Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 24, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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LOST Midget, the ten-month-old
Fox Terrier, wandered from her homo
Friday evening. Finder will please re
turn Midget to her home, 806 Crescent
atreet, and receive their reward.
LOST Neckpiece and fur between
New Cumberland and Mechanicsburg,
Saturday evening, between 7 and 10
o'clock. Reward if returned to Tele
graph Offlce.
DOST Scotch Colli*, with white
mark on head. Answers to name of
Toweer. Reward If returned to No.
2823 North Sixth street.
IX)ST Sunday afternoon, lady's
Sold watch, with initials I. E. M. and
I. W. M. Reward if returned to 1727
North Third street.
Help Wanted —Male
A BOY in a book and stationery
■ tore. Address P.. care of Telegraph.
A Manager wanted for a Gro
cery Store. Must have experience
and must come well recommend
ed. Address E727, care of Tele
BOY about 17 years old, with fair
education, to assist In manufacturing
business. Steady advancement and
chance to learn business. References
required. AddrbM G., 726, care of Tele
MEN SO to 40 years old wanted at
once for Electric Railway Motormen
and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month;
no experience necessary; fine opport
nlty; no strike; write immediately for
application blank. Addrfcss K., 714, care
of Telegraph.
PIANO SALESMAN; previous experi
ence not necessary do not apply If you
have any bad habits whatever; appli
cant must be member of some church.
Apply Winter Piano Store, in person,
23 North Fourth street
RELIABLE young man for Inside
Work. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208
North Second street.
THREE capable men to connect
themselves with tho Singer Sewing Ma
chine Co. Call at the Singer Sowing
Machine Store, 13 South Market Square,
February 26, and meet the company's
UNION job printer. Steady position.
Write, giving particulars, Ashby Print
ing Company, Erie, Pa.
rieip Wanted —Female
DRESMAKER wants experienced
sewing girls. Apply 2126 Green street.
FIFTY experienced operators for
sewing on power machines; paid while
learning. Apply S. Silver, Forster and
Cowden streets.
GIRL for stale bread room. Apply
to-morrow morning. Harrisburg Bak
ing Co.
LADIES to canvass. Nothing to sell.
Work very agreeable. Must nave ex
perience. Appiy 'ihe Sperry & Hutchin
son Co., 209 Walnut street.
TWENTY girls over 18 years of age
t Apply silk Mill.
TWO or three flrst-cUss lady solici
tors. Those having experience in milli
nery work preferred. Address W., 720,
care of Telegraph.
bituations Wanted —Male
A YOUNG colored man from the South
wishes a position as butler or house
man and can give reference. Cull, or
address,' 132 Liberty street.
COLORED man wants work of any
kind. Address W., 1400 James street,
HStty. J
YOUNG man desires a position as
clothing or shoe salesman; hits had
eight years' experience; can speak sev
eral -languages; best references. Ad
dress M. L, care of Telegraph.
Situations Wanted —Female
A MIDDLE-AGED woman would like
a position as housekeeper for widower,
or in a small family; reference givtn.
Call, or aduress, 11)13 Park street. Ask
for' Mrs. L
BY reliable white woman, washing
and ironing to do at home. Apply 1314
North Sixth street, City.
COLORED woman would like light
housework or dishwashing. Apply 1100
North Fourth street.
MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position
as housekeeper for widower; country
preferred. Address G., 724, care of
MIDDLE-AGED widow desires day's
work of any kind. Call, or address, 3811
South Second street, Steeltoh, Pa.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires
work by the day. Address F„ 717, care
of Telegraph.
YOUNG colored girl wishes house
work between school hours. Apply 1409
North Fourth street.
Agents Wanted |
AGENTS everywhere to sell Madame
Gazelles (French) (switch and hair
dye), a well tried preparation. You can
have your switch and hair one color.
Conceals gray hair, and gives switch
feeling and appearance of natural hair.
Can be applied secretly in a few min
utes. Full sized sample (25c) will last
for years. G. and G. Distributors, No.
85 Church street, Ephrata, Pa.
LIVE, hustling men and women
anxious to irtake money. One hundred
per cent, profit. Address The Robert
Supply Co., P. O. Box 25, Maclay Station.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Salesmen Wanted
A MAN living in Harrisburg to take
orders in this city for well-known ar
ticle in everyday use In nearly every
home; state age, experience and salary
expected. Apply to No. 710, care of
Harrisburg Telegraph.
— 1
SALESMAN who can collect. Must
be a hustler. Permanent position S6OO
a year and commission. Applv E 710
care of Telegraph. v * ' '
TWo gentlemen for boarding and
lodging, or lodging. Apply 214 Reilv
■treet, or call Bell phone 760 J. y
Rooms For Rent
UNFURNISHED parlor, bedroom with
balcony and use of batfi, on Hummel
{ltV e £ h no housekeeping; large
brick house t spacious front porch. Ad
dress E., 720, care of Telegraph.
bedroom and sittingroom
heated; use*of
324 te No?fh o sgcon d A B I t l r eer ly furn " hed '
25 S. Front St.
SH-atory brick dwelling-*vesU.
bule —hall —open stairway—twelve
rooms - bath furnace Balti
more heater—open fire place—bay
window In dining room—balcony
—roomy clothes closets.
Two-story brick stablo on rear
of lot.
Lot 26.3x210 feet to River ave*
Price upon inquiry.
Miller Bros. & Neefe
Federal Square Harriaburg
*■ J
Rooms For Rent
FOR light housekeeping, two large
rooms on fliird tloor; gas and all con
venience*, except bath tub. Kent, SB.
Inquire 846 Mueneh street .
TWO or three rooms on second and
third lloor, unfurnished, near Thir
teenth and Market street. Address Y„
722, care of Telegraph.
FURNISHED ROOMS single or en
suite; all conveniences, Including
phone; reference required. Apply 1010
North Front street.
NICELY furnished room*, with board,
steam heat, use of phone. Apply 1018
North Sixth street^______________^
Rooms Wanted
housekeeping within walking dlstanco
of Fourth and Market streets for fam
ily of three. Address Box E., <l6. care
Apartments For Rent
COMMODIOUS second lloor apart
ment, Front and Herr streets; large
front porch overlooking river; electric
light and gas; hardwood floors. Also
garage in rear for rent. T. B. liocka
fell&r. Second and North street*.
APARTMENT of fivo rooniß and bath,
facing Capitol Park: Immediate pos
session. I-fublcy Apartments, 508 North
Third street. .
Apartments Wanted
COUPLE wants small, furnished
house or apartment in or near Harris
burg, now or April 1. Address E., 723,
caro of Telegraph.
HOftSE, not over eight years old,
weighing between 1,150 and 1,300
pounds, sound and city broke. State
cash price and where horse can be seen.
Address H., 718, care of Telegraph.
Business upportunities
WANTED a man with $l6O to S2OO to
invest in a permanent, paying business
In this city. Will pay from if6o to SBO
per month from start. No canvassing.
No peddling. Anyone can handle tho
business successfully. Address R., 721,
care of Telegraph.
in Harrisburg desirable residential
section well equipped prosperous
business owner to leave city', inspect
this proposition for yourself. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
AN opportunity to Increase your busi
ness 100 per cent, by using Steel Die
Embossed Stationery. Phone 3662 for
prices. Hairisburg Embossing Plant.
4 North Fifth street, Harrisburg, Pa.
ANY Intelligent persou can earn good
income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 788. Dock
port, N. Y.
I MADE $50,000 In live years in tho
mail order business, began with $5.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hua
cock, 355 Loelcport, N. Y.
offer takes it; 225 seats; no opposition;
fuily equipped; doing good business.
Garden, Mt. Joy, Pa.
Business Personals
AND RUwo on your lloor with latost
Improved electric cleaner service. Ex
perienced operators with machines.
IU urniture repaired and finished. A.
! Levin, 230 Suuth street. Bell phone
11. W. LATIIb, uuarding Stable aud
National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, uoncrs and general haul
ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Filth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
FOR falling nalr try Gross' Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Liruggist una Apothecary, 119 Market
Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell,
CAN take u few more students. Perfect
lifting is taught betoie sev ing. Make
your entire dress while learning. Don't
delay coming, 22 North Fourth street.
with best material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N.
Cluck, 320 Woodbine street.
Real Estate 1' or bale
ing located on trolley line east of
Camp Hill; 6 rooms and bath; gas; elec
tric lights; furnace; front and side
porch; lot, 35x120. Price, $2,400.00.
Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
FOR SALE each with 'J rooms
porches furnaces lots, 28x130. Lo
cated on car line. Prices, $1,350, $1,400
and $1,550, respectively. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
IN Camp Hill; new frame bungalow
—7 rooms and bath cemented cellar;
gas kitchen; steam heat; hardwood
downstairs; lot, 45x140. Price, $3,-
500.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and
Walnut streets.
TWO West Fairview properties; twin
construction; plot, 32x141; electric
light; steam neat; corner property;
chicken houses; price, $3,060. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
$1,300 WILL BUY the 2%-story frame
house on Berryhill street gas
porches lot, 18',6x110. Rented for sl2
per month. Particulars at Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
$1,750 WILL BUY a three-story frame
house; plot,
brick and frame house all improve
ments; lot, 20x100. ~eil Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
RENTER Would you rather own
your house than to pay rent? For a
small amount of cash and monthly pay
ments you can buy. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
LARGE FAUM, one and half miles
east of Halifax. Good buildings, fine
water, plenty of fruit. Very cheap.
Easy terms. Address M. M. Mattls, Mil
$1,200 WILL BUY a l'/i-story brick
houso, five rooms, artesian well, sonib
fruit, lot 80x180, at 316 Twenty-ninth
street. Penbrook, Pa.
Real Estate For Rent
ON EASY TERMS, a 2 M,-story, 30x30
8-room brick house on corner or Long
and Summit streets. Camp Hill Heights
—porches bath steam heat—elec
tric light lot, 118x220 3O fruit
trees planted 8 minutes walk from
trolley one faro and ten minutes' to
Harrisburg—good soil—good air—good
water good neighbors. Address S.,
No. 963, care of Telegraph, or call Bell
phone 3048 L. Also for sale other fine,
large lots overlooking the city.
228 MACLAY STREET lO rooms
bath steam heat modern home—
s42.oo; 1925 North Second street lO
rooms bath steam heat modern
home—s4s.oo; 103 Locust street lO
rooms bath city steam central
location; 21 South Nineteenth street
9 rooms bath steam hoat mod
ern home—s3o.oo. S. W. Fitzgerald, 317
Walnut street.
House, located in Tower City, contains
19 rooms In first-class condition. Re
cently overhauled. Largo dining-room,
two parlors, stoam heat and electric
light. Stable with accommodations for
14 horses, auto shed, etc. Address Mrs.
D. E. Kaufman, Tower City, Pa.
cash is all that is needed to buy two
houses on paved street, ten minutes'
walk from center of city, that will yield
11 per cent, on your investment. A.
W. Swen gel, 219 South Thirteenth
APARTMENT, five rooms; steam
neat; all improvements, and three-room
apartment, with Improvements; also
three-story brick; all Improvements;
large porch: bay windows; Tenth Ward.
Apply 1745 North Sixth street.
Real Estate For Rent
able iirst lloor room, 10# North Second
street, suitable for optical parlors, In
surance office, munlcuro parlor or other
small business. Possession March 1.
Apply on premises.
THREE-STORY corner houso for sule
at $4,000 9 rooms bath gas
steam lieat stable also grocery
stock and fixtures at inventory —about
S7OO. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build
AT Washington Heights, corner
Washington avenue and Walnut street,
2%-story frame house: lot, 53x140; 0
rooms and all conveniences; front and
side porch. Inquire at residence.
NO. 12 North Thirteenth street, all
improvements, $19.00; No. 2124 Green
wood street. $8.00; No. 2130 Greenwood
street, SIO.OO. Apply A. W. Swengel,
219 South Thirteenth street.
BUSINESS ROOM and dwelling at 524
Potter street; ail improvements. Rent.
$35 per month. Also No. 3018 Second
street, at $22 per month. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
FARM, ton miles oast of Harrisburg.
in good tohdltion. Farmer must liave
stock. For further information apply
to C. 8. Cassel, Penbrook, R. F. D. No.
2, Pa.
1839 Zarker St $20.00
186 North Fifteenth St 18.00
1734 Market St 30.00
12E1 Market Street
NINE-ROOM house at 228 South Sec
ond street; all conveniences; possession
April 1. Address H., 716, caro of Tele
For Sale
TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Casos,
Gloves. Sole. Harness and Strap
Leather. Calfskin, Kip, Doigula, Waxed
Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample
Cases and Leather Specialties made to
order and repaired. Harrisburg Har
ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest
nut streets.
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board, at 25c each.
One of these signs will bo given with
each six-tlmo order for a classified ad.
if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of
Telegraph. .
CIGARS. For a limited time only, we
arte giving 12 of our Havana Combina
tion u-oent Cigars Free with each order
for ono Box of 50 of our 4%-Inch Per
fecto Cigars, at Ono Dollar per box,
postpaid. Snoll & Company, Rod Liou,
—Near Market Square. Old established
stand. Returns over S2OO weekly. Good
reason for selling. Grand opportunity
Act quickly. Price, $125. Address 0.,
713, eare of Telegraph.
best in Carlisle. Doing business of over
$20,000 a year. Owner wishes to move
to California. Will sell at inventory, at
once. Address Franklin Grocery, Car
lisle, Pa.
LAST CALL for Overcoats. sls and
S2O Overcoats for $1.50 and up. Slightly
used and in good condition. Come anrt
look tliem over. Open evenings. S.
Meltzer, 513 Walnut street.
GENUINE brand-new Hohner Accor
deon, pearl keys, open action, two sets
of reeds, two stops. Instrument has
never been used. Bargain. Call at 612
Seneca street.
BiCYCLES l2 rebuilt bicycles in
fine shape. Some good as new. Special
prices for to-day and to-morrow's sale.
Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third
ONE of tho most prominent houses for
transient and permanent trade in the
City of Harrisburg. Address R.. 923,
care of Telegraph.
ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of
1° pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype
Matrices. Tho Telegraph Printing Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
ONE 7V&-H.-P. Wagner A. C. Ingle
phaHe and one S-H.-P. D. C. motor. Ap
ply Cowdon & Co., Nintli and llerr
FIVE solid oak pedestals, suitable for
church or lodge. Will sell very rea
sonable. Apply 1745, North Sixth street.
NEW speeding sleigh at a bargain.
—pply Dr. Oyler's Stable, 331 Black
berry avenue.
FOR SALE CAKDb on sale at the
Telegraph Business Offlce.
For Rent
corner of Third and Cumberland
streets. No. 1200. Show windows sldo
and front. In a live part of Harris
burg. The largest and best market
house, two of the best banks and many
first-class business ho-ses in the same
square. In center of population. Size
or room 33x100 ft. 14-ft. ceiling. Up
to-dato in every particular. Rent from
April 1, $125 per month, including heat.
J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street.
FOR RENT Desirable office* In the
Telegraph liulldlng, ainicly or cn-*uttc.
Inquire at iluslue** Office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private oomi
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cllities for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates. South
St. and Pen —. R; R.
STORAGE 419 broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to *B. Wagons. 76 conts
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 41'
Broad street Both phones.
Money to Loan
of loaning money by which borrowers
share profits of lenders. Legal rates,
easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms
6-7, 9 North Market Square.
L Notices
NOTICE IS hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Court of
Common Pleas of Dauphin County, on
Monday, the 9th day of March, 1914, at
10 o'clock A. M., under the provisions of
the Corporation Act of 1874, and its
supplements, for a charter for an in
tended corporation to bo called The
Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, tho
character and object of which are the
"encouragement and protection of trade
and commerce, the development of Har
risburg and its National advertisement
as a manufacturing and distributing
point," and for these purposes to have,
possess and enjoy all the rights, bene
fits and privileges conferred by the said
Act and the supplements therolo.
This is Shrove Tuesday or Fastnacht
Day, and many a busy housewife bent
over a hot stove this morning pipping
Juicy cakes out of a pan of hot fat.
This is the last day before Lent and
for this reason the custom of feasting
on this day, tho last before six weeks
of fasting, has grown up in many
countries. The fat cake originated
from the necessity to clear the house
of lard, eggs and other heavy foods.
Grace Irene Mulligan, infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mulligan,
2024 Susquehanna street, died Satur
day morning at the home of the par
ents. Funeral services were held this
afternoon. Tho Rev. B. H. Hart, pas
tor of the Fifth Street Methodist Epis
copal Church, officiated. Burial was
made in the Eust Harrisburg Ceme
County Commissioners to Consider
Suggestion of Poor Directors
to Move It From Almshouse
its meeti n g
the Poor Directors,
if any action will be taken.
The Commissioners may raise the
Question of whether the county can be
required by the State Board of Chari
ties to make the move under the pro
visions of the act of 1901.
The Poor Directors have asked that
the temporary refuge for Juvenile
court and truancy offenders bo re
moved to a city sohoolhouse, but in
view of tho fact that the Commission
ers have already gone to the expense
of remodeling and fitting up rooms
at the Almshouse, it is questioned in
Courthouse circles whethor they will
make the change.
Antl-Penroso Pre-empters. —C. C.
Grimm, Jesse Ehrhart, H. W. Metz,
S. P. Seitis, J. F. Orimm, Charles A.
Spotz and George W. Helsler to-day
pre-empted the Anti-Penrose party
appellation for the Third Represen
tative District of York.
Wants SSOO For Earth in Yard.—
Suit for SSOO damages in trespass was
filed to-day by Attorney Robert Ro
senberg, counsel for Lewis Baturin,
against J. J. Baughman, owner of a
number of houses on the top of the
hill overlooking Cameron street. Ba
turin claims that recent rains and
snows have washed a lot of earth down
into tho yard of his property In Cam
eron street, and he believed the slide
was occasioned by lack of proper pre
cautions for holding it back. He wants
SSOO damages for it. The papers wero
served upon Baughman as ho made a
brief call in a local hotel.
Realty Transfers.—Realty transfers
yesterday Included the following: M.
11. Spali r & Co. to M. H. Spahr, 2116
North Third street, $6,750; John E.
Dare to H. G. Metz, 1715 North street;
John B. Leidich to H. Leidich, Susque
hanna township, $5,250; Nancv H.
Dutton to William A. W r ade, Middle
Paxton township, $350.
Filed Doed as Father Was Killed.—
In the office of the Recorder of Deeds
to-day clerks were discussing the curi
ous coincidence growing out of the
death of John Crozier, who was killed
in a mine accident in Will lam St Own
a few days ago. Crozier met death
about 9.15 in the morning. It was lust
9.15 that his daughter, Mrs. Frank
Shupp stepped into the Recorder's of
fice to file a deed for her father's
W r ill Probated.—The will of John
E. Miller, formerly of this city, was
probated and letters testamentarv were
granted to his widow, Sarah M.
Williamsport, Pa., Feb. 24.—The
minimum temperature in Northern
Pennsylvania to-day was 16 degrees
below zero. Railroad snow shoveling
gangs that have been held ready at
a moment's notice since Friday to
combat against the promised storm
were disappointed to-day when the
day broke fair.
"Selection in Mating" and "Care
of the Boy," Subjects For
Lectures Today
If evidence were needed that the
people of Harrisburg are deeply inter
ested in the work now being carried
on in the city by Dr. J. Asplnall Mc-
Cualg, it was certainly given last
night by the number of people who
turned out in the storm to hear him
both at 6.15 when he delivered a lec
ture on eugenics to the employed wom
en at the Fourth Street Church of God
find again at 7.45 when he spoke in the
Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal
Church taking for his subject, "How
Often Should a Black Man Wash His
This was in reality a sermon on
"vision." "The men who accomplish
great things in the world are those
who see things that others cannot see,"
said Dr. McCuaig. Too many people
soe only the superilces of things and
do not get at what lies below the sur
face. A white man will wash away
the dirt on his hands that would not
show If he wero a black man, but he
does it for the merely superficial rea
son that tho griine offends his sight
and without in any way realizing the
principle that underlies all necessity
for his washing them. Ho lacks the
vision that would make him see the
danger to health which lurks in the
germ life lurking in tho grime and
dirt and that makes "cleanliness akin
to Godliness." The electric waves have
been existant since the world began,
but we had to await the coming of a
Marconi with the vision to see them
and utelize them for the benefit of
mankind. But, said the speaker. It is
not enough to have vision alone.
Vision will stir impulse within us,
and then we must put the impulse Into
action. That is what counts. God has
so created us that we have vision, for
example, to see suffering and impulse
to arouse compassion In our hearts,
then it is for us to act on that im
pulse. If we do not do so we will
sooner or later cease to have the im
pulse but will in time lose even the
vision, and then we will be cut off
from doing God's work for we will not
be able to see the opportunities as
they pass before us. Ir we get a true
vision of God and act on the. impulses
that come to us to do good, we will
In time have vision to see all things.
This afternoon at 3.30 Dr. McCuaig
will give a lecture for women at the
First Baptist Church, Second and Pine
streets, taking as his theme, "Selection
in Mating." At 6.15 p, in., he will speak
to employed women at the Fourth
Street Church of God, on "The Care of
The Boy" and at 7.45 In the Fifth
Street Methodist Episcopal Church he
will lecture on "The Responsibility of
the Home For the Social Evil."
4th Flow Apartment
Very centrally located, light from
both sides, front and rear, six rooms,
reception hall, separate storage
room, bath, amplo closet room, bal
cony, city steam heat, water, vacuum
cleaner, fireplace with two gas logs,
gas range with hot water attach
ment Rent, $55.00 per month.
Room 44 Unioa Trunt Building.
Traders Alternately Bought and Sold; Supreme Court
Restricts Speculation
By Asiociattd Prtis
New York, Feb. 24. Lower prices
for some American stocks In London,
selling here; on a small scale, for for
eign account, and experimental sales by
bear operators depressed prices slightly
for a time to-day, but thero was a suf
ficient demand at concessions to pre
vent a material decline.
The paclflc attitude of the British
Government regarding the lateßt com
plications in Mexico robbed the bears
of their one weapon, and they were un
able to bring out long stock by pres
sure against the more vulnerable
shares. Traders alternately bought and
sold stocks, and the general range was
confined to small fractions. The possl
bllty of important decisions by the Su
preme Court on reconvening to-day, re
stricted speculation during the morn
Bonds were Irregular.
l<'uru in hod l>.v H. W. SNAVKLY,
Arcade Building.
New York, Feb. 2 4.
Open. 2.30 P. M.
Alaska Gold Mines . 22 22
Am el. Copper 76% 7 5',4
American Can 30% 30%
American Can pfd.. D 2% 92%
Am. C. & F 61% 57%
Am. Ice Securities .. 28% 29%
American T. & T. . . 120% 120% |!
Atchison 97% 97%
Baltimore & Ohio .. &2 % 92% |
Bethlehem Steel ..., 37% 38%
Brooklyn R. T 92% 93%
California Petroleum 2 8 28 '
Canadian Pacific .... 213% 214%
Central Leather ... 30% 31%
Chesapeake & Ohio. 04 64 i
C.. M. & St. P 102% 102
Chlno Con. Copper . 41% 41% I
Col. F. & I 32 % 32 % i
Consolidated Gus .. 134 134 |
•""ora Products 11% 11%
Erie 29% 29%
Erie Ist pfd 46% 46%
General Electric Co. 149% 149 I
Goodrich, B. F 24% 23 |
Great Northern pfd. 128% 128%
Great Nor. Ore Bubs. 37% 37%
Interboro-Met 15% 15%
Lehigh Valey 150% 150% |
Mex. Petroleum .... 67 66%:
Mo., Kan. & Texas . 21 21
Missouri Pacific .... 26% 25% •
Nev. Con. Copper ..16% 16
New York Central ~ 89% 90
N. Y„ N. H. & 11. .. 68% 68%
Norfolk & Western. 104% 104% I
Northern Pacific ... 115% 115
Penna. R. R 111% 112 |
Pressed Steel Car ..4 4 44
Ray Con. Copper ..20% 20
Reading 1C7% 166%
Rep. Iron & Steel . . 25% 25% !
Rep. Iron & Steel pf 89% 89%
Rock Island 5% 5%
Rock Island pfd. .. 9 % 8 %
Southern Pacfic .. 96% 96
Southern Railway . 26% 26%
Tennessee Copper . 25% 35%
Texas Company ... 147% 147% I
Union Pacific 161% 161% |
U. S. Steel 65% 65%
U. S. Steel pfd 110% 110%
Utah Copper 54% 54%
Va. Caro. Chem. ... 30% 30%
cstern Union Tel... 64% 64 |
Westinghouse Mfg.. 71 71 |
Chicago, 111., Feb. 24. Hogs Re- !
ceipts, 30,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $8.50 i
«?'S.t>s; light, $8.40068.65: mixed, sß.4o«i' I
8.<7%; heavy, $8.30@8.65; rough, $8.30 1
8.40; pigs, $7.50(5t)8.50.
Cattle Receipts, 6,500: Btendy.
Beeves, $7.10©/9.65; Texas steers, $6.90 ;
®8.00; stockers and feeders, $5.50@8.00;
cows and heifers, $3.70(jj8.50; calves,
s7.so®' 11.00.
Sheep Receipts, 24.000; strong. Na
tive, s•!.' )6i)6.35; yearlings. $6.00@7.30; j
lambs, native, $7.00@8.00.
j For S?le
For Rent
Furnished Rooms
Unfurnished Rooms
Cards Neatly and | j
Attractively Printed i
Can Be Secured at
The Telegraph |
Business Office
216 Federal Square
A Feather (
<J The fact that most of our
customers have sent us other
patrons is indeed a "feather
in our cap;" as it demon
strates without doubt that oar
work is as good as it's pos
sible to make it
€fl Oar Artists and Engravers
are men of experience and
ability in their respective
lines. Let us prove it to you.
Phone us and a representa
tive will calL
„ IL Bttani) finatavlntf '
Try Telegraph Want Ads.,
FEBRUARY 24, 1914.
Fnrniahtd by H. W. SUAVELY.
Arcade Building.
Chicago, 111., Feb. 24.
Open, liigti. L.ow cios
May 84 94% 94 >4 94%
July 89V4 89$ 89 89%
May 06 C6V4 60% 88%
Ju l. v 66% 66 65% 68
( Mts—•
Jul y 39% 40% 39% 40%
Philadelphia, Feb. 24. Wheat ~
• f®"°- 2 - ret *. export, 9»%c4j<
No - *> Northern, Duluth, export,
*1.04% @1.06%.
Corn - Firm: new, No. 2, yellow,
natural, local, 69%@,0%c; do., kiln
drlad, local, 72® 73c.
46c 18 ~ ' ,NO- 2 '
Bran Market Arm; winter, per
spring, per ton,
♦ 27.00® 27.50.
Refined Sugars Market firm;
powdered, 4.J!Oc, tine granulated, *.luc,
s'sSo 001 A ' Keystone, A,
Butter The market is firm;
western, creamery, extras, 31c; nearby
prints, fancy, 34c.
Eggs - The market is higher;
1 eiiuoylvania and otnei n«tarb> u at*,
free cases, 19.00 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $8.85 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, 19.00
per case; do., firsts, tree cases, $8.85
per case.
k'v® Poultry—Steady; fowls, 18@
19c; young chiLktns, 15@20c;
milin* it,, i,, p.
ers, 12@18c; ducks, 19@20c; do., spring
Uutki- ibiuiai. geese, 104*1.1 lu. u .
19® 20c.
Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy, l!)@19%c; do.,
medium sizes, 16@18c; do., light
weights, 12@15c; old roosters,lsc; roast
ing chickens, fancy, 19%®20c; broil
ing chiiK«-ii.~ ~u, > w
18®19c; capors, large, 23@28c; d 0.,,
small, IS®2oc; turkeys, fancy, 2J®26e,
do., fair, 20@23c; ducks, ll©18c; geese,
11® 18c.
Potatoes Higher; New York and
Eastern, per bushel, 80@90c; Western,
per bushel, 80@90c; Jersey, per basket,
Flour—The market Is steady; wintor,
clear, $3.85@4.10; straights, Penn
sylvania, $4.20@4.35; western, *4.25@
4.40; patents, $4.50@4.90; Kansas
straight, Jute sacks, $4.20®4.40; srring,
firsts, clear, $4.10@4.30; straights, $4.35
®4.50; patents, $4.60@4.90.
Hay The market is firm; tim
othy, No. 1, large bales, slß.oo® 1850;
No. 1, medium bales, sl7.F>oCoilß.oo; No.
2, $16.00®li.00; No. 3, ?14.00(ft) 15.00.
Clover mixed: Light mixed, $16.50®
17.00; No. 1. $15,50® 16.00; No. 2. $14.00
@> 15.00.
This May Happen
To You
You do not have to be hurt
in church to leceive benefits
under the Utopia policies of the
General Accident.
The new policies are the per
fection of accident and health
Drop a line and get a sample
copy. No importunity.
General Agent
Why Don't You Get 6 Per Cent.
For Your Small Savings
a new series on Thursday Eve, March 5. at Hotel Hare, corner of Wll
nut street and Aberdeen avenue.
The Friendship German l>au and Spar Vereln is SO years old. You
can secure shares now from the following persons: C. Eenitz, 440 Wal
nut street; B. F. Eby, IC2I Derry St.; Fred Bender, 2G South Fourth
street; C. A. Klenri, 1304 State street; Wendell Fackler, 1626 Market
street; IT. Hare, Hotel Hare, 421 Walnut street,
don't gasp even If the topic is BO common and vulgar as Insurance, for
we protect your property, yourself and family.
Union Trust Building, Harrisburg, Pa.
jpn —[ffir-I HI
Come to us for it. Quick loan is our hobby,
and our motto is: "$5 to SSO on your plain
We loan to honest employes without se
curity. Learn our terms. All transactions
treated in a strictly confidential manner.
Employees Discount Co.
36 N. 3rd St., Room 2, Security Trust Bldg.
Horses For Sale
All In first-class condition. W*
have mora than wa na«d for th*
United Ice & Coal Co.,
Forater and Cowdon St*.
——i wm—m
THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dlspan
sarv will be open daily except Sunday
at 3 P. M., at its new location, 1701
I North Second street, for the fr«« treat
ment of the worthy poor.
and others upon their own names.
Cheup rates. eai>y payments, confiden
Adnmn A Co.. R. SO4. 8 N. Market Sq.
to loan in amounts of $5 to
S2OO to honest working peo
ple without bank credit at
cheaper rates than the law of
1913 allows.
Comparison of our rates,
terms and methods of doing
business with other loan of
fices will convince the most
skeptical borrower that this
is the place to come in time
of need.
Open daily 8 a. m. to 6 >
p. m. Saturday 8 a. m. to 9
p. m.
204 Chestnut Street
Public Sale
Valuable Hotel Business
and Property
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, by virtue of an order of the
Orphans' Court of Adams County, Penn
• sylvania. will offer at public sale on
! SATT*nDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1914, th*
following valuable business and prop
j erty as a whole:
I (a) The Leasehold Interest In the
I New Eagle Hotel premises at Gettys
i burg. Pa., which lease runs until the
I Ist day of November, 1923.
(h) A Leasehold Interest in the fur-
I nlture and equipment now used In said
| business.
| (c) A large stock of wines, liquors,
cigars, food stuffs and sundry sup
The Hotel business and property of
fered constitute the most valuable hotel
business in Adams County, Pa., and its
sale is made necessary by reason of the
death of the former lessee thereof. This
Hotel Is equipped with all modern Im
provements and has accommodations
for 400 guests.
The sale will be held on the premises
at 2 o'clock P. M.
The business will be sold as a going
business and the liquor License will bo
transferred to the purchaser. Condi
tions will be made known at time of
sale or may be ascertained In advance
upon inquiry made to the undersigned.
Administrator of the Estate of R. M.
Ham, dee'd.
Gettysburg, Pa,
February 11, lUI4.