Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 19, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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So Says Dr. McCuaig in Lecture
Pefore Crowded
With the exception of one sermon,
which he will preach to-night, in the
Market Street Baptist. Church, yester
rlav closed the McCuaig meetings until
Sunday. For the remainder of this
•week Dr. McCuaig will preaeh and lec
ture in Aiechanicsburg.
There were nearly a thousand at
the meeting yesterday afternoon, when
he spoke on the subject "How Wives
Are Made," every available place in
both the auditorium and the choir
loft of Zlon Lutheran Church being
occupied, and a number who came
went away because they could not find
There were so many who went to
the Fourth Reformed Church last
night to hear the sermon on the
"Great Question" that it was neces
sary to place several rows of chairs
at the rear of the large auditorium.
The sermon dealt with the Resurrec
tion and Dr. McCuaig emphasized the
fact that he great question in the
heart of every human being is, "Shall
I meet those whom I love after death
or does the grave end all?" He pointed
out that the greatest hunger of the
human being is love. That in regard
to every physical hunger, like those of
hunger for food, thirst, oxygen, and in
fact every thing that we have need of,
God has made ample provision, and
he asked. "Would it not seem in
credible that in regard to this great
est and most far-reaching of hun
gers He had provided no answer?"
Clear interpretations of the Scrip
ture were spread before his hearers
and it seemed impossible that anyone
should leave with a mind unsatisfied
as to "The Great Question."
There will be four services at which
Br. McCuaig will speak to the people
of Harrisburg next Sunday. He will
jireach at morning and evening cer
vices and in the afternoon at 3.30 he
wili address a mass meeting of women
in Jiion Lutheran Church on "How
Girls Fall," and at 9 p. m. in the
Fourth Street Church of God there
will be a meeting for men only, when
lie will lecture on "What Education
Docs a Man Need for Marriage?"
Other meetings, among which will
be a 6.15 p. m. course of lectures on
eugenics for employed women, will be
announced later.
Orpheus Club Concert
Pleases Zembo Temple
'k'he Orpheus Club, a prominent male
chorus »f fills city. under the direction
of Frederic C. Martin, sang last even
ing at the second of a series of cnter
tainmonts to lie given during the sea
son by the Zenibo Temple, A. A. O. N.
JI S.,"in Chestnut Street Hall.
The program was opened with "Glory
to the Caliph," from "Oberoli," by
"Weber and was immediately followed
bv the "Hunters Chorus," from "Der
Freisohutz," by the same composer.
Four or live smaller numbers were
given, including the "Barcatole, ' from
"Tales of Hoffman." The program was
closed with the Straus waltz, "\\ ine,
Woman and Song."
This was the second appearance of
the club this season. The work of the
dub was heartily received by tlio
Khriners, especially the numbers from
the operas.
Charged with felonious assault and
battery upon Mrs. Annie Nail, of 1228
iS'orth Cameron street yesterday aft
ernoon, John Hector, of the same
place was held for court this after
noon by Alderman Murray. It is al
leged that during an argument be
tween the two, John pulled a long
knife from his hip pocket and at
tempted to cut her after knocking her
down. lie was committed to jail.
3 UiiJd I_y \ 1 u U LI Ll Ly V. |K- ■ N g
I "•«- PviH HIM I L . L 1 7m. bow< HOT \ ? I \' \J £T~N \ t££T ?''J
llf ! \
[Continued l'Yom First l*agc]
the commission that the commercial
interests of Chicago, Detroit. Cincin
nati, Indianapolis and Buffalo come
together at the hearings prepared to |
advise the commission o* switching:
and spurtrack conditions existing in
those cities. Other cities also may
bo heard. At those hearings none of
the services to and from and within j
industrial plants will be considered. It i
i." the desire of the commission to!
obtain from all interests Information ;
as to what the charge should be for :
the placing of cars and for the use of
sidings and spurs.
Other Dates Fixed
On March 4 and 5 the question of
a charge for placing cars for loading
on spurtracks leading to coal mines
and coke ovens will be considered.
That will include consideration of the
cancellation by carriers of allowances
to industrial roads of coal companies
and to mine operators.
March 6 and 7 have been reserved
for the hearing of the protests against
the proposed Increase In coal rates;
and March 9, 10 and 11 have been set
aside for the hearing of general objec
tions to the proposed general increase
in rates and particularly for hearing
[ representatives of the State Railroad
That part of the case that pertains
Ito the proposed increases In lake and
I rail rates will be held at Washington
I on March 12, 13 and 14.
Mrs. George R. Hoffman
Dies at Daughter's Home
Mrs. George R. Hoffman, of Phila
delphia, died this morning at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. George H. Biles,
1907 Green street.
Mrs. Hoffman before her marriage
was Miss Mercy M. Coulter. She Is
survived by her husband, two daugh
ters. Mrs. Biles and Miss Isabelle
Coulter Hoffman; one brother, Power
Coulter, and three sisters, Mrs. W. R.
Fltzpatrlck, Mrs. Thomas Gilchrist,
Mrs. George M. "Wanbaugh.
Funeral services will be held at the
home of Mrs. Biles Saturday evening.
It has not yet been decided as to the
preacher who will have chai'ge of the
services. Saturday morning the body
will be taken to Allentown for burial.
Funeral services for Chester Mayer,
of Boiling Springs, who died Tuesday
evening at the Harrisburg Hospital
from the injuries which he received
when crushed between two cars in the
Rutherford yards Sunday, will be held
Saturday morning at 9.30 o'clock from
his late home. Burial will be made
in the Kuntz Church Cemetery.
Mrs. Carrie J. White, wife of David
White, 1315 North street, died early
this morning at her home. Funeral
services will be held this evening at
8 o'clock at her late home. The body
will be taken to Duncannon Saturday
morning for burial.
The funeral of Mrs. Adelaide
! Mucnch, widow of the late Isaac
Muench, will take place to-morrow
afternoon at 3 o'clock, instead of 2
o'clock. Services will be conducted at
the home. 1352 State street by the
Rev. S. Winfield Herman, pastor of
Zion Lutheran Church.. Funeral will
be made in Harrisburg cemetery.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 19. Fifteen
per.sons were injured, four of them
perhaps fatally, here, to-day, when a
Baltimore and Ohio passenger train
struck a street car in the Hazelwood
Succeisor to Major Ott Until Lat
ter's Recovery to Be Discussed
"** needed'will
termined at to-morrow's meeting of
the commissioners.
"We want to learn definitely from
the physician Just what Major Ott's
condition is." said President Ho'ffman,
of the board, "and as soon as we
know this we can judge our course
Thomas S. Hargest has been spoken
of as the major's temporary successor.
Dock Street Bridge Rids Monday.—
W. H. Lynch, superintendent of streets
and public improvements, said he will
likely advertise for bids for the new
Dock street bridge Monday.
Realty Transactions.—Realty trans
fers yesterday included the following:
S. D. Flshburn et al. to E. C. Schlos
ser, Progress, and J. Schlosser, Prog
ress, $3 00 and $290, respectively; A. C.
Young to Joseph Jlras, Susquehanna
township, $130; George L. Nye to John
P. Lentz, 1837 Brlggs street. $1,250.
To Distribute Money Marrli 5.
March 5 has been fixed by Auditor
Ross Walter to distribute the funds
paid Into court by Sheriff H. C. Wells
and which has been derived from the
sale of a property belonging to the
Eby estate. The hearing will be held
at 2 o'clock.
Telegraph Low Bidder.—At yester
day's session of the county commis
sioners the contract for furnishing a
[new docket to the sheriff's office was
awarded to the Telegraph company at
its bid of $lO. Other bidders and the
prices were: Keystone Printing and
Binding. sl4; Star-Independent, $14.10
and J. A. Thompson, $14.35.
Replevin Suit Discontinued.—Suit in
replevin for the recovery of an auto
mobile instituted by the Pennsylvania
Investment Company against T. B.
Bockafellar was dismissed by the
Sues to Recover Insurance.—Con
tending that the insurance John H.
Palm obtained on a property was in
excess of the value, the Ben Franklin
Fire Insurance Coyipany refused to
pay over Palm's claim of SI,OOO. Suit
to recover the sum was Hied yesterday
by Palm.
To Remove Youngsters.—As soon as
| suitable Quarters can be obtained, the
Poor Directors, acting with the Chil
dren's Aid Society, will arrange for the
removal of the children now confined
in the House of Detention at the alms
house. Chances are that rooms in the
city school buildings will be secured
for the purpose. A conference of Mrs.
Elsie V. Middleton, the new probation
officer, and Directors Walters and
! Mover, was held on the subject yester
Special Menu For I'oor Folks. —
I Plans are being considered by the
| Poor Directors for changing the menus
| at the almshouse in such a way as to
! provide food that Is the best possible
' for the old folks. Poor Director Boyer
j discussed with Miss Lile G. Deeter
yesterday the possibilities for arrang
ing changes of diet.
1 H I
\ c M
■ •'- /<;' r- -ffi •- |
New York, Feb. 19. —New York society and philanthropic organizations
have heard with dismay that Mrs. Kussell Sage, one of America's most boun
tiful and most lovable charity workers, has purchased a handsome country
residence at Middleberg, Loudon county, Va., and that she intends to spend
the remainder of her years amid the peaceful surroundings of this quiet lit
tle town. The house Is on an estate of 100 acres.
Jackson, Miss., Feb. 19.—The lower
house of the Mississippi Legislature
to-day adopted a resolution congratu
lating United States Senator Thomas
P. Gore, of Oklahoma, "upon his hap
py deliverance from the snares' of po
litical enemies and the triumphant
vindication of his spotless name."
Gore was yesterday cleared of the
charge of assaulting Mrs. Bond.
The resolution, which was passed
by a vote of 50 to 42, aroused vigor
ous opposition, many members declar
ing they considered the declaration
interference in Oklahoma politics.
Information was made this morn
ing by Meyer Gross, 438 Walnut
street, before Alderman Hoverter
against Acri Morrison. James Nelson,
Frank Brown and Richard Brown, all
colored, charging them with breaking
a large plate glass window last Mon
day afternoon in his grocery store, at
Short and Walnut streets. The four
men were arrested last Monday even
ing on a disorderly conduct charge.
They were sentenced to ninety days in
jail by Mayor Royal. When their time
expires they will be rearrested.
By Associated Press
Baltimore, Md., Feb. 19.—Outfielder
Cree, of the New York Americans,
was released to-day to the Baltimore
International League club. It is un
derstood that Manager Dunn, of the
Orioles, offered him s4,f>do salary to
sign. Dunn has received assurances
that Cree will accept and will visit him
at his home in Sunbury, Pa., to-night
to close the deal.
FEBRUARY 19, 1914.
Two-story Frame Structure Used
as Bowling Alley and Pool
Room Collapses
Special to The Telegraph
Marietta, Pa.. Feb. 19.—This morn
ing about 9 o'clock Herr's hall, aj<
large two-story framw building in Sec-1
ond street, collapsed from some un- !
known cause and the building was
almost entirely wrecked. The roof |
caved in and about twenty-flvo feet
of the wall was thrown into the ad
joining yard. A covered stairway on
the outside of the building was also
The building was owned by John
Mouk and was tenanted by Bayard
Herr, the first floor being used as a
bowling alley and poolroom and the.
second floor for dancing and basket
ball. x The building was entirely empty
as it is only used, as a rule. In the
evening and nobody was injured. The
section of the second story hall where
the audience sits to witness basket
ball games, etc., was the worst dam
aged part of the building.
Mr. Herr has occupied the building
about 12 years and it was formerly
occupied by the Sauder Furniture
Company. About 16 years ago flre
partially destroyed the structure and
it was repaired, but not rebuilt. The
cellar was at one time used for brew
ing purposes. The building was of;
frame, 25x160 feet, and was very old.
It was formerly known as Park hall.
The damage was estimated at SI,OOO.
Mansfield, Conn., Feb. 19. John
Fitch, a well-to-do recluse for twenty
years signaled his neighbors each
night that he was all right by plac
ing a lighted lamp In the window of
his home, on a by-road of this town.
Last night it did not shine and the
selectmen being called found Fitch un
conscious. He died to-day aged 86
The conversation in the lobby of a
Washington hotel the other night took
a zoological turn when this one was
recalled by Congressman Thomas U.
Sisson of Mississippi.
In a certain club, he said, there was
a rule that if any member asked a
question during the gabfests that he
couldn't answer himself he would be
required to pay a fine of $lO.
"Say, boys," remarked a member
named Smith one night, "why is it
that a ground squirrel never leaves
any earth around the top of a hole
when he digs it?"
"You have got me," responded Jones
after those present had communed
with themselves for a minute or two.
"What's the answer."
"That's an easy one," was the smil
ing rejoinder of Smith. "The squirrel
always starts at the bottom and digs
"Very beautiful," was the quick re
sponse of Jones. "But how does he
get at the bottom of the hole?"
"Not responsible," answered Smith.
"That's your question."—Exchange.
Violets a-blooming
In their dewey beds,
Vagrant winds perfuming:
Hoses, whites and reds;
Winter's like a lover
With a soft caress;
Blooms the Southlands cover—
Nice old season? Yes!
—Judd Mortimer Lewis, in Houston
Fcr Lunr.bago! .
It's an amazingly quick relief. And
It's so easy to use.
I You just rub MUSTEROLE In
briskly, and presto, the pain isTgone—
I a delicious, soothing comfort comes to
take its place.
MUSTEROLE Is a clean, white oint
ment, made with oil of mustard. Us®
it Instead of mustard plaster. Will
not blister.
Doctors and nurses use MUSTER
OLE and recommend it to thetr
They will gladly tell you what relief
it gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis,
] Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia,
I Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism,
I Lumbago, Pains and aches of the
; Back or Joints, Sprains. Sore Muscles,
, Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted Feet,
; Colds of the Chest (it prevents Pneu
At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c
Jars, and a special large hospital size
for $2.50.
Accept no substitute. If your drug
gist cannot supply you. send 25c or 600
to the Company, Clove-"
land, Ohio, and we will mall you a
, jar. postage pmnaid. »
J. GORDON, a well-known De
troit Physician says, "Musterole is la
valuable In my practice and my home."
Will Hold Annual Memorial Ser
vices For Soldiers Who Have
Mustered Out
Annual memorial services for thV
. comrades who died during the past
• year, will be held in the rooms of
1 Post No. 116, G. A. R., Verbeke street,
Saturday night, starting at 8 o'clock,
i The program arranged Includes sing-
L ing by the Christian Endeavor choir of
. the Sixth Street United Brethren
j Church under the direction of Edward
S. Troup. The deceased members are:
• John Dollar, Company M, Ninth
t Pennsylvania Cavalry, died March 11;
j George W. Reed, Company I, Two
j Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania Vol
unteers, died May 30; Ellas Earisman,
5 Company H, Ninth Pennsylvania Cav
-1 airy, died August 11; James Campbell,
Company I, Two Hundred and First
Pennsylvania Volunteers, died, Octo
. ber 15. The program arranged fol
-1 lows:
5 Assembly. Edward C. Richardson;
singing, "My Father Knows," choir;
- prayer, the Rev. P. A. Balsbaugh;
B commander's address; record of the
dead, post adjutant; singing, "He'll
. Never Forget to Keep Me," choir;
poem, junior vice commander; strew
'ing of flowers, Miss Jennie McGuire;
singing, "In That City," choir; scrip
ture reading, post chaplain; singing,
"Up There We'll Understand," choir;
address, the Rev. S. E. Rupp; singing,
"America," audience; benediction, the
Rev. P. A. Balsbaugh; taps, E. C.
As sure as ever God puts His
children in the furnace, He will
i be in the furnace with them. —
Spurgeon. »