14 ■ FRIDAY EVENING, &ARRIBBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 27, 1914. Make Sure You Get Some of These Bargains To-morrow Come NEWEST VOILE AND CREPE SHIRT WAISTS, MB ALL SIZES UP TO 44. LIKE CUT, WORTH $1.50. SAT URDAY ONLY, EXTRA Jj L SPECIAL, THIS SALE. fx(/jP^*\ TTT 98c 0 ! " pec,a1 ' W°men's s4| Another chance. 25c silk C raincoats, $1 69 Vellinff ' yard &C d ! coats, full length, each. .. $3.49; Eg*;; 10 , $2 - 00 . each - 98c to 1 nV P !^..T- r^ n ' r f aleS , UP Several newest style, fancy plaid Mack coats ?'-60 long, dress skirts, considered by good each $2 29 JuUges worth * 3 - 50 and ?6.00 ZJ. eßrh - Here 01 on Extra special unmatchable day only OJL.Oi/ sk?rtß to'iT l ad m 8 dreßß 59c Saturday only.' special' *ll to 3 2 "j.". a - m " ladies' sweater coats; worth Saturday special, ladies $39 SI.OO each. Satur- nt\ value, long- winter coats, Persian I day Z J7C dav on a iv d PIUSh - Sat,,r *sl2 89 Extra special,' Men' oxford wool Saturday special, one lot R. & G. i Saturday only DOC " lornin « S!lle 69c Special extra,'morning sales Bat ch fid ren's b/eiu-hed muslin \ "wooTClg Saturday only. . . P . 3 Vic ! IB years .... :. 5,7 " eto . V 51.49 Children s white bleached petti-! Uidies' $1.50 percale street XfrZS* 15C Saturda MVoC drosses - Saturday sS morn only, each t salt , s up to : _ h Girls linene wash dresses, fancv p m 4"C plaid and plain linen and blue, fast Saturday,' Men's ' dirk " worsted 08° <\ y^ ars ' -°I th pan,s ' side belt straps, well $1.40 and $1.98. Saturday fIQ tailored, all sizes, worth 7J. Bpe * C ' a L-•' u m •,'•••• sl - 50 Special 9tolla. m.. «4C t J°. C ' oSe l lot ' Junior pants, all sizes, 2S to 31 Ladles sl4 and sl6 tailored suits j belt. 28 to SI length, dark worsted: silk and satin lined, flnely tailored $1.25 kind. Satur- <\q perfect fit; sines 3b to 42. Eachjday i#OC di»v Va, " r " 00 P oys winter overcoats, with of V" b"J •P« J »vvJ ! belts, worth $5.00. Saturday spe -27-lnch wide Swiss embroidery cial, regardless of cost, A O flouncing, morning sales 1 01/ _ |each 3> 1 ,49 UP m " y f rd ' i 'i.' *. I Gir 's' new dresses' made of blue Saturdaj only, ladies newest j chambray gingham neatlv trim winter coats, formerly sold at $lB. | med; worth SI.OO ' Ac k all wool material. Tlje newest> ' 417 C early winter designs. They go Sat- | Boys' rompers; worth 29c. 1r» urday. regardless of cost djc QO Saturday special, each 1"C ea s 'j'Vc'nA YGirls' new woool $3.00 serge Ladies $5.00 all-wool one-piece, dresses, navy and shepherd check- Err.. $1.98 i JX' $1.49 SMITH'S, 412 Market St. Dallastown Family Has 5 Narrow Escape From Death 1 Dallastown. Pa., Feb. 27.—Peter his wife, and three children, •were close to asphyxiation at an early jplour yesterday and the home had a marrow escape from an explosion from ■ illuminating gas. A leak in the cel lar pipe allowed the gas to fill the house during the night, but the early ,rising of Jlr. Floyd possibly saved iJhimself and family. Though stagger ling from the effects and deathly sick Ihe managed to reach a neighboring •factory and telephoned for a doctor. 'Then he carried his three children down stairs. All were greatly affected and vomited freely. Air. Floyd was the least sick. Fresh airtand the ar rival of the physician placed them out jof danger. It was then discovered that a lighted lantern had been left in the cellar where the gas escaped, and an explosion was Imminent at any moment. Mr. Floyd, however, weak as he was, put out and brought up the lamp before the gas became dense enough to cause an ignition from the light. The New Low Express Rates offer to merchants, manufacturers and business men a safe, high speed carrying service at, lower charges than have ever before prevailed in the history of transportation. These new rates are even lower when applied to food products. They will help the farmer find new markets —and he[p the house wife lower the living cost. Express service from now on must become a factor of steadily increas ing importance in the business life of the nation. The new rates spell opportunity for you. Whether producer or consumer you need the express service and will find profit in its use. You can speed your deliveries, widen your market, buy where costs are lowest. Inquire of your nearest express agent. Responsibility Dispatch Efficiency New Bank Opened at Red Lion With $30,000 Capital Special to The Telegraph Red Lion, Pa.. Feb. 27.—Yesterday the People s State Bank, with a capi tal of $50,000, was formally opened to the public. It is the third bank es tablished in the town, the population of which is about 2,200, the other two being under national supervision. The deposits the first day were $29,225.35, made by seventy-three patrons, and notes amounting to $9,421.63 were discounted. The president is Levi Kaltreider and cashier, W. W. Stauf t'er, the latter for ten years was prin cipal of the public schools. MAN'S LEG BROKEN Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 27. lrvin Lehman, of Cashtown, received a com pound fracture of the right leg on Wednesday afternoon while engaged in oiling a gasoline engine. While leaning forward his foot slipped and he was thrown in the machinery. Efficiency Central Seniors Contest Today if if if For Lamberton Memorial Prize orbS^" ? '' " rim-umax " Andrew Jackson's Place in History," Subject of Annual Essay and Oratorical Contest Four senior class boys at Central high school this afternoon competed for oratorical honors in the Robert A. Lamberton memorial oratorical con test. The four contestants had pre sented prize winning: essays on the subject, "Andrew Jackson's Place in History" from a score of competitors. The four seniors appeared on the program in this order: John White side. Russel Lindsay, Harold Germer, Roland Renn. The prizes In the con test were given by James M. Lamber ton in honor of his father. The high school orchestra played several selections at the opening of the contest. The Rev. Thomas Reisch, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, of fered prayer. Two of the contestants i New Patrolmen to Be Sworn in This Evening Harrisburg's new patrolmen, whoso appointment was confirmed Tuesday afternoon by Council, will be sworn in by Mayor John K. Royal this evening, at 7:30 o'clock. They will go on duty Sunday evening, at G o'clock. For the first month, in order to allow l the new men to become thoroughly ac quainted with the work of a patrolman, ; 'he new men will be on night duty, in cluding Sergeants J. Frank Page and i Grant Eisenberger. who will be in charge of the night squad. The only new man not assigned to night duty is i Patrolman McFarland, who will be" on J the reserve list during the first month, i It is the custom to allow thirty days j for new patrolmen to secure uniforms, i but it is probable that at least six of the new appointees will be in uniform Sunday night, as three of the men were former patrolmen. Three of the new men have purchased uniforms from re tiring patrolmen. ; DOCTOR FIXED FOR FAILING TO REPORT SMALLPOX CASES Charged with failing to report three cases of smallpox at the home of David C. Good, 1627 Market street, l_>r. W E 1 J. Bomberger, 1450 Market street, this morning was fined SSO and costs by Al derman Murray. The charges were brought bv Dr. J M. J. Raunick, city health officer. It was testified at the hearing that Dr Bomberger had reported Mr. Good 111 with chlckenpox on February 7, when he really had smallpox. Later the wife and child of Good were taken ill with smallpox. It was testified that Dr Bomberger made no report in these two cases. SEWER AND SAFETY IfcLE MEASURES SOON COMPLETED The new municipal sewer ordinance providing for more than fifty sewers to be paid for from the SIOO,OOO loan may be introduced in Council on Tues day. Its preparation is nearly com pleted. W. H. Lynch, commissioner of streets and public improvements, is also considering plans for establishing the isle of safety in Market Square, too, in the near future. MERCURY GOES UP Spring weather followed the win ter of the last few weeks with a rise of 24 degrees from 8 o'clock yester day morning to 8 o'clock this morn ing. This morning it was 24 degrees at 8 o'clock. The temperature has been rising all day until a tempera ture of 42 degrees was reached at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Continued warm weather is promised for to-mor row. The Increased temperature ts general all over the East. The river remains closed. BROKE HIP Andrew Nielson, 54 years old, 311 South Second tsreeet. Steelton, has a broken left hip as the result of a fall I yesterday on slippery street car tracks ! in Front street near Swatara street, Steelton. He was taken to the Har risburg hospital. HAND INFECTED Ruth Foreman, 1306 Susquehanna street, a knitter at the Shearing Manu facturing Company plant has an in fected hand from a wound received a week ago when her hand was acci dentally pricked by a needle. CAR HITS SLEIGH Twenty-two men and women were thrown into the snow when a sleigh collided with a street car at Capital and Boas streets lost night. No one was Injured. The sleighing party was made up of members o* the Steelton younger set. i delivered their orations after the school sang the "Star Spangled Ban ner." Music by the Girls' Glee Club was followed by the orations of the other two. The contest consisted of two parts. The essays were judged by a commit tee consisting of the Rev. Thomas Relsch, Principal J. F. Ferguson and Principal John F. Koh. From the essays submitted, four were selected by the judges and awarded prizes of $5 each. The four boys competed to day for an additional prize of $5 for delivery. The judges for this part of the contest were: George L. Reed, the Rev. J. A. Lyter and Charles S. Davis, principal of the Steelton high school. The subject for the contest next year as announced to-day is "Frank lin's Career as a Diplomat." 900 Wires in One Bell Telephone Company Cable Ihe Bell Telephone Company yester day laid in Strawberry street a cable carrying 900 pairs of wires. This cable will be used to serve the Allison Hill district. It Is the itrst of its kind to be laid outside of Philadelphia in Penn sylvania. Photographs were made of the operation for publication in tele phone journals. Had Lung Trouble and Expected to Die With the civilized world anxiously seeking a specific for Lung Trouble, the number of recoveries brought about through the use of Kckman's Alter ative, a medicine for Throat and Lung Troubles, is attracting universal atten tion. For fifteen years Kckman's Al terative has been used and the reports of recoveries In many supposed hope less cases indicate that this medicine Is doing a vast amount of good. Read this:— 33 B St., Keyser, W. Va. Gentlemen:—l was taken sick In No vember, 1908, with a very bad cold and dizzy spells. The doctor then pro nounced my case as Malaria Fever. I grew steadily worse. Had two consul tations held over me, and the verdict was that the fever had affected my lungs and that my case was hopeless; only gave me two months .to live. My physician had tried most all kinds of treatment and none did me any good, so he asked my husband If he objected to him trying a proprietary medicine, bo I began on your Alterative. I was In bed from November 30, 1908, until February 25, 1909, and was thought dy ing several times. To-dav I am health ier and stronger than ever." fl,olW 00 Loans and Invest- Undivided Profits. .. 52.943.72 ments, ...... 2,035,457.27 Deposits 1,955,086.41 Re^i ,5L s state, tate and Uank D-ue to Banks 4,682.09 Building 285,680.67 Miscellaneous, 17,709.29 Overdrafts 988.61 Miscellaneous, 245.20 $2,730,423.51 $2,730,423.51 TRUST DEPARTMENT Trust funds Invested $4,063 374.61 Trust Funds, uninvested (including: advances) .... 132,'401i16 Corporate Trusts $19,475,000.00 Total amount of securities deposited by corpor ations with this Company as Trustee $3,382,400.00 OFFICERS WILLIAM JENNINGS W. M. OGEI.BBV ' W. 11. MUTZGKIt President Vice-President nuil Secretary and Treasurer Trust Officer JOHN F. SWEENEY YV. GRANT KAUCH Assistant Trust Officer Assistant Secretary and Treasurer DIRECTORS Charles E. CoTert Christian W. Lynch Harry C lloss W. OH l 'cico" a,^d", " U Wl,,l «» "• Met«*er Thomas W. Smallwood William Jennlng" llobert H. Moffltt A. C. Stamm J. W. Jonea Warwick M. Ocelaby John Fox Wets* i IN AND AROUND AND I OUT AGAIN AT COURT i Revolving Doors May Be in Place in Courthouse Tomorrow Morning Wben you so to 55C3 mlssioners a few weeks ago reached Harrisburg, and the erection of the new system of egress and ingress to the Courthouse rotunda was begun. In the dark hours of to-night— when the offices are closed and tho day's work Is done and not so many people go in and out —the job will be completed. Counter-cage Fop County Control ler's Office.—Word has been received by County Controller H. W. Gough that the counter and cage for his outer office is on the way and will be ready to be fitted up within a week or two. Bridge Inspection.—Plans are being made by the County Commissioners to begin a tour of the county with u view to determining what shall be done this Spring in the way of new bridges, repairs and so on. The old frame bridge at Middletown will like ly be torn away this year. The tour will begin as soon as the weather per mits. AVants Fire Protection l>ata.—City Clerk Charles A. .Miller has been asked by the National Fire Protective Asso ciation, Boston, for ordinances rela tive to regulation of fire egress, in cluding fire escapes, exits, etc. This city has no such ordinance. Twenty-seven Men at \\ork.- Tu;it Bank Statements REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The lIAHHISIIIKG TRUST COMPANY, of Harrisburg, No. 16 South Second Street, of Dauphin County. Pennsylva nia. at the close of business, February 20, 1914; RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and I notes $71,469 00 | Due from ap proved reserve I I agents, 610,372 67 Nickels and cents 128 63 Checks and cash items, ... 3,660 66 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not in reserve 29,186 72 Securities pledged for spec ial deposits 10,000 00 Assets held free, viz: C o m m e r c ial paper pur chased: Upon one name, ... $9,100 00 C o m m e r c ial paper pur chased: Upon two or more names, 873,348 21 Loans upon call with col lateral, 654,691 72 Time loans with collat teral 280,318 20 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 15,800 00 Loans without collateral,. 2,102 50 Bonds, Stocks, etc 216,310 00 Mortgages and Judg ments of record 22,837 43 Other real estate 147,800 00 Overdrafts 1,918 04 Total $2,848,943 68 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in, .... $400,000 00 Surplus Fund, 400,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 42.67S SO Individual deposits sub ject to check (Exclu sive of Trust Funds and Saving's) 846,252 57 Time certificates of de posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings), ... 630,945 59 Deposits, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 389,348 39 Deposits, U. S. Postal Savings 4,736 78 Due to Banks, Trust Cos., etc., not in reserve, 133,865 29 Dividends unpaid 424 00 lrt-asuier's and certified checks outstanding 692 76 Total $2,848,943 68 Amount of Trust. Funds invested $2,982,743 95 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested 288,285 34 Total Trust funds $3,271,029 29 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (I. e. race value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure issues of corporate bonds, including Equip ment Trusts $24,432,000 00 Total amount of . deposited by Corpora tions with the Company as Trustee to secure is sues of Collateral Trust Bonds 167,000 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin. ss: I, Geo. G. Carl, Treasurer of the iboic named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) GEO. G. CARL. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of February, 1914. (Signed) CLINTON M. HERSHEY. fNotarial Seal.] Notary Publifl. Correct—Attest: fSigned) EDWARD BAILEY. (Signed) A. FORTENBAUGH. (Signed) G. W. REILY, Directors. | twenty-seven men were provided with snow-shoveling jobs by the Poor Di rectors to-day. Only fifteen orders were given out by the Poor Board to-I day. To-day's number was the lowest 1 of the month. Realty Transfers. —Realty transfers yesterday included the following: Maggie Kline et al. to John K. Gross et al.. Second near Shamokln streets, $2,750; John K. Gross to Maggie Kline, same property, same prtce; John N. Smith to Churies L. Frank, 35 North Sixteenth, $1; John R. Bing ham to J. E. Wagner, Swatara town ship, $4,600; Mary J. Bingham's ex ecutor to J. E. Wagner, $4,000. Pre-empt Party Names. Party names were pre-empted yesterday as follows; Allegheny county, Independent, congressman: Albert George Jere- I mias, Carl A. Gratiberg, Thomas J. .Williams, Joseph R. Lester and Wel ser R. Walker. Steelton, Anti-Penrose Second rep | resentutive assembly: Clarence Dlf | fenderfer. Noble T. Sweigart, Joseph IN. Kanbie, Ed. A. Wise, George W. | Sanders, Nicholas Donatella, ail of Steelton, and Mike Kozan, Swatara township. Philadelphia. United Labor, Six teenth representative: Frank Krew son, John Cotter, William Campbell, Benjamin Whlttlngton, Jacob I. Mc- Kinley, Albert B. Woodington and Jo seph Campbell. MRS. MARION E. GIBBON Mrs. Marion E. Gibbon, widow of Captain D. J. Gibbon, United States Army, died at the home of her son at Oakland Apartments, in Washington, D. C., Thursday morning. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be made in Ar lington Cemetery. Two sisters, both residents of Harrlsburg, survive. They aro Mrs. Alaliie E. Wlnsiow and Mrs. Jacob Van Asdlan, 102 7 North Fourth street. Mc»E\ ITT'S STATUE HERE "Butch" McDevitfs statue arrived in Harrlsburg this morning. It will be on exhibition at the Reily Hose Company's fair to-night. The "millionaire for a day" is due to-night, but may not reach Harrlsburg in time to make an address at the fair, lie will be here ail day Saturday and Sunday. Bank Statements REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CITIZENS BANK, of Harrlsburg, No. 1301 Derrv street, of Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, at the close of business February 20, 1914: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, soecie and notes . .$11,410 00 Due from approved reserve agents,., 24,433 45 , , j $35,843 46 Nickels and cents 410 87 Checks and cash items 1,376 25 Bills discounted: Up on two or mora names $79,491 93 ■ 79,491 93 Time loans with collateral,. 18,305 00 Loans on call with col lateral, .. 67,056 67 Loans on call upon two or more names 22,253 43 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 16,135 00 Bonds, Stocks, etc., Schedule |„ D 10,000 00 Mortgages and Judgments of record, Schedule D-2 21,313 50 Office building and lot 24,900 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,800 00 Total $288,886 10 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 Surplus Fund 15,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. ... 4,827 32 Individual deposits subject to check, $97,191 66 Time certificates of deposit,. 103,652 89 Deposits, Common wealth of Penn sylvania, ....... 10,000 00 Deposits, munici pal 5.000 00 Certified checks, .. S9 80 Cashier's checks outstanding 1,139 65 T . t-> i 217.074 00 Due to Banks and Trust Cos., etc., not reserve 1,974 78 (Dividends unpaid, ' 10 00 j Total, $288,886 10 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phln, ss: j I, C. G. Miller, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief (Signed) C. G. MILLER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 25th day of February, 1914. (Signed) IRWIN M. CASSELL [Notarial Seal]. Notary Public. Correct —Attest: (Signed) CHAS. H. HOFFMAN, (Signed) SPENCER F. BARBER, (Signed) JOSEPH C. ESHLEMAN, Directors. Principal Items of the Statement of the Condition of the DAUPHIN DEPOSIT TRUST CO. as Called For by the State Banking Commissioner at the Close of Business, February 20, 1914 Dep05it5—52,797,690.76 The popularity and standing of a bank is largely deter mined by its volume of deposits—here is evidence in con crete form that it enjoys the widespread confidence of the community. Reserve Fund—5444,573.14 Money in the vaults or on deposit in banks subject to our check—this fund is $167,000 more than required by law. U. S. Bonds (4 Per Cent, at Par) —$150,000 rhe market value of these bonds is $168,000. Loans on Collateral—sßßs,Bo7.94 Loans Without C011atera1—5600,772.37 Large and small loans to more than 500 borrowers. Investment Securities—sl,ll2,lls.o6 Stocks and bonds which have a ready market and can be easily converted into cash. Mortgages and Judgments—s27o,473.37 Bank Building—sso,ooo Cost over SIOO,OOO. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits —$620,185.97 The bank's working capital and safeguard for depositors^. DAUPHIN DEPOSIT TRUST CO. 213 Market Street Capital, $300,000 Surplus, $300,000 Resources, $3,434,654.11 Mayor Has Chance to Accuse Shuman in Person Mayor John K. Koyal had a chance this afternoon to repeat before W. H Shuman, the new motor patrol chauf feur appointee, certain charges prefer red at Tuesday's meeting of Council. In Council Mayor Royal objected to tho confirmation of Shuman as a suc cessor to Hiram Wagner on the ground that he had been drinking on duty, had been In insubordinate and pro fane. Pending an ivestlgatlon of thesi charges, Shuman's name was held up Wagner is dropped by the "ripper" resolution, and if Shuman's appoint jment is not confirmed, a new man will i have to be chosen. Behind closed doors City Council met this afternoon to consider the charges aguinst Shuman. Shum&n himself was present. With him were two other officers, whom he contends, accompanied him when on duty. The executive session on the Shu man incident followed the conference on the new budget and license tax or dinances. HIS FEET FROZEN Leon Yoeder, a grocer living at 621 , Harris street, was treated at the Har- Irlsburg hospital yesterday for frozen , feet. Bank Statements ! REPORT Ol'* rHIC CONDITION OF THE CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY, of i Harrlsburg, No. 1230 North Third Street, of DauphTn County, Pennsylvania, at tho close of business, February 20, 1911 RESOURCES j Reserve Fund: ; Cash, specie and notes $18,59S 50 i Due from ap proved reserve agents 71,843 26 5120,441 76 i Nickels and cents 634 81 | Checks and cash items... 4,409 85 Securities pledged for Special deposits 7,000 00 ! Assets held free, viz; C o m m e r c ial paper pur chased: Upon one name $73,943 79 Com m or c lal paper pur chased: Upon two or more names, .. ..203,688 89 —.. 277,632 18 Loans upon call with col lateral 184,944 00 [Time loans with collateral, 12,240 08 n0,.. ureu by bonds j and mortgages 126,344 85 Loans without collateral,. 104,258 85 | Honda, Stocks, etc 204,145 4U I Mortgages and Judgments of record 161,589 48 ]Office building and 10t,.. 47,500 00 I Furniture and fixtures, .. 15,500 0(t I Overdrafts, 9 6S | Total $1,299,910 94 LIABILITIES ICapttal stock paid 1n,.... sl'-'5,000 Ou j Surplus Fund 200,000 00 Undivided proilts, less ex- I penses and taxes paid,.. 30,389 05 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ! ings) 262,905 47 j Time Certificates of De posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings), . . 264,065 8S Deposits, saving fund, (Exclusive of Trust),.. 330,544 82 ! Deposits. Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania 60,000 00 [Deposits, U. S. Postal Sav ■ ings 1,138 71 | Due to Banks, Trust Cos. etc., not in reserve 30,847 16 Dividends unpaid 136 60 T re a s u rer's Certified Checks outstanding, ... 4,883 32 Total $1,299,910 91 Amount of Trust Funds invested $371,190 70 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested 11,740 51 Overdrafts 134 00 Total Trust funds $383,065 2 1 CORPORATE TItUSTb Total amount U. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to »»- .cure Issues of corporate bonds, Including Equip ment Trusts $1,932,500 00 | Stkte of Pennsylvania, County of Dau i ,>bin. ss: I, 11. O Miller, Treasurer of the i above named Company, do solemnly { swear that the above statement Is true I to the best of my knowledge and be lief. I (Signed) H. O. MILLER, Treasurer. Subscribed and »-vorn to beforo me I this 26th day of February, 1914. I (Signed) MILTON G. POTTS, [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. 1 Correct—Attest: j (Signed) W. M. DONALDSON, I (Signed) P. H. VAUGHN, ! (Signed) LOUIS DELLONE, Directors.