The $985.00 With Electric Starter $1085.00 To lovers of motoring, this announcement is more than passing interest: the 1914 KRIT has arrived at our salesrooms. This is the car that's proclaimed the greatest of all automobile values at or near the price. This is the car that possesses accepted features of the highest priced cars—in appearance and in mechanism and sells for $985. In design, in style in comfort, the new KRIT leaves nothing to be desired. It is complete to the last detail in the newest features and conveniences—beautiful stream-line body, tapered bonnet, rounded radiator, graceful fenders, handsome beveled electric lights. Electric lights, electric horn, electric starter if you wish; makes it a pleasure to drive the new KRIT. Left drive means convenience in stepping in or out of the car —and safety when on the street. Driving compartment, entered from either side, affords extra convenience and service. Gasoline tank in dash, giving gravity feed, underslung rear springs, demountable rims, Stewart speedometer—all assist to make the new KRIT a car of exceptional value. , See the new KRIT. Judge for yourself why it has created a big impression the country over. Ride in it—we will be glad to demonstrate over any roads and hills. In style and me chanical arrangement it is almost a duplicate of the popular Hudson. Sold by DILL, Hudson Agency KRIT RECEIVED BY DILLTKIS WEEK New Model Here For Which I. W. Dill Has Assumed Agency . The car that caught I. W. Dill's fancy at the New York show is here and will be sold in addition to the Hudson line of sixes. The new five-passenger body of the 1914 Krlt car is one of surpassing beauty. It is of the latest streamline design, is leather lined and the front can be entered from either side. The front axle is one-piece drop forged I beam Vanadium steel which assures the buyer uniform strength through out. The spindles are also made of this steel as are the steering arms. There are two sets of brakes acting ■ New Hudson Light Six Price $1,750 The Six Forty Proves Its Econom In competition with the leading Four-cylinder types. This con test was held in many cities and under varied conditions, whenever It was possible to get a four-cylinder competitor to enter the contest. This wae Impossible in many cases and a number of fours failed to appear after entering. The following list will be found interesting reading: ( ) Mileage per gal. of gasoline. Test Run Hudson Competing made at Slx-40 4-Cyllnder Car Remarks. Minneapolis 16.6 11 Run made through 6 in. of snow. Philadelphia ....20.1, 14.2 Wind velocity 39 mi,, temp. 24 deg. St. Louis 18.8 17.4 Nashville 16 10.6 Rolling country, two long hills. Toledo 17.7 15.4 Strong wind blowing. Shreveport 18.1 12 Louisville 15.5 12 Buffalo 15 11 Road heavy with snow. Omaha 17.5 .. (Competing car failed to appear.) Hutchinson 17 .. (Competing car failed to appear.) Des Moines 13.5 .. (Competing car failed to appear; heavy roads.) 8 Hudson Sixes averaged miles per gal.; the 8 Fours 12.93. Showing the Hudson a winner by 33 1-3 per cent. In the local con test a Hudson 7-passenger car used less gas than the best Fours— with five passengers. Credit for this showing Is entirely due to the master builders Howard E. Coffin, the pian who has designed the Dammant Six. Sold by I. W. DILL East End Mulberry Street Bridge ■ r. ' , *S- * * " " i - ' . ' : ' r . - . . SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 28, 1914. on the real wheels, giving 250 square inches of braking surface. The motor is almost the same as that of last year, excepting that it has been im proved by the addition of a few minor details. The change In the piston rod is one of these details. One of the important features of the motor this year is that the cylinders are tested to a 150 pound hydraulic pressure. The valves of this car are enclosed with single plate and are easily remov able. They are amply large allowing the free passage of gases. Both the inlet and exhaust valves are of the same size and can be operated on the same side of the motor, necessitating only one cam shaft. The carburetor is of the Stromberg latest type, has a float feed, controlled by throttle 011 top of the steering wheel, also by foot accelerator. The carburetor adjustment Is placed on the side of the steering column —an added convenience for <cold weather as the driver can adjust It from the seat The ignition are of high tension, with Bosch magneto, and is of the lat est design with no batteries necessary. The spark plugs are placed in the cyl inder head directly over the intake j alves. The steering wheel has a | spark control. j • The price of this car, fully equipped iis $950. Equipped with the Disco elec tric self-starter complete with genera tor and lighting system it is $1,050. CIIUC Will IT ill IK SIXES H. M. Leland Declares Company Has No Intention of Depart ing From Present Practice Henry M. Iceland, president of the Cadillac Motor Car Company, and re cently elected to the presidency of the Society of Automobile fcngineers, cor rects an erroneous impression which seems to prevail In some quarters with regard to the future plans and policies of his company. "We could scarcely expect to con trol,' says Mr. Iceland, "the very con siderable volume of mouth to mouth advertising which the Cadillac re ceives. It would keen us busy if we were to attempt to confirm or deny the many and varied reports that are constantly being circulated concern ing the Cadillac. But when a misun derstanding or misconception of the methods, plans or policies of the Cad illac Company is liable to creep Into this sort of gratuitous publicity, we consider it a duty we owe the public as well as ourselves to correct what ever inaccuracies may unwittingly be reported. 'We have experimented, it is true, with engines of six cylinders; in fact we have built a number of such cars in the past four years. We have test ed them to the utmost: and we have compared them,* point by point, with some of the most higlv regarded sixes which wo had bought for just i„?« r P 08 Ai 14 may be interesting to note, in this connection, that we did not find a single 'six' which, in our opinion, outpointed our own in these exhaustive tests. Most of them, in fact, were outpointed by our own These experiments may have been the basis of rumors that we were to mar ket a six-cylinder Cadillac but this company has no such intention "At one time or another our experi mental division has built autohiobile engines of almost every conceivable type ami size. We made two-cylinder cars some years ago. and it was ru mored that we were to market such a car—but we never did. We havn oior, made three-cylinder cars, and it was rumored that we were to market them—but we never did. And ®n the same way the rumor that we contem plate the marketing of a Cadillac »iv is without foundation. Our experi mental division, which we believe to be the most thorough in the entire industry, is ever active. No expense s ever spared in testing, investigat ng and experimenting; no stone is left unturned In our efforts to dis cover and provide that which will demonstrate itself to bo best in prin ciple and In practice. "Our tests, Investigations, experi ments and comparisons have demon strated conclusively, that our to ur cylinder engine affords the highest degree of all-around efficiency obtain able, coupled with greatest economy of operation and maintenance. Fur thermore our tests have proved that such an engine as the present Cadillac power-plant, in connection with a properly designed two-speed axle, pro duces not only an extraordinary ranee of operating flexibility but atf extra ordinary degree of operating and maintenance economy and marvelous v luxurious riding qualities, while re ducing friction and consequent wear to a market degree and reducing vi bration almost to the vanishing nninV "With this knowledge to fulde us we certanly have not the slightest policy departing from our present Cast Secured For Play to Be Given by Firemen All the characters required to com plete the cast of fifty people necessary to present the production of "The Fire Brigade," which the Firemen's Union of Harrisburg will present at the Ma jestic Tehater, matinee and nigrht, Thursday, March 12, have now been se cured. Rehearsals are being held four nights each week in the parlors of Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Com pany. Captain DeLong and wife, of New York City, who will assume the leading roles, state tlmt they are more than satisfied with the talent secured. Horses, fire apparatus and twenty uni formed firemen, will play an important part throughout this production especially In the last net, when ;i great lite scene is presented. INSUFFICIENT OIL MIKES IUTO TIME Consulting Engineer Dunham, of Chalmers Company, Issues Warning to Owners BY CIIAKDES W. DUNHAM Consulting Engineer of Chalmers Motor Company I honestly believe that one-halt oi the troubles experienced by drivers of motor cars are due to defective lubri cation. Not because the amateur driv ers of automobiles lack intelligence, but because as a general rule they are people unfamiliar with machinery. Lubrication is the most neglected phase of automobile care. And this, in spite of the fact that lubrication Is really the most impor tant item in keeping a motor car in good running order. Squeaks and rattles are not the only results of fail ure properly to lubricate working parts. Grease and oil have two main functions in any piece of machinery. First, to overcome undue friction. Sec ond, to keep the rapidly moving parts cooled. If you fail to lubricate your car, you will probably get squeaks, but, more important, you will get a loss of power, and If you neglect lubrication too greatly the motor will absolutely cease to perform its function. At the Chalmers factory we have one general rule: when in doubt, lubri cate. It Is not hard to keep a car properly oiled and greased. A little system will insure that every part wh|ch needs lubrication receives it regularly. Hero are the principal parts of a car which require attention: Once each day, or about every 100 miles, the crankcase should be exam ined to insure that oil comes up to the level of the top try-cock. Simply add new motor oil whenever the oil level falls below this point. The steering gear knuckle grease cups and Bteerlng cross rod grease cups should each re ceive one complete turn. Faulty lubrication of the steering gear Is absolutely suicidal and it re quires only the simple turning of a grease cup each day practically to in sure that you will never be placed In danger from the failure of your steer ing mechanism to operate. All spring bolt grease cups should be given a- couple of complete turns each day. The springs take the entire jolting of the car. Squeaks develop in them very rapidly, so their lubrication is highly important. The speedometer driving gears should also receive attention daily. The speedometer becomes useless if the driving gears bind from undue friction through insufficient lubri cation. The wheel hubs, which must work hard whenever the car is in mo tion, should receive from at least ten to fifteen drops of motor oil per day. About twice a week the fan hub should be given a few drops of motor oil. At the same time the pump shaft grease cups and steering gear grease cups should be given two complete turns. During this inspection see that the steering wheel and steering col umn each receive ten to fifteen drops of motor oil. Drawings For Position at Auto Show on Monday Space holders for the fifth annual motor car show will meet at the Motor Club headquarters, Monday morning, at 10.80 o'clock, and hold drawing for po sitions at the coming show which will be at the Arena-Rex garage on North Third street, March 14th to 21st, inclu sive. The names of exhibitors will be on slips and placed in a hat. The ex hibitor whose name is drawn first will have first choice of position, second name, second choice until all have been allotted their proper places. Prizes, ranging from five to fifty dollars will be distributed during the week of the show. The highest of these will be for fifty dollars, the second for twenty-five, and third for fifteen, fourth, for ten, and several additional live dollar prizes. Each admission ticket will entitle the bearer to one chance on these prizes. J. Clyde Myton, manager of show again this year, reports 9.000 of the 13;000 feot sold and the indications are that this year's show will again ex ceed any preceding exhibit. Emrick in Charge of the Local Hupmobile Branch H. C. Emrick, who had the selling agency for the Buick automobile in Harrisburg three years ago, could not resist the fascination of automobile selling, and is now in charge of the Neighbors Motor Company at 120 Mar- I have sold and delivered 32 of these 1914 Over land 79's. I have 5 orders for March and 11 orders for April delivery. That makes 48. My allotment was 75 —I have increased it to 100. If you want a spring delivery place your order early* The fac tory will build 50,000 this year and 24,000 has al ready been shipped and the season 'not started. It's the Big Value and the Low Price that creates this demand. Complete equipment, less starter $985.00: with Gray and Davis electric starter, $lllO.OO, delivered in Harrisburg. Andrew Redmond Third and Boyd Sts. HARRISBURG, PA. Distributor fur Dauphin, Prrry and Cumberland Counties. A few bargains in used cars. 5-passenger Pullman, 4 doors, new tires, new paint, all equipments $325.00 4-passenger Pullman, good as new, all equipments $475.00 5-passenger Overland, newly finished : .. .$395.00 5-passenger Reo, 4 doors $530.00 5-passenger Reo, combination touring and .delivery body ! $225.00 IS SAFETY WORTH CONSIDERING? You wouldn't entrust the lives of your wife or family in a frail boat on the water would you? Well, why take just such risks in frail motor cars? Did you ever stop to consider the danger you are in, when riding in a poorly constructed automobile? When you stop to think it over, it's a serious matter. Before placing an order, see the Abbott-Detroit Cars Well known as the "BULL DOG LINE" on account of their GREAT POWER and ENDURANCE. Examine our cars CAREFULLY, THOROUGHLY CRITICALLY; then examine others that claim to be just as good as ABBOTT, and after you do this, you will own an ABBOTT, if you are looking fo<- DURABILITY, ECONOMY, INDIVIDUALITY and REFINEMENT. All of this is built in each model we manufacture and our models are made in FOUR and SIX cylinders. Bear in mind this is a DIRECT FACTORY BRANCH; which in other words means MUCH to you if you are an intended buyer. In addition to our line, we usually have some EXCELLENT values in used cars. Come in and let us talk it over. Our Service Station IS RIGHT. Let us prove it. Free air for inflating tires in front of our salesroom. Harrisburg Branch Abbott Motor Car Co. 106-08 S. Second St. HARRISBURG, PA. Bell Phone 3593. ket street. Mr. Etnrick is well known in Harrisburg, having been in tlie gro cery business here since leaving the Buick concern, and also having been associated with the sales department of the Harrisburg Bag and Box Com pany. The Neighbors Motor Company are large distributors lor the Hupp Motor Car Company of Detroit. The local ter ritory includes about twenty counties; going as far east as New Jersey, as far west as Tyrone, south to the Mary land line, und north including Lycoming county. A complete line of Hupmo biles are on display in the local show room, which controls the retail, as well as the wholesale trade of this sec tion. Abbott Models Shown to Better Advantage 'Real nifty!" is the way one admirer expressed himself when he saw tho transformation that lias taken place at the local factory branch of the Abbott Motor Car Company. And the landlord of the building said the main floor looked better now than it ever did in Its palmiest days when used for a fur niture and other purposes. The entire floor has a clean oak finish, walls and ceiling papered attractively and the matting on the floor gives the place an up-to-date appearance. The Abbott-Detroit six and the fours are now arranged where they may bo inspected under most favorable condi tions. COCKIM; SIGNS TWO A message from Manager George Cockill reached Harrlsburg at noon to-day from Ijewisburg, and an nounced that he had signed two prom ising young outfielders, both from Roxboro, near Philadelphia. They are Patrick Pergueson and Herr John son. THE HOUSE OF I Makes Most Significant Announcement Declares Unreservedly in Favor of the Four See Saturday Evening Post, March 7th, and other publications, for the why and wherefore. You owe It to yourself to study this matter. Crispen Motor Car Co. 413-417 SOUTH CAMERON STREET 5 th ANNUAL ~ Auto Show March 14-21 Inciu » iv - ARENA REX GARAGE Harrisburg Pa. North Third and Delaware Sts. SIMFLEX • 20 Shock Absorber For Automobiles PEH Here at laat la a low-priced shock absorber that cam 1 - \ be depended upon to do the work. ' 1 m ~., I \ The SIMFLEX has been proven the simplest and __ a I most efTlcient shock absorber In the market. Absorbs Biiga! —SI - j both vibration and shock. No wearing part to e*t out of order. Friction parts case hardened. A d»- pendable shock absorber is a necessity in the pre servation of your car. SIMFLEX Is dependable. Half WRITE. H jWCTj I to one-third the cost of others. „ unvP ■ „ ,v 1 Let u» elve you a trial of the SIMPLEX. PHO>E M|S| Mn Pj Money back If not aatlalled. Price, *30.00 per pair pat :Zn. H|P| Eureka Wagon Works, Agts., MATIOS A. H. BAILEY. Bell Phone 134U.1. 814.18 North St. $*11,275 FOR LIQUOR LICENSES Up to 3 o'clock this afternoon liquor dealers had paid to the County Treas urer $64,275 for their licenses. Judge Kunkel was still considering a num ber of applications which must be handed down before midnight to en able the applicants to obtain a license this year. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers