* * v ffyfyfffffffffyyffffttfffyf'^ r 4 : Store Opens Saturday 056118 SatUrday ; New Flouncings Women's 50c CALL 1991 "ANY'PHONE.Fur Set of ' GLOVES J jtrS'S'S'liS Underwear, 25c FOUNDED 1871 Mole Beaver oi^V^,^. ll & M, * ta . f53 trn^^Ubt^or A special lot of women's medium W%J f Jf Large animal scarf and muff. $1.95 < a #T fjyf/ ///X/^T Si tnnQ , M .„*: Z^ 0.«.,,.0 < zt'g&izsfsj: yMtffty//f $13.98 olovs * b "" ,i "" ► II 1 L-Ly HARRISBUR6S POPULAR DEPARTNENT STORE J™ w prevail. | | | J ► ' : Examples of Fine Economies More New and Charming Silks Now 200 Pairs Good Shoes « : to Be Had in Our On Display at B. B. B. Sale Prices To Take Leave on Saturday - ► ► wdXC UX r UXIIIIUXU Department. Thousands of Harrisburg women await the B. B. B. Sale to supply themselves with t\ I Nk | |||| A \J f\ I|J < ► Bedroom Furniture of Interest silks for the spring season. »X A X < ► i $20.00 Princess Dresser, $14.95 Tuna Mahogany All Silk Wash Habutai I $1.25 Silk and Wool Thev Were $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 i i * ! $20.00 Chiffonier, .... .sl-4.05 Birdseyc Maple fOa 'VorA 131 • f\f\ \ a a u 1 ±1 ± ► $20.00 Dressers, . $14.95 Mahoirany OOC Xard roplms, 51.(J0 Yard And men, women and boys may share in the very - See These Ouartered Oak Buffets w. .hi. 0 « 81lt .„a w.»i r, P ii„ vet, <« ?ne B. B. B. Sale offer. We don't offer every size - ► ° ee i " e!stJ VUdJierea UaK -DUlietS Styles. All the perfect shades in the smartest stripes inches wide, have a rich luxurious finish, and we show 1U every style 1H tlllS lot —Dllt at the Dl'lCe —a dollar < ► | $35.00 Quartered Oak Buffets, $27.50 ',l *1 seaßo "- - ' n^"' s Wlde - 20 of the season's latest shades. a pair—it's a point in your favor if you come in and „ $20.00 Quartered Oak Buffets, $13.98 SIOO Natural Chinese P Poniree 7<) * j c?nn «Y F °iw ardß v look over the lot. Surely something to please you 4 i iti'JQnd nuavtpi'orl Hair linffok siooi; ja.uu waium unuiese Pongee, 79< SI.OO Black Satin Messahne 79<fi 1 +.4. , „ J t .; K !lr rn o Jo t CQQAA Natural Chinese Pongee 49£ I 50c yard-wide Silk Pongees, 29t alld you. ► $4.3.00 Qliarteied Oalv Bllttets, $39.00 o On Sale on the Main Floor, Bowman's. Patent Colt Vici Kid l| ► $58.00 Quartered Oak Buffets, $53.00 ► Sale of Mattresses on Saturday A A Ytnitl ► This $12.00 Burnstein T " B,VXV ' X,L ' L S" U ' uiauc LCI X\.UgO dl tylD.yO —all sizes—on Saturday at $3.00 a pair. 4 ► * r u Ai' -4-1 11 The Regular Price is 522.50 50 Pairs Women's $3.90 and $3.50 Shoes-tan storm calf shoes < ► Felt Mattress With roll . 1) 8 . -high and low heels-all sizes. At $3.00 a pair. « ► [ edge and covered Avitli 1 Axnunster Kugs make luxurious floor coverings for parlors and bed- Children's SI,OO and $1.25 Shoes-Vici kid and gun metal I < ==iiG|r heavy art ticking two r „ » lCl ™ an! , bluch, !Me .rly «U s i Z e s -at 50< a pair. ; , ,'hr ■ parts. Extia $0 95 SOC New Process Linoleum j 30c Japanese Matting m I ■ j special tor Saturday at <PVm "' 39C Sq. Yd. 19c a Yard »" ™ «"« ™m n™ Uaw„,.„». * ' I $7.50 RoU - edge I 5>1«.50 Nassua 1111- SIS>.OO Silk Floss v : cotton Felt Mattress, ™ *** S stt 5^»31 When have you ever seen? : ► $4.49 $10.50 '513.75 ' ' o„ s u i,. ~n n„ :,t,J "Pequot" and "Mohawk" Brands I | This $2.50 Box Seat Dining jNyy Sheets, PUlow Cases and Bolsters j - * : Chair, exactly like cut, solid oak, llf | One of thp BiiJ' Surprises! I at the prices of the B. B. B. Sale ; II 1 .1 11 I IT', i m-1 I 5/ ___ Or* & It's a rare occurrence when these brands aro offered at such prices— ► Chase leather upholstered. HiXtra IH If a nM- * - A_ t C nr i* j 1 and it's much more-, surprising when you find such a great assortment < . i r -jAgJBsLy d I |l| O special lor IX AO ualC U1 lICW iCllCutl Pequot Brand Mohawk Brand , A „ t tr ~l—Huf p-' 4 W Regular Sale Regular Sale .► i $1.75 p n ißrilliant and Fine Cut Glass! H s&•—-: m H : ► ' TT Jf A -72x90.... t)oc 69c 72x90 75c OOc < ► ; | embracing choicest pieces, such as large punch bowls and comportsM 8ix9o 8 ".". — 'V9c 75c 81*99 olt " :^c *■ XTirvVi a ll0 i;+„ tt • r a ir> much-wanted articles —all shown in the sketches —Begins in Our? 8ix9951.09 sac 90x90.'!.'!!!!! 95c «»c ► Xllgll quality Hair (JOOUS P Basement—lo-morrow Morning. Is 90x90 $1.19 sac BOLSTER CASES < * At Greatly Reduced Prices & 7 he finest collection we've procured 1 42x72. 8 . 0L5TER lllltU;;;;;; i'oc ific ► J ■ §• because it comrpises mostly large pieces p 45x72 45c asc PILLOWCASES * ► ! essential accessory to a becoming arrange- i ' JTJST 2 PTEDES TO A rnCTHAIVP U A I/P rnTrn ATinnnnir-xTTnyir I „„ PILLOWCASES 42x3(5 20c l«c i ► A of your coiffure is included in this sale of hair £$ DDA\ IV \\ T T\ / < M IATTT -MAKE HIE 01 L S 22c 17c 45x36........ • 22c 17c : I mf ;«u at once 1T MMI EQUAL SIIARE. Sii:::;;; Jg ISIg::;;;; < ► I \)Tj Sa.OO Wavy Switches' "duced U*.!s2.ao 1 | WOOI "Rl/j.Ukftt.S AllUfiSt. ► sooll w SVy sTf 8 ' redUCe<i t0 $;{.25 I' WmMl 1 WX UlAliliv ww AllilUOt 4 ► $5.00 Coronet reduced to H'oo 1 mW Vj I The last few nights have demanded good warm blankets. i ► %f Expert, »nite».„y.rtW.p»«b, M Vl«^ur.' m , I IS WM ■ Jf I And if you buy them at B. B. B. Sale prices—NOW it '• J liatr without charge. Mail Orders Filled. S 'M| | means a saving for next winter as well as for this. I , Another Important Sale of 0 w I On the Main Floor, Bowman'.. j J : Spring Wall Papers jg si How many men will look ahead to next winter? i ► Tliis yale of spring wall paper is more of an intra- if . " il As well as enjoy this weather . ► duction.to the Wall Paper Department than it is a|! REGULAR PRICES ARE $3.98 tO $12.50 || Wifll TIIP«SP "RillA flvprm/lte ' ► sale. But to make your visit worth while to the de- 1 1 AWI 11ICOC 1 Ulv vVUiwdkO •" ► partment we offer the following special values in L*; I 1 /fS md f\ A ► new wall papers. gj Your CllOlCe Yfllir Chfticel ~4. CQ Cil ' ► NEW BEDROOM WALL PAPERS AT 5* A g A no aX J)7tJU ROLL—Beautiful floral effects suitable for bed- IwBBMBf bMw ' ► ST Tfo I T P T ED WALL PAPERS at 7>/ AND 1 / M' fmW I Regttlar Pnces $12,5 ° t0 $16,5 ° ; y 'match Larges^^t 1 cr^ o j ne^.cu^ 0 . or^ers | I Many a man waits * v I TW^-TO'N^ , F , SWA now PPPPPT WATT -DATt-nnn We've arranged a sj)ecial counter in the basement for this sale. All the pieces will be offered at | Season to buy ane W < ► lAm Orf\ A y WALili JrAPERS gj one time and they will be wrapped conveniently and quickly. There is a liberal amount of each article but I OVd'COat. And Wisely j |A I A ROLL —for the dining room, living room i you can rest assured it: won,t tak(> long tor them to be sold, so be here promptly at 9 o'clock. | f OO Esneciallv eco- s/ifljf * I and hall. Cut Ollt borders tn mntr.lv ' ' si Every piece is perfect. Every piece is of the newest design. Extra fine quality and % '• l • i ► j "r aeis to match! I heavy. Superb polish and deep, decisive cuttings. Pieces range from $3.98 to $ 12.50 for I nomical, Since we re- T* , v\mie there are no comparative prices quoted along S regular prices—and you may choose any article at $2.08. p rhirp our RTCGTTL AT? C" ► 1 these items wo wish to make it emphatic that Hn»«o Is t* ULll - c UUI xv_ljv» \j . j prices are very special and are for Saturdi only 1 4 LIGHT CANDELABRA ELEC- 8 AND 9-INCH BOWLS ORANGE BOWLS C LINES and the op- //N^ On Sale on the Fourth Floor, Bowman's.' I TROLIER 8 AND 9-INCH NAPPIES 8-INCH TWO-HANDLED NAP-| portunity meang a§ *■ 18, 9, 10-INCH FOOTED PUNCH 10. 12, 14-INCH VASES Jvl T TW m nr D n™i " j L T ,j /) f STyAEI ////M>O\ * ' C n i c •£!> n .. „ . - I BOWLS CELERY TRAYS 3 AND JUGS I S«Od OVei'COats as Sold M V Wlj MMi < ► 0 Packs Swifts Pride Men s Furnish- I 7 AND 8 - INOB FOOTED COM- SUGAR AND CREAM SETS HANDLED BASKETS I at the beginning of 1/ 1 \'M IKI " \y„„. •„ D « «r w „ g)j PORTS MAYONNAISE SETS CHOICE, $2.08 | the SCaSOU but at / I II /«////! IHI ► s£i g !t cLser-. mgs: Underwear i nuch lower prices. /|^|\\ ifjjfi/111 jlillliuJ-<u\. j' ' ' ibS. 'sanmia'v, . S *. ' ► Lot No. a item no. 3--Men' s si.oo Dress | oale begins 9 U clock Saturday—When the Store Opens | P l^ ll ™ belted backs, jjj/jjj fjj ' k Preserving Kettles, 2-qt. Berliii c-ale and madras! A f 111 i i II ■ < ► Sauce Pans and No. 24 Frv few are counter soiled flllf 4 t. 4. i ttl ldJs. And tile choOS- If I II ► Pans. Choice Saturday UVI/ Feature value Sale of ChildrfiTl'R wiii+ia P/\fl+e mg is fine. 1 I , Lot No. » v Item No. 4 Men's 25c Hosiery, in new Spring „ W IIILC I I I •" :i-qt. Berlin Sauce Pans, 3-qt. medium and heavy weights of y ° lu a llt:tl " '' hlld °»c to 5 years of age? One of these white Mmi'q fI«H Vrmnrr I II / II < ► Berlin Kettles, 1-qt. Tea and rott °u and silk -g s>., ifllrNli TQ coats will be very dressy. We have reduced the price about a third in , n , S A anCl * OUng | I I 1 . Coffee Pots, 4-qt. Berlin Kettles lisle. Saturday, .. I S'/2(* order to sell as many of them as possible before the spring stock is Men's $13.50 UP tO 11 and 4-qt. Berlin Sauce Pans. rt x r placed on display. Ihesc coats aro short models, made of serge, cash- CJni+a CtofurrlQir !l '/ 111 4 ► Choice 79ij " ' — M °n's 2 &c Suspen luerc - or Bedford cord, well tailored and effectively trimmed. «t>IO.OU OUItS oatUrday / 11 : Sv'-Ku'F I°5S? -at hyQ J°f eiwer * w- 50 *» •»« CO ■' i n / A : B ; I -v, lO 7 B , c d , Sale Prices 98c to $3.98 I 1 ;! k. Choice qd ll0 " 1 I so - 6 —51.00 Blouse Come and see theso inexpensive JL AnH j„„ f lho .. . If ii Wl» 4 i - corsets. You learn a few points of a -i j > tti-i •. «i|i n , • J ' i, / t' VII | I Jr 4 \ ► Lot No. 5 nel, attached cuffs. A good substantial corset at a very low Children S White Silk CapS that Were ear r . ound -- Lmgf 4 and 6-qt. Tea Kettles and Saturday, price. t>fkr» fr> 41 Ofl CJotiiT.HQTr o+ '>Cv. + crkj. tf 1 **' P eT ' la P s » (P) n| WW < j ' 2-qt. Bice Boilers. These largo ~ , , ( WV Of tino dotted twill, medium bust 50C tO SI.OO. Saturday at 25<* to !° t^" 7 "iH 111 1 ► size high grade aluminum uten- shirt. T*u Boe Night —deep hips—embroidered tops and 4 U'you want to buy the little child a nice silk cap this salo on Hatur- lw aniin i fi WvJ I 111 111 sils, choice on Saturday at Shirts made of heavy tie string-4 hose supporter attach- -Jay offers you dainty little white silk caps in Messalihe, BengaLo and J Jt* lot ' ' I M SI 50 ""ting flannel. Sfttur- OOC ments. Sizes 18 to 30. Price, OOc Feile SJlk daintily trimmed. Sizes from infancy to 2 years. 111 "'! 11 " ; V Bowmau's Second Floor. On Sal. on tbe Second Floor, X'S £. ' l ™' '% On th! Ta JL„!, Bo.Wa ! ►"" y <
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