Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 19, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    XfcfcMen T«,lr)TeKfi-sT&
I If. you, sir, or
inadam, are thinking
about undergoing a
surgical operation in
order to drive away
uncomfortable feel
ings or to cure mal
adies which you are
conildent you possess
and which your sur
geon Bays can only
be cured by the knife
wait a bit. Try fast
ing for a whole day.
drinking only water;
then a diet of barley
water for two days;
then hot milk and
water for a few more
days. Then take a
course of osteopathy, and livo out-of
doors as much as possible and oat nour
ishing, simple food.
After two months, perhaps, you will
abandon your idea of an operation.
Raths, external and internal; violet
and X-rays, deep breathing and regu
lar outdoor exercise (with the persis
tent belief that you will avoid the
knife) will d 6 miracles for you.
Hera are some true storlos which are
worth perusal by all who contemplate
surgical operations:
A gentleman in England became ill
through worry over his wife, who had
undergone four hospital operations.
His case was diagnosed as "pernicious
anemia," whatever that may mean.
Finally a surgeon was called and said
there must be an immediate operation
for duodal ulcer. This is a dangerous
malady, aijil tho man says:
"I was told that the only alternative
was to go on being ill until I liad
no strength left, so I submitted. The
case having aroused great Interest, six
doctors put in appearance when tho op
eration was performed. It got so hot
that we were afterward told by the
nurses that one of them had to spend
her time mopping the face of the op
erator. What am I to say as to the
result of this operation? Finally, the
doctors felt quite certain that I should
not survive for more than forty-eight
hours. (The surgeon somo months af
terward told my brother this.)
"We wero, before all. given to under
stand that lie was going to perform a
'short circuit' operation, and afterward
I had been told that this had been done,
but my wife and friends were told that
they had found a duodenal (?) ulcer,
and that it was as large as half a
crown, but that it had healed itself,
undoubtedly under the gastric ulcer
treatment of a few months earlier, but
that they had found that my appendix
was peculiar so that it had been re
moved. . , , „
"Imagine me lying in bed and feeling
this pain at my side and continually
telling, the nurses and iny friends that
I was sure I was going to have ap
pendicitis, and think what an idiot the
doctor was not to allow them to tell
me what they know!
"To cut a long story short, I did get
sufficiently well to go away, but when
I got home again I was soon as ill
as ever. This time I found myself un
der another doctor 'and he naturally
"v/anted to know all about the first ill
ness. Then a cool letter came from the
surgeon saying when he operated lie
found that there was a small wrlnklo
in the peritoneum, which at that time
A aulck. safe, soothing, healing, antiseptic relief
for SoreThroaf, briefly describe! TONSILINC. A
small bottlo of Tonalllna lasts longer than most any
case of Son Throat. TONSILINC relieves fiore
Mouth and Hoarseness and prevents Quinsy.
25c. aiu) 60c. Hospital Sin tl.oo. All Draiftoti.
THt TONSILINC COMPANY, - ■ C.nton. Ohl».
If You Are Looking
For an eyeglass that will not slip—
that will not pinch or tilt—that will
hold easily and comfortably, that will
insurs your glasses against breaking,
then call and let me show you the
Stay Best oiounting. I guarantee it
against breakage of any kind. The
price Is right, $1.50 and $3.50. Lenses
replaced from 75c up.
With H. C. Waster, 302 Market St.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect November 20, 1911,
TRAINS leave Harrisburg—
For Winchester and Martlnsbura u
1:08, *7:62 a. m„ *3:40 p. m.
For Hatcerstown. Chambersburg, Car
lisle, Mecnanlcsburg and Intermediate
■tationJ at 6:03, *7.62, *11:63 a. m*
•8:40. 6:32, »7:40. *11:16 p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Meuhanicsburc at l):4a a. m., 2:18. 3:27
J:80, 9:80 a. m. *
For Dlllsburg at 6:08, *7: M and
•11:68 a m.. 2:18. •3:40. 6:82 and «:3«
£ss?• ** othßr tt a A%UD&J£° ePl
to enroll nest Monday In
Day or Night School.
It S. Market Square, Harrlsburg, Pa.
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night. Business,
Shorthand and Civil Service. In
dividual Instruction. 28th year.
329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
Copyright, 1913, by tho Star Company.
he attributed to a duodenal ulcer, but
he now thought that it had no signifi
cance! 1 was aghast, and could only
say what a lot of liars they were.
"The whole thing, you can see, was
a plot. Firstly, I tlilnlc that my case
so Interested them that tijey could not
resist tho temptation to open me up
and have a look to satisfy their cur
iosity, and then' when it was done they
decided that I could not Burvive it. so
that all they had to do was to satisfy
the anxiety and curiosity of my friends,
so they nia<fe up theso lies and per
suaded by wife that it was best for
me not to know the truth (which I
am afraid I never shall), but I do know
that I required no surgical treatment
at all, and that they lied when they
mado up the ulcer-the-size-of-half-a
crown story.
"Why my appendix was taken away
for being 'peculiar' I don't know. Any
way, I am rather glad it was, because
it would have been an excuse for an
other operation for It hadn't been, when
I was ill again.
"This time another consultant vis
ited me, who advised arsenic Injections
and a diet of sour milk only, and In
ten weeks I was about, and since have
been keeping fairly well.
"What was and still perhaps is the
matter With me I don't know, but the
second specialist said it was pernicious
anetnia. I only wish I had the money
that I wasted owing to the curiosity
of tlioso infernal surgeons, to say noth
ing of all tho pain I suffered."
From the same country comes this
letter from a lady. She says:
"I was told when I was bothering
with a critical period that I would die
unless I had a major operation. At
last I found a human doctor who at
tended me for some time, and am
thankful to say that, as regards that
matter, I am perfectly sound now—in I
fact, better than for fifteen years back, I
all without such a fearful operation, I
which I feel certain would have killed
nie In tho weak condition I was in at
tho time. You see I got better without
the agony of an operation.
"I think a great many doctors and
nurses have too little patlenco and per
severance to try alleviating the suf
fering first, resort to tho knife im
mediately. So many of tho trained
nurses I had did not take much inter
est in my case because it was not an
operation, and told me they hoped I
would soon have done with them, as
liked 'a grand case' —lt was worth talk
ing about. 1 though it was funny they
never seemed to think It was grand to
save any one from the agony of such a
fearful operation as the one they
wanted me to have. A lady who was
not so ill as I was underwent it, and
died three mouths afterward."
Another says: "My sister has just
had an operation, and the surgeon
found a perfectly healthy organ after
ho removed It. She will probably be
an Invalid for life."
The rage of vivisection has made sur
geons more rabid to operate upon hu
man beings. Doctors and nurses all
become more or less under the In
fluence of this modern medical mania,
and excitement and love of experimen
tation take possession of their minds
to the exclusion of human sympathy.
Because wonderful operations are
performed and lives saved and health
Meeting of Newport High
School Literary Society
Special to The Telegraph
Newport, Pa., Feb. 19. An open
meeting of the Literary Society of the
High School will be held to-morrow
evening In Centennial Hall, at which
time the students will present the fol
lowing program:
Singing, "America"; tribute to
Washington, first year students; ora
tion, "Colonial Customs," Miss Marga
ret Bassett; oration, "George Wash
ington," Elizabeth Srnoyer; "The
Courtship of Miles Standish," arranged
for dramatic presentation. Characters,
Miles Standish, the captain of Ply
mouth, Stanley Fickes; John Alden,
Standish's secretary, John Layton
Sunday; priscilla, a Puritan maiden,
Margaret Wertz; messenger, William
Special to The Telegraph
Newport, Pa., Jan. 19.—An art ex
hibit Is being held In the vacant rooms
of the school building. This exhibit
consists of some 350 carbon photo
graphs and engravings loaned by the
Elson Art Publishing Company of
Belmont, Mass., and contains the very
best reproductions of the masterpieces
of art of different countries and
• q
i£ c
Of course you should "eat more
bread" —but be sure your "bread"
contains all the body-building
material in the whole wheat, in
digestible form. The only "bread"
that meets these requirements is
made of whole wheat, steam-cooked,
shredded and baked. It is a natural, ele
mental food and is not treated or com
pounded with anything. Endorsed by the
highest health and dietetic authorities.
Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits (heated in the oven to
reitore crispneit) eaten with hot milk or cream, will
•uppljr all the nutriment needed for a half day's work.
Delicioutly wholesome with baked apples, stewed prunes,
•liced bananas or other fruits.
The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
restored by the skilled use of the knife
(and surgeons crowned with wealth and
fame) the desire to operate has become
a menace to motherhood and to life
There are malignant growths which
only tho knife can cure (and usually
these operations even have to be re
peated, and quite frequently the patient
dies within a few months after the
second one).
But there are numerous growths
which yield absolutely to the X and
violet ray treatment, and simple blood
remedies, and the building up of the
bodily strength and vitality.
The writer intimately knows a lady
who suffered from two internal growths
for a nerlod of years; and they van
ished after a time through treatment of
nourishing food, baths, massago, and
a course In a school of physical cul
Ton years have passed since they dis
appeared and the lady is in perfect
A woman who found a small growth
of a similar nature was advised to
have it removed, and went into a
famous hospital for that purpose. She
and her husand were assured that it
would be a most elmple matter. Yet
the physicians performed a major op
eration 011 this woman, without con
sulting her husband, and she died the
third day afterward. The physician now
admits that similar growths have been
known to become absorbed and van
ish without treatment.
Vet this woman was killed, by an
unnecessary operation, and the hus
band is unable to obtain any reparation
because tho physicians belong to a reg
ular school and the hospital Is a fa
mous one in Pennsylvania. The woman
who was killed was in tho prime of
lifp and had never suffered any pain
from this slight growth, but was ad
vised to have it removed before it
made her any trouble.
With such cases as these occurring
continually all about us, is it not time
that women called good fommon sense
to their command, when suffering from
maladies peculiar to their sex; and be
fore they put themselves in the hands
of surgeons that they should decide
to use all of Nature's simple methods
And then turn to the light and its
beneficent rays and to the sensible, sane
treatment of the spine through osteo
pathy: and with all these that they
should learn the vast power which lies
in their own minds?
Scores of women turn to tho hospital
oporation as a means of diversion.
They are disillusioned with life in somo
way; they are lacking an object, an
aim. a purpose; and through worry and
sell'centtted habits of thought they
grow ill; soon the thought of an opera
tion presents itself as a.n escape from
monotony. Afterward It is their de
light to talk of what they have passed
But frequently "afterward" comes on
another plane; for the percentage of
women who die within two vears af
ter an operation would astonish us
were we to know the statistics.
Not more than one operation in a
score is needed.
Be sure your case is the exception
before they add one more to the foolish
women who rush upon the surgeon's
Mrs. J. S. Leiby Will Be
Hostess For Woman's Club
Special to The Telegraph
Newport, Pa., Feb. 19.—T0-morrow
afternoon the Woman's Club will have
a meeting with Mrs. John 8. Leiby as
hostess. The program for the after
noon will be;
Children's sayings; paper, "Louis
XVI., 1774-1792, and the Causes of the
Revolution," Miss Anne Lynn Irwin;
sketch, "Robespierre," Mrs. H. A. Pen
nell; question, "What Is the Origin of
the Fleur-de-lis?" Mrs. John 3. Leiby.
Refreshments will be served.
Special to The Telegraph
Blaiq, Pa., Feb. 19.—From the sale
of tickets the attendance will be large
on Saturday night at the play, "Mrs.
Briggs of the Poultry Yard," which
will be given by the pupils of the
grammar school. The entertainment
will be held in the Town Hall and the
Blaln Band will furnish music.
Special to The Telegraph
Bluin, Pa., Feb. 19.—Dr. Harvey W.
Woods received by express a large
box of fine. Florida oranges shipped
by William H. Woods, his cousin, from
Sarisota, Florida.
Adaptable to Girls and Small
Women For Early #
Spring Frock
8146 Skirt for Misses and Small
Women, 16 and 18 years.
Girls and small women will be sure to
welcome this pretty skirt. It shows the
very latest and newest features, it is
graceful and charming and can be utilized
for one material throughout or for two.
1° the picture, it is made of the new
chiffon taffeta that is such a pronounced
favorite and so charming, but a good
effect could be 'obtained by using one
material for the skirt proper and another
for the yoke and drapery, as flowered
silk over plain or crfpe de chine over
velvet. The skirt itself consists of one
piece draped at the right of the back and
attached to a deep foundation yoke. The
drapery is in one piece, folded to give
the double skirt effect, and there is a
narrow yoke arranged over the foundation
that covers all seanu and is closed at the
right side.
For the 16 year size, the skirt will re
quire yds. of material 27, jM yds. 36,
3 yds. 44 in. wide. The width at the
lower edge ia I yd. and 10 in.
The pattern of the skirt 8146 is cut in
sizes for girls of 16 and 18 years. It will
be mailed to any address by the Fashion
Department of this paper, on receipt at
ten cents.
Bowman's sell May Mantori Patterns.
B miw# .
c M,adcLm& Is e hells
•Beauty Lesson*
Tho Bed«ntary Life.
Women who lead a sedentary Ufa. who
are confined in an office or school-room
during the entire day, are undergoing a
test for endurance that calls forth a
Strain on the strongest constitution. Such
R woman is in great need of systematic
physical exercise. If she can devote only
ten or fifteen minutes twice a day to
this, that Is far better than Ignoring It
altogether, and I strongly advise such a
worker to look carefully over the exer
cises I shall give In the next lesson,
choose those particularly directed to her
needs, and practice them.
I advise her also to walk to and from
her work, even if the distance la two or
three ml lea. If the distance la consider
able, walk a part of the way. She cannot
use her time to any better advantage
and after a little perseverance she will
find that the walk will refreah rather
than tire her. If she walka to her office
she will find that she enters on her work
with a quickened intelligence, and tha
walk homeward at night will make the
evening meal taste twice aa good. It la
also ft pleasant break In the day's rou
tine, causing her to forget Ita monotony
and occasional unpleasantness.
To derive any benefit from walking,
however, tho step must be light and elas
tic, the weight of the body swinging eas
ily from one leg to another. Hold the
head erect, the chin well In aa If a string
were pulling from the middle of the head
lifting it skywards. Take care to breathe
deeply and correctly, through the nose
with the mouth closed, taking In long
breaths and retaining them some time
before exhaling. Begin by holding each
breath whllevtaklng ten steps and gradu
ally Increase this until twenty steps may
be taken in one breath.
Walking is not a raofd redactng exer
cise, but there Is nothing better calcu
lated to keep a person in good condition
and to promote general ease and health
of the body,
treason XT to be continued.
School Children Will Buy
Pictures and Start Library
New Bloomfield, Pa., Feb. 19.—Next
Saturday evening the public schools of
this place will give an entertainment
In the courthouse which promises to
surpass anything presonted In recent
years. A silver offering will be re
ceived for the purpose of purchasing
pictures for f.he schoolrooms and for
beginning a public school library.
Special to The Telegraph
New Bloomfield, Pa., Feb.\ 19.
Tuesday evening the Chatham Concert
Company, composed of Miss Myretta
Chatham, reader; Miss Adelaide Ryn
ders, violinist; Miss Lillian Cooper,
s<*prano, and Miss Marguerite Gillain,
pianist, gave a concert in the court
house under the auspices of the Lu
theran Church of this place which was
highly enjoyed. The appreciation of
tho Inrge audience was evidenced by
1 the generous applause each selection
received. '
"I've Always
yy Admired Your Good Teeth^\.
£r Here's the Reason —lt's
your breath pure —it jf
IV Jm. re^res^es your mouth, n
a# most dealers for 85 cents. g
Each box contains twenty 5 cent packages*
f Vipw if
Be SURE it's WR!GLEV'S after every meal
Special to The Telegraph
Annvllle, Pa., Feb. 19.—Last even
ing home concert by the Men's Glee
Club of Lebanon Valley College was
held In the Engle Conservatory of
Music and was very well received.
The duet by Bender and Von Bereghy
was rendered In a very pleasing man
ner, and the sketch entitled "The
Hazing of the Infant," was extremely
funny as well as interesting. The
club will make Its Southern trip in
about three weeks.
Now Does Her Own Work.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound Helped Her.
Ironton, Ohio. "I am enjoying bet
ter health now than I have for twelve
• years. When I be-
li gan to take LydiaE.
'''<!> : Vegeta
ij k| e Compound I
W W|| could not sit up. I j
had female troubles j
i.'! \ /$! i was very ner
! vous - I used the
I, remedies a year and
yf * can ™y wor ' c
/N\v Y '■* i and for the last eight i
<y/ months I have;
worked for other j
women, too. I cannot praise Lydia E. j
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound enough
for I know I never would have been as
well if I had not taken it and I recom-1
mend it to suffering women."
Daughter Helped Also.
"I gave it to my daughter when she
was thirteen years old. She was in
school and was a nervous wreck, and
could not sleep nights. Now she looks
so healthy that even the doctor speaka
of it. You can publish this letter if you
like."—Mrs. RENA BOWMAN, 161 S. 10th
Street, Ironton, Ohio.
Why will women continue to sufFei
day in and day out and drag out a sickly, j
half-hearted existence, missing three.,
fourths of the joy of living, when thej
can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound ?
If you have the slightest doubl
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound wi*l help you,writ*
to Lydia E.Plnkliam Medicine Co
(confidential) Lynn, Mass.,for ad
vice. Your letter -will be opened
read and answered by a womai
I and held in strict confidence. ;
FEBRUARY 19, 1914.
Creme . .
j The only preparation which removes absolutely s
s Chapping, Roughness and Redness, >
) and protects the hands and face against the winter winds. i 1
) CIMONN Powder I Maurice LEVY, sole U.S..Agent, l|
" Soap I 15-17, West 38th B', NEW- YORK I 1
TW Cold* Cream
Softens and Relieves Chapped Skin.
For Sale at
Bowman's (Toilet Articles Counter)
And Potts' Drug Store, Third and Herr Streets.
25c the Jar.
/ 1 1 ' x
Good Coal Means Less Coal
Bur only piofl fuel find yon'll buy Itu. Good coal (Itra off heat
Mcudlly and (he consumption la leas than It would be It mixed with alata
und other Impurities which decrease heat value. To buy our eoal la to bay
| coud coal. It coat* uo more—try It.
j . =7
J D.B, QJ ? eVejrgrc/rop J