, , aarriSDurg Jfa Steamships, Driven Ashore Near Wori oik, of HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXIII — No. 47 Forrer Dropped; Taylor Issues Formal Statement; Children Cheer in Vain New Park Commissioner Charges "Looseness of Methods" and Other Irreg ularities SHUMAN AND WAGNER ON THE WAITING LIST Mayor Accuses Former; New Ordinances Are Presented in Council I What Happened As Lynch "Ripper" Passes Playground youngster* crowd j Courthouse rotunda and cheer "We Want Forrer!" as City Coun cil pu.«ses Lynch "ripper" diMui>>- I Irig V. Grant Forrer as park su lierintendent. Scores of petitions praying for Porrer's retention presented. Commissioner of Parks Taylor defends action in dismissing for rer In statement <in Council floor, j charging looseness of methods. Royal amendment substituting names of present of fleers of police force for those Urop|>ed by resolu tion. defeated by vote of 3 to 2. Royal resolution substitutiiig name of Charles F. Spicer for E<l. Halbert as assistant Are chief de feated to 2. Major makes sensational charges against \V. H. Sliumati, appointed by "ripper" to succeed Ilicain Wagner, patrol chauffeur. tiorgas resolution to withhold names of Shuman and Wagner pending investigation adopted unanimously. Petition containing .">:il names from Firemen's Union praying for retention of Cliarles F. Spicer as assistant lire chief instead of Ed. | Halbert. pro|»osed appointee by "ripper." offered. City Planning ordinance post poned on motion of I*ark Commis sioner Taylor. First city budget ordinance un der commission form of govern ment offered l>y Commissioner Gor ans in skeleton form. New license tax ordinance of fered in skeleton form. Commissioners decide to confer on both measures. Resolution to transfer Sl.Otto from street sweeping fund to snow clearing fund offered. Poor Directors' letter asking: that applicants for relief be given work at clearing snow, referred to Commissioner Lynch with i>owcr to act. Ordinances passed finally: "Movie" curfew as amended; paving Sev enth street from Kmerald to Woodbine: exonerating St. Mat thew's Lutheran and Immanuel Presbyterian Churches from pav ing assessments. By a vote of three to two, city coun cil this afternoon dismissed V. Grant Forrer as superintendent of parks. The vote was taken while playground youngsters crowded the rotunda of the Courthouse and cheered inces santly, "We want Forrer:" This was accomplished by the pas sage of the so-called "ripper" resolu tion. Resolutions praying for the reten tion of Forrer were presented and fre quently while City Clerk Miller paus ed for breath the Courthouse corri dors re-echoed with the cries of the children for Forrer. Commissioner Taylor made a lengthy statement on the floor of coun cil explaining his reasons for dismis [Oontinued on Page 9] fr ; !! Late News Bulletins Rumor had it at Steelton to-day that the Rev. V I>. Vukcchivicli, pastor of St. Nicholas' Orthodox Church, has suddenly disappeared front the borough. The Rev. Mr. Yukechlvlch and his flock recently had a tilt which led to the congregation's urging him to "gut out of town." The case was taken to the Dauphin County Court and the hearing was set for early In March. , In Council tills afternoon Commissioner Taylor-, superintendent of , the Department of Public Park;, and Property, made a statement hi which he insisted upon the removal of V. Grant Forrer, park superin- | tendent. Washington. Feb. 24.—President Wilson to-day signed a bill limiting i the hoars or labor of women in the District of Columbia to eight hours. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 24. —A new trial to-day was granted Charles j Becker the former New York police lieutenant under death sentence for the murder of Herman Rosenthal, by the Court of Appeals. i Washington. Feb. 24.—The Supreme Court to-day sent the so-called bleached flour case back to the district court for a new trial. Chihuahua. Mexico. Feb. 24.—1n reply to inquiries made at the | penitentiary here to-day by Marlon Letcher.the American consul, and the Associated Press, it was "stated that Gustuv liauch, the American re ported missing, bad never been there. At tlie city hall the American consul also failed to find any trace of the missing man. Washington, Feb. 25.—The Pennsylvania coal pillar law of 1891, re quiring pillars to be left along the boundary line of adjoining coal prop erties, was to-day upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court. Bremen, Germany, Feb. 24.—A fragmentary wireless message re ceived here to-day from the German steamer Wildenfels reports tlrnt she rescued eleven persons from the Danish steamer Ekllptka when she sank In the bay of Biscay yesterday. The message states specially that the captain of the Ekllptka perished. It Is assumed that a conidcrable part of the crew also went down. Washington, Feb. 24. —The constitutionality of the federal white slave law was again upheld to-day by the Supreme Court in the Wilson cases from Chicago. The point whether the law Is limited to commer- j cial vice was not Involved. Gravesend. Kng., Feb. 24.—The ten labor leaders deported from South Africa last month after the general strike had been broken, landed here to-day from the steamship Vmgcni. The exiles at first de clared that they would refuse to leave the vessel and would remain on board until the steamer returned to South Africa. A null. Copper, 75 V,: Atchison, 97 % : Baltimore and Ohio, 92 % ; Brooklyn Rapid Transit, M: Canadian Pacific. 213%; Clicsupeakc and Ohio, «:t ; Chicago, Milwaukee ami St. Paul. 102%: Ijehlgli Valley, ■ 150'4; New York Central. 90: Northern Pacillc. 115: Reading. 167; P. It. R.. 112: Southern Pacillc, 96!*; Union Pacillc, 161*4; l". S. Steel. II #5%. - MANNING RNS IIS FORRER IS DISMISSED Fill IE PHI DEPT. ' Big Landscape Engineer Wiresj That He WiD Not Serve With out Experienced Head f _ -» Manning's Telegram My desire to serve Harrisburg and continue the park and city plan, development which I have so long advised upon, led me to act in 1913 for the Park Board at a total cost of less than SBOO. At its urgent request I made a simi lar contract with you. I shall de sire to withdraw this contract if Forrer is dismissed. His efficiency, intimate knowledge of parks, peo ple and especially children's needs, are essential if my work is to be creditable to tfne and to the city. The only alternative for me is to employ Forrer and have him repre sent mc in regular, frequent visits there at estimated cost of SI,OOO above fee. (Signed) Warren H. Manning. | This is the telegram of Warren j 11. Manning to Commissioner M. j 1 Harvey Taylor, superintendent of city parks and public property. * Harrisburg will hereafter be with-! out the personal expert service of' . Warren 11. Manning, landscape archi- 1 tecturai engineer, in the further de velopment of its park and playground system. Mr. Manning has wired M. Harvey! Taylor, commissioner of parks and public property, that he would with drew from his contract with the city i should V. Grant Forrer be dismissed ; as park superintendent. The closing I contract has been pending for several I weeks. The only other alternative the park [Continued cm Page 91 Chicago Women Cast Their First Ballot at Primary Election Chicago, Feb. si.—Women voters of | Chicago cast their first ballot to-day j at the primary election for the nomi | nation of aldermanic candidates. I As candidates, as voters and as elec tion officials, they played an important part in the election, the first in this city since the passage of the equal sutfrage act by the last legislature. I The names of eight women candi ' dates appeared on the ballots. Mora I than 700 women acted as judges and clerks. Hundreds more representing clubs and political organizations had | been officially designated as watchers and were at the polling places at an ! early hour. j The women centered most of their i attention on the First ward, compris ! ing the business section here. Miss : Marion Drake was the progressive 1 party candidate. If nominated, Miss | Drake will oppose Alderman "Bath ! House John" .T. Coughlan for election, j Flection officials predict that front 30,000 to 75,000 of the 158,000 regis tered voters would vote. ! DEPENDENT FAMILIES INCREASE j New York, Feb. 24. —An increase i of 4 ijer cent, in the number of de- I pendent families in New York city i over the previous year is shown in the 11913 report of the Charity Organiza tions' Society. During the year end ing last September the society cared : tor 0,767 families, the largest number j in the history of the organization, cov j ering a period of more than thirty years. HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1914. | QUELL UNFAIR COMPETITION, HOVSEWIVES' PLEA) Jr. I * ;.* ~ MRS. CHRISTINE FREDERICK Washington, Feb. 24.— The views of the American housewife on anti i trust legislation were presented to the House Judiciary Committee by Mrs. Christine Frederick, of Philadelphia, representing the Housewives' league of America. I Mrs. Frederick is the first woman witness to be-heard 011 the admin -1 istration anti-trust program. She asserted the keynote of anti-trust leg islation is to prohibit unfair competition, "by having Uncle Sam umpire F the game fairly." Mrs. Frederick presented her views as follows: First, the fullest and frankest knowledge about every article I buy. Second, abil • ity to send a child or servant to buy an article without fear of over charge, or that the price or quality, or guarantee may be different. Third, that I may be able to find such standard goods for sale at every convenient t corner. HieH WINDS DRIFT SNOW AS MERCURY GOES TOWARD ZERO 9.3 Inches Fell During Storm; Will Be Clear and Cold Sev eral Days With a fall of 9.3 inches of snow in the last thirty-six hours, in addition to the toot of snow already on the ground, the city lies under a blanket of white deeper than many young people can remember ever having seen before. Snow is piled high along every street, high winds are drifting It higher in outlying sections and win ter rules at the height of power with temperature ranging down near zero, j At 7 o'clock this morning the tem- > perature was two above zero. Clear and cold, with a drop in tem perature to about zero to-night-is the forecast issued from the local weather bureau. The snow is over, at least for two or three days, and clear weather with the possibility of warmer tern-1 peratures to-morrow may brighten up a little the heart of the man whose i coal pile is nearly exhausted. | There was little delay to traffic this j > morning, night there was much i [difficulty in getting the cars through and on some lines the cars were stop- ■ ped for awhile. But nothing like the . [Continued ou Page 7] j President Wilson and Col. Goethals Confer on Panama Government By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Feb. 24.—Presi dent Wilson to-day received from Col onel George W. Goethals a complete ! review of plans for the organization lof a permanent government in the Panama canal zone, which comes into 1 existence April 1 with Colonel Goe thals as first governor. The meeting I of the two officials in the White House I was the first since Colonel Goethals' appointment as governor, and, because of this fact and the President's keen interest in all matters pertaining to the canal, the conference was ex tended considerably beyond the time allowed for the average White House conferences. Problems touching upon the organ ization of the zone government which have not yet been solved, and details of the preparations being rushed for the opening of the canal were reviewed at length. The President was given to understand that the canal would be I readN lor commerce by July. i WOMENTRREATENTO JUMP TO DEATH AS OLD MAN FIGHTS FIRE Beard Burned From Face of Aged 1 Shoe-string Peddler in Struggle With Flames Fighting flames with bed clothing j when an oil stove upset in his room 011! the third floor back of an apartment house at'4lß Walnut street this morn-1 ing shortly after . 9 o'clock, Pat Burt, aged 7r>, for many years a peddler of I shoe-strings iji this city, was badly | burned about the face and hands. i A flowing white beard worn by the! picturesque old man for many years was burned from his face. His burns are not serious. Doctors at the liar- j rlsbui-g Hospital treated him and sent , him home. The lire, while il resulted in little i damage, caused great excitement, Mr. j and Mrs. Paul Demenoff, with a year-; and-a-half-old baby, and Mr. Demon-; off's sister, Miss Lillie Demenoff, who occupied a sleeping room in front of the aged shoe-string peddler, were driven to a snow-covered balcony roof by the smoke and flames. Only with the greatest difficulty could Mrs. Dem enoff be restrained from jumping to the street thirty feet below with her baby In her arms. The Demonoffs are [Continued on Page 81 Aviators Inspect New I Flying Boat Picked For Trans-Atlantic Trip ! New York, Feb. 24. Lieutenant 1 John Cyril Porte, of England, and 1 Lieutenant John H. Towers, United ; States navy, mentioned as the aviators who will pilot the Rodman Wana maker flying boat in the contemplated trans-Atlantic flight, came to town to day for a conference with Mr. Wana maker. Glenn H. Curtiss, who is building the flying boat, is also here. Lieutenant Porte came in on the steamer Carmania, which docked early to-day. Following the confer ence it is planned to lake the aviators to the Curtiss factory at Hammonds port. N. Y., to Inspect the work already done on the new filer. While it is generally believed in aeronautical circles that Lieutenant Towers will be picked as the second pilot, Towers himself is noncommittal on the subject . 940U.00U FOR KX POSITION Paris, Feb. 2 4.—The chamber of deputies to-day voted an appropriation of $400,001) to provide for official French participation in the Panama- Pacific Exposition at San Francisco. 500 Steelton People Must Seek New Homes in 30 Days; Wipe Out Lower West Side Between oUO ami 000 Steelton peo ple will be forced to seek new homes within thirty days bj an order issued yesterday by the Pennsylvania Steel Company. The order calls for the wiping out of the entire lower end of Kwington, the oldest part of the borough, to make room for immense improve ments contemplated by the company. Letial notice to vacate within thirty du» WHS served yesterday on the resi dents of llfty-one properties owned by (he steel company In this district. The district to be wiped out lies south 01 Trewick street and from the eastern side of Main street to the Pennsylva jnla Railroad tracks. ! The entire block bounded by Alain |to Myers and Trewick to Locust | streets will be wiped out along with i live other small blocks. The houses jto be vacated are all the houses in I Main street,, west side, from Trewick |to the Steel Works, about two blocks; !all the bouses in Myers street, from Trewick to the Steel Works; two rows !of brick houses on the east side of | Main street, about one block below I Trewick; and all but a few houses TERRIFIC STORM ON COAST ENDANGERS BRITISH STEAMERS Sachem and Riversdale Were Driven Ashore Last Week Near Norfolk . By Associated Press Norfolk, Ya.. Feb. 24. —•'With a se- ! vere snow anil windstorm raging oil I the coast, the British steamships' Sachem and Riversdale. ashore near' here, were to-day in more danger than at any time since they struck last week. The Sachem, on a bar two and | a half miles from shore, exposed to all winds,' was in worse' condition than ' the Kiversdale, which lies well up on j the beach, in a less treacherous posi- | tion. The crew of the Sachem are I still aboard the vessel. ! The Kheradale's cargo of lumber is! ! being thrown overboard and saved on j | thd beach. Her crew is ashore. Friends During War, Two Men Die in Same Home Few Hours Apart By Associated Press Kearny, N. J., Feb. 24. —ln the morgue at the soldiers' home, under the same tlag, to-day lay the bodies of two old men, both veterans of the Civil War and friends since they met at Gettysburg in 1883. They died yes terday within a few hours, grief over the death of the one contributing to the death of the other, according to the mourners for both at the home. The two men were John DeForrest, 70 years old, and Michael Clark, 78. DeForrest joined a hospital corps t when the war began and served for j four years as a nurse. Clark was in the Infantry. He was wounded at | Gettysburg and DeForrest nursed him jto recovery. Friendship grew out of [the intimacy of the nurse and patient i that lasted through the lives of both. Woman Denies Story She Confessed Crime By Associated Press Little Valley, N. Y„ Feb. 24.—.Mrs. ! Cynthia Buffum, on trial here for the I iriurder of her husband, resumed be , fore Judge Brown and a jury to-day her story of how District Attorney- Cole and private detectives of Buffalo I secured from her an alleged confes- I sion. She showed no emotion other than apparent indignation a.s she re ! counted the details of her story. MAIITI \|7TA\V BILL PASSES By Associated Press i Cape Town, Union of South Africa, i I Feb. 24. —The House of Assembly yen- j terdav passed the second reading of the bill to indemnify the government 1 (for Its acts under martial law. Thej j vote was 95 to 11. I MBIL WILL TW FOR ASSEMBLY Candidate of Last Campaign Will Enter Race Ezra Early Aspires in Lebanon John A. Marshall, insurance man and candidate for the Legislature In a couple of the recent campaigns, will be a candidate for one of the Demo cratic nominations in the city district again. He has taken out papers and i his friends will start circulating them. I Jesse J. Lybarger is also said to j have ambitions, but they are not being I encouraged. Some of the Democrats II want some one who has not made so j many fruitless excursions into politics. Ezra Early, of Cleona, has devel oped a tendency to run for the Legis lature on the Democratic ticket In : Lebanon. 10.000 MINERS STRIKE By Associated Press Paris, Feb. 24.—Out of the 225,000 miners In the coal fields of Southern France 40,000 are on strike in re : spouse to the call of their leaders as a protest against the elimination bj' the senate of some clauses of the under- I ground workers' pension bill. in Christian street, front Trewick i street to the plant of the Pennsylvania! Steel Company. Although the tenants of all these j properties held their leases subject to thirty days' notice to vacate, jester-, day's order came to them like a bolt; from a clear sky. In the district to be wiped out there are a number ofi general stores with well established trades. The houses here are inhabited , mostly by foreigners and negroes, but ] in some parts of the district there arej residences of the better class and not 1 a few skilled mechanics have their! homes here. Just where all these people will re-, locate is a serious question. To care | for such a large number of families, on such short noti«e will be a matter of grave importance to the borough, j Real estate men who have heard the I news say that it is a critical situation and one that Steelton will scarcely bo able to meet. Many families will be forced to move to Harrisburg. While there are many empty houses in the lower end of the borough, in the foreign section many of the resl [Continued on Puge 7] REIIMISTSStY ! W. S. BENTON WAS A MEXICAN CITIZEN Statement Based on Report That! He Once Held Some Minor Office Under Diaz By Associated Press El Paso. Texas. Feb. 24.—The at tempt ol" the Mexican rebels to estab lisli that W. S. Benton, the Scottish j ranchman who was executed just a week ago to-day, was a Mexican citi zen is based on a report that he once j held some minor office while President j Porflrio Diaz was in power. This statement was made to-day at, Juarez by Federick Gonzales Garza, ; counselor to the commander of the j garrison, who added: "We have heard that Benton held 1 several small offices under President Diaz and that he was once mayor of a small settlement on his own estate. He could not have held office without being a Mexican citizen, and the rec ords at Chihuahua City are being searched to establish the facts." Relatives here of Benton say that the deeds of his Mexican property refer to him as a British subject and that he was always careful there should be no doubt on this point. In the meanwhile the request of the State Department at Washington for the handing over of the body of Ben ton has met only with silence. Receives Telegrams General Villa has received tele grams not only from many cities in the United States but from London, Paris and Berlin asking for an ex planation of the manner of Benton's death. All the replies sent to inquirers have given the same story of a court martial and execution. The finding in the Imperial Valley, California, of Roger Laurence, the Englishman who was reported missing [Continued on Page 8] Sulzer May Be Needed to Elect State Treasurer By Associated Press Albany, N. Y., J'eb. 24.—The vote of William Sulzer in the joint session of the legislature Wednesday may de cide who will be treasurer of the State to succeed the late John J. Kennedy. The Democratic legislators last nigllt practically decided to form a coalition with the Progressives in order to pre vent a Republican from being named. |The full voting strength of the two parties, if Senator K.tzgerald. who is Mil should not vote is an even hun jiired. One hundred and one votes are j required to elect. I At the Progressive caucus Homer D. Call, of Syracuse, was named as ' that party's candidate. The Repub licans named William Archer, of West I Chester. BRIDGE TOLL RATE SHOULD BE POSTED j Robert McCormick Makes Sugges tion to the Public Service Commissioners Robert McCormick, president of the Harrisburg Bridge Company, to-day suggested to the Public Service Coin- I mission that companies operating toll bridges be required to file their rates with the commission, claiming that several times his company has been asked to make a 10 per cent, discount by persons who claimed that a com peting bridge company was giving a discount. He says .that the published rates do not show a discount and says that it is desirable that the rates should be made a matter of public record. The question, which is en tirely new, will be considered by the commission when it meots next week. If put Into effect the order would affect hundreds of bridge companies. The commission has arranged sev enteen hfearings in March, among them being the contract of the city and the Pennsylvania Railroad for the down town improvements, and Upper Allen township and the United Elec tric Company on the third; Middle town and Swat&ra Water Company rates on the fourth; (.'amp Hill water iates on the flftb. 12 PAGES * POSTSCRIPT. 'TIE FOB 1.5. TO PUT SOLDIERS INTO MEXICO; PENROSE 10,000 Would Be Sufficient to Protect All Americans There AFFAIRS ARE DISGRACEFUL Senators Are Rapidly Reaching Conclusion That Administration Policy Is Weak SENATOR PENROSE United Sttttvs Senator Boies Pen rose, who stopped here for a few hours on his way to Lykens, where he is to nddress a rally of ten canips of tho Patriotic Order Sons of America, de clared that In lils oninion 10.000 American soldiers could be placed in Mi xico to pacify disturbed localities and would be sufficient to protect the lives and property of Americans" and foreigners when threatened at certain points. lie said further that the ad ministration policy in Mexico had made American diplomacy eon temp ; tible in the eyes of the civilized world ■ arid that it was very evident that pen . ators were bcco \lng impatient at the ' dilatory and vaccllating tactics of tho Wilson regime. The senator arrived shortly before noon on his way to Lykens to keep an engagement of long standing and had expected to meet Governor Tener, Sec retary McAfee, Mayor Armstrong and others of Pittsburgh here before go ing to Lykens, but the trains were late and he had only -short chats with State officials who went to see him. I-le was scheduled to leave at 3.30 for Millersburg, where ho is to be met by [Continued on Page 8] [tiTijwJAiiidai For HarrlHliurg nutl vicinity! Fair, continued cold to-night with low est temperature about wros W«d nesilay fair, with rifling tempera ture. For Eastern Pennsylvania l Fair to-night and Wednesday, not »o t-old Wednesday) light variable winds. lllver The river and Its trlhutarlea will remuln about stationary. The area of l'roaen surface will In i crease. tmcnernl Conditions The stonn thai was central over Tennessee Monday morning, has been forced southeastward Into the Atlantic ocean, passing over the Carolina*. by n strong high pressure area that covers a broad belt of country extending from Western Texas northeastward through the Lower Missouri and Upper Mississippi valleys and tho l.ake region into Canada. I Temperature: S a. m., 3 degree* above aero; 'i p. m., 11 degrees nliuir «ero. Sua: Hlses. Bslil a. m.| seta. 5:45 p. m. Moon: New moon, to-alght, 7:03 p. m. 11l ipr Stage: Three fc«t above low nalrr mark. Yesterday's Wenther Highest tempernture, 18. Lowest temperature, 10, Mean temperature, 14. Normal temperature, HI, MARRIAUB LICUNSES Goorgo Cresnic and .Tefca Anoca, city. Marry PembeHon Hall and Goldie Maa Welrich, city. Elmer Franklin Nace and Annto Louisa Powell, Williamstown. Roy Ferguson, Allentown, and Katie Faust, Wiconlsco. James M. Callahan and Emma Beers, Baileys, Pa. f" " ' > Take Y our Shopping Seriously It takes judgment to make the '■ family purse do its full measure ' of service in these days of high prices, 1 The wise woman takes her i shopping seriously and spends t her money carefully. ' She seeks the best advice she t can get, and nine times out of ten she finds it In the advertls t ing columns of live newspapers ( like , the Telegraph. 1 She reads the advertising daily s and keeps posted on what the > stores are showing. If some fortunate turn in the market pre sents an unusual opportunity she s Is ready to take advantage of it. : She markets as carefully and 1 with as much knowledge of the situation as her husband would slio%v if he were buying a piece • of real estate. Advertising is a business edu cation to the modern woman. It 1 is her ready reference book. She verifies the sta'tements made In print from time to time i and she soon becomes as expert on Wliut's What and Who's who.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers