Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 24, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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'f 1 ? j
The Last Four Days of the Mill and Factory Sale Will
Be Marked By Rare Value Giving Throughout the Store
®Rug Specials 400 Remnants of Basement Specials M*- ——
. Smith's Saxony Axminster Rugs — Colored Dress Goods 10c gold decorated dinner plates 50 '!
$20.00 rugs ,9x12 feet $15.75 10c gold decorated cups and saucers .. 5£
<moc« o*7 ia c . us! i~r ' lie seasons leading suitines and other . , ... /7\ \ r Sftr- 1 VI
$18.50 rugs 8.3x10.6 feet #l4. 4«j colored dress oods' one to 5 'ard ieces wash bowls and pitchers \ j
Body Brussels Rugs— $1 special" for Decorated bread and butter plates, 2 for / J j
$27.00 rugs, 9x12 feet #22.00 vnr ,j ' C ' 25 C Decorated Japanese salt and pepper shak- ( J
60c rugs, 18x27 inches 39$ I Nickel Plated Tea Kettles
Linoleum and oil cloth remnants— j - pv r * $1.69 nickel plated copper tea kettles, 98£ V cfJ/J \
j 60c linoleum J Closing L/fl.yS Ol txlo Dining Room Dome 6
I 35c cloth ...".... ... 23 £ J T? 0 1 Dining room domes fitted complete for
75c Tapestry Brussels Carpet, yard ... T UrnitUfG 0810 Ras ' mcludm g installation, SB.OO to $15.00
75c rubber door mats 19£ i values, at #5.98. #7.98 and #9.98
Dives, PomsroT * stew«rt, Third Floor. 1 Cleaning up odd pieces and broken suites Dinner Sets
| ' _ at additional price cuts—in most instances $7.00 gold decorated dinner sets .. #4.95 Clearance Of MllSSed and
Jardinieres . q
Ty r . - 50c serge, 36 inches Wide; full range of $ 10.96 leather library chairs $7.95 . T, , _
Kid Gloves 49c colors vard 35* *11.76 leather library chairs $7.95 $7.50 jardinieres and pedestals #3.00 In the assemblage of specially priced un
50c granite cloth; 36 inches wide; shades !!m° ll SL'?rt™*?" $9.98 jardinieres and pedestals ... #4.95 dermuslins are gowns combinations
Women's two-clasp black and colored ol n J yan(l cadct / yard 85* '.1117. SS V"*** S «"<" chemise and long skirts, trimming, chiefly
kid gloves in small sues, SI.OO and $1.25 5 0c shepherd checks; 36 inches wide. Fine $15.00 mahogany rocker 57.95 $2.00 umbrella stands #1.49 Q f ] ace or em Kroiderv Nnne *en<l ™ ar
value. Mill and factory Sale 49 c styles; yard 35* J.T.JJ mahogany rocker ,19.50 $2 . 69 umbrella stands #1.98 prova and noJexcLired
P r,c c . 75c French Henrietta; 42 inches wide; $29.60 golden oak china closet $19.50 „ provai and none exchanged.
Women's two-clasp lisle and chamoisette e l eV en eood shades - yard 50* * 39 -50 groiden oak buffet $29.50 Housewares /5 C to $1.50 Chemise. Mill and Factory
gloves in black, white, tan and grey. 25 C 75c shepherd checks 42 inches wide'; four JJJJJ ctaS" suSS 39c 4 " sewed broom 9 **\ 25<ft Sale price s{)<!
Mill and factory Sale price sizes; yard 490 $29.50 fumed oak settee $22.50 bread boards 10x13 inches 100 $1.25 to $1.50 Combinations. Mill and
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. SI.OO canton crepe; 40 inches wide; shades $4.60 fumed oak chair $2.95 98c Dover sad irons 750 Factory Sale price (>9^
of Copenhagen, mahogany, grey, gold, rose, $39.00 mahogany bed $25.00 75 c sevv j n .r [ ap boards 420 $1.50 to $4.50 Gowns. Mill and Factory
$1.98 Coat Sweaters,9sc <««nd«r nd mryi yard «♦ !"ooToST.r a r«.;'::::::::::::-,":M 2U salt boxes w m. g ia» lining.... n« wii - '';
and serge; 54 inches wide; all $29.50 walnut dresser $1950 10 T A « • * * * Long Skirts. Mill and Fac-
In the lot are women's, misses' and a few woo i ( shades of navy and brown; yard, 950 * 35 -<> o walnut dresser !!!!"!! sie!so lUc J a P an necl conee canister o? Tory Sale price
men's $1.98 coat sweaters in plain and fancy $2.00 wool ratine; 54 ins. wide; all wool; $15.75 Chiffonier $1095 m ' rrors 50<; DRAWERS, 35c
weaves in grey, navy, black and QC C in shades of Copenhagen, navy and Tango; Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. ' 10 rolls crepe toilet paper 250 OP T,?,!" B °r o »rnh n l u ,?. ked rufn «
white Mill and Factorv Sale nrice vard 950 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. ] Mill and Factory Sale price ..! . 3,5 c
ana acio > . p icc, Broadc , oth 54 inches jd d qq m J \Qr v N ; a I lnß ° ok 1 Gown ?- neck - klmono em-
Infants Sweaters c . , lr . , , , . VV lIILHJW OIId.CJ.GS. broidery edge and ribbon trim neck and tf\
T . ,- n t . of Copenhagen, delft, rose, gold and tan; ' sleeves. Mill and Factory Sale price oOC
Intallts sOc, 73C and SI.OO coat sweaters, vart l Il!t 40 S9c window shades in oil, cambric and duplex, Y OU. VV 111 INOI VV 8.111 TO GINGHAM PETTICOVPS -.So
Ito 4-year sizes. Mill and Factory Sale " price 8 ** 68 ' Mln and Factory Sa,e 19 c . Blue and gray striped Bingham petticoats, tail.
P rice 25 * Pltimes flnH
Girls' Sweaters r lUmeS ana r ancles, , mm 1 to 20c , CHICKEN'S CORDUROY ssc
Girls' $1.98 white sweaters, plain and O n-rtA Curtain muslin, red, green and yellow; 36 1 OttOfl DrfiSS VJOOCIS Children's corduroy hats or bonnets; red, navy,
c 1A Mil I ana inches Jim and Kactory Sale nrice .I"
fancy weaves, sizes 6to 14 years. Mill and yard .... .. . . T 1 2XC Special 15C
Factory Sale price 950 Final clearance of the remainder of the ' 12% c plain white curtain muslin in figured' and -^ c I J °ngee, 30 inches wide, 10 good None exchanged and none sent on approval.
Golf Vests special purchase of pinnies and plaid effects. Mill and Factory Sale shades, silky finish. Mill and Fac- IC. SI.OO BLOUSES, 65c
/ ' or-k I T'S/C price, yard lUC ' .• . IOC Crepe voile and Persian lawn blouses, embroid
\\ omen's $1.50 and $1.98 gulf vests. Mill iancies at and odd pairs ?1 00 t0 50 ]ace and muslln cur . Tory bale puce, yara ered and tuck trimming. Regular price,
and Factorv Sale nrice 95e Dlves ' Pomeroy & stewart - Second Moor tains. Mill and Fac- „ n 1 3Q C Silk and Cotton Pongee, 36 inches ?1 - 00 - s P« clal
ami 1 actOl\ oaie price tory Sale price a)UCaiKI/5C .. . ~ $195 and $2.95 BLOUSES, 95c
Mufflers, 90 „, , „ Muslin sash curtains ruffled edge, 36 in. 17 Wiue, k . ! ~ . lr a't-ii - « ' ' Crepe and voile blouses, trimmings of hand em
-VA- o o„ri rv.,-1, Klort I innnC Mill and Factory Sale price, yard 1/L brown and nellO, halt Silk. Mill IQ r broidery. Venise lace insertion bunch tucks and
\V omens and Children s 2oc muftlers. DldOK uooas Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Third Floor. and Factory Sale price, yard I!,C "hadow lace; regular price, $1.95 and. Qt;
Mill and 1-actory Sale price .......... 90 BOc black granite cloth, 36 inches wide, yard,3sc 3Qc creue de chine solid shades helio * 2 ' 96 ' and is so blotthkV #1 ok
Mens, women S and children s nOc muff- 75c black Panama, 50 inches wide, yard ...55c Wi'ntpr Trimmprl Hate SHn crepe Cie till , s a - a . nei o, $2.50 and s3.ao BLOUSES, $1.95
. ~t . ATM, „ n j r„., n „ v C„l_ r ,„- Q 75c checked serge, 40 inches wide, yard 48c VT HIIIIIIICU llalS, JUI rose, tan, erey, peach, light blue, dark tan Voile lingerie blouses, trimmings of hand em
ieis. lUIII ana dcxor} ; aie puce, SI.OO black serge, 52 inches wide, yard 69c T * t 'p • j n . i .„,,ik«ri-ar \Till anri Fartnrv aa broidery, Venise lace Insertion, fllet lace rnedal
-190, or 3 for 590 $1.25 black diagonal, 52 inches wide, yard, 95c Last ol the \\ Intel i rimmed Hats and mulberry. Allll and l acton Vyc lions and crochet buttons; regular a-1
Unvc' <RI (K) 1 - 48 inches wide, yard. ...95c n hnnt two dozen in the lot Mill rA Sale price, yard price, $2.50 to $3.50. Special *PI..JJ
roon! MUI and Factory SaU fZ. rZSSSSti VvMrT Sale price ' * 50c 59c Imported Crepe, white ground with fo-eroy F>„or.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store, Street Floor ? DLTpome^oi"& Floof ' 95 i Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor . a " d 39c $5.00 CoTSetS, $1.95
\ 50c \ oile, 36 inches, solid shades, self- Assortment of broken sizes American
j Lady, Mozart and Rcdfern Corsets, $5.00 II
= r * *' s Sl.oo Rating, 38*tc» 45 inches. Mill c StlltS 59c and69c
| J shades of green and brown. Mill ' suits medium weight, lotig and elbow 00 £
aiul I acto \ p , > . . Women's SI.OO white cotton fleece lined
i . « . . _ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. . T , , , _
r I A -| /- v 119 union suits, low neck, sleeveless, CQ _
1 110 Annual U&l0 Ol tjlc&clicrs Men s $2.00 Shoes at Women's $2.00 white mercerized union
suits, long <CI OQ
Til T * -pw _ $1.49-Women's $2.50 led
l aoie L/inen Uaniagcs i and $3.00 shoes, $1.90- 25c
* — 3 \\ T Y fl* o F\F\ r? Women's 25c cotton ribbed vests, low
D • rp ~\/T • Women S !|)J.UU t/Ven- neck, sleeveless. , 1 0//. r
L>egms 1 o-morrow JVLorninq AO Each i^/2c
x*r» i o •' A • in 2 Clippers at 9oC MEN'S underwear
With Savings Averaging Close to Fifty Per Cent ™ S i S a sample of the«i« giving»the ,^.rf!, ..^...59c
OC> e/ Men's heavy cotton fleece linedoonn n
i nis annual event, looked forward to by scores of thrifty women who appreciate the Mill and Factory Sale. Men s 500 cotton ribbed shirts and drawers
value of having good table linen in the home, is far and away the most notable linen occasion . mhi ami Factory 39c
the entire year. It is in this sale that pattern cloths and damasks of luxurious designs are Men s *2.00 *un metai caif and black ° c ' P ed an each bcd . #h . irts a . n . d ... 29c
offered for considerably less money than you would have to pay at any other season Bkln Bhoe8 ' bluchcr lace style wlth heavy men's hose
" " stitched soles $1.40 Men's 25c black silk lisle hose, seamless, t »TI/ r>
We believe that every buyer of good table linen in Harrisburtr knows the meaning of the term "Rle-irhpiV Men ' B 13 00 wlnter Uress shoes ln petent sllght lm P erfectlons i*/5C
n ama „«» A j rnnnp j c+UrU rir n i, -t i ' • ■ui xL 8 , . ] muiiniig ot tne teim uieacneis colt gun metal> calf arid tan Russlan calf Men . s I!%c hoavy wool mlxed hOMi -
Uamages A dropped stitch or a lost thread, is invariably the only sign of damage to be found. made on high toe lasts with Goodyear seamless IOC II
Ihe sale is made up of the following pieces, each one of them an exceptional value welted soles; not all sizes of every kind $1.98 Men's 10c cotton hose, seamless, black 25c
1,013 Pattern Cloths 2,220 Napkins ' 667 Yards Damask 3?:«Sr iie
inched SoSd T ?5 °° •»««" do,hs; «• »«««> Pattern eloths; '"SoI'.MS "°° .9c
' 70* j tiii q<» >ards. Special $.£.39 to yards. Special $3.95 to $4.95 and patent colt skin, button style made on Women's 25c Burson fast black cotton iq.
'•'rt ana «Ann tr. <K7 o 01/ * • -. , . \ ~ „ high too lasts with stitched soles and Cuban hose
$2.50, $3.00 and $4.00 square pattern * s s cia 'l SS 95 to M 95 2,220 Linen Napkins at % Price w™» ; . 25c buck eotton ,„n.
$3.00 to $4.00 pattern doths SpS lin ™ napkins. K ""'T"*"... ,A c *«.
yaras. special, SM ..iw, Ipl.nJ and sl.9«> 1 lns> special, each Women's $2.00 black kidskin evening double lisle garter tops, slight lmper- fiSlp
$4.50 to $5.00 pattern cloths: 2x2 $1.69 to $1.95 18 an J 20-inch sauare all-linen nm slippers with beaded vamps, hand-turned fections ..
. f. "1 1 AMI Oft ai««fitAt * „ . . 1C " bt l udrt -> ail linen nap- Boles and high heels 98c Women's black silk boot hose, heavy
jarcl. Special s*/.•>{) to yt.Js to So.UU pattern cloths; 2xo yards; kins. Special, each 1! Women's $2.00 red kidskin and patent weight
SS.SO to $7.00 pattern cloths; 2x2 yards. Special »3.3» to $S.6!> 20 and 22-inch linen napkins; round wataiS . .too Dive.. Pom.roy a etn.t Floor.
Sp ' c ' a ] ;•••••; t0 9395 . »»to $7.50 pattern cloths; 2x3 yards. and square designs. Special, each .. 15* 1 1 EA *
pattern cloths; Zx2 l /j yards. Spe- Special $£.95 to $3.95 22 and 24-inch linen napkins. Special soles witl ] wedge heels osc UOC
cial n ! 2/2 y r ° Und dCSignS ' 2/4X2/4 24 and 26-inch double damask linen nap- oad S '' S " C Corsets. Mill and Factory Sale fi C r
jpl.Uo to si>.os kins. Special, each ... S}«>o, 390 to 500 and ends of lines that will not be re- orice
ordered; not all sizes " •"
w 1 Dives Pomrroy & Stcwarl—Slr.et Floor. Dlv.., Pom.roy t Str«t rioor.
V ' '
FEBRUARY 24, 1914.