Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 03, 1914, Image 1

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    Eastern Rapidly Recovering From the Effects of Great Blizzard
Superintendent Downes and Prin
cipal Fager Both Favor
Change in Curriculum
Graduates Could Go to Work at
Once With Apprenticeship Com
pleted Under System
i 1: ImSsi
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'Who Urges Vocational Training in
Technical High School.
Vocational courses at the Technical
high school are being considered by
Dr. F. E. Downes, city superintendent,
and Dr. Charles B. Fager, Jr., prin
cipal of the school. They are now
making tentative plans which they in
tend to submit to the teachers com
mittee of the School Board. The
• ourses may be instaled next year if
the board approves the recommen
At the present time the courses at
Technical high school are educational
father than vocational. The manual
training idea is the ruling idea in the
courses. Dr. Downos said this morn
ing that the plan being considered is
in no way definite, but vocational
training must come some day.
The plan under consideration by Dr.
Dowries and Dr. Fager is to provide
opportunities to students at Technical
high school to prepare themselves for
a vocation so that the graduates^nay
[Continued oil Page 121
42 Aviators Enlist in
Aeronautical Reserve
By Associated Press
New York March 3.—Forty-two ex
pert aviators and balloon pilots have
thus far enlisted in the United States
aeronautical reserve, according to in
formation whiph has just reached the
Aero Club of America from Albert B.
Lambert, of St. Louis, a governor of
the club.
The organization is being formed
with the approval of the club, and Mr.
Lambert says he hag also the indorse
ment of the Secretary of the Navy,
Josephus Daniels, and of Major Gen
eral Leonard Wood for the project.
The airmen who have joined the
reserve have obligated themselves as
ready to enlist in the United States
military service in the event of r-ar.
By Associated Press
Brussels, Belgium, March 3.—Seven
coal miners were drowned to-day in
a mine at Bracquegnies by the burst
ing into one of the galleries of a sub
terranean stream. The danger signal
was promptly sounded throughout the
mine and the hundreds of men below
hurried to the surface.
(i %
Late News Bulletins
Orange, N. J., March 3.— Bishop Thomas Bowman, ex-president
of De Pauw University, died here to-day at the home of his daughter.
He was 97 years old.
New York, Mareh 3.— Fresh food supplies and milk from delayed
trains which shouldered their way through the snow drifts, restoration
of the fire alarm service and above all, sunshine, came to New York and
environs to-day In the wake of the great storm of Sunday and Monday.
Of the eight barges adrift,off Fire Island, five were In tow for New York
to-day. This quieted fears for the safety of 32 men aboard.
Washington, March 3.—Sir Lionel Carden, Great Britain's minister
to Mexico, will confer with President Wilson to-night at fl o'clock and
later will leave for New York to sail for England to-morrow morning on
the Olympic. With Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the British ambassador, Sir
Lionel conferred briefly early to-day with Secretary Bryan. "I am sorry,"
he said to all questioners, "but my government does not permit me to
give Interviews."
Scranton, Pa., March 3.—ln jumping off his train at Lancsl>oro to
day to throw a switch, Joseph Loughney, of Carbondale. a Delaware and
Hudson railroad brakeman, rolled from a snow bank under the engine
and was killed.
New York, March 3.—This afternoon word came from Red Bank,
N. J., that the Atlantic City Express of the Jersey Central, which liad
been stalled In the snow since 8 o'clock Sunday night, had started back
toward Jersey City.
New York, March 3. —The market closed steady. Realizing sales
showed that the list was vulnerable, but bearish o|>erntions were not
aggressively conducted and recessions were small. Buying for the short
account stopped the decline In New Haven.
Wall Street Closing.— Vina I. Copper, T3%; Atchison, (tti % ; Balti
more and Ohio, 91 >4 ; Brooklyn Rapid Transit. »3; i Canadian Pacille
Chesapeake & Ohio. I 1-ehigli < alley, U«( 2 ; New York Cen
tral. 89%: Northern Pacific, 11256: Reading. 165: I*. R. R„ 11 (.v ;
Southern Padlle. 93 7 5 : Union Pacific. 1.">8? S : U. S. Steel. 61',.
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Paris the Beautiful, Will Be Visited
in This Land of Fame, Fashion
and Flowers
At the Chestnut street auditorium
to-night the Telegraph touring party
will visit France, covering all the
points of interest of this land of fame,
fashion and flowers.
Paris, the most cosmopolitan city
in the world, will be shown together
with many other features of interest.
Many hand colored motion pictures
will be included in tne program to
night and the various points that at
tract the tourist will be shovn on the
screen. France is an interesting coun
try, of many beautiful cities and
unique places and the tour to-night
will be from Paris to Monte Carlo with
stopovers at the places that many of
us have often heard of and the op
portunity to see this land is sure to
attract another good sized house as did
Russia last night.
Spain Tomorrow
To-morrow, at both matinee and
night, Spain will be the program and
this Journey is going to attract a lot
of attention. Spain is famous in many
ways and for various things but there
is one particular matter that, has been
the talk of {he world and an attrac
tion that everyone goes to who visits
Spain. This is the "bull tight" held in
the various cities on Sundays. The
thousands that attend and cheer this
spectacle are all shown in one of the
most remarkable motion pictures that
have ever been taken. The scene is
located in the ring at Madrid. Every
Incident from the start to the finish
is faithfully pictured and as the Niblo
photographers had instructions to ob
tain unusual scenes, they were for
tunate in this instance. It in itself Is
a feature that will be remembered by
all who see it.
Where Journey Starts
The journey to-morrow will begin
at the Hock of Gibralter and the beau
tiful city of Cadiz continuing on a tour
that will be one of interest from the
[Continued oil Page 12]
By Associated Press
Sail Francisco, Cal., March 3.—The
United States army forces in Hawaii
are to be increased from 8,000 men to
14,000 or 15,000 us soon as the troops
can be transferred from the States,
according to Major General William
H. Carter, who is to sail for Honolulu
to-day to assume command of the di
vision of Hawaii.
By Associated Press
Hackensack, N. J., March 3. —Caleb
VanHusen Whltbeck, owner and edi
tor of the Hackensack Evening
Record, died last night of pneumonia.
He was 35 years old.
Resignation of Old Park Board Ac
cepted by Council This
Final passage of the ordinance cre
ating Harrisburg's first City Planning
Commission and the postponement of
final action on the appointment of W.
H. Shu man as police motor patrol
chauffeur were the high-light features
of to-day's session of City Council.
The city planning- ordinance was in
troduced several weeks ago by Com
missioner M. Harvey Taylor. It pro
vides for the appointment of five mem
bers, the first appointments to be for
terms of one, two, three, four and five
years each, and each member for five
years thereafter. The engineering and
other expenses are to be provided for
by Council. The planning commission
is to serve without pay.
Commissioner Taylor declined to
discuss probable appointments. He
said he isn't ready to make annouce
ments. It had been expected that the
old Park Commission would be named,
but whether this will follow now as a
result of the commission's action in
resigning as a body is a Question.
The Park Commission's resignation
was received and acoepted to-day with
out comment.
Shunian Case Caused Surprise
The biggest surprise of the after
noon, perhaps, was the action—or lack
of action—on the Shunian appoint
ment. Shuinan's name had been in
cluded in the Lynch resolution to suc
ceed Hiram Wagner as police motor
patrol chauffeur. Charges were pre
ferred by Mayor Royal. He alleged
Shunian had been insubordinate and
profane while in service before, had
been drinking on duty and was other
wise guilty of conduct unbecoming an
officer. Council heard the charges last
week, during which Shunian vigor
ously denied the allegations.
Council, it is understood, will dis
pose of the matter finally,on Tuesday
afternoon and In the njeantlme Wag
[Continued on Page B.]
May Call Highways After Presi
dents, Counties, Flowers—
and Yes. Maybe Girls
i Somewhere, somehow, wtthin the
next few weeks, City Engineer Cow
den and W. H. Lynch, Commissioner
of Streets and Public Improvements,
must find just 152 new names for as
many of the city's streets and'alleys.
On the city map are many dupli
cated street names; alleys unnamed
or improperly named; other streets
and alleys whose names are ill-chosen;
still others which are decldely inap
propriate. And Commissioner Lynch
wants to change all this so as to in
sure uniformity. Consequently the
Commissioner and the City Engineer
are busy now on an ordinance which
will remedy this difficulty.
Whether the names to be selected
will be of Presidents of the United
States, Governors of Pennsylvania,
counties, flowers, trees, birds or girls
is questionable.
Naming of Alleys
That the alleys—the highways un
der nineteen feet — will be named
from the most prominent abutting
property owner is certain. The streets
will be more of a puzzler, however.
Only In such instances where the
street is wide and broad—worthy of
the choice, in fact —will the name of a
President of the United States be
The first step to Insure uniformity
was taken this afternoon by Commis
sioner Lynch when he offered an ordi
nance in City Council changing the
names of the "half" streets in the
Thirteenth Ward. The old councils
once struggled for weeks over the
question of birds and flowers and girls
for the choice.
Following are the changes sug
Nineteenth-and-a-half to Dunkle;
Twentieth-and-a-half to Norwood;
Twenty-first-and-a-half to Glrard;
Twenty-second-and-a-half to MelrcCe;
Twenty-thlrd-and-a-half to Benton:
Angle to Shellis street: Hill to Thomp
son: Short to Pearl; Cedar to Ruby;
Prune to continuation of Girard; El
der to Davis: King to Baxter, Wash
ington to Cooper.
The Rev. Dr. John Wesley Hill En
gages in Lively Encounter
in Hartford
Friends Separate Combatants Be
fore Officers Have an Oppor
tunity to Make Arrests
Hartford, Conn., March 3.—After n
debate on Socialism in Unity Hall
liere last night, the debaters, the Rev.
Dr. John Wesley Hill and the Rev.
J. C. Hogan, of Monroe, N. Y., en
gaged in a heated argument In an
ante-room, during which the Rev. Mr.
Hogan claims Dr. Hill struck him with
his rtst. Friends separated the two
and the police were called. No ar
rests were made.
During the debate the Rev. Mr.
Hogan produced what he purported to
be copies of court records of cases in
which Dr. Hill had figured. The ar
gument in the ante-room started, it is
said, when Dr. Hill tried to secure
possession of the documents to pre
vent publication.
■Dr. Hill is president of the Inter
national Peace Forum and widely
known as a lecturer. He was former
ly pastor of the Metropolitan Temple
(Methodist Episcopal) in New York
Dr. Hill was formerly pastor of the
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church,
this city. He accepted a call to the
New York church about seven years
Prominent For Years in Public,
Railroad and Grand Army
•' Henr> Cordes
died at o o'clock
tills morning- at
gs&Wfc!! his home In l..en
kerville, after a
brief Illness of
B: pneumonia. He
'P -• W* waß ' n his sev_
% ' «-nty-«lxtl> year.
,I, T,** up til n county
IfpiS $t Jfflßfct prison inspector,
: s, ex-poor director,
veteran Pennsyl
vanla Railroad
JKL'MB operator, Grand
*' Armj school
director, justice of
MMMt: JH the peace and fa
——l mous huntsman—
Mr. Cordes was
HENRY CORDES one of the most
widely known citizens in Dauphin
For the last several days news of
[Continued on Page 5]
Baby Dead; Mother Lies Near
Death; Husband Disappears
Mystery Surrounds Sudden D eparture of Joseph Shoffner;
to Bury Child in Potter's Field
In the morgue at the funeral chapel
of Undertaker Samuel Speece, 130
South Second street, lies the body of
the infant child of Mr. aiid Mrs. Jo
seph Shoffner, Jllß Christian street.
Around the corner on a cot in the Har
risburg Hospital lies the mother of the
dead child suffering with a lingering
illness. Mystery to-day surrounds the
disappearance of the sick woman's
husband and the dead child's father.
Mrs. Shoffner became seriously ill a
Fire Destroys House
Near Rockville Bridge
Fire originating from a defective
flue destroyed the home and contents
of Frank Steinfeldt, one-half mile
above Rockville bridge, late night.
Mr. Steinfeldt, with his wife and four
children, were left homeless. They
were unabie to save anything except
the clothing which they wore. Mr.
Steinfeldt is a car worker, employed
at the Lucknow shops. He carried no
insurance and estimates his loss at
M'Cuaig Meetings Will
Close Tomorrow Night
The McCuaig meetings in Harris
burg will close with the lecture to
women at the Fifth Street Methodist
Episcopal Church to-morrow after
noon, but a large number of the ladies
who have been constant attendants
have requested that there be an "ap
preciation" service on Wednesday
night, and it has been arranged that
Dr. McCuaig will give a final lecture
at the Fourth Street Church of God
at 8.4 5 Wednesday evening, taking for
his subject, "Little Children, Love One
Another." The hour has befen fixed
so that men and women may attend
the mid week services in their own
churches and then go to this meeting.
At Blake Shop. 103 North Sdcond
street, under direction of George S.
Mooradian, well-known nig man. —
** ***"^ ** i
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A horse belonging to John A. Brougher, of the Washington Hotel, top
pled over the edge of the River Front wall at the foot of Walnut street
yesterday. Before he could be gotten out suffered so from the exposure
that he died. The horse was being driven by Samuel Philips who was haul
ing snoi/ from the streets. He drove too close to the edge of the wall on
his way to the dump, and horse and cart turned over into the river.
Sir Edward Grey, Appears Satis
fied With What United States
Is Doing
By Associated Press
London, March 3. The British
government's view that no immediate
action could be taken by it in con
nection with the deadlock over tHe
investigation into the death at Juarez
of William S. Benton, was made quite
plain to-day in the House of Com
mons by Sir Edward Grey, the British
Foreign Secretary.
Sir Edward was, however, equally
explicit In pointing out that if Groat
Britain failed to secure satisfaction
through the United States, the British
government reserved to itself the right
to secure reparation whenever it was
able to do so.
The promised announcement of the
Mexican situation from the Foreign
Secretary had been anxiously awaited.
It was delivered before a keenly in
terested gathering of the members of
the House of Commons.
Intense resentment has been dis
[Continued on Page ?]
few weeks ago. She was taken to the
hospital, where she still lies near to
death. The infant child of Mrs. Shoff
ner died on February 22 and the body
was taken to the undertaking es
tablishment. The day after the death
of the child the father and husband
suddenly disappeared.
The baby will be buried in the alms
house cemetery if the husband fails to
put in an appearance within the next
twenty-four hours.
Shepherd Dog Springs
at Throat of Workman
Lewis Auar, aged 35, 334 South Sec
ond street, was so seriously bitten in
the throat by a big shepherd dog in
the Harrisburg Gas Company plant
to-day as to require emergency atten
tion at the Harrisburg Hospital. Auar
has been unemployed for several days
find had applied to the gas offices. He
was told to go into the plant to hunt
the foreman and was on his way
through the building when the dog
sprang at him. The animal buried its
fangs in the man's throat so deep as
to endanger his windpipe. The wound
was promptly cauterized. No dan
gerous resul.ts will follow, it is be
Baby Delays Meeting
of President's Cabinet
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., March 3.—A new
baby girl at Secretary Bryan's home
to-day delayed a conference with the
British ambassador and also the Cabi
net meeting. Mr. Bryan telephoned
his office and the White House that he
would be late and announced the birth
of a girl to his daughter, Mrs. Rich
ard L. Hargreaves, of Lincoln, Neb.
Mr. Bryan now has six grandchildren.
By Associated Press
Boston, Mass.,' March 3.—Modern
dances were denounced by a legisla
tive committee to-day at a hearing on
a bill, introduced by Representative
L. R. Sullivan, of Dorchester, prohib
iting specifically the tango, lame duck,
Argentine, chicken flip, bunny hug and
crizzlv slide,
Pennsylvania Railroad Still Having
Trouble on the New York
. \
Optimistic Fisherman
Can See Early Spring
Boston, March B.—An early
Spring was predicted by Boston
fishermen when' they learned to
day that a shark had been hooked
off the mlddlebank. It is de
clared that the appearance of
sharks in these waters is a sure
sign of an early mackerel season
and of Spring.
The blizzard which swept over the
eiitire eastern portion of Pennsylvania
Sunday and yesterday will cost the
State Highway Department more than
all other storms in the State during
the present season. Frantic applica
tions for aid in removing snow from
[Continued 011 I'ujce 5]
Report For Year Shows Net Earn
ings For More Than $500,000
During 1913
Each one of the 100,000 Inhabitants
of Harrlsburg and the nearby towns
took 235 rides on the trolley lines of
the Harrlsburg Railways Company
during the year which ended Decem
ber 31, 1913, according: to the first an
nual report of the company submitted
to the stockholders at the annual
meeting to-day.
During the year the company haul
ed 23,546,592 passengers at an average
fare of slightly more than four cents.
The gross receipts were $991,871.86.
Operating expenses totaled $413,955.36.
The net earnings for the year were
E. D. Walbrldge, of New York,
president of the board of directors of
the Harrlsburg Railways Company
since its organization more than a
year ago, retired from the board at
the annual meeting of the stockhold
ers to-day because of his inability to
attend the monthly meetings of the
E. C. Felton, of Philadelphia, presi
dent of the Pennsylvania Steel Com
pany, was elected to a two-year term
to (ill the vacancy on the board of
directors. Mr. Felton, from his con
nection as director at one time with a
subsidiary of the traction company, is
familiar with local conditions and is a
frequent visitor here. All the. other
members of the board were re-elected.
They will organize on Thursday.
The board as elected to-day is as
follows: One year, Edward Bailey, J.
M. Cameron, S. F. Dunkle; two years,
E. C. Felton, E. S. Herman, Samuel
Kunkel, F. B. Musser; three years, B.
F. Meyers, George W. Relly, W. H.
Selbert. E. Z. Wallower.
After all taxes. Interest and rentals
were paid, and $79,420.16 put into new
equipment and Improvements, $106,-
000 was distributed In dividends, leav
ing a surplus of $31,321.71. No com
parison is possible with business of
(.Continued oil Page 5 I
W. L. Lenker, Brakeman, Rolled
Under Cars in Wreck at
Enola This Morning
E. M. McCurdy, West Fairview,
Narrowly Escapes His
Comrade's Fate
One man was killed and another*
seriously injured this morning In a
wreck in the Enola yards.
Wind traveling at a 40-inile-an-hour
rate, sweeping through the big Penn
sylvania railroad yards started a draft
ol' cabin cars moving and the run
away cabins crashed into a freight
The dead man is W. L. Lenker, 28
years old, of Enola, a brakeman. Ho
was rolled under the wheels of a car
and killed instantly.
E. M. McCurdy, 25 years old, of
West Fairview, received injuries of
the face and body In the smashup.
I His left hand was so badly crushed. It
had to be amputated.
How Accident Occurred
The accident occurred shortly before
•? o'clock. Lenker and McCurdy were
riding a freight draft down the yards.
Suddenly the draft of cabins on the
cabin storage track began to move
down the yards. The two men saw
the danger that would impend if the
two drafts met at the switch a short;
distance below and every effort was
made to stop the freight draft, but to
no avail.
No one was in the cabins at the
i time. The draft consisted of seven
; cars and was moving at a rate of
i thirty miles an hour when the crash.
I came. The end cabin was struck with
such force by the freight draft as to
; cut the cabin car completely in two.
Brakeman Lenker fell directly be-
J neath the second car. Brakeman
I McCurdy was about to Jump when the
j two drafts collided. He cleared tho
tracks with his body, but his left hand
I fell across the track under the wheels.
, He was rushed to the hospital in the
company's special hospital car.
Yard engine No. 332 .vith Conductor
; F. L. Knaub, had started the draft of
; freight cars down No. 2 track about
5.40 o'clock. The draft went a short
j distance when Lenker and McCurdy
| jumped aboard the draft taking their
; places on the top of the cars.
Tracks Adjoin
i The cabin track adjoins No. 2 track
; but thfcre is some space between the
1 two. The cabins were located at a
j point where the high wind had a clean
•sweep. The cabins had been standing
lon the track for sometime, but no
lone thought a wind could start them.
At the east end of the yard the cabin
] track Joins No. 2 track and it was at
'this point the two drafts came to
j gether.
! Brakeman Lenker, who was on the
(extra list, made his home at Enola.
He was single and formerly resided in
Harrisburg. Brakeman McCurdy is
a single man also. He resides at West
Fairview with his parents. ' Both were
members of the Brotherhood of Rail
road Trainmen and the Pennsylvania
railroad relief. Arrangements for the
funeral for the burial of brakeman
Lenker will be announced later.
Special to The Telegraph
Hartford, Conn., March J. Mrs.
I Catherine O'Neill died here to-day,
. aged 106 years. She had been !n good
: health until a few weeks ago. Her
j husband died sixty years ago.
For Ifarrlsburg and vicinity! Fair
to-night and Wednesday, some—
what colder to-night, with lowest
I temperature about 20 degrees.
For Kastern Pennsylvania! Fair to
night and Wednesday; somewhat
colder to-n IgNlt high northwest
winds diminishing.
No material changes are likely to
occur In river conditions for the
next few days.
C.eneral Conditions
The Atlantic coast storm has wav
ed slowly northward daring the
Inst twenty-four hours, and Is
now central oft' the Southern New
F.ugland const. It has caused
snow, rnln find moderate gales In
the Atlantic .States front Vir
ginia northward. The high pres
sure area over the Mississippi
Valley lias remained nearly sta
tionary and has decreased In
strength, while the front of the
area of high pressure central
over the North Pacific States has
advanced to the Missouri Valley.
Temperature] 8 a. m., 28i 2 p. m., ](,
Sum Rises, Oi3l a. m.; sets, r>iß3
p. in.
Mooni New moon, tlrst quarter.
March R, 12i03 a, m.
River Stage! 4.8 feet above low
water mark.
Vesterday'a Weather
Highest temperature, 22.
Lowest temperature, 12.
Mean temperature, 17,
Normal temperature. 33.
f~nr i T ■
Travelogue Coupon
This coupon and 10c will be
good for one admission ticket to
"Niblo Travel Talks"
Present this coupon at Chest
nut Street Auditorium ticket
office when you purchase ticket
Not Good at Door
Matinees Wednesday and Sat
urday, 2.15. Evening perform
ance, 8.15.
Price of admission without
coupon, 25c.
V /