Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 27, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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VALUE Ll uiLvr
The Final Closing Out of
All Ladies', Misses' and
Children's Coats
Ladies* and misses' winter coats, djC rf&fe
formerly priced to $18.75 Wij
One ladies' loose fitting wrap of broadtail
cloth, exquisitely trimmed. $35.00 $14.75
Sport coats of finest imported Velour-de- kW'Jr l |
laine, Astrakhan, Polo Cloth and Chinchilla. Mil
Spring shades, $22.00 Jfcy CQ
values A, SSgf isjjjr
See these in our window. IllnPwJ
Misses' Basketball Waists Middy 'IIJ i|
style. $1.25 values 1 " | ffll "
Mannish shirt waists for ladies, $1.50 ill i'l
: •. /3c
Girls' and Misses' Regulation .7EC 1 Sjf
Dresses \ 1
Smart models of elegant blue serge, hand- \ * 4
somely embroidered. Reduced from $10.95. \ x \ 4
Ladies' Worsted Sweaters (form dJO QC L \ &
fitting) formerly priced to $5.00 ..
Ladies' Silk Hosiery Onyx Brand and Mc- <|Jl AA
Callums, all shades. .$1.50 values are «PI«W
Holeproof stockings for Ladies and Children. $2.00 per
box of 6 pair. Guaranteed for 6 months.
Poplar Ladies' Department, Second Floor
[Continued from First Page J
the date of the woman's liberation.
Her pardon arrived last night and she
was released before dawn to-day. She
was taken to Philadelphia, where she
will be cared for. She is nearly 60
years old.
Mrs. Edwards was convicted of the
murder along with a negro who was
employed with her husband In a quar-
Anaemic Since ihildhtod
How Miss Holmes Regained
Her Health.
If you are anaemic, you need more
iron in your blood, and the tell-tale
symptoms are a pale face, colorless
lips, ashen finger nails, poor circu
lation and short breath, and more
serious diseases are easily contracted
when in this condition.
What Vinol did for Misa Yvonne
Holmes, of Fall River, Mass., it will
do for every anaemic, run-down per
son. She says: "I have been weak
and anaemic since childhood, always
had 'that tired feeling'. Tonic after
tonic was tried with little or no result
until Vinol was recommended, and i
after taking three bottles my appetite I
and digestion have been improved. 1 j
do not suffer any more from insomnia, i
nor do I have distressing headaches
as formerly, and I am stronger than 1
kave been for years."
We ask every anaemic or run-down,
Weak person in this vicinity to try a
bottle of Vinol with the understanding
that their money will be returned If it
does not do all we claim. George A.
Gorgas, Druggist, Harrieburg. Penna.
Vinol is sold In Steelton by T. Prowell.
P. S.—Eczema sufferers! We guar
antee our new skin remedy, Saxo.—-
Dlt* FRANKLIN MILKS, The Great Spe
cialist, Gives New Book and
Worth of Neuropathic
Treatment Free.
Sick people whoso nerves are weak or
deranged—who have weak heart, liver,
stomach or bladder; blues , headache,
dizziness or dullness; nervous dyspep
sia, irritability, cold hands and feet,
Shortness of breath, palpitation or Ir
regular heart-beat, dropsy, drowsiness,
nervousness, sleeplessness, trembling,
wandering pains, backache, Irritable
spine, rheumatism, hysteria—would do
well to accept Dr. Mileß' liberal offer.
You may never have another oppor
His Book contains many remarkable
cures af'.*r five to twenty local physi
cians and specialists failed. It also con- !
tains endorsements from Bishops,
Clergymen, Statesmen, 12dltor6, Busi
ness Men, Farmers* ete.
Send for Remarkable Cures in Tour
HV Improved Treatments for these
disease* are the result of SO years' ex
perience and are thoroughly scientific
and remarkably successful, so much so
that he does not hesitate to offer Free
Treatments to the sick that they may
test them at his expense. Write at
Describe your case, and he will send
you a two-pound Treatment and a new
Book Free. Address Dr. Franklin Miles
Dept. NS 625 to 635 Main St., Elkhart'
69c Dozen— CARNATIONS —All Color* ... 69c Dozen
49c Bunch—Single or Double VIOLETS 49c Bunch
Specials For Saturday Only
t' • •' - \ »
ry near her home. The husband was
found dead with his head battered in.
A short time after her arrest Mrs.
Edwards gave birth to a negro child.
Negro Innocent
The woman later confessed that the
negro was innocent of the crime and
he was granted a new trial and ac
quitted. Mrs. Edwards has five chil
dren, who are living in different parts
of the country.
Last night Secretary of the Com
monwealth Robert McAfee brought
Governor Tener's pardon lrom Harrts
burg and the woman's counsel took
her away from the Berks jail at 4
o'clock this morning In a taxlcab.
Mrs. Edwards, who had received no
Indication last night of her approach
ing liberation, was surprised when
aroused at 4 a. m. and informed that
she was free. She had been provided
with a new outer coat, and this she
put on over the dress which she wore
in prison. She engaged In prayer, and
of all her belongings only took her
Bible with her. A waiting taxlcab
took her to tho depot. Accompanied
by her attorneys, she left for Phila
delphia, where she was placed into the
hands of people who have offered her
a good home in one of its charitable
Mrs. Edwards has not seen her chil
dren since her incarceration, almost
thirteen years ago, and she does not
know where they are.
"It was necessary to protect Kate
Edwards from those who wished to
exploit her and to assure her welfare
that the time of Issuance of a pardon
and its tranmission to Reading should
be kept secret. The members of the
board decided upon this course, and
we do not know just where she has
gone, but the members of the board
have been assured that she will be
well tken care of and not become a
public figure," said Chief Clerk George
D. Thorn, of the State Board of Par
dons, to-day, regarding the pardoning
of Kate Edwards.
"When the board met ten days ago
letters and papers were presented
which satisfied the members that she
would be cared for and some addi
tional information was desired. This
has been secured and the pardon has
been issued. That is all there Is to
it," said he.
Pardon Was Expected
It had been expected for two
months that Kate Edwards would be
pardoned. This was intimated In Jan
uary at the conclusion of the argu
ment in her behalf, and at that time
her attorneys vere asked to furnish
the board with letters. These came
from Philadelphia and Reading peo
ple who had taken an interest in the
Last week when the board an
nounced that the case was held under
advisement it was publicly stated that
If a pardon was issued no one would
be informed until after It had gone
out, so that the woman would be pro
tected. Since that time officers of the
board have refused to say whether the
desired letters had been received or
when the pardon would go .out.
Reasons For Decision
The board first gives a history of
the various phases of the case before
that body, beginning with tho appli
cation for a commutation of the death
sentence on May 10, 1902, down to its
several refusals, and final refusal by
the board on June 28, 1905, just pre
vious to which the warrant of execu
tion had been recalled, and no sub
sequent warrant being Issued, which
left the woman under sentence of
death, with no time fixed for her exe
cution, no Governor taking action.
The board says:
"Having considered all the facts
Will Guide and Assist the Public
as Well as Guard It
From Crime
If you have ever been a police re
porter on a newspaper you know how
soddenly indifferent to new ideas are
ninny members of "the force." You
can call to mind typical "coppers,"
strong-armed, florid-faced, loving an
air of mystery, ostentatiously hiding
the dark processes by which criminals
are caught and society saved.
Turn from that picture to another.
Thirty-two uniformed policemen are
listening to a speech. In the audience
sit eight or ten heads of city depart
ments. The chief of police has ar
ranged for the meeting because he has
been attending all the sessions of the
State conference of charities ana
.wants to secure some of the benefits
for his men.
The speaker is talking about the
policeman of the future. He asks his
hearers to throw their imaginations
forward to the day when the last
thing that will come into our minds
about policemen will be the arresting
of criminals. At that remark the audi
ence pricks up. The best traffic police
man, he goes on, is the one who can
handle a busy corner with the fewest
accidents and least delay. The best
copper on a beat will be not the one
who makes the most arrests, but the
one who who effectively serves as
guide and mentor to his people, fore
stalling and preventing trouble in
stead of apprehending those who
make it.
In his treatment of children, also,
the policeman must get over regard
ing them as naturally bad, says the
speaker. As he pursues this point, de
claring that someday kids will run to
a cop just as instinctively as they now
run from him, one seasoned bluecoat
In front, his eyes dancing and the
words bursting from his lips, cpies out,
"Some of 'em do now. sir."
The Survey.
and circumstances appearing on an
examination of the record before us,
and shown 011 the hearing of the ap
plication, we have reached the con
clusion, first, as to the form of the
proceedings, that this application for
pardon is at present time cogniz
able by tiiis board, and that It is per
missible for us to consider and act
upon the same, and that it is within
the power of the executive to grant
the celmency asked by the application
upon our recommendation to that ef
fect; and, second, as to the merits of
the application itself, that the prayer
of the petitione ris supported by valid
and substantial reasons. We, there
fore, recommend that such prayer be
granted, and that a pardon be now is
sued to the applicant, Kate Edwards."
History of Case
Then follows a history of the case,
embracing the rearing of the woman
in all of its squalid surroundings, her
marriage and method of living, the
low standard of morals prevailing
among the people she lived with, her
intimacy with the negro Greason, the
husband's threats to "get rid of her
damned quick if she should have a
black baby, her nervous fear under
these conditions and the conception of
the plan to kill her husband which
she accomplished by killing him with
a hammer.
The arrest, trial and conviction are
given in detail, and the final appeal to
the board for her freedom, with the
reasons that have been frequently pub
lished in the past few months, that
she may have been convicted only
of murder in the second degree had
she told the truth at the time of her
trial; she was a woman debased by
brutal treatment and densely ig
norantfi, not understanding the grav
ity of her situation; she has served
over twelve years; her reformation is
complete and she is a different wom
an in education, personal habits and
morals; the ends of justice have been
fully accomplished; the sentiment in
Berks county is overwhelming for her
pardon; released from, prison there is
every reason to believe she will lead
an upright and useful life; her health
has failed and further confinement
will hasten her death.
"These reasons," says the board,
"seem to cover the entire ground, and
we are satisfied of their force. With
out going into detail we venture the
additional reason—that we have on
file, a letter from a certain responsible
lady, an earnest worker for the wel
fare of unfortunate and needy persons,
who promise to provide a home and
suitable work for, and to exercise a
kind and watch care over the appli
cant In case of her liberation; and
also a letter from Mrs. Edwards her
self, wherein she voluntarily states
(that in the event she Is given her
jfredom she will willingly and gladly
place herself under the care, and sub
jject to the supervision, of proper per
sons as may be designated by this
board. We feel confident that Mrs.
Edwards, if liberated from her prison
home, will be given every opportunity
and encouragement to continue in her
ways of reformation and to lead an
upright, respectable, useful, self-sus
taining life. Believing, therefore, that
It will be for the beet interest of the
woman, and not at al injurious to the
interest of society, and in view of her
imprisonment of more than twelve
and a half years, and of her improved
physical, mental and moral condition,
whereby she may earn her own living,
and having the assurance that her
restoration to liberty will have the
approbation of the entire community,
not only In Berks county but through
out the whole Commonwealth, we rec
ommend that a pardon be granted the
applicant, Kate Edwards."
The recommendation is signed by
all of the members of the board.
Mrs. Edwards Is With
Family in Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Feb. 27.—Mrs. Kate
Edwards, released from the Berks
county jail to-day, is with a family on
the outskirts of the city and will bt.
cared for as long as may be necessary.
The name of the family is withheld.
When Mrs. Edwards stepped from
the Reading Terminal into the con
gested street she was amazed at the
crowds. When spoken to she said:
"All I have to say, ail that you
must ask me to say, is this: It is all
true; I felt It all."
The following statement on behalf
of the liberated woman whs given out
for publication:
"To the newspapers of the .country
and the 100.000 persons who have
stood by me In the ordeal of my trial
and imprisonment:
"It is through your efforts and the
effect on the Board of Pardons and
the grace of his Excellency the Gov
ernor of the Commonwealth I to-day
renew my place in the world as a free
woman. To all who have assisted me
I offer my most heart-felt thanks and
wish them godspeed.
"I shall, by living a life of purity
In the future, endeavor to redeem the
past. I assure you I shall not do any
thing that might betray your con
"I pass out of seclusion and it U my
desire that I pass into seclusion. So,
for the last time, I subscribe myself,'
most sincerely and most thankfully
(Signed) "KATE EDWARDS."
Other personals on page 0.
Mrs. Tenet's Guests
at an Informal Dance \
j There was a small, informal dance
last evening at the Executive Mansion,
with Airs. Tener as hostess.
In the party were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D.
Carney, Mr. and Mrs. Richard V.
McKay, Mr. and Mrs. J, V. W. Revn
ders. Miss Margaret Stackpole. Miss
Frances Bailey. Miss Virginia King.
Miss Alma Custer. Miss Margaret Wil
liamson, Miss Sarah Hastings. Miss
Leason, Mrs. Ross Anderson Hickok,
Miss Helen Hammond. Thomas Gra
ham, John Magoun, Thomas Baldwin,
John Lenhart and Albert Stackpole.
/. S. H. Club Sleighrides
to Eberley's Mills
Members of the I. S. H. Club, of
Mechanicsburg. had a sleighrlde last
evening to Eberley's Mills, where they
were entertained at the home of Miss
Ruth Hertzler. An oyster supper was
enjoyed after dancing, games and
In the party were the Misses Mary
witmer, Romatne Hertzler, Esther
Ryan, Margaret Ryan, Edna Foose,
Katharine Holtz, Elma Trout, Ruth
Sutton, Rutli Hertzler and Anna Hertz
ler, Samuel Mummo, George Dietz,
Russel Sultzberger, Walter Holtz,
Frank Smyser. Ezra Yohn, Nevin
Wertz and Mr. and Mrs. Hertzler.
Mrs. O. E. Christ gave a delightful
farewell party at her home In Park,
.street, in honor of Miss Sara E.
I Longenecker and Miss Elva L. Hou
deshel, who will leave Saturday for
Philadelphia to enter the training
class for nurses at Medico Chi. Those
present were the Misses Leah Buck,
Isora Filson, Cardy Drawbaugh, Mar
tha Deik, Aletha Drawbaugh, Freder
ica Buck, Sara Longenecker, Elva
Houdeshel, Paul Reindel, Rodger Sel
man, George Hastings, Mr. and Mrs.
O. C. Christ, Esther and Violet Christ.
Members' club night was largely at
tended last evening at the Colonial
Country club. Cards, dancing and
bowling were enjoyed with a buffet
supper following. i
The Elm Canoe Club, which has
headquarters along the Conodoguinet,
is arranging a dance for the evening
of March 12 at Hanshaw's Hall. On
the committee of arrangements are
William Hoover, Jonas Bless and
Harry Mackentire.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Solomon, of 708
North Third street, are home from
New York where they attended the
Solomon-Weiner wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Fisher, of
633 Ross street, have removed to 612
Seneca streeet.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Tunis, of 440
North street, gave a bridal shower to
Resinol Will
Stop That Itch
It Brings Instant Relief and
Quickly Clears Away Skin
No matter how long you have been
tortured and disfigured by itching,
burning, raw or scaly skin humors,
just put a little of that soothing, an
tiseptic Resinol Ointment on the sores
and the suffering stops right there!
Healing begins that very ininute, and
your skin gets well so quickly you feel
ashamed of the money you threw away
on useless, tedious treatments.
And the best of it is you need never
hesitate to use Resinol Ointment. Resi
nol is a doctor's prescription which for
eighteen years has been used by care
ful physicians for almost all kinds of
skin affections. They prescribe Resi
nol freely, because they know its
soothing, healing action is brought
about by medication so bland and
gentle that it can not harm the most
delicate or irritated skin —even of a
tiny baby.
Resinol Ointment (50c and ?1), and
Resinol Soap (25c), are sold by prac
tically every druggist. Do not be de
ceived by '•imitations" or "substi
tutes." For trial size, free, write to
Dept. 48-R, Resinol, Baltimore, Md.
People Notice It. Drive Them
Off With Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
A pimply face will not embarrass you
much longer If you get a package of
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin
should begin to clear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, the bowels and
the liver with Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the
successful substitute for calomel
there's never any sickness or pain after
taking them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and Just as effec
tively, but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with "a dark brown taste,"
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil, you will know them by theli
olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa- I
tients afflicted with liver und bowel
complaints and Olive Tablets are the
Immensely effective result.
Take one or two nightly for a week
See how rr.uch better you feel and look'
10c and 25c per box. The Olive Tablet
Company, Columbus, O. At all drug
Here's Lax Links
In the most natural way Lax Links, 1
the candy laxatives, will free you from
a constipated condition. They are de- j
llclous confections, flavored with the oil I
of spearmint and they are not harsh in
their action; neither will they gripe or
pain. While they do not purge, their
action is sure and they will do much
toward restoring the system to a nor
mal condition, when daily doses will
not be necessary. They contain no
haiblt-formtng or dangerous drugs and
can be safely given to children and
Invalids. In very obstinate cases, the
eating of an orange with a Lax Link
will be found extremely beneficial. Rec
ommended by physicians. Sold by all
druggists. 10c and 2£c boxes. Write
for free sample. Boro Sallclne Co.,
I Ten Cants a Week I
I The Daily Public Ledger I
I will be delivered to you I
I every morning for ten cents I ]
I a week. If you will try it I
I for, say, four weeks, you I
I will find that you like it I
I better than any paper you I
First Thing in the Morning Since 1836
~ ... ■ I I
Mrs. Edgar Lee Marshall Wednesday
evening at her home.
Miss Anna C. Weir received flowers,
good wishes and many congratulatory
cards on her birthday, yesterday.
Miss Julia Washburn, of 228 North
Thirteenth street, entertained the N.
B. B. club this week at the regular
William Harmon, of 1411 North
street, was given a birthday surprise
I ■ 'PHE records of Harrisburg's §
g -*- City departments show that |
1 there are between fifteen and six- f
| teen thousand dwellings in Har- j
I risburg, Pennsylvania. 1
I The sworn circulation records I
I of the Harrisburg Telegraph 1
1 show that its NET city circulation I
I is between ten and eleven thou- I
| sand.
I. A comparison of the two fig- j.
| ures would, therefore, indicate I
| that the Harrisburg Telegraph j
I enters two out of every three
1 homes in the city.
I *1 Harrisburg's shopping zone
I outside of the city limits is cov- i
I ered in an equally concentrated |
I way. I
I Looks as though the people I
1 appreciate a newspaper the char- I
I acter of whose news and adver- I
I tising columns makes it fit for
I the home. ' I
I Every advertiser ought to know I
I what such a paper means to him.
party on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Gideon Kreider, Jr., of Ann
vllle, is a guest of Dr. Irmine Gun
saul at the Colonial apartments.
Mrs. Charles Knoll, of 1242 Derry
street, entertained the ladies of the
Thursday Embroidery club yesterday
at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dapp, of 604
North Third street, have returned
hpme after an extended European
The Houck Shoe Company, 480 Mar
ket street, announce in this paper a
special sale of shoes beginning to-mor
row, in order to reduce stock for its re
moval of the store to new and larger
quarters, 428 Market street, shortly ■—
after April 1. Full particulars regard
ing the sale will be found in
vertlsement on another pago oi m.s