Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 19, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    Let Ma Lend You
- A Treatment of My
Catarrh Cure Freo
" C. IC. G Al>S^
I Will T«k« Any Cite of Catarrh, No
Matter How Chronic, or What
State It la In. and Prove BJ(.
EXPENSE. That It Can
Be Cured
Curing Catarrh has been my business
for years, and during this time over
one million people have come to me
from all over the land for treatment
and advice. My method is original. I
cure the disease by first curing the
cause. Thus my combined treatment
cures where all elso fails. I can dem
onstrate to you in just a few days'
time that my method is quick, sure and
complete, because it rids the system of
the poisonous germs that cause catarrh.
Send your name and address at once to
C. E. Gauss, and lie will send you the
treatment referred to. Fill out the
coupon below.
This coupon is good for a pack
TARRH CURE sent free by mail.
Simply fill in name and address on
doited lines below, and mail to C. E.
GAUSS, 5607 Main St., Marshall,
'0"»«a"0»a^"i"0»0''0"0«o»i M 0"0«o , '0"i"0»0"0»o«0"0»o»e»
:: Symptoms Are Warn- |
ings to Wise Men
< ■ The publication of the presurip- f
|| tion of a famed physician would |
prove fruitless to hundreds of I
1 men if unaldo to recognize the f
necessity for its use. It is not J
the intention or desire of the I
" writer to mislead or frighten by I
painting tlie horrors suffered by I
| the prematurely aged, but rather J
is it the desire to state plain =
facts. Tho peculiar affliction I
| which destroys ambition, organic •
, strength, energy and hope is ac- J
, companied by some of the fol- I
' lowing symptoms, if not by all: I
i Dull, sunken eyes; thinness (or j
, abnormal fatness), cold extremi- I
ties, backache, weakness in the J
spine, twitching, spots before the i
eyes, pains in back of head, head- 1
ache, trembling, fatigue, shrink- I
ing of the skin, flabby flesh, itn- i
paired memory, sleeplessness, t
, loss of appetite, constipation, i
kidney derangements and a gen- i
eral unpreparedness for emerg- i
encies of all sorts. ' 4
The right kind of medical •
treatment will effectually over- 1
come such warning symptoms $
and restore normal conditions if •
persistently used for a few short .
weeks. i
Any one can buy the ingredi- I
onts and mix the medicines of i
tliis prescription at home as it i
, i contains 110 poisonous opiates •
•whatever. 1
The Instructions for mixing nt I
~ home secretly so that no einbar- |
i rassment may bo felt, are as fol- |
lows: first get three ounces of I
i syrup sarsaporilla compound and |
~ one. ounce compound fluid balm- 1
wort: mix and let stand two |
hours. Then add one ounce com- *
.. pound essence cardiol and one 4
ounce tincture cadomene com- 4
(i pound (not cardamom), and mix |
i all together. The directions nre •
to take ono tcaspoonful after |
n oach meal and one when retiring, t
(. until bounding health and full i
■ strength are restored. Even a *
o few weeks will witness most #
ii wonderful results. Advertise- f
ii ment. •
Stomach Troubles
Due to Acidity
so says eMimekt specialist
So-called stomach troubles, such as
Indigestion, wind, stomaeli-ache and
inability to retain food, aro in probably
lilne cases out of ten simplv evidence
that fermentation is taking place in the
food contents of the stomach, causing
the formation of gas and acids. Wind
distends the stomach, and causes that
full, oppressive feeling* sometimes
known as heartburn, while the acid Ir
ritates and inflames the delicate lining
of the stomach. The trouble lies en
tirely in the fermenting food. Such fer
mentation iS unnatural, and acid forma
tion is not only unnatural, but niav in
volve most serious consequences if not
corrected. To stop or prevent fermen
tation of the food contents of the stom
ach and to neutralize the acid, and ren
der it bland and harmless, a teaspoon
ful of blsurated magnesia, probably the
best and most effective corrector of acid
stomach known, should be taken in a
quarter of a glass of hot or cold water
immediately after eating, or whenever
wind or acidity is felt. This stops the
fermentation, and neutralizes the acid
ity in a few moments. Fermentation,
wind and acidity are dangerous ami
unnecessary. Stop or prevent them by
the use of a proper antacid, such as
bisurated magnesia, which can be ob
tained from any druggist and thus en
able the stomach to do its work nron
erly without being hindered by poison
ous gas and dangerous acids.—Ai f r»
—Advertisement. '
To the Mediterranean
t Broadway. X. ¥., or Local Acta
Breaks a Cold Over Night
■malt Tablet*—Easy to Take—2B Ceata
M Berth Third «t. Peaaa. Station
Try Telegraph Wont Ads.
York County Agriculturists Have
Great Exhibit of Products
at Dillsburg
Special lo The Telegraph
Dillsburg, Pa., Feb. 19.—Yesterday
afternoon the Farmers' Institute held
in tho Dillsburg Opera House went in
to session yesterday afternoon to con
tinue until to-night. In spite of the
roads being badly drifted with snow
the institute is being attended by large
crowds, making it the most successful
institute ever held in Dillsburg. The
schools were closed in order to give
the pupils the opportunity to partici
pate in the program.
Tho afternoon session opened with
music by high school pupils, followed
by the address of welcome by R. S.
Clark and a response by Charles F.
Cornman. H. M. Anderson spoke on
"Alfalfa and Other Legumes"; J. H.
Peachy on "Soil Improvement," and
Charles T. Cornman on "Feeding and
Housing Poultry."
At last night's session the attend
ance increased and was opened by
music by the orchestra, followed by
addresses on "Corn Culture," by H. M.
Anderson; "Butter Making on the
Farm," by J. H. Peachey and "Poul
try Diseases and Pests," by Charles T.
This morning's session opened with
music by high school pupils. J. H.
Peachey spoke on "Breeding and
Feeding the Pig"; H. M. Anderson on
"Orchard Management" and Charles
T. Cornman on the "Turkey Problem
In Pennsylvania."
Interesting features of the institute
are the poultry show, dog show, auto
mobile exhibit, the farm products,
curios, relics, the bourse and ladles'
department. This feature is concced
ed to he the largest of any In York
county. Tho farm product exhibit
alone lias one hundred and forty ex
Special interest lias been manifest
ed in tho poultry department, as
among tho chickens exhibited are
some of the best in this part of United
States, they having won first prizes at
Madison Square Garden, New York;
Chicago, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Phil
adelphia and other large cities. All
are owned by parents in and near
Dillsburg. The poultry exhibitors are;
Augustus Arnold, George Kinter, C.
Guy Myers, John H. Shelter. Kathryn
Gentzer, S. U. G. McCreary, C. C. Klm
mel, W. S. Lerew, Harper Ma?toerry,
B. S. Klugh, Charles Lehmer, Harvey
Albert. Howard Rearick, B. F. Wolf,
M. P. Deardorff. I>evi Fishel, Hes Kint
er, James Heikes, D. B. Baker, W. H.
Shriver, F. W. Floyd and W. 11. Sidle.
Those exhibiting dogs are Harry
Evans. Paul Smith, J. A. Lerew, Lloyd
Nelson, Mr. Zercker and S. U. G. Mc-
The bourse contains booths of J. L.
McCreary, baker; W. S. Slieffer, gro
cer; W. If. Shriver. poultry foods;
Bulletin Publishing Company, print
ing; A. D. Altland Company, harness;
R. L. Nesbit, furniture; Samuel Balier,
decorator; Ira L. Heikes. insurance;
H. Cook Company, seeds and fertilizer;
Crcagor & Co., roofing; Dillsburg
Light, heat and Power Company, elec
tric appliances, and Bee Hive Bakery.
The ladies' department, devoted to
embroidery and needle work, old
hand-made articles, homespun goods
and old-style clothes, is very interest
ing in itself.
Among the articles exhibited at
tracting much attention are some revo
lutionary war relics and a largo loaf
of home-made bread, such as rarely
seen, baked by Mrs. Niles Baish, of
South Baltimore street. The display
of corn and other grains and fruit
could not be surpassed by a county
The committees in charge are;
Poultry, A. I). Arnold, W. H. Sidle, J.
H. Shelter, It. S. Clark; horticulture,
Levi Myers; agriculture, M. Coover
and E. N. Shapley; bourse, D. B. Bak
er; finance, W. H. Sidle and J. H.
Graff; automobile display, W. 11. Sidle;
dogs, S. U. G. McCreary; woman's de
partment, Mrs. .Tames Williams, Es
ther Bentz and Ethel Coulson; music,
Miss Marietta Menlar and.S. U. G. Mc-
Creary, and superintendent of exhibits,
Georgo W. Kinter.
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor of The Telegraph:
Why are we so strongly urged to go
to church on the first day of March?
Will not April or May be just as good?
Will someone please give me un an
swer I find nothing in Scripture to
indicate such a request. The apostles
met together the first day of the week
to break bread. What was written of
them is written for us; but they don't
do it. Where is the church? What is
the church? Will some of your read
ers kindly inform me? Scripturally,
where does going to church make a
Christian? Jesus says, "Wherever two
or three are gathered together in My
name, there am I in the midst of
them. But .Solomon built him an
house. Howbeit the most high dwell
eth not in temples made with hands"
(Acts, 7, 48). I heartily commend
anyone who attends service regularly
and for spiritual purposes, but how
few do this? To see and be seen of
man is the spirit of the churchgoer
to-day. When good thinking men go
to church they go to hear, thus saith
the Lord God, and not to hear an
other man's sermon read to the con
gregation. as has been done lately in
one of our churches, simply to draw a
crowd for the Increase of basket col
lections. We have very little encour
agement to go to church for spiritual
benefit. Why? Because the dragnet
is thrown out and they gather them
into the church from every source and
description, whether converted'or un
converted. if they have a fat purse—
that is all that is required. But God
is a spirit, and they that worship Him
must worship Him in spirit and in
truth (John, 4, 24), and He does not
dwell In temples made without hands
(Acts, 17, 24). If all our professed
church members and ministers as well
would get God in their heart and lives
we would then have some inclination
to go to church, but God's true chil
dren seem to bo as lost sheep. The
shepherds have caused them to go
astray (Jeremiah, 50, 6).. Then let us
go back to the old paths and walk
uprightly before God. Then God will
be found of us; not till then. Our
friend and brother of Highspire has
made several errors in his reasons for
churchgoing. O. FITZALAN.
Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 17, 1914.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a! they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood
or constitutional disease, and la order to cure It
you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure la taken Internally, and acts directly upon
the blood and mucous surface*. Hall's Catarrh
Cure 1* not a quack medicine. It was pre
scribed by one of the best physicians In this
country for years and is a regular prescription.
It 1« composed of the best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of Ihe two incrcdlents Is what pro
cures Kiii'h wonderful results iu curing catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
V. J. CHENEY ft CO., Props., Toledo, «.
(•uM by lirujglsls, price 75c.
v Take Hall's Family l'llla fur coustipatlolh i
| KMtt Co ||
Seasons End Sale
Of Wearing Apparel
\ Honest \
111 \ Decisive \
\ Reductions\
Offering every woman the one real opportunity of the season
| to secure winter garments at less than of their former
selling prices. The Klein Co. policy of not carrying goods from
one season to another compels us to make these enormous I
reductions. Please bear in mind that this is our first winter 111
season, therefore everything is new and of the very latest mode.
Former $ 15 .00 Suits, $3.98 I Formers 15 .00 Coats, $4.98
I Former $25.00 Suits, $5.98 Former s2s.ooCoats, $6.98
Former $42.50 Suits, $9.98 | 1 "ormer s42.soCoats, $8.98
Corresponding reductions on Furs, Dresses, Skirts, Under
| wear, Waists and Millinery.
Owing to the importance of this sale we will not send any approvals and no |j|j
goods will be exchanged. C. O. D.'s will be sent only when a suitable deposit is
made as every sale must be final.
The New Store For Women 9 North Market Square
Girls of College Will Start on
Southern Trip After
Home Concert
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanlesburg, Pa., Feb. 19.—Irv
ing College Glee Club will give Its
annual concert on Monday evening at
S o'clock In Columbian Hall. A silver
offering will be taken at the door. The
concert 1s usually one or the most en
joyable events of the term at. Irving,
land attracts a large and enthusiastic
audience. Arrangements have been
completed for the annual tour of the
club, which will be through the Cum
berland Valley, as far south as Shep
herdstown, W. Va., at which place the
club will sing on Wednesday, February
25. A concert will be given in Ha
gerstown, Mil., on the next evening,
and in Greencastle on Friday, Febru
ary 27, returning to the college on
Saturday. Later in the season another
trip will probably be made and con
certs given at Lehigh University, La
fayette College, Easton, Allentown and
Reading. Miss Frances Hall will ac
company the club as musical director
and pianist.
Chance is but the pseudonym
or God for those particular cases
which He does not choose to sub
. scribe openly with His own sign
One Hundred and Seventy-five
Samples Have Been Analyzed
at the Capitol
Pennsylvania's seed inspection law
has resulted in an unexpected amount
of supervision, and it appears to be
almost wholly of the voluntary kind.
Under the terms of the law standards
were set for all grass seeds to be sold
in the kuxb and system x>f Inspection
FEBRUARY 19, 1914.
of the seeds sold throughout the State
was worked out on a plan baaed on
the national government bureau's
Itowever, there has been sueh a
rush of demands for analysis of seeds
by firms which desired to "get in
right" with the new law that but little
time has been left for the field work.
Thf laboratory of the Department of
Agriculture has thus far analyzed 175
samples, all sent in by firms and seed
houses In Philadelphia and other State
• Tired? Just as tired in the morning as at
m Htl »✓"* night? Things look dark? Lack nerve
A V/ills* power? Just remember this: Ayer's Sar
saparilia is a strong tonic, entirely free
Moke no mii/afce. Cumuli your own from alcohol. It puts red corpuscles into
doctor first. Tak* only those meJicinet the blood; gives steady, even power to the
the iat Jocton endont. nerves; strengthens the digestion.
cities, and all of which pay for
analyses and the certificate.
It Is said that the new law hoa
driven out some brands which could
not comply with the State law, but
that the preliminary inspection shows
the need of the law. Active work Is
to be started In the field before long.
The Department of Agriculture has
brought ten suits In the last week
against firms which sold cattle feed*
which were found full of weed seeds
or other mixtures not In accordance
with the brands.