Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 23, 1914, Image 1
Washington's Birthday Is Observed in All Parts HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXIII— No. 46 BURG WOMEN VICIIS OF TRIPLE MURDER AT PHIL!. Three of the Principals at One Time Lived in West End of This Gty RESULT OF A LOVE AFFAIR Drunken Brawl Suddenly Brought to End by Drink Crazed Man With Gun During a drunken brawl Saturday night in a lodging house at 681 North , Kleventh street, Philadelphia, a young man killed two women and himself, shot, two others, both of whom will probably die, and caused the injury of another. Three of the womrn In the case at one time lived at 32 9 Ueily street, this city. They are: Mrs. J/illian Biosser, who will recover from contusions of the head. .Mrs. Margaret Snyder. daugh ter of Mrs. Biosser, who died from wounds in the liead and neck. Mrs. Jjouise Ida Barman. sis ter of Mrs. Biosser, shot in right breast; not likely to recover. The slayer, who killed himself, was Herman Peters, 46 years old, a ma chinist. He lived at the Eleventh street house where the tragodv oc curred, kept by Mrs. Biosser as a lodging house. A love affair in which Mrs. Biosser was Implicated is be lieved by the Philadelphia police to have been the primary cause of the crime. Besides himself and Mrs. Snyder, Peters kiileu a Mrs. Annie Tennson, aged 26, of 706 Franklin street, Phila delphia, Ole Tennson, husband of Annie Tennson, Peters shot in the right breast and his death is expected momentarily. I'rinciiwU* Well Known Here Mrs. Biosser, her daughter and sis ter are well known in the West End of llarrisburg. having lived in Reily street near Third for a number of years. Mrs. Biosser was aged 4it; her daughter's age was 28; Mrs. Garman was 36 years old. Mrs. Blosser's husband, who was William Biosser, a Pennsylvania Jla.il roud conductor, died hero a number of years ago, leaving Mrs. Biosser quite a large sum of insurance. She then moved to Philadelphia and opened a lodging house. Edward L>. Biosser. a son of the Biosser woman, is a Pennsylvania Itailroad fireman, living at 415 Dela ware street, this city. l The first authentic story of the shooting was told early yesterday morning by Mrs. Garman when, in her dying statement, given before Magistrate Morris, she told of the events leading up to the actual shoot ing and what she could remember of ail that transpired as the tragedy was' enacted ill the back room of the North Kleventh street house. Dying Woman's Statement Speaking with a great effort and I with a nurse bending over the cot on | which the dying woman lay in order to catch the feeble words she spoke so slowly, she dictated the following statement: "Myself, my husband, my sister, Mrs. Biosser, and her daughter, Mrs. Maggio Snyder, were seated in the. fContinued on Page 1] Electric Train Held Up; Passengers Lose S3OO Special to The Telegraph Seattle, Wash., Feb. 23,—Three masked men held up an interurban train on the Seattle-Tacoma Electric Railway Saturday night and robbed the passengers of more than J3OO. After the robbe-s had collected their tribute they leaped from the moving ear and escaped. The killing of three railroad passen gers by a. train robber in Whatcom i-ounty the night before is thought to have been a factor in the meekness with which the interurban passengers > submitted to to-night's levy. ' fr Late News Bulletins FIVE PRIESTS KILLED BY BOMB Debreczin, Hungary, Feb. 23.—Five priests were killed by a bomb explosion to-day in the ofliee of Bishop Mlklossv, a prelate of the Greek Catholic Church. The bishop, who is supposed to luive been the object of the outrage, had a narrow escape. MRS. PANKHURST MAY SEE KING Feb. 23.—Mrs. Kinmellne Pankhurst, tlie militant suff ragette leader will personally head a deputation, which the Women's Social and Political Union purposes to send to Interview King George. Tf lis announcement was made at the weekly meeting of the militant or ganization to-day* BAIL IS REFUSED WOOLSEY m Alonzo >l. Woolsey, teller in the Plaza branch of the Inion Trust Company, who Avith Joseph T. White a book keeper. is charged with peculations estimated at .$60,000 was arraigned in court to-day. Both men had a preliminary hearing ves tertay.bnt Woolsey appeared to-day and ask.nl to be admitted to bail, which had been set at $3,000. The magistrate refused lo accept the bond. THE REV. B. H. KRICK DIES Reading, Pa., Feb. 23—Rev. B. 11. Kriek, aged 35 vears head of the theological department of Schuylkill Seminary, an Evangelical instl tuton located here, died to-day as the result of an operation. He was a native of Hazleton and a graduate of Drew Theological Seminary SILK WOVEN PORTRAIT PRESENTED £ lttsbur gh, Pa., Feb. 23. —Yellow with age and nailed in a cheap gilt frame, one of the three silk woven portraits of George Washing ton, made by an unknown French woman from Stuart's palntinc has been recovered by the Rev, T. N. Weaver, of New York, after it liad been lost many years. Announcement of the (hiding of the treasure and Its presentation to tho University of Pittsburgh v.as made to-dav CONFER ON APPOINTMENT Washington, Feb. 23.—Attorney General Westcott, of New Jersey. w ' M) Jl (>n I l l nate( ® Wilson at the lialtiniore convention, conferred with the President to-day about the appointment of a federal Judge to llie IrtifiUlet1 rtifiUlet of Rastern Pennsylvania. He is interested in the Vaiididacv of his son, Henry D. Weseott. of Pennsylvania. SIOO,OOO FIRE AT ALLENTOWN ...... cntOM " n > T* ll - Feb. 23.—F.rc from an overheated Hue did SI 00.- 000 damage to-da.v lo the store of Shankweiler and Lehr, In the heart of tho city. * MAY WIN DIAMOND CH hay To the woman who returns the largest amount of cash from her booth at the big fair of the Reily Hose Com pany, now on in White's hail, James and Verbeke streets, a diamond ring Will be presented. As may be ex pected there is quite a bit of rivalry among the members of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Relly company. Mrs. Charles Hay, wife of one of the most popular Keily "boys," is said to be well up in the contest HOFFERT GIVES UP POST TO MAKE WHY FOR GRIT FORRER Assistant Superintendent Declares Efficiency of System Would Otherwise Suffer J. Raymond Hoffert, assistant super intendent of parks, to-day tendered his resignation in order to provide a way for <he retention of his imme diate superior, V. Grant Forrer, as superintendent. Forrer is scheduled to lie dropped from the park superintejideftcy in the J.yncli so-called "ripper" resolution to morrow. By the same measure Hoffert is ap pointed to be assistant to M. Harvey Taj lor, conimlnsio%ei of parks and pifMlc prupurty. Hoffert has been connected with the conduct of the park system for a number of years and ho bus aided materially in the Improvement, of the system under the superintendence of Mr. Forrer. When interviewed on the subject Commissioner Taylor said he had no comment to make. Asked whether it was true that the firms of Forrer would be reconsidered in view of the contemplated action of the Civic Coun cil of Federated Churches to-night ask ing for Forrer's retention, the petitions [Continued oil Page S] Sunday Gets $35,000 For His Work in Pittsburgh Special to The Telcgntfh Pittsburgh, Feb. 23.—1t is estimated by the committee having in charge the Billy Sunday free will offering that the evangelist will receive more than $35,000 in Pittsburgh as his share of the receipts of tlie eight weeks' campaign here. The revivalist claims as his own all tho money collected on Ihe last day of his stay. At the conclusion of the morning service in the Tabernacle It was announced that collections up to Iliii.l time totaled $24,000, and it was fully expected that the amount taken at the evening service, t igether with the envelope collection in tho various churches which have joined in the Sunday campaign, would swell the amount to fully $36,000. In a local bank, as early as Satur day afternon, there was a deposit to Sunday's credit of SIB,OOO. Checks for various amounts, many of them large, have been rolling in on tho evangelist and his party all the woek, and there have been gifts of purses of gold and jewelry. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23, 1914. l I4TR«IHISI)NPENIiSir Mill) LINETIKEII OFF UNDEe RETRENCHMENT Length of Others to Be Reduced! by Dropping of Sleepers and Diners ORDER EFFECTIVE MARCH 1 Crews Running East and West Out of Harrisburg Affected by Order Fourteen trains on the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad running be tween New York city and Pittsburgh are to be, withdrawn March 1. Orders to this effect were issued Sat urday evening by G. W. Creighton, gen eral superintendent of the Pennsylva nia company, at the eastern division offices In Altoona. Together with the order withdrawing fourteen of the! most Important trains on the system go instructions to reduce the length of certain other trains, by dropping , sleeping and dining cars. The new orders are in line with a recent announcement tljat other re trenchments would be made in addi tion to the furloughing of shopmen. Passenger traffic has shown a big de crease on many trains and the rail road officials say they concluded that business could be handled satisfac torily with fewer trains. The cutting off of these trains will greatly affect Harrisburg, as all the trains except one run in and out of this city. Passengers crews running out of Harrisburg, oast and west, will also be changed about, a new arrangement of the various pools now being in progress. While it is understood that few men will go back on the extra list, passenger trainmen running in and out of Harrisburg will have longer lay-offs. , The Order The changes are as follows: "Dise6ntinue Train No. 43, New York to Pittsburgh, leaving Harrisburg at 1.49 a. m. Transfer parlor cars to train No. 27, leaving Harrisburg at 2.45 a. m. Discontinue Train No. 47, New York to Pittsburgh, leaving Harris burg at 4.25 a. m. Discontinue Train No. 36, Pitts burgh to New York, leaving Harris burg at 11.56 u. m. Handle St. Bouis fContinued on I'ajje 18] FOES OF RUM TODAY RESUME BATTLE ON LICENSE RENEWALS Most of Morning Taken Up With Hearing on Hotel at Derry Church • Foes of the liquor traffic to-day re sumed their battle against, the grant ing of new licenses and the renewal of several old ones in city and county at. the closing session of Dauphin coun ty license court. Most of the morning was taken up with the continued hearing; of the ap ! plication for the re-licensing of the llaeffner House, conducted by Jacob Page at Derry Church. Following this, President Kunkcl began the hearing of the application of Isaac Marous for a wholesale li cense at Third and Herr streets. *.V feature of the protest against the granting of this—one of the new privi [Continued on Page 3] States of Middle West in Grip of Worst Snow Storm ol Present Year By Associated Press Chicago, Feb. 23.—The worst snow storm of the winter which started yes terday continued to-day over a large part of tho Middle West. Throughout Missouri, lowa, Central and Southern Illinois, Kansas, Nebras ka, Indiana and Ohio a heavy snow was falling, accompanied by a high wind. Telegraph and telephone wires were demoralized, especially south and west of here and steam railroad traffic was badly delayed. In Central Illinois and Missouri many trains were reported stalled by the deep snow which has drifted bad ly. Interurban lines were put out of c ommission and in several cities street car traffic was entirely stopped. Around Lake Michigan the storm abated during the night and early to day it was clear and cold, the ther mometer registering sixteen above zero at 7 o'clock. Cold weathei and snow was the forecast to-day for Chi cago. Age<i Woman Brutally Assaulted by Negro Mrs. Mary Peters, aged 60 years, residing in Hickory street, near the Herr street subway, was the victim of a brutal assault at her home early Sunday morning at the hands of a burly negro, described as being a maji six feet in height. The negro broke into Mrs. Peters' j home about 5 o'clock yesterday morn ing and threatened to kill the aged woman If she made an outcry. In a, weakened condition Airs. Peters called at the police station yesterday morning at 9 o'clock and told her story. 'To-day she was confined to her bed as a result of the severe shock to licr nervous system. The woman's assailant it still at large. Bin'S BIRTH IS CELEBRATED TODAY THROUGHOUT THECITY Banks, City, Connty and State Of fices Are Clc:ed as Mark of Respect LAMBERTON CONTEST DELAYED Winners in Essay End of Exercises Are Announced; Delivery on Friday One hundred and eighty-two years 'ago yesterday George Washington was born in Westmoreland county, Vir ginia. Yesterday and to-day Harris burg celebrated that birthday not so much in formal celebration as in thought and meditation. Banks, county, city and State of fices were closed throughout the day as a mark of respect. The annual celebration of Harrisburg Chapter, i Daughters of the American Revolu tion, was held this afternoon In the assembly hall of the Y. M. C. A. building. Exerplses were held this afternoon in nearly all the public and private schools of the city. At the Central High School the annual Washington birthday exercise,—the Bamberton Oratorical Contest,—was postponed until Friday of this week. The four boys of the Central High School who have been selected to com pete in the oratorical contest are Har old Germer, Russei Lindsay, Roland Renn and John Whiteside. These hoys wrote the best essays in the contest. The judges in composition were the Rev. Thomas Reisch, Professor J. F. Ferguson and Professor J. F. Kob. The judges who will decide on the de livery are George B. Reed, the Rev. Dr. J. A. Lyter and Professor C. S. Davis. Alexandria Celebrates Birth of Washington With Military Pomp , By Associated Press Alexandria, Va., Feb. 23. With great military pomp and ceremony this historic city to-day, following its " rContinued oa Pa«e IS] LITTLE GIRL FOUND 111 ARKANSAS IS RIOT ; PHYSICIAN'S CHILD ' Youngster Found in Company of Man Was Dressed as a Boy j When Taken Into Custody J Special to The Telegraph | Springdale, Ark., Feb. 23.—The I child held here as Catherine Winters, | thekidnapped daughter of Dr. W. A. | Winters, of New Castle, Ind., to-day was declared by the physician not to be his child. The little girl was kid napped from Now Castle on April 20, 1913. Tlio child believed to be the doctor's daughter, was found with a man who gave his name as Edward Stuart. The two were brought here from llunls ville, an overland journey through the mountain passes of 25 miles, by Sheriff S. M. Sinister, wjio established 1 himself and the little girl at a town hotel. So intense is the interest in the case that crowds about the hotel last [Continued on Page 7] Minister, Who Deserted Wife For Anotl Zi Woman, Is Barred From U. S. By Associated Press Niagara Falls, Ont., Feb. 23.—The United States immigration authorities have refused to permit Canadian of ficials to transfer the Rev. J. T. W. Williams to New Castle, Pa., across the line into the United States in de portation proceedings. Mr. Williams who was formerly pastor of a Con gregational Church of New Castle, was arrested in Toronto Thursday in com pany with Mrs. George Thomas with whim it was alleged he had run away < from the Pennsylvania town, leaving a wife and family in New Cattle. The immigration officers on the American side deelaro that Williams is not and never was a citizen of the United States. He came, they say, from Australia and was never natural ized. The Ottawa authorities to-day were notified of the situation. Quarrel Over New Hat Leads to Fatal Duel Special to The Telegraph Vienna, Feb. 23.—A fatal duel, In which an advocate named Babocsay shot his brother-in-law, the military airman First Lieutenant Hajdu, oc curred in Budapest. Babocsay and his wife had a serious quarrel in connec tion with a new hat. She called her soldier brother to the rescue and Babocsay made insulting remarks, which the officer resented. Hajdu's superior officer, hearing of the affair, commanded him to fight for the honor of his uniform. The duel, which was kept secrejt, took place in Budapest on Friday. Uabocsay, who was in bed, shot and hit his brother in-law, nore by accident than design. Babociay's wife, horrified on hearing of her 'brother's death, twico attempted suicide and finally was conveyed to an , atsj lull. f SOCIETY WOMAN 1N SEARCH OF NEW THRILLS | * * MRS. DAVID DOWS. New York, Feb. 23.—Mrs. David Dow-s, one of New York's most ad venturesome society women, has about concluded that this is o. humdrum existence lived by the inhabitants of Mother Earth. Mrs. Dows believes she has run the entire gamut of worldly thrills, but is still on the lookout for something new. Mrs. Dows has ridden the most tiery of steed, taken them over the most dangerous jumps. She has driven racing auto-cars at blinding speed. She once captured a burglar single handed. She has piloted all manner of water-speed craft. She has tired of Hitting through the clouds on anl aeroplane, and is impatiently waiting to hear pf some sort of dangerous venture tliat she has not already ex perience'!. MESSIAH LUTHERANS | PLANNING ERECTION OF SISOIOO CHURCH. New Edifice Is Likely to Be Built on Old Site or' Nearby i Messiah Lutheran Church is plan ning to erect a new $150,000 church building to be located on the -present site at Sixth and Forster streets, or in that neighborhood, according to the announcement made this morning by I the pastor of the church, the Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson. For some years the congregation has been planning and raising money for] the erection of the new building, and $20,000 ts now in the building fund; The old church structure has been found inadequate as the congregation has grown rapidly, and far-sighted officers of the church laid plans to collect funds so that »he ehnrch would not bo heavily burdened by the erec-. [Continued on Page 7] Wealthy Members of Old Church Worship in j Edifice For Last Time | By Associated Press New York, Feb. 23. John D. Rocke feller, his son and other wealthy mem bers of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, yesterday attended the final services in the famous old building which is one of the last places of worship in the shopping district to give up tho fight against the encroachment of business. The congregation has voted to com bine with that of the Calvary Baptist I Church for one year and if the experi- | ment is successful as it Is to be. the i arrangement will remain undisturbed. . Mr. Rockefeller, Sr., has chosen a new ! pew in Calvary. The new sitting is i well toward the front on the right side, i almost identical with his former pew in ! the Fifth Avenue Church. The Rev. Dr. , Cornelius Woelfking, pastor of the Fifth Avenue Church, will hereafter | head the combined congregations. The Bible class headed by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., the Fifth Avenue Church ushers, the Young Women's Bible Class and other distinct organiza tions of the two churches will main tain their separate entity for a year. Colored Wigs to Match Gowns Appear in Streets By Associated Press New York, Feb. 23.- Colored wigs to match the gowns they wore were introduced in New York yesterday bv two actresses. The appearance of the latest fad from Paris created a sensa tion in two fashionable uptown ho tels and there was some comment and some remarks. Under the latter head ing Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, the suff rage leader, expressed a philosophical view: "To say the leas-. . they are frank," Mrs. Shaw sai'* "They do not pre tend to be what they are not." Une of the young women wore a green wig to matcjh a nile gown and the other a purple one that blended with the. plum colored suit. ( 110 MODIFICATION OF IIIHG CUP ORDER PERMITTED Schuylkill and Dauphin Traction Company Must Exercise Care at Wiconisco The Public. Service Commission Ims refused to make any modification of its recent order for individual drink ing cups at railroad stations and on railroad cars and has ruled In the case of cam plaints against water com . pitnies for imposing penalties of live per cent. 011 bills not paid within a specified time that utility companies may have reasonable rules and regu lations governing the conduct of their I business provided they are made pub lic. Notice was also given to the Alt. Union and other water companies that changes In rates must be posted thirty days before they are made ef fective. The management of (ho Schuylkill & Dauphin Traction Company was notified on .Saturday by the Public Service Commissioners to exercise all possible caro in the operation of its cars over an overhead trestle at Wicon isco and to see to it that the car brakes are in satisfactory working condition [ before the movement over the trestle begins. The complainant In this case [was A. M. lianna, of Lvkens, who I suggested that .the trolley line bo per [mlted to cross the Pennsylvania rail road tracks at grade. This the Com mission refused ,to grant. The. Mutual Film Corporation of 9 North Fourth street, was advised in connection with its claim against the Adams Express Company, that the Comission has 110 jurisdiction over claims for transfers, as it is a matter for the courts. The complainant al leged delay in shipments from Ilar rlsburg to Scranton and from Alex andria to Harrisburg. The express company contended that in the latter case it could not transport the ship ments because of the restrictions of the federal law, requiring films to be placed in proper containers. The complainant was advised by the Com mission that the' shipments should be packed in accordance with these rules, and the express people were notified to use diligence in forwarding. BROTHERS ARE SAID TO BE MEMBERS OF ARSON GANG By Associated Press Toronto, Ont., Feb. 2 3.—Leopold A. Melnick and Felix A. Melnlck, broth ers, were arrested, the former here and the latter in Montreal, on Satur day on suspicion that they were mem bers of an arson gang whose op erations In Chicago in the past fifteen months are. said to have resulted In approximately $200,000 losses to in surance companies. The men waived extradition proceedings and left for Chicago yesterday in charge of Police Sergeant Murphy and a private de tective. TRAINING INSTEAD Ol' TRIP Washington, Feb. 23. —Substitution of a gear's course In practical train ing at some agricultural college in the place of the annual trips to .Washing ten for the young prize winners of the corn, canning and poultry and other agricultural clubs, is the recommenda tion of the Department of Agriculture tu-dw. i 12 PAGES * POSTSCRIPT. DEVELOPMENTS MAY LEAD SENATE TO ACT IN MEXICAN AFFAIRS Penrose Resolution, Sidetracked Several Months Ago, About to Be Taken Up ENGLAND NOT TO INTERVENE British Foreign Office Outlines Its Attitude in House of Commons Today By Associated Press Washington. D. C.,. Feb. 23.—Upon the developments of the next day or two In the case of William S. Benton, the British ranchman executed by\the Constitutionalist General Villa at Juarez, seems to rest whether Senate will take a hand in the situation. Acting Chairman Shively, of the for- eign relations committee, after a con ference with President Wilson to-day, said if the Senate discussed Mexico, It probably would be upon some of the pending resolutions which for months have been sidetracked that the ad ministration might be left free to deal with the problem. One by Senator Penrose proposes that United States troops be placed In Mexico as a constabulary for the pro tection of Americans. Another by Senator Fall proposes to put the Sen nte on record to the effect that Ameri cans and their property must be pro tected. Still another by Senator Sliep pard concerns recognition of the bel ligerency of the Constitutionalists. May Act on Two If admnlstration leaders let the Mexican situation break out in Senate debate, it probably would be upon either or both of the first two. ; Secretary Bryan to-day declined to discuss, deny or affirm whether he had demanded production of Benton's body. -An examination of its wound it was pounded out, probably would disclose whefher the Englishman was executed by a firing squad, or killed* jby one shot, and also whether his I death was caused by rifle balls or re- I volver bullets. Meanwhile no additional details of : the killing had been received here, nor | had further reports been made of the safety of Bauch, an American, held i as a spy Ht Chihuahua.. Ambassador Awaits News ' Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the British | ambassador, continued to await of ficial reports and the result of tlio investigation into the killing of Ben ton beorc reporting to his government | at London. ; The senator stnd afterward that the ; Benton incident was "still in the pro | cess of Investigation." Tie added that [thus far only Villa's v. rsion of the af j fair had been received. I Senator Shively was of the opinion [Continued on Pago 3] WILL UKGK BILL'S PASSAGE By Associated Press Washington, Feb. 23.—The resolu tion introduced by Senator Morris, of Nebraska, which would direct the at torney general to communicate all facts relating to pending negotiations between the Department of Justice and the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad for the dissolution of that road was before the Senate to-day. Senator Norris was prepared to call up his resolution and to urge its passage when the Senate met. For Ifarrlaburit nnit vicinity; Knon until lute tlila Rl'lerauoni clear ■mil cold to-nlghti temperature nhuut SiO d<-itrreni Tuesday *llnhtly wurmer. For l-'.nNtcrii I'ninayHnnln: Knon to-nlghtf warmer weather Tiles <lny. (•mi-mi londillonn A llolcnt ntorm sweeping ni'rau thr roullneiit from Colormlo, will ••mine rain to-day In the Southern Mule* mid anon In 'the IIIMIIIIMI mill Ohio valleya, the lake region mill North Atlantic States to-day unit part of Tuesday. Temperature: S n. in., I2| ii p. m., 18. Sunt Hide*. <l|44 a. iii.t seta, Si 44 p. m. Moon: New moon, February 34, 7:02 ii. m. Jllver stnse: 3.8 feet above low water murk. t esterday'n Weather Highest temperature, 31. l.owent temperature, 14. Mean temperature, 24. Normal temperature, .11. Truth Telling Advertisements Quite a natural text for a little talk on the anniversary of Wash ington's birthday. There is some sentiment and also good, plain, business sense in the Idea that an advertisement must be an exact statement of fact that it must be without exaggeration. The old policy of "let the buyer beware" has become obsolete. In the same way the tendency to have alluring advertising with out the goods to back It up has gone into the discard. "It did not pay. There Is more care exercised to-day in the .preparation of an advertisement than ever before. People are greater readers of advertising than ever before, and are more severe critics. They know the ring of the true from the noise of the counter felt. The advertising in the good newspapers like the Telegraph Is subjected to careful scrutiny. Publishers are jealous of the character of their column*. Standards are getting higher the business world is getting more exacting In its Ideals and Its practices. j