Sole, harness and Strap leather. Calfskin, Kip, Do :gola, Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. leather Sample I Cases and Eeutner Specialties mad a to I order and repaired. Uarrisburg Har | n«ss and Supply Co., Second and Cliest j nut streets. S. C. W. LEGHORNS and White Orp ' Ingtons breeding stock; special price if sold at once; also eggs for hatching from Fritchey's Rhode Island Reds, .Barred Rocks. White and Buff Orpiug , tons and White Leghorns. Call Bell Phono 507Y, or address A. B. Davis, Penbrook, Pa. GLASS window signs, Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms und Board and Table Board, at 25u each. One of these signs will be given with each six-tiins order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Ol'tlco of Telegraph. ONE oak bedroom suit, spring, mat tress, feather bolster and floor matting, i oak Morris Chair, refrigerator, maliog- I uny parlor table. No second-hand j dealers need apply. 282 Barrl# street. i LAST CALL tor overcoats. >ls and Ku Overcoats for $1.60 und up. Slightly used and in good condition. Come and look them over. Open evenings. S. Meitzer, 513 Walnut street. CIGARS— For a limited time, we are giving 12 Havana Blended 6o Cigars tree with each Box of 60 of our Per fecto Cigars, at $1 per Box, postpaid. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. | INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS outlay all others. Get th# heavy-laying white egg strain. Eggs, SI.OO for 12, >#.oo per 100. Oliver Hoover, Riverside, Pa. ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of I 18 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype i Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg. Pa. ONE. practically new Prairie State 150-egg Incubator. Used twice. Call, or write, Sam. Curran, Bowtnun avenue, Camp Hill, Pa. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Call 22ti Mulberry avenue, Steelton, Pa. FOR SAUK CAKDfe on nal» at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent STOKE BOOM Foil RENT on the corner of Third and Cumberland streets, No. 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harris burg. The largest and best market house, two of the best banks and many first-class business ho-'ges in the same sauare. In center of population. Size of room 33x100 ft. 14-ft. ceiling. Up to-date in every particular. Rent from April 1, $125 per month, including beat J. S. Sible, 266 llerr street. THE large and spacious store room and basement at 323 Market street, will be offered for rent for a term begin ning April 1. The store will be re modeled to suit tlie tenant and will have a depth of 210 feet to Blackberry Avenue. Apply to W. & B. Strouse, 322 Market street, or Michael Strouse, 313 Market street. . FOR RENT Dcalnble offices In the Telegraph Building, Kingly or en-sulte. Inquire at Uusluchm Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. —- Storage HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, butlt ex pressly for storage. Private •ooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low .storage rates. South St and Pen ". R. R. STORAGE 4lB broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. >1 to S3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper Sc Co.. 411 Broad street Both phone*. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING I.OAX SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms 6-7, 9 North Market Square. Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS WE desire to extend our sincere thanks to the relatives and friends and various organizations for their courte sies shown us during our sad bereave ment. MRS. GEO. M. HUSTON AND FAMILY. Died HAIN On February 28. 1914, George Hain, aged 67 years, 3 months and 12 days. Funeral on Wednesday forenoon, at 10 o'clock, from his late residence, 421 South Thirteenth street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. Burial private. Burial at Shoop Church Cemetery. __ f ! j For Sale For Rent Furnished Rooms Unfurnished Rooms Cards Neatly and Attractively Printed Can Be Secured at The Telegraph Business Office 216 Federal Square HARRISBURG C^S£C& TELEOKCPHJ FIRST NIBLO TRkVEL TULK BIG SUCCESS Telegraph Tourists Had Exciting Journey Through Land of Riddles A largo and good naturcd crowd braved a wintry galo last night and with the aid of coupons from the Telegraph enjoyed the first of the Nlblo Travel Talk on "Russia" at tho Chestnut street auditorium- Ob stacles loomed nu In the way of tho travelers in the shape of poor elec trical current, blown out plugs and a chilly hall, but once on the journey through "The Land of Riddles" every body forgot about the troubles of (he evening and had a happy time viewing the scenes of a strange land. With the> travelers last night as guide and lecturer was Arthur B. Rice, whose talks made the Journey all the more Interesting. Mr. Price showed various pllces of interest in und about Russia. His stories concerning the Czar and his family, and many differ ent classes of people found, showed conclusively that he had acquired his knowledge by personal visits to Rus sia. Both stereopticon views in colors, at least 150 of them, and frequent in troductioag of moving pictures of prominent scenes and customs made the program one of the best. MAX ROBERTSON. SINGING ANI) TALKING PICTURES SLAKE BIG HIT AT VICTORIA Perfected singing, talking and danc ing motion pictures from the Renfax Film Company of New York were demonstrated at the Victoria theater i yesterday afternoon and evening be- Jtore large audiences which much en j joyed the mw feature In movies. The [pictures brought before'the audience jsorue of the most noted singers,- danc ,ers and performers in.stage life for a j small cost of admission. | The big number from the Honey i mooti Express was especially well I done by six clever people with all tho necessary scenic effects. The big song I number Apple Blossom Time in Nor ;mandy offered by ten or more men and women was another big hit as well as Kiss Me Good Night, Let Her Go | and I Love Her Oh. Oh, Oh. Many saw the real tango dance per | formed by Miss Perot and Mr. How , land as presented in the cabaret at jShanleys in New York. These clever j dancers posed for this picture and I were very satisfying. | So many were the expressions of j satisfaction on the part of yesterday's audiences that It was decided to hold I the pictures over for another day and 'they will be included In to-days pro jgram in conjnetion with a large num j ber of additional features. It has been decided to install them j permanently, offering the latest songs and dances each week.—Advertise ment. THE DARKNESS The darkness lias been very kind to me; She has shut out the white flame of the world, Hidden tho sun of sorrow when lt hurled Its beams on me, and I was lost in light! She brought the velvet healing of the >» night When I was frantic with the staring day, Till round about me her great spirit lay, A waveless ocean, drowning my dis may. The darkness has been very kind to me; Like a still prayer thought by a lone ly nun Her quiet is; the day's griefs, one by one. Drift to the shore of long-forgotten things, And hushed are the loud earth's old echolngs. Deep In her bosom, deep, Oh, very i deep, I hide my head when her first | shadows creep, And sink at last within the pool of Sleep. —Charles Hanson Towne in Collier's Weekly. ALPHONSE PEG REAL AEROPLANE r . jfcSgp i _%jy| ' "i V ' " • r-*- 1 ' §• . h< % x . ; - , • . : r 'if ■. ' ■ •' \ » ; ; * r '•< 1 V . t . -- , ... ■■AS**-*:-. :• - I , *■*" ' ■ ' ' v ' •' - ■ ■. * ...4''.W V : .V"■ '■ ' ■ '' . : ; , , , t , ' Y . M". " ' l J '- v- A ' 'V-' ,'K' r JL ALPHONSE PEGOUD Tilting His Biplane High Over Paris The visit of H. Alphonse Pegoud, France's most daring airman, who will arrive in New York the first week In May, will be one of the big events in the aerial history of 1914. Pegoud intunds to display the latest styles in Hying for the benefit of our Yankee dare-devils. His program will include Pegoud's air waltz, jumping the waves, back somersaults, looping the loop and flying in spirals, head down ward. TRADING DURING DAY WAS NOT VERY LIVELY No Large Quantity of Stock Were Steady i By .Associated I'ress New York. March 3. Trading dur- I ing the morning was on almost as small j* basis as yesterday. The market still , felt the effect of the storm, particularly in the curtailment of outside business lowing to the continued interruption of ! wire communication, j There was no large quantity of stock pressing for sale, and although the , early movement was downward, the ' small decline was followed by a re« ! oovery, and by noon prices were re | stored to about on a level with yester day's close. London selling was large ly responsible for the early recessions. Bonds were steady. rumlalied by H. W. KNAVBbY, Arcade building. New "York, March U. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines Amal. Copper 73% 73% American Beet Sugar 22 % 22 % I American Can 29% 2 916 I Am. C. & F 60% 50% American Cotton Oil 45 41^4 j Am. Ice Securities .. 30% 30 | American Smelting . 67% 67% I American T. & T... 120 120% I Anaconda 35% 35% I Atchison 98% 96% Baltimore & Ohio .. 91% 91% , Bethlehem Steel ... 38% 38% ] Bothlehem Steel pfd 79 % 79 % j Brooklyn R. T 92% 93 I Canadian Pacific ... 209% 208% [Central Leather ... 31 31% ■ Chesapeake & Ohio. 63% 63% Chino Con. Copper . 41% 6; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.0601.08. Corn Firmer: new, No. 2, yellow, natural, local, 70@70%0; do., kiln dried, local. 72®73c. Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 46® 4 6 He. Bran Market firm; winter, per ton, $28.00028.50; spring, per ton, $27.75@28.20. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 4.10 c; tine granulated, 4.00 c; confectioners' A, 3.90 c; Keystone, A, 3.86 c. Butter Tiie market is higher; western, creamery, extras, 32% c; near by prints, fancy, 36c. Eggs The market Is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby mms. free cases, $9.45 per case: do., current receipts, free cases, $9.30 per ease; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $9.45 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.30 per case. Live Poultry Firmer; fowls, 17@ 18c; young chickens, 15® 20c; t roillrtt h Kt-vr i "111 ers, 12®13c: ducks, 18®20c; spring I ducks, 18@20c'; geese, 15®17c; turkeys, I 19 ® 2UC. Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 19% @ 20c; do., medium sizes, 17@19c; ao„ light weights, 12®15c; old roosters,lsc; roast ing chickens, fancy, 19% @ 20c; broil ing ehlcUens, fan< y. do. fair 18®19e: capor.a, largo, 23® 26c; d 0.,, small, 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, 24<8>1)6c; do., fair, 20@23c; ducks, 11018 c; geese, 11® 16c. Potatoes Firm; New York and Eastern, per bushel, 85 ©9oc; Western, per bushel, 85@90c; Jersey, per basket, 20® 20c. Flour—The market Is steady; winter, clear, 93.85 @ 4.10; straights, Penn sylvania, $4.20 ® 4.35; western, $4.25® 4.40; patents, $4.50®4.90; Kansas straight, jute sacks, $4.20®4.40; srrlng. firsts, clear, $4.10®4.30; straights, $4.05 @4.50; patents, $4.60® 4.90. Hay—The market Is very firm; tim othy. No. 1, large bales, $18.0001850; No. 1, medium bales, SIS.OO® 18.50; No. 2 $16.50®17.50: No. 3. $14.00® 15.00. 'Clover mixed: Light mixed, $17.00® 18 00; No. 1, do., $16.50® 17.00; No. 2, do., $15.00®1«.00. Lasky Asks McDonald For Condensed Version of "Brady's Dream" Leo McDonald, author, composer and stage director of the Elks' musical comedy that is to bo given its first local showing at the Majestic Theater to-night, Is In receipt of an offer from Jesse L. Lasky, the well-known vaude ville producer, for a condensed version of "George Brady's Dream" for pro fessional vaudeville use. There are enough good points about the three act musical comedy, "George Brady's Dream," to make an excellent vaude ville act, with something doing every minute, not only In tho line of songs and comedy, but the gorgeous gowns and handsome staging blend cxcel- I lently with the Lasky Idea In thcatrl- I cals. I The Carlisle Elks, Who are to pre sent the show here to-night and to morrow afternoon and evening for the 1 benefit of the Harrlsnurg Elks, will I reach' Harrisburg late this afternoon ! and give a parade from the station to ; the Elks' home and thence to the ' theater for rehearsal for to-night's play. They will be met by the recep ! tlon committee recently appointed by the Elks. Indications are that the opening performance of the musical comedy will be well attended. \ FOR BAI.E FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS I'NPI RNISHEU ROOMS Cardn neatly and attractively prlnteil; run be neeured at THE TEI.EOHAPII BUSINESS OFFICE "10 Federal Square V— ' Lt Notices NOTlCE—Letter of Administration on the Estate of Lucetta Hlbshman. late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to tho un dersigned residing In Harrisburg, all person* indebted to said Estate are re- ; quested to make immediate payment, | and those having claims will present them for settlement. GEO. R. WTBSRMAN. Administrator. MARCH 3, 1914. Pressing For Sale; Bonds n Wall Street CHICAGO HOARD OF Tit AUK Kurnlabril by 11. W, S.NAVBLY, Arcade llullUln*. Chicago, 111., March 3. Op#ii. High. «»w Clos Wheat- May ot IMH4 93 ; '» 08% July 89' I SO',l 88% 88% Com— May 87% 68 67 >4 67% July «7 <« 67% 68 Ms 60% ' 'ats— May 40% 41 40% 40% July 40% 40% 40% 40% CHICAGO CATTLE By Asjociuttd Vrtss Chicago, 111., March 8. Hogs Re ceipts, 15,000; strong. Bulk of sales, «s.s60©8.72% ; mixed, $S.45® 8.72%; heavy, $8,30M5.75; rough, ?B.Bo® 8.45; pigs, $7,60®8.«0, Cattle Receipts, 4,o00; slow. Beeves, $7.25®it.75; Texas steers, $7.10 i @8.10; mockers and feodm's, ss,so(u> 8.00; cows and heifer*, $3. 65(2 8.58; calves, $7.00®10.75. Sheep Receipts, 22.000; steady. Na tive, $4.8G©6.25; yearlings, $5.85<8>7.30; lambs, native, $6.55(3>7.76, Receivers' Sale JOS. S. \V FTII MI; TS A.\SKKK CO. By vlrture of a decree of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City, passed on the 25th day of February. 1011, the under signed, Receivers, will sell at Public Auction on TUESDAY, MAItOH 10, AND WEDNESDAY. MARCH 11, 1 AT KING'S AUCTION SALESROOMS 4 TO 1U N. HIGH ST., BALTIMORE, COMMENCING AT 0 A. M. The valuable equipment of the above company. The horses were selected with great care for their usefulness, and have been worked at city work by various Baltimore Merchants, Naviga tion and Railroad Companies tip to February 21, 1914, and now ready to resume similar service. They are the bast lot of seasoned and acclimated horses ever offered at public sale at one time In tho history of Baltimore. Anyone desiring work horses will find this an opportunity never offered lie lore to secure the most desirable horses in singles, pairs and triples, also several small Mules, the stock of horses, mares and mules comprising about 1113 HIGH CI.ASS WORK HORSES :t DRIVIM; HOUSES 5 SM.AI.I. MI'I.ES ■OX WAGONS, TRUCKS -AND VANS 128 SETS HARNESS SINGLE. DOMILE, TRIPLE 1 BUSINESS JAGGEIt 1 7-PASSENGHH TOURING CAR All of which Is now on view at THE JOS. H. WERNIG TRANSFER CO.'S si ABt.liS, Harford avenue and Good- SMV,^ t . r l- et '.. a . n . d „ rcmain there until MONDAY. MARCH 9th. Tho Horses, Mares, Mules, Wagons, Trucks, Vans, 1-o S '. w ' then be removed to KINGS AUCTION RING and there sold, as above mentioned, on TUESDAY, March 10. and WEDNESDAY. March 11. commencing at 9 A. M., and on THURSDAY, MARCH 12 At the Jos. S. Wernig Tranfer Co.'s Stable HARFORD AVE. AND GOODWIN ST. COMMENCING AT 10 A. M. Will sell all stable utensils, contents of Blacksmith Shop, comprising Forges, Anvils, Gas Heater, Motor, etc.; con tents of Harness and Paint Mo tor and Mill for grinding feed. Office Fixtures, Safe, Desks, Typewriter. Burroughs Adding Machine, etc. Sale Punitive and Prerinptory RAIN OR SHINE „ TERMS—CASH. NEW YORK EX CHANGE OR CURRENCY. JAMES KING, 1 GEO. J. KESSLEH, /Receiver* ' - 1 Horses For Sale ; All In first-class condition. We have more than we need for the winter. United Ice & Coal Co., Forater and Cowden Sta. V / THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally except Sunday at 8 P. M., at its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, eauy payments, confiden tial. I Adam* A Co., It. 804. BN. Market Sq. FOR RENT - 4th Floor Apartment Very centrally located, light from both sides, front and rear, six rooms, reception hall, separate storage room, bath, ample closet room, balcony, city steam heat, water, vacuum cleaner, (Ire place with two gas logs, gas range with hot water attachment. Rent $55.00 per month. H. M. BIRD lloom 44, Uulou Trust Building NOW IS THE TIME' TORNADO INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE Aery Low llatca EDWIN J. FAGER & SON General loMurnnee No. 311 North Second Street This May Happen to You The General Accident Policies Are the Only Real Shock Absorbers. Get One and Try it on the Family When You Are Injured. FINANCIAL STATEMENT (Verified by the Insurance Department of the State of New York.) As of December 31, 1913. ADMITTED ASSETS LIABILITIES Real Estate $180,000.00 Reserve for Claims. . . $839,365.00 Mortgage Loans on Reserve for Unearned Real Estate 19,000.00 Premiums 1,281,177.44 Stocks and Bonds, Reserve for Advance (Market Value) .... 1,922,785.00 Premiums 100 per Cash In Banks and Cor- cent 23,860.40 poratlon's Offices .. 169,078.70 Reserve for Commts- Interest Due and Ac- slons on Outstanding crued 26,573.58 Premiums 138,383.91 Premiums In course of Reserve for Taxes . . . 74,989.68 collection (Written Reserve for Sundry slnco October I, Bills Due and Pay -1913) 000.0Ji1.l t able 31,699.03 S u rpl ii << an HreKrUx Pollpy Holders .... 1i8.0*7.!>3 $-,867,458.1! !t $1',867.468.3b I. MILLER, General Agent. fIIIBBER STAMfJO !V||| SEALS A. STfcNCILS |H MF6.BYHBO.STKNCIIWORKS ■ || U 130 LOCUST ST, HBG,PA. I# Bank Statements REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF I'HK ISA ST BNU U AT.lv, of HtrrlshurK, Thirteenth and Howard streets, of Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, at the closo of business February 80, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $36,892 50 ~ue from approved reserve agents,.. 61,658 17 t 1 *88.048 87 Checks and cash items 1,020 37 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve 5,782 23 Avsets he Id free, viz: Bills discounted: Upon one name,.*21,073 00 Bills discounted: Upon two ■ or more names. ...158,708 40 — 179,841 40 J line loans with collateral,. 10,861 00 Laana op call with collateral, 78,453 54 Loans on call upon one T »>**«• 44,760.42 Loans on call upon two or more names 48,710 93 Loans secured l»y bonds and mortgages 112,8C8 92 Bonds, Stocks, etc.. Sched ule D 24,978 60 Mortgages and Judgments uf record. Schedule D-2 81,470 7 6 Ofllee building and lot 17,000 00 Other real estate 19,400 00 Furniture and fixtures 4,460 00 Overdrafts 91 08 Miscellaneous ussetß 268 09 Total $657,454 91 „ , LIARILJTIES Capital stock paid in *50,000 00 Surplus Fund 40,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses ana Taxes paid, .. 10,634 49 Individual deposits subject to check,*2Bß,7o2 19 Tune certificates of deposit 255,145 64 Havings Fund de , Posits 20,308 18 Deposits, inuiilcl „ pal 20,000 00 Cashier's chocks outstanding, ... 1,768 45 ~ 5'16,924 44 Bills payable on unand 10,000 00 Miscellaneous liabilities, ... 895 98 „ Total *057,454 91 btate of Pennsylvania. County of Dau phin, ss: J, A 1 K. Thomas. Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of ray knowledge and belief. (Signed) AD K. THOMAS. Cashier. Subscribed ami sworn to bofore me tills 27th day of February. 11)14. (Bljpied) A. W. SWENGEL [Notarial Seal,] Notary Public. Correct—Attest: [SEAL.] (Slgued> E. A. HEFFEIjFINQBR, (Signed) JOHN K. MAY. (Signed) E. M. SIBL.E, Director*. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Arcade Building Four rooms, bath and kitchen ette $15.00 a month Three rooms, bath and kitchen ette $32.00 a month OFFICES Desirable offices in Arcade Build ing, Rent $14.00 and up a month. Union Real Estate Investment Co. Room 403, Franklin Bldg. 212 Locust Street N .J MONEY to loan in amounts of $5 to S2OO to honest working peo ple without bank credit at cheaper rates than the law of 1913 allows. Comparison of our rates, terms and methods of doing business with other loan of fices will convince the most skeptical borrower that this is the place to come in time of need. Open daily 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut Street 11