Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 24, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Washington Fire Company Cele
brates Fifty-sixth Anniversary
With Many Gaests
Special to The TtUsrapk
Mech&nlcsburg, Pa., Feb. 24.
Nearly 200 persons enjoyed the fifty
sixth anniversary supper given last
evening by the members of the Wash
ington Fire Company. No. 1, in the
parlor of the enginehouse. Following
an oyster supper, with all its accom
paniments, and ice, cream, cake and
fruit, an enjoyable program was given,
which was interspersed with music by
the orchestra composed of members
of the company. The Rev. George
Fulton, chaplain of the organization,
offered prayer and E. C. Gardner
acted as toastmaster. Addresses were
made by the Rev. L. M. Dice, I. D.
Fish and Charles S. Smith. The Misses
Weber played a piano duct and a vocal
quartet was given by M. E. Anderson.
H. E. Beitzel, Frank Hollinger and
George Deitz. In addition to the mem
bers these guests were present: The
Rev. Charles F. Raaeh, tho Rev. L. M.
Dice, the Rev. Thomas E. Shearer,
Charles H. Smith, chief of the tire de
partment: M. E. Anderson. H. E.
Beitzel. George Deitz, a«d the ladies'
committee, who assisted at the recent
biizar. They were Miss Tura Rider,
Miss Myrtle Rider, Mrs. Frank Dull,
Miss Ruth Bobb, Miss Mae Romlck,
Miss Jessie Romlck. Miss Katherine
Kunkel, Miss Alta Kyle, Miss Newell
J ller. Miss Virginia Bielil, Miss Nel-
Shank, Miss Mabel Seyler, Miss
olet Martin, Miss Helen Koser, Miss
hel Kltzmiller, Miss Dorothy Auper,
Ruth McClane, Miss Edna Stone,
Miss Goldie Stone, Miss Romaine
I) ■ 'f
Comfort in motoring has a new meaning
with the Packard one-mail top.
This top is easily raised or lowered by one
person. Sockets clamp to ends of windshield
stanchions, eliminating straps. Curtains
over all doors, except the left front door,
arranged to open with the door.
Because it combines advanced features of
convenience with its maximum service
qualities, the Packard car appeals most
strongly to exacting motorists.
Packard Motor Car Company of Philadelphia
107 Market Street Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
GAsk the man who owns one
Every advantage of the city combined
with the delight of the country. These few
words express the reason why you should
live in Hershey. It will not only be good
for you, but for all of your family as well.
Besides being a Garden City, charming and
simple in design; Hershey has all of the pub
lic and social institutions of a town many
times its size.
Hershey affords ideal living conditions for
everyone. And it aftords better living
at a cheaper cost. Outside of the town are
many well developed farms which supply
the markets direct, and thus reduce the cost
of living. Taxes are low, and general condi
tions are such that you will get more real
pleasure from life at less cost than you can
possibly have in the city.
Lots of 40 feet frontage sell for $600.00 up
ward. Reasonable building restrictions pro
tect your home. Phone or write.
Hershey Improvement Co.,
Bobb, Miss Beitzel. Miss Albright, Mrs.
Harry Luea#, Miss Margaret Ryan.
Miss Esther Ryan, Miss Romalne,
Hertzler, Miss Alma Trout, Miss Kath- 1
ryn Holtz. Miss Mary Witmer, Miss I
Cora Hertzler and Miss Christina Fish.
The chairman of the supper commit
tee was M. G. Fernbaugh and the sec
retary- U. Z. Flshel.
One-third of Columbia's
Population Attends Church
Special to The Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., Feb. 24.—1t is esti
mated that about 4,000 people, or one
third of the population, attended ser
vice Sunday in the sixteen churches
of tho borough in response to the ap
peal of the Ministerial Association,
which set apart Washington's birth
day as "00-to-church" Sunday. All
the business places, social clubs, ctgar
stores, drug stores and Ice cream par
lors were closed in order to give every
-1 body an opportunity to attend church.
' Appropriate sermons were delivered
: by the pastors in honor of the event,
and it is thought the movement will
result in increased attendance at di
, vine worship in the future.
The local camp of the Patriotic
; Order Sons of America attended ser
| vice In Grace United Evangelical
! Church in a body, where they listened
I to a special sermon by the pastor, tho
Rev. George B. Gensemer on "The
| Twentieth Century American."
Special to The Telegraph
Marietta. Pa., Feb. 24.-—The Mount
| Vernon Hotel, located at Ephrata, one
of the best in that section of the
I county, was sold at public sale for
515,500. The purchaser was Frank
'■ Reinhold, of Ephrata. It contains
j twenty-seven rooms, a large brick
stable in the rear and other up-to
-1 date improvements were made only a
1 short time ago. The sale was made
by the executors of the estate of Annie
I E. Carter.
Dinner in Honor of Golden
Jubilee of Wedded Life
Special to The Telegraph
Annvlllc, Pa., Feb. 24.—Mrs. A. M.
Briglitblll, of College avenue, enter
tained at a o o'clock dinner in honor
of her brother and his wife. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph H. Kreider. the event
marking the golden jubilee of their
wedded life. The dlnlngrooms were
decorated with red hearts and yellow ;
lights and the tables with glowing I
candles, hearts, cupida and arrows. AI
large bouquet of beautiful narcissus
occupied the center of the table. The
menu served was an excellent one.
After dinner each guest recalled some
reminiscence of the fifty years' jour
j ney of Mr. and Mrs. Kreider. On ac-
I count of illness, Mr. Kreider was un
able to be present. Those present
, were Mrs. Joseph H. Kreider, Mr. and
Mrs. Oideon Kreider, Mr. and Mrs.
I Charles Coover, Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Bomberger, Congressman and Mrs.
A. S. Kreider, Misses Sallle and Annie
Kreider, and Judge and Mrs. C. V.
Henry, of Lebanon.
Special to Tht Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 24. —Francis
Luchlnaky. a Slav, employed on' the
estern Maryland Railway construc
tion work at Highficld, waa stabbed
on Sunday evening by Geremepe Pur
ich, also a Slav. The affair occurred
In the bunk car not far from Highfield
station. About a dozen workmen were
In the car when the argument started.
It had been carried on for some time,
when Purlcli. suddenly taking a dirk
knife from his pocket, made a lunge
at Luchinsky, striking Mm In the side
directly below the heart, the three
inch blade penetrating to the hilt. His
condition is critical.
Recent Deaths in
Central Pennsylvania
Special to The Telegraph
Duncannon.—Mrs. Elizabeth C. Mil
ler died at her home in High street at
6 o'clock on Saturday evening. Her
death was due to a strike of paralysis.
Mrs. Miller was 79 years old and was
the widow of the late John T. Miller,
a former sheriff of Perry county. She
is survived by five children: John S„
of Harrlsburg; Levi C., of Steelton;
, David, of Enola; Charles H., at home,
and Mrs. William A. Holland, of this
place. The funeral services will bo
held from her late home on Wednes
day afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Elizabethtown.—Mrs.Harriet Miller,
88 years old, a lifelong resident of
Conoy township, died yesterday. She
is survived by two daughters, two
sons, twenty-seven grandchildren and
thirty-three great-grandchildren, and
six great-great-grandchildren. She
was a lifelong member of the Church
j of God at Bainbridge.
Northumberland.—Mrs. Mary Park
died at her home in Queen street on
Monday. Death was caused by a com
plication of diseases. She was 68 years
1 old and is survived by the following
J children: William and S. H. Park,
[ Sunbury; Henry Park and Mrs. R. C.
Russell, Northumberland; Charles
i Park, Seattle, Wash,
j Mt. Union. Harvey Bennett, a
; prominent citizen of Mt. Union, died
on Sunday after an illness of more
than a year. Mr. Bennett was 64 years
old and is survived by the following
children; Mrs. Howard Stewart, Ty
rone; Mrs. John Robley. Mt. Union:
Mrs. Marshal Showalter, of Hunting
,don; Sirs. George Foreman, of town,
and Miss Ressie and Frank at home.
York.—Matthew James McKinnon,
one of the best known and oldest phv
slclans in the State, died in his arm
chair yesterday. He was 82 years old
and had practiced sixty-one vears. He
was a surgeon in the Civil War, served
two terms in the State Legislature,
being elected as a Democrat.
Lancaster.—Charles E. Baker, a
well-known conductor on the Penn
sylvania Railroad, died unexpectedly
yesterday from an attack of heart dis
ease Ha was 64 years old and In the
I employ of this company many years.
His father was a former clergyman In
this city. His wife survives.
_ _ Su nbury.—Mrs. Carrie Van Gundy,
i o years old, of Lewlsburg, died at
that place Sunday afternoon from a
general breakdown In health. She
was an aunt of W. F. Elchholtz, a
prominent Sunbury newspaper owner.
Phiiamon Leisroy, a Greek, whose
life and family are In Greece awaiting
enough money from him to come to
America, died in the Mary M. Packer
Hospital here Sunday, after an opera
tion for appendicitis.
James P. Hileman, aged 86 years,
i after suffering from pneumonia for
some time, died at his home here yes
terday morning. He leaves a number
of children.
Lewis Emory Herrold, a well-known
resident of this city, died suddenly
yesterday of heart trouble.
Home Cure
For Piles
Trial Package Absolutely Free
Will You Spend a Post
, Card For It?
If you are a sufferer from piles, In
stant reiiet is yours for the asking,
tow a spe y ' P ermtL nerit cure will fol-
The Pyramid Drug: Co., 471 pvra
mid Bldg., Marshall, Mich., will send
you free in a plain wrapper, a trial
package of Pyramid Pile Remedy, the
wonderful, sure and certain cure for
tlie tortures of this dread disease.
(Thousands have already taken advan
.tage of this offer, thousands know for
j the first time in years what it is to
'be free from the pains, the Itching,
the awful agony of piles.
Pyramid Pile Remedy relieves the
pain and itching immediately. The
.lnflammaUon goes down, the swelling
lis reduced and soon the disease is
gone absolutely.
No matter how desperate you think
your case is, write in to-day for the
free trial treatment. Then, when you
have used it in the privacy of your
own home and found out for yourself
how efficacious it is, you can get the
i full-size package at any drug store
'for 50 cents. Every day you suffer
after reading this notice you suffer
needlessly. Simply All out free coupon
and mail to-day.
Pyramid Bid*., Marshall, Mich.
I Bend me a sample of Pvramld
j Pile Remedy, at once by mall, FREE,
J In plain wrapper.
j ! Nani9
Street j
i '
City State
New Cumberland Church
Will Erect Fine Building
This Spring, as soon as the wcatlicr
settles, the Church of God In Fourth
street. New Cumberland, will be torn
down and a new church erected. It
is expected that the congregation will
worship in the Junior Order United
American Mechanics' Hall in Bridge
street until ttte building is finished.
Two sled loads of Marysville's young
folks had a very enjoyable trip to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lucken
baugh, in the valley on Friday even
ing. The evening was pleasantly
spent, after which a dainty luncheon
was served to Miss Romalne Clen
denin. Miss Edna Benfer, Miss Ro
inaine Benfer, Miss Irene Ashenfelter,
Miss Hazel Ilatn, Miss Margaret El
lenberger, Miss Carrie Smith, Miss
Jennie Fllckinger, Miss Carrie Mes-
I singer, Mtss Olga Keel, Miss Barbara.
Roush, Miss Edna Sellers, Paul Ans
pach, Charles White, Linn Lightner,
Herman Hippie, Harry Deckard,
Dewey Bare, James Roberts, Alton
Lick, Benjamin Springarden, Jacob
Lehman, Walter White, Walter Lld
diek, Edgar Smith, Verne Dlsslnger,
; Paul Ellenberger, Oliver Albright,
Lester Jones, Laurie Bitting, Clarence
Luckenbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Luckenb'augh.
j On Saturday evening a very plea -
I ant "birthday party was held at the
: home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Geib,
j Marysville, in honor of Mr. Gelb's
j birthday. The room was artistically
: decorated with cherries. The evening
j was spent very pleasantly, socially,
after which dainty refreshments were
served to Mr. and Mrs. Theophilus
; Shakespeare, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shull,
: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mellster, Mr.
| and Mrs. Gllson Geib and Mr. and
! Mrs. Harold Geib.
The Rev. J. V. Adams, pastor of
'the Baughman Memorial Methodist
; Episcopal Church, announced to his
; people on Sunday that his pulpit
i would be occupied on conference Sun
! day. The Rev. Joseph H. Price, pas
i tor of the First Methodist Church, of
. Lewistown, will preach in the morn
' ing and the Rev. H. W. Newman, of
Benton, Pa., in the evening. The
fourth quarterly communion will bo
held in the Methodist Church March 8.
Within a short time a four-day art
exhibit of 330 of the world's master
pieces will bo held by the Marysville
public schools. The proceeds will be
used for the purchasing of pictures for
decorating the school rooms. Tho
pictures are loaned by the Elson Art
| Publication Company for four days,
during which time the exhibition will
j be open to the public.
On Sunday morning the Rev. S. L.
! pastor of the Marysville
j Trinity Reformed Church, delivered
| a timely sermon-lecture on George
: Washington.
On ordinance has been passed and
bills have been posted that all citi
zens must remove the snow from the
pavements and gutters twelve hours
after the snow has fallen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Albright, Lin
coln street, Marysville, announce the
birth of a daughter, Monday, Febru
ary 16.
A sleighing party comprised of
eight couples from New Cumberland
went to Mechanicsburg Saturday
Special to The Telegraph
Newport, Pa., Feb. 24.—A most at
tractive Washington's birthday party
was given by Mrs. Anson B. Wright at
her home In Second street last evening. |
he spacious house was appropriately
decorated for the event; old games
and guessing contests were the order
of the evening. Dainty refreshments
were served to the guests who were
Mrs. J. Emery Fleishel, Mrs. Edward
G. Sheafer, Mrs. William Alvin Smith,
Mrs. Lemuel W. Brimmer, Mrs. Wil
liam G. Loy, Mrs. William Wilson
Sharon, Mrs. Clarence H. Rebert, Mrs.
Samuel D. Myers, Mrs. Robert M.
Ramsey, Mrs. Clarence G. Smith, Mrs.
James M. Itunkle. Mrs. Percy C. Mor
row, the Misses Carrie V. Bosserman,
Carrie Diven, Mary Adams, Claire R.
Demaree, Laura Adams, Anne Lynn
Irwin, Jennie Linn Milligan, Clemen
tine Troutman, Lena May Wright.
Special to The Telegraph
Sunbury, Pa., Feb. 24. —Two weeks
ago, while walking up a street count
ing some many here, Rpbert Williams,
of St. Clair, aged 18 years, was report
ed to the police. He was arrested and
it was discovered that he had stolen
S4OO from the home of Clinton Mantz.
In a cross-axaminatlon by third de
gree methods, he admitted that he and
Clyde Wilson, a prominent farm man
with a family, living near Sunbury,
had planned the robbery. Wilson also
was a fellow workman of Mantz, to
whom the latter had confided that he
had S4OO hidden in his home. Wilson
was arrested on Sunday and was
brought to jail here. He was given a
hearing this afternoon.
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 24.—During
the last few weeks chicken thieves
have been paying nightly visits to l
the hennery of D. C. Sheely, north of
j Waynesboro, taking two each evening,
' until they have' carried oft thirty
| chickens.
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 24. The
executive and finance committees of
the Blederwolf campaign yesterday
sold the tabernacle (except the roof)
!to Contractor Downs, of Downsville,
! Md., for SBOI, the price bid by Mr.
Downs in competition with a number
of other bidders. Mr. Downs will take
down the building at the earliest pos
sible date.
Marietta, Pa., Feb. 24. —Miss Mil
dred Kline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Kline, who four years ago suf
fered an attack of infantile paralysis
and was left in a crippled condition,
being compelled to wear a brace, fell
and dislocated her left leg, the one
which was affected by the paralysis.
York, Pa., Feb. 24.—William Devine,
| 50, proprietor of the Hotel Devine, at
Hanover, last night jumped out of a
third-story window at his hotel and
injured himself to such an extent that
,he died soon afterward.
From the New York Evening Post:
Those who watch developments in journalism
with something of a professional interest will keep
their eyes on the experiment which the Philadel
phia Public Ledger is making. At a time when
there is so much hasty talk about the need of
making newspapers cheaper and commoner, the
Ledger, under itß new ownership, has boldly
•truck out in the opposite direction. It began by
abandoning its Sunday "comic"—that feature of
American journalism which is so utterly incom
prehensible to intelligent foreigners. The Ledger
also raised its price to two cents, and set about
giving the money's worth. It prints more news
than any one-cent paper can, and looks carefully
after its quality. Its advertising rules have been
revised with a view to correct standards invariably
maintained. In a word, the Ledger, instead of
flinging itself upon the love of sensation and
vulgarity, has made its appeal to intelligent
readers. With ample means to strive towards its
ideals, and with a large and enlightened policy
now established, the good results which the new
Ledger has already attained, and the greater ones
certain to follow, afford instructive proof that the
path of success for American newspapers does
not lie solely through the cheap and trivial.
New York has discovered the
Public Ledger and appreciates it.
We are told that more Public
Ledgers are sold in New York
than any other out-of-town
There are more than 50,000 peo
ple in Philadelphia who are willing
to pay twice as much for it as they
would have to pay for any other
daily paper.
There are 50,000 more people
who will buy it as soon as they
" discover it. Sometimes outsiders
have to tell us what a good thing
we have right in our own home
town. As Washburn-Crosby says:
"Eventually—why not now?"
New Trust Company Asks j
For Charter at Waynesboro
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 24. —A char
ter for a new banking institution to be
known as the Waynesboro Trust com
pany, has been applied for, with Boy
M. Lehman, Worth B. Shottlemyer and
Henry M. Rlddlesberger, 'three well
known young businessmen here, as in
The Trust Company will have noj
affiliation with any of the local banks, j
but will conduct a separate banking
Institution. The authorized capital |
stock is $200,000 and of this $125,000]
will be Issued at once. The shares
of stock will have a par value of SSO
and it is expected that the company
will be ready for business April 1.
Middleburg, Pa., Feb. 24.—0n Mon
day evening the Home Study Club was
entertained at tl»e home of Mrs. Leroy
Setler. The meeting was well
attended and a very interest
ing program given. Able talks were
given by Mrs. George W. Wagenseller
and Mrs. James Magee. The musical
part of the program was well ren
Special to The Telegraph
Dlllsburg, Pa., Feb. 24.—Among
those who attended the bankers' ban
quet in Lancaster on Monday from
Dlllsburg were L. L. Bentz, bashier;
John A. Goudy, teller; William Elicker
and W. E. Grove, directors, of the
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank; J. 8.
Kapp, director of the Dlllsburg Na
tional Bank, and Joseph Milligan,
president of the Wellsville National
Special to The Telegraph
I New Bloomflelrt, Pa., Feb. 24.—Mr.
FEBRUARY 24,1914.
and Mrs. Oliver T. Beard, of Green
Park .announced the marriage oi
daughter Florence May to James
Percy McNeil, February 14. at Van
couver, B. C. They will take up their
residence at 1431 Minor avenue, Seat
tle, Washington, after February 24.
Special to The Telegraph
Marietta, Pa., Feb. 24. Mr. and
Mrs. George G. Lindsay yesterday
celebrated their forty-sixth wedding
anniversary at their home. Mr. Lind
say is a veteran of the Civil War and
served in the Forty-fifth Regiment
with distinction. v t
The filling at the
Apollinaris Spring
during the year 1913
Exceeded 40,000,000 Bottles
Township Commissioners
Plan Town Hall For Annviile
Special to The Telegraph
Annviile, Pa., Feb. 23.—0n Monday
evening the board of township com
missioners met in their offices in tlio
town hall. Plans wero discussed for
a new town hall and for the grading of
the streets. An ordinance lixlng the
tax rate for 1914 was passed. The
commissioners decided to advertise for
bids for fixing the grade, and will re
ceive scaled proposals from compe
tent engineers up to April 6.