Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 25, 1914, Page 6, Image 7

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Established Its'
ti. BTACKPOL.E, Prea't and Treas'r.
R. OYSTER, Secretary.
aVM M. STEINMETZ. Managing Editor.
Published every evening (except Sun
day), at the Telegraph Building, 21*
Federal Square.
Baatern Office. Fifth Avenue Building
New York City. Hasbrook, Story &
"Woatern Office, 123 West Madlaon
atreet, Chicago, 111.. Allen & *rd.
Delivered by carriers at
»!* cents a week.
Mailed to subscriber*
l*t It.oo a year in advance.
■Sintered at the Poat Office In Harrla
burg as second class matter.
® The Association of Amor
lean Advertiaora baa ex
aminsd and certified to i
the circalatioa of thia pub- i
I ( lication. The figures of circulation i
II contained in the Association's re-
I port only are guaranteed.
i; Association of American Advertisers ; •
J, No. 2333 Whitehall Bld«. K. T. City ,[
fwsn dally srersge for Ike month of
January, 1914
* 22,342 *
Average for the year 1918—21.07"
Average for the year HU—81,176
Average for the year 1911—18,851
Average for the year 1910—17,485
Private Branch Exchange No. 2040.
Business Office, 203.
IBdttorlal Room 685. Job Dept. 203.
IT la to be regretted that things have
come to Bucli a pass in the affairs
of the park department of the city
that Warren H. Manning and the
members of the park board have felt
called upon to sever their connections
with It.
Mr. Manning is one of the foremost
landscape engineers of the country.
He has been identified wth Harris
burg's park system ever since its in
ception. ' He has rendered invaluable
services at a salary that would not
be high pay for an experienced
clerk. He outlined the park system
before a stroke of work was done upon
It and he has been in constant touch
with it ever since. It may be said
without exaggeration that Mr. Man
ning is the "father" of the HaTrisburg
park idea and the guiding genius of
its development. His work is not
complete and he is needed more than
ever at this time when the expendi
ture of SIOO,OOO for park and play
ground purposes is under considera
As for the members of the Park
Commission, nobody with a full knowl
edge of the situation will say that they
have done other than a great work
for the city—a work that will magnify
In proportion as the years pass and
the value of their pioneering is real
ized. It is indeed unfortunate that
conditions have arisen to take them
out of the service of the city, even in
the advisory capacity to which they
were reduced by the operations of the
Clark act. Their work \jas been freely
given and their duties as they saw
them unquestionably have been car
ried out as honestly and as efficiently,
us they knew how. It would be wrong
to let them sever their connection
with the city after so long«a service
under even the suspicion of a cloud.
Mr. Taylor has put the management
of the park system squarely up to him
eelf. The full burden of the responsi
bility for its proper conduct and fu
ture development lies with him. Un
burdened by connections that were
apparently not to his liking, he can
now go forward along lines he will
Jay down for himself, with the full
knowledge that, unhampered by the
views of others, he can work out his
own ideas in his own way.
The new Commissioner has made a
j#?a for fair play and has asked for
opportunity to demonstrate his ability.
Doubtless he will be given both, for,
above all personal feeling, the people
cf Harrisburg want a park system that
•will give them all of the advantages
they have had and more; and that at
a cost that will compare favorably
■with the expenses of the past.
For a woman "whose constitution
lias been wrecked in English prisons,"
Mrs. Paiikhurst displays remarkable ac
tivity, Can it bo that those "prison
outrages" have been press-agented a
BUSINESS conditions were never
more complex from Ihe stand
point of the layman than at pres
ent. Ono day comes the an
nouncement that the Pennsylvania
Railroad has laid off fourteen passen
ger trains between New York and
Pittsburgh, because of decreased traf
fic. The next comes news from Steel
ton that the great Pennsylvania Steel
Company is going right ahead with its
plans for enlargement; that 500 peo
ple have been notified to vacate their
homes on the West Side iit thirty days
In order to give way to new railroad
yards and another big mill.
Ordinarily, either business in gen
eral is on the increase or approxi
mately ail lines show a decrease at
the same time. Evidently this is not
the caae at present, although the fall
ing off in railroad traffic is perhaps
no greater than the dullness experi
enced in the steel business, the plants
at Steelton now operating scarcely
more than sixty per cent, capacity.
It may be asked why, under such
condition?, the steel company continues
ltd policy of expansion; why build
more mills when those now in hand
are not as busy as (hey might be, and
•the answer undoubtedly lies in ihe
desire of the management to so diver
sify the products of the works as to
give it opportunity to operate some
of its branches even in dullest periods.
Every movement made at Steelton in
the past five years has had this in
view and It Is because of this broaden
ing of Its market that the company
is oporatlng as fully as It is at this
Harrisburg will rejoice in the con
templated improvements at Steelton
because* every enlargement of the
works means more business for this
city, and at all events Steelton and
1-larrlsburg are one community in
everything except local government.
What Injures one injures the other
and what benefits one benefits the
Mr. Murphy says he went into base
ball with a shoestring and quit with
$5,000,000. Apparently he didn't muff
a single clitince.
THE Board of Health has repeat
edly protested against the use
of the combination patrol and
ambulance automobile for the
transportation of both prisoners and
patients. Yesterday the need of an
additional vehicle was illustrated in
quite another manner.
William Knighton, of New Cumber
land, was seriously injured at the
Pipe Bending Works. The ambu
lance was called, but, due to the l'act
that it was battling with deep snow
drifts in another part of the city, more
than an hour elapsed before it re
sponded. All that time Knighton lay
suffering, very badly In need of the
attention of hospital treatment.
To bo sure this is an exceptional
case, but if such delay should cause
the death of a patient the city should
certainly be held responsible, for it
engages to look after the transporta
tion of its Injured when it maintains
an ambulance. At all events, ono
human life is worth the price of many
ambulances and their cost of up-keep.
Further, the Board of Health Is
quite right in its contentions. There
can be no good excuse for hauling a
dirty, disreputable tramp to jail one
hour and using the same vehicle, with
out disinfection, to transport a patient
to the hospital the next. City Council
must take up very shortly this matter.
The patrol wagon and the ambulance
should bo separate. The city has
reached the stage when one cannot do
the service of both, even were sani
tary conditions to be disregarded.
Wo gather from English newsoapers
that the British view the Monroe Doc
trine as something for timid Presidents
to hide behind.
AN interesting comparison of
English and American school
methods is presented by I. L.
Kandel, of Manchester, Eng
land, in a report just made to the
United States Bureau of Education. He
finds that there is a radical difference
between the two systems of school or
ganization in the relation of elemen
tary and secondary schools. The
American high school receives Its pu
pils after they have completed the
elementary school course and builds up
its curriculum on that foundation. The
English secondary schools receive
their pupils from a variety of schools
—special preparatory schools or ele
mentary schools—and the pupils on
entering may vary in age from 10 to
In general Mr. Kandel finds it diffi
cult to institute a detailed compari
son of the standard of elementary
school work in the two countries, be
cause circumstances are so different.
The American elementary school has
been for nearly a century the national
school, the common school of all the
people. In Enpland the elementary
school is just in the process of de
veloping into a national institution, a
public service for national needs, in
stead of being regarded as a charity
school for the education of the "lower
classes," he says.
Another factor that renders com
parison difficult, according to Mr. Kan
del, is the inherent difference between
the English and the American child.
The latter, he declares, "is by nature
more precocious, matures earlier, Is
by circumstances of his upbringing
thrown more into the company of
adults, with the consequence that he
is less reserved and self-conscious and
more alert than the former.
It is gratifying to learn that "Amer
ican children have a far better knowl
edge of the history of their country
and in some cases of general history
than is to be found among English
elementary school children and that
the same is true of their knowledge of
local and national government. In
English language the American child
has better command of oral expres
sion; he is more given to debating
and discussing than the English child,
the writer says. The reading of Eng
lish literature is also more extensive
in American schools, and in art work
there is greater variety.
But the writer concludes that while
the English elementary school has
much to gain from the study of the
American curriculum, American edu
cational administration would profit
as greatly from what is the strength of
the English system—freedom of the
individual school. It is in the work of
medical inspection and general wel
fare work that England's school sys
tem has recently made the most
notable development, according to Mr.
The findings of the writer are dis
tinctly favorable to the American
educational system, which is very
gratifying in view of the general criti
cism of our schools now in progress.
An English Duke protests that
Americans neglect their women for
their money. Dear Duke, If they didn't
they wouldn't have any women to
A Chicago man who drank thirty-six
beef extract cubes dissolved in water
was arrested for trying to wreck the
drug store where lie bought them. Felt
strong as an ox. we suppose.
Claiein n Glbboney has a sululiou for
the liquor problem. lie would lmy up
all th" saloons. Man*; a man has tried
that unsuccessfully.
levemne' ebaii
"This old-fashioned winter, if there
is such a thing, is the best tiling that
could happen to vegetation and trees
and In fact ail nature," «Md I. C. Wil
liams. the State's Deputy Forestry
Commissioner, as he ploughed through
the snow yesterday. "The snow is
coming at the right time. Generally,
in recent years, the snow has been
falling earlier and then cold snaps
have come along and damaged trees
and plants and caused logs." Mr. Wil
liams' remarks will be appreciated by
a good many Harrlsburgers who have
lost valuable shrubbery, hedges, plants
and flowers by %ero weather In Feb
ruary or cold snaps in March. It is
only two years ago that "the coldest
weather ever known in this section
came at almost this time when there
was hardly any snow on the ground
and thousands of dollars' worth of
plants and trees were damaged while
hedges were ruined, being frdzen
down to the roots. This winter the
snow has been so heavy that the
ground will be protected for weeks to
come and at the same time the melt
ing of the snows will be good for the
supply of water for next Spring. And
while we are about it the old-fashioned
winter remark is something that is
absurd when you think of it. The rea
son why winters remain fixed in our
memories is because of heavy snows,
or severe cold, or perhaps sleighing
and skating. Very few can go back
and give the dates of mild winters or
mention four "green" Christmas days,
and yet everyone old enough remem
bers the great blizzard came in ISBB
and that 1899 is memorable because
of the heaviest snowfall in a decade.
Similarly 1912 is remembered for the
intense cold. The real winter Axes
itself in our minds and we do not
have to go back very far to find the
old-fashioned variety is reallv only
Although Governor Tener has to
travel about.the State a good bit at
tending armor} - dedications and other
functions and attending to personal
business and baseball matters, he
does not seem to lose any of that good
humor which is one of his strong
characteristics. The other day he was
asked if he had found the experience
of William A. Stone to fall to his lot.
Governor Stone had a habit of saying
that the first year a man was Governor
they ran special trains for him, the
second year they held trains lor him,
the third year they would hot hold the
trains and the fourth year no one
seemed to caro whether he made the
train or not. Governor Tener smiled
and said: "Well, I've been having the
trains and the crowds a couple of
years and I had a regular handshaking
bee at Pottsville yesterday. I don't
know whether it's being Governor,
baseball or the fact that I didn't wear
a high hat."
State Librarian Thomas Lynch Alont
gomery is well protected tlieso days.
There is a cannon outside of his win
dow pointing down the walk that has
replaced the old boardwalk of other
days. Yesterday some of the uncon
scious humorists who shovel snow pro
ceeded to fortify the museum and in
the course of their work erected a
rampart right around the corner of
the building where the cannon stands,
the mounds of snow passing about
the cannon for all the world like a
breastwork and just about the right
height to protect the gun and any men
serving it.
Among the visitors to the city ves
terday was Major Joseph G. Arm
of Pittsburgh, who made one
j flying visits. He was accom
panied by George S. Oliver, son of the
senator and the active business man of
the two great Pittsburgh papers
owned by Mr. Oliver.
A squad of colored men engaged in
shoveling snow from the plaza in
front of the State Capitol yesterday
amused several passers-by by their
antics. The weather was so cold that
they had gone back to the old stvle
method of binding up their feet "in
burlap or old heavy cloths to prevent
Jack Frost from penetrating. Yet
when they had their work done two of
them proceeded in spite of their heavy
foot covering to execute some buck
and wing dancing of the most ap
' proved sort.
"I.our little note the other evening
about crows coming in close to set
tled districts to find something to eat
was proved up the day after it ap.
peared. said an observer of events
yesterday. "I was taking a ride to
one of the suburbs when I noticed the
crowds flying into the built-up por
tion and they could be seen dropping
down into yards. The crows were
f>reat, big country fellows, real ravens
and appeared to be mighty hungry." '
l^\reu J -Known>peoPi
—Dr. Morris Jastrow, Jr., honored
by the University of Pennsylvania at
the Washington exercises, is an au
thority on Asiatic languages.
—Mayor John Kosek, of Wilkes-
Barre, writes letters to people own
ing: mills asking 1 them to employ men
who have no jobs.
—Bishop William Horn, who will
preside at the Evangelical conference
at Elizabethville, lives in Cleveland
T —President H. S. Drinker, 'of
Lehigh, presided at the dedication of
the arts building at the university.
— Mrs - Mollie Fels, widow of the
Philanthropist, has announced that
she will continue the benefactions of
her husband.
—John J. Reardon, who will run for
Congress up the State, used to be dis
trict attorney of Lycoming.
[Philadelphia Inquirer.]
Mr. Ryan has proved to his own
satisfaction that Mr. Palmer and those
who are undertaking to run the affairs
of the "reorganized" Democratic or
ganization in Pennsylvania are a set
ot insufferable bosses.
Mr. Palmer has proved to his own
way of thinking that Mr. ltyan is talk
ing' flub-dub, and that the Democratic
party would be better off without liim
What the pair of them are actually
proving is that there are tw« factions
which cordially hate each other, and
that the voters of Pennsylvania would
be very foolish either to intrust the
State to the rule of a Democratic Gov
ernor or permit a Democrat to sit in
the United States Senate.
[Philadelphia Bulletin.]
Chief Investigator Dohoney, of the
Public Service Commission, in report
ing his conclusion on the Pennsylvania
Railroad wreck near Conemaugh on
January 29, when an express ran past
automatic danger signals in a heavy
fog and crashed into a workmen's car,
killing three men, and adds a perti
nent warning against full speed at
such times when a clear view of sig
nals is impossible. The perils of the
fog on a railroad ure not identical
with those that attend a shin at sea,
but they are not negligible, and "fog"
rules should be as aopllcable in an
engine cab as in a pilot house. One
reason for recurring railroad accidents
is that too generally safety is assumed
unless a danger signal is seen. There
would be fewer disasters if, generally,
the presence of danger were to be
assumed and caution exercised until
the light of safety is cleurlv rec
There are no bad herbs or bad
tlien; there are only had culti
Philadelphia Hints That He Will Be
Fought For the Nomination
For Senate
Bruce Sterling and Judge Umbel
Lined Up in a Newspaper
Proposition Together
Congressman A. Mitchell Palmer
may have to battle for the Democratic
nomination for the United States sen
atorsliip after all. Thus far Palmer
lias been getting away with the nomi
nation movement, but his pronounced
partisanship in behalf of McCormlck
has irritated a number of Democrats
who are as much opposed to the idea
of slates as the men favored by Palmer
used to profess to be.
The Philadelphia Record says to
day: "Opposition to Congressman A.
Mitchell Palmer for the Democratic
senatorial nomination is expected to
develop in the course of this or next
week. A number of politicians de
clared yesterday that they had heard
that a prominent and wealthy Demo
crat in the western end of the State
was considering the proposition of
giving Palmer a race in the primaries.
The opposition is said to expect
strength from the fact that many
county leaders have been estranged
from Palmer because ho framed a
slate without consulting them and also
because of the feeling against him in
his own district, where he opposed
Judge Staples for reelection last Fall.
The movement against Palmer is in no
way connected with the Ryan boom
for the gubernatorial nomination."
The naino of Dr. Martin G. Brum
baugh, the Philadelphia school super
intendent, is llguring more than ever
in the political news
in Philadelphia tlieso
Brumbaugh days, and it is com-
Once More mencing to bo com
to Front mented upon in other
parts of the State.
Friends of the well
known educator have been busy in
his behalf in many parts of the State
and are urging his nomination. In
(Philadelphia yesterday Senator E. H.
V»re said "Watch the schoolmaster
grow,' when asked his opinion of the
matter. Talk of ex-Governof. Edwin
S. Stuart continues to be heard, but
his silence is bringing mention of
other men into the Held, almost every
prominent State official being trotted
out. Speaker Alter is also being dis
The rather free way in which the
name of the Lewistown Daily Sentinel
has been used by some political propa
gandists has caused the
editor of that paper to
write this for the bene- I.ewistown
lit of all comers and Man Bucks
readers: "First, 1 want on Report
to say out loud, plainly
and emphatically, that
this newspaper, The Sentinel, has not
become a political newspaper and
does not intend to, and that there has
not been and will not be any change
in its policy. This is declared here be
cause quite a number of people are
saying and believing that the Daily
Sentinel has become a Democratic
newspaper. They get this paper mixed
with the weekly Democrat and Sen
tinel and this is done so frequently
that the name of the later newspaper
will probably be changed to prevent
if possible that kind of confusion. The
Daily Sentinel is nonpartisan and
whatever boosts appear in it for par
ties or candidates will be as advertise
ments at so much per. Now, kindly
stop getting mixed."
Judge R. E. Umbel, of Fayette
county, who was pretty savagely at
tacked during the session of the last
Legislature and against
w li o m impeachment
Judge and charges were liled, has
Sterling in joined with Bruce F.
Newspaper Sterling, the Democratic
reorganization boss of
Fayette county and a
number of others in the purchase of
the Uniontown News-Standard. The
judge, however, retains a majority of
the stock which gives him control.
The paper is to be made Democratic.
According to reports, a number of
other newspapers throughout the
State are to be "converted" to Demo
cratic principles between now and the
May primaries.
\V. H. Semmens, member of the
House from the Turtle Creek district
and one of the substantial men of that
portion of Allegheny coun
ty, is a candidate for tho
Republican senatorial Allegheny
district represented by Senatorial
Henry Cooper, of Belle- Talk lllfe
v ue, last session. Mr.
Semmens, who was one of
the prominent members of the last
House, won many friends here by
his hard work and straightforward
ness. In the district represented by
Auditor General A. VV. Powell, James
M. Clark is a candidate for the Re
publican nomination. Senators Kline
and' Hunter, of Pittsburgh, will prob
ably come back if they want to. In
Washington county Senator Judson
has a hard row to hoe, tho Demo
crats not even being united on lilm lor
York county Republicans who are
heartened by the dissensions among
tho Democrats in that old stronghold
of the Democracy arc
commencingto arrange
York County their legislative tickets
Legislative and there are high
ProsiKX'tus hopes of Increasing tho
represen tati on . Jll
York city Robert S.
Spangler will be a candidate for re
election and acording to reports Rob
ert S. Frey, of Wrightsville, will come
back. In the Third district George F.
Barnes, one of the best known farmers
in the county and an active worker,
will be a Republican candidate, prob
ably against H. L. Perry, who wants
the Democrats to send him back.
Barnes lives at Rossville and is well
qualified to upset the Democratic dis
trict. H. E. Lanius, of Spring Grove,
will probably be a candidate to suc
ceed himself. The senatorial situation
has not settled down as yet. Washers'
appointment to the York post office
taking him out of the fight.
[From the Telegraph of Feb. 25, 1864.]
Ilebs Around litem
Cumberland Gap, Feb. 24. —On tho
22d instant a battalion of the Elev
enth Tennessee Cavalry stationed on
tho Virginia, road five miles cast was
surprised at daylight and surrounded
by a large force of rebel cavalry.
Sliermaii Has Sclma
Cairo. Feb. 24.—The officers of the
steamer Fanny, from Vicksbnrg the
20th. report General Sherman's forces
to be in uoascsslon of Selnia, Ala.
I A-LiTTLft-nofiaenae i
She heard Freddy Frog was known
as a bookkeeper, so she had refused to
loan him any books any more.
By Wing Dinger
Scarce a day passes by that we don't
get now word
Of the battles in old Mexico,
But they're not one, two three with
some other big fights
That take place in these days of
much snow.
Get out from the city, where kids have
full sway,
With houses to bother them not.
And you'll seo great big forts modelled
out of the snow.
From which former battles are
Here history repeats itself 'most every
As a crowd of rose-cheelced, healthy
Form in two lines of battle, and like
true soldiers, each
Does whatever his general bids.
Old Yorktown and Trenton, and Bunker
Hill, too,
Are the oft-fancied scenes of the
And not always Is history borne out by
That take place In these childish war
But the spirit that's in them crops out
in their sport,
As all thought of themselves disap
And we're given an insight of how they
may cope
With life's battles in long after
If you want to see fun that is health
ful and clean,
If you'd like to look back on real
Go out where the kids in snow
trenches and" forts,
Do as you did when you were a boy.
Bix They say that to live a play
must have punch in it.
Dix—l wonder if that's why "Ten
Nights in a Barroob" survled?—Boston
—After last night's nice party at
York Brodbeck ought to get substan
tial aid from the Democratic war
—Jesse J. Lybarger was taken out
of the Forgettery once more to-day.
—Willam C. Freeman, former Leb
anon legislator, says he is for Dim
—D. J. Pearsal is said to be await
ing permission to run for the House
in Carbon county 011 the Democratic
—W. C. Lebo, of New Bloomfleld,
will be a candidate for the House from
Perry on the Washington ticket.
—Scoutmaster Morris' appeals for
cash have not been well answered, it
is said. There is a disposition to let
the men who are running pay the
—Berry seems to find a new man
who helped him in the Capitol up
heaval every year.
—Jesse Shallcross, picturesque bur
pess of Coatesvllle, will be a candi
date for the House from Chester. He's
the man who invented the jag list.
—Dimmick is running headquarters
in Philadelphia and Scranton with a
very active press bureau.
—Ryan will speak in Philadelphia,
Pittsburgh, Johnstown, Erie and Har
risburg next month.
tan BOOKS and
S. R. Crockett has written a daring
novel! It's title is "Sandy." It is not
daring because it treats of sex or of any
much discussed problem of modern so
ciety with questionable frankness, but
it is daring because it avoids all such
Issues. "Sandy" has nothing sensa
tional to recommend It, nothing un
wholesome; it is purely a simple story
of a modern young man in quest of love
and of business success.
The story of how a young man finally
finds himself is told in Gordon Gardi
ner's "The Reconnaissance," to bo pub
lished next week. The novel, which
has an abundance of the adventure ele
ment, brings forward a new type in fic
tion—a man thought by his most inti
mate friends to be a physical coward
though his bravery has been officially
acknowledged by the presentation to
him of the Victoria Cross. Whether or
not ho is a hero is the pivot on which
the briskly moving plot, told largely in
dialogue, turns.
Charles Phelps Cushing suggests in a
recent issue of Collier's that it would
not be surprising if in the coming year
some books of poems by Rabindranath
Tagore should win as much popularity
In America as was once accorded to
"The Simple Life."
[From the Pleasant Hill (Mo.) Times.]
Some fellow without the fear of
God In Ills heart pried up a window of
The Times sanctum Sunday night and
raided the office Jar of smoking to
bacco. The large glass container, re
posing on the window sill and nearly
full of smokln', In which had been
mixed two small cans of Louisiana
perfque, a fine tobacco rarely seen in
this part of the country, must have
looked good to some one. While we
are thankful to the purlolner for not
making off with our new No. 5 Oliver,
standing nearby, still we sincerely hope
that the stolen tobacco will give him a
case of nicotine poisoning.
[From the Gailipolis Tribune.]
One reason why parents shrink from
sending their sons and daughters to
college is given in an item about the
University of Wisconsin junior prom
enade, attendee! by ;!00 college boys and
girls. The jyoin. cost $1,750, nml the
' lothes the girls wore 130,0U0. The un
necessary things, indulged in for vain
show, which create a false atmosphere
in an institution of learning, are what
give the general public n prejudice
against higher education. They should
be cheeked.
FEBRUARY 25, 1914.
Here's a Clearing Sale That's Different
Not the ordinary "reduced-prices" proposition you «ee so
much of everywhere; we're offering you strictly highgrade
merchandise which has always been worth the regular jices,
now at reductions which really add to the purchasing-^wer
of every dollar you spend.
Consider QUALITY More Than Prict
Just remember one thing in connection with clearaice
or any other reduced price sale of goods—the quality \ s
more important than the price. Marking prices down doesft
necessarily mean anything if the goods are not really wort*
the marked-down price.
"Hart Schaffner & Marx"
High Grade Clothes For Men
S2O, $22 & $25 Suits & Overcoats $15.00
S2B and S3O Suits and Overcoats $16.50
H. Marks & Son
Fourth 8c Market Streets
y&ARS - Aft-oropAy
[From tho Telegraph of Feb. 25, 1864.]
Two I)c,sorters to Bo Shot
Private Bonjamin Van Horn, Bat
tery F, First Pennsylvania Artillery,
is to be shot on the 2 6th instant for
desertion. Private George W. Enter
line, Company I), Sixty-second Penn
sylvania, charged with desertion, is to
be shot at the same time in the pres
ence of the Second Corps.
Recruits IVom Selinsgrove
A hundred or more recruits, headed
by an excellent band, arrived here
this afternoon. They were from Se
linsgrove. VTncle Sam's patriotic
nephews are rushing to the defense
of our glorious Union.
More Than 92.000,000 Needed
[From the Grand Rapids Press.]
Carnegie lias given ?2,000,000 to be
used by the churches in promoting
peace. At last, maybe, we can harmon
ize the choir.
nlk'ht Be the Safeat Courne
[From the Washington Post.]
The undercurrent- of Ai Jennings'
platform remarks suggests that Okla
nomba should elect him Governor in
order to avoid trouble later.
John D. Shoveled Off Unit I.lnka
[From the Chicago News.]
Snow has given employment to the
idle poor, but what can be done for tho
idle rich?
Uses of
Time Deposit
A time deposit account
here may be employed
for various purposes. For 1
instance —
In investing the personal
or business surplus fund.
In gradually accumulating
the money that will be
needed some day to
send tho youngster to
In growing a fund for
tho purchase of a home.
Interest compounded at
tho rato of three per cent,
per annum.
222 Market Street
1 I
| The Cost of Eyesight |
Thousands of dollars are being spent an
nually by the municipalities of the country
m t • ' oil
|M on the eyesight of children.
| Are You Safeguarding |
I Their Eyes at Home? |
Incandescent gas light is the best light m
for children to read, study and play by. Its
mellow glow is the closest approach to nat- W
ural daylight.
Come to the gas office and see a demon
stration of our new residence lamps. You fl|
will be surprised at the efficiency and econ
omy which has been attaind. Or, if it is 01
not convenient, ask us to send a representa
tive to your home with a catalog. 01
Staylate l'f often carried away by
Miss Sweot (yawning)—Tt hasn't car
ried you far to-night—Judgf
Tho place to insure Is
where you are a full part
ner in the managctiient,
benefits, privileges I and
Its policyholders owl tho
10S H. Second St.
Isaac Miller, 1 Locf
F. O. Donaldson. I Aire ts.
/ ' \
Sg i|-j
AFeather ( ~
The fact that most of our
customers have sent us other
patrons is indeed a "feather
in our cap," as it demon
strates without doubt that our
work is as good as it's pos
sible to make it.
CjJ Our Artists and Engraver*
are men of experience and
ability in their respectiv<
lines. Let us prove it to you,
Phone us and a representa
tive will call.
| gbe^^^etegrapb
! ■■ 1 j Hrt anO Enflravinfl
Department ....