Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 20, 1914, Page 10, Image 10
10 FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG fgljgV TELEGRAPfI FEBRUARY 20,1914. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Established its I PUBLISHED BT THE TELEGHAPH PRINTING CO. J. STACK POLK, Pres't and Treas'r. fr. R. OYSTER, Secretary. OUB M. BTEINMETZ, Managing Editor. frubliihsd every evening (except Sun fay). at the Telegraph Building. 11« Federal Square. Eastern Office. Fifth Avenue Building, New York City. Hasbrook, Story A Brooks. Western Office. 138 West Madison street, Chicago, 111., Allen & <Ward. Delivered by carriers at six cents a week. Mailed to subscribers at $3.00 a year in advance. Xntered at the Post Office in Harris* burg as second class matter. ®Tk« Association of Amtr- ( 1 lean Advertisers has ax- / a mined and certified to i the eircalatioa of this pab- i' 11 lication. The figures of circulation, i l contained in the Association's re- i . I port only are guaranteed. i[ Association of American Advertisers i j, No. 2333 Whitehall Bld|. N. T. City [ Vwora Sally average fer the month of January, 1914 if 22,342 Ave race for the year 1813—21,677 Average for the year 1813—11.175 Average for the year 1811—18.851 Averaae for the yea* 1810—1T.4U5 TELEPHONES! Bell Private Branch Exchange Ho. 104#. lotted Business Office, 20S. Room £BB. Job Dept. 203. FRIDAY EVENING. FEB. 20 THE M'CORMICK PLATFORM THE platform of the personally selected candidate of President Wilson for Governor of Penn sylvania was announced to-day. tt abounds in fine phrases. It makes Splendid promises. It is good reading as platform literature goes, albeit a trifle reminiscent of the days agone \vhen State conventions of this, that and the other party vied with each other In higli-soundlng language whereby they aspired to advance their Individual ambitions to attain public office. Indeed, that is one of the pain ful tendencies of platforms. They promise so much and they perform Bo little. Eutopla by comparison would be as Darkest Africa If all the reforms of all the platforms written for the reformation of the nation had been enacted into law. Either that or we should have long since drifted into a state of anarchy. Sometimes we are at a loss to decide which. So with the McCormick platform of to-day. I„ike the well-varnished stick of painted glucose and coal tar dyes that masquerades as peppermint candy, it looks well and has a pleasant taste, but it fails in analysis. The mo?l characteristic statement in the whole list of personal decla rations is the following: I shall make a determined effort to bring about a reform of rules of the Legislature, to give the people of Pennsylvania a chance to freeiv express their will through their represen atives, in requiring that all committee members shall be elected by the members of the House and Senate, respectivelv. The whole theory of the American government is that the executive, legis lative and judicial branches shall ex ercise their functions separately. Pro vision is made for the review of legis lative action by the executive and by the courts. No one in the history of Pennsylvania while occupying an ex ecutive position has ever presumed to dictate the rules whereby the rep resentatives directly elected by the people shall conduct their business. The nation has had several recent ex* Rmples of executive "influence" upon legislation in Congress, but such a thing as attempting to revise the rules of either branch of the national legis lature is something which even the •uthor of "The New Freedom" has never even dared to undertake. The candidato comes forward with H plea for the extension of civil ser vice. A similar plank Is a part of the democratic platform written at Balti more, which McCormick helped to write and of which he asserts he is an »rflent supporter. Nevertheless there JIM not been In recent years a more disgraceful assault upon the merit sys tem In the national government than lias been made by the 'Wilson adminis tration. For the purpose of strength ening the party machine and to gratify the demands of a horde of hungry democratic place hunters, worthy and experienced government employes have been dismissed by tho thousand all over the land under the flimsy excuse that they "were not in sympathy with the administration." Veterans of the Civil War have been thrown out of office to give place to smooth-faced youngsters supposed to carry a few votes around In their vest pocket 01 who happened to be the relatives or followers of Democratic politicians. The Democratic platform promised civil service reform and those elected under its provisions—and all of them were supported and are at this mo ment heartily endorsed by Candidate McCormick — have proceeded to return to the spoils system as rapidly as a vigorously protesting minority in Washington will allow. How. then, are we to take this promise of McCormick? Does it ring true, or does it sound like the Balti more tin horn being tooted again to attract the votes of the unthinking? In the' face of the failure of the Royal administration in Harrisburg, McCormick doesn't hesitate to promise an "economical, business administra tion." and after his efforts to defeat the State road loan proposal last Fall he still pretends to be a friend of an extensive highway Improvement pro gram. The last paragraph contains the meat of the whole declaration—oppo sition to Penrose. The entire cam paigns of the Progressive and Demo cratic organizations In Pennsylvania this, year have that as their keynote. What a political cataclysm would fol- I low In the camps of these two parties J should Senator Penrose suddenly con- | elude that he will not be a candidate; what a heart breaking, rending de struction of tond ambitions would ensue. There is, however, Just one new thought in the McCormick platform— interference with legislative procedure. PUBLIC DUTY TO THE LIBRARY FOR the first time Harrisburg has a Public Library that meets with its requirements. The building. erected through the benefactions lof a public-spirited woman who saw the needs of her home city many years ago, is complete in every detail, an ornament to the city and contains a collection of books, which. If small is of the highest standard. The patron age of the library has been far be yond expectations, especially by the children of the public schools, and the enrollment of 5,000 demonstrates the widespread public Interest In the new Institution. The beautiful building was erected by a fund specifically set aside for the purpose, It being the desire of Mrs. Sara J. Haldeman-Haly and the expression of her executors that every thing should be of the best and most permanent character, but, contrary to the general opinion, the Library has not been endowed with funds whose Interest will come anywhere near meeting the cost of operation. The first month of the Library's public ser vice has passed and the fact that >in twenty-five days almost 12,000 books were taken out, forty-two per cent, of which were by school children, and that 4,400 persons, more than half of whom were children, availed them selves of the privilege of reading or study In the rooms clearly Indicates that the Library Is filling a long-felt want In Harrisburg. These figures have already been spread broadcast but it is doubtful If the average citi zen realizes what they mean. The demands upon the Library are bound to increase, and to meet the popular espectatlons it will be both the duty and the pleasure of the pub lic to come liberally to the support of the Institution so that Its service to the community, especially to the school children, may be adequate to the needs. DONT PITY THEM THERE Is a mistaken Inclination on the part of some cltybred people to pity those who live beyond tbe glare of the arc lights and the clang of the trolley car. Because their residences are not heated by city steam, because the theater exists mostly for them through the medium of the monthly magazine, because their evenings are spent at home or "literary society," instead of at the club or some other place of en tertainment, they are supposed to lead a dull and uninteresting life. "Pop" Dodge, who by choice has deserted the city for the country, had this to say about the matter when he made one of his semioccasional visits to New York last week: I came from Boston originally. tnd while In Boston I wont to thea *>rs more than any man there. But ,vhen 1 got married and removed :o the farm I found I owed ?100 that 1 had borrowed to buy thea ter tickets. So I quit. No. I won't go to the show with you, and I don't want a drink, and I don't want a smoke and I don't care to plav cards. But don't think I am not havlngr a (rood time on the farm, for all that. I am having; the most enjoyable season of my life. Possibily Dodge has gone too far in his renunciation of city relaxations, but his view is the other side of the picture. There are thousands like him; thousands who would rather be wakened in-the morning by the lowing of the cows than by the toot of the factory whistle; who would rather "tinker 'round" Indoors when the rain patters on the shingles than face the weather to go about their daily tasks. Monotony on the farm? In these days of the automobile, the telephone, good roads, farmers' institutes, parcel post and the rural free delivery, mo notony on the farm exists only in the imagination of city folks. If the farmer desires it, he can make his work the most varied and interesting in the world. He is the lord of his own little kingdom and he orders his tasks to suit the weather, the seasons and his own inclinations, instead of coming down town six days a week to take orders from the boss for the day's work or repeating year in and year out the same one task that machinelike methods of manufacture now impose upon the worker. Monot ony? If it forces itself upon any of us, it Is the city map who suffers. TEACHING HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY GLORY be! A Daniel come to Judgment! Here in the head of of a well-known New York University who lias announced that hereafter no girl graduate of that j institution will be awarded her B. S. degree in the department of household arts who has not qualified as an ex pert washerwoman. The terrors of Greek, the Intricacies' of mathematics, the mysteries of psy- j cology, all pale before the laborious toils of the laundry course, which re quires good stout muscles and a cheery heart rather than quick wits and a vocabulary. There is no bluffing here, but hard labor of the strong-back va riety where dainty girls, pretty girls, luxurious girls, all forget their pre vious condition and fall valiantly to rubbing, boiling, starching and bluing like true professionals. With white arms (lashing in .and out of the foam and curl" heads bent low over the tubs, with scraps of aong and bursts of laughter, with the rumble of mangles through the hissing steam, with model equipment and sunshine and air—the education of the Ameri can girl goes on as she learni the les- sons of home-craft. E\'ery week there are different "problems," different soaps, and different bluings. All kinds of washers and mangles arfe tried. Incidentally, the girls have to learn the chemistry of soaps, bluing, starch, textiles and stains, and everything else that has chemistry—a no small part of their labor. lewniDfr CbATI Although the average citizen does not realize. Dauphin county will have two sources of Income In 1914 for the nrst time and the operation of one sj stem will distribute funds to every district In the county, while the other will materially aid the county's reve iUnder acts Passed by the last Legislature the State will pay half of its income from the anthracite coal the counties which produce an thraclte, the money being apportioned on a basis of population, and it will also allow counties to keep all of the revenue from personal property tax. Strictly speaking, the latter source of income is not new, although it will give additional cash. By the old sys tem three-fourths of the personal property tax was returned to the coun ties where it originated. By the new law all of the personalty tax remains in the county. This means a clear SIO,OOO or upward. In 1913 the county's gross income from per sonal property tax was $40,986.94. lhe State gave back $30,482.80. This ye *r., and hereafter there will be no splitting up with Father Penn. Under the anthracite tax every district in Dauphin county will share in the pro ceeds of the anthracite tax, whether it produces hard coal or not. Harrisburg and Steelton, which do not produce a pound of coal, will get a largo slice because of population. Perhaps In the eternal fitness of things this is fair, because both are large consumers, es pecially this city. Coal-producing Wiconlsco, Lykens. Williams. Williams town and other districts of tbo upper end which furnish the far-famed Lykens coal will get a fair share, but it will so happen that Derry township, because of population, will be well taken care of. It Is estimated that about $-0,000 will be distributed to tho county, the details and basis hav ing been given in the Telegraph some time ago. In this connection it is in teresting to note that Scranton and PottavUie and other cities in the hard coal field which will share in the dis tribution of the proceedings are lining up with the State in the defense of the constitutionality of the act. This is to be tested in the Dauphin county courts very shortly. Nothing is funnier than the other ® .?, a * e l®Phone conversation, es pecially when the telephone Is In a store and there is a girl or fellow at the conversation business. The other evening an agitated little miss dashed into a store in the central part of the city and wanted to know from some one at the other end if "paw" had come home. Evidently the father had not, because she turned and smiled to her escort. By chance she mentioned where she was speaking from and after the conversation made a pur chase to square the use of the tele phone. Suddenly the bell rang and after some sparling it was found that the young miss was the girl wanted. A moment later she turned to the tall fellow and said: "Gee, he's coming to this store to buy something." The rest of the act was very rapid. Father Penn is taking good care of his squirrels these days and the sliov e , s ?/. the P aths Capitol Park make it their business to open up the ways to the trees which contain the nu ' B an< * the pans of water which are prepared for the four footed pets of the people. The squir rels are very much on the job these days when a foot of snow covers the Capitol Park and morning visitors to the -Hill are liable to be objects of attack by the animals, who make a dive for any person who stands still long enough to furnish footing. Ex-Governor Samuel W. Penny packer is remarkable for his keen re membrance of the acts of his adminis tration and the other day ho was talk ing with a friend about a law which he had approved. _Jt appears that someone is attacking the law, contend ing that there was a lapse. "Nothing of the kind, ' said the former Gov ernor. "There were four davs in be tween and covered by another act that I signed." All this was ten vears ago and the former Governor has had a busy time since that dav. Among the passengers on the Steel City, the bi£ Ohio-IVllssissippi packet which went to the bottom of the Ohio the other evening, were Mr. and Mrs George S. Comstock, of Mechanics burg. Mr. Comstock, who is a mem ber of the State Industrial Board and president of the Engineers' Society of Pennsylvania for two years, was on a trip to New Orleans for his health He took the river trip for its novelty and he and Mrs. Comstock were aroused from their berths in the mid dle of the night by the wreck. They were landed without mishap. kweurKnown-peopiftT) —W. P. Snyder, the Pittsburgh iron manufacturer, is at Palm Beach, Fla —E. Paul Lueschner. Pottsville citv solicitor, will take part in the hard coal tax test. —W. M. Sterrltt, Pittsburgh steel builder, is home from Panama, where he had charge of canal work. —F. M. Newingham is the new post master at Apollo. —Joseph G. Thomas, city controller of Johnstown, has just celebrated his seventy-sixth birthday. —Warden R. J. McKenty, of the Eastern Penitentiary, has been warmly praised by his inspectors. IPoLiriC(AL»SlD6blfthr<Sl —Wonder how many legislators! would like to go before the people with declaration that if elected they would permit the executive to make rules for them. —Progressives who had a hand in the drafting of the platform of the Bull Moosers here a month ago are talking about plagiarism to-day. —Poor Berry! He is no longer first page timber. —B. F. Davis, of Lancaster, ru mored candidate for Federal Judge, was here yesterday. —The Bull Moosers' platform ap pears to have been well studied. —Even Finn is timid when it comes down to making declarations about interference with the Legislature. —The Brennan organization In Pittsburgh does not appear to be wast ing its strength on resolutions. —Wonder why the Pittsburghers left the "Honorable" off Creasy's name in the resolution printed here to-day. —W. H. Hull, of Scranton, left the Prohibition party S2O a year for its work. —Those Democratic campaign con tributions appear to be a sore spot. —W. F. Long, of Pittsburgh, charged Flinn with defeat of child labor laws In the last Legislature, in a speech he made at Philadelphia. —Dick Allday's congressional ambi tions appear to be clashing with those of Dershem. —Friends of Stuart say that he will not be a candidate. —Dershem is one of the reorgan izes' sub-bosses. Why the opposi tion to him? —Dimmick seems to be prolific of 1 phrases. I —James H. Mauer and H. J. Stump will be Socialist candidate for the Leg- | lslature in Reading. —That Ardmore post office must have been badly needed to help aome lame Democrat that they had to throw out a woman. —McCormick men started to hold a meeting in one of the Philadelphia , wards last night and the Ryan people s took it away from them. | —Palmer plans a tour of the State, j McCormick is also going around the | clrcl*. MILL MOUi TO . MIKE me HE Philadelphia Conference Does Not Select the Candidates For the Primaries DEMOCRATIC MILL IS BUSY Sends Out McCormick's Platform —Stuart Now Said to Be Out of the Race The Washington party's council of war will be reconvened here next Thursday to decide whether it will go before Its voters with a "suggested" ticket or whether there shall be an open fight at the primaries. There are rlfta within the organization of the Bull Moosers, although the rivalry Is nothing like the bitter warfare that prevails within the ranks of the State's Democracy. Owing to a death in the family of William Draper Lewis, suggested as a candidate for the gubernatorial nomi nation, the conference held yesterday at Philadelphia did not carry out Its instructions, but decided to leave the selection of a ticket to the coming con ference. State Treasurer Robert K. Young loomed up strongly as the man most favored, but the partisans of Lewis were so strong that the talk of H. D. W. English, of Pittsburgh, as a compromise candidate was renewed. William Flinn, who dominates the sit uation, is in Florida, and the confer ence will probably hear from him be fore acting next week. Flinn wants Young because of political ability and acquaintance, Lewis because of his intellectual strength, and English be cause he Is a personal adherent. In addition to the row In the Siate organization of the Progressives be cause of local option, which has been Intensified by Clyde Kelly's assault upon Progressives the straddling resoiu- Torn by Men tlon and by declara of Ambitions tions of dissatisfaction over jobs among the rank and file and the crusaders who joined the movement because of Roosevelt, there are breaks in the Progressive ranks in Luzerne, Montgomery, Philadelphia and Le high. In Luzerne the factions have broken out in open warfare like that Which prevails eternally among the Luzerne Democrats. In Lehigh the slate has been assailed by the younger Progressives. In Montgomery personal ambitions have caused a return to Republican ranks. Even In Allegheny there is a schism which will soon be wide enough for all men to see. Talk of Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh as the probable candidate for the Re publican nomination for Governor came to the front yes terday stronger than ever, In spite of the Brumbaugh pronounced movement Forges to for ex-State Treasurer the Front John O. Sheatz, who declared yesterday that he did not represent any faction or leader. Brumbaugh is now being boomed in various counties, where he has many friends. The silence of ex- Governor Edwin S. Stuart, in regard to the demand that he head the party is preventing declarations by leaders. The ex-Governor's friends say that he will run and then that he won't. The Democrats are hoping that he will not. The Philadelphia Press of to-day, in an article on the Democratic war in the State, says: "City Solicitor Ryan, candidate for the Democratic guber- R.van Makes natorial nomination Savage Uo against Vance C. Mo at Palmer Cormick, who is back ed by Congressman A. Mitchell Palmer, made specific charges that neither Palmer, McCormick nor Roland S. Morris, State chairman, had contributed to the funds for the last campaign, but that the burden fell chiefly on small sal aried Democratic Federal officeholders in this city, and that while the Demo cratic State committee ran into debt Congressman Palmer drew $50.37 for traveling expenses and J24 for tele phone charges. Ryan also charges that in November, 1912, Palmer drew $450 from the State committee, for which he never accounted. From the personal bitterness shown by the two factions thus early in the political con test, it is certain that Democracy will be split asunder before the primaries in May, and that there is little proba bility that the wounds will be healed by the November elections." George E. Alter, Speaker of the House of Representatives, said at Pittsburgh yesterday that he had heard of Mr. Dim mick's candidacy, and was glad to know that Alter Says he had actively en- He Favors tcred the race for the Mr. Dimmlc-k prize at the May pri maries. "Mr. Dim- mlck is a very estimable gentleman," said Mr. Alter, "and I am Inclined to think that he will give Mr. Penrose a pretty hard battle.* He Is first and foremost a businessman, and he has made an enviable reputation for him self In business circles of the East. I am about the State a great deal and I must confess that I heard very little talk or opinion favoring Mr. Penrose." Friends of Michael J. Ryan, rival of Vance C. McCormick for the Demo cratic nomination for Governor, had mixed emotions last night when they heard that the chairman of the Kyanites' first division of the Emotions Democratic State ma- Arc Mixed chine had used the Democratic State head- quarters to put out his declaration of principles. They asked whether Ryan would be accorded the same privilege. Others were inclined not to see any im propriety in the way the primary thunder was handled because it is commonly reported that McCormick helps to keep the windmill working and Is entitled to get a run for his money. To-day the Ryan people were chuckling because of the declaration by McCormick that if elected he would endeavor to reform the rules of the Legislature "This Is the baldest dec laration of Intention to run the law making branch as well as the execu tive that I ever knew," said a Ryan man to-day. "That man McCormick had better study the Constitution. If he should win and would try to boss the Legislature about its rules he has a sweet time ahead of him." Democratic bosses are up In the air over the situation in the Cambria- Bedford-Blair district because of the preference shown to John T. Matt, the Bedford Bailey's member after lie had Friends thrown Congressman War- Are Sour ren Worth Bailey, of Johnstown, an original re organlzer and noisemaker [all over the map In the flght for con- H. MARKS & SON YOU K HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX fine clothes, the BEST suits and over coats made. You can get them here now for almost one-third what they're worth. When you can get these goods at any less than the usual price, you can under stand that you are getting a bargain. Here are the prices on them now. $15.00, $16.50 & $18.50 For Suits and Overcoats that were $25 to $35. The Suits are BLUE SERGES, BLACKS, DARK WORSTEDS, HOMESPUNS and CASSIMERES. The Overcoats are CHINCHILLAS, KERSEYS, MELTONS, VICU NAS and BALMACAANS. ODDS AND ENDS of the famous "CLOTHCRAFT" SUITS and OVERCOATS; worth from sls to $25. Now SIO.OO Bargains in Men's Far Coats, Bargains in Ladies' Furs, Muffs and Scarfs All II M ADIf C Jfr CAW Pants, Raincoats Furnishing Goods m/llVlviJ iX uUil Mackinaw Coats Greatly Reduced Fourth and Market Sts. Greatly Reduced trol of the machine in that division. Matt, it will be recalled, thrashed Bailey for division boss and right on top of that he would be a candidate for Sen ator from the Bedford-Somerset-Ful ton district. Then he got a Job in the revenue service with a chance to dip into affairs In a dozen counties. Bailey's friends are blue enough over the chances that he will be beaten for renomlnatlon this year and the bou quets for Matt are not being received with smiles. Letters to the Editor HIGH COST OF LIVING To the Editor of The Telegraph: Having noticed In your columns an Interesting article In reference to the "High Cost of Living," under date of February 14 and over the signature of S. S. Morton, X am persuaded that the ideas which have been advanced by Mr. Morton are those of a practi cal, experienced person, and we would suggest that a further step be taken whereby there may bo set forth an ex planation just how this can be accom plished In detail, for we are interested in devising means whereby the on coming generation may find country life attractive and associations pleas ant and abiding. The high cost of living undoubtedly is caused by the Increased population, which continues in one unbroken stream, while the importance of clean ing off and cultivating the unused acres little effort is being made, and we hope that these new ideas which have been advocated will not be lost or that the increased public will not fall to grasp. It is a fact that if the grain can be produced with less toil and expense it will be an advanced step and one which will ba the means of solving the problem to help more people than | we know. I, foi 5 one, shall be glad to welcome an explanation giving the plana and details as well as the cost of equipment for a fair-sized farm. A READER. t n£LtTTLft-nonaen.se l She saw by the papers that there was considerable grafting over the United | States which would, undoubtedly, she | thought, greatly improve the orchards and forests by such tree surgery. "LUST SUMMER" Br Wing Dinger Say, when we have this kind of ■weather. At the end of a real busy day Do you ever go home of an evening And dream of your last holiday? If not, you are missing the real good Of last summer's trip out of town, 80 to-night draw your chair to the fire side And into Its depths settle down. Close your eyes, and let memory wander To mountains or fields or to shore. Where you spent happy moments last summer, k Til tell you, you couldn't wish more. Why you won't care a rap 'bout the Weather, With Its snow and Its sleet and its rain, i When you're thoughts wander back to 1 last summer 1 And you live all Its pleasures again. Tou may think that when your last va cation Was ended. Its pleasures were done. , But you're wrong, settle down In your arm chair, [ Close your eyes, they have merelyUe gun. - I Blobbs There's a type of man wlio ( ■ will shuke you more effusively by the 1 hand when you have money. Slobbs And when it's gone will r shake you altogether.—Philadelphia - 1 Record. n6W6*DIBPATCfte3- -OF-Tfte-- CIVIL* WAR [From the Telegraph of Feb. 20, 18%4.] Sherman Duma Uridgen Cincinnati, Feb. 19. A special dis patch to the Commercial from Chatta nooga says: General Sherman's troops have destroyed the bridges on the Mo bile and Ohio railroads, thereby sever ing the connections between Polk's forces and Mobile. Firing Superadded St. Louis, Fob. 18. General Ewlng has been superseded as commander of the District of the Border by Colonel Ford, of the Second Colorado Cavalry. Over 3.500 negroes have been recruited in this State during the past three months. 1 EDITORIAL COMMENT! Still, There Are Wedding Preaenta [From the Washington Star.] It is a wise arrangement which makes the holidays following Christ mast comparatively Inexpensive. One Exception to 'the Rule [From the Cincinnati Enquirer.] The only time you ever get something for nothing is when you are hunting trouble. Before trying to get the consent of your prospective father-in-law show some sense of the obligation you are about to take by Insur ing your life. He's more likely to say "yes." PENN MUTUAL LIFE 108 IV. Second St. Isaac Miller, I Local F. O. Donaldson, J Agents i \ nBADQUARTnni ron SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES Calif or ni a Land of Health, Wealth and Happiness Prosperity in every acre of California's fertile soil. Southern Pacific Steamships New York to New Orleans Southern Pacitic Sunset Route Tha Exposition Linn—l9ls New Orleans Los Angeles San Francisco | From New York $45.50, $55.00 or $65.00 | | Berth and Mull on Ship Included! | | IN EFFECT MARCH I* TO APRIL 11 | I Phone, call or writ* for information and descriptive literatim 111 f xv. j. omil'n, L>. r. ana f. t\. j / C'hcHtuut St., i'lillatlclphlu, l'a. J Mn-bARRtSBURft-fMPTy- yfeAtlS-AfrOttM) [From the Telegraph of Feb. iO, 18#4.1 Price* Are ISnormoua Forty cents for a pound of butter, and the supply unequaled to the demand. Thus it was at market this morning. The prices asked for almost everything was enormous. The Hev. Stewart Preachea The Rev. John S. Stewart, of Green wich, N. J„ will preach In the Old School Presbyterian Church, to-morrow morning and evening. A Feather f " <J The fact that most of our customers have sent us other patrons is indeed a "feather in our cap," as it demon strates without doubt that our work is as good as it's pos sible to make it. Cf Our Artists and Engravers are men of experience and ability in their respective lines. Let us prove it to you. Phone us and a representa tive will call. cbe^^elefltapb ■ 1 Department ....