Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 20, 1914, Page 16, Image 16
16 WASHINGTON HOSE COMPANY CELEBRATES SEVENT Y-THIRD ANNIVERSARY BRodbeck-veteren-member Ht)USE NUMBERS • PRESIDENT* /^\ Our Red Tag Sale | Will Continue Jnst I One Week More The wonderful bargains are going very rapid. Don't wait for the other fellow; but take advantage of the RED TAO PRICES while this sale lasts. This snow, slush and ice call for rubbers, and every pair in our store of all styles are in cluded In this sale at RED TAG ft PRICES. Men's Hip Boots, reduced to .$3.98 | ! Men's Knee Boots reduced to I | $ 1.08 I Men's very best light Rub- I bers 900 | (Eight shapes to select from) $ Ladies' very best light Rub- I bers 650 j (Six shapes to select from.) I RUBBERS IX BASKET Children's 25C* ® La/lies' . . . . 39<- I Men's . . . . 50<* I Men's high cut warm lined shoes, reduced to $1.89, $2.29, $2.69 > Ladies' felt shoes, reduced to 980, $1.25, $1.49 Men's felt boots, reduced to $1.75 Men's 1-buckie Arctics, 98c to $1.25 Men's 4-buckle Arctic®, $1.75, $2.29, $2.50 Men's patent colt shoes; values $2.50 to $5.00, reduced to SI.OO and $1.50 Men's heavy working shoes; $1.98 value reduced to $1.69 All our Ladies' Tan Shoes re duced at this sale. $1.98 and $2.23 values now ' $1.89 $2.48 and $2.98 values now $2.39 $3.48 value now s*' j A lot of Ladies' Shoes, mixed styles; all small sizes; values to $4.00. •'now ||j| 20th Century Shoe Co. No. 7 S. Market Square "Shoes That Wear" BUIJIATIII.NAI. MAKE NEW YEAR RESOLUTION to enroll next Monday In Day or Night Kctiool. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 8. Market Square, Harrisburg, K*. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. ItlllHi'JllHiM Non-greasy Toilet Cream keeps the skin soft and velvety in rough weather. An exquisite toilet prep aration, 25c. GOKGAS DRUG STORES 16 If. Third St., and P. K. R. Station A—mi .Try Telegraph Want Ads. FRIDAY EVENING, HAB-RISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 20,1914. Fishing Steamer, With 11 Men on Board, Sinks By Associated Press .Bremen, Germany. Feb. 20.—The ! large fishing steamer Ferelle, which left Goestemunde in the middle of December for Iceland, sank with its entire crew of thirteen men in those waters, according to dispatches re ceived here to-day. The Ferelle had been reported miss ing and a search for her was begun last month. HORSES WERE NOT STOLEN" By Associated Press Hachita, X. M., Feb. 20.—The troop horses which it was believed had been stolen from Lieutenant Hunt by Mexi cans nearly all. have been recovered. They were not stolen. Led by a troop horse raised in this section, the rider less cavalcade broke loose unaided and j headed without a stop to a patch of (grass and cool water twenty-five miles away. There they were found yester | day, grazing. ! How She Discarded Unsightly Complexion V (Mona Morrow in Town Tattler.) i How often I exclaimed as 1* beheld Imy ugly complexion in the mirror. "If ) 1 only could tear off this old skin!" And, do you know, I've learned how to do that very thing? Not to actually 1 remove the entire skin all of a sudden; that would be too heroic a method and painful, too. I Imagine. The worn-out cuticle comes off in such tiny particles, and so gradually—requiring about ten days to complete the transformation it doesn't hurt a bit. Day by day the beautiful complexion underneath conies forth. Marvelous! No matter hpw muddy, rough, blotchy or aged vour complexion, you can surely discard it by this simple process. Just get an ounce of ordinary mercolized wax at your druggist's, apply nightlv like cold cream, washing it off mornings. My wrinkles I got rid of by an equal ly simple method. By dissolving an ounce of powdered saxolitu in a tialf pint witch hazel and bathing mv face in the solution, every line completely disappeared. First the finer lines, final ly even the deeper crow's feet, vanish entirely. SURE WAY TO END RHEUMATISM Ease Stiff, Sore Joints and Mus cles. Makes Pains and Back ache Promptly Vanish. It is needless to suffer any longer with rheumatism, and be all crippled | up, and bent out of shape with its | heart-wrenching pains, when you can surely avoid it. Rheumatism comes from weak, in active kidneys, that fail to filter from i the blood, the poisonous waste matter and uric acid; and it is useless to rulj ,on liniments or take ordinary reme dies to relieve the pain. This only prolongs the misery and can't poa , sibly cure you. "I he only way to cure rheumatism is to remove the cause. The new dis covery. Croxone. does this because it neutralizes and dissolves all the pois onous substances and uric acid that lodge in the joints and muscles, to scratch and irritate and cause rheuma tism. and cleans out and strengthens jthe stopped-up, inactive kidneys, so they can filter all the poisons from the blood and drive It on and out of the system. Croxone is the most wonderful medklne ever made for curing chronic rheumatism, kidney troubles, and bladder disorders. You will find it different from all other remedies. There is nothing else on earth like it. It matters not how old you are, or how long you have suffered, it is practical ly impossible to take it into the hu man system without results. You will find relief from the first few doses, and you will be surprised how quickly all your misery and suffering will end. An original package of Croxone costs but a trifle at any flrst-clajßs drug store. All druggists are authorized ito sell it on a positive money-back ; guarantee. Three doses a day for a few days is often all that is ever need | ed to cure the worst backache or over | come urinary disorders.—Advcrtise- STHID CLUSTERS TO SET Mil PIM OF PEIISV STATU Pennsy Authorities Have Data on Subject of Modern Lighting System The Pennsylvania Railroad Station plaza will be lighted in the near future, it is expected, by cluster standards of the same type now in service in the city's business district. Plans for the installation have been : submitted to the Pennsy authorities by the Harrisburg Light, and Power j Company. A series of seven five-globe stand l ards, to he placed around the circle, !is the scheme contemplated. Lights ; are to be stationed at each side of I the entrances from Fourth and from ' Market streets, another on the far | eastern side of the concourse and the I other two at the proper distances be i tween to insure an equal distribution ; of the light. Should the scheme be adopted as ' proposed, the ornamental lighting sys : tem that has given so much satisfac ! tlon in the commercial district will be extended to include the station square. For years the old overhead arcs have afforded the only light; of ! late years, however, electric signs on ; nearby buildings have helped some. While the Pennsylvania Railroad ; authorities are considering the project 1 of continuing the clusters into the ! station plaza a plan for placing the ■ same kind of standards on the eastern side of Third street from North to i Walnut streets is also being consid i ered, it is said, by S. B. Rambo, State Superintendent of Public Grounds and i Buildings. Whether the State authorities will take any definite steps toward placing cluster standards on the park side of Third street before the extension of the Capitol Park zone is completed is a question. It is possible that the scheme may be carried out before the park is extended. Sixteen of the clus ters would be stationed between Wal nut and North streets and it is be lieved that if the State adopts the scheme the city authorities will follow i suit on the western side of Third j street. Locust street from Second to Third will be included. Data for the placing of the flve j globe clusters at the intersections of Sixth and Maclay. Third and Verbeke, | Derry and Thirteenth and Market and Thirteenth streets is now in the hands l of Commissioner H. F. Bowman, su . perlntendent of public safety, and it is I expected that an ordinance providing 1 for the extensions will be offered in | the near future. Work Is Progressing on Wilson's Commerce and Anti-trust Bills Washington, D. C., Feb. 20.—Work on the administration's anti-trust and commerce regulation bills went for ward on the House side of the Capitol to-day. A conference of the House judiciary subcommittee on trusts, comprising Representatives Clayton, Carlin and Floyd, was arranged to put the finish ing touches on the bill proposing to prohibit holding companies from own ing competing concerns. Chairman Covington, of the' House inter-state commerce subcommittee on the inter-state trade commission bill, was prepared to-day to go ahead wltlr the executive conferences to frame the measure in the light of hearings and within the limitations of President Wilsoa' suggestion to avoid any pro visions that might impair the effi ciency of the Sherman law. The indi cations to-day were that the bills re lating to holding companies, trade re lations, interlocking directorates and defining trade restraints would be pre sented finally to the House as a single plan to strengthen the anti-trust law. ■SEVEN KILLED BY EXITX>SIOX Glasgow, Feb. 20.—Seven workmen were killed, a large number Injured and many buildings destroyed to-day at Ardeer, Ayrt-Hhlre. by an explosion fc at the gun powder works. WASHINGTON HOSE | CO, TO CELEBRATE 7300 11E0S1Y j Many a Fire-fighter of Prominence Will Be Among Guests of the Evening One of the biggest events of "the year in volunteer firemen's circles will be the celebration of the seventy-third anniversary of the Washington Hos« Company, Chestnut street near Second, J to-night. In previous years "The Washy" has always held its celebra tions on February 22, but this date falls on Sunday this year, and this evening was selected for the celebra tion. Prominent firemen of this city, in cluding many a veteran fire-fighter, will be among the guests of the even ing. Two of the oldest of the "boys" will be John Koser and William Brod beck. who are qmong the oldest living members of the Washington company. George Kennedy, president of the company, will act as toastmaster. He will give a history of the company from the time it organized, with head quarters in an old frame building at Second street and Meadow lane. Later the company moved to its present quarters. The company owns its own i uilding and purchased its own ap paratus up to the time the present combination hose and chemical wagon was purchased by the city. David Rnd William Jauss, two veter an members, will also give some inter esting data. Addresses will be made by Charles E. Ripper, secretary, and Charles F. Spicer, assistant fire chief and treasurer of the company. Covers will be laid for 100 guests. The ban quet will start at 8 o'clock. R. 1,. Ayars is chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements. The Washington Company was or ganized February 22, 1841, and its membership included many prominent citizens. The first president was the late Levi Wolfinger. Deaths and Funerals SIMONS FUN ERA I, Funeral services for John T. Simons, the former policeman, who died Wed nesday morning at his home, IP.OS Penn street, were held this afternoon. The Rev. John M. Warden, pastor of Beth any Presbyterian Chapel, officiated. Burial was made in the Paxtang Ceme tery. FUNKRIL OF Mils. MUENCH Funeral services of Mrs. Adelaide E Muench, widow of the lato Isaac S Muench, who died Tuesday morning at her home, 1352 State street, were held this afternoon. The Rev. S. Wintield Herman, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, conducted the services. Burial was made in the Harrlsburg Cemetery. FLKERAL OF MHS. WHITE Funeral services of Mrs. David J. White, who died early yesterdav morn ing at her home, 1315 North street, will be held this evening, at s o'clock nt her late home. Burial will be made in Duncaunon Saturday morning. MRS. HARRIET MILLER DIES AT HOME OF HER DAUGHTER Mrs. Harriet Miller, aged 87 vears widow of John Miller, a boatman, of Bainbrldge, Pa., died last evening, at 8:30 o'clock, at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. O. I*. Keller, 1739 Sixth street Mrs. Miller will he burled at Bain bridge on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, following services in the Bethel Church of that place. The body will be taken to Bainbrldge on Monday morn ing. Surviving Mrs. Miller are two daughters. Mrs. Emanuel Stump of Bainbrldge, and Mrs. O. p. Keller, this city, and two sons, Jonas Miller, of Bainbridge, and Jackson Miller, of Lan caster, Pa. Mrs. Miller was the mother of eleven children, and had twenty seven granchlldren, thirty-three great-grandchildren and five great great-grandchildren. Prices Will Advance Feb. 23 On Monday, February 23, all Na tional Cash Registers selling for less than SIOO, will be advanced $6.00. All Registers selling for SIOO and over will be advanced $lO In price. Place your order before Mondav, 23rd, at old prices. N. R. Black. Sales Agent, No 105 Market street. Both tele phones.—Advertisement. , HALF-PRICE SALE! Every Suit or Coat in the House at \ Original Price You may select any suit or coat in the house whether priced at $lB to SSO and buy it for just one-half the original price marked on the ticket. There are positively none reserved and the sale is bona fide in every way. Fine Guaranteed Fur Coats and Fur Sets, ORIGINAL PRICE Marks <fe Copelin 31 N. Second Street BEEKEEPERS TO TALK SHOP TODAY State Association Holding Its Tenth Annual Meeting at the Cap itol Today The beekeepers of Pennsylvania began their tenth annual convention to-day in the House, caucus room at the Capitol this afternoon and will spend the rest of to-day and to-mor row talking over the business. There about about 25,000 beekeep ers in this State and their product is worth $1,000,000 a year. State Zoolo gist Surface is president and will inako a report on the State bee inspection work and bow diseases are reducing the crop. It is estimated that there are over 75,000 hives, of which the State lias been able to inspect but 6,700. H. P. Faucett, of Brandywine Sum mit, and Harold Horner, Fisherville, read papers this afternoon, and this evening Secretary of Agriculture Critchfield will speak. The Rev. C. Fossold, of Willlamstown: Inspector George H. Rca and Dr. Surface will also speak to-night. J/T.-COMMAXUKU CURTIN DIES By Associated Press Annapolis, Md., Feb. 20.—Lieuten ant-Commander Roland 1. Curtin died at the Naval Hospital here to-day | after an illness of several weeks. Com ! mamier Curtin was appointed to the | Naval Academy from Pennsylvania, lie was a grand-nephew of Governor I Curtin. the War Governor of Penn sylvania, and a native of Bellefonte. POLISH NOBLEMAN ON TRIAL By Associated Press Meseritz, Germany, Ffc'~>. 20.—Count j Matthias Brudzewo-Mielzyski, a Po i lish nobleman and a member of the I German imperial parliament, was i placed on trial here to-day for killing I his wife and her nephew, count Alfred Mlaczinski. The ttoo were found dead on December 20 at the country seat of the countess at Dakowy Mokrz, near i Graetz. ONONDAGA RETURNS TO PORT Norfolk, Va., Feb. 20.—Because of a shortage of coal the revenue cutter Onondaga returned to port without having located the five - masted schooner Kineo, reported in distress j below Diamond Shoals. "SYRUP OF FIGS" FOR CONSTIPATED CHILD I Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm stomach, liver and bowels Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs," that that this is their ideal laxative, because they love its pleas i ant taste and it thoroughly cleanses i the tender little stomach, liver and bowels without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish or I breath is bad, stomach sour, look at j the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the ! foul, constipated waste, sour bile and j undigested food passes out of the ; bowels, and you have a well, playful ( child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic—re member. a good "Ihside cleaning" | should always be the first treatment i given. I Millions of mothers keep "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs" handy: they know a teaspoonful to-day saxes a sick child to-morrow. Ask your drug gist for a 60-cent bottle of "Cali j fornia Syrup of Figs," which lias di- I rections for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the j bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Get the gen j uine. made by "California Fig Syrup i Company." * m—mmmmm —_—> To Put an End to All Superfluous Hair Advice to (.adieu Who Have lleen Deceived and Disappointed IIV A SPECIALIST Thousands of ladles and even young ! girls have learned to their sorrow that. 1 it does not pay to trifle with hairy growths on the face and arms by try ing to remove them with worthless I pastes, powders and liquid depilatories that smell awfully and burn like mad. A well-known woman who succeeded in entirely and painlessly destroying all trace of her hairy growth has ar ranged to put on public sale the scien tific discovery that cured her after all else failed It Is a simple. Inexpensive, harmless and amazingly effective treat ment which she has called Mrs. Os good's Wonder. It never falls to »o move all trace of superfluous hair ab solutely without pain or injury to the skin or complexion and in a surpris ingly large number of cases has killed the hair roots so It has never returned. You can get it from Kennedy's M«>dl cine Store, or any up-to-date druggist or department store, on the guarantee of money back If it fails. Ask for It by name. "Mrs. Osgood's Wonder." Signed guarantee with every package. If vou have tried all the advertised depilatories in vain and want sure, quick results, this new method de serves your Immediate attention. Let me caution you however not to apply Mrs. Osgood's Wonder to hall growths voi. do not wish totally destroyed. —.j Advertisement. J BRUMBAUGH BOOM ! IS FIIIED HERE Friends of Philadelphia Superin tendent Are Boosting Him For the Nomination Friends of Dr. Martin G. Brum baugh In this county and Cumberland have become very active In his behalf since general mention of ,the Philadel phia school superintendent's name for the Republican nomination for Gov ernor has been heard. Dr. Brum baugh, who was formerly at Juniata College, Huntingdon, is a member of the State Board of Education and Is well known in this city because of numerous speeches he has made. It Is probable that if he consents to run that nomination petitions for him will be circulated here. Harrlsburg ers who have been in Philadelphia and eastern counties lately say that the talk Is all for Brumbaugh since It is regarded as doubtful that ex-Gov ernor Stuart will be a candidate. IMPORTANT NOTICE fin Monday, February 23, all Na tional Cash Registers selling for less than SIOO, will be advanced $5.00. All Registers selling for SIOO and over will be advanced $lO in price. Place your order before Monday, 23rd, at old prices. N. R. Black, Sales Ascent, ! No. 105 Market street. Both tele phones.—Advertisement. Union City Stomach Victim Tells How He Regained Health Quickly Mr. Martinran Finds Good Health After Using Mayr's Won derful Remedy. C. Martinran, of 42 Graves street, Union City, Pa., after long suffering from ailments of the stomach and the digestive tract, took Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy with the most re markable results. The suffering of years was ended with the first dose. Mr. Martinran's experience is told in a letter—written a year after tak ing the remedy, thus proving the per manent nature of the benefits. He wrote: "It has been a year since I took your treatment, which I am sure did me a great amount of good. My health at present is good, thanks to your won derful remedy. I will always recom mend gi : □ □ A Dozen Pianos □ n At Your O Every one high-grade, some rented, some repossessed, some shop-worn, but all as good as new and at a fraction of their original price. U Was Now m 1 Chickering .... $59.50 m 1 Rogers, rented . . S3OO $l4B [J 1 Rudolf, traded in. $325 $167 H 1 Winter, repossessed $375 $249 I Winter, rented . . $375 $256 1 Winter, rented . . $450 $299 g| 1 Winter, shop-worn SSOO $349 1 Player, repossessed $550 $398 H 3 Players, mission . . S7OO $448 Q 1 Player, sS-Ln . . . $650 "$537 g Terms as Low as $5 Down P and $2 Per Month Q ■ ■ Winter Piano Store ■ H 23 N. Fourth Street jgj BDODIDEIQODB OHIO RIVKit is RISING Rvansville, Ind., Feb. 20.—The Ohio river continued to rise rapidly hern to-day. It is predicted it will pass the danger line of thirty-five feet by the middle of next week. Flbod waters are reported In the Wabash anil its tributaries near here. RESENOL HEALS ITCHING ECZEMA The Easy Way to Get Rid of Tormenting, Unsightly Skin Eruptions. If your skin itches and burns with eczema or other tormenting, unsightly skin trouble, simply wash the soro places with Reslnol Soup and hot. water, dry, and apply a little Reslnol Ointment. The itching stops instantly, you n<> longer have to dig and scratch, sleep becomes possible, and healing begins at once. That is because the soothing, antiseptic Resinol medication strikes right Into the surface, arrests the ac tion of the disease and lets the tor tured, Inflamed skin rest, almost al ways restoring it to perfect health— quickly, easily and at little cost. Reslnol Soap and Reslnol Ointment are also speedily effective in even s< - vere and stubborn cases of pimples', blackheads, dandruff, sores and pile*. Prescribed by doctors for over eighteen years, and sold by practically every druggist. For free trial, write to Dept. 45-R, Resinol. Baltimore. Md. Don't be deceived by inferior "substi tutes." —Advertisement. This letter is typical of those writ ten by the thousands of users of Mayr's AVonderful Stomach Remedy in all parts of the country. It is known everywhere. The first dose convinces —no long treatment. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy clears the digestive tract of mucoid accretions and poisonous matter. It. brings swift relief to sufferers from ailments of the stomach, liver and bowels. Many declare it has saved them from dangerous operations: muny are sure it has saved their lives-. Because of the remarkable success of this remedy there are many imi tators, so be cautious. Be cure it's MAYR'S. Go to Geo. A. Gorgas' druir store and ask about the wonderful results it has accomplished in cases they know —or send to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 154-156 Whiting St., Chicago, 111., for free book on stomach ailments and many letters from grate ful people who have been restored. Any druggist can tell you its wonder ful effects. —Advertisement.