8 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Hi tabiuktd 1131 PUHI-ISHEtT BT TBE TBI.KGRAPH PRINTING CO. ■. J. STACKPOLE, Prea't and Treas'r. F. R. OTSTER. Secretary. (SET* M. BTEINMETZ, Managing Editor. Published every evening (except Sun day), at the Telegraph Building, 111 Federal Square. Butera Office, Fifth Avenue Building. New Tork City, Haabrook. Story A Brooks. Weatern Office. 123 Welt Madison afreet. Chicago. 111.. Allen A Ward. Delivered by carriers at si* cents a week. Mailed to subscribers at $3.00 a year In advance. Entered at the Poet Office In Harrls burg aa second class matter. 5 /CK The Association of Amir- ) (flAl*! ican Advertisers Km* ex \ XMSM a mined and certified to 1 'i the circulation *f thiipab- i| 11 licatien. The figures of circulation 1 1 I contained in the Association's re- ( J part only are guaranteed. i| AssaciatMi «f Anefkan Advertisers j ( ' No. 2333 WfciUUII M|. HT. city J •wen tally sviiaft tfce aaea«h ef January, 1914 * 22,342 AT*rag* for the year 1118—».WT Average far tfce year I»IJ—SI.ITS Average for the rear 1811—18.801 Average far the year I* l *—lT.4Bß TBLIPHOiIBIi Bell Mute Brush Exchange Mo. I«4». Halted Bualnese Office, 101. IMttertaU Room 6*S. Job Dept. XI. THURSDAY EVENING, FEB. 19 SUPERVISORS* COWENTIOX DAUPHIN county's township su pervisor* have been summoned to meet in the first convention of the kind ever held in Dauphin county. The meeting ■will be held In Harrleburg on March 37 and every supervisor worthy of the name will he present. The gathering will be held under the auspices of the State Highway Department and the terms of the township road bureau act will he explained. This new law is designed to bring Rbout hearty and effective co-operation between the road supervisors of the several counties and the experts of the State Highway Department. Supervisors have been severely cen sured In the past for the condition of the roads under their care. Some of this criticism has been well deserved, but much of It fell upon the heads of faithful public servants who were do ing the best they knew under great handicap. The trouble has been that men have been elected to the road jobs who did not know anything about road con struction beyond the filling tip of mud holes and the leveling off of high spots. The first principles of road en gineering were as Greek to them. They were, farmers who knew good ronds when they used them, but who were, in the very nature of things, ignorant as to the fundamentals of highway construction. The township road bureau has been • reated to correct this condition. Ex perts In the employ of the State will he ready at all times to assist the nupervisors. They will aid them in solving their problems, will draw plans n.nd specifications and when necessary consult In person with ptuzled officials. This without cost to the township. Some counties have for years main tained organizations of supervisors, anticipating to some degree the pro visions of the township bureau act, hut. Dauphin county supervisors have Tint been so affiliated. Doubtless the March convention will result. In some snieh association being formed. If Its •provisions are carried out the effect, ■for good of tbe new law on the town ship roads of the State will be beyond calculation. There Is good In everything. Even a bankrupt sale means opportunity for Ithe other fellow. TVe suspect that one or two of the Hefeated candidates for City Council are Indulging in a smile or two just now. CITIZENSHIP TRAINING ONE of the most Interesting de velopments of the week Is the announcement of the United States Bureau of Education <'hat it has undertaken the gigantic lask, in conjunction with the National Municipal League, of making a com prehensive study of the whole problem of civic education. The Bureau of Education thus hopes to do officially and systematically what has hereto fore been attempted by a. number of organisations working independently. Msny civic associations throughout the United States have been agitating In behalf of education for citizenship. Valuable results have been obtained and many communities have made important experiments in improving citizenship through the schools and through other agencies. The bureau will seek to co-ordinate these hitherto separate efforts, to bring 00-operation where Independent action has pre vailed. to make known everywhere the results of civic education so far accomplished and to formulate a con structive plan for definite work In this important field. The bureau thus early finds that one of the most pressing problems in citi zenship education is that of properly equipped teachers. There are few teachers that have had the requisite special training. It will be one of the vital tasks In the new work to find out what can be done to train men and women, whether already In the service or just preparing to teach, for the definite responsibilities and possi bilities of direct instruction in citizen ship. The bureau will inquire as to whether it is sufficient that children should know how the President is THURSDAY EVENING, elected, or that they should he able to recite the Constitution; to what extent modern social and civic questions— clean streets, pure water, milk supply, fire protection, means of transporta tion. co-operat ion, suffrage, divorce, etc. —are to be considered. These are the sort of questions to which the new corps of investigators will have to give some attention, nnd very properly so. In addition, an effort will be made to report the many attempts on the part of progressive communities to give all school subjects a more definite civic value. In Kansas City, for example, the chemistry course in the high school Is in effect a course in practical civics—such things as water and milk analysis, with their significance In community life, are emphasized, and high school students serve In the mu nicipal laboratories. Cleveland teaches municipal problems in the biology course. Indianapolis has a course In "community arithmetic" "in the ele mentary schools. Vocational educa tion and school hygiene both have civic phases of immense importance. These and other practical matters in citizenship training will lie carefully examined. Commissioner Claxton points out that in the larger sense all education Is really education for citizenship; that not only is citizenship training coex tensive with effective education in gen eral. but that "the final justification of public taxation for public education lies in the training of young people for citizenship." There i? room right here in Harris burg for the adoption of some of the practical suggestions herewith out lined and the new project of the na tional bureau deserves the earnest study and co-operation of all our edu cators. Stealing pennies from a blind man may be easy enough, but Senator Gore has demonstrated that it is not so easy to collect damages from one. [ Snow is necessary to our health and prosperity, says a scientific writer. How about Florida and Ixiwer California? GETTING TOGETHER MOST of the Republican news papers of the State are in line with the Telegraph in urging the two wings of the party to get together against their common enemy—the Democracy. During the past week or two there has been a decided back-to-the-party movement all over Pennsylvania, and those lead ers of both factions who still persist, for their own ambitious purposes, in fomenting discord and in the refusal to concede, anything for the sake of harmony are rapidly losing the con fidence of the rank and file of both wings. As illustrating the trend of this sen timent, the Altoona Tribune calls upon the Republicans of both camps to cast aside their differences and unite in the support of a proper candidate for Con gress in the Blair district. On this subject it says: A Democratic Congressman was elected from tills district in No vember, 191 L', because the enemies of Democratic policies were divided. The vote, was almost equally di vided among the three candidates, the Democrat having a few more votes than either th° Republican or the progressive. Hut on the total vote cast lie was in a minority of over 10,000. While we do not think the same thing is going' to happen in 1914, yet there is a possibility in that direction. At the present moment there seems to be a disposition among Republican citizens to for get their differences and get to gether. a very sensible inclination, one that ought to he encouraged. The fact that the voters are priv ileged to make the nominations as well as elect the Congressman ought to do something toward pro moting union. The Tribune is inclined to be lieve that the Republicans of the Congressional district- —and by Re publicans we mean the progres sives as well as the regulars—will be seriously at fault unless they do make a sincere effort to unite upon a candidate for Congress who will he, aceptable to both factions. * The Tribune does not have any particular person in view when It I makes these remarks. It has no candidate and will gladly support any gentleman of fine tlbre and pro gressive ideas if the rank and file of the district will simply find such a man and nominate him. either as the Republican or the Progres sive candidate, or. what would be far better, as the nominee of the united factions. What sense Is there in quarreling and perpetuat ing Democratic dominance when an overwhelming majority of the district, the State and the nation nre agreed upon the substantial principles of government? Why perpetuate Republican divisions for the sake of gratifying personal am bitions or to the end that the Democratic party may continue to mismanage the Government? In this attitude our esteemed Al toona contemporary is representing the better sentiment of both factions of the Republican party. Most of the Republican newspapers are losing pa tience over the stubborn and indiffer ent. position assumed by the rantank erous individuals who assume leader ship in both camps without any re gard whatever for the welfare of the party as a whole. This newspaper believes that there is ample material of the right sort in the Republican party for the making of a ticket which will be entirely ac ceptable to the great majority of the voters in both factions. It need not surprise those who are persisting in a suicidal political course for their own ambitious purposes to see the great body of Republican voters— stalwarts and progressives—marching down one road while these leaders pursue their fatuous course in an op posite direction. Leaders without fol lowers do not cut a partipularly Inter esting figure, and the time has about come for all Republicans to. forget their differences and their petty per sonal feelings in a broad, generous and sensible movement for the re habilitation of the party in Pennsyl vania. The sowers of seeds of kindness al ways harvest a bountiful crop. ljancaster lias sent a man to prison for carrying off three hundred pounds of copper wire. They might give him a few weights to practice with and charge admission to the jail. All Hie world's a stage, which may or may not be the reason why there are so many dancers on it , leveranft- char "Ho you know that your city is almost as bad as Pittsburgh was in the matter of soot a year or so ago when I was there?" remarked a trav eling man at one of the central hotels last night. "I have not been in Pitts burgh lately anil when 1 was in that city last 1 was surprised at the manner In which the smoke nuisance had been hnndled. Ten or twelve years ago we remember what it used to be like. But there has been a notable change, al though the soot and smoke cast out still amounts to something. Now there is no oxcuse for this city becoming a smoky place. In the first place your industries are. concentrated and con trol of the smoke nuisance would be an easy thing if undertaken promptly. We all know that the railroads are nio v ing to check smoke because of the loss of money in bad firing, but I have tiol seen much effort made by manu facturing plants to overcome smoke. I think you had committees appointed by your Board of Trade ami Municipal 1-eague a couple of year* ago to dis cuss smoke. All you have to do is to look at the snow in the streets or on a roof or awning to see the soot. It collects In little piles and some of the deposits are rather astonishing when you consider the matter. When the wind comes certain ways you get it and as long as you cannot control the winds you have a chance to go at the source." People interested in the erection of a joint city and county building will find that similar projects are under way in Pittsburgh and Erie and that Seranton is also talking about surly a plan. Our old courthouse is distinc tive, but it does not comport with the dignity of this city as a State court place and the lack of a city hall at tracts comment. Incidentally, while we are discussing new buildings, the Krotherhood of Railroad Trainmen has broken ground for a $55,000 build ing at Altoona. Harrfsburg steal companies are fig uring considerably in llie iron news these days because of the purchases of pig iron which they are making and their business is being sought. The Central Iron and Steel Company has just divided 14,000 tons for the second quarter of the year and another Har risburg plant is after 8,000 tons. Thij, indicates that there are hopes for the Spring, but with three furnaces in Harrisburg idle it begins to look as though Iron could be made cheaper elsewhere. * "I think almost everyone along this line must have been out of coal," re marked one of the motorinen on a suburban line to-day. "I do not think I ever knew so many coal wagons out in my life. People are getting in coal to keep the bins full and between the wagons and the snowbanks there is precious little room for a cat - to get by." Frederick J. Pooley, the Philadel phia prison worker, was here yester day to attend a meeting of the State Board of Pardoos. Mr. Pooley has been a worker among the unfortunates and the criminal in Philadelphia for years and his word is taken in courts and in other proceedings because of his knowledge of people and his in tegrity. Mr. Pooley says the first thing he is told by a convict is that, he is innocent. "When we get that out we go to find out the real reason," says he. Deputy State llighwav Commis sioner J. TV. Hunter is one of the most continuously active men in the State and is traveling from one end of it to the other constantly. Just at present he is attending meetings of supervisors and explaining the town ship road bureau law. He has been in every county in the State in Ihe last year and some of the roads he has traveled dozens of times. Public Service Commissioners »m commencing to find out wliat a tre mendou's amount of business the pub lic service company law has piled up for them and the hearings under wav this week are only a few of those sched uled. The commission will probably be the means of relieving courts of many matters of local interest, but just how the hearings are to be held and the immense amount of routine business disposed of is hard to sav. This week there, is a. calendar of a dozen big: hearings scheduled. kweurKnown-pgQPiR^ -►— Lawrence E. Riddle, well known in the iron and steel business, has been named to take charge of all the furnaces of the Carnegie Company in the Pittsburgh city district. Daniel S. Hopkins, prominent business man. has been elected presi dent of the Lehigh county supervisors. —Kx-Mayor William M agee, of Pittsburgh, is urging the Ohio ship canal in speeches in that city. —A. B. Farquhar. the York manu facturer, gave the beneficial associa tion of his works a check for S6OO. —General C. AT. Clement has been visiting various infantry commands in the central section of the State. . Dr. J. A. Singer, president of the Last Stroudsburg Hoard of Trade, be lieves that big men from the outsido help a town along. IfrouriCAbsioekifthrs] —Palmer manages to cenvey the idea that he is a regular. —The Philadelphia Record sav* that \ ance McCormick will tour the State in an automobile prior to the primaries. „ "•-Airs. Mary Jenkins Ensign, post mistress at Ardmore, has been thrown out to make a place for Albert T, Reinhold, an insurance man with an office in Philadelphia. —Rull Moosers in Philadelphia can not agree upon whom to run against Congressman Graham. —Revenue appointments are being made rapidly in Philadelphia. —Even women are not safe when the Democratic State bosses have po litical workers to put into places. -Senator Heacock will run against Congressman Diefenderfer for the Democratic nomination in Montgom ery. —Councilman Belin, of Scranton. may take a notion to run for Con gress. —Congressman Ainey says that Senator Borah will make speeches for him. —Dr. Lehr is getting busy in the upper end on his legislative ambi tions. —Allentown Socialists are insisting on a referendum vote on the propo sition for the city to give an armory site. —Mayor McClain is cleaning up Lancaster. —Speaker Alter has declined to make any statements about his in tentions. —lt. M. Matson, of Brookville, is a Democratic candidate for Congress in the Langham district. —McKean countians are keen after a county commissionership vacant by reason of death. AN EVENING THOK.HT Pity and need make all flesh kin.—Edwin Arnold. &AFRISBURG <&&& TELEGRAPH YOUNG FINITE FDR Hill • ' I * | Tioga County Man Forges to thej Front Among Bull Mooters at Philadelphia WEST ENDERS STAND PAT Refuse to Endorse McCormick— Palmer, Says Democrats Must Stand by Nominee According to word received at the | Capitol to-das - State Treasurer Rob- j (•ft K. Young is being very strongly i supported for the Washington party | nomination for Governor and a de- j terniined effort to secure iiis endorse ment will be started to-day at the meeting in Philadelphia and pushed ill the conference on a .State ticket to be held here next week. English is being used as a com promise by people who want to elimi nate both Young and Dean l,ewis. Lewis is not as strong as he was two weeks ago and Bull Moosers who study the signs of the times are turn ling in for the Tioea man. Young last night reiterated his statement that he was not a candidate, but if a strong movement for him begins there is no question but what he would accept. Members of the West End Demo cratic Club are having a pleasant time of it these days because of efforts of friends of Vance C. Mc- Cormick to have that or- West End ganlzation follow the lead Keeps to of the Central and pass a Its Itules resolution endorsing his candidacy for the nomi nation for Governor.. Un like the internally disturbed Central the West End club appears to have some regard for the proprieties and has thus far declined to allow itself to be used by any candidate for a nomination. Even representations that President Wilson wants McCormick for Governor have failed to move some of the members who believe in keeping party squabbles out of the club and the doctrine of Jersey inter ference is not as popular up Third street as it is in Market Square. At the Lehigh Washington confer ence last night Gifford Pinchot was indorsed for United States Senator. The following slate was suggested for the May primary: State Senator, Robert W. Norgang, J. L. Hoffman; Congress, Claude T. Ileno, Professor John L. Stewart; Assembly, H. W. Bloss, Roy Marshall, Irving Trexler, W. H. Miller, Charles Reber. C. S. Spear; State Committee, Fred O. Raymond, E. C. Domes'. , Those picturesque battles between the Mutchler and other factions in Northampton county and in that con gross ion a 1 district which elder Democrats recall, bid fair to break Evans Hand out again over the sue- Arouses the cession to the seat now Muclilcrites held in Congress by A. Mitchell Palmer. Pal mer and his lieutenants have slated Pennel C. Evans for the job and the Mutchler people and the whole anti- Palmer crowd have 'arranged to run some one else. Evans is a former member of the House from Eastoti and was rather mild when here. Me was a national delegate in 3 912 and followed the Wilson banner when ever he could parade. The chances are that there will be a diverting time in that district this year. The last lie publican elected from that district, Gustave Schooebeli, went in through a Democratic split. Speaking of Congress, the solicitude being manifested for the ambitions of D. L. Kaufman, of Iliuhspire, toy the reorganization gangsters in this section, is tourh- Kaul'inan Ing. Kaufman was nom- Is Going inated in 1912 because n it Alone proposed deal fell through and 110 one 'seemed to care very much whether ho won or lost after the campaign got started. Tie made Ills fight without the sunshine from the bosses' camp and seems fated to do the same again. The boom for R. D. Ir ving, of Carlisle, for (he Democratic nomination did not get very far out side of Market Square. Congressman A. R. Rupicy is reported to he en deavoring to enlist some Democrats in iiis campaign, hoping that n weak candidate will be put up and his own rather wilted hopes will be revived in the form of a district nomination. The announcement that Grover Cleveland 1-ad tier, who has figured in various Democratic meetings here lately, would be a can didate for senator in the district represent- I-adncr Adils ed by F. S. Mctlhenny, to Interest lias caused a ripple of in District interest here where Grover is well known. He is ? son of a noted Democratic leader and possessed of considerable ability, part of which consists in be ing able to steer clear of some alli ances. The Hull Moosers have Sam uel R. Scott, the stormy petrel of the last House, on their hands as a candi date for the nomination and the vet eran Tlobert R. Dearden may be the [ Republican candidate. The district is lan uncertain one, and in the present state of politics there is no telling what might happen. Dearden's friends say [lie will win without trouble. j The boom for Dr. Martin G. Brum- I baugh for the Republican nomination for Governor which has been attract ing much attention in Philadelphia the last few Sheatz days, was sidetracked yes- Brought terday by a strong move to Front ment in behalf of Sen ator John O. Sheatz, a former State Treasurer, and one of the active independent Re publicans. Senator Sheatz. who is very strong throughout the State, was put to the front yesterday by some of the leaders and the mention of his name evoked a response that was surprising. In this vicinity Sheatz is strong be cause of his work in the Treasury. He has been mentioned for Congress In the West Philadelphia district, but it now looks as though he would be selected for a State nomination. Democrats have been hoping that Sheatz would not get into the State I tight because of his admitted strength. Congressman Palmer comes back at Michael J. Ryan in the Democratic tight to-day with a statement in which he asserts that the Philadelphian did not manifest any great Palmer ami eagerness to make llynn Frank speeches for Wilson. In Remarks Palmer's statement is marked by the same frankness that characterizes those of Ryan and in view of some statements of other candidates about the future Hi jEHsssjOCsEßb? here mmt aloie because prices «re lower, bit became qualities are bette* inr=csnrnrs=in ! Value Seekers Will Find Much of j rtor Here | MILLINERY EXCEPTED] ° \ mW T &-] Selections from our various departments which arc most wanted at I 3 this time are S iven below for the consideration of week-end buyers. | Those who know qualities will be quick to recognize the economy of the | Q j - Wool l>rc»* In SrrKi'N, Whip- « A _ **ord«, etc., In nil colors lit our 11 | Advance Showing of u*uai low prices. j NEW SPRING MILLINERY A ™C™ K | 3 Our Millinery Departments Now Presents stamped c„*i,ion i.inm r«p. win, | I H*T«i An fjtcmlvp line of new Haln In black nml color* mill nrivrat Slmnpril l.'ltiri'i' r'nMc Runners. with fil II sonpes. frliiKo .... 111 ' TR'iMM'NOSi Complete jaaaoTlment of new Flower*, Rud«, Fruit*, WhHc Ilurciau Scarf*' umi F,4x "I [3 Ostrich Fancies, Pompon*, Ribbon*, ete. IS Indie* 2"e 11 |1 ?JJ£ S ' J*T, W frn *" r " f»r SprlnK Hat making, each 25e Stamped llahy Dre**e*. white. blue 111 i IIRAinS: Full annortment of Fancy llrnld* for making hut*, Sc, nnd pink 5-,. II | 10c and 12Vic yard. Stamped Cnrrt«We Robe. on Plque? l!l _ 25c PI Sfiinipfil llnhy IMlluwn on I*lqiic to fi nin tch nliovc 25c I EMBROIDERIES AND l * nvcm MN * lo laces |SS»;BttaVsa. , !SS-iiS* for the men I New Goods Wanted by B«ly »u, I oMens nml Hoys* Underwear... 2SSc 0 SeWerS ' New Staple Dry Goods M °"' K 8 7K"h?&. ,7c me ,»d ~,c I * M ZXZ .V. CmmbTlU . Kmbto, & All Absolutely First Quality 'fe »»" "«* 1 10-Inch Cambric lOmlirolder,. many 30-Inch I nhlenched Mualln, oc. 3 pair* f„ r 2 r,c 2 n , C P . 1 «V ■: .i _ ° «c, 7c anil He Men'* l,l«le Thread llo*e, nil color*. 5 H 18-Inch Comet Cover Kmhrolderle*. 3fl-lnch Hlcnched .Mu*lln. l»«lr 12y„c [H „ . . '*'^ I °' - u< " ""'J I «c, 7c, Sc nnd 10c Men - * Silk Hone, black, blue, tnn and ||| !SH no s <,ambrlc Flouncing;, yard. 15c Sheeting Muslin. l»-4 nnd 10-1, In K«y | IS-lnch Swi«M anil Nainsook !• lounc- blenched nnd iinhleuched, yard. 2Ac Men's Neckwear, special value..lS»c t! □ A** 1 ?*? •Vni duality Loniccloth. He, 10e. 0 I "S? XK;,!Z- *>"- HOUSEKEEPING NEEDS 1 All Over Kmhrolderle*. yard 23c French Nalnnook, l|| New Haby Kmhrolderle*. yard, 10,., 12Vic, lßc, I lie and —.e (Household Dept., I*t Floor, Rear.) }: 3 New Swl*. Insertions, IS%O * ,5C ! Xdl."U»o£ C ' e,,e " "" " «»" »« Bread lloxe*. 2-p.eee price*. | 1 r ~, V?'- 12V4c and IT.c ; 10c, l2'/,c, 15c. 10c and 25c '"iJle'X" " '"" Cotton and I.lncn Torchon J.nce*. , Dress G,n«ham. 7c. 10c nnd 12V.C - !l 3 tinny l.lnen I, ace*, yard Sc Turklnh Towel*! D< " Fxtirn il ,^rrt S,, " d . OW . , C# rr.. . COVCr . . Pillow Caaea """ 25c 'i-Uart Pan,. .!.' | |] \EW SHADOW HANDING Hock Towel*. lo °' 12,/aC ' 10 ° 8,,,, 20c Coverc'd 'lluckcf*. n IS-lncli Shadow Flouncing, yard, 25c sc. 7c. 10c. 12V(.c IK.. n».i i-„ , ~ „ . . , . 25c | j vSs? w » | I SPECIAL lc to 25c Department Store I 111 KSfffiXW Where Every Day la Bargain Day 111 ham*. White (iood*. Curtain Uood*, etc. .. _ a . . _ „ D j • • J 215 Market St. Opp. Courthouse | what Palmer says is interesting. Evi dently, Palmer is as keen on party regularity as he was in 1910 when he made speeches for Grim and when other candidates were working for Berry. Palmer says: "Every Demo crat must make his own choice and, after all have spoken, the choice of the majority should be supported by everybody. Honest differences of opinion within the party are inevit able, both as to policies and as to can didates, and there is no better way of reaching common ground than for all to submit their cause to the people in a State-wide primary." fii» »' »' '* She overheard her mother say the church had decided to call the new minister, but she didn't know what. •'ADDED FKATUUKS" II.T >VIIIK Dinger You'll probably rotnomber that some •Ime ago 1 wrote About the Third Street line and how the folks Who ride upon theso trolleys are al lowed to sit and wait While the crew is busy perpetrating jokes. But new features have been added since 1 took my pen in hand And batted out my former little verse, That to many are unpleasant and I really do not see How conditions now existing could be worse. Should the crew become quite thirsty, as the car moves on its way, With a crowd of riders anxious homo to get, When It hits a drug store corner, both the members will adjourn To the fountain in the store for something' wet. Doors are closed, the car stands Idle in the middle of the street, With its riders packed as peas are in their pods. And others who would like to get in stand out in the cold While the crew imbibes in nectar for the godp. In the morning, when you're anxious to get downtown to your work, Perchance you miss a car, and then you wait Sometimes ten or fifteen minutes for another car to come. And each minute lost makes you that much more late. Then there bursts upon your vision two or three cars in a string, Stretched out many times a square or more apart, Every one will brush right by you, save the last one, which will stop. And receive you out of kindness of Its heart. O, the Third Street line's a pippin, and It surely ought to be A money-bringer to the company's till, For I don't see how it costs them any thing for management, Seems to me they let it run just as it will. "Old Soak say* he never drank until after he was operated on for appendi citis." "His must be one of those cases where the doctors sewed up a sponge In the interior of their patient."—Hous ton Post. FEBRUARY 19, 1914. ne W8 >t»ißPArc.f)63 - i -of-rhe- c iviL' mR i [From the Telegraph of Feb. 19, ISG4.;| j l'n|iture MoHeliy's Men Washington, Feb. 19. The Star has the following: j Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Feb. 18. A scouting' party, sent from Ueneral Gregg's command, at Warren ton, captured to-day, at Piedmont, twenty-eight of Moseby's men. Bring In l.lbby Sli>n Baltimore. Feb. IS. The steamer from Fortress Monroe, which reached here at an early hour yesterday morn '"K, brought as passengers twenty-live i of the Union officers who had escaped from L.l bby Prison. •in-hARRWbtIRft-npTy- ! yeans • ro-oAy- i [From the Telegraph of Feb. 19, ISO t. | j IIOIINCM Are Needed There is a continued demand for i houses. Hundreds of families have not 1 yet secured a shelter for the coming year. Capitalists should erect small small houses as soon as possible. They cannot invest their money in any other manner that will bring as large a re turn. Many Recruit* Ttecruits for the army are rallying in by hundreds. The recruiting officers are havjnga busy time. Let the good work / ~ ■IBADUUAUTRK* FOIt SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES Heads nro to hold brains and brains are to think with. A head might as well be a pumpkin for seeds to rattle in unless tin head does the kind of thinking conducive to right living for yourselif and others. Have you thought of a suitable policy in the PENN MUTUAL LIFE 10S X. Second St. Isaac Mllle., ) J.ocal F. O. Donaldson, / Agents. I U^Hffi9HP^wKm^»BraK^rflVVl^H' Bj^NHQfiraM, vJu -~' ■O^^'^nlßiy^llinMiiMmriMli^Ti'BfFrmwflHff ,^JMrf«fi«naMMHS£flE COFFEE made with an Electric Percolator is really the best possible. The delicate flavor of the coffee is entirely preserved. Toast made with an Electric Toaster is equally delicious—can be done just the right brown. Any of the " table cooking" done with Electric Utensils is appreciated by the entire family— and the utensils can be used wherever there is Electric Light. Harrisburg Light and Power Company continue to increase, in order that the j draft may be avoided. | 1 EDITORIAL COMMENT! One l.nftt Sigh [From the Charleston News ami Cour- I ier.] Huerta is said to be a man of few | words. After Villa catches him, he is going to be a man of no words at all. Might Not lie Snying Much [From the Louisville Courier Journal. 1 When Boss Murphy, of New York. I says he will be tin- head of Tammany for the rest of his life maybe he means his public life. | A Feather* £ CJ The fact that most of oar i customers have sent us other patrons is indeed a "feather in our cap," as it demon strates without doubt that oar work is as good as it's pos sible to make it. Oar Artists and Engraven are men of experience and ability in their respective lines. Let us prove it to you. Phone us and a representa tive will call. ghc-^^elegrapb \ v art an& Bnaraodifl Department ....