Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 27, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    QUI 1991-ANY "PHONE."#* - CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.
'C\ Women Love Eccentric Styles Strikingly Beautiful Models
h Mlllinery - So there is no II in this Early Spring Showing '
4W\ More Admirable Early Spring Suits & Dresses For Women & Misses
Models than these—to meet theTTh« h h « * MM X His notice is directed especially to those women
. rill at an y ot her time of the year. Ll \mS/ r I : T
requirements of the advanced Red f ox sets at ...*14.50 who want to select their spri "g garments early
§ % ; ; Vicuna Sets at .. .$14.98 an( * * ia^e season ' s wear of them. And to those
vMfirgp ideas in the garment styles
I Civet who are anxious to view the new styles to learn what
S INDIVIDUALISTIC is the word best to describe these new Black Coney Scarfs at f] Wifll PW Dame Fashion decrees correct for the Spring 1914.
I—Z TM! —> —;« ••/* 77 I z~i •! —r 7 $1.98 to $6.00 W\l j\ I! ]|
* hats. There's a difference evident, but quite beyond Rlark' fnnpv Mtiff c W/(/, J B Ml .
3 : —— lack f e f\ if 1 1 'I Particularly are the colors worth your while
P rmter s to portray. to to see - No f° rm er season, perhaps, has had such
~ , . > . . , M . „ ussian k Sets at ill fwl a strong bid for vivid colors. And truly they are
Nevertheless every woman is as quick to see the perspective $27.98 I I f M acceptable for they accentuate the Paris lines of
of these charming creations as were the designers themselves—and Special Note. All our high- M ' the garments and enhance in every way the
perhaps will be just as enthusiastic over them. priced furs and fur coats are »l\\ ' // u n „f V n f mntprJalo
The color schemes run riot with each other for "first place." reduced to rock-bottom prices. if Jtj
So alluring, so very enchanting are the hats as to almost beckon you Bowman's.
I'l \v( "Tango" is very good. Blues, Grays and soft tones
from their places of display. ■ '||W of Greens are going to be in exceptional demand. But
A constantly arriving new group each day. Many exclusively M St at t t ' l °. se colors—when any shade your heart
new hats ready for Saturday. . iNOte lIVA' desires, may be found in this very unusual assemblage.
$2.95 to $35.00 in" stamped goods and I \Yvl
New Spring Suits $1 sto SSO I
fancy linens have arrived Vn x t r» • rx a. tr\ a.
display NeW S P™g DreSSeS 1 0 »*> $35
On tho Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. . YSI _ , 4 . _
TOW. Vf On Sale on the Second FIoor—BOWMAN S.
l —————— ————_______ On the Second Floor—Bowman's. ■ 1
THE SALE OF SILKS - / Our Semi-Annual y I When You are in the Store Saturday Be
You will surely realize very | / }—J A | j-T* PD | / Sure to See the New Spring Models In
substantial savings on these I il/ALT f I / n r\ i
New Spring Silks—Saturday JL/O QAI F A /€\ W K COrSPTS
We again emphasize the fact that no matter how low the price— M J \l j| i w U WW • V#\/ vW \\ ( k /jay )
Quality la always top notch In Bowman Silks. This is greatly evidenced M W f J • Vf- W /
si!is Satin Foulards, 94c Crepe de Chines, 35c / iU Men's Suits & Overcoats / U W. B. Corsets are conceded to be M ,o„ g tK Wjf /
Set figures In all the popular 27 Inches wide; pink, light blue DE?/~'7JliO Tf\ Hit/~\ T\ n -w-r-r * leadtlS 101 graceful lines and perfect fit. W. lAAfn Ja/
.hades, 40 inches wide. -Extra B pe- and mais. BEGINS TO-MORROW B. Corsets are not only satisfactory fitting
$1.25 Satin Messaline, 89c 59c Satin Foulards, 38c Last general reduction sale in the Men's Clothing I corsets but their quality is surpassing in any ■
b i!c"mT s"oili SVw.'Srow 10n.M."".".'" Or..'!"vJu°." """ Department of the season. corset at the price. Our expert corsetiere will |TT|I
69c Silk Crepe de Chine, Silk Poplins, 78c vifiillsLsn Overcoats Marked Half Price be pleased to show you the 1914 Spring Mod
-45c Winter Suits Marked Half Price ti" W v ß .' fT 1 " ,C . ,MW T lU\\
Figured silk Crepe de Chines In Jjagen Cadot, Navy, Black, Wistaria, //. n t , . X 4. 11/U tlieni which, HO doubt, Will interest you from M| | 1
tho popular shades of Taupe, Tango, Taupe, Hose, Garnet, White, Pigeon, // iflS§Ol ;j; Jiest choice IS first should be One of tile o 04 ._„ . 11 r .i i 111 H « 1
Mahogany, Tan, white and Tefra Lilac, Brown, Reseda and Malse. .7/ ""Mel -\A verv first m P n WMn n, nw J m 1 i a hygemc standpoint as well as from the view- JHI I 1
Cotta, 28 Inches wido. r , __ /////> JT nrst men Here to-morrow morning. The sale be- , • . , , /il l I
SI 69 rharmcuse $1 1Q Crepe de Chines, 75c //M// ; w /£\r\ *$ \ grns at 9 o'clock when the store opens. point of fashion. Mil J
<PI.U7 unarmeuse, m Cadet, Mahogany and Rose, 38 x CillTC /li/m/>/MTn _ . „ . _ /( uDnr^Ti
ifft.""—'" •» SWsT \lt w s> overcoats Prices $1 to $3
$1.50 Black Moire, $1.19 $2 Canton Crepes, $1.69 «T\, i( t W o "an "!« ° LU V
Yard.wide black Coating Moire, der^Vlstawl? I 11' 9.90 $ 4.95 $ 7.50 $3.75 , . .i,
extra special for to-morrow only. 40 inches wide. Beautiful designs! ffl rallßi 1 1 ' $12.50 6.25 $ 9.90 4.95 Very Special for Saturday
k|^s3?sl mim lßb II w - B - CorsetsatLowered
mJLjflk SIB.OO $9.00 SIS.OO $ 7.50 SI.OO W. B. Corsets 75c
TIT? OTTTPTT I ~ JJ(vwfijlirp3 $20.00 $20.00 SIB.OO S 9.00 A limited number to Bel] at this pri«re—tfzes 10 to 30. A good op
t, ir d * ii V ,o. j/®.oo of Batiste—medium bust, deep hip and back, 4 hose supporter attach-
Half Price and less Boys' Suits & Overcoats IMKW *"•» T.
mbmjsSmi'W t3OM S,SM - $2500 «, ~ rsets
g°o"' o°f to S e r wln y^SlV h o a ver! WR' StoCk ° f HeaV y Trousers Redu « d the Sale. lace !s£*¥• S ZHo T "IT attaChmenta '
coat s and reefers. / W/llmm\ 'IN { i en T m „o . Also a few Miller Corsets, 24 to 80, New Spring Models, at .. .50c
T i - JrT'lmmllj /W//' fif'AM '' El\ sl-50 trousers 9 $3.00 Trousers ... $3.30 On Sale on the Second Floor — BOWMAN'S.
Boys Overcoats >llllil l\&wl l/llil ll II l\ $2.00 Trousers ... $1.65 $3.50 Trousers ... $2.85 77
Were $2.50, $3.00 en mmWMim s2 ' so Trousers •• • $1,95 Trousers •• • Have You Seen the NEW
aild $3.50, now ' /fffi |,V| ! .; Ij I Her e's the way we reduced prices on Hats and Caps. Spring 1914 Muslin Wear?
Were $3.98 and <tt»o Ef A l//l l » A\H\ *Vl\l . - Men s SI.OO Caps, 65*
$4.50, now IJ 1 aMWl^\l l I 1 Mens oOc Caps .... :ss# j Men's $1.50 Hats .. 950 Surely you will want to! It's captivating.
Ml IW£ Were $4.98 to $6.50, if l\ IlllmmK 1 Mens 25c Caps 170 I Men s $2.00 Hats, $1.35 Entirely new lines prettier, better, more
11/lir II Sm> 110w • • rr
DO W Ift l'M One lot Men's and Youths' Trousers cn Mb varied, including finer pieces and more ex- •
iU SB M nr nr. that were SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, at 09c d «»'ve styles than we ve ever before earned-
ISW Mljfjl Norfolk and Double-breasted Suits ' •* * a very good reason why so many of our
ifflHff Norfolk and Double dj-l nn $3.98 Blanket Lined Ctttdmoy Work Coatt, $2.75 /f9| Clientele will be interested in this superb show
/ lliri L t?oB 11 S i"«j cl! O With 6-inch collars—just the coat for out-of-door work. ftfj As tn the Ottalifiett and
H] |(J( H $3.98 and $4.50 Norfolk A Pj Sale on the Tllird FIoor— BOWMAN'S. wm anu
Jllßl an f. Double Breasted Suits, J Workmanship
TfiHl J r? Norfolk A PJ ~ Each garment is of a fine texture embrac-
Wm and Double Breasted Suits, tPO«frO \T C _,l f . rX C r T , I • J"g finc'Muslins, Nainsook, Cotton Crepes or
■ Do^^Sed N l^ a " d 54.95 Now ror the Last Day of This ,|%«g
txim Special at 95c Our Best February Furniture Sale |,\ II 1 most important feature. " <
While the lot lasts only 20 in the 1% l\\ $ 1 America's most prominent manufacttirers
on saio on the Third lot rr so be earl >' $1.98 to $3.98 nZ*l I Like all events of moment the February Sale must have a l\ llave contri,;)Uted to the lines and we take an
FIoor—BOWMAN'S. short Reefers and Overcoats choice }™ O ii fitting close. WI it I added pride in them for their decided "differ
-950 on Saturday Early. 5L ' f & 1 ence" from any you'll likely see anywhere oat
-1~1 ] , J A WC VC carefully gone over the stock—and have ■ side of the best stores in New York and Phil
-Ihe Bowman Hair T?'V P^n, Q A • ]. [M selected all "odd" pieces (we call them "odd" because Melphia.
Goods Shop and &AI KA ! ' W ° ° f a kind) a " d " ave marked new low Gowns .. . 50c to $13.98
the Spring Hat Mattresses , There is little doubt but that Saturday will see us very Petticoats. . 50c to SIO.OO
a mighty uytL-ljP K busy in the hurniture Department. fST STT r A
dose bond of beauty
El}n a e lr ad a d n a d jE Felt Mat- +a qc W - Arc New Arrivals, Too—Late Arrivals Corset Covers 25c to $1.50 I
"■W&fSSn * 1 ; that were scheduled to be here for the first day of the sale p L- cn .
becomingly dressed! V Cotton M I —but transportation is uncertain in the winter time and they 3\JC to SJ.7Q „
styles 6 demand the i-r 0 ," 1 )lllatlon fiQ i ' liave come late — but not too late to be marked at Februarv Princess SIIDS to $3 98
hair we m for U M^ t , r ® ss J f or the last day of the sale—to-morrow rrincess Jlips VJ.yQ ,
tunate Indeed to be ® $15.00 Impe- P\« pj r»ir» 11.. On Sale on the Second FIootwBOWMAN'S.
Ier a a p group n of 0 ve o ry \ f rial Edge Mat-tf ia ra Koom, Bed Koom and Living Room Furniture OAnD . XT / « c 1 ol .
fine values which ' treSS JU $ -fj oo , Clrca^,an Wa,nut S l ®; 3o M a»>ogan> Princess Dresser. $39.00 ClHna Closet (square),s2o.oo ZOO FairS WOIIienS (bailiple OHOeS
quoted prices. 1 ' a '" lUht d ° Uble Ule SIO.OO Roll Circassian Walnut Chiffon- $19.50 Mahogany Chiffonier, $12.50 '21.00 China Clwet( square),sl2.so M l i Q<all of 4*9 9 'iH
Switches. 18 inches long, reduced t;j„„ r-„i. at, A ' «•' V"• * l7 - 75 ' lO - ()0 Bird's-eye Maple Chiffon- $-2.Quartered Oak Extension lViaQe lO Ocll at «PL.JU, 3, SJ.JU *
from $1.15 to 7. B#c i 1 elt Mat- AT $42.50 Circassian Walnut Dresser, ler $9.50 Table $14.95 .
Switches, 20 inches long, reduced treSS WUti/J St lon s'n'»in'-tt : oiV.'.,V *21.25 $19.50 White Knaniel Chiffonier, $21.00 Quartered Oak Kxtenslon M M 4
from $2.45 to ....$1.09 ■ W l a,uu ™ u , reßsep v * l3 - 50 »12.00 Table $14.00 A«t C 4 1 A r% 4- |lk/% Ca4>««./Iflw <
Switches, 22 inches long, reduced it Circassian Walnut Dresser, $25.00 j-plece Mission Library Suit, $25.00 Quartered Oak Extension vlTl WcLXv CIX V»| Ij
from $3.00 to > $2.29 2S
l : l o r , >:»« * 3 - 50 ' °"= . R a !, S £ e o d LFi irther Reduced . f, ° rthe Gun Metal Tan Call Patent Colt Skin \
Biing'uT day only, whi°r e * IQO $35.00 Brass Beds,»2B'.oo SSSo Brass ISlltol llzOO Brass Beds' • • these'lh'f fif BOt eV " y 'H* \
n Srd^. ,nt ° "" haFr lof lasts
'in tiic Second Floor—BOWMAN'y. MOWMAN S get a very nne vaiue, j