10 r u Many Cold Weather Comforts Not Advertised Here Will Greet You in the Store Tomorrow at Special Prices Valentine Winter Coats for Girls and Children Cards, Favors d for Final Clearance To-morrow |j and Books $5.95 and $6.50 Coats, $3.95 SIO.OO and $12.50 Coats, $5.95 \ Appropriately designed and word- j n the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart department of coats for girls and children, in a Hand Crocheted Imported Waists Reduced Valentine tally cards, dozen, a c* i u' IPI 1> ' IIM* rft $7.50 girls coats in na\ y serge, black and sls Wa,sts. SIO.OO S2O and $22.50 Waists. $15.00 $25 Wa,sts2o.oo valentine gift books' 0 < * C Vj» rhndren sToat/rCopJlTage!, ',"an ££f £« Jri? , . ft,-,, , • °Thn'"vTtti a "d re ds phish collars and cuffs. Sizes 4, 5 SIO.OO children's dresses in large black and j This is the most important announcement ot the kind we have made in a long Friendship, The iJttie Book.of uplift, and 6. Final Clearance price #5.95 white plaids, white embroidered collar, Co while. Such waist values are rare. We take the loss because we want to find own- Jound'in 6 brow°n k and f gr°ln o£V™ith£ $5.95 and $6.50 children's coats in As- penhagen silk girdle. Sizes Bto 10. Final ers for these high-class garments which we imported direct. Every stitch is hard boxed asc trakhan, chinchilla, velvet corduroy and zibe- Clearance price s<>.so . work an devery style exclusive. High necks with full length or three-quarter t iea°with°ribbon— sent,ment ' boxed anfl line; plain tailored and►trimmed; colors grey, $5.00 children's dresses in navy and black sleeves. None sent on approval and none exchanged.. • A Rosar >" of Gtrla * 2 .- 50 ta n. brown and black. Sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6. serge; Peter Thompson style. Sizes 6to 14. . .. _ The G°ri k i°Loved C .V.y.'.V.'.V.'.V.V. $2!oo Final Clearance price , $3.95 Final Clearance price $3.95 Voile, crepe, dimity, I ersian lawn and ba- hogahy, two-tone effects and black .. $2.95 oid Valentines .SI.OO $9.50 and $6.50 girls* coats in red serge and $7.50 girls' dresses in large Scotch plaids, tistc blouses, trimmings of embroidery pan- Jersey petticoats, pleated flounce; mahog- The $1.25 tan noye]tv cloth; trimmed with braid and black satin collar, cuffs and'girdle. Sizes 12 els, tucks, lace, insertion, embroidery medal- any, blue, rose, plum, wistaria, Russian, Per- The Gay Advemiire '!! i.'.'.' :si!2s fancy buttons. Sizes 12 and 14. Final Clear- and 14. Final Celarance price $5.00 ; lions and embroidery or lace trimmed collars, sian or black $5.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, aiice price $2 50 Dives, Pomeroy,& Stewart, Second' Floor. full length or three-quarter sleeves ... SI.OO Infants' Dresses Hear. • , $4.00 Corsets, $2.95 350 Pieces Cut Glass in Rich Floral Cuttings trimmed with filet lace edge $1.95 hemstitched ruffle or embroidery edge, 500 Nemo $4.00 self-reducing corsets, ' p n f pr Q a TV* mnrrO\X7 Pit Batiste lingerie blouse, hand-embroidered Infants long flannelette skirts, plain hem, in an incomplete range of sizes. Mill U/Illd lilt/ Odl 1 O 1110110 Wdl | front, flat collar trimmed with Venise lace . . . a nd Factorv Sale price $8.95 Really as notable values enter the Mill and Factory sale to-morrow as we announced at the edge • $1.95 Intants long ilannel skirts, plain hem trim- - ' sale's opening. The values go to $2.98, and the assortment of pieces includes 3-pt. pitchers, 7 and Voile lingerie blouses, net yoke trimmed mec * mencan .a >an c 8-inch mitre cut bowls, sugar and cream sets, 10-inch vases, celery trays, oil bottles, pickel dishes, with filet lace medallion, hand-embroidered 54 Styles of SI.OO Gowns $2.00 corsets. Mill and l actorv o ij ve Wishes, handled bonbons, etc. In the sale to-morrow the price will be, each 980 front, trimmed with lace medallions and cro- Nainsook, cambric and crepe gowns, high Sa]e P nce $1.50 cheted buttons, kimono sleeves trimmed with and V-necks, long sleeves or low necks and American Lady SI.OO corsets. L/| 25 IDS. Granulated Sugar for $1.05 tucks and turn-back cuffs $2.95 three-fourth sleeves; trimmings of embroid- Mill and Factory Sale price .. 090 j J I i J j With Each Purchase One Messaline Petticoats cry, lace insertion and edge, lace or einbroid- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. ' . ' Messaline petticoats, pleated flounce, em- ery medallions and ribbon. i WfrJl "oUlld OI 40c lea I erald. American beautv, King's blue, tan. ma- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart second Floor. Racpmpnt V Jhe basement grocery announces for to- UdoCIIIL/11l morrow an introductory sale of a special blend ~ sl.lO galvanized ash cans, with -J®™. ° £ V* whid , l P r ° vides that with each Men's and Women's Winter Shoes Reduced oii -Tgjjgv for sl.oo. It is claimed that this new tea is Here's a splendid selection of Winter shoes in all leathers and latest shapes dustless rotai T ash sifters. w> a pro d uct G f the choicest gardens of the east. for both men and women. It's clearance time and prices are lowered to the Mill Min a,ul Factor >' salc P ricc > A I /% * \\ fl We commend it to lovers of tea. and Factory Sale economy level. 42c heavy galvanized water pails. hree cans of tomatoes, hand-packed in ex ,.... . F . _ , grv, W tra large cans '^so Men's $4.00 winter shoes in tan Russia calv, Women's $3.00 and $3.50 gun metal calf and * ac sa e P rKl '' • 41 . . c 1 TV* mnW r«.r • California prunes, 3 pounds for SSO gun metal calf and black kidskin, all made on tan Russian calf button shoes, made on high I £ a ' van ' zet ' toot u 'h s - An important oale 1 O-ITIOITOW . Shoe peg corn, 3 cans for 35^ this season's lasts and patterns, button and toe lasts with Goodyear welted d»0 OC and Factor y sale P ricc Nickel Plated Bath Room Fixtures Fresh breakfast coffee, pound 250 lace style with hand-welted sole?. $2 90 S^eS and hi g h Cuban heels. Special, Mrs. Potts' $1.19 nickel plated Wc had hoped to include these exceptional Alaska salmon. 3 cans 350 Vf < ; V."; , , Women's $2.50 patent colt and tan calf but- irons - MiU aud Factor - v sale P r ' ce . values in bathroom fixtures in the first day's JO ha rs Pels Naphtha soap .196 hl,irber%tv'i? l ~ t0 " sh ° es ' made otl a medium full last with offerings of the Mill and Factory Sale, but the 10 ljars p - & Cj - soa P , L , tull billows niad s heavy stitched soles and Cuban 1 Qrw Aluminum double square roasters, maker disappointed us in delivery. Scores of w , . D . , °dS2.^ecLT y $2.49 Special $1.90 Mill and Factory sale price ... 98* Hgh grade nickeled pieces go on sale for the White Dress Weaves of Rich Men's $3 00 fine winter shoes in natent mlt Women s $2.00 gun metal calf, tan calf and 39c brooms, special '550 fi fst time to-morrow morning. 1 exture r eatured in the oale . if i i if i i J patent colt button shoes made on hip-h top a r>,„ -i i 69c and 75c bath tub dishes <>oo Remnant lengths of 15c white plisse crepe; T me r , C f !°V h "Tr an t lasts with heavy stitched soles and i 1 fic . &C *' "8c bath tub sponge holders ........ 500 29 inches wide* Mill and Factory Sale price, lace sty e made on high toe lasts with Good- Cuban heds 7 and $ 1.65 mg tea coffee canister, sug- wall SQap 500 100 SnerinV 6 * 6 1 $ 1 .98 Women's $2.00 black kid button wide anH* Ca "' fl °" r ° an ' 69c %aIUC ' S P e^' al, 98c comb and brush holders 500 Remnant lengths 25c white voile, 40 inches Men's $2 00 irun metal calf 'and black kid sht,es - made on full tQ e lasts with heavv stitch SCt •' 83c tumbler and tooth brush holders • • wide - Mill and Factory Sale price 90 .. ,' . ? , , j ' i , ed soles Sizes 4to 8 . 69c white bread boxes. Special, QBc soap and tumbler combinations .. 500 and 15c white goods. Mill and Fac skin shoes, bucher lace style, made on broad ooxes. oizcs tios. (Pi /IP v _ ' • - lk . / c , & toe lasts with heavv stitched soles d» 1 /•e? S P ecial 98c glass shelves, 24-inch size 500 tory Sale price OJ4O p ■ , - ' 51.65 Dives Pomerov Xr <!♦ whit e bread boxes. Special, 69c towel racks 500 29c white pique; 28 ihches wide. Mill and bpecial * u i\es, Fomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor o 1 • v • • Women's Gloves of Finest j —| A Sweater Is All the More Quality: In a FebruatyClearance OfflHW ' (IVlll Appreciated in Extremely j D. P. &- S. 2-clasp gloves, in I 2-clasp imported kid gloves, I: 111 I 'IrJ 11 ! k 1J \\T JS T> f* c tan, grey, white and black. |in colors, white and black, I| I 1 hllf ■ J \ Cold Weather—RnOW ItS Comfort a ' r SI.OO W.W and $2.00 |! 1 j, " F r I |j «. Men's heavy coat sweaters with large collar and CavalifM- nnr rlasn o-lr,««>c Buxkin Washable kid gloves i r t 1 I S !: | Fill , , . . •, p v onc clas P g ' with prix seams and spear j |! |j * ft • I ' i three pockets, dark grey, brown and navy $2.98 w 7 •, x amt '' 111 lau - points. Pair $1.75 ■ I- I : | jj i ll Men's $1.98 coat sweaters with turn-over collar; and black, la,r sl2o, skjn washable kid jB | grey only $1.50 Navarre 2-clasp tan, white ioW« «i ill »l ill 11.—lli f [j || Hi & p ' and black gloves. Pair, $1.50 Kavser washable chamoisette ''WJfT' L- ni - - , Me " § SL9B V " neck COat sweaters ' dark co, <> rs ; Centemeri's 2-clasp ki d gloves, in 16-button length, in LL Cl iTfltf L j all SiZCS ( $1.50 gloves, in colors, white and biscuit, natural and white. H H | —" if—' MACKINAWS REDUCED black $1.25 to $2.00 Pair 500 to SI.OO W Ira Men's $7.60 Macklnaws. Special 55.98 I I ill rf * ~ ml Men's $8.50 and MackinuwH. Special Jt7.5« \A/«oV» O ' Wash Dress Fabrics in Spring Styles | J f J lIES I maro ß^M^ Reduced to New Low Price Levels I| II Jli ll I Bo s| Oc lined leather gauntle s 35c //, . /II Ml | 111 Boys' 25c lined leather and jersey gauntlets ; I9«> 12>4c cretonne robes; 36 inches wide; floral desiens for i: _--- -* - 'l,l. /1 "iffl Men|s and boys'heavy Scotch wool gloves 25c anil'»(»<• , . vv.vit, iiuui ucMgns ior fcj I Men s heavy wool gloves, camel's hair interlined 75c comfort coverings. 10 vards covers a comfort Mill and w Men s black and oxford seamless wool gloves 50c Factorv Sale price, yar.l 8«f 1 Q 1 O V 6J4c plain charabray. Mill and Factory Sale price, yd.. 5« V| f\ ll O fffl 11V nPTI 1 1 iSS ™V'SI" }11? 6y 4 c shirting prints, white grounds, neat designs. Mill X ~ V V/VJ.I VyV/111 wLlll V/O lined anto mittens ! si'ias and Factory Sale price, yard 4.lA* *2loo lined Krey mocha B gloves' *"l'.'.!XX"ll sliso 8c dress ginghams. Mill and Factory Sale Price, yd.. SQ7 50 flt 00 10c wool finish challies; 28 inches wide; all good styles. T Cil C4,V/0 CI I M. \J »\J\J Men s SI.OO grey and tan flannel top shirts, with military collar. H9c , r. 1 f 1 • ' 1 Men's blue flannel ton shirts 7*;,. Mill and ractory Sale price, yard 70 r-< rt • t 4 Men's heavy blue and grey flannel top shirts.sl.oo, sl.so'aiici^s2.oo 6%c challies in Persian design. Mill and Factory Sale TOW PieCeS—SepaTatelV, Each PICCe, 519.50 price, yard „. , ... . . ie wo P' e ces pictured above show the fine style of these handsome suites con- " — 7 S SoT' "^, n e s,stl ?S of Bureau. Chiffonier, Princess Dresser and Toilet Table. Each is a perfect ex- Vfflrflhni. nnrl Octroi, waists, as inches wide, MUI and Priw, yard i flc ample of cabinet making. 1 hey have three-ply drawer bottoms with metal slides that &TQDOU. flnd vyStriCll i leGeS in Q. Factory Sale Prtcc, yard 2»c 25c Woven Crepe, white ground. prevent drawers from Stickillff. 17* 1 \\T' a,,d lna l winter Clearance J&nssr . »>«•«« .golden oak, mahogany, birdseye maple fIMO QC The whole remaining stock moves out to-morrow under a J*2rZ2rAST%* «S£ jiSrSUlSa.'SfctSi 'Sjy- bureaus, chiffoniers and princess dressers at .. . <PU.9O price schedule that is bound to interest many women. For Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard, _ J ,g c V J instance— sl.oo Bagdad suiting. 50 inches ored grounds with dc- \4dti-r<=kOc<ac $7.50 and $8.95 marabou muffs. 'Reduced to $4.08 wide, two shades of brown and signs, also plain shades. Mill and A iVlcll liObbOb «m <»o u „ , green. Mill and Factory Bale Price, Factory Sale Price, yard I2'4c rj f m „ fl . , . . , . 7 , . „ , , _ $4.98 marabou-capes. Reduced to $2.98 >R «? .• 7^! 15c canton crepe/white grounds. . . m attresses have joined tlie luirniture Sale and must be sold before the ex- $5 98 marabou canes NeHnreH to to SI.OO Ratine, -lo Indies wide, in neat floral designs wltli self mlomi niratinn of two TUnoo t;, v i? . , . . * ' u u capes. Keaucea to Sll t de^.? r b,ut '". Mllt " nd Faetor J Jatine striiies. Mill and Factory Pi K . ( ~ , I, Stearns & 1 oster mattresses and are recognized as $398 marabou stoles Reduced to . 40 w«s 59c sale Price, yard the best felt mattresses made. * The weieht is 50 nounds two narts with roll prlcr P mH L m i Kcauceu to 59c RaUne 28 Inches Hide, 12 Fancy Poplin in a large line covered with nrt tirtintr t- m ,i n « "n i ' 17 T * i P S»« $6.50 marabou stoics. Reduced to $3.98 good plain shades, neat stripe in of shades, self colored stripes. Mill CO\ erea WltP art ticking, regular ?9.d0 Value. Lxtra specia -....56.95 tfiocn, ,1 a u I -la SJSv'Sjf.tvf >U " »" d S ft lf Price. yais, 12M," , Dive., Pomeroy & Btewart. Third Floor. $18.50 marabou sets. Reduced to SIO.OO 15c "Dress 32 ' inches and"pUin to^^e^! ,,^d SSoS'wrSiSTS M,n ioc o w , . _ _ ? 19 - 50 marabo « *«*- Reduced to SIO.OO w ,?£ Wvc8 ' pomero strcgt See Men s Clothing News on Page 6 ?UQoostrich FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 13,1914.
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