f W WF?F FF W V<**RWRVVV TWWWT TT▼ ▼ ▼ ▼▼T▼ TT* T : Hi life Ife C life, : Store Closet Daily at 5.30 f£ W^^rS Store Closes Daily at 5.30 ► Saturday at 9 P. M. HARRISBURS'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE M. ■ ►' About four months ago we negotiated with three of the leading importers of New York for a large quantity of very fine Scotch, Irish and German' \ Linen Table Cloths, Linen by the yard and Linen Towels— < ► - PRICE AGREEMENTS WERE THEN MADE WHICH SECURED FOR US \ SThe Largest and Finest Collection of Linens For a Special Sale That Has Graced Our Linen Department ! This purchase was made with the full realization that many women of Harrisburg are always ready to buy NEW PURE LINENS when they are offered at attractive prices. These linens have been arriving for the last few months in small quantities, but were not presented heretofore for the very good reason l < that we planned to have as comprehensive an assortment as possible and offer them ALL AT ONE TIME so as to give the broadest scope for choice. < Thus was this sale planned and carried out. And to-morrow morning we present the collection in its entirety. '•< You are invited to be present and select from these Pure Linens. The least we can say of them is—the patterns are lovely. The prices speak for < 63 Damask Tops at 89c to $1.38 Linen Huck and Damask Towels 15c to 89c Instead of $1.25 to $2.00 Instead of 25c to $1.50 > Only one of a kind in this very unusual group. All pure linen. 36x36 All sizes in this group—from the guest size to the bath size. AH linen ' to 45x45 inches. huck and damask. ■* ~ ' !< _____ , _ r ► SB.OO and SIO.OO Double Damask Table Cloths, $5.00 $3.00 and $4.00 Double Damask Table Cloths, $2.00 \ *. ALL PURE LINEN ALL PURE LINEN »H TT , . Beautiful snow white cloths in square or round designs. Have small mis-weave which is un- " ► Handsome patterns in round or square cloths—luxurious cloths fit for the best of homes. noticeable. i K _ i !► $2.00. Patterned Cloths 25 $ 12.50 Table Cloths $2.50 Damask Cloths < ► S am u°j bemstitched—grass bleached or __ Double damask, fine or heavy—round and Striped pattern with blocked border—size | < ► from 6 seven lstlnct patterns to seaL • square 72x72 inches finest quality. Some w • 63x63 inches—extra quality—and a wonder- JL • < ► - of the handsomest patterns we've shown ... f u l value < ►—J— : 4 ► $5 :?? XS"S?FI?TT™'™ 8 ' $3 - 90 $5 - 00 to $7 0 ° Breakfast Cloths - $ 3 -50 $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 Table Cloths, $2.00 { " Sizef rangeVrom f ' of supreme quality. oublc damask Two-inch double edge hemstitched. A variety of colors Square cloth—samples of importer, round or square de-" most alluring for colored cloths. I signs, soiled from display. • < Table Linen By the Yard—Direct From Flax Spinners—Double Damask—Six Groups ' r-A « Slight imperfections which are marked by red linen thread. Really too small to consider mentioning, excepting to guide you. ► wSS* $2.00 Quality $1.65 Qualitysl.oo Quality ; ► / - ncn 72-mch, 68-mch, • 68-inch, 54-inch, < : $1.75 $1.15 SI.OO 69c 59c 49c I : : ' | ; ' towels, very^aree^siz^- I®* 1 ®*- hf Satin damask and linen Linen huck towels with < : Towels tra fine jahty instead °f 7SO TOWeIS and - • XTn thlsSis 5 " OUr values in this sale at 3 for lOWdS traordinary lot 4t $2 .25 a Zl/l ] y _ q>±.UU, or each dozen or each, in the sale at. , ► " J FARMERS ISOLATED BY SNOW Lebanon, Pa., Feb. 18.—Many Leba non county farmers are still isolated in their homes as a result of the bliz zard of last Friday night, and some of them have not even received their mail since Friday, as the roads are choked with drifts and the rural mail irmiNDIBCMIDEI PANAMA CANAL SOUTH AMERICA NEWEST CRUISING STEAMER - LAU R ENTIC" MARCH 4 EASTER CRUISE APRIL. 4 16 WHITE STAR LINE 9 Broadway. New York OR LOCAL AGEXTI ALMOST A COMPLETE NERVOUS WRECK 4 Steelton Woman, to ness, Is Now Doing Th« world 1B composed of people of all classes and characters and dispo sitions. Some people when they are shown a favor are utterly thankless, while others are remarkably gTateful. Nobody can study such characters bet ter than the Health Teacher, who wai at the drug store. While the wonder ful Quaker Extract and Oil of Balm are creating more cures every day, only a slight percentage of such bene fited people call to thank him for rec omending the remedies. Still hardly a day passes on which some really thankful person does not call on the Health Teacher and report remarkable results from Quaker. WEDNESDAY EVENING (carriers have been unable to cover j their full routes. Road commissioners in the several townships have been unablo to get after in opening' the roads, although large forces of labor ers are at work. Rural carriers report the condition of the r oads the worst In fifteen years. M^ 8 ' Johnson, who Uvea at 222 North Front street, Steelton, called. Even the Health Teaoher was sur prised to notice the great change for the better in her condition. About two weeks ago she had called, accom panied by her husband. At that time she was almost a complete nervous, physical wreck. She could hardly walk and could neither eat, drink or sleep, and as a consequence her con dition was really pitiable. Although discouraged and disheartened, she promised to take Quaker Extract reg ularly as directed, and she did. What was the result? Yesterday Mrs. John son called again ajati was orofuaa in Members of Guild Will Sew For Children During Lent Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Feb. 18.—Members of St. Katherine's Guild, of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, this city, will ob serve the Lenten season In a unique manner. At their meeting to-day the young ladies decided to give up all social frivolities during the Lenten season, and spent three evenings each week sewing for children of Episcopa lian parents in the mountains of Tenn essee. The young ladies expect to make many garments and do other general sewing for the little folks of the southern mission. A large amount of fabric will be collected and the sew ing will begin next week. PHYSICIAN'S SLEIGH UPSET Special to The Telegraph Mifflinburg, Pa., Feb. 18. Dr. Paul H. Bikle and his sister-in-law, Mrs. Henry W. Cikle, figured In a run away accident while the former was making a professional call in the country yesterday. Owing to the drift ed condition of the roads they were compelled to drive through side roads and the fields and in trying to avoid a large snow drift were accidentally up set, the horses running away. Seri ous injury to them was averted on ac count of being thrown in the snow. They were compelled to call on as sistance as the team ran away. her thanks to the Health Teacher She was in every way improved. So encouraged was she that she was rec ommending the Quaker remedies to all her neighbors, friends and ac quaintances. That is gratitude which he appreciates. Mrs. Johnson is an old, faithful member of the First Presbyterian Church of Steelton. She will cheer fully tell all who ask her what Quaker Remedies have done for her. If you suffer with rheumatism, catarrh or stomach troubles, call on him and ob tain the Quaker Remedies. From W. H. Kennedy's drug store, 30 South Third street.—Advertisement. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SIO,OOO Asked For Injuries to Little Girl in Play Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Feb. 18.—Rough play 1 i among school children has led to a ■ ten thousand dollar damage suit In the i local courts, that amount being claim ! Ed by Dawson Youtz, of Bismarck, 1 against Claude Runkle of the same i place. It is alleged In the affidavit of i complaint that while at school, a • young son of Runkle tripped Sadie, the 14-year-old daughter of Dawson i Youtz, the plaintiff in the suit, and • that the girl fell down a flight of stairs, sustaining fractured ribs and internal injuries which compelled her confinement in the Good Samaritan Hospital in this city ever since Janu ary 13. The girl has been bedfast ever since the accident. STUDENTS ON SLEIGH RIDE Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Feb. 18.—A party of Lebanon Valley College students en- Joyed a sleigh ride to Jonestown Mon day evening where supper was served at the Heilman House. On account of the drifted condition of the roads and the heavy grades to the hills the cold but happy party did not get into Annville until 4.30 next morning. Those making the trip were: Miss Vera Myers. Miss Florence Mentz, Miss Mary Wyand, Miss Mary' Irwin, Miss Ella Weaver, Miss Larene Engle, Miss Catherine Bechman and Miss Stein liauer. Messrs. Weaver, Statton, I,e rew, DeHuff, • Donahue, Campbell, Stickell and Evans. STOLE FINE CHICKENS Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Feb. 18.—Thieves on Tuesday night visited the hennery of the Rev. D. B. Shifter and made away with a dozen of the finest young hens on the roost. It was necessary for the thieves to break two locks before they were able to get at their booty. WILL PREACH ANNUAL SERMON Special to The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Feb. 18.—The Rev. J. E. Heberling, of St. Paul's Evangeli cal Church, will preach the annual sermon to Camp 87, P. O. S. of A., and Camp 16, P. O. of A„ on Sunday even ing, February 22. PLEASANT PARTY AT SMITH'S Blain, Pa.. Feb. 18—One of the most pleasant social events of the season was held on Tuesday evening at the' fcome of George M. Smith, at Center Square. About fifty young people formed the party and spent the even ing in various kinds of amusements, including music, playing of games, and social conversation. A dainty luncheon was served. Do You When you do not properly digest your A food your blood becomes * thin and every organ of the # body soon feels the effect The result is—headaches, sleeplessness, nervousness and many other symptoms—due to accumula _ tion of poisons in the body. Unless the stomach is given aid at this stage — more serious illnesses follow. Now is the time to help your weakened stomach —now is the time to take X DR. PIERCE'S \ rGolden Medical DiscoveryS (In Tablet or Liquid Form.) It has the same power to set you right as it has been proved to have The in thousands of other cases. It will help your stomach so that edge you the fo !?4 y° u eat will nourish and sustain you and make good need for reviving blood. It will enable you to get rid of the withfnnwtag waßte * sluggish liver and irregular bowels have <• contained in Dr. permitted to accumulate in your system. I *Sen«e Dr - Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is composed Medical Adviser. It will of known native healing remedial foots and herbe with help you to avoid the mis- no alcohol to do you harm with no narcotic takes which lead to the drug., to gire you harmful habiU. It has a invitatitm i» misery of ill-health. Over b V° •°' d I for *s3 in liquid £J-T. 700,000 copies have been sold form-alwaya giving satisfaction. at $1.60 each, but you may K - M"°S^ i n £2'* . andmlyM obtain a copy of the revis* ".i'l".'?. * orm J»opU to consult untk edition —IOOB paces, cloth- C .°? ( hu bUj & °f bound, illustrated, if a trial box of tab- physicians, surgeons, yon will send 31 one-lets. Addresa: ana specialists Write cent sumps to « Utt *K to the Fac- FEBRUARY 18, 1914. ENLARGING BOX FACTORY Lebanon, Pa., Feb. 18.—The Leba non Paper Box factory which waa es tablished here fourteen years ago is to have a $20,000 addition built to it, plans to that effect being adopted by the directors of tht company to-dajl When completed, the factory will hav« • over 70,000 feet of floor apace and i will be one of the largest factories foe , the manufacture of paper boxes in th# r State. * 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers