14 -—-—- Every Item onThis Page Is Price-Lowered Specially for Friday , I Colored Dress Goods Women'* £> Misses' Winter Coats White Goods for Friday Men's Overalls [NO Friday Specials sent 59c doth suiting; S4 incl.es wide: m S MISS 25c white voile remnants; 40 50c white overalls slightly ctmnt- C. O. D., or mail or in blue mixture. Friday only, yard. Actual $18.50 tO $27.50 Garments only, yard"*.. 1* 25c tan lined leather mittens. , oil 1 , , , , . . , .. T . „ 1 l/c white plisse crepe remnants Friday only i2 T / 2 t< phone orders tilled. ■ ■) -hes . Froni Our Regular Winter Stock , Boys' Blouse Waists Women's Neckwear Rose, Collage* and Mixtures Sleeveless guimpes in plain and only, yard • • oint de-sprit net with lawn body. ~sc shepherd checks; 4- inches JC/XtTS # VL I J e;q c f anC y w hite novelties; 28 Boys'2sc percale shirts and blouse Friday only 25 * wide; four sizes. Friday only, yard, Friday Only • I inches wide. Special, Friday only, j waists. Friday only 1 I Embroidered batiste collars, lace j r ard 190 Golf Caps trimmed round and square shapes, 50c skirting plaids; 36 ins. wide; o{ winter Coats> except those i„ black, will be offer- 25c white corded voile, 40 inches »' 1 „„ tr, SOr Friday only, two patterns. Friday only, yard. eJ to . morrow at thc most remarkable savings that have been announced q{ sheer quaHty . Special Fn- Mens and boys 25c goll caps. va ' P ' VZy 2 yard 110 Friday only 170 Fancy stoch.co.ia. trimmed wich ■"•**£ Towels and Linens Suspenders and Belts . r s 7S ,n^y' tlv . yTd'. . . • • .. m f,U, in navy, U ""PC raisin Copenhagen and rose. Heretofore towels , Men, 17c police suspenders with Dives. Pomeroy & stowart, street Floor. SI.OO wool taffeta; 42 inches wide; these coats have been * 8-0 to $.7.3 . #12.50 wh i t e with red border; size 16)4x35 solid leather ends. Friday only, Of six shades. Friday only, yard, Choose .to-morrow only •• » "eW, Soecial only, 3 for Boys' 25c leather belts. Friday , .. ~ 1; 1 $1.75 navy diagonal; 54 inches $37.50 evening wraps, in brocado vel- M'is eapes and coats'foe ' * 35* only 150 Women's Handkerchiefs wi T, c; , v ,< ol . Friday only, yard, ;&£r..r ?.?£..TTfr. 58» «»»!«!..«, . .?* ' , „ ~ .... , "... li-mdWerchiefs + - Men S Handkerchiefs •>4-indi"hem, 5c values. Friday only, $2.00 wool ratine; 54 inches wide; ■ nLV^Koyar-^ siuVt.; »#« «•"» 45c fascinators. Friday mches wide. Special tnday on M , j japonette initial hand ——- 18xl8 , nchcotton BspkiM . ft «yo.M«^ ner embroidered, narrow hem, as- $1.25 silk poplin; 40 inches wide; . cial Friday only «♦ eacli ... sorted designs, 10c values. Friday evening shades only, hnday i• ■ Jewelry and Silverware && hemmed all-linen table only, 4 for i i Vi' -n i •"i L/ining # cloths; 66x64 inches. Special 1'"- Dives. pomeroy & Stewart, street Moor. sl-.00 broadcloth ;.i 0 and . 4 inches cambric muslin, length Ito $1.50 set of half dozen Rogers . $1.39 Black MeSSalllie ______ wide; good shades. Vrulay onlv. o/ 4 c can.u .v. & silver plated dessert spoons. Friday ua3 Ul> _ . . yard $1.45 5- yard pieces in colors only, i ri- v | CeilterPieceS j 89c black messaline silk, 36 inches Dress Trimmings Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Flour. dav only, yard ~. Set of half dozen silver plated tea- wide. Special Friday only, yardj r • u l.r. in white 11 inches 25c satine, 36 inches wide; in tan, spoon s. Friday only 490 $2.00 and $2.50 Japanese drawn- Tif s,v;,„ Pillow Cases cream and blaC. Friday only, yd, - Silk Foulards ~ Silk balTbrimming in black, white 12/ ac 42x36-inch bleached pillow 5Qc Farmer > s sat j n> 40 inches 75c nickel mesh bags. Friday Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. 59c polka dot foulards; 24 inches I n„,i colors Values up to 50c. Fri- cases. Friday only, each 90 :j.. 9 nd m-w Fridav onlv onl - v , • ' wide. Special Friday only, yd., 3,50 , niilv vard ,10 25c 45x36-ineh bleached pillow VV ' 25c gold plated cuff links and tic CrMiPlpls Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Hnen Chilly bands, 2 "til 4 inches cases, embroidered an,l hemstitched. yard Casps. Friday only 15* Drapery Specials wide Values^up to 25c. Friday Friday only, each V.H 0,v... -om.ro y a sir.., W r. , h c c|olKMl „e sets. 39 c window shades in a Rood Rnsmwnt Rundns onlv yard 190 12j4c 43-inch bleached pillow case . Friday only colors and odd sizes. Spe- Dasemeilt ISargains Dives', Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. muslin. Friday only, yard ... 100 Books aild Stationery Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Center Aisle. $7 . 50 whitc and gold decorated n 1 Sunday' ~ _ Sample strips of Nottingham lace dinner sets, 100 pieces. Friday only, Embroideries bleached domet, 36 inches es ®° ns 01 S C I I j cuita' ~ p j Fridav only I 11 . , ■ wide. Friday only, yard 100 Ti / S d slso ' fiction ''Fridav Men's SI.OO one-bucklc arctics, damages. Special Tnday only, stnp dccorated and goW lined din- Swiss cross bar corset cover em- sl-5 and $1.50 . > Friday only ... 750 69c cross stripe madras curtains, ner sets, 100 pieces. Friday only, broidery, 18 mches wide; values up Down ComTOrtableS on 'y Wnm, mi's SO black kidskin • rrrLn • 2VA vards lone. *7 «9 tn Kridiv nnlv vard 19<(* 25c box Damask Linen paper. Women s DiacK kiusmh m cr eam and green, -x 4 yarus lon^. Ml over embroidery $12.00 down filled comfortables, Friday only ; 1">0 patent tip Juhets, hand-turned soles. Special Friday only, pair .... 590 7 ro ll s toilet paper 190 wide, to 59c Friday *• & •. "S 2L . l0n " • - SPCC "- « razor* stroppers.* frf- dw onTv dozen . .' 250 Boys' $2.50 tan calf button shoes, Dive,, Pomeroy * Stewart, Third Floor. day only 090 Men's Gloves Black Dress Goods ' 10c and 19c scrap books. Friday high toes, heavy stitched soles, sizes 51.98 cut star glass water sets of i - 2J4 to 5. Friday only $1.90 d-r nn Pnrco+c at 4<5 seven pieces. *nday only .... <9O SI.OO "Sargent," "Hansen" and 50c black granite cloth; 36 inches Pl,nt n mounts Fridav onlv doz. Misses' 50c rubbers, storm and epj.UU

o - ' _ ' regular cuts, sizes 12 to 2. Friday ; Broken sizes Redfern, Nemo and Broken lines. Friday only .. 090 '^ c serge; 8 inc les who; Pome rov & Stewart, street Floor. only 350 brocaded silk American Lady Cor- Short Skirts Men's SI.OO and $1.50 cape kid all wool. Friday only, yard . ; <>9o Children's 50c rubbers not all sets some slightly soiled, $5.00 . , J rl dress and street gloves. Fridav SIOO black wool tatteta, 4- llu _'*es sizes. Friday onl)'- 35t* values Choice of anv in the lot. Short knitted an anne e e only 590 wi de. ' Friday only, yard .... 790 Infants' Skirts and Slips Infants' 10c and 25c kidskin moc- Friday only at 5f52.45 skirts. I'iiday only ««>0 Men's 8c and 10c plain white and . s l - 50 black ratine; all wool: 48 . , , . casins. Friday only 50 $ ?.60 American Lady and Calma lves - Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor. satin border handkerchiefs. Friday inches wide. Friday only, yard. Infants long nainsook sknts, D.. p. &s„ street Floor. Rear. front-laced corsets. Friday only, nnlv If* Wty bunch tucks and plain hem trimmed. Iru " u,a 7 >tx . _~. , A -. D. P. & S., Men's Store,' Street Floor. $2.00 black broadcloth; 50 inches Friday only ;••••••••. • 2! }f . ojvpg pomerov & Stewart. Second Floor. PettlCOatS, sl.9j yard ' We,K - $2.95 chiffon taffeta petticoats in Dress Cottons ' digital 53 in,,,s day only . 250 Zt. St .. *1.95 50c Wash Silk ShirtinK, white * various lengths; from 34 to 30 ground with colored stripes, 32 ' ' inches. , ' m ±. r* i/\ inches wide. Friday only, yard, 190 Mlislin QownS, 35e $2.98 switches. Special Friday Corset grouruf with "floral* designs - 0 "53.98' 'switches'." Special ' n^ ic °°7ln Tnifh'al'neck and Muslin Drawers, cambric ruffle only, yard 190 Linen Middy Blouses, colored necks, long sleeves, neat ruffle trims D nlv $2.75 tight fitting, plain finish at neck a d . emstitched hem , 25c value. 20c Crepe Plisse, 30 inches, solid braid trims collar and cuffs, 75c neck and sleeves, only 2to a custo- . $4.98 switches. Special Friday armholes, only 2to a customer and wi 15< . shades. Friday only, yard 80 value. Friday only 500 mer, 50c value. Friday only .. 350 only- s,'{.so none exchanged. Friday only, 100 y pomem " gj ewart> " Second Flool Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Strcot Floor. I Dives. Pomeroy. & Stewart. Second Floor. HEAD STUFFED? GOT A COLD?J* PIPFS "Pape's Cold Compound" ends colds and grippe in a few hours Take "Papc's CoM Compound" every two hours until you have taken three doses, then all grippe misery goes and your cold will be broken. It prompt ly opens your ciogged-up nostrils and the air passages of the head; stops nasty discharge or nose running; re lieves the headache, dullness, feverish ness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing ant 1 snuffing. Ease your throb bing head —nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound,' which costs only 25 > cents at any drug store. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice and causes | no inconvenience. Accept no substl-. tute. —Advertisement. PARTY STARTS TODAY FOR A TRIP TO ITX>RII>A Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Herman, Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Wallower, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stackpole and Miss Underhill, of New Tork, started this morning for a pleasure trip to Florida. Women Who Take this universally popular home remedy—at times, when there is need—are spared many hours of unnecessary suffering— Sold tT«Twhm. la bozM. 10c.. 28c., THURSDAY EVENING, PERSONAL [OUier Personals oil Page 4.] ZION CHURCH GHOI GUESTS OF VESTRY Appreciation of Musical Work Shown by the Officers and Congregation Members of the choir of Zion Eu theran Church were last night en- Itertaincd by the vestry of the church at a reception given to show the ap preciation of the church for the work of the choir during the past year. About fifty people attended the affair, which was held in the church. In the receiving line were Charles A. Kunkel, president of the vestry; the Rev. S. Winfield Herman, pastor ' of the church, Warren A. Zollinger ' and Dr. E. E. Campbell. President Kunkel expressed the ap preciation of the church and the ves- L try of the work of the choir in a little talk. To this, Professor E. J. Decevee, ' choirmaster, made a response. On the musical program, which followed, were three solos, sung by Mrs. Wil liam 11. Witherow, Sherman Allen and Frederick Eutz. Delicious refresh ments were served after the program was completed. The members of the choir are Mrs. Ida Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Singer, Mrs. E. L. Daron, Mrs. Carrie Church, Miss Jane Kinzer, Miss Jane Eea, Miss Cymbeltne Felker, Miss Grace Gohl, Miss Leicester Heisler, Dr. and Mrs. John Eager, Jr., Miss Ger trude Wieseman, Miss Daisy Moore, Miss Huth Partbemore, Miss Katha rine Rudy, Miss Frances Spong, Miss Martha Snavely, Mrs. Frank Eby, Miss Nellie J. Bennett, Miss Carrie Lantz, Miss Ruth Grissinger, Miss Edith Itreltinger. Miss Blancho Pelen, Mrs. William Witherow, Mrs. Edward Fry, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coutts, Miss Vera Peiffer, Mrs. A. K. Dei'evee, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Allen, Dr. Croll Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boyer, Paul Hellman, Harry Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mower, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Lutz, John P. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. George Foerster, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Yohn, Paul Laubenstein, Louis Mundell, Edward Baum, Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Fager, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Decevee. The vestrymen include Charles A. Kunkel, Dr. E. E. Campbell, Warren A. Zollinger, Paul It, Chadwlck, Charles B. Fager, C. B. Flower, Halph L. Brown, William M. German, M. IJ. Bowman, John S. Weaver. J. Ottis Aker. of Chicago, has re turned to the West after visiting: his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Aker, at 241 North street. Mrs. John Christian Houek and small daughter Eleanor, of Lebanon, are visiting Mrs. Houck's parents, Mr. •>nd Mrs. E. E. Ewlng, in this city. Mrs. Edward E. Ewing Entertains at Cards ' Mrs. Edward Everett Ewing, of 1208 North second street, delightfully en tertained at cards yesterday afternoon at her home. Forty-eight guests played live hundred, followed by an ' elaborate buffet supper. Prizes of ' great beauty were awarded the win ! ners of the games. ORGANIST ENTERTAINS CHURCH CHOIR AT HOME ' Members of the choir of the Maclay " Street Church of God were entertained 1 at the home of the organist, .Miss Blanche Gingrich, 2286 North Sixth ■ street, Tuesday evening. Vocal solos • by Miss Ethyl Dissinger were followed ! by numbers from the ladies' quartet. 5 Kefreshments were served to the * Misses Ethyl Dissinger, Sadie Gordon, ■ Mame Morrow, Mrs. Elwood Cover, - Misses Viola Helsey, Sue Groff and , Goldle Gallagher and Messrs. Siple - and Showalter. s GUESTS OP THE MAXWELLS i, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Maxwell, of i 1947 Green street, entertained most i. delightfully at a Valentino card party , Tuesday evening. Boy Says He's Cured of Running Awaj Inspired by the success of a. boj here in a moving picture story, Johi Gallagher, of BfilO Jjansdowne avenue Philadelphia, aged 14 years, decided tt make a fortune for himself. Young Gallagher went to the Penn sylvania Railroad yards near his home jumped a freight, train, and landed ir llarrlsburg this morning. The boj was home-sick and drenched to tin skin, and he sought aid from the po lice department. The boy says his father is a real es tate agent and will send him car care "I'm cured," said Gallagher this aft ernoon. "Once 1 get home, I'll rievei leave until 1 can pay my way." GVESTS OP KIUISMANS KNTEKTAINED AT CARDS Miss lilsio Dion and Miss Kdnt Hossman, of Lancaster, were guests ol honor at a card party given by Mr and Mrs. Charles Krisman, of 211( Green street. In attendance were Mis: lJle'n, Miss Hossman, Mr. and Mrs Kdward It. Keffer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralpl How to Cure Rheumatism Prominent Poi'lor'ft Bent I'reHcrlp tlon KnNll.v Mlmcil ill Home. This simple and harmless formulf haw worked wonders for all who hav« tried it. quickly relieving chronic ant aeutu rheumatism and backache. rorr your druggist get one ounce of lorli compound (In original sealed package: and one ounce of syrup of Sarsaparllh compound. Take these two ingredl ent.s home and put them In a. halt pin' of good whiskey. Shake the bottle and take a tablespoonful before eaer meal and at bed-time." Good results come after the tlrst few doses. If you; druggist does not have Torls compound in stock ho will got it for you in s few hours from his wholesale house Don't be Influenced to take a patent medicine Instead of this. Insist on hav ing the genuine Torls compound in the original, one-ounce, sealed, yellow package. This was published here lasl winter and hundreds of the worst cases were eured by It In a short time. 1 üb llshed by the Globe Pharmaceutical laboratories of Chicago. Benedict, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knlglil Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baber, Dr. ani Mrs. George Kingsbury, of Steelton Miss Lula Smith, Miss Klorenc Piokell, Miss Lucretia Erisman, Ro; Hummel, Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Porter Mr. Pergln und Harry Wilson. GUESTS OP MRS. SCHELIJ ENJOY SEWING AND CHAI Mrs. Kdward T. Schell. a recen bride, entertained the Embroider; Club of which she is a member yester day afternoon at her home, 1633 Nau daln street. Sewing and chat, wit! refreshments, were features of pleas lire. In attendance were Mrs. Welke A. Drawbaugh, Mrs. John Dugan, Mr? Georgo A. Kulp, Mrs. Kdward Cover Miss Sylvia Drawbaugh, Mrs. .lame Stephens and Mrs. Schell. LADIES' TAIjMTJD lX>R\il HOLDS SPECIAL. MEETINt The Hebrew Toadies' Talmud Toral will hold a special meeting Snnda: afternoon ut the Kosher Israel Syria gogue, Fourth and State streets, whlcl all members are urged to attend. Thi president, Mrs. E. Silver, will call tlv meeting to order promptly at 2.3* o'clock. FAMOUS ORGANIST HERE AT BETHLEIIKM OHIIRCI Kveryone who can is going to hea Kdwin H. Lemare, of England, in on< of hi:, great organ recitals at the Beth lehem Lutheran Church to-morrov evening. Doors will open at 7.31 o'clock and the program will com nience at 8.15. One of the most in terestlng numbers of the evening wil be an improvisation on any origina theme submitted by a member of th< audience. The recital is free, but i silver collection will be taken at inter mission. BEAimFTIi WEDDING GIFT'S FROM FAMOUS PF.OPM Mr. and Mrs. John A. Swartz ant daughter Alverda returned from a trli to Allentown and New York city where they attended the wedding ot Mr. Swartz's brother, Benton Swartz to Miss Clara Ferguson, which took place in New York city Saturday aft ernoon. • .Benton Swartz in secretary of tht FEBRUARY 19,1914. SLEIGHING TO HUMMELBTOWI One of last evening's sleighing par ties went to Hummelstown for suppei Those present wore Mr. and Mrs Albert Slmms, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gold smith, Mr. and Mrs. Aulman, Mis Wormser, Miss Margaret Adler ant Stanley Adler. George B. Tripp is in New York citi for a few days. Mrs. Mabel Cronise .Tones spoke foi suffrage to-day at noon, at the ller shey chocolate factory. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gregory hav« gone home to Pittsburgh after a shorl visit with friends in this city. IN PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL Miss Pearl E. Johnston, of 2329 North Sixth street, underwent an op eration several days ago at the Ameri can Stomach Hospital, Philadelphia, and Is improving In health. Navy Young Men's Christian Associa tion at Shanghai, China. Among the many handsome wedding gifts was a solid silver service presented to Mr. nnd Mrs. Benton Swartz by Mrs. Helen Gould Shepherd and Mrs. Uussell Sage, of New York city. AHhs Harriet Numan. of Lancaster, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Spencer C. Gilbert, 107 North Front street. Mrs. Frederick Herman Marsh, 129 State street, was hostess to the Wednesday Afternoon Sewing Club yesterday. Pure Blood Is absolutely necessary to give the health that brings happiness, a good appetite, restful sleep, and makes yeu eager for life's duties. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA makes pure blood and so creates this much-desired oondltien. < I SUNDAY HCHOOIi OFFICERS I SUPERINTENDENT'S GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kunkel. of 1607 North Second street, have Issued cards for an "at home" to the officers and teachers of the Kefornied Salem Sunday School Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 24. Mr. Kunkel Is superintend ent of the Sunday school and Mrs. Kunkel Is actively interested in tho missionary work of the church. Wliut Gorgas Makes Goi-gas Guarantees 7 Prescription Pharmacists In Oorgas' Prescription De partment the greatest care Is taken to insure accuracy and safety. . Each prescription is takon in charge by two skilled phar macists—one does the com pounding and the other careful ly checks his work to make sum that It is RIGHT in every par ticular. Gorgas never substitutes or uses an inferior article. When health and life are at stake we do our part carefully and con scientiously. Your prescription will be put up here just as your doctor wants It and the price will be no more than elsewhere —perhaps less. Gorgas Drug Stores 16 North Third Street. Open All Day and All Night PENNA. STATION Open from 7 a.m. until midnight