2 HE IS STING 111 MIFFLIN COUt Wild Turkeys and Pheasants Come to Held* and Wildcats Raid Chickencoops Special to The Telegraph Lewistown, Feb. 26. —The roughest winter weather that Mifflin county has experienced In twenty years is driving wild turkeys, pheasants and other wild game into the fields near human habi tation l'or food. In several sections of the county wildcats have made raids on chickencoops. The Rod and Gun Club of this place will feod the game. A farmer from Center county reports passing a large ilock of wild turkeys on his way to this place. Ho says "they seemed but little scared at his passing close to them. Y. M. C. A Boys Walk Out,. But Come Back on Trolley Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Feb. 24.—The Rev. Charles W. Sayres, Boys' Work secre tary of the Lancaster Young Men's Christian Association, chaperoned a number of boys, who enjoyed a snow hike from Lancaster to Mountvlllo, a distance of five miles, In last night's snoitetorm. They had a novel trip, through the snow and dined at 11 o'clock,, returning to Lancaster an hour later on a trolley car. f CANDIDATE FOR ASSEMBLY Special to The Telegraph Newport, Pa., Feb. 26v—It is ru mored that John E. Eby, druggist of thlfl place, will be a candidate for the nomination for member of the Assembly for Perry county on the Re publican ticket. Mr. Eby is a member of one of the old families or Newport,, and is widely and favorably known throughout the county. Starvation Will Nt Cure Oyspe;:si But a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet Will Enable You to Eat Your Meals Without Suffering After Doing So. Every person knows that to live in a healthy happy manner we must eat. Diet, starvation, predigested food, etc., are not the correct methods of elimi nating digestion disorders. Many dyspeptics know that they must eat and so they go to their meals in a half-hearted manner. When they see food before them they are made miserable. Their judgments tell them to eat, but their stomachs revolt at the Idea and so whatever food they consume does them more harm than good. "If I Were Sure Thl* Meal Would Not Injure Me I Would Kat For I Am Loning Welulit livery Day." In cases of dyspepsia, catarrh of the stomach, gastritis, heartburn, brash, foul breath, bowel complaint, stom ach trouble, etc., a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet taken after each meal will do more good than anything you have ever tried. # You simply cannot realize how these little digesters put away ft meal, with out effort, pain or distress and at the same time HO build up the digestive apparatus as to make the next meal, more easily taken care of. To understand what Stuart's Dys-i pcpsia Tablets are composed of is to realize that when they reach the stom- j ach they dissolve Into digestive Juices .iust as desire by Nature. They hold ingredients which the healthy stom-i ach is supplied with and the unhealthy stomach lacks. These natural qualities have a great' digestive influence upon all food. One ' grain, of one ingrodlent contained in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is sufficient! to digest 8,000 grains of food. When you have given this a single' thought consideration you will then understand why it is that Stuart's Dys-1 pepsia Tablets are the greatest stom ach and dyspepsia remedy known to day. Thousands of stomach sufferers all over this country, who have been re lieved of all kinds of digestive dis eases, are the influences which have made these tablets sold by druggists! in every city, town and village in this country. Go to your druggist to-day and ob tain a box. Price, 50 cents.—Adver tisement. • COMB SAGE KIT IIFEIESSJH HAIR Look Young! Common Garden Sage and Sulphur Darkens So Naturally Nobody Can Tell Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe ready to use, for about CO cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Is splendid for dan druff, dry, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist Bays everybody uses Wyeth's S.-