8 The MILL and FACTORY Sale Closes To-morrow The Final Silk Sale of the The New Spring Suits Are A not her Important Day To morrow Season Closes Tomorrow Evening tl f , In the Sale of tThe excellent quality of the silks in this sale, the X* VXll Ol VM Pi T*TTI new patterns and shades prove them to be of the best | I DieaClierS Damaged LllietlS grades and therefore all the more desirable in view of \ A 1 A 1 1 1 ' the special prices. The sale closes to-morrow evening, , V aIUOS /\T6 lYornarKablo ! The little marks of injured places' are so slight that it so don't delav vour silk purchases if interested. i x w i VV/IHUI 1 ... ~i Ik, i „ t 4 . 6 r,i u' > *i.so spotpruo'r Foulards, 40 inches wide, is g ood patterns. ■ „ . . wouM have been an easy matter to present any of these Bleachers Sp^l Sl- ?. ar. cr«p« suit. sale'caX $1.69 to i 1.95 W.9# combinations; 19 inches wide. Special, yard o»c ; antl !iax > s » lts ln P«pl'n and crepe fancy collar, Rton jacket, fancy but- «3SO to $7 00 nattern cloths SB.OO pattern Cloths, 84x118 in- BLACK SILKS materials, silk collar and cuffs, drop tons and loops, skirt with full pen- , L c , P 1 i i ches Snecial in the sale each gSJ ya «.«« uproar Taireta, chiffon weight. 27 inches. Mai. | shoulder, skirt with the circulaV lum ......... Ko m the sale each ches. Special ,n the sale, B#c Black Messallne, 3«' inches.^' yard . 7»e flounce $25.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. ° « ®* Nankins and Fancv Linens /W SS.OO pebbled Crepe. 40 Inches.. Special, yard ...$2.19 ?5.00 and $6.00 square pattern . . . . (J $1.26 Messaiine, so inches wide. Special, yard $1.09 cloths; 2%x2 J 4 yards Special in So.UO linen napkins; 22x22 inches 85c Black Showerproof Foulards. Special, yard 53c the sale, each ... $2.69 and $2.95 square. In the sale, dozen, $2.59 20 Styles New Spring Blouses, $1.95 Skirts of Imported Plaid Weaves Tl °"7 k i" ,he Pie ", ' T? L__*J J L 1 6 The Bleachers' Damage Sale pre- chon lace touches. In the sale, each, ismbroidered voile blouses with Gladstone collar, fronts trimmed with A ffiirnlo • C <->♦-» s\ C C OCT sents a very interesting list of un- (J9^ revers and crochet buttons, long sleeves with turn-back cuffs $1.95 INCW /\ril V dIS. ClllCl ZpO.ii/O common values in piece goods da- Dives, pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. med with shadow iace, lace tFlms nei k nnd button ple £f' 9s ! Scotch plaid skirts in dark blue Black and white honeycomb check ~ shoulde"";' ttonU wi^orti^ec'k, o 'lnf £ eCtS ' skirtS ' drCUar CUt floll »« • • HosWv fiViA I ] ■-. lialf I TlCe MaraDOU rieces fast biack cashmere "hose, flee<:ed 69c line. lo pfeated U Tounce. Je Emer a aid, s\f»l tnd VmVStL'''''''it ' Muffs " eck P ieces of go out in the Mill and Factory Sale seam- Men's seamless 1 Urnn.n PU po^i a n lU S 1 ' W / StM ia ' Cope i l, i aSen ' *2.50 caps. Special '. .. . .$1.50 j tO-morrow at half former prices. Women's fast black Siik ~ Umlo" 1 ' h0 lL; •' \ ■• •. -j<' S _ Dives,' Pomero? & Stewfrt-Second Floor Re ? lllar ? 3 ' 9 8 $25.00 pieces are priced $1.99 to $12.50 3Sc, n 3 ed p Jr e for 8P . U . Ced . h ? e, . S Di^s,' & r IfYou Like Brushed Brass Ware Jfo I AnOccasionofGreatMoment- Here s a Rare Chance ' 7 o 1 r t* r $1.39 to $1.98 Pieces toGo for 98c ii\ | Women's Shoes Two hundred pieces comprise the special sale of brushed brass- HwlLsk I / T&S P \ A / /J\ t he are f suc ! l as can only be found in ware. There are umbrella stands, fern dishes, cuspidors and jar- . SJ M / \\J\ \ Mill and Factory' Safe s T °- mor f row wlll lhc day of the dinieres. The umbrella stands are $1.98 value and the jardinieres J I A ° y Sa,e ' SO we P resent ' are regularly sold for $1.50 and $1.83. M&T j/ sM / C Seven-piece cut glass water sets. Mill and Factory Sale price, J « SSM»p« 2^. to . 6 ;. 98c Step ladders Special S H|||l|wl| /i T 111 / _Wo|»t-n's SJ.SO and iioo gun rfietal calf, high* cut, button "shoes ; ,U heavy ?5c oak bath tub seats. Special -,0 l iW 111 l Sff ffli «J "°' dcr H ' II w M rV|PE w a«"?a»'ssKy!ja jsrsn^js^'^sz 75c toilet paper Special 5 ' ec,a / J ' W* f AITV -"K yZ Z v \ 'loiaers. special ,o<* II iv §7 calf and tan Storm calf button Children's $1.75 gun metal calf high 7.1C tub soap dishes. Special ji» Hllfl M\l\ W B !^® B i h, f h to ° laaUi with stitched cut button shoes; sizes BVa to 11 7 rolls toilet paper and holder. Special I«)»* /J mm IW I'm 1 Price S ° lß ' * MII ' and Factory MUI and Factory Sale Price $1.20 v ■ S, l®l Jf, I / Wnmm'i'M n^'i''i' ■;' $2 - 35 Children's $1.60 black kid skin laco _ B s'tfrflji I„J ® $2.00 black kid skin even- shoes; Goodyear welted soles with ■j i. |"\ C //' /Mm/ n ■H\ r slippers, with beaded vamps and spring heels, not all sizes Mill and L/ast Day 1 o-morrow of mA\ I I stl aps. Mill and Factory Sale Price, Factory Sale Price 75t« II HUjll' / | 111 98c I>lves ' Por "eroy & Stewart, Street Fl. The February Furniture Sale I.L„— Spring Dresses for Children in, th" C F e e s s^e.'CFvo^o^d cilSctf Here ' s Ever y Reason Why You Should dGj , . 14 Years the many exceptional values arranged for the last day of R| lV Yniir Ovprrnat the .sale we would suggest an early visit. A v/V GlUUal 1 1C71C7 1 vJ" llllJl 1w W | he styles are uncommonly pretty and the trimming dainty and $35.00 mahogany side table. Reduced to $17.50 HHI T% . . / ? s~\ T mt rTI If. 0 '""?' S . cores of distinctive modes are followed in this new com -529.00 golden oak bureau. Reduced to $19.50 1. h>6 (JttC J.S J. fICLt OT "'biiHr 1 $55.00 mahogany buffet. Reduced to $39 00 ■■————■^____Children s Spring dresses in madras and ginghams of solid c 01559.00 $59.00 solid mahogany buffet Reduced tr. ffiQo'nn TU u i ■ i • . > • ~ • ° rs an stn P es * 'he styles are out of the ordinary and the worlc m ,,i r ; ', , J , •- $39.00 Ihe man who likes to economize on his clothing will tind this the golden opportunity — manship show care and skill in sewim? Sixes ranVe fmm t,-, u «?rn !1H l ext r tab ' e - Reduced to $19.50 because overcoats of best fabrics and tailoring and correct styles are offered at substantial years. In these new Vrini arrh-Ils g «l na S SES,? "T.V Redl,Ced t0 #32-30 savings. The "D., P. & S."" label on each overcoat is guarantee of its worthiness, thus the ' Girls' dre'?es of JiiXm Ln/striue niadraV 'in V, t U "«< i;n + n / "j t0 * $8.95 economy is based .on quality and is all the more attractive. Anticipate next Winter's overcoat years • ' H!l J ". iattressc ; s - to $0.95 ( needs now and be just that much in pocket. Crepe dresses'in ul U Vn' 'th V,'" w 'i' ! ,$ J224.00 3-piece soid mahogany bedroom suite $150.00 Here are the styles, fabrics, colors, etc.- amiable ' £1««" $154.00 2-pieee mahogany dmtng room suite OO cte » r > v 0 n # and SK».»>O $95.00 3-piece leather library suites $65.00 Overcoats iNow Selling at SIB.OO Overcoats Now Selling at I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Seeoutl Floor. Dives, Pomoroy A Stewart, Third Floor. $15.00 $lO 00 \X > ITI n xt a. i_ 1 a\r 1 1 . Grey bwun scotch piaid overcoats. ' p ' Men s rlannelette Paiamas Reduced Notable -W flsh rflhnr Savitirfc A „ U!HA S I K Meie oiervoaK Blue chinchilla overcoats. . iiuiauic VT doll 1 aUlll/ oav lIIOS /\fl- striiied brown and grey worsted overcoat;-. . "VI, • I . . j C> Oxford cheviot overcoats. Brown diagonal weave worsted overcoats. v J - -o I laiiiielettc pajamas ill plain white or neat stripes. nounced for the Last Day of the Sale «««»„. Sptc i.' t , ; , . &oc pongee: one half tdik- "5u inchM «t„, Black Melton oven-oats. A _ „. >\ien s ifil.yo lannelette and German lleeced cloth pajamas; tan, Wljte; plain shades. Mill aAd F««lory tor'y Sale Prtw, . . ° ve «cwito. $20.00 OverCOatS N'OW Selling at black > hluc and lielio stripes. Special $1.,j0 oord. >llll and Factory Sale Price, lory Sale Price, yard 12Ue Full and Quarter 1 Venetian lininns Men's SI.OO French flannel shirts, "Ash -Kosh" overalls with high back j* ' '*li 12% c Bates* in Fancv nlahl back iininirs * iti o i 1 i kiu high military and flat laydown collars, and self-adjusting" shoulder straps, ex 3»c crepe de chine In soUd shades, checks, fancy plaids and solid shaded ' Unlngn. Blue and brown chinchilla overcoats. neat stripes and plain «rey; sizes to tra full cut arid full number pockets, "J n ll l ni a,IO y ry Sa ' 6 i Pri< Bn }ar Fancy plaid back linings. ered cuffs; sizes to 18. Special, I.ight and dark blue chambray shirts Sale Price, yard 39e. yard BVic \\ T' J O " T T T " % ' w 'th two separato collars; sizes 14 to vJuZ ff^LV 10 !? 68 . " Ide ; „ printe: 36 incheswide; WlfltPr 7MII H ZWff* I 1 KPUHQP MKN'S MACHINAWS, JKRSFYS AND 19 50c white ground with floral design or floral designs. Mill and Factory Sale V " W Lll IO 1 IdVC I_yIJVC W lot/ SVVEATFRs BOYS' NEW "K. & E." BLOUSE pink, blue and lielio. Mill and Factory Price yard oi7. ~ , cn tl urAtJ^c w "' AVv'V/v'l V A AlvZ/Il A llidl X J. yyl jI n Mens $1.50 jerseys with roll collar madras blouse waists, military collar Gloves of Super Quality for Women $15.00 Suits Now Selling at SIO.OO $20.00 and $25.00 Suits Now Sell- gFey 't" 3, T' d " a "^ da ri nd medium "colored' woven p ■ , | , .j . . , . ~ » + T uuinuw kJCII Boys SI.OO jersey sweaters in navy, stripe madras blouse waists, with mill -1 rix seam wasnable liuxkin gloves, With spear points; in white Grey, worsted suits. * l'nrr at t n/1 maroon and grey. Special 60c tary collar only. Pair mt Diagonal Cheviot suits " tplt).UU Boys' SI.OO maroon sweaters with White blouse waists, band style and Dne<;lfiii wasliahlo o-l'r.',r'»V YJ ''l',;/' "o '• 'l..'- Shadow strined brown' easslmero «„I,k Black and white cheek worsted suits. s^ wl collar; sizes 6to 12 years. Spe- military attached collars. .50c and 75c lJOeskin washable gloves in white. Pair $1.25 ■ "«<•"« .Striped lirown oasslmcre suits. Plain crey basket weave worsted suits. clal 50c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Fl. Dives, Ponieroy & Stewart 2-clasp doves, in all shales Pair , r a . brown cheek suits. Grey and brown Scotch mixture suits. 1b 1 v "' SIOO Tw « and three-button sacks. mack and gr. y «trlf>ed cushlmcrc sulta. OQ C"11 T~) 11 nfb.mon 4ck wwu. IyIDtOOIIS, I &T Q, 17C $1..2 i) Brown and crev che<"k worsted suits. $28.00 Suits SelllllCT at SIB.OO . ... Navarre 2-clasp gloves $1.50 Plain grey cassimere suits. Brown checked worsted suits. All s,lk tarteta . moire and satin taffetas go into the? Mill and Centemeri's kid cloves ... «1 tt'Viwi Chalk stripe cassiniere suits. Plain grey cassimere suits. Factory Sale to-morrow at material savings. Widths are 4Vj to , , _ , , b .Y , to HW.IIU Grey diagonal weave worsted suits. Chalk strined worsted suits /-i/ • u ii i j-» , , . , , • , • , Perrin s 2-clasp kid gloves JJSI 75 ant i oq Blue unitnished worsted suits. Blue serge suits mches, in black, cardnfal, scarlet, blues, pink, maize, brown, Kayser's n-ashable clianioisette gloves SO* t„ «:*S 9SKSS I ZttZgiißSftg? lavender and white. Dives. Po.neroy i «4WHM. Street I'loor. , lle „, cioihin«. Second Floor, Bear. . Vf* K" U ' ~ h J 1,1 laSl Ja> llle Ml " \ atl " FaCtOrV Sale. Val'd 1 t ... , v ;■ •' ■ 1 " r* ; V ■ • ( •' 1 ■ : sf: FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 27, 1914.