2 INVITE IN VERSE TO WASHINGTON PARTY Philomathean Club Extends Novel Call to Old-time Party at Newport Special to The Telegraph Newport, Pa., Feb. 17.—A George Washington party will be given In Rippman's hall on Thursday evening by the Philomathean Club for which In verse the following invitations have been issued: B'he Philomathean Club does hereby request. i'hat as a much-honored and most wel come guest, At "ye olden-time Partie of Colonial Day," s'ou be present—where ladies in festive array Will bid you right welcome—and 'tis our desire ' That each shall appear in old-fashioned attire. So don powdered wig—if you please— and a mask. (That the evening be merry—this favor we ask). Dame Martha and George will bo pres ent, I ween. This nineteen February, nineteen four teen. Jn right hearty manner we'll all cele brate, So forget not the evening on Thursday, at eight. The committee issuing the invita tions is composed of Mrs. William C. Flckes, Miss Velle M. Kough, Miss Helen E. ltippman. ONLY ONE "BROMO QUININE" To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. I