\£?o(Y)en nieiiJ nreßfrvs —— The Two Glasses—Which For You? By ELLA WHEELER WILCOX Copyright 19)4. by Star Company THE TWO GLASSES THERE sat two glasses filled to the brim, On a rich man's table, rim to rim. One was ruddy and red u blood, And one was as clear as the crystal flood. Bald the glass of wine to hia paler brother; "Let us tell tales of the past to each other. I can tell of banquet and revel and mirth. Where I was kind, for I ruled in might; And the proudest and grandest souls on earth Fell under my touch as though struck with blight. Fro mthe heads of kings I have torn the crown; From the heights of fame I have hurled men down; %l have blasted many an honored name; I have taken virtue and given shame; X have tempted the youth with a sip, a taste. That has made his future a barren waste. Far greater than any king am I, Or than any army under the sky. I have made the arm of the driver fail And sent the train from its iron rail. 1 have mado good ships go down at sea, And the shrieks of the lost were sweet to me. Fame, strength, wealth, genius be fore me fall, And my might and power are over all. 'Ho! Ho! pale brother," laughed the wine, "Can you boast of deeds as great as mine?" Said the glass of water; "I cannot boast OT a king dethroned or a murdered <■ i. But J can tell of hearts that were sad By my crystal drops made light and glad; Of thirsts I have quenched and brows I have laved; Of hands I have cooled and souls I have saved. I have leaped through the valley and dashed down the mountain; Slept in the sunshine and dripped from the fountain. I have burst iny cloud-fetters and dropped from the sky. «And everywhere gladdened tho land scape and eye. I have eased the hot forehead of fever and pain; I have made the parched meadows grow fertile with grain; I can tell of the powerful wheel o' the mill That ground out the flour and turned at my will; I can tell of manhood, debased by you, That X have uplifted and crowned anew. , I cheer, I help, I strengthen and aid; I gladden the heart of man and maid; I set the chained wine-captive free. And all are better for knowing me." These arc the tales they told each other, The glass of wine' and his paler Their Married Lifej By MABEL HERBERT URNER ! Helen Thinks All Restaurants Should Have Shaded Lights and .Mirrors "Oh. miss, your dress is all un hooked!" exclaimed the maid, as Helen took off her coat in the "La dies' Dressing Room" of the Cafe Kheims. In dismay Helen felt down the back of her gown and found it was fas tened only at the neck and waistline, and that it gajied widely in between. What if she should have gone into the restaurant like that? The maid hooked it up quickly, knowing it would make her tip as sured. "I don't know how I forgot it! I never did such a thing before," tak ing a dime from her purse. "Oh, lots of ladies wait till they get here for me to hook them up." "Were you the maid at the old place?" "No, miss, just since they've opened here." "Then you don't know if that head waiter came with them?" "They brought some of their old waiters —but I don't know what ones." Helen had always liked the atmos phere of the Cafe Rheims, but for the past year Warren had refused to dine there because of an "insuffer able" head waiter who seemed to de light in making every one wait for a table. Very reluctantly Warren had con sented to come to their new place. So when Helen joined him in the hall she was relieved that It was a new head waiter who met them at the door and courteously ushered them to a table. "Well, he's certainly an improve ment," murmured Helen. "Seems to be all right. But we'll wait and see how the service is." "Oh, but this room," bewailed Helen, "It hasn't HALF the atmos phere of their old place. It looks so eold and barren— so Institutional! And these dreadful glaring lights!" "It's pretty raw," admitted War ren. "But this type of thing Is the architects' craze just now. Walt till you see the new Oiltmore vou'll think you're in the Grand Central Station." "Oh, but the lighting is awful," persisted Helen. "I hate those high reflecting lamps," for from the ceil ing were suspended by bronze chains the inverted alabaster dome shades so much in vogue now. and which give so frosty and cheerless a light. "Here's a new one on me," an nounced Warren, now Intent on the dinner card. "We seem to have struck a bargain night." If was the table d'hote card, but the price at the top, $1.26 was crossed out with red Ink and under Jt written SI.OO. "That's curious, I've never seen a marked down dinner before." "Well, why shouldn't they have bar- CASTORIA * For Infants and Chfldrcfh In Use For Over 30 Years MONDAY EVENING, brother, . As they sat together, filled to the brim, On the rich man's table, rim to rim. EDWIN F. BOWERS, M. D., HAS been telling his readers about the interesting experiments of Dr. Emil Kraeplln, of Munich, -on the ef fects of the temperate use of alcoholic drinks. He says: "The most eminent living authority on nervous and mental diseases, him self a drinking man, predisposed In favor of liquor, has reached the con clusion that alcohol is the greatest and most potent of all factors in the deterioration of humanity. Approach ing his subect with the calm, unbiased mien of a true scientist. Dr. Emll Kraeplin, professor of mental diseases in the University of Munich, has dem onstrated that alcohol is a narcotic first, last and always; that the stimu lation is merely imaginary, and that one does less and poorer work under its Influence, although, curiously enough, ho thinks he Is turning out more and better work than usual. 'Kraeplln and his coworkers have aiso demonstrated that It is not the fourth or fifth drink that Intoxicates; it is the sum of the first, «econd and third. On direct evidence and sup porting testimony they have made out a very strong case indeed against alcohol." These studies in exact science, con ducted under the strictest test condi tions, Indicate that alcohol Is a de pressant, an anaesthetic and a nar cotic, and that Its first effects on the sensory and motor nerves are to di minish acutenes sand pervert activity. The first noticable effect of sending tho blood to the head and surging through the brain with increased ve locity is not increased vigor, but in creased irritation, which comes just before anaesthesia and diminution of power. In other words, the drinker deludes himself. He only thinks he |is thinking; for his very first drink has produced a definite, measurable I degree of intoxication. Dr. Bowers is doing n good work |ln spreading broadcast the results of this remarkable experiment in j Munich. It will do more good for the world to read these scientific facts than can be done by all the total abstinence lectures and sermons in the yorld. Here is one incident of these tests: I "The daily exercises began at Sa. m. The subject's hand was connected with the apparatus, and the figures 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 were written twice with pencil at top speed. Then the sequence reversed —10, 9, 8, 7, 6. etc. —was twice written; then the German letters 'inm' also twice. These were repeated ten times, and the total aver age time consumed by each man was measured. Then he received his al lotment of wins, as with the other experiments. "After five minutes they resumed their writing, carrying out their ap pointed task in scribbling as before, and proved that, while the spirt was willing, the flesh and its controlling nerve pulses was weakened; for they i had, every man of them, measurably slowed up. The degree at retardation, after writing 1 to 10 under the influ ence of the small amount of alcohol gain sales in food—and advertise 'em, too? 'Roast spring lamb with mint sauce, regular price $1.25, for to-day only 9Sc. Our regular 30c hashed brown potatoes for this day 19c.' How about the marked down price?" Helen's laughing comment was in terrupted by the waiter who now came for the order. _ A Regular Dinner All right, we'll try your regular dinner. Let's sec, two clams, two tomato bisque. You want salmon, don t you?" turning to Helen. "One salmon and one sea bass. I'll give the rest of the order later. Hold on, as the waiter started off, "what about the marke ddown price?" "Oh, they've just changed that to day, sir. You see it's SI.OO every day except Saturdays and Sundays, but now they've made it SI.OO on Sun days, too." are_ you doing here, any wa y • for Warren always had a gen uine business interest in any new en terprise. "Well, of course, sir, we haven't the crowd we had at the old place, but we've only been open three weeks," hopefully. Why do you suppose they ever moved'!" mused Helen as the waiter hurried off. "They had such a won derful place downtown—full of at mosphere." The craze to get up on Broadway —they've all got it. Probably go broke here in a couple of months. They say there are only three Broad way restaurants that haven't been in the hands of a receiver. Well, they ought to go broke—the way they soak you and give you nothing for "But this is very reasonable—din ner like this for $1.00," glancing over the six courses on the card. "Cheap enough if it's good food. Hello, we're to have some tangoing with It." In tU® center of the room was a waxed floor space for dancing and now a girl with astonishingly yellow hair and a scanty pink chiffon gown came out with a youth in an evening coat of extreme cut. The music was lively and they twirled and twisted in latest tangoing stunts. As they had dined out very little of late, Helen had not seen much of the dancing erase, and some of these con tortions seemed to her somewhat startling. "Why, Warren, isn't that rather dreadful?" as the youth swayed the girl backwards down to the flour, then up again, and with his kneo under hers lifted her from hef feet Warren shrugged his shoulders. "That's not in It with some of the dancing at Jardin de Danse. We'll have to go up there some night." "Oh, -do you see that main watching that girl! What a look!" The man was dining-alone and his half closed eyes followed ©very move ment of the girl's swaying form with an insolent, appraising gaze that made Helen shudder. "Good sea bass, eh? Thought we stood a chance of getting our mon ey's worth here. They all start out pretty well." "And . everything's so new and clean. This tablecloth's never been laundered; it's the new design, too —the plain satin stripe. Don't you remember we saw so many of those in Paris?" Warren was much more interested administered (about what the ordi nary drinker would take with his din ner) amounted to 6.6 per cent. In] writing 10 to 1 the retardation waa greater, amounting to 7 per cent. This waa accounted for by the increasing complexity of the stunt, it being a more novel combination than the ®' raJ £ht progression of numbers. With the 'lnm' the deviation from was ever more apparent, averaging 7.3 per cent. Again and again these same general results were secured, nough new crews were used for each demonstration. "The chief physiological action of alcohol was strikingly shown when the leucocytes (the 'White Soldiers of the Blood') were subjected to Its influ ence. Under the microscope it was demonstrated that even a moderate quantity absorbed Into the blood par alyzed the white corpuscles (phago cytes). They behavved like drunken sots, they couldn't move fast enough to catch the disease germs, and when placed In the mlddt of a clump of ma lignant microbes were unable to kill ana devour them. In a chronic al coholic the microscope shows that the fighting powers of the white corpus cles are permanently reduced. This accounts for the lowered vitality of heavy drinkers and explains why pneumonia, typhoid or grave infec tious diseases are so fatal among them." In fact, after continued heavy drink ing, the microscope reveals that the phagocytes have lost their real na ture,2 have returned to a condition of savagery, and, instead of defending their host and his body cells, have become degenerate cannibals, feeding upon the tissues and organs like dis ease germs. The favorite food of these alcohol ized corpuscles is the tender cells of latest development, the highest and most delicate in the surgical scale. These are the brain cells. Here is an interesting statistical | statement to accompany this experi ment in Munich: From 1890 to 1!>10 the insane per ] sons in the asylums*of the United States increased from 74,000 to j 250,000, the number of criminals ] increased from 82,000 to 115,000, juvenile delinquents Increased from 15,000 to 23,000, paupers increased from 73,000 to 85,000, eleemosynary patients increased from 112,000 to (250,000, institutions for the insane in j creased from 162 to 372. I I" our per cent, of our population belong to this class of insane, idiots, j feeble-minded, etc., and the care of i them is one of our heaviest economic j burdens. We are spending every year in the United States $30,000,000 for the maintenance of hospitals and such institutions for the care of these de pendents. We spend $20,000,000 for insane asylums, $20,000,000 for alms j houses, $13,000,00 for prisons, $5,000,- 000 for the feeble-minded, deaf and I blind. The 723,000 persons of this class cost us yearly nearly $100,000,- 000. | The specialists in insane institu i tions estimate that at least 25 per j cent, of all who belonf to this de j pendent class are what we know as alcoholics. And yet our cities and ! State.* are going ahead year after year licensing institutions to make de- I pendents. in the quality of the food than the design of the table linen, but Helen never failed to notice every appoint merit. She had already examined the Zt'ir Sr f l Pu ( l- ? " in the fining new silver which had not yet the dull look that restaurant plated ware so soon acquires. The china, too, was new and of very good design And yet with all this newness the !P, ' c f looked bare, uninteresting and \ wholly without atmosphere. ! "Dear," impulsively. "I'd love t« j decorate a restaurant. I think I ' ?!?, ?.' 1 think I know what women i like.' . i han< L m ' rr °r and an automatic powder puff attached to every table'" I I>d tl i ke out all high , lights, began Helen earnestlv. "I'd have only table lights with rose silk | shades; every woman knows how becoming they are. Then I'd have all , the walls paneled with mirrors. A woman loves to sit by a mirror, an occasional glance to see if her hair's right is so reassuring. Oh, it seems so simple—the making of an. attrac ts e restaurant! Yet, how fiew there * re . „ Perhaps that's why so manv fail. "How about the food?" grunted Warren. "Don't forget it's the man who pays the check, and he doesn't care a whoop about your mirrors and pink shades." Helen Is Positive "I'm not speaking about the food, 1 K N , OW " lnten sely, "that if the cafe Kheims had let me decorate this room—well, there'd have been more people in it than there are now" "Nothing conceited about that" "I'd have had the whole color scheme cream and old rose. Cream walls and cream wood work, with old rose silk hangings and a plain old rose carpet—l hate these cellar-like cement floors. And I'd have cream chairs upholstered in old rose. I'd have the walls and posts paneled in mirrors, and a rose-shaded light on every table. Wouldn't that make an attractive place? And it wouldn't be expensive, not nearly so expensivo as this. "Ura-m," was Warren's only com ment, as he severed the wing from the half broiled chicken on toast. "And this music's too loud," per sisted Helen. "Its a wonderful or chestra, but we're too near it. If I had a restaurant." enthusiastically, "I d have them play a lot of waltz music—people love the rhythm. I'd not have it loud or insistent—you can't talk with musk: like this." "Well, you seem to be doing pretty well. Talking a blue streak. What's the matter? That wine going to your head?" Helen flushed. She had drunk only a glass of claret but she had a lurk ing suspicion that wine did make her more talkative. Perhaps it was the claret that had colored so glowingly her mind's pic ture of a restaurant, ideally deco rated and managed. The picture was insistent. It held vague butallurlne possibilities. B "Dear," looking up with shining eyes, "wouldn't it be wonderful if some day you'd make a lot of money and buy up a restaurant—just for an investment? THINK what we could do with it—you and I together? Oh 1 KNOW we'd make it r success' You know so much about food, and I could see to the decorations and the appointments. Oh, we'd make it the I most attractive place!" "Well, I guess the public'll have to worry along without our restau rant for a while longer. I may be too modest, but I'm willing to con cede that the people alreadv in the business know a little about it Bet ! ter confine your decorating schemes I to "The Flat Beautiful" and write 'em up for the Ladles' Gwan Journal;" HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH QUITE A NEW STYLE FOR SMALL WOMEN Two Ways Are Given in Which to Develop This Gown 8145 Semi-Princesse Gown, 34 to 43 bust. WITH TWO-PIECE SKIRT HAVING YOWB AT BACK. t Women find so many advantages in the semi-princesse gown that it is an unques tioned favorite for general wear. This one is quite novel. It has the, peplum that flares over the hips to give the needed breadth at that point, the kimono sleeves are the newest sort and the two piece skirt is arranged to give a bo* plait at the front and at the back. Such a gown made of charmeuse crPpe or fou lard or any similar material becomes suited to the bridge party or luncheon or any occasion of the sort. Made ol serge, jioplin or any similar sturdy ma terial, it is useful for indoors and for street beneath the top coat. The con tinuous lines in the front of the blouse and skirt give the effect of height that it desirable and the closing is made Invisibly at the left side, the portions of the sleeves feeing buttoned into place. In the pictuie, w-ol crfipe is trimmed with charmeusc satin. For the medium iiize, the gown will require 6 yds. of material 27 or 36, 4 yds. 44 in. wide, with yd. of velvet lor the collar and cuffs, 1 yd. of ribbon 8 in. wide for the girdle. The pattern of the gown 8145 is cut In sizes from 34 to 42 inches bust measure. It will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Department of this paper, on receipt of ten cents. Bowman's sell May Jlantbn Patterns. |ggP .xSf. 'friadame, Is eL ells m Scauiy Lesson« LESSON XI—PART V. PHYSICAL CULTURE. Suppose tho car* of a house and small family devolves upon an Intelligent wo man who believes it her duty to keep her telf as well and strong as possible. How would she go about this, regarding the home as her gymnasium, and her broom and other household uter.slls as her ap- Karatus? This Is the regime I outlln* for er. For the Housewif*. After a good night's sleep In a well sired room, rise sufficiently early to do ten minutes' breathing exercises, take a | cold bath or salt rub and dress properly ; for housework. By thla I do not mean a ! loose wrapper thrown over an uneorseted lor badly corseted figure and run-over ' shoes. A woman who attacks her day's : work clothed In such fashion hampers herself as much as If she were to tie one 1 arm to her side. Think a minute of the many discomforts and useless movements that come from such slack dressing and you will see that this statement is not an exaggeration. Tomorrow, I will de scribe what I consider a proper working costume. I Treason XI to be continued. Mrs. F. B. I-., asks me about liquid rouge and If it Is harmful. There Is noth ing in the best quality of liquid rouga that oan hurt the skin and for some rea sons I prefer It to the powdered or grease rouges. It Is apt to be more natural in Its effect and adheres better, but a liquid rouge should be applied with care. Put a small-amount on each cheek just below the cheek bones and then rub lightly In circles over the entire cheek. Be sure the color does not end abruptly. Apply pow- I der after you have put on the rouge. EDUCATION At, MAKE NEW YEAR . RESOLUTION to enroll next Monday In Day or Night School. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE | 15 S. Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Civif Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. John H. Harjes, Partner of Late J. P. Morgan, Dies Speciat to The Telegraph Paris, Feb. 15. John H. Harjes, partner of the late J. Plerpont Morgan and one of tho oldest and most re spected American residents of Paris, died at Grasse, near Nice, yesterday, in his 86th year. He had been ill for some weeks. llarjes arrived in Paris from Phtla- ' delphia in 1868, and founded the bank ing firm of Drexel, Harjes & Co., now Morgan, Harjes & Co. He was in Paris during the siege of 1870-71, and won the gratitude of the French Government for his activity In relieving the distress among the peasants after the Franco- Prussian war. He retired from business in 1908 anil devoted the rest of his life to the nu merous charitable works In which he was Interested, notably the American Hospital in Paris, of which he wus president at the time of his death. He was an officer of the Legion of Honor and owned a villa at Grasse, where he spent every winter. H. H. Harjes, his son, who is senior partner of the firm, was with his father at the end. Two-day Conference of Suffragists Here The State Chairman of the Woman Suffrage Party, Miss Hannah J. Pat terson, has called a conference for March 10 and 11, at the Suffrage State Headquarters in Harrisburg. Those who will attend are the Division and County Chairmen of the Woman Suf- j i'rage Party, and Legislative District leaders. The purpose of the conference is to > present and discuss in detail the plan 1 for the effective work of the Woman Suffrage party in the primary elec tions. Each county's representative in the conference will confer with Miss Patterson in preparation for the political activity which will follow the conference. Records of the candi dates for re-election in the House and Senate have been made. The first day the conference will be given over to organization methods, and reports of progress In the counties. CONrEIIBXCG OF WOMEN Special to The Telegraph Hershey, Pa., Feb. 16. Mrs. Charles I* Fry, of Philadelphia, will address a parlor conference of women, to be held under the auspices of Holy Trinity Lu theran Church, at the home of Dr. H. G. Mumma, on Thursday afternoon, at 2:15. Mrs. Fry Is editor of the Lutheran Mis sion Worker, and was one of the organ izers of the Women's Missionary So ciety, of the Lutheran General Council, and is tho chairman of the literature committee. "GO-TO-CIIURCH" SUNDAY Special to The Telegraph Hershey, Pa., Feb. 16. Washing ton's Birthday has been designated as "Go-To-Church" S.unday by the congre gations at this place. The purpose is to secure as large an attendance as Is possible. Defy Blood Disorder BY 6Mng the Blood an Effective Bath The word Medicine is one of th« most abused in our language. There are certain medicinal properties just as necessary to health as the food we eat. Take, for example, the well known medicine, S. S. S. This famous Mood purifier contains medicinal com ponents Just as vital and essential to healthy blood as the elements of wheat, roaat beef, the fats and the sugars that make up our dally ration. As a matter of fact, there Is one ingredient In S. S. S. which serves tho active purpose of stimulating each cellular part of the body to the healthy and .Judicious selection of its own essential nutriment. That Is why it regenerates the blood supply; why it has such a tremendous influ ence In overcoming Rheumatism, Ca tarrh of the Stomach and intestines, skin eruptions and all blood troubles. And In regenerating the tissues S. S. S. has a rapid and positive antidotal effect upon all those irritating Influences that cause sore throat, weak eyes, loss of weight, thin, pale cHeeks and that weariness of muscle anil nerve that leads bo many people Into the dangerous path of stimulants and narcotics. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at any drug store, and In a few days you will feel bright and energetic. S. S. S. Is prepared only in the laboratory of The Swift Specific Co., 303 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., who maintain a very effi cient adrlsory department where all who hare any blood dlaorder of a stubborn nature may consult freely. S. S. S. Is sold everywhere by drug stores, department and general stores. Don't permit anyone to sell you a substitute. Insist upon S. S. S. DROPSY AND ~ . BRIGHTS DISEASE Nearly everybody knows that when tile dropsy conies so fast in Blight's Disease that the patient has to be tap ped that the case is hopeless so far as the old treatment ia concerned. We never heard of a case recovering that required tapping until Fulton's Renal Compound was evolved. Under the Henul Compound recoveries are ' fre quently reported even In this supposed hopeless stage. We will cite two cases: r. H. Chandler of Clay, New York, was a very serious case. As high as four quarts of water were drawn at a tapping. He was put on Fulton's Renal Compound and a year thereafter had resumed employment. Another—Patient six years old, the son of A. C. Dean, of Oakland, Cal., was tapped eight times; even had to be tapped after being put on Fulton's Renal Compound, but tho tapping grew further apart and he made a recovery ; and was going to school at last ad -1 vices. j If you have Brlght's Disease do you j not owe it to your family to trv Ful , ton's Renal Compound before giving 1 up. It can bo had at J. H. Boher, drug, j gist, 209 Market street. ' Ask for pamphlet or write John J. ' Fulton Co., San Francisco.—Advertise ment. Efe ■ ■ Si are curable. All kinds ■■ ■ ■ B 11 mean suffering and U I I danger. The CAUSE B I ■ is alwsya Internal. ■ Ik kU Dr. Ltonhirilt'i " HEM-ROID tablets product amazing results by attacking the INTERNAL CAUSE. The piles are dried up and permanently cured. 24 days' treatment, tLOO. DR. LEONHARDT CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. (free book) Sold by Ksnnedj Medicine Store, Barrlsbug. J. A. McOurdy. Stealton. and dealers. IHiWillllliH Non-greasy Toilet Cream keeps the skin soft and velvety In rough weather. An exquisite toilet prep aration, 25c. GORGAB DRUG STOKES 10 *. Third St., and P. R. K. Station ———————^ AMUSEMENTS —V Coming Renfax Musical Motion i Pictsrea—N«l Monday. VICTORIA THEATER TO-DAY "FROU-FROU," In 4 Aete _ MIMI SAN, 2 Acta CALAMITY ANN IN SOCIETY. ADMISSION Be x i i«i FEBRUARY 16.1914. C-"" 11 '... "" —8 C y | ' I Start the day with a warm meal that gives stomach comfort and supplies the greatest amount of body - building material. Keep the body warm and strong by eating SHREDDED WHEAT the food that contains more real body building nutriment than meat or eggs and costs much less. After you have tried all the others you will come back to Shredded Wheat —always clean —always pure. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits (heated in the STM to restore crispness) eaten with hot milk or cream, will supply all the nutriment needed for a hall day's work. Delicioualy wholesome with baked applet, stewed prunes, sliced hananas or other fruits. $ • . The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N.Y. •: i """"V Let me send you FREE PERFUME Writ® today for a testing bottle of gfWj&JHi. PINAUD'S ULAC '■Am ,/fcS) J The world's most famous rerfuma, every drop aa sweat '{/Jn T ' a* the living blossom. For handkerchief, atomlier and bath. kMuumseW \ / /vWI Fine after shaving. All the value is In the perfume--you don't W MX I pay extra for a fancy bottle. The quality is wonderful Tha fcS. rrlce only 75c. (6 or ) Send 4c. for the little bottle-enough W ,7 XpfflM for 40 handkerchiefs. Write today. \ » J/*Wr PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD, Department M. ED. PINAUD BUILDING NEW YORK / ■ ■> Coal Yards On Both Railroads No difference what kind of coal you de sire we are in position to furnish it. We have a coal yard on the Pennsylvania Railroad and another on the Reading Rail road. This enables us to handle the choice coals of both these roads—an advantage no other coal dealer has. The coal from each railroad has certain peculiarities and burns somewhat differently. Some people prefer coal from the Reading Railroad while others can get satisfactory results from "Pennsylvania Coal." If you have had trouble we can fix you up. United Ice & Coal Co. Forater * Condfi Third A Boaa 15th A Chestnut Hummel * Mulberry ALSO STEELTON, PA. in lf *p|g§ lß (EBBHII D.Bk on esserg-drop — j| AMCSEMEM'.I AMUSEMENTS • j' MAJESTIC THEATER ' TOMORROW, Matinee and Night, TRUE SONS OF THE SOUTH ALABAMA With It* Sinitm, Dancer*, ComedlauN—The Elite of the Colored Race IIKAII l'rof. Williams' Hand of SO Dark Knight* SEE. PRICES Mat., 15c, 25c. Eve., 25c. 33c, 50a WEDNESDAY* Feb. IS, Matinee nnd Night, The Sweet New England Rural I'lay, , "Joshua Simpkins" Anil Ills Funny Rube Band and Orchestra Thllllng Sawmill Seene. • • Mat., 10c, 2Oct Eve., 10C, 20c, 3QC, 50C -- - . 6 Water Nymphs The CastAlians J Ethel Green European Posing Novelty John and Mae Burke Adams Brothers Bertha Creighton & Co. Smedley Beaumont & Arnold pi The Hasmans ■■ I f 1/^ j Juggling DeLisle ' V -' -J 9