Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 19, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Three Specials For Friday
Yon Can't Afford to Miss
Fop to-morrow's selling we offer three exceptional values, one
or more of which you are sure to want. Primarily they are offered
as an Inducement to get you here and let you look through our stock
of beautiful new spring suits. Come, you'll enjoy an inspection of
Rubberized Poplin Raincoats in navy only; worth dJO QQ
»«.60. Special Friday tyO.Z/Oi
Raincoats in rubberized gray mixed cloth; worth £9 QQ
SB. Special Friday «POmUO
I Embroidery and lace trimmed combination suits, ribbon
I run; worth SI.OO. Special Friday only
All fine quality human hair braids to match any shade of hair
are exactly half priced for to-morrow; worth 98c. to $7.00. You
may take your pick 49 c t() S3SQ
WOF" 10-12 South Fourth St. 10-12
Hair coming out? If dry, thin,
faded, bring back its color
and lustre
Within ten minutes after an appli
cation o£ Danderine you cannot find a
single trace of dandruff or falling hair
and your scalp will not itch, but what
will please you most will be after a
few weeks' use, when you see new
hair, fine and downy at first —yes—
but really new hair—growing all over
the scalp.
A little Danderine immediately dou
bles the beauty of your hair. No dtf
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Thomas
Are Removing to Elmira
Their friends throughout the city
greatly regret the removal from the
city of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lloyd
Thomas, who have many friends in
Good Coal
From Either Yard.
Our Allison Hill coal yard is on the Read
ing Railroad at 15th & Chestnut streets.
The city yard is located at Cowden and
Forster streets on the Pennsylvania Rail
At both these yards we keep a full stock
of the very best grades of coal.
We find some people prefer coal from the
Reading Railroad, while others want Penn
sylvania Coal.
You can get any kind of coal you desire
from us.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forater A Cowden Third A Boaa
IBtk * Cke.tnut Hummel ft Mulberry
nig°ht|U/?S. FISKE
Seats Now Ll A" in Mrs. Bumpstead-Leigh'*
50c to $2 "Side-Spiittingly Funny" N. If. Times
2:30, 7 and 9 P. M.
in Souls
M»».. 25c, 35c | Children. 15c. O/"* ANY SFAT
L r
' . _
6 Water Nymph. SAXAPHONE 5
Bertha Creighton & Co. MLLE. ZIRITA
Beaumont & Arnold mm -g
The Hasmans Hi Hi I ( |/»
Juggling DeLitle
ference how dull, baded, brittle and
scraggy. Just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The effect is amaz
ing—your hair will be light, fluffy and
wavy, and have an appearance of
abundance; an incomparable luster,
! softness and luxuriance,
i Get a 25 cents bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or
| toilet counter and prove that your
hair is as pretty and soft as any—
that It has been neglected or injured
by careless treatment—that's all—you
surely can have beautiful hair and lots
of it if you will Just try a little Dan
railroad and social circles. Mr.
; Thomas has been promoted to an im
j portant railroad position at Elmira,
and while his friends are pleased with
| his good fortune in this respect, they
j are more than sorry to see the fam
j ily leave Harrisburg. Mrs. Thomas
I was formerly Miss Liiias Blaikie.
Yoimg Folks of St. Michael's Hold
Social Meeting at
Amid the tooting of horns, the ring
ing of cowbells and the shrill yell of
their order, members of the Young
People's Society of St. Michael's Ger
man Lutheran Church started from
Market Square last evening at 7.30
o'clock in a large sleigh drawn by four
horses for a sleighride.
Reaching the Hoffman Inn, at Dau
phin, a short business session was held
and the following officers elected:
President, Miss Anna Mehring; vice
president, Albert Bucher; secretary.
Miss Margaret Miller; treasurer, Miss
Dora Adams. Music and games pre
ceded a chicken and waffle supper.
In the party were the Rev. Reinhold
Schmidt. Mrs. Schmidt, the Misses Ma
rie Wohlfarth, Elizabeth Liesman.
Clara Johannan. Marie Knuth, Clara
Voll, Sophia Johannan, Dora Adams,
Margaret Miller and Anna Mehring,
Mrs. Williams, Paul Hess. Lyman Bier
man, Harry Adams, Albert Booser,
Herman Schreck. Clarence Deller and
Herman Liesman.
Drive to Mechanicsburg
in Four Horse Sleigh
Miss Katharine Shoemaker, of 1436
Market street, gave a sleighride to
Mechanicsburg last evening, the guests
taking supper at the Givler restaurant.
The party included Mr. and Mrs. H.
W. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Haines, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheila
man, the Misses Ellen Smith. Sara
Rowell, Amanda Shields, Gertude For
sythe, Sara Hoerner, Mary Forsythe,
Alda Barnes. Edna Shope, Ray Willis
and Gertrude Copelin, Harry Pickrer,
Charles Brown, John Graham, Clar
ence Starr, Harry Updegrove, Joseph
Armstrong, Ralph Hayes. Charles
Landon, James Grimes, Harry Jenkins
and Leßoy Sowers.
Piano numbers by Mrs.Blosser,vocal
solos by Mr. Gelger and Mr. Blosser
and several violin solos by Miss Hart,
as well as informal singing in con
cert, were all enjoyed by guests of
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Berry at their
residence, 627 Kelker street, last even
| ing. A c6lor scheme of green and
• white prevailed in the decorations
| and refreshments closed the evening's
! pleasure. Those present were Mrs.
Gable, Miss Hart, Miss Buchter, Miss
Blosser, Mr. McCurdy, Barry Blosser,
Mr. Geoger, Mr. and Mrs. Berry.
Mrs. John M. Delaney, of Blooms
burg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John K. Bowman, of North Sec
ond street.
Mrs. Charles S. 8011, who returned
yesterday from Atlantic City, under
j went a major surgical operation at
! the Harrisburg Hospital by Dr. George
Kunkel and Dr. J. W. Ellenberger
shortly after her arrival home.
Stork and Cupid
Gunning Plotters
Many a New Home will Have a Little
There Is usually a certain degree of dread
In every woman's mind as to the probable
pain, distress and danger of child-birth.
But, thanks to a most remarkable remedy
known a 9 Mother's Friend, all fear Is ban
ished and the period la one of unbounded.
Joyful anticipation.
Mother's Friend Is used externally. It
Is a most penetrating application, makes
the muscles of the stomach and abdomen
p'.lant so they expand easily and naturally
without pain, without distress and with
none of that peculiar nausea, nervousness
and other symptoiiis that tend to weaken
the prospective mother. Thus Cupid and
the stork are held up to veneration; they
are rated as cunning plotters to herald the
coming of a little sunbeam to gladden the
hearts and brighten the homes of a host of
happy families.
There are thousands of women who have
used Mother's Friend, and thu3 know from
experience that It is one of our greatest
contributions to healthy, happy mother*
hood. It Is sold by all druggists at SI.OO
per bottle, and is especially recommended
as a preventive of caking breasts and all
other such distresses.
Write to Bradfield Regulator Co., 131
Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., for their very
valuable book to expectant mothers. Get
a bottle of Mother's Friend to-day.
The Easiest and Best Way Is
to Dissolve It
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply It at night when retir
ing; use enough to moisten the scalp
and rub it in gently with the finger
Do this to-night, and by morning
most if not all of your dandruff will
j be gone, and three or four more appli
cations will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much dan
druff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair will be Huffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
| look and feel a hundred times better.
If you want to preserve your hair,
, do by all means get rid of dandruff,
• for nothing destroys the hair more
I quickly. It not only starves the hair
! and makes it fall out, but it makes It
, stringy, straggly, dull, dry, brittle and
lifeless, and everyone notices it. You
can get liquid arvon at any drug store.
It is inexpensive and never fails to do
the work.—Advertisement.
-—Great Pari® Picture—
Four Act*
Coming—Renfox Musical Motion
Picture on February 23.
Guests Brave Weather to Attend
Tea, Luncheon and Card
Notwithstanding the abominable
weather of to-day the social whirl is
going merrily on, and card club meet
ings, a luncheon or two and a big
suffrage meeting are all on the
Mrs. F. Herbert Snow, of the River
side Apartments, North Front street,
gave a small bridge in honor of her
Miss Presby, of Boston, Mass.,
with a few guests coming in afterward
for tea.
Low baskets of Spring blossoms,
tulips, daffodils and narcissus deco
rated the drawing room In a prevail
ing color scheme of yellow and pink
sweet peas and primulas adorned the
tea table, where Mrs. Tener, Mrs. Wil
liam Pearson and Mrs. Samuel Clay
baugh Todd presided. Assisting were
Mrs. William Baird McCaleb, Mrs.
Farley Gannett, Mrs. John E. Fox,
Mrs. H. Lindley Hosford, Mrs. John
Montgomery Mahon and .Miss Letitla
Cards With Mrs. Cliadwlck
Guests of Mrs. Paul 11. Chad wick,
1104 North Second street, this after
noon had a pleasant time playing five
hundred, followed by a buffet supper.
Daffodils, narcissus and pussy willows
were used in the house decorations.
The guests included Mrs. N. O. Eck
els. of Carlisle; Mrs. John M. Dc
lar.ey, pf Bloomsburg; Mrs. Charles
Forney Leib, Mrs. J. William Bowman.
Miss Emma Vollmer, Mrs. Frank C.
Foose, Miss Emily J. Frankem, Mrs.
James G. Hatz, Mrs. John P. Dohoney,
Miss Marian Eeib, Mrs. Harry 11. Bow
man, Mrs. George W. Spahr, Mrs.
George W. Hill, Mrs. Howard Om
wake. Miss Katrina W. Pfouts and
Miss Helen Leib.
Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Niebel
Go to China in May
Dr. B. E. Neibel, a graduate of
Jefferson Medical College, Philadel
phia. who has been taking a special
; course in surgery at Grace Hospital,
Detroit, Mich., preparatory to becom
! ing a medical missionary, is visiting
his parents, the Rev. B. H. Neibel,
corresponding secretary of the board
1 of missions of the United Evangelical
Church, and Mrs. Neibel, at their
home in Penbrook.
Dr. Neibel, accompanied by his wife,
will sail for Changsha, China, May 19
and will erect a hospital at that point,
taking charge of the work there him
self. Dr. Neibel and Miss Alice Har
ne>, a graduate of lowa University,
were married two years ago in Reser
voir Park. Mrs. Neibel will be of great
assistance to her husband in his labors
in the foreign field.
Children Make Merry
With MaboJ. Potteiger
Mr. and Mrs. Amandus Potteiger,
of 042 Camp street, pieasantlv enter
tained a nurpber of little girls Mon
day evening in honor of the ninth
birthday of their daughter Mabel The
rooms were prettily decorated in
hearts, Cupids and red ribbons. After*
games and musie, refreshments were
Among those present were: Alda
McMorris, Adaline Stteeley, Doi thy
Allen, Ethelyn Beatty, Dorothy Beat
ty, Ethelyn Mairs, Anna Hunsberger,
Ethrlyn Sloop, Beatrice Deibler, Fran
ces Carr, Elenor Allen, Margaret Bow
man, \ irginia Parsons, Florest Pot
teiger, Mabel Potteiger, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Potteiger, Howard Skiles, Ernest
Pierce, of Camp Hill; Amandus Pierce,
of Camp Hill; Gertrude Bowman,
Mary Sheesley, Sarah Sheesley, Gert
rude Kauffman, Ruth Bowman, Muriel
Michael, Ruth Gahret.
Shriners Entertain
the Ladies Last Night
One of the most delightful social
events arrapged by the entertainment
committee of Zembo Temple, A. O. N.
K. of M. S. was that of last evening!
at Chestnut Street Hall, when 600
guests enjoyed "Ladies' Night." An
Informal program included songs by
Carl Heefner, a piano duet by Miss
Esther Killmer and Miss Mabel Hoff
man, of Hummelstown, and numbers
sung by the Orpheus Club. Festoons
of blue and white extended from the
center of the ceiling and brightened
butterflies floated in the air above the
tables. On the committee of arrange
ments were W. A. 8011, H. W. Baker
George Mcllhenny, Charles C. Hoff
man, Benjamin Demming and Frank
C. Neely.
Miss Freda Johnson, of 1435 Derry
street, has returned home after a visit
in the country near Enola.
Dr. Thomas Stewart Blair spent yes
terday in New York city.
Miss Katrina Westbrook Pfouts was
a guest of Dr. and Mrs. William E
Peters in Carlisle yesterday.
Miss Jeanette Harcleroad, of 340
Hummel street, entertained members
of the W. S. W. Card Club at her home
on Wednesday.
Mrs. Clinton Laverty and Mrs. Eu
gene Laverty, of Mlddletown, spent
yesterday with Mrs. Edward E. Ewing
North Second street.
Miss Lillian Quigley, of Boas street.
Is home from Annvllle, where she
spent several weeks.
Lester G. Haley, of Oil City, is visit
ing at his home. 1238 Swatara street.
Miss Jennie Breininger has gone
home to Philadelphia after vlsittng
Miss Cora Cullmerry at 1427 Derry
Mrs. Samuel Gladfelter, of 231 Boas
street, is home from Columbia, where
she spent two or three days with old
Miss Ida Sweeney and Miss Irene
Sweeney, of South Eighteenth street,
have gone to Washington, D. C., to
visit their sister, Mrs. George Henrv
Miss Laura Leisenring, of Mauch
Chunk, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Boas. 115 State street.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Miller, of
Cambria street, Penbrook, announce
the birth of twin daughters Tuesday,
February 17. 1914.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fishburn, of
1802 Walnut street, announce the
birth of a daughter, Lois Kathleen
Kishburn. Wednesday, February 18,
914. Mrs. Fishburn was formerly
liss Kathleen Moyer, of this city.
[Other Personals on Pagu Vf"*j
W.< B.&W. I W., B.&W. I fy„ B. &W.
Only Two [2] Days More in Both Stores—Friday and Saturday
CROWDS CAME WEDNESDAY. We are going to clean up in
grand shape. If Friday and Saturday are as all last Sliding Scale Sale days have
been. No wonder —who ever heard of Coats, Suits, Gowns, Dresses, Cape Coats
for Evening, Street and Afternoon wear being sold at such little prices for first
class garments. Window prices will give you a faint idea.
700 Garments of all kind to sell in two days. Surely there is a bargain of
some kind here for you. Then think of it. All new Spring Suits, Coats, Gowns,
Dresses, Dress Skirts, Silk Petticoats —every garment in the house goes into this
sale for Friday and Saturday at a special reduction of 20 per cent, oft"—one-fifth
below the regular price.
ALL FURS—Cheapest Coney to best $150.00 Mink Sable Set—3o per cent,
reduction one-third off. |
Friday and Saturday Sliding Scale Sale Garments with red tickets will read
like this, for example: *
$47.50 reduced to $19.50. Friday $10.95 —Saturday $10.62
$75.00 Gown reduced to $50.00. Friday $28.07 —Saturday $27.23
$31.50 Suit reduced to $19.50. Friday $10.95 —Saturday $10.62 !
$12.75 Dress reduced to $8.75. Friday $4.92 —Saturday $4.77
$9.75 Coat at W. B. & W. Annex reduced
to $7.50. Friday $4.23 —Saturday $4.10
$8.75 heavy Coats at W., B. & W. Annex
reduced to $6.75. Friday $3.80 —Saturday $3.70
Witmer, Bair & Wltmer
202 and 31 i Walnut Street
Many Good Wishes Extended on
Their Twenty-fifth
The twenty-fifth wedding anniver-.
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Rine
ard, 2501 North Front street, was hap-j
pily celebrated last evening at their ,
home, with a gathering of friends and ]
neighbors. The wedding took place at
Maple Hill February 18, IS 9, with ,
the Rev. Dr. Everett, pastor of the
Messiah Lutheran Church, officiating.
Last evening the marriage service was
repeated by the Rev. A. Maxwell
Stamets, of the Augsburg Lutheran
The house was elaborately decorated
with garlands of smilax and other
greenery and the table apointments
were of green and white with a center
piece of white roses. Many handsome ■
gifts of silver were presented to the
As Miss Marian Williams played l
the Lohengrin wedding march, the |
"bridal" party, led by Mrs. Nezza Wil-1
liains, entered the room. Following j
were Kenneth Rineard, Wayne Rine-1
ard, David Rineard, Miss Mary Ellen j
Rineard, Mr. and Mrs. Rineard. Fol
lowing the anniversary ceremony <
came congratulations and good wishes
from the guests. A buffet supper was
Among those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Williams, Mr. and Mrs.
Sponsler, Mrs. Caroline Strayer, Mrs.
Rineard's mother, who is 80 years old;
Miss Jane Strayer, Mrs. Rosie O'Hale,
Miss Marian Williams, Joseph Strayer
Williams, Tryon Williams, Mr. and
Mrs. Nczza Williams, Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Leßoy
Unger, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hertzler,
Mrs. Rena Blumenstine, Mr. and Mrs.
Hollins, Miss Esther Paul, Miss Stella
Ebner, Dr. and Mrs. Gross, Dr. and
Mrs. A. L. Shope, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Fisher, William Fisher, the Rev. Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Stamets, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. A. Bell, Mrs. David Watts, Miss
Anna Watts and Miss Marian Watts.
On Monday, February 23, all Na
tional Cash Registers selling for less
than SIOO, will be advanced $5.00. All
Registers selling for SIOO and over
will be advanced $lO in price. Place
your order before Monday, 23 rd, at
old prices. N. R. Black, Sales Agent,
No. 105 Market street. Both tele
Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones will be the
speaker at the Young Women's Chris
tian Association vesper service Sun
day," February 22, at 3.30 o'clock. Mrs.
Jones' subject is "Service," and the
R. F. O. M. Club, directed by Miss
Alice Graydon, will furnish the spe
cial music. Mrs. C. M. McKelvy, a
member of the devotional committee,
will preside. All women and girls are
invited to attend.
Use Hyomei—You Breathe It
Unless properly treated this disease
often leads to a serious if not fatal ail
ment. It is needless to allow catarrh
to ruin your health —use Hyomei—lt
is certainly effective relief for catarrh
ills. It's the dlrect-to-the-spot treat
ment. You breathe it—no stomach!
dosing. No household should be with- j
out Hyomei. It not only gives quick i
and lasting benefit in cases of catarrh
but is one of the surest and most i
pleasant treatments for head colds, j
sniffles, or croup of children.
Hyomei is a combination of antisep
tic oils —you breathe it—using a small
inhaler. The air laden with health-1
restoring Hyomei soothes, heals and i
vitalizes the sore, raw and inflamed |
membrane of the breathing organs al
most immediately. There is no other
remedy that benefits so surely or so
quickly. Money refunded by H. C.
Kennedy if you are not satislied.
Do not be without Hyomei another
day. Druggists everywhere sell it. Get
the complete outfit —$1.00 size—this l
contains the inhaler and bottle of'
Fur dealer of New York, has taken
over management and inteerst of
the REX COMPANY, clothing and
cloaks and suits, 925 NORTH THIRD
STREET. Will offer for next Satur
day a special sale of Ladles' Coats
at $2.98. Call and inspect our
has removed his parlors from 912 N. I
Third St. to 908 N. Second SC i
FEBRUARY 19,1914.
Second Dance in Series
by Order of Eagles
The second of a series of dances to
be held by the Fraternal Order of
Eagles will be given by the social com
mittee this evening.
The first dance held by the com
mittee was a great success with a
large gathering of the members pres
ent. It is expected that a large at
tendance will bo present to-night.
It is the desire of the social commit
tee to give one of these dances for
the members, their wives and lady
friends every month.
Mrs. J. Norman Sherer, of the
Riverside Apartments, has Issued in
vitations for tea Tuesday afternoon,
February 24, at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Neil
E. Salsich's card is enclosed with that
of Mrs. Sherer.
"The Quality Store"
For Friday Shoppers
EXTRA SPECIAL 27x14x1:2! OYSTER linen suiting, all pure
Shirtwaist Boxes, covered with high ' linen, sort finish, used for waists,
grade matting, bumtwood bandies skirts and fancy work. Two widths:
and l'eet and lias an extra heavyj 3(J Inches wide, 45c value. Si>ecinl
brass hinge. Something every wo-1 for Friday at 34c yard,
man or miss needs. For Friday's'4s Inches, 50c value. Special for
selling only at the special price of Friday at 42c a yard.
oil qu
*' " 1 Cotton and Wool Comfortables.
This last cold spell greatly reduced
One si>ecial lot corded wash silk our stock of these, Iwt there are
In black, gray and lavender strips.some few of these left which we
A regular 50c value. Special for Fri- i will sell Friday at ONE-FOURTH
day's selling at, per yard ~.. j OFF.
I Homespun all-wool flannel in
Wright's Health Underwear—the checks and stripes; was 40c, special
best made—for men. Jaeger color, fur Friday at, yard •» 1 /,
wool fleeced shirts and drawers. A r
Heretofore sold at SI.OO, are now _ , ~
special for Friday at, each .. 7 Genuine Duckling fleece in a good
i variety or patterns, specially priced
•» for Friday's selling at only, yd.,
Men's heavy weight riblied, llf®?
spring needle, made of the finest
Egyptian cotton, shirts and draw- 3r ,.inch Comfort Sateens in about
ers, was SI.OO. Special for Friday jo styles. Was regularly 20c spe
at, each 700| c ' lal for Friday at, yard 150
T ?"! Au w]<l lot of Pillow and Bolster
LIiLRNI, Underwear for Men s, Cases and Sheets, made of the best
Ladies, Misses and Children s both quality muslin at special prices for
in separate garments and In union Friday.
suits of wool or cotton. This grade j '
of underwear Is seldom reduced I T ._
and Is a special value for Friday Ladies plaid Skirts in blue,
only at 20 PER CENT OFF. green and brown; newest styles,
Men's heavy weight cotton rib- epy H'TOlal f°r Friday at
bed shirts and drawers, fleeced, $3.»)8
these arc our regular 50c quality
for Friday special at, each. >350 Children's Blue Rain caps with
hoods, also school bag, ruler and
A special lot of Royal Worcester K'ij »}»"*• "b";'
Corsets, made of good quality cou- 1 ridaj onlj at
til, medium bust and free hip bone. - 1
All sixes. Our regular $2.00 value. ™ .
Very special lor Friday at. each, Children s Winter Coats in iln
3 i «- 12-year sizes. Made of Chinchilla,
•pJL.JLO Astrakhan and Broadcloth; blue,
brown and gray mixtures; were
Men's Flannelette pajamas arc $4.50 to $12.50 values. Special
specially priced for Friday's selling Friday at ONE-HALF OFF.
only. SI.OO values at 79c eacli;i
$1.50 values at sl.lO each. I Dressing sacqucs of flannelette
— land percale—well made; only a llin-
Men's Flannelette Night Gowns Ited quantity of these.
reduced for Friday only; 50c value 51.25 values special for Friday at
at 30c each; 75c value at 50c eacl 75c
— >e values speciul i'or Friday at 39c
Misses' heavy ribbed vests an
Kl I ri^i i r t I °!'.i n ? t 1 a,lsl ? One <> f lilies' and Misses'
for Frldiiv at oiw'li c 1 >nse dresses, mostly small sizes
for Friday at, cac.li 17< »il nearly all light colors. Were
'jnlarly SI.OO. Special for Friday's
All Ludles' and Misses' knitlct 1,ln « at » each (jj)^
skating toques and caps to be sole
Friday at ONE-HALF OFF. 27x54 and 30x72 Axminstcr Rugs
T . , ~ f the very best grade, all beautiful
Lot of —>c and oOc fancy latterns, and are elegant bargains
In remnants and full pieces. Te -, r Friday at. each,
' jwjwund $3.49
" * A few pair of Sun-ltc-Zista Cur-
Hen man ts of -5c and 50c fancy ains for arcliways, in iji'ccii and
dress buttons. S|>ecial for Friday irown. TJiis is a regular $5.00 cur
at, per dozen . ain. S|>ecial for Friday, per pair,
* $3.50 i
Bed Spreads, double lied size,
Marseilles patterns, hemmed ready Figured Sllkollnes, 30 inches
ror use. An exceptional value at wide, all coloi-s. h: 3 to 10-yard
SI.OO, but special for Friday only at lengths—excellent for comfort?.
each screen fillings and cushion tops;
regular t2 '/£<: value. Special Fri-
Buffet and Dresser Scarfs. 18x54, day yaPd *9O
some have lace and Insertion,
others arc hemstitched ntul em- 40-incli Cross stripe scrim for
broidered. Regularly 50c. Special summer curtains. Was 25c special
for Friday at, each for Friday at, yard 121/, 0
Miss Mary Koath, 30 years old, 229
South Thirteenth street, was operated
upon at the Harrisburg Hospital last
night for appendicitis. Sho is in good
condition to-day.
'/he QUICK action of simple buck
thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed
in Adler-i-ka, the remedy which be
came famous by curing appendicitis,
is surprising Harrisburg people. Many
have found that this simple remedy
drains so much foul matter l'rom tho
system that A SINGLE DOSE relieves
constipation, sour stomach and gas on
the stomach almost IMMEDIATELY.
Adler-i-ka is the most thorough bowel
cleanser ever sold. G. A. Gorgas,