Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 24, 1914, Page 10, Image 10
10 You'd Hardly Think This Possible, Would You? N \ I Tn,.-K.»M I c»K« J6PP. ) JIT,»«,-»;*«« - *WW«». JOCT FvrftUTTU SRMIT W "'" Cl ""''* "OWOeR . I't) L\*« To l f~CM THWISj 1 'f _ 1 • "'■''"STMWM Ms Mil* H.SM. MM> I MUTT. Mow To _ • 1 AMK . r toM 6RcmeP ; V HAWKCUCmW AHO I OtM.CC / —— N ®J «*** SL,P \T TO V — G6T ou 7 f>/ I 0 *>« € fW WO^Oj P W 2L»« Hew H * * r I J ? iu<«tr. ( I FRKCI GIRLS 1 / WM GREUT VICTORY Revenge Came After Waiting Forj Three Years to Defeat j Agathalatha Five That everything comes to those who wait, was proved true last night when the Franciscan girls after three years' hard work at training and playing, won a basketball game from the Agathalatha girls, score 24 to 9. The game was played on Cathedral hall floor and attracted a large and en thusiastic crowd. 69th teams played a good game, but the AgathaJtha girls were unable to locate the baskets. The passing of the Franciscans was an interesting fea ture. The guarding of Miss McCarthy and Miss Caslnnan helped in the vic tory. Miss Katherine Simonetti made several brilliant shots from the floor. Miss Kline was the best player forj the Agathalatha girls. A return game i will be played between the same teams l on Cathedral floor March 10. The line-up and summary: Agathalthas. Franciscans. M. Kline F M. Burns' K. Simonetti F A. Devine I M. Jones C A. Zudrell j A. Fogarty Q. ... K. McCarthy (K. Elscheid) E. Joyce G M. Cashman (H. Keenan) Field goals—A. Devine 3, M. Burns a, A. Zudrell 3, Iv. McCarthy 2, M. Kline 2, K. Simonetti 1. Foul goals —M. Kline 3. M. Burns 1, A. Zudrell I. ileferee, Paul Gerdes. Scorer, De Lone. Timer, McCarthy. Time of halves, 20 minutes. SUNDAY SCHOOL LEAGUE TEAMS SHOW BIG SCORES j In the Pine Street Presbyterian Sunday School bowling league series J played on Bonnymeade alleys laßt j night. Mrs. H. B. Dull class defeated the Prank Palmer class bowlers, mar gin 217 pins. Sites was the star with 537 and Slike came second with 492. standing of Iho Clubs W. L. Pet. Helen Boyd Du11...... 17 4 .810 H. B. McCormlck 13 G .722 Frank Palmer 5 1« .238 Mrs. H. B. McCormick 4 14 .223 & Cigars^ IHE IASTE IELLS IHE IALE? LAST 5 DAYS OF THE GREAT JEWELRY AUCTION SALE AND YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY, WHERE YOU CAN BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE Diamonds, High Grade Watches, Jewelry and COME AND LOOK AROUND EVERYBODY IS CORDIALLY INVITED COHEN & SON. N. L. ROGERS 429 and 431 Market St. Auctioneer Sales Daily, Rain or Shine, at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. TUESDAY EVENING, j"Zeke" Wiegley Will Manage Trenton Team; Is Strongly Endorsed Special to The Telegraph I Philadelphia, Feb. 24.—Joint efforts of William J. Morris, president of the Trenton Tri-State Club, and George iM. Graham, president of the league, | yesterday bought a jnanager for the [Timers in the person of "Zeke" Wrig ley, who has sent more youngsters to the big game than any former major star in the business. With Wrlgley at Trenton and "Izzy" Hoffman In charge of Jteadlng, there is likely to be a lively scamper after promising material. Manager Connie Mack warmly recommended Wrigley. The new leader ig a Philadelphia boy by birth. He first became promi-| nont as a star in Fairmount Park, in the days when the "Sparrows" were turning out sucl; players as Bill Dono van, Pat Meaney, etc. Wriglev's first engagement was with the Washington National League club. He also played with Brooklyn in the big show. Later Wrigley was at various times with Co lumbus and St. Paul, in the American i Association, and last year managed | the Hamilton team. I Wrigley is a second baseman or I shortstop. He will probably play the I latter position in the Trenton line-up I this year. It is the plan of Manager | Wrigley to make his home in Trenton. Plank Will Sign With the Athletics' Special to The Telegraph | Philadelphia, Feb. 24. Manager I Connie Mack, of the Athletics, an nounced yesterday that Eddie Plank, | the veteran southfiuw, would again be | .with the champions. Plank wired jffom his home in Gettysburg that he! would meet the squad leaving here i March 7, at Baltimore. While the j I Gettysburg citizen has not attached his : j name to a contract for the coming, season he assured Manager Mack that .everything would be agreeably arrang-i ed after they met in Jacksonville. | Plank's determination to again face ! the American League batsmen this year is a splendid piece of news for tho followers of the White Elephants. There is uncertainty regarding only one department of Mack's team. This Is as to the probable strength or weak ness of the pitching staff. Under such conditions, a veteran of such ability as Plank is badly needed. Tri-State Moves to the South Along With the Athletics President George M. Graham Will Be in Close Touch With the Training Camps For Three Weeks Special to The Telegraph Philadelphia, Feb. 2 4. —For a time Tri-State business will be handled by President George M. Graham In the South. President Graham and Mrs. Graham were member* of tho Ath letics' party, who left for Now York to-day and will sail for the South to morrow. Before his departure President Gra ham announced that he would bo in close touch with the magnates and would return for a meeting of the Tri j State in March. !In the opinion of the Tri-State leader there is very little to do until LEO HOUCK, OF %Sl jaMr Middleweight aapirant was helpless in the fourteenth round in his first battle on the Pacific Coast as a result of "Billy" Murray's fierce attacks. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH the teams are ready for practice out side of completing the schedule. While in the South President Graham will make trips to and from the Phillies' camp and will keep his eyes open foi promising material for farm work with the Tri-State. In the party to-day were also "Bob" Shawkey, the Harrisburg twlrler, who will be a regular with Connie Mack this season, and "Rube" Bressler. who was turned over to Connie Mack by Harrisburg at the close of last season. Bressler hopes to follow Shawkey's footsteps and be given a tryout with Baltimore. | Leo Houck Helpless t in Fourteenth Round; Murray Scores Knockout San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 24.—Un less Houck, the Pennsylvania rep resentative, can come back with strong inducements he is out of the race for the middleweight championship, Houck was practically put out by Billy Murray, the California boy, In the fourteenth round of a twenty round battle last night. Houck, while not receiving a real knockout, was helpless. The referee stopped the bout when | Houck was helpless In his corner. ] From the first tap of the starting | gong Murray sent in three punches to every one received, but at that there I was no certainty that he would prove ' the winner until the closing round I began. Houck is as unemotional under pun [ ishment as he is when sitting in his corner and during many rounds while he was holding his fire, during the close of the fighting and accepting all kinds of jolts and uppercuts, the sus- I plcion prevailed that he was figuring j on the Oallfornian fighting himself out. Houck stood helpless in his own : corner, sagging against the ropes and dazed by a volley of right and left | swings to the jaw, when the referee save Murray the decision. Technically the result counts as a knockout. QUA KICRS START SOUTH I'hiladelphia, Feb. 24.—The Athle- I ti< s and Phillies both loft town to ! clay for the South. The Mackmen [started at 9 o'clock this morning for New York, where they embark on a 1 Clyde liner for Jacksonville. Florida. The Phillies depart at 6.31 p. m for Wilmington, N. C. Distinctively Individual Qtonons can be exchanged for distinctive Gifts L . Junior Tournament Has Close Contests The Red and Blue teams in the junior tournament conducted by tliw \ oung' Men's Christian Association, Second and Locust streets, are now tied with 252 points. k ast Saturday morning J. Morgen tnaler, of the Blues, captured first place in the standing hop, step and Jump, with Witherow, Blues, second. The foul goal shooting in the second division was won by Rinkenbach, Blues, with M. Shaffner, Reds, second. The Blue team won the Indian club relay race. The events scheduled for next Sat urday morning include foul goal shoot, ing for the iirst division and the stand ing hop, step and jump for the sec ond division. The united divisions will contest in a game of hustleball. All boys, whether members of the asso ciation or not, are invited to attend. Alphas Near Top in Casino League The Alphas moved near the top in the Casino league series last night, winning all three games from the Or pheums, the present leaders, margin 90 pins. This means a great finish in this series as tire Orpheums have had their own way for a long time. Tho Alphas are now twenty-one points be hind the leaders. Morrison won high match honors with 574. The standing of the teams: Cardinals. "Smoky" Joe Wood . Damucwx Mr* Jrvm nua.vlcß The condition to-day of "Joe" Wood, pitcher of the Boston Red Sox, oper ated upon Sunday for appendicitis, is good, according to his physician. Wood is at his home at Twin Lakes and Dr. F. E. Gessnor, who performed the operation, said, .after u visit at Wood's home, that an early recovery wag expected. < s> FEBRUARY 24, 1914. SPORTING SINGLES The St. Louis Browns will have new bleachers this season. The St. Cecelia Club girls will meet the Klizabethtown high school girls' basketball team on Cathedral floor to-night. Leo Houck's friends in Harrisburg are much disappointed over yester day's results. Mrs. Bert Conn, wife of the former Trenton manager, died in Philadelphia yesterday. The Cameron grammar school toss ers were defeated in Felton hall yes terday afternoon by a score of 72 to The Pennsylvania railroad station league series game Saturday night was won by the station bowlers over the; Enola Y. M. C. A., margin 204 pins. The Leopards in the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. bowling league, last night defeated the Foxes, margin 305 pins. The passenger trainmasters and su perintendent's office teams will play to-night. The Central grammar school scrug D class team defeated the Presbyterian team yesterday, score 28 to 8. "Red" Crane, a local player, signed yesterday to play with Manager "Hed" Owens at Greensboro, N. C. The New Cumberland Athletic As sociation meeting announced for last night was postponed on account of the weather, and will t3 held next week. In a one-sided game the Juniors at Tech High School yesterday de feated the Freshmen, score 48 to 12. ENGLISH BANTAM WON Philadelphia, Feb. 24. —Joe (Young) Fox, rated as the best' bantamweight in England, won a decision over Fred die (Young) Digglns, of this city. In the wlndup at Olympia last night. The margin of -victory was not much to boast of. In fact, if it had not been for the aggressiveness of Dlggins It would not have been possible for Fox to have merited a decision. YOU can imitate most everything 1 but the mind, and that's the reason the cigars that look like King Oscar 5c Cigars don't smoke like them . Fifty years of "know how" is the secret of that quality that's immune from imitation. * > Freshmen Tossers Win Championship Annville, Pa., Feb. 24.—The Fresh- " man team of Lebanon Valley College clinched Its hold on the championshii of the school In basketball last night by defeating the Seniors; score, 36 tc 16. As the latter team was the only aggregation that it had not defeated, the Freshmen.will be presented with the silver trofchy cup. The line-uii and summaries: Freshmen. Seniors. VV. Swartz. f. Strickler. f. Loomis, f. Schmidt, f. R. Swartz, c. Heffelflnger, c. Donahue, g. Charlton, g. Rupp, g. Walters, g. Field goals, Freshmen 14, Seniors 4 Foul goals, Freshmen- 8, Seniors 6 Referee, Guyer. Time of halves, 10 minutes. LONDON FANS ENTHUSE London, Feb. 24.—Many American? residing in London met the New YorK and Chicago baseball teams on their arrival here last night from Paris. The players are to be entertaineil at lunches and theaters ,and the Eng lish papers are devoting much space to describing, with some curious er rors, the game of baseball. The teams will meet in a game, tho proceeds of which will go to charitj.