Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 20, 1914, Page 5, Image 5
KAUFMAN'S I KAUFMAN'S | , KAUFMAN*S ' I KAUFMAN'S I KAUFMAN'S Advance Showing of Spring Styles & Clean-up of Winter Merchandise h Coat 3U,U * al Advance Showing of the ancl Il\[i4QtA it « C P ■ O¥\ u Newest Suits, Coats & Dresses MIL Coat Th * N * w h Fashion Idea8 f For „ the s being an important factor. Coats, Skirts, (As Illustrated) Standing Collars and Cuffs all have a tendency to flare. L The Tailored Suit Coat of the season will be short; Ut skalt UoXILXC to= there are nobb y cutaways, with and without peplums, * bolero with flounce effects; Premet and fluffy models. Ttvoviow at tkt Some of these styles have a tendency to flare. , » g 50 distinctive models to choose from; the new ma potce ofr terials include fancy wool crepe, fancy eponge, plain or fancy poplin, novelty checks, serges, crepe cloth, satin ral £) £)C soleil, basket weaves, gabardine, poplin and novelty if « V* V V weaves.. Colors are navy, reseda, green, tango, Labra _ , , dor blue, wistaria, tan and black. The prices are I* la a allp-on effect, with capacious Haitian * ' v r ..vvu u.v aleevca, alashed aide pocketa and mannish cuffa, _ __ and may be worn buttoned cloudy at the neck Or JH O w\ jP J| _ Jg Fj" Made of all-wool fancy coatlnga, in tweed nnd T f T ™ T * I » hit Kngllali overplatd denlsm*. thun carrying nut In the fabrics the auitier, aportlvo character of BUY YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW AND SAVE the garment Itself. I/™—" ———————— —~"N TO-MORROW | Continuation To-morrow of Semi-Annual Sale of 1 A Special Sale of f Women s House Dresses f New Plaid ? a # f Dress Skirts f M, fy j most exclusive patterns in hand- £ Ml. | M; : ? , i.\ f plaids, only the coming Spring's o Jp . yl«i I ffii 1V / newest models; in one, two and o 1 1! |: \ ' ( ( j|;j||j | Buy Now and Save I ' W®|| ill If ' A Sale of Women's New f |j jf J « [ 1914 Muslin Gowns § THIS DRESS I THIS DRESS I THJS DKESS 1 Tms nRESS 98c 98c $1.23 $1.45 i i 2 Made of best percale; Made of fast color nindo «r <I.,A N-IN* •». i . , _ . n Gowns; lace, insertion and em- g fast color. me^^pfa"n h p%^\e. m " ham; fast colors. gtaJhL. g broidery trimmed; 75c value, for g * ' £ , . g EVERY SIZE IS HERE, 34 TO 46 FOR WOMEN AND 1 4:7 CIS I 47 TO 53 FOR EXTRA LARGE WOMEN IL A A -«Ji .T m*W*\ i WOMEN'S LONGCLOTH AND A w* 1 MUSLIN GOWNS Best Workman- QC^ 8 il ship Nicely Trimmed in Val Lace & ff n Embroidery Values to $1.50 For %J\* I , [AMiiseMeßTsi MAJESTIC To-night and to-morrow, matinee and night—Lyman H. nowe Travel Fes tival, "How Uncle Sam Built the Panama Canal." All next week, starting Monday, three times daily—"Traffic In Souls," a thrilling story In moving pictures. ORFHKUM Keith Vaudeville —Every afternoon and evening. COLONIAL Vaudeville and Pictures—Every after LAST 8 DAYS OF THE GREfIT| JEWELRY AUCTION SALEI 1 AND YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY, WHERE YOU CAN BUY Diamonds, High Grade Watches, Jewelry and Silverware COME AND LOOK AROUND EVERYBODY IS CORDIALLY INVITED COHEN & SON N. L. ROGERS 429 and 431 Market St. Auctioneer Sales Daily, Rain or Shine, at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. * FRIDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG ffijjftl TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 20, 1914. noon and evening. LYMAN H. HOWE To glean an idea of the great merit and importance—not to mention the immense cost—of securing the film re production showing the construction of the Panama Canal, to be shown by Ly man H. Howe at the Majestic Theater to-night and to-morrow, matinee and night, it is necessary to say that it represents the work of the most ex pert photographers for a period of sev eral years. Unquestionably this fea ture comes at a fitting moment —just as the gigantic undertaking is prac tically completed. It Is remarkable in every sense—but especially so for its matchless photography. Advertise ment. "TRAFFIC IV SOULS" Of "Traffic In Souls," the sensational I photo-drama which comes to the Ma- 1 jestio Theater for one week, atarting i Monday, (with shows dally at 2:30, 1 ] and 9, the Syracuse Post-Standard says: , "Police officials, eighteen representa tives of the Moral Survey Committee, ministers and others interested In wel- I faro work, yesterday afternoon attend- i ed the private production of 'Traffic ( In Souls, a motion picture, which open ed an engagement at the Welting last ; night. They expressed their approval ' of the play. The production was for the purpose of obtaining criticism of the play before it was produced puu licly. Commissioner of Public Safety W. Paige Hitchcock, his deputy, 3. T. Frederieh, and Deputy Chief of Police William O'Brien were among those who attended."—Advertisement. ORPHKFM SNAPS I About the most interesting gowns we have seen at the Orpheum for some time are those worn by Ethel Green. Miss Green makes four changes, all but one of which are really wonderful. Who remembers, or rather, who will forget the midwinter dive made oft the bridge last season by the diving girlß of the John Conroy act? Well, one of i those girls still remembers Harrlsburg. one is Mae O'Loughlin, now with Earl's week 8 ' Nymp ' 18 at the Orpheum this Lovers of good piano playing are cei» tainly reveling in the efforts of John Burke, who, with the assistance of Mae Burke, is presenting a nonsensical skit called "The ltag Time Soldier Man." Knute Erickson and the Seminary Uirls, twenty of 'em, are booked to ap pear at the Orpheum next week. Mr. K.rickson appeared here twice in Laskys "At the Waldorf" and later in Lasky s On the Housetop." The new act is an elaborate one-act musical comedy.—Advertisement. AT THE COLONIAL Country Store, the Colonial'* popular weekly event, will be a part of the vaudeville performances to-night. Tne attractions that hold forth are a splen did musical quintet known as the Saxa phone Five; Bloclcsom and Burns, screeching blackface comedians, and a sweet singing comedienne. "Tainted Money, a Vitagraph feature film, in two parts, will be a snecial feature in the way of movies.—Advertisement. VICTORIA At this theater to-day an extraordi nary program of motion pictures will be shown. "Ghost of the White Lady" in four acts, will be shown. This pic ture is the second of a series that will run every Friday. "Romance of the bea is a two-act drama s .owing how love will spring up even if you are shipwrecked arid on a raft in the ocean. "The Janitor" is another pic ture on the program to-day.—Adver tisement. Woman's Bible Cfass Gives Birthday Surprise to Teacher Lykens, Pa..~Fe'fj. 2 o.—Mrs. H S Klefer had a very agreeable surprise laat night upon the fifty-third anni versary of her birth. As is their cu»- tom, the Rev. Rnd Mrs. Kiofer went to choir practice and upon returning home found their home Invaded by the ladles of the Organized Adult Women's Bible Class, of which Mrs Kiefer is teacher. The United Breth ren orchestra was also present and enlivened the occasion with music. Going to the dining room, Mrs. Kiefer found the table laden with all the dainties necessary for their enjoyment. The pastor and his wife are in their fourth year's work in this charge and they have met with great success. , A Special Sale of D FA and PARTY DRESSES at. .V / .tJV Handsome Messaline Dresses in combination—the skirt of good ZZ quality messaline and the bodice of either shadow lace or chiffon over net. The colors are black pink, Copenhagen, new blue, wistaria, maze, white, etc. The sizes are 16 to 40. Another Rummage Winter Suits and , V V d»0 *IC for Women's and Misses' A small ot of Women's Suits; not «J>o • i%J Winter Suits, values to all sizes; not all colors; AA SIB.OO. Assorted colors and sizes. odds and ends only, for r (1 A AAfor Women's and . Extra Size Coat Suits for JDIU.UU Misses' Winter Suits, values to $25.00. Assorted colors and *pO.UU and $V.iZ> B i zes . Odds and Ends; assorted colors; (no —__J blacks). Sizes 41 to 51. ' N y One lot of Genuine Arabrian Lamb - _ r „ T , , i Coats, worth up to d>l A y C for Women s and Misses $22.50, for JpIU.UU Winter Coats ' valucs to . „ . ... " $9.00. Assorted colors. Sizes 16 to 38 Three-fourth length coata lined with jrarn dyed antln. All alaea. only. 1 1 *- f N r \ d* gf ' or omen ' s Misses' <f»7 Q C or Women's and Misses* VVtvU Winter Coats, values to *P / Winter Coats .values to $15.00. Assorted colors. Sizes 16 to SIB.OO. Assorted colors. Sizes 16 to j 38 only. 40 only. «■ Harrisburg's Greate of Men's Suits & Overcoats sjSjr The Best $15.00 to Value Overcoats F// \ . $8.75 I Blue, gray and brown Chinchilla Overcoats; fancy mixtures and \ Y |»\\ 1 / / gray overcoats, made with the new shawl collar, every <|» Q *"7 C\ W L I I I I J coat guaranteed, values to SIB.OO, at <j)Oa # O \ \\ /K I —I The Best $15.00 to \TyJ I 1 U Value Winter Suits [j I / 1 \] $8.75 U Norfolk and 3-button Sack Suits; all-wool hand-tailored Velour J I , and Cassimere Suits; all-wool Worsted Suits; Q 7C / I " values to SIB.OO, for «PO* / O / fj | A Big Sale of Men's / 750 pairs of Fine Worsted and Cassimere Pants, values to $3.00. / 11 | All sizes 30 to 50 waist. To-morrow (hi NA J I H for 5b105u tßoys Extra Extra! Extra! 1 j| 11 Wr Suits J i 11 Only 150 in This Lot | Regular $5.00 7—^ VJ ™' a ß, nSs u °r C ™'*s3.9o Made of mixed cassi mere, new Norfolk Coals, SIZES 6 TO 18 YEARS I with patch pockets, mo Blue Serge Norfolk Suits, 6to 17 years pairs of fall Knickers with r ** j n /ci i 11 x each suit, sizes 6 to 17 rancy Mixed Oyercoats, (Shawl Collars)^ years. 8 to 17 years 1 SUFFRAGISTS TO i SWCIPAIGII Legislators Will Have to Pledge 1 Themselves to Support the Amendment Now Women's political committee will be named during tho conference on pri mary elections at State suffrage head quarters here early In March. The < duty of those committees all over the 1 State will be to secure from all candi dates for nomination to the State House of Representatives ft pledge to i support the bill providing for a vote by the electors of the State on the : Question of woman suffrage, and In- < terview, the leaders say, must be on Ale in the State archives bearing the gentleman's signature. The candidates of every political party will be Informed that a refusal to give a pledge of support will be considered opposition. The non partisan policy of the State Suffrage Association and of the woman suff rage party will be adhered to. Sup port will not, therefore, be offered to any candidate but an active campaign will be waged against all candidates opposed to the measure. Interview ing candidates and securing their pledge of support is the Immediate work. The plan of work for the four ! weeks' active campaign between April 21 and May 19 will be considered at the above mentioned conference 'of division, county and legislative dis trict chairmen. Record* of all mem bers of thr- General Assembly of 1913 who op; the woman suffrage aniendii i have been compiled, and will be distributed at the conference for the woman's use In the primary I campaign." ' ; i HIS INTEKEST Parson (doing an odd Job with tha church fence)— You appear to ba watching mo very closely, too, boy. Do i you take an interest In carpentry? Boy—Nope. ' Parson—Then what are you waiting , for? i Boy—l'm waltin* to 'ear wot a par* son says wen 'e 'its 'ls thumb with tha i ammer.—The Sketch. CASTORIA For Infants and Children I In Us© For Over 30 Years 'p^aC^ss: 5