4 f ■ v Half-Price Sale! I Every Suit or Coat in the House at H Original Price You may select any suit or coat in the house whether priced at $lB to SSO and buy it for just one-half the original price marked on the ticket. There are positively none reserved and the sale is bona fide in every way. Fine Guaranteed Furs Fur Coats and Fur Sets, Vi ORIGINAL PRICE Marks o. sig tailored suits, (limited quan- Men's $3.50 to $5.00 value, ull lit . v left). Wednesday d»e HH wool pants, finely tailor- tfjl QP special ed. Wednesday, pair «p 1.170 Wonderful bargains. Ladies'and Men's $2.00 dark wool trousers, i Misses' newest winter model coats, all sizes, assorted colors, navy and 'rom sl6 to $lB each, QQ black, belt loops, side buckles, 5 down to «P*J»OI7 pockets, all sizes 32 to 46 belt, all Ladies' shepherd plaid dress lengths. On sale tf»l ,JQ skirts. Wednesday special, CO Wednesday .**•;/ all sizes, each OJ/C lonfr c ° rse ts per- stout women's dress skirts, belt supporters, CQ t0 38-inches. Reduced QO„ t oflffi' 11 i,'" ".Yi•••;•• , i Wednesday, black and navy. Ladles black petticoats, worth' A ««■*.. 69c. Wednesday special morning I „ lls * es lac , e x l et evening dresses, sales to 1 oo . 1 wh,te » only few sample dresses, p. m. .. I worth $lO each Wed- Ladies' high ' color mercerized ne sday special, each silk finish petticoats, always worth Ladies' newest Scotch plaid SI.OO and $1.25. cq. skirts, the correct style, with Wednesday OI7C : flounce. Instead of $3 q»i qw Ladies' newest designs, lace and ' an d $3.89, Wednesday «P1.*70 embroidery corset covers, pretty I The new stripe tub silk waists, patterns, all sizes, each, | veiy newest models, ««,Q 4Q **Q j worth $3.00. Special «pI.SJO lUCf JjC, ZDC Extra special, ladies' newest Another chance Wednesday. I bl ? ck mercerized waists, the new- Boys' new winter overcoats, worth I S3 model, worth $1.50. QQ. $5.00. Wednesday special morning | VVednesday J7 ° t sales to Ip. m., d»-t oq Handsome crepe and voile waists, each 1.01/ ' the new long shoulder style. To Another chance. Ladies' all' see them Is to buy them. qq linen one-piece dresses, worth up j sl-50 kind I/OC to $2.00. Wednes- 7 q New large plaid dress skirts, lots * of new ones just in, all the correct Wednesday special, your choice models, worth $3. and *1 QQ °? a ? y . I?' ? 6, * 8 and 410 sllk $3.50, each Jpl.yO plush ladies correct new QQ winter hats, each ipfc.UU w* O I i* $5.00 ladles' all-wool house klimwia I A \n |a ng and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Long. tußmiTHATninianaaaiimmiiHauumuK "Bine" Feeling Sri against yon—that's your iyitan'l way •f telegraphing yon that something Is WRONG and needs HELP. It may be that your liver ia tired and refuses to work, or voor digestive organs have had too much to do and need care. Perhaps w you have been eating the wrong kind of food, and your blood ia too 01 rich or impoverished. What yon need Is a tonlo. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will give the required aid. Tones the entire system. The weak stomach is made atrong. The liver vibrates with new life. The blood is cleansed of all impurities and carries renewed health to every vein and nerve and muscle and organ of the body. No more attacka of the "blues." Life becomes worth while again, and hope takes place of despair. \V\i » Insist on oettlng Dr. Pierce's >• * (•oldest Medical Discovery. Rrssidmt, World's Ditptmarp Sold by dealers in medicines. *fodiral Amoeiation, Buffalo. N. T. A>BBaaaßßßaaßßßaaaaaaßßnaaaaaßaßßßaßaßßaaßaßNaß|l doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect la imme diate and amazing—your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incom parable lustre, softness and luxuri ance, the beauty and shimmer of truu hair health. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any—that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment —that's all.—Adv. "NEVER TELLS" MEET TO CELHTE 01* Decorations of Bunting With Flags, Hatchets and Bright Red Cherries Miss Margaret Smith entertained the members of the "Never Tell" Club at a George Washington party, at her home, Fourth street and Reel's lane. The decorations were most attractivo in George Washington style, with l'estoons of bunting, flags and hatchets. Music and games were features of pleasure with prizes going to Mrs. John Lappley, Jr., and Frank Peters. A buffet supper was served to tho following guests: Miss Grace Deal, Miss Dora Shelly, Miss Marian Berry, Miss Marguerite Jauss, Miss Emma Lorenz, Miss Mabel Arnold, Samuel Longacre, Ted Herman, Dick Heagy, Herman Garman. Frank Peters, Mr. Cooper, Charles Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John Lappley, Jr., Miss Margaret Matzinger, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith.