8 Can't Help But Admire Babies bmf Woman Cut! Loving Glance «t til* Nestling Cuddled In it* Bonnet. ▲ women's heart naturally responds to Ike charm and sweetness of a pretty child, and more so to-day than ever before since pe advent of Mother's Friend. This li a most wonderful external help to the muscles and tendons. It penetrates the tissues, makes them pliant to readily 7leld to nature's demand for expansion, so there is no longer a period of pain, dis comfort, straining," nausea or other symp toms so often distressing during the anxloua weeks of expectancy. Mother's Friend prepares the system for the coming event, and its use brings com fort, rest and repose during the term. This has a most marked Influence upon the baby, since it thuß Inherits a splendid growing system of nerves and digestive function. And particularly to young motherß Is this tamous remedy of Inestimable value. It enables her to preserve her health and Btrength, and she remains a pretty mother by having avoided all the suffering and ] danger tnat would otherwise accompany Buch an occasion. Mother's Friend thor oughly lubricates every nerve, tendon and muscle Involved and Is a sure Dreventlvo for caking of the breasts. Tou will find this splendid remedy on Bale at all drug stores at SI.OO B bottle, Bnd Is highly recommended for the purpose. I Write ftrsdfleld Regulator Co., 134 BMg.. Atlanta.