To-morrow Will Be One Big Day of Friday Bargains at Kaufman's FC* FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY FOR FRIDAY ONLY L L ?cu Sm^D rcccc' One Lot of Women's WOMEN'S BROAD- CHILDREN'S BEAR- GirI.'WINTER COATS, One Lot of WOMEN'S kt.ll2.MF> Worth $1.50 L J3, F« „'i. J ™SOJF """ CLOTH CAPES, Fu SKIN COATS, Ftr W.rtb I. (3.50, F« Jl-95 $1.95 50c 25c P- 50 $1.50 mlv 15 suits, made of all-wool (Slightly soiled.) Assorted col n#tures. (No plain colors.) ors. Small sires only; 14, 16 Made of all-wool materials, Only 5 coats; sizes for 2-year Only 15 coats; sizes 10 and 12 Otitis and ends—the materials sizes- and 18. assorted colors and sizes. Only 2 capes. Come early. Girls. years only. are Serges and Mixtures. ( FOR FRIDAY ONLY ALL WINTER COAT GO] | For Friday Only | Extra Large Coat Suits $C 00 f1.5.00 /=•<* sgfo wwa to SIB.OO Ex ra Large Coat Suits $n 75 sl2 to sls Values For 58.75 For Suits Wor $25.00 Vqlhac Pnr */• Sizes and colors as follows: SIO.OO for Suits Wor*h $20.00 to #30.00 IU 1./j Made In Gingham and Per. J>i .Z J fI.H J J>l.7j i LADIES' WAISTS One lot of Ladies Brassieres; Si Made of fast color Made of l>est nercale- vf , - . , . ... * IH broken sizes; 25c and 50c ■! A. H checketl Ringhain; trim- f . , ' f !' nc S ,n ß" ca,e » adustable to any figure; Made of fast color Blade of fast color Made of fast color H °. n f ,a l es Shirt value, for 1 "C I ■ med in plain percale. color. Imm; fast colors. fast colors. Gingham. gingham. gingham. H I CHILDREN'S GUIMPES L FOR FRIDAY ONLY I for - *•/*» —*——i—— _———^—m———— i i— — 200 pair of Ladies' and Children's HnHHimni - _ _ fast black hose; 10c value, ff _ fo SWE;TERS' y Hundreas of Bar S a ' ns in This Great Friday Sale of Men's, Young Men's =1 " woo"Swea'jers i $// y One lot of Ladles' Neckwear; MEN'S INDERWEAR Nothin S Reser ved. Every Suit and Overcoat Offered at Big Reductions ,S c Vj/ ] n )W. Some Marked y 2 and Many Less Than 'A Former Prices. F.vtra Snprials only) ; value to SI.OO, 9 Q/ , Xs* I j / / 1/ . __ . "All A UUCtldlS " ™=, ll[4 1$ KMI.OO 52 , "-.52.95^.^53.755t"'55.95 W)RK SHIRTS V 'I Sizes 32 to 36 Value, to $7.50 tels.TS Vnlue.Wsl2 JZ'Jm ' *t «£ vau.°e,' s '{e* MEN'S SUITS FOR vi t7Cn Convertible Collar, Fancy Norfolk and 3-button styles in Urge Shawl Astrakhan collar, for .. ' $1.95 tor ...J IOC . Values to $7.50 Mixtures Fancy Mixtures quilted Venetian Ining. EXTRA PANTS tb v v f Suits for Stout Men] Greatest Bargains Ever Offered In Boys* [Boys' Corduroy Suits! suits to SIO.OO, d»-i qg SPECIAL Value to $15.00 50.75 Winter.Suits and Overcoats <3 49 *" —^ Meu* Pant*, values to CQ_ A|j woo i . j »J Z f' 1° LOT NO. I—Boys' Russian style LOT NO. 3—Boys'Norfolk Suits , Men's Leather and Corduroy sl.#. fnr 03C ,7' , j f,'°"" " j . Values to SIB.OO »"«>■ tl fln «h ». JSTS V.luei to $6.00 Coats. $6 values, QC newest Fancy cassimece, and! " 1 - UW ■» s«o. Fridas only , ftft Made Norfolk style with for 0)0.95 Ma's Pants, values to OQ cheviots handsomely tail- H , t N 0 0 ,« 2 * full Knicker pants. P for OJ/C | MEN'SOVFRrriAT. Twenty-four wo men of Edwardsvllle, who weer re turning from a sleighing party, were thrown into a snow bank Tuesday night when the sled in which they rode upset in a drift. Mrs. John E. Jones was caught under ths Bled and ■ severely injured. Mahanoy Oity. Twenty-two pas sengers in a Schuylkill railway car i were thrown into a panic yesterday near this city when the earth behind them in the roadbed gave way. The car barely escaped going down into HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH the underground workings. Bcthlcliem. Carl Moser and his i bride of a few days had a narrow es cape from asphyxiation in their new home here yesterday. A defective furnace caused the house to become Ailed with gaa. Pottsvitle. Ex-Sheriff 8. Roland Beddal, of Port Carbon, was stricken while in Washington, D. C., and was hurried horns. He Is In a critical con dition. Wilkes-Barrc. M iss Hose Adams, aged 18 years, who to have mar | rled Adolph Mlckalonis at Ashley last night, fled from the house, leaving the bridegroom, the guests and the wed ding party waiting for her return. She did not come back, and was found at the home of a relative yesterday and detained on a charge of breach of promise. Mahflnoy CXty. While attending wedding festivities at Vulcan, a min ing hamlet near here, Joseph Vanehis was attacked by aliens, who slashed oft his ears and fractured hia skull FEBRUARY 19, 1914. : with bludgeons. , WHkos-Barre.—One thousand men and boys declared a strike at the Lance Colliery of the Lehigh and i Wllkes-Barre Coal Company to-day, the result of button trouble. MEN ABE NOT GUILTY Seattle, Wash., Feb. 19.—The jury ■ In- the case of Charles P. Munday and Archie W. Shlels, charged with con i splracy to defraud the United States of the Stracey group of Alaska coal lands by the use of dummy cntrymeu. brought in a verdict of not guilty lata last night after being out six hours. The case against the promoters la what is known as the "Chicago group of claims." FELL DEAD SI'EAKING TO WIFH Sunbury, Pa., Feb. 19.—While In th« parlor at his home here this after noon speaking to his wife, Charleg Smith, aged 26 years, chief statistical clerk for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company here, fell over dead from heart trouble. 5