Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 25, 1914, Image 1

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    ) Harrisburg 5a t
Uttiyw ,
Burglars Make Unsuccessful Attempt to
m wm EM
Taylor, Meanwhile, Announces He
Will Begin Work on His
Department Budget
Objecting to Commissioner's State
ment in Council, It Sends
in Resignation
Announcement by Commissioner
M. Harvey Taylor that he will devote
his energies for the time being to the
preparation of the budget estimates
and to looking over the park and Are
department situations carefully; a
a statement by Commissioner H. F.
Bowman, department of public safety,
decrying the further expenditure of
city money for expert advice; and vig
orous denial by J. Horace McFarland
of the rumors regarding his alleged
connection with the Berryhill nursery
—these were to-day's features of the
city park controversy.
Commissioner Taylor declined to
discuss his probable action relative to
the resignation of tho Park Board or
of Walter H. Manning, park expert,
and J. R. Hoft'ert, assistant superin
"Really Il've nothing to say about
these matters at all," said he, "for
the next few weeks I'm going to give
my attention to looking into tha whole
situation, familiarizing myself with
conditions, and to preparation of the
budget estimates. Within a few. weeks
7 hope to be able to announce tho
plans for tho playground and park
work for the coming season."
Park Commissioner .T. Horace Mc-
Karland issued this statement with
reference to certain rumors which
were floating about the city yesterday
and which grew out of Commissioner
Taylor's charges against the giving
H.wav of plants and shrubs to the Ber
ryhill nursery.
Mr. McFaiiand said:
"f have heard that I am inter
noted in the Berryhill Nursery
Company, for one thing, which is
the reason, according to the
stories, that, exchanges of cuttings
have been effected by the succeed
ing superintendents of the HarriH
burg park system. As a matter of
fact, my Interest in the Berryhill
Nursery Company is only as a
customer, and has never been
other than that. I have bought
from it considerable amounts of
trees and shrubs and have paid
for them. 1 have no relation to
It, financial or otherwise, except
that of an appreciative customer.
"The other story is 'that 1 had
Induced Mr. Manning to propose
to Mr. Taylor tho changed terms
in the event of Mr. Forrer's dis
missal. This is equally without
any foundation in fact. Tho only
communication I have had with
Air. Manning within a month has
been to write him, with Mr. Tay
lor's consent and at his request,
urging him to help Mr. Taylor
make a show of economy by re
ducing the charge he had stipu
latde for the larger service he ex
pected to render the city under
teh new park loan. Mr. Manning
agreed to this, largely out of per
sonal consideration for me. I have
not seen or heard of him or com
municated with him in any way,
directly or indirectly, since.
"Fills Me With Sorrow"
"This whole matter fills me
with sorrow, for it is after all the
park system to which the Harrls
burg Park Commission has de
voted much effort within the past
eleven years that is likely to suffer
under the lamentable conditions
that have been brought about.
"The present situation is some
what like that which would occur
if a number of people were invited
to take a trip across the Atlantic
in a big liner, the captain of which
was new to the job and had never
been afloat. With a good first
officer he might make a fine trip
of it, but if he felt like going; it
alone so as to save the price of
skilled help, most of the invited
passengers would agree that he
I"Con tinned on Pagw B.]
Late News Bulletins
Washington. Feb. 25.—The \orrls resolution calling: upon the at
torney general for Information regarding the \cw Haven dissolution
agreement, was virtually defeated hi the Senate to-dny, being laid on
the tabic.
fjan Francisco, Feb. -5.—A masked robber boarded a Southern Pa
cific train from Santa Cruz at Bu r llngton early to-day, robbed the con
ductor, brakeman and expresg mcjssenger of personal effects,
wounded the messenger and escaped from the moving train as it
acared San Francisco.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 25.—Jutl-re .lames S. Young, of the United
States district court for the western district of Pennsylvania, died sud
denly at his home here to-day.
Philadelphia, Feb. 25.—Mluerw and operators who are here to ar
range a new wage scale for the Western Pennsylvania. Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois soft coal fields, held separate conference to-day in their ef
forts to reach an agreement.
New York, Feb. 25.—The market closed weak. Pressure was ap
plied more vigorously because ol the reported unfavorable turn in the
Steel ami Copper industry. Stock* were poured out in quantity and the
bears hammered the list energetically. Final figures showed * losses of
1 to 3 points.
New York Closiug—Amal. Uoppcr. ; Atchison, 1)0%; Baltl
more and Ohio, 91 % ; Brooklyn llnpid Trans.. 02: Canadian Pacific,
21f%; Chesapeake and Ohio, 02%; Chicago. Mil., and St. Paul, 101;
Ijehlgli Valley, 149; New York Central. 89%: Northern Pacific, 118%:
Heading, 164%; P. H. R., 111 ; Southern Pacific. 05 % ; Union Pacific.
159%; U. S. Steel, 01%.
"■ 1
Moore Foresees Time When
Susquehanna Will Be Needed
For Purposes of Navigation
special to The Telegraph t
Washington, Feb. 26.—An appeal for
Federal improvement of the Susque
hanna river was made in the House
lato yesterday by Representative J.
Hampton Moore, of Pennsylvania, who
spoke in support of measures he has
introduced which would revoke the
War Department's ruling that the river
is a navigable stream only below the
I Maryland line.
"There are some great rivers in the
United States that are not treated by
the Federal Government with the same
consideration that is accorded to other
rivers, and the Susuehanna is one of
them," Mr. Moore said. "I do not
know of any other river in the country
so capable of public service, that has
been so signally overlooked. It runs
through a section of the country where
the people generally have been pros
perous and busy, and It is because of
Whitman Says Another Trial Would
Be Futile in Face of Court
By Associated Press
New York, Feb. 25. Charles
Becker, former police lieutenant, con
victed of instigating the murder of
Herman Rosenthal, tho gambler, who
has just been granted a new trial, was
visited in the deathhouse at Sing Sing
Prison to-day by his attorney, Joseph
A. Shay. To-morrow, the attorney
told Becker, he expects to serve the
remit.titurc of the Court of Appeals
on tho prison warden, flecker will
then leave the deathhouse, where he
has been confined since the Fall of
1912, and be returned to a cell in tlie
Toinbs Prison here until tho final dis
position of Ills case.
Behind him in the death cells.
Becker will leave the four gunmen
convicted of actual killing of ROSQII
thaI, whose protest against the police
graft system in New York, it was
charged, caused him to be shot to
The opinion was expressed by attor- ]
neya and friends of Becker that he
would never be tried again as the in
stigator of the murder of Rosenthal,
and there was also much talk that
Becker, if he eventually goes free, will
seek reinstatement on the police force.
Trial Woultl Be Futile
District Attorney Charles S. Whit
man, who will determine whether
Becker shall be tried again, has thus
far refused to say what further ac
tion he will take in the case. It is
known, however, that Mr. Whitman
believes that a second trial would be
futile in the face of the Court of Ap
peals' decision.
" Jack Rose, the chief witness for the
State against Becker, said to-day that
he was ready to testify again in the
ease if wanted. "If it can be proved."
he said, "that the case was a frame
up, I want to take the cell made va
cant by Becker. I want also to pay
the penalty and I want to waive im
munity. We must all face the Judg
ment of God. There and there only
can 1 be judged upon the testimony I
gave at the trial."
By Associated Press
Ossining, N. Y., Feb 25.—As soon as
Charles Becker gets out of prison he
will devote all his energies, ho says, to
running down tho men who are re
sponsible for the murder of Herman
Rosenthal. Becker declared to-day
that he could furnish information that
would bring the real culprits to Jus
"After 1 have done that," said Beck
er. I shall be willing to go back to the
police department, If they want me. tf
they do not. I will enter some other
line of work.
hat condition possibly that immediate 1
inhabitants of the valley have come to I
look upon the Susuehanna more as a I
beautiful creation of nature than as;
a means of reducing transportation!
costs or of developing commercial and
industrial possibilities.
"The lirst step is to pass the bill re
voking the War Department order
closing the Susquehanna to navigation.
That would restore to the War Depart
ment the duty of preserving the navi
gation of the river. The arbitrary
closing of the river at McCall's Ferry
should then be promptly undone by
compelling the power company to in
' stall a lock or other passageway for
navigation. And then the survey
should be undertaken to determine
whether the lock and dam system
would be suitable to the improvement
of the Susquehanna and could be in
stalled at reasonable cost."
Chief Hutchison Expects Little
Difficulty in Enforcing
New Law
Tattle trouble is expected by Colonel
Hutchison in the enforcement of the
ordinance passed by' City Council yes
terday excluding children under
years of age from moving picture
shows and other amusement places
during school hours and after 8 o'clock
in the evening in winter and 9 o'clock
in summer.
From expressions beard by Colonel
Joseph B. Hutchison, chief of police,
and Alayor Royal, say they believe
the amusement men will be glad to
co-operate In seeing that the children
[Continued on Page 11]
Want to Go Along? Costs Bat Dime and All the Winders
of the Earth Spread Before You
Ever get the wanderlust?
Ever want to throw dull care to the
winds and sail away to the wonder
land that lies just over the horizon?
Ever want to see the camels come in
laden with silks and spices from their
trip across the desert? Ever want to
visit the wonderful fair at Novgorod,
where East meets West to trade and
gossip? Ever want to wander through
the picturesque streets of Cairo or to
see for yourself the wonders of Egypt?
Of course you have, but circum
stances have held you back.
The next best thing to travel is to
see what the traveler sees through tbe
eyes of tho moving picture machine.
Knowing that the great majority of
its readers cannot fare forth on travel
bent, the Telegraph has planned to give
to them at trifling expense a full week
of wandering in the picturesque places
of the earth.
It has engaged the great "Niblo
Every Member of Denomination in
This City and Vicinity to
Be Visited
At a union meeting, of laymen and
clergy of the Lutheran Churches of
the city and nearby towns, held In
Zion Lutheran Church last night, de
tails were worked out for a "simul
tanous every-member canvass" to be
held in this city and surrounding
towns between 3 and 7 o'clock on
Sunday afternoon, March 8.
In this canvass, to be made for the
purpose of promoting the spiritual and
financial interests of the Church, from
to 1,000 men will be engaged In
visting the homes of church members.
It is estimated that in the four hours
from 18,000 to 20,000 inen, women
and children will be reached by the
canvassers in Harrisburg and its vi
The proposed canvass grew out of
[Continued oil Page B.]
Girl Faints When She
Sees Injured Mother
When Mrs. Harry Rice, aged 50
years, was brought to her home, 1329
James street, last night after a hard
fall on the ice, her daughter, Miss
Catherine Rice, aged 20 years, who
has been suffering from a weak heart,
fell In a swoon, and for a time Dr.
H. B. Walter was kept busy applying
The mother was returning home
from an errand about 6 o'clock when
she fell, and received a hard bump on
the back of her head. Mrs. Rice was
dazed for a time. The daughter
opened the door when her mother
was brought in. Fearing that Mrs.
Rice Was seriously Injured the girl
dropped to the floor In a faint. To
duy both the mother nnd daughter
were weak from their experience.
Noted Lawyer Declares Dauphin j
County Jurist "Best Fitted
Danville Man Was State's Attorney |
in Capitol Trials Before
James Scarlet, of Danville, one of
the foremost lawyers of Pennsylvania
and the attorney who prosecuted the
Capitol scandal cases from start to
finish, declared to-day that he consid
ered President Judge George Kunkel,
of the Dauphin county court the best
fitted man of all mentioned for the
! supreme bench this year.
) The name of air. Scarlet has been
j used from time to time as a possible
J candidate for Governor, Lieutenant
j Governor and Supreme Court Justice.
"What are you a candidate for?"
I was asked of the famous attorney,
i "They are now mentioning • you for
Supreme Court."
"I am not a candidate for any
thing, especially not for the Supreme
Court," replied Mr. Scarlet. "But I
want to say that I am for George
Kunkel, President Judge of Dauphin
county, for the Supreme Court. I
consider him the best fitted man for
the bench. He is the genius of com
mon sense. He has a wonderful
knowledge of the law and he has
courage. The people of this State
could not do better than nominate
By Associated Press
New York. Feb. 25. —Announce-
ment is made to-day of the death on
Monday of Alexander Moffat, famous
as a Princeton University football
player of the early eighties and
closely identified with the game ns ad
visory coach, member of rules com
mittees and official ever since. He was
fifty-one years old. Death was due to
Talks of Travel in Distant Lands,"
graphically illustrated with hundreds
of beautiful colored photo-views and
marvelously life-like moving pictures.
All For Ten Cent*
The regular price of admission to this
entertainment, which will be given in
Chestnut Street Auditorium every aft
ernoon and evening next week, will be
twenty-five cents. The Telegraph has
arranged, however, to give its readers
the advantage of a ten-cent rate.
A coupon will be published in each
copy of the paper printed next week,
and this coupon and one dime will be
received as full admission price, the
coupon being good for fifteen cents.
This is the Telegraph's share toward a
fine entertainment for its readers.
Without the coupon the regular price
of twenty-five cents will be charged.
The travelogues will open with a
[Continued on Page B.]
And Then Something Broke and
the Icy Mass
Moved On
The Susquehanna river was "closed
up tight" from shore to shore this
morning for a period of twenty-nine
minutes, according to the record kept
at the tollhouse at tho entrance to the
Market street bridge, bx Joseph Pye,
the toilkoeper. This is the first time
in two years that the river has been
frozen from shore to shore at this
The river was frozen over above
the Cumberland Valley Railroad
bridge about 9 o'clock, but there were
three open channels between the Ha,r
risburg shore and Island Park. At 11
o'clock the Ice stopped running be
tween the Harrlsburg bridge and
Rockville. Klvermen expected to see
a closed river for several days, but
something evidently broke loose, for
the Ice was again on the move at 11.29
Prom the eastern shore of the island
to the Cumberland shore the ice has
been Intact for some time, not an
open channel being reported between
New Cumberland and West Fairvlew.
The ice on the river is from four to
eight inches thick.
To Get Warmer
It's going to be slightly warmer to
morrow, according to announcement
from the weather bureau this morn
Budapest, Feb. 25.—Serious demon
strations by the unemployed have been
held during the past week, culminat
ing yesterday In a procession of 30,-
000 to the parliament house, demand
ing that the government provide work.
I Finally the demonstrators begun
| stoning windows and looting shops.
I The police drew their swords and dis
l>ersfcd the rioters.
United States Citizen Is
Murdered by Mexicans
L iin ii i. i i
Brussels, Feb. 25.—Women wearing gowns too low cut or too flimsy will
be excluded hereafter from all court functions In Belgium by order of Queen
Elizabeth. The fact that at the last court ball given by King Albert women
appeared In dresses slit In some oases' as high as the knee, and In corsages
extremely decollette, is given a» the reason for the Queen's edict.
Two Separate Explosions Made
Before Robbers Were
By Associated Press
Des Moines, lowa, Feb. 25. —An un
sucessful attempt to dynamite the
vault in the State Treasurer's office
here was made early to-day after two
State House watchmen had been bound
and gagged. The safe blowers left
the capitol building with only $5,
which they took from a cash drawer
in the treasurer's office.
Two separate explosions were caused
around the door of the vault and tht>
men were able to begin a third at
tempt before they were interrupted.
A third watchman was said by the
police investigating the affair to have
been asleep in the supreme court room
while the attempted robbery was in
By Associated Press
New York, Feb. 25. —Rival delega
tions went to Albany to-day to appear
at the legislative hearing on the so
called Goethals police bills. Mayor
Mitchel headed a group of prominent
citizens who wished to see the bills
passed. William B. Ellison, a former
corporation counsel, was the chief
representative of the opposition which
is backed by organizations within the
police department.
By Associated Press
Washington, Fet). 25.—Recommen
dations for the establishment of
bureaus, to be operated in connection
with the post offices throughout the
country which are to officially register
lrbor conditions so that the number
of unemployed may be definitely de
termined at any time, are contained
in the annual report to-day of T. V.
Powderly, chief of the division of in
formation of the Department of La
i By Associated Press
Paterson, N. J., Feb. 25.—A deli
cately adjusted telephone Installed for
the purpose made it possible for for
mer Judge James Inglls, who is dying
of pneumonia, to hear the funeral
service read over the body of his wife,
Mrs. Ella M. Inglis- Though the serv
ice was held in the parlor of the Inglis
home, Mr. Tnglis was too weak to
leave his bedroom u'pstairs.
Members of the committee on indus
trial development, of the Harrlsburg
I Chamber of Commerce, met tills after
i noon, nt 4 o'clock, to discuss plans for
»he year's work.
He Called on Ex-Senator A. F.
Thompson at His Home in
Lykens Last Evening
United States Senator Boles Pen- J
rose, who addressed a big rally of ten
camps of the Patriotic Order of Amer
ica at Lykens last night, came to the
city this morning and spent several
hours with Governor Tener at the
Capitol, later.being guest of the Gov-'
ernor at luncheon at the executive
"I had a very pleasant visit to Ly
kens, where I made a speech at a
meeting last night and met a number
of people," said the Senator. Beyond
that he had nothing to say and would
not make any statement regarding his
The Senator was visited at Millers
burg on his arrival yesterday by a
committee headed by J. B. Seal and
H._ M. Fairchild, and then went over
to Elizabethviile, where he met many
people who were introduced to him by
James A. Lentz. On his arrival at Ly
kens a committee headed bv H. E
Bufflngton met him. During his visit
to Lykens the Senator called on ex-
Senator A. F. Thompson, with whom
he nerved in the Senate and who re
cently lost his sight by an accident.
He and Mr. Thompson had a long
chut about legislative days.
The Senator had to leave Lykens
early, getting out In zero tempera
ture. When he arrived here he went
to see tho Governor at his oflice and
a number of State officials called on
him, among them Secretary McAfee,
Commissioner Smith. Senator Beidle
man, ex-Mayor C. E. Wolfe, of Wil
liamsport, an.d others. He left for
Philadelphia shortly after luncheon.
Zion Lutheran Church
to Buy Parsonage
Recommendation of a site to be
purchased by Zion Lutheran church
for a parsonage will be made Sunday
by a special committee of five men
who have been looking for a prop
erty. What site or sites have been se
lected, members of the committee
I would not say this morning, but it is
said a house in the center of the city
is about decided upon.
A congregational meeting will be
held in the church next Wednesday
evening for the purpose of approv
ing the selection of the committee.
This committee Includes John S. Wea
ver, W. A. Zollinger, Ralph L. Brown,
P. I. Brown anfl I>r. Croll Keller.
The pastor of Zion Lutheran church
i has lived in a rented house at 107 Lo-
I eust street since the old parsonage at
311 Walnut street was sold two years
Situation Tense as Result of
Hanging of Clemente Ver
gara at Hidalgo
Foreign Relations Committee
and Secretary Bryan Dis
cuss the Situation For Two
Hours \
1 i
American Is Hanged
by Mexican Federals
By Associated Press
Laredo. Tex., Feb. 26. —• Official
confirmation of the hanging of
Clement Vergara. an American citi
zen, by Mexican Federals, near Hi
dalgo, Mexico, was received to-day
by United States Consul Garrett, at
Nuevo Laredo. The report said
Vergara's body is still hanging three
miles from Hidalgo. Consul Garrett
immediately left Nuevo L«aredo for
the scene.
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Feb. 25.—Fur
ther complicated by dispatches telling
of official confirmation received by
Consul Garrett at Nuevo Laredo of the
hanging by Huerta troops of Cle
mente Vergara, an American, near
Hidalgo, the Mexican situation took
on more tensity, if it could be said
there was any change at all.
Secretary Bryan discussed the situa
tion with the Senate foreign relations
committee and for more than two
hours answered questions by Senators.
Both the Secretary and Senators de
clined to discuss their conference ex
i oept to say the trend was to get at the
; facts, leaving questions of policy for
i future determination.
"What we wore seeking «to estab
lish," said Mr. Bryan, "was the actual
.situation: all the facts regarding the
! Huerta government and the constitu
tionalist movement."
"Was there any suggestion of a
1 change of policy on the part of this
government toward Mexico?" Mr.
Bryan was asked.
"We did not talk policies," he re
plied. "What to do on the basis of
the facts established was left for fur
ther consideration."
The Secretary of State was ques
tioned concerning the strength of tha
constitutionalist movement In Mexico
[Continued on Pa*e B.]
For Harrlsburg and vicinity! Fair,
slightly warmer to-night, lowest
temperature about 10 degreesi
TburNday Increasing cloudiness,
probably snow.
For Eastern Pennsylvania! Fair,
not quite so cold to-nl|(M| Thurs
day Increasing; cloudiness, prob
ably snow In afternoon or by
night i moderate southwest
>'o Important changes will occur In
river conditions. The area ot
frosr.cn surface will continue to
General Conditions
The great high pressure area has
drifted westward and now covers
the greater part of the eastern
half of the country with Its cen
ter over Central Pennsylvania.
| .V disturbance central over South
ern Florida Is causing unsettled
weather In the Southeastern
States and i atn was falling this
morning at Jacksonville, snow at
Charleston and Montgomery and
sleet at New Orleans.
Temperature! 8 a. m., 4; 1 p. m., IT.
Sum lllses, <1:41 a. m.; sets, 5i46
p. m.
Moon i New moon, flrst quarter.
March 5, 12:03 a. m.
River Stagei 8.1 feet above tow
water mark.
Yesterday's Weather
Highest temperature, IS.
liowest temperature, 'J.
Mean temperature, 8.
Normal temperature, 31.
A Fertilized Field
the Richest Harvest
Mr. Merchant when tho manu
facturer of some article with a
national reputation comes Into
your town and advertises In your
newspapers he Is cultivating the
field for you.
You hardly have to plant any
seeds or even watch the weather.
All you have to do Is to gather
In the crops. , .
But the harvest will be twice
as larpre for you and twice as
pleasing to the manufacturer If
you do help a little. ,
Two pushes In the samel direc
tion will shove the plough & little
deeper Into the soil.
In other words when the man
ufacturer uses this newspaper
and other newspapers to exploit
goods which you carry on your
shelves, push those goods.
Show them In your windows
and on your counters.
Advertise tne fact that you
have them.
The public will he Interested
and -will at least want, to see
them. If the goods are right It
will want to buy them.
Sales mean profits.
Sales of the goods that people
want mean reputation and good
If any manufacturer who la In
terested In co-operative dealer
work will address the Bureau of
Advertising, American Newspa
per Publishers Association, World
Building, Now York, It will be
glad to answer questions.
Booklet on request.