Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 19, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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How many words can you make out
• f tta« letters in the words -lOt-.A!.
OCEAN GATE"? Put your thinking <"P
on and try. a» it oaats you nothing, ana
may mean the foundation of your fu
ture fortune:
To the person sending In the lar»-
•at number of English words con
structed from the letters In the words
"IDEAL OCEAN GATE'' we will a vcid
absolutely FREE of cost a c.iotee
Building: Site at Ocean Gate. N. J.
The person sending In the next larg
est number of English words construct
ed from the letters In the words
IDEAL OCEAN GATE" we will award
an order for one week s vacation at
one of the Ocean Gate hotels
time during the summer >, ana * *' 6
• redlt Certificate to applv on the pur
chase of a choice building site at
Ocean Gat*, the regular full price or
which Is sin# up. .
To the five (5) persons "nolng in
the next largest number or Engllsn
words constructed from the lette js In
the words "IDEAL OCEAN t»ATt
*• will award to each a ITS Credit
Certificate to apply on the purchase or
a choice building site at Ocean Gate,
the regular full price of which le SIOO
P To all of those who send In thirty
(80) words or more made from letters
In the words "IDEAL OCEAN
we will award a SBO Credit Certincate
to apply on the purchase of a cnoica
building site at Ocean Gate, the regu
lar fulf price of which is SIOO up.
Tou must adhere to the following
RULES—Your correct name and ad
dress must be plainly written
No more than one member In a fam
ily will be considered eligible for
an award In this contest
Tou must mention name of newspaper
you saw this contest advertised in.
No minors allowed to participate.
Do not use the same letter twice un
less it appears twice in the words
In the evant of a tie the same award
will be given to each so tieinjg.
Onlv English words will be allowed.
Write your list of words on one sld«
of the sheet only, number each
word, and state the full number
that your list contains.
Two prises will not be awarded to one
person submitting two lists, and no
list will be accepted where there
is evidence of collusion
No awards will be granted to anr ons
who has had a Free Lot in a pre
vious contest.
Answers must be In our office at the
address given below before 5 p. m.
of the closing date mentioned here
Names and addresses of the many peo
ple who have won in our contests
In other cities will be cheerfully
mailed upon request too many
to publish here Also offer hun
dreds of "fac simile'' testimonial
letters from pleased investors
OUR GUARANTEE—We will donate
the sum of S6OO to any charity in your
city If it can be proven that any lots
In OCEAN GATE are being sold or of
fered for sale by this company for less
than SIOO each.
The corporation that has promoted
OCEAN GATE is one of the best known
and among the most reliable In Ameri
ca. and Its directors have been associ
ated with It since Its Incorporation and
with its allied companies for over 2$
OCEAN GATE Is a live, booming, le
gitiate, high class, restricted shore
Resort Development, within the region
■if Asbury Park. Sea Girt, Point Pleas
ant. Bay Head and Seaside Park, N. J.,
and is In the pine sone of Lakehurst
and Lakewood. N. J. Among Its many
advantages may be enumerated the fol
Pine groves, fruit orchards and vel
vety lawns. Long distance telephone
service. Two miles of clean beach.
Pennsylvania Railroad station on the
ground for the free use of every prop
erty owner. Ideal bathing. Stores and
restaurants. Water mains through the
streets. Tacht club. Post office.
Boardwalk. Miles of well made streets
and boulevards. Three docks for free
use of property owners. The finest fish
ing grounds In the country.
Over 350 bungalows and cottages
already built and occupied In season.
Special trips to OCEAN GATE every
Sunday from May 30. Also weekday
trips by special appointment.
Mall Your Answers to
REAU. "DEP. B," SUITE 508.
answers as ea*ly as possible, as this
contest closes WednesdayT February 25,
at 6 p. m. Advertisement.
Episcopal Bishop, Aged
72, Will Marry Widow
fl.y Associated Press
Spokane, Wash., I-'el). 19. The
Might Rev. L. 11. \\>lls, for more than
twenty years bishop of the Episcopal
iliocese of Spokane, has announced
here his engagement to Mrs. Andrew
H. Smith, of New York city. The
wedding is to take place in May in
New York. The bride-to-be, a widow,
is a member of a wealthy New York
family. Bishop Wells, whose first wife
died ten years ago. is 72 years old.
I Cheap and
Easily Made, But Ends
a Cough Quickly
Haw to the Very Best
Canjgh Itemed> at Home.
Fully tiuuranteed.
This pint of cough syrup is easily
made at home and saves you alioiit $2.00
as compared with ordinary cough reme
dies. It relieves obstinate couglis—even
whooping cough—quickly, and is splen
did, too. for bronchial asthma, spas
modic croup and hoarseness.
Mix one pint of granulated sugar with
'a. pint of warm water, and stir for 12
minutes. Put ounces of I'inex i fifty
cents' worth) in a pint bottle, and add
the Sugar Syrup. Take a teaspoonful
every one, two or three hours. Tastes
This takes right hold of a cough and
f rives almost instant relief. It otiniu
ates the appetite, and is slightly laxa
tive—both excellent features.
Pines, as perhaps you know, is a
most valuable concentrated compound of
Norway white pine extract, rich in
guaiacol and the other natural healing
pine elements.
No other preparation will do the work
of Pinex in this mixture, although
strained honey can be used instead of
the sugar svrup. if desired.
Thousands of housewives in the United
States and Canada now use this Finer
and Sugar Svrup remedy. This plan haa
often been imitated, but the old success
ful combination has never been equaled.
Its low cost and quick results have tnada
it immensely popular,
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparation." Your druggist has
Pinex. or will get it for you. If not,
send to The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Congregation Passes Resolution
Commending Dr. Smucker Fqr
Work He Has Done
_______ At a quarterly
conference session
of the B. F. Ste
vens Memorial
Methodist Epiaco-:
pal Church last;
.* "I.* night, the mem-.
UNM hers unanimously |
■|fl. passed a. resolution
.1 jflH expressing a desire
to have the Rev.;
hi- reU*" Clayton Albert
Smucker. D. D., re-
BfeJi ' jaMMB turned ' to the
church as pastor,
commending I
l> ■ Dr. Smucker's good
work during the short time he has
been in charge.
The Rev. A. S. Kasick, D. D., super
intendent of the llarrisburg district i
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, >
presided over the session. The Rev.j
Dr. Faslck also preached the mid
week sermon. The resolution was!
presented by Jantes A. Barker and was,
passed by a rising vote.
Dr. Smucker was one of the first'
preachers in this city to advocate j
church advertising in the newspapers l
and his success in drawing large audi-!
encea has been phenomenal.
Two Missionaries Named. —At the j
meeting of the executive committee of!
the Board of Missions of the United i
Evangelical Church, .held in thel
Y. M. C. A. Building yesterday after
noon. two new missionaries to China !
were named. They are the Rev. E. S. i
lvaufftnan, of Richland, now a student
at the White Bible Training School In i
New York, and Miss Hopewell, of 1
Harrington, 111, They will leave fori
China on May 19. Dr. Benjamin Nie
bel, a medical missionary to China,
gave a talk on conditions there. Reso- •
luttons of condolence were passed on I
the death of Mrs. C. N. Dubs, wife of'
the Re-v. Dr. C. X. Dubs, and the Rev. |
C. A. Lindermeyer. who recently diedj
in China. Bishop Dubs presided, i
Congressman Frank L. Dershem, of 1
Lewisburg, was secretary pro tem. •
Bishop W. H. Fouke, of Xapanville
111., and Bishop W. F. Swengel, of this 1
city, attended the meeting.
To Give Suppt-r. A baked bean
supper will be given in the social
room of Hidge Avenue Methodist Epis
copal Church by the junior depart
ment ot the Sunday school Saturday
evening from 5 to 10 o'clock. Fancy
cakes, candies and other articles will
be sold.
The Rev. Mr. lia«sler at V. M. C. A.
—The Rev. H. N. Bassler, pastor of
the .Second Reformed Church, will be
the speaker at the men's Gospel meet
ing to the held under the direction of
the Voting Men's Christian Associa-
I tion. Second and Locust streets, Sun
dav afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Mr.
Bassler will deliver an evangelistic
address. The praise service, as usual,
will be directed by W. H. Kautz, the
association chorister. Doors will open
at 3 o'clock.
Staff Captain to Speak.—Staff Cap
tain CharleS Campbell of the Eastern
district of Pennsylvania. Salvation
i Army, will come here from Philadel
! phia to speak to-morrow night in the
I new hall at 1014 Market street.
Dr. Mudge to Be Taken
Into Presbytery Tonight
Prominent Presbyterian ministers
| and laymen will attend the installa
tion of the Rev. Dr. Lewis Seymour
i Mudge as pastor of Pine Street' Pres
byterian Church this evening.
The meeting of the Carlisle Presby
| tery will be held at 7 o'clock this even
ing to receive Dr. Mudge into the
Presbytery. At 7.30 the installation
1 ceremonies will be started. Dr. Mudge
will not preach here on Sunday and
will not be able to occupy the pulpit
for several Sundays.
I Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts.
I supported the President's request for
'the repeal of the Panama Canal toil
; exemption provision on the ground
that if not repealed the hostility of
I many nations might lead the United
i States to "serious loss, or serious in
jury. or war. or something like war."
Secretary Daniels announced that
because of the necessity of providing
a $1,000,000 appropriation for repairs
to the dr.vdocks at Pearl Harbor. Ha
j wali, it was unlikely that any drydock
for the Atlantic coast won id be au-
I thorized at this Congress. A tentative
draft of the naval appropriation bill
considered by the House committee
j made no provision for a drydock.
Mrs. Christine Frederick, a writer
on household economics, gave a house
wife's view of trusts and competition
•to the House judiciary committee, now
considering anti-trust bills.
The Federal Unserve Hank organiza
tion committee issued a statement in
which it was assorted that bankers i
and business men throughout the
jcountry approved the new hanking!
| system. .
By a vote or 230 to 87 the House j
■passed the Alaska railroad bill after!
amending the Sen:.te measure bv i
striking out the provision for a bond!
issue and also fixing the limit of cost'
at $35,000,000.
Governor Stuart, of Virginia, signed (
i lie enabling act, which allows an elec-'
tion in September on State-wide pro-1
hibition upon petition of one-fourth I
I the voters of the State.
Although in existence less than a!
week, stories of petty graft in the new !
!• ree Municipal Employment Bureau,
in New \ ork city, were related by men i
jwho had obtained work through its!
' agents.
Xew York lawyers representing Mr.
and .Airs. Clarence H. Mackay an-,
•louneed thai decrees of divorce had
ijeen granted them in Paris.
Witnesses ?t an interstate commerce
hearing in Kansas City complained
thai that city had lost a large share i
the grain trade from the South and
Southwest because of discrimination ;
in freight rates.
A verdict exonerating Senator Gore '
was returned in the $50,000 damage
miit brought in Oklahoma City by Mrs.
' Minnie E. Bond, who alleged the Sen
itor attacked her. The jury was out
| ten minutes.
Special to The Telegraph
, Pottsvilie, Pa., Feb. 19. Fire is
raging in the fifth lift of the East
Primrose gangway in the shaft of the
i Oak >llll Colliery, at Duncot, near
here. It was discovered yesterday
morning when the miners employed
there returned to work. .Mine In
! spector Michael J. Bennan Is in con
i sulfation with the colliery officials,
j who are directing the work of extin
guishing the (lames.
I Another lot for Friday Women's $1.50 and .rtffllffiWffMlfTfcm Boys's2.so and <
' Skirtin F r nCh t2MSho " $3.00 Overcoat, There are many ;
: s3.oo Quality J.-.rr, I .S' gas llllßliMk P~ple Who look ;
► 55C ci yd. BOWMAN'S Third Floor. |J ||| ffllßfflilj BOWMAN ' B Th,rd F,oor " tO OUr FridaV <
► I LOWEST PRICTS TWnu I Bargain Sale, 4
► a.af.isßspfnVSi/te JO le?! »i LOOK knowino 4,. -
It created such a stir that OF TH F W Jk mD TUU lUIUWIIIg IIIG CX" 4
► we Immediately wrote to the SJI 1 11L m J J rvn IHi . « *
wholesaler for more. and. for- <■ rrni/ Mm
► tunately, he bad a small WFF|( JMM W rnCFkl ClfkfC IICIIIC ICUUvIIOIIS
quite so large as last Friday's. " Llj " HAlUlMflimfit Bflntn VjKLLIN Oluflj 1 » 4
2rrk p l'»Y?hs%*,Ssr'f. r s: l f r »*S."i . , . mac ' e good <
gtTa'ft $27.00 Enameled \||M| |w'' : .' v V : : Men't $3.50 and BOOC j, f or ,L ,
! •r™; ,«♦ Reed Baby Carriages lliiH H Lltfet.miiJ ii— T § ne ° ne .
skirt. > "nan.es a wJth hea%T tube gear _ p , I ||| ||l|J |H[||ljj| |fllßHfiWiF In black and tan elkskln: Qfty. i
*■ BOWM \N'S Main Flour non-friction wheels with heavy gW( j H|111! B |i|S WV !HHI Goodyear welt solas. All sliea •
BU ' lA ' 6 Alain I loor nn a adjustable reed hood NlNll|H|lUr ln the lot lOO pairs, Friday !„ i'
t an back ' Special for Friday Wfl ill I Bargain price $2.00 IHaliy CfISCS
k ... . al $19.98 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor! iL. 4 I
' Women's $2.00 • bowmans Third Floor. the reductions are .!
, and $2.50 Shoe, made on our own
► „,«?.« uESSin 7 goodj, but some- ]
pair, apeclal for"" Friday _au 400 yds. Manufacturer's Remnants 25c Ribbon* timp* 'tnwini n |
* BOWMAN'S—Third Qf 1914 NCCkWCdI Md P Persia^"VlV- I PUt
► i *« v/v»*a tt wu• a avHiUUgg bons, 6 inches wide, extra apeclal fhn t*c >rri VA
> W7'll D /-vff J C• 1 for ®" r,aa5 '' yard Jgiy* Aliases alllVC 4
► Boys's2 and $2.50 Will Be Offered on Friday bowman's Main moor. which will be
' Sample Shoes H or n » enough for a day's <
► Patent colt and vlci kid. J *9C DOXtO. II• i »
► B. ,u §vrn^rVn^'n-H^o 9 !! • Xvv y Stationery selling and these
pairs, special for Friday at In a vary apeclal sale for Fri- a •»
1 SI.OO _ | _ . day In order to reduce the stock aTC marked at
► BowMANs-Third Floor. Regular Prices 25c to 50c a Yard tor new vr box... .
► All Colort—White and Fancy BOWMAN'S Main Floor equally attractive <
' Misses'and Crepe Lisse Any of Them ~ bargain prices. ]
► Children's $1.50 Shadow Laces ■ at IQ/» Voiles Read to-day's «
and $2.00 Shoes Persians . Vi»n In navy, light blue and green. ll«f of FridftV 8 "*
Paten, colt button shoes with BOWMAN S—Main .'° P A • J1 1
white buckskin tops. Also some ' lUP LJJ I
black suede button shoes. All —— ' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor DSrCalnS aUQ IOOK 4
sizes in the lot. Friday Bargain » f
Men', and Young 75c and 98c „ for more at the ;
Men's $7.50 to $9.90 Sewing Baskets * ard y ll * e store not adver- <
V iL > conn Overrnnt* These baskets are imported; r CrCOICS I 4 I
Youths $2.00 VWCOOM KOod assortment of colors, Ft-l- A bl K assortment of the newest tlSed.
ShoeS two of ! kind! Casslmere! k\" - * r dßtr,pe B' "
I JIIUKS sevs, and cheviots, ln full and BOWMANS—Basement. rriaaj. >ara
Patent colt blucher shoes in three-auarter lengths. Regularly BOWMAN'S Main Floor. flifi/fvan'f
sizes 13 and 13 l *. Special for I«.o0, *B.oo and $9.90. special foi L.nilUfCfl 9 «uC 4
Friday at. pair # ()() Friday, at $4.00 _ _.. . ———— FT J ' 4
f BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S Third B'loor. 70C (jOlVaMZed nr . r/> UndeTWear
► ————— T— Lm COC tO OUC Bleached and fleeced lined 4
1 UOS f J vests and pants. Friday Bargain
i£• I'CC L omrori IfienS fI.VU wood handle: Lisk quality. Fri- Knds of wool dress goods in BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. 4
■■ /• , /<■ day's price ".(I* good shades that we offer for
► Cretonnes Winter Caps * ;^ ay ... BarKain Sa,e
27 Inches wide. Good patterns, Men's and boys' warm winter • <
* cut from full pieces. Suitable caps with pull down ear flaps BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. \Unmon m Fvtm
. for comforts and draoerieg. Ex- and fur inner bands. Made of fw Ulflclt o MAIIU a
* tra special for Friday at. chinchillas, plusli, corduroy .and .. .
► >"« rd Ty 2 f. casslmeres. Friday's price $1.45 IrOMng SU€ VCStS '
MAN S—Alain t loor* T IL I. _ C n apir orirt short 4 i
K We h ? ve also reduced the 50c Tablet P nnail „.
y ™■"«»!><? Strong and durable. Domestic lOngeeS for 19$
.. m. . | . j and the 2jc caps to .. . 19$ folding Ironing tables for. 98$ An excellent assortment of BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. J'
► JDC unuieacnea BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Basement. brocaded silk pongees to close out
► Ch.iHn* ™ y " a
" S MM ,to m ——BOWMAN'S—M.In Floor. , HQ, '
* 100-inch even, round thread in IfienS #O.DU „ „ Vf OHtCn 5 Oct C
■ remnant lengths, best quality. __ . . Of (cYnx 4
► Friday, yard 23* MacklMWS ,S. na , f , Cfl
, BOWMAN'S Main Floor. price oV ToWelmg MenSsl.so P,aln black cotton and lisle
95.50 This grey towelinr is three- PcLiQfllM hose, extra sizes, I«rlda>
I Boys* Mackinaw?, regular price quarters linen, excellent wearing-. * price < j
, 25c Fracture r.W
r* / m. »• BOW MAN !s—Third Floor. BOWMAN is—Main Hoor. Made with silk frogs, pearl but
t Prnnt Tirbma tons; inadras and outing flannel, —^
1 I UUI t IlKlflg __________ pair $1.19 , one J
stripes. Friday Bargain Boys' $5.00 . 79c All Linen BOWMAN'S— Main Fioon * Women s 25c 1
► BOWMAN S— Mam Floor. Overcoats Sheeting __ _ Hosiery i |
— l ———Made of chinchilla and eussi- This is 90 inches wide. Limit, sl*39 CoCtt
mere In single and double breast- 2Vi yards to a customer. Friday „ „air . • • 21$ '
.... . ed styles 4 different models to Har»-nln nrlen -H,. ► )<l,r j
► Hemstitched 3»S SSSSi. B S.V?K ,t «««a S^.„' m.'., ~«« ». »»
► Pillow Cases If.""-:.. soe ?:"..'° r » "V"«>f!SS ~:
' Ma rl! BOWMAN'S Third F.oor. c at 89$ 25c Sdk 4
► day's price, each i2 ] C — yn.t,v VIVVIKI BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. r* 'L D I' <
► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. $1.98 BraSS QttUtS ——————— tiniSn rOplM
~' , „ , Full sizes and soft finish. Mar- _ . . Good assortment of shades. 4
* Umbrella Jars s ?'l.le« patterns. An extra ape- A Sale of . a 11 $ "
► I / Good large sire excellent Cial Value for Friday at 9i>s , nr . ilnlsh. yard l| f,
OUC Unbleached grade. Lion head on botii sides. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 20c Otld 25c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor 4
Friday's price $1.19 • WL •. ri 4
► ~ ... BOWMAN S—Basement. White Llufiy ————
Mill wash and bleach easily rn .... . . , 4
► SSv n p??ce .f.?. . T65 . 90 .'. nch ? 49J; 59c White Insertions 12 l-2c Tissue i
* BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 49c Coal Ratine
tine for curtains or trimming Dress Goods 4
Hods £7. in a K ood a K ment of cUeoka. ,
lOcShaher Good, heavy galvanized coal day Bargain price, yard .. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. " Frldly >^rd'.. ... 5*
► riJL." ' to? Friday at ood :... EX,ra .. IS S' BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ' 4
► I lannei BOWMAN'S—Basement. ————— . 4
< Short lengths unbleached. 0 _ _ . Friday DQTgQMS
, HOT..r^ 6! 5 39c Cared <
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. AI.CO t OlUinS JOTS ..
► „ . *" ' a " Rubber buttons that were 10c, o€tS 4
V/,„ifn/> Tnlxls,* We ""HI Place on sale Friday a loc and 25c a dozen, at, a
► kJKlvmg i UUIKo lot of Imported china cereal jars dozen i o These coaster sets consist of .
r, . . n . _ ... , _ at i . . .. trav and six glass holders, nickel
► Friaav BnfffOin J > ar, l. nle ® s,,, 'f on . t . l,e ., t V, p ' T , "*"V 25c skirt and waist holders plated. Splendid for table use, .
I ft uuy uuigum good varnish flnish, substantially BOWMAN'S —Basement. . at \eb Frldav . ttl <»« 4
l r, , . in built "V •
' Sale m the Sport- BOWMAN S-Basement thl°pack?a S p^ck 7t": . 2 . dOZe VS BOWMAN'S-Basement. '
. ing Goods Department loc Wall h^{cd cu Xl of . . bla< .' k . . a . n ' l ... J
>• skat®" 3 . and . . w .°'" en . B .. ,l : B °9's* 39c China Papers 15c spool holders .. 8$ 7c Silver J
► SI SS Teddv Bears u> 1-« |> ~1 _ Special deigns in floral stripe Assorted widths of tape, with / 1 Ml| _ .
DOttleS and cretonnes for Bedrooms, and ® pieces to a pack uTfl)'
► 11.50 full jointed Dolls.. ■ . . , . „ . . fruit tapestry papers for kitchen , nnltnr «tav« at
v A very special lot of imported and dining room. Cut out border 1 conai stajs at Stripes and figures, cut from i
5Uc Stamping and Painting china vinegar and oil bottles. Kx- to match. Extra special for Fri- 10c ironing cover stretcher to u 'l Piece. Friday Bargain
Sets 24$ tra s Pecial for Friday day at, roll attach cover on stand -,p price, yard 50 i
► BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S-Basement. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 4
■ b j* j* A -r>. 4 j
Camp Curtin and Citizen Com
panies Will Pay Visit
This Evening
Inclement weather did not interfere
with the attendance at the Reily Hose
Company's fair at White's Hail last
night and it was almost midnight when
the committee in charge closed the
The Camp Curtin and Citizen com
panies will attend in a body to-night.
The committee has arranged a num
! ber of special features. John Geisel,
the chairman, announced last night
that new stock has been received at
the "Country Store" and the lads and
lussies behind the counter will offer
rare bargains to-night. The large
pond also has been restocked,
i Aside from the many attractive fea
-1 tures each night the exhibits are
| worth seeing. Local Arms have con
tributed largely to the success of this i
fair. On Saturday night the Baldwin]
company, of Steelton, will attend with !
a band. j
8,000 Men to Get Jobs
Back in McKeesport
Special to The Telegraph
McKeesport, Pa., Feb. 19. There
was joy in this city to-day when No.
3 furnace at the Monongahela Furnace
plant of the National Tube Company,
was lighted. In less than two weekß
the product of the furnace will furnish
enough material to operate the big
plant of the tube company in full for
the first time since early last Fall.
New orders for material is the cause,
and more than 8,000 men will be at
work again before March 1.
Prices Will Advance Feb. 23
On Monday, February 23, all Na
tional Cash Registers selling for less
than >IOO, will be advanced $5.00. All
Registers selling for SIOO and over
will be advanced $lO in price. Place
your order before Monday, 23rd, at
old prices. N. R. Black, Sales Agent,
No. 105 Market street. Both tele
Special to The Telegraph
Sunbury, Pa., Feb. 19.—Deputy Fac
tory Inspector Dunlap came to Sun
! bury yesterday and arrested ft moving
picture theater owner because he al
i lowed persons to stand in the aisles
and left snow In front of exit doors
Iso that persons could not get out in
|the event of fire.
Special to The Telegraph
Piketown, Pa., Feb. 19.—Mrs. Jesse
Hughes died at her home on Wednes
day morning after an illness of nearly
ten weeks. She is survived by her
husband and two sons, Brook, of Fish
ing Creek Valley, and Owen, of Leba
non. and by three brothers and one
sister, William Zeiders, of Norristown;
Curtis Zeiders, of Lucknow; Harry
Zeiders. of Fishing Creek Valley and
Mrs. Raucli, of near Mechanlcsburg.
The funeral services will be held in
the Mt. Laurel Bethel Church on Sun
day at 10 o'clock and will b# con
ducted by the Rev. Jonas Martin. Bur
ial will be made in Willow Grove
Cemetery at Llnglestown.
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md„ Feb. 19. Warner
T. Lear, who was born in Pennsylva
nia, died yesterday at his home, In this
city, from a paralytic stroke, aged 63
years. Mr. Lear was a member of the
United Brethren Church at Boiling
Springs, Pa. He Is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Jennie Lear, who was his
■ second wife, and the following children:
! Mrs. Albert Shaffer, of Hershey, Pa.;
■ Mrs. Clarence Baker, of Churchtown,
, Pa.: Mrs. Howard Beitsch, of Mlddle
sex, Pa. .and six sons and daughters
living at home. His body will be taken
1 to Carlisle, on Saturday morning, for
FEBRUARY 19, 1914.
Firemen Injured When Auto
Fire Apparatus Strikes Tree
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown. Md., Feb. 19. Yester
day afternoon the plant of the Standard
Oil Company, ln this city, was destroy
ed by Are, together with lubricating oil
in barrels stored in the building, the
total loss being over 13,000. The fire
was caused by a gasoline engine in the
cellar back-firing. The entire fire de
partment was called to the scene, but
owing to the remote location of the
building sufficient water was not avail
able. The new' automobile fire appa
ratus. of the First Hose Fire Company,
was badly damaged by colliding with a
tree while going to the fire and two
firemen were Injured.
Therm /• Only One
"Bromo Quinine "
To Off The GENUINE, Omit For The Ml KHM
Laxative Bromo Quinine
UmodTho Work! Over to Om*o m Ooht ht Omm Ooy
Whmmr 70a M 1 cold cominf on think
of th« nam* Laxadva Bromo Qninin*. J */f
Look for this ngnature on the box. 25c. A ■■ aj f
Sptcial to The Telegraph
Sunbury, Pa., Feb. 19.—Dr. N. C.
Schaeffer, of Harrlsburg, State Su
perintendent of Public Instruction, ad
dressed ninety-nine directors and o
number of others in th# Masonic Tem
ple last night on "Our Recent Legisla
tion," referring to the school code.
The Northumberland County School
Directors' Association convened here
yesterday and decided to introduce
agriculture in the schools as a study.
If Ignorance is bliss, I am more
convinced every day that there Is
a great deal of happiness in this
world.—Uncle Esek.